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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Domi -Germany

    Happy Birthday Tim❤? Deine Musik bleibt für immer in meinen Herzen. Danke für diese schöne Musik. ? Ruhe in Frieden Tim. ❤?

  • from Serena

    Dear Tim I know how it feels to be sad and desperate. I'm so sorry that nobody really understood your suffering. I hope with all my heart you have found the peace now. Happy birthday sweet soul❤

  • from zeggnobyl

    happy birthday my love

  • from Linnea

    Happy b-day❤️ You will always be in my heart❤️

  • from Norwegian fan

    ◢◤ Tim your music will live forever <3 ◢◤ ◢◤ We miss you and your amazing talent ◢◤

  • from mll

    Happy Birthday Tim! We miss you. I hope you and Mac Miller are happy and safe away from this evil world.

  • from Penny

    Sending my love and good vibes to your mom and dad your siblings and your closest friends who stood by you throughout your short life. You are missed deeply! Rest now. Kisses from Greece.

  • from Susann

    Gratulerer med dagen Tim! I’ve listened to his music since before he got known as avicii. His music have been with me in so many moments that has left me with good memories. I still listen to his music every day! ❤️

  • from Nas

    We will be eternally grateful to you for having generously shared your musical universe … even if you had to burn your wings for that …. If in your lifetime you looked like an angel tormented …today and forever you are an angel in peace?

  • from Laura

    It was so sad to read about your death almost 5 months ago. It was while an argument between my mum and me in the middle of this argument I started crying bc I rode that you're dead. It was so hard to understand bc after 'true stories' it seemed like you were a happy person then. I love and miss you and your amazing human being so damn much. I really miss it to hear 'a new song by Avicii' on the radio. I hope that you had a great birthday up there and I hope that you're doing well. In love L.?

  • from Danna Almaraz

    Tim es una leyenda que nunca morirá. Sin duda alguna él ha sido mi dj favorito durante 8 grandiosos años; lo extrañaré demasiado y le mando muchos besos y abrazos hasta el cielo. ❤

  • from Johanna

    Grattis älskade ängel ? Idag skulle du ha fyllt 29 år. Ser din dokumentär för 10:de gången och fortfarande känns allt så overkligt. Världen hade varit så mycket rikare & vackrare med din underbara aura. Sådan förlust sådan olycka… Vila i frid Brysh ?

  • from Ellie Maher

    Dear Tim I am one of ure South African fans. My heart breaks every single time I listen to ure music. I cant help it .you were one of a kind I cant get over ure passing. I realize that u needef the peace and respect it . Angel u are will see u again. HAppy bday with JESUS. XXX

  • from DianaS

    I was a basic kid obsessed with bands that looking back seem pretty cliché. In 2013 I stumbled upon Avicii's music and fell in love with it. I found out he was coming to my city for Untold Festival and I bought a ticket just so I could see him but instead I found out about the entire EDM culture and fell completely in love with the whole genre. Tim changed my life forever and I am in awe of everything he did for me. He made my world a happier place. RIP legend. I'll miss you forever.

  • from Jessica Guerra

    Happy birthday Avicii all of us are wishing you were still here with us. Your music will live on forever. Xoxo ❤️

  • from Patty

    Happy Birthday Tim! You are no longer in this world but for me you always live. You have taken place in my heart and there you will be forever. I created a playlist of all your songs. I listen to it every night because it gives me peace and joy and I can not do without it. You must know Tim that as long as I live I will listen to your unforgettable music. This is a promise! You are a special boy: humble honest good and with a big heart. I miss you so much… With love Rest In Peace.

  • from an

    dear Timto be honesti discovered most of your music after your tragic death. I'm 42 not into internetbut i was so shocked i searched the net to learn more about you. i discovered a beautiful soul too kind for this harsh world too much of a workaholic/perfectionist to take a breaknot willing to 'let down' on the fans.You could never let us down! I hope you now have the chance to finally be Tim the way you envisioned it so you can now live a life you will remember. Take care of yourself

  • from Grattis Tim

    Grattis på den dagen du skulle fyllt 29 år Tim tänker på dej varje dag & kan inte få nog av din musik jag hoppas av hela mitt hjärta att du har det bättre nu & trivs var du än är. Tack för din glädje den sorg du medförde men även för att du lärde mig att uppskatta människor på ett annat sätt & inte ta något förgivet det kan jag inte tacka dig nog för. Grattis på födelsedagen Tim ❤️

  • from César Vargas

    Happy Birthday Tim your music will never die we will always remember you!

  • from ??

    Zorionak me encantaría q estuvieses aún aquí…te echamos de menos?

