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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sangram Bhosale

    Life is a game made for everyone and love is the price. Avicii.❤️

  • from

    Happy Birthday kiddo ❤️

  • from Zuahara

    El 19 de abril pasé toda la noche escuchando AVICI (01) y no paraba de pensar en como seria AVICI (02). El 20 de abril tenia un concierto de "No Te Va Gustar" justo antes de entrar leo un estado que dice "RIP Avicii" a lo que me reí y pregunté ¿Que hizo Avicii?… Me respondieron que se murió yo claramente me reí y dije que dejara de joder así que lo busqué en Google. Avicii habia fallecido realmente en el concierto no canté ni una sola no estaba feliz siquiera. Lloré toda la noche.

  • from Paula

    “Wake me up” you certainly did!! you gave so much of yourself a musical genius inspiring so many . I can’t help wondering we all could have done more it should not have ended like this. Today the only gift we can give you is to live a life we will all remember ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Alina

    Happy Birthday Tim we miss you you will live forever in our hearts.

  • from Rosie

    I miss your sweet smilegoodbye beautiful Soul??✨♥️

  • from Lisa

    I can’t believe it’s been almost 5 Months since you left us and to be honest I will never ever get over your death. You would‘ve been 29 today and i hope you have a fabulous day up in heaven. I miss you every single day. Shine bright up in the Sky. You‘ll never be forgotten ❤️ I love you legend ❤️?

  • from ?

    ❤ Buon Compleanno❤

  • from Maria Michel Jose Michel & Jesus Michel

    "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember." that is one of the phrases of one of your songs Tim and believe it or not It changed our lifes for ever. The way in how one only phrase can change your life is unbelievable and you had that magic. We never had the opportunity to meet you in person but even tho We feel Iike whether We had met you from always We love you Tim and thanks for everything you gave us. We hope that you are in a better place. R.I.P.


    Happy birthday tim I miss you avicii and your music that Love ???

  • from Lavinia Maria

    Happy Birthday Tim ❤️ May you rest in peace in heaven ? We love you so much ❤️?✨

  • from Jaye

    Happy Birthday Tim. Hope you have found happiness up there You will always be missed x x x ♥️??

  • from ?

    Happy birthday. Thank you for making me always happy with your music. I miss you so much. Everyday.

  • from Shelley Miller

    Happy Birthday Tim. You are loved. You are missed❤️

  • from erick

    we will be with u from dusk till dawn avicii!

  • from


  • from Rodrigo Rios

    Hey Brother feliz cumpleaños al mejor DJ de todos se te extraña…

  • from Laan

    You will live in our hearts forever & ever!!

  • from Abilene Mancera

    Thank you Tim for blessing us with your wonderful music. Thank you for all of the love and dedication. Thank you for never failing to put a smile on our face. Thank you Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from Godwin Santo

    A tribute for my KING AVICII for a unforgettable birthday. Loved this man from bottom my heart. ?RIP KIN?G #AVICIITATTOO❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Lill fr. Sverige

    Grattis på födelsedagen Tim.? Kommer Alltid att lyssna på din medryckande musik. Å vet du. Nu är DU den starkaste Lysande Stjärnan på himlavalvet snälla Tim Blinka? till oss alla här på jorden ibland. Kram från oss alla❤❤❤❤❤

  • from Tina

    Danke fü deine Musik Tim!

  • from Khouaila

    It's supposed to be your 28the birthday.. ? Thank u for the great music you have composed.. You'll always be in our hearts.. We love you.. Rest in peace.. ❤❤

  • from Damien

    On t’aime tim !!! Merci pour ta musique !!! Rendez vous dans une autre vie !!! ?? Bises

  • from Ali Ova

    Onu ilk levels parçasıyla tanıdımiyi bir dj ydi … Ali ova

  • from Ritu

    U r my broken dream

  • from Louis Paterson

    Happy 29th Birthday! Not a day goes by where I'm not thinking of you. You're always with us through our hearts and our stereos. We love all love you Tim!

  • from Viktoria

    I love you ❤️

  • from Nicoly – Brazil

    I have no words to describe what I feel. you changed my life you've changed the world. thanks for everything happy birthday Tim forever in my heart I love you so much ??

  • from Francesco Dj Kity

    Auguri Tim. Thank you for all!

  • from Mo Boskoop Holland

    Happy birthday Tim. You're in a peaceful place now. You and your music will never be forgotten!

  • from Corinne

    HBD Tim! Today especially we celebrate your life soul & the brightness your music brought us. that will never be forgotten. We are forever grateful and indebted to you for so generously giving us the soundtrack to the most wonderful liberating blissful moments of our lives & for the way your music made us feel & dance. Thank you for this. For as much love and light you gave to this world we hope that you felt and still feel up in heaven the love and light we share for you. Miss you xo

  • from Måns

    Happy birthday! You are missed!

  • from UR in Love

    Kära Tim. En väldigt ledsen dag. Vad som finns kvar är din musik som känns annorlunda utan dig. Vi ses … väntar på kärlek

  • from Luiza

    Parabéns Avicii sinceramente suas músicas fazem com que eu sinta algo diferente e eu amo elas eu e minha melhor amiga escutamos suas músicas e lemos muito sobre vc e conversamos sobre vc sinto muito por vc ter ido assim tão de repende e meus pêsames a sua família e amigos e parabéns eu amo suas músicas que vc esteja bem e em paz de suas fãs brasileiras um beijo Avicii??◀️▶️?

  • from Setinha

    Happy Birthday. You will still in my heart 4ever. We love you ♥️

  • from Arabella?

    Happy birthday Avicii ?? Nunca olvidare tu gran talento y pasión que ponías al crear canciones los ritmos y melodías pero sobretodo el mensaje que nos diste en cada una de ellas. Tu música se convirtió en mi género favorito recuerdo la primera vez que escuché levels y the nights desde eso momento te admire y me identifique tanto con tus canciones que cuando estaba triste tú me levantabas el ánimo. