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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Rachael Sudiasa

    My beautiful Tim you will forever be apart of my life you bought me so much happiness with your amazing music. The way you wrote your music was truly incredible. Your talent was one of a kind. When I listen to you playing the piano you take my breath away. You take me to another place a beautiful tranquil safe place. I love you Tim Bergling ? forever in our heart of hearts ♥️. Your kindness and generosity was outstanding. Thank you darling for the love you gave to us long live Tim.

  • from Ema

    hey brother always makes me cry (??

  • from LM?

    TIMTim.como decirte que te extraño tanto tanto❣Nunca olvidaré tus ojos tu sonrisa tu hermosa alma❤️Y tu música me acompaña todos los días me levanto y me duermo con tus hermosas canciones ❤️Tu música es vital en mi vida?❤️Nunca nuncaaa te olvidare.❤️❤️TE Amo.

  • from GlitchyPirate

    You brought me to music production… You gave me inspirational music… Your Music will never be erased… I still not digest the fact that you are dead… Just come back… I know that you are not dead.. I know you are still alive… We fans are really hurt… If you comeback in all of a sudden all of your fans will be happy including myself as a big fan of you… You wen't To Heaven leaving us in hell… Please Come Back Tim !!! You should come back again…

  • from Someone

    I miss you and hope to see you soon in HEAVEN!

  • from Joyce

    avicii i will be waiting for you all my life??

  • from Avicii fan

    日本に来てくれてありがとう??? R.I.P Avicii

  • from Vidun

    Your song Hey brother was the first music video I've ever watched when I was 8. You inspired me to become who I am today now 13. RIP Legend 🙁 . Love from Australia

  • from Alex

    Mr. Bergling! You'd made this world a bit better. Thank you for that! you were an example^ and will stay as an example forever! Who the fuck cares_))) Lalala^ lalla

  • from Renat

    today is 25th of May and i still can’t believe in it… your music always will live forever in our hearts. «One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember.» thanks for everything.

  • from Abbygail

    I've always dreamt of seeing AVICII perform live for years. Your music has helped me in ways I cannot explain. You were the 1st DJ to pull me into the world of EDM and I am forever grateful you did.There are no words I can say that will sum up how much I appreciate your music. Thank for you pulling me out of really dark place and for finding myself again. ❤ Thank you Tim. I miss you

  • from Meaghan

    Avicii you changed my life. Your music found me and rescued me when I was in dark places. When my life felt like it was falling apart I would play your music. I saw you live and then I saw you just walking your dog in LA. You are a true legend. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. I’m sorry you suffered. I hope you are happy and at peace. Till we meet again.

  • from Rusmael

    Te extraño avicii

  • from Nathan from Kansas

    I should have started listening to his music sooner but even though I didn't Tim's songs still have an emotional impact on me. Love you man thank you for making so many people happy through your music.

  • from Santiago

    I've always wanted to see him in his purest form on stage. I never got that chance but I live my life listening to his songs while living my life to fullest. Thank you Avicii for helping me out of my shell and showing me the world through your eyes

  • from man

    any crabbers?

  • from SoNnEiKo

    A pesar de que nunca lo conocí cara a cara el impacto que Tim ha tenido en mi vida ha sido increíble él fue el que vi cuando conocí a mi primer amor y desde entonces mi amor por la música no solo house ha sido abrumador la música es ¡vida! ¡Es una forma de conectarse con otras personas y también de conectarse con su ser interior me motiva inspira y me hace apreciar todos los aspectos de la vida y Tim fue el hombre que introdujo estos sentimientos! ¡Cuidado hombre estás en un lugar donde

  • from Daniel

    I remember when I was searching something that makes me love the música then I saw an Avicii's song (Wake Me Up). Trough the years I have been listening Avicii's songs now I am on love with the music and I know that Avicii means art not just for me Avicii means art for millions of people around the world. I will always be in love with his art. Thanks for be my friend in this life. I won't fell alone no more.

  • from Claudia

    Live a life you will remember. – Avicii I love you Avicii why'd you die.

  • from Peculiarity

    Thank you for everything. Your music will always remain in our hearts forever. Your music made me cherish the unforgettable memories with my sister. And I'm glad I got to experience it with your music and inspiration.

  • from H

    I feel so sad yet so happy when i listen to your music wish you were still here!:(

  • from Gabriela Montenegro ayres

    Avicii has changed my life. Your songs will always bring me good feallings plus a different way of seeing life. He’ll be there for my heart and in my memories… for AV ❤️??

  • from Artem

    All of this time i want to see Avicii. But i Just cannot and i really regret about it. His music is a candle and i Just follow it. Thank you. Your music is True masterpiece! Now i try to find the same DJ but it is impossible. Now I'm Waiting for love. I hope there Will be someone Who take care of me Who can wake me uplike you AVICII

  • from Nelly

    One of a kind thank you for everything Tim… <3

  • from Marrilia

    Avicii was always in my heart. He was always next to me. His music changed the world and especially me. Im proud of him and I believe he's in a better place right now.

  • from Yngrid Sales

    Eu escutei a primeira musica dele em 2016 na aula de inglês e foi paixão a primeira musica e desde então não consigo passar um dia sem escutar suas músicas que me inspiram todos os dias a seguir em frente. Eu te amo pra sempre Tim.

  • from Patty

    You didn't like do show but you were a show’s master. You suffered but you always had a smile on your face. You didn't like be at the center of attention but you could catch everyone's attention. You were shy but You told all of yourself with your songs. You didn't like talk much but your music conveys your feelings. You felt lonely and lost but You joined us all and we found each other. We’ll always love these contrasts that made You special the best and the only one. I miss all this????

  • from David

    His music makes me feel warm and gives me that feeling of infinite power

  • from Genesis

    Right now I’m going through a hard time with mental illness but listening to his music has really helped me to keep going .

  • from Sigmund

    Vil i fred Avicii

  • from

    I love u soo much

  • from alba

    you gave more than a reason to all of us to keep living. thank you for every second you used to create that memories.

  • from Iman

    I miss you avicii I still listen to your good music! Legends never die

  • from Awena

    Je me rappelle encore écouter ses chansons à la radio petite. J'ai passé mon enfance avec elles. Je ne les oublierai pas merci Avicii tu resteras toi et ta musique à jamais dans nos cœurs !❤️ Legends never die… ◢ ◤

  • from P. Lucero

    His songs were (and are) a safe space for me. I can't even express how much his music means to me and it is such an incredible shame that we won't be treated to any more of it. He was truly a legend and I can't believe he's gone even months after he passed.

  • from Hayden

    I remember listening to your songs 3 years ago but didn't know what they were called. And here I am in 2019 I found out the artist name and was like "This guy has got some BIG talent." R.I.P. buddy. LEGENDS NEVER DIE <3 ◢ ◤

  • from


  • from Alex

    Rest in Peace bro.. I love you music this is make me happy. Maybe someday we will meet in your better world. Greetings from Alex Poland.

  • from Jakub

    Rest In Peace Brother… I listen your music everyday and your music make me happy <3 See ya in heaven! 🙁

  • from Terry Cheung

    Avicii is not one of the best but the best of the best DJs on earth. I feel so happy to have had you presenting your music in front of your fans. Legend never dies and your music will never disappear in my mind. I do hope you are finally free from stress and get dedicated to your music again in heaven. Thanks for your inspiration and positivity. I hope we all can treat you better and provide you with a proper place to produce music. R.I.P. Avicii Tim Bergling The only legend in my mind

  • from 燕哲

    Share my respect from China. When I am writing this the SOS is the ground music. Thank you very much for the music inspiration and courage. When I was depressed LEVELS always leads me to the light. Just as a candle you burn up yourself and lighten up the whole world. I miss you so much!

  • from Maicol.

    Avicii has changed my world. His music his lyrics his melodies … I love you Tim.

  • from Polina from Russia

    It feels like Tim's songs were always next to me the playlist as if he knows exactly when his songs should be included. Avicci music helps to feel alive and free. It is sad that I can not see him live but his music will always live in my heart. Thank him for all this greatness.