  • from Henry White

    Tim Happy birthday what do you say … you will always be in my heart like a great person and artist that your melodies reach your heart I hope that you will continue doing music there as someday we will meet and overflow with good music in that place thanks for your beautiful music and for being a great inspiration for me and for others Tim Bergling AVICII will never forget you a warm hug

  • from Таня България

    Честит рожден ден Тим!Благодаря за прекрасната музика променила моя и много други животи към по добро.Светъл човек с красива душа.Почивай в мир!Ние продължаваме с твойте послания в сърцата си.

  • from etoall

    H E R O <3

  • from Joanne

    Happy Birthday Tim……its your first one in Heaven….may you be able to enjoy the peace and quiet instead of having to play to the masses and burn yourself out. We still all love and miss you…wish we could wake you up now its all over ….but you have peace and joy unending now more than Earth could ever give even to one of its brightest stars. Rest easy Bro…and enjoy your birthday. Have drank a toast to you today. Hope you have found that which eluded you in life. Sleep tight ! Xx

  • from Iwona

    Happy Birthday Tim???

  • from Joel Alexander Apaza Rodríguez

    Hola mi mensaje es para Avicii… Siempre me hubiera gustado producido con tim para aprender mas que la música siempre has sido una influencia en la música electronica gracias por todos tu música Avicii siempre en nuestros corazones 😀

  • from Nala

    Happy birthday Tim. We miss you so much❤️

  • from Switzerland with love

    Today we are thinking of you Tim because it‘s your birthday. Happy Birthday Angel! Hopefully you found your peace up there. We miss you ?✨❤️

  • from Alexa

    Happy Birthday Tim ❤ rest in peace

  • from Leonidas

    Where there's a will there's a way kind of beautiful And every night has its day so magical And if there's love in this life there's no obstacle That can't be defeated I truly love you forever avicii ? Happy Bday my fellow Virgo

  • from gotcha

    dear Tim I've been wanting to write something on this memorybut couldn't find the right words.Today it's your birthdaythe first since your re-birthas I believe and sincerely hope you have started a better happier healthier life up in heaven. You had already suffered too much on earth. Watching your documentary left me gutted and sick I understand you were at your wits end.I got a strange feeling you wanted to explain why your life would be too cut off my breath.Take good care!

  • from Alex

    Följt dig sedan 2010. Du har vart med mig i vårt och torrt…. i dystra stunder i jobbiga stunder när jag bodde utomlands när jag var deprimerad på joggingpromenaden i bilen när jag varit glad och när jag mått som bäst! Med andra ord jämt! Tack för du hjälpt mig! Du är saknad och aldrig glömd!<3 Hold my hand Just in case And we won't fade into darkness…

  • from Irina Olaru from The Netherlands

    I'm just somebody not very important a soul from this world who is very touched by your incredible music which I found out the most of it after you left us. Your music it's keeping me going on and your story touched me deeply and just try to understand and pray for you and burning candles one on your birthday today. You will be forever with me us through your music thank you for making this wonderful music and I will keep listening to it when I'm happy or sad and burning candles ?

  • from Farhan

    Happy birthday to a true hero I hope you’re in peace my brother Always in our hearts

  • from Ricardo Cipriano

    happy birthday avicii we miss you so much you're a legend you're unforgettable to this world I love you so much tim.

  • from Agata

    Dear Tim Your music is with me every day <3 When I find out that you are no longer there again a part of my heart is broken away. 2 years ago I lost my beloved cousin such a soul as you.. I wonder every day why had to be like this have you forgotten that so many people love you ?? my thoughts today go to your family and your friends the people who are so close to you i hug you tight and send lots of love and you Dear Tim Happy BirthdayI miss you so muchI love you .We will meet someday.

  • from Sergio

    Happy birthday Tim you have been my inspiration to create music and I feel that will be imposible to be like you you've joined millions of people just by using your songs the best? You will be remembered

  • from Reickii

    A live changer Rest in Peace

  • from Valentina

    Querido Tim te deseo un muy feliz cumpleaños donde sea que te encuentresfuiste y siempre seras el mejor DJ para mi . Gracias por dejarnos tus maravillosas canciones te extraño ….Aun recuerdo la primera vez que escuche tu musica fue con silhouettes y desde ese momento no he dejado de escucharla es mi favorita Siempre estaras en mi corazon AVICII por siempre Gracias. <3

  • from Camelia

    Wonderful birthday Angel in the sky!

  • from Seto Elkahfi

    One of the reasons why I’m here now in Stockholm. Thanks Tim. Vila i frid. Indonesien

  • from Itay

    I love you so much I can't even express my feeling in this one paragraph. You were and still is the best music artist I've known. If I had one wish my whole life it would be that you'd still be here with us. Every time I remind myself of this I get so sad than I go listen to some music of yours and I get emotional and happy. From the bottom of my heart Thank you Tim <3.