  • from BhagyalaxmiIndia

    I discovered Avicii music too late. Your songs are my daily inspiration. I wish i had come to know you earlier. Rest in peace brother… You will live forever through your music… Missing you…

  • from Elyssa

    Rest in paradise angel I will always love you and you will forever continue to inspire me xx

  • from Elyssa

    It pains me to have to write this after one year of your death everyday I think of you you were always an artist that brought a smile to my face and tears in my eyes when I heard your songs. I can’t believe you are actually gone and I hope one day that I will wake up from this horrific nightmare. I miss you and love you so much.❤️

  • from SHERRO

    Thank you for being you

  • from Jazzy Hextall – Leicester – UK

    Even though I never met him face to face the impact Tim has has on my life has been incredible he was the one I seen when I met my first love and from then on my love for music not just house has been overwhelming music is life! It’s a way of connecting with other people and also connecting with your inner self it motivates inspires and makes me appreciate every aspect of life and Tim was the man that introduced to these feelings! Take care man your in a place where you can feel happy!

  • from Riccardo De Rosa

    When I Was a child I stated to listen Tim's music. Edm is my favorite Musical genre I've always loved it. Tim was special and now he is a legend. I grew up listening his music that I will listen also when I will be adult. Whoever was able to grow with you as I did was lucky ❤️

  • from Pasha

    I liked his music. I cry when he dies. His music is happiness.

  • from L

    I to have battled anxiety and depression a young tallented gifted soul gone to quick! I hope your happy in the next life see you soon brother. Remember Tim forever……good by brother

  • from sekoyesilyurt


  • from NAMELESS2

    ありがとう。from Japan

  • from Hendrik

    Always a part of my life!

  • from NAMELESS

    私が始めてaviciiに出会ったのは16歳の時でした。それまで洋楽にすら興味がなかった私がふと耳に入った『The Nights』に一瞬にして引き込まれ、それからは寝る間も惜しみ暇さえあれば彼の楽曲を聴き漁っていました。しかし、あの日以降、彼の唯一無二の楽曲が新たに配信されないこと、さらには多くの素晴らしい未リリース曲を残して去っていった彼に対して、身勝手な一人のファンとして愚かな不満を持ってしまい、aviciiの曲を聞くことから遠ざかってしまいました。それから数ヶ月後、私は無意識にaviciiの曲を口ずさみ音楽プレーヤーで聞こうとしている自分に気がつきました。彼が去って1年、私は以前のようにほぼ毎日aviciiの曲を聞き、そこから多くの活力を得ています。彼がなぜ大きく異なる文化、言語、風習で暮らすなんの変哲も無い私のような人々をここまで熱中させ、それを世界規模で実現してきたのかというと、それは他のEDMさらには楽曲にはない〝何か〟が多くの人々の胸を打ったのだと思います。その〝何か〟とは彼にしか見えないものであり、二度と表現される事はないでしょう。 Never forget Tim.

  • from UTKARSH


  • from Jedidiah Faith Gracio

    From Jedi your songs never fade in my brain. love u Tim

  • from RI Saturday

    Tim i havent written and cried for some time but ive just read the lyrics of « half the man » and im in tears again i realize how beautiful you were what an amazing human being you were!. Your love for your father your being sorry for feeling bad broke my heart. How could your parents not be proud of the sweet talented good-hearted beautiful amazing out of the world boy man artist you were? You were and are loved beyond imagining sweet Angel. Live in peace now ?????™️??????‍??????????☀️?️‍♀️??⌚️??‍♀️????

  • from t1mac

    His songs defined a very turbulent part of my life. The only meaningful artist i've heard. He was the embodiment of a generation that grew up on EDM. His understanding of what means to be young today of what means to be alive expressed trough only language commonly know around the world – emotions. Listening to his songs made me feel understood. Calm. Stronger. Hoping the song will never end In loving memory of Avicii.

  • from Joshua. S

    avicii music is always inspiring I will miss you Tim Bergling R.I.P

  • from Daniil

    Love u?

  • from 燕哲

    Share my respect from China. When I am writing this the is the ground music. Thank you very much for the music inspiration and courage. When I was depressed always leads to the light. Just as a candle you burn up yourself and lighten up the whole world. I miss you so much! —- 爱Avicii的中国人!

  • from INESH

    DearAvicii i could use all the 500 characters to write but it hurts to think that u are gone.u are not gone .this is a just a wake me up when its all over.i listened to your every song.they are so inspiring. i know u are reading this tim from above.wish you would come back.

  • from TOMOQ

    Without you I feel lost at sea!!! You are my hero. I'll be a hero to save someone like you.   ◢◤  ◢███◤◢ ◢◤◢███◤ ◢◤◢◤  ◢◤  ◢◤◢◤ █◢◤◢██◤  ◢◤◢◤  ◢███◤◢███◤ █◤ ◢███◤ ◢███◤◢◤   ◢███◤◢██◤ ◢█  ◢█   ◢◤  ◢◤ ◢◤█ ◢◤█  ◢◤ ◢██◤◢◤  █◤  █ █           X You  Fade into Darkness         Sunshine  You Make Me       Silhouettes  Without You    Seek Bromance  Super Love   Waiting For Love  The days My Feelings for You  SOS

  • from NAMELESS

    当我还小的时候,我听到了Wake Me Up 这首歌。同时深深的爱上了这首歌,这也是我第一次接触 Avicii.但我那时并不十分了解Tim。但在这之后的许多时间里,我接触到了越来越多他的歌,在我悲伤失意绝望时,他的歌会激励我,让我以乐观的眼光看待这个世界(这个世界是很美好的)!那时我就渴望能够去一次Tim的Live,和来自世界各地的朋友们一起沉醉在这动人的旋律中。 但 "斯人已逝,生者如斯。" 拥有着梦想并且积极地活在每一天每个人都能活出自己精彩的人生! PEACE.

  • from Rory

    I still can't get over Tim's passing. Today I was looking at him on YouTube doing an interview in his studio as he built a track. So talented and so humble. So sensitive: built for a kinder gentler world. We will always remember.

  • from tucaoba

    AVICII谢谢你的音乐 Thank you for your musci AVICII

  • from Anver

    Avicii…I first listened to your song (Wake Me Up) on Eid day. Those days were like the best for me. I'll never forget the vibes of that day. Thank ypu for everything Tim.

  • from Akash from "India"

    It's been a year we lost him. I still used to watch the making of the amazing track "Without You" and i can see him so focused. There are lot of tributes but the fav one is from his hometown "Stockholm". We miss you avicii your story is heart wrenching.❤️

  • from rymden99

    Din musik är bäst. Saknar dig.

  • from Femi Fagbewesa

    Avicii! My first time listening to electronic dance music. He and many other famous EDM artists (like Skrillex) helped me become interested in producing music. My insipriation for trying to create my own sounds and to be happy with myself and my own creations came from tips and tricks that I've seen him give in interviews or in studio sessions. Rest in Paradise Avicii! A legend gone but never forgotten!

  • from K.S

    RIP Avicii I like your all song! Thank you Avicii

  • from Patrick Lim (MALAYSIA)

    LOVE YOU 3000

  • from Chiara

    Avicii was probably one of my favourite DJs ever. In fact as I'm writing this now I'm listening to his music. His music has significance behind it and as I listen to his music it gives me hope about where my future will lead me. I remember the first few songs I listened to from him were Hey Brother Wake Me Up and The Nights in 2013/2014 and they've stayed on my playlists ever since. Rest in peace legend your music will stay alive.

  • from SAGA嘎嘎

    是你陪我走过了最艰难的一段时期,是你把我的千万愁绪化为几抹微笑,你就是世界上对我而言最伟大的音乐人,avicii forever

  • from Sikuempire

    Your music was relatively unknown to me although I am an EDM fan. I heard many but the one that was a big hit for me was SOS. I have been enjoying your music ever since though it's sad there will not be more of your music but thanks for introducing me to your awesome songs. Thank you..

  • from Vlad

    One of the best DJs his music got in our hearts and we will never forget Tim.