  • from Victoria

    Tu es parti trop tôt. Merci pour ta musique ton génie et ta poésie grâce auxquels tu es éternel dans nos coeurs. Sois heureux là-haut.


    Dear Avicii ? your songs were a great inspiration and they make me smile we always are going to remember you !!! Miss you forever

  • from From Julia

    His smile won my hearthis music lives in my headHappy birthday dear Tim

  • from Chiara from Italy

    Buon Compleanno Tim <3 ovunque tu sia sorridi 🙂

  • from Alessandra

    Happy birthday Tim ?? Keep on making music even from paradise… You are always in my heart ?

  • from Jessica Pitt

    Happy birthday Tim xx

  • from ??‍♀️

    ♥️♥️♥️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM ♥️♥️♥️

  • from mahmoud al nunu

    miss ur melody so bad ..i will carry those memories forever …

  • from James

    Happy Birthday Tim❤ Your music inspires me everday… I hope you have found peace x

  • from Sam

    Pinkpop 2015. Grattis. ???

  • from Kimberly

    Happy birthday Avicii

  • from Johan_B

    Happy Birthday Avicii 😉

  • from Manuela

    He helped me ge through so many difficult times just by listening to his music. I miss you so much avicii ???

  • from Isabel

    Happy birthday Tim wherever you might be. I hope you can somehow feel the love from all of us. still I can't believe you're gone. In our hearts you will live on forever. ❤❤❤ My thoughts go to your loved ones your family friends and everybody who is grieving love sending strength and hope to all of you!

  • from

    Happy Birthday Tim! Love you forever ❤️ And miss you tons

  • from Daryl

    Tu Música quedará en nuestra memoria

  • from Dækin

    I remember I found your music in a very dark time in my life. I was able to recover and heal myself with your songs as the soundtrack of my redemption. I’m saddened everyday by your passing. Rest In Peace Tim.

  • from Jess Gonzalez

    I began to follow his career at 10 years from that first song I had heard of what my Idol would be one day as anyone commented one of his photos and my surprise was that Tim Bergling himself reacted to my comment it was a moment of joy and tears because even though I knew it was not a big deal it came from my Idol now that it is not here I will see you in a concert in heaven jumping and seeing your movement that you did in each of your concerts with your hand avicii forerver…

  • from Christine

    I love you ❤️ You will always bring a light in my heart thru r music forever❤️

  • from Love from Sweden❤??

    Happy birthday Tim❤ We will always love your music your songs will live forever. I was so sad when I heard the news about you. You were my favorite DJ. You have always gave people energy and good feeling with your dance-friendly and powerful music. We will always love you Tim❤ Rest in peace❤❤❤ PS. Right now a lot of Avicii songs is playing on radio!❤❤❤

  • from Vic (Germany)

    Happy Birthday Brother ? Beautiful Soul you are ?

  • from From Julia

    His smile won my heart his music lives in my head very sorry that you left us so early ))))Happy birthday dear Tim!!!!

  • from Your Ramona

    Happy birthday idol. I made something special for u. I dedicated you this day to the fullest. I love you ?

  • from Lena

    Happy Birthday in heaven Tim ? I just love your music and i've been listening to it all day. You touched so many peoples lifes and harts through it. Your legacy will live forever. RIP Legend ? Love and light to your family and friends! ❤

  • from Beatrice

    ❤️ It's your Birthday Tim ❤️ Congratulations wherever you are.Something connect ustoday it's my Wedding anniversary.Never forget and always be missed

  • from f

    Thinking of your mother father sister and brothers and those precious friends of yours. Just like you they show so much grace tenderness and a wisdom that is so rare on earth. May your soul rest in the most beautiful light full of warmth and endless peace.Thank you Tim.

  • from Andreea from Germany

    Happy 29th Birtday Tim. I can not believe that it is almost 5 months ago that you are gone. I grew up with your songs. You always helped me out of busy times with your music. For that I would like to thank you for that. I still remember when you appeared to me in my dream and told me you were all right where you are right now that was the only time I ever dreamed of you. Miss you very much Tim.

  • from Joshua

    HAPPY Birthday TIM devastated at your passing FOREVER YOUNG thinking of your family hope it brings comfort to see so many beautiful comments gone to soon God ONLY PICKS The BEST LEGEND ?

  • from Celina

    Er war ein sehr toller sympathischer junger Mann ich liebe seine Musik er wird in uns allen weiter leben … ?

  • from ?

    Happy Birthday

  • from ?