  • from Saba

    His music gives me that unexpected touch to my soul it helps me through my hardest days turns it into the most brightest happiest days until this day. Rest In Peace

  • from ?


  • from

    我們真的好想你,但同時也為你解脫感到開心…❤ ((我是個在網站上留中文的異類?

  • from Lily

    I really really miss you…

  • from Keter14

    In January 2014 I started to listen to music as I had a longer way to internship than to school the way was very short. I looked for music that I can hear on the way and then I came across hey brother and fell in love with this song immediately and then I listened to more of this me until then unknown artist Avicii and I immediately in his songs in love. Since 2015 I'm working and whenever Avicii's song is on the radio I have to sing it loud. R.I.P Avicii thank you so much

  • from Jarek

    You gave us a good music we could listen sing and dance. Miss you and your music. Rest in peace.

  • from Johnnxo

    Avicii the person who introduced me to the EDM world trough his amazing and unique pieces of art passed away last year but for me he will never really die because he will always live in my ears and in my memory. Thank you for all Tim.

  • from Mahnoor Nadeem

    Avicii just made my day whenever I'd hear his song blaring in my car. I'd put it on the first thing when I got in my car and sang along his lyrics – that was my favourite part singing to his tunes. Waiting for Love has been my absolute favourite since forever it made me realize the depth of love the lyrics and of course "waiting for love". Going to miss his music so so much!! All My Love xxx

  • from Chan

    팀! 덕분에 힘든날 나에게 큰 즐거움이 되었어. 너의 음악이 그리워. 고마워 편히 쉬길??

  • from Ava

    His music gives you hope. It makes you feel like you can fly and reach the sky. Rest now angel.

  • from zurie

    i love your song and avicii inspire me and i will not forget you

  • from Pedro de León

    I remember that my first EDM song I ever heard was Bromance. With that song I became in love with EDM. Avicii the Goat!!

  • from Oscar

    I think I started to listen to Avicii since I heard first time Levels then with Wake me Up I discovered my favorite song forever. When I knew that Avicii passed away I was going through a crisis in my country and that notice made me feel sorrowful. Now I listen the Avicii's music looking back to my good days in high school and remembering my first love with A Sky Full of Stars and Gonna Love Ya. Thanks for everything Tim.

  • from Gigi

    Avicci's songs were really inspirational. If I ever had a bad day then I would listen to one and feel much better. I hope that he is happier now.

  • from Jyothi Swaroop

    hey man you are the best music producer ever you've given us songs enough to hear for our lifetime I will pass your albums to the coming generations they'll learn ways to celebrate life. thank you so much. you found the peace that you wanted. will see you soon. hemma I Stockholm

  • from Daniel B

    You were the light in the dark. My friend in a lonely world. I woke up to your sounds many many times. You're not gone you're still with us. #loveyou3000

  • from gay nig


  • from Vidur

    Avicii's music inspired me a lot because his beats were awesome and whenever I listened to music I would always listen to Avicii most of the time before I listened to something else.

  • from Lola

    It’s so emotional to me that it took me more than a year to get a little used to the fact you’re no longer among us. I’ve never had the honour to meet you in person. I had this very vivid dream about you a few weeks ago. We hugged. Not just a plain hugg but a real proper hugg. As if you were trying to say thanks for all the love and support you are still receiving. I will tell my kids and grand kids about you. A true genius you were with the most humble heart I’ve ever seen. Nothing but LOVE 4 U

  • from Lola

    It takes all of my strength but I’m finally able to let go of you. It’s been 57 weeks without you. Feels like a minute ago. I’ve been avoiding every update about you. Can’t stand to look at pictures of you or to hear your voice. I’ve been grieving for over a year but I need to move on. You will forever be cherished in my heart. I will never forget you not even if I’ll try. I truly hope you’ve found peace and I hope you can sense my love for you. Thanks Tim for being the world’s greatest.

  • from Marc

    Tim's work ethic and ability to take on anything and everything has inspired me for years. His music and character has impacted me in a way no other artist has. I hope his soul rests well.

  • from Riccardo

    Mi manchi tantissimo! ❤️??

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