  • from Savannah the Netherlands

    Sweet angel Tim wish i could be with you. You're gone is the biggest lost ever. You are such a beautiful soul and I'll always love you.??


    bueno avicIi creaba canciones muy buenas que quedaron en nuestros corazones ami me dolió su partida para mi fue el mejor DJ y lo será siendo



  • from Nicole

    Happy Birthday Tim. ??deine Musik bleibt immer in unserem Herzen

  • from Michelle Tapia

    Happy Birthday Timyou'll always be loved and missed ?

  • from Martina (Germany)


  • from Joel

    Happy birthday Tim. I know that you have it better now and play music for everyone up there. <3

  • from Nicole

    Happy Birthday Tim deine Musik bleibt immer in unserem Herzen bester DJ Avicii

  • from Raquel

    Hoje farias 29 anos… Partiste cedo demais… Um talento único. Uma bela alma generosa educada respeitosa e humilde num mundo tão feroz como o da música. Sou como tu sei o que é sentir como tu… . Ouço a tua música Tim e sinto SAUDADE e tristeza pela tua partida. Foste és e serás sempre o número 1 da EDM… Um anjo na terra e agora um anjo no céu. Os anjos gostam muito de música. Apesar de não ser música amo a música tal como tu. Anjo doce e corajoso. For a Better day… RIP

  • from Fatumah

    Happy birthday Tim! As the days get older and the nights get bolder I am a true believer and know that I'm gonna love ya more than words can express. And remember you are still a friend of mine. Then wake me up from this horrible dream when you come back and these broken arrows can be fixed. Without you sunset Jesus will come to me and I hope one day I will see you somewhere in Stockholm!

  • from Julia

    His smile won my heart his music makes my heart beathi is forever in my heart.Happy birthdayTim!!!!!!!

  • from Vyhovska

    З днем народження Тім ❤️ Дякуємо за щирість твоєї музики. Тебе не вистачає???

  • from Linnea

    Happy Birthday ❤️

  • from Sabrina

    Happy birthday Tim! Deine Musik bedeutet mir sehr viel. Sie hat mir bei einer wichtigen Entscheidung geholfen. Ich bin sehr dankbar dafür!! ❤ Wir vermissen dich.

  • from Klemen

    Happy birthday Tim We are miss you so much ?? Rip Avicii

  • from Kate.

    Sus canciones simplemente llegaban al alma y siguen llegando a miles de personas como yo alrededor del mundo. Siempre encontré un refugio a través de su trabajo musical. Feliz cumpleaños ?

  • from J ???

    Happy Birthday Tim gonna love ya for ever wish you were still here ????

  • from Aurélia Dumont-Augé

    08.09.1989 – 20.04.2018 Tim Bergling @Avicii I miss you so much !!! RIP Tim #Avicii 1989◢◤2018 #DJ #timbergling #ripavicii #sweden #sverige he would have had 29 years today ❣️❣️❣️

  • from E

    Legends never die ❤️ Grattis på födelsedagen!

  • from

    Encontré un refugio y espacio muy reconfortante en su música el cual siempre busqué. Sus canciones siempre me emocionaban porque eran hermosas y de alguna forma te llegaban al corazón y nos siguen llegando a miles de personas alrededor del mundo. Hoy en día todos recordamos a Avicii como un grande de la música.

  • from Michelle

    Happy Birthday Tim. I’ve struggled to accept your passing and think about you everyday. Hope you are able to find your peace and know just how much you are loved and missed by all of your family friends and fans. Rest well ♥️

  • from Barbara

    Thank you for your wonderful music??.My dear Avicii (Tim bergling). You will always be my favorite artist your departure to heaven hurts a lot but I know that now you are in a place of peace. Happy birthday Angel. ???◀▶❤

  • from Lou

    Happy birthday Tim hope you're having the biggest party ever in heaven ❤️ love and miss you every day ? will never stop listening to your music ? ❤️◢ ◤

  • from Lola from Belgium

    Joyeux Anniversaire Tim ! Tu nous manques tellement tu sais… J'espère que tu te sens mieux où tu es; Tu es sans doute auprès de ta famille à les veillé de près sans doute tu aurais préféré être physiquement là près d'eux la vie en a malheureusement décidé autrement. Je souhaite tout le courage du monde à tes parents ta famille qui dois être merveilleuse. Quelle bonne idée d'avoir fait de ton site un mémorial en ton honneur. Nous partageons votre peine vous n'êtes pas seuls son âme est là.

  • from Cassi

    Tim today you are completing another year of life … But it is in the sky to celebrate together with the stars … You were beautiful in my dream today with your smile … You will be eternal for me .. I love you .. ♥ ♥♥

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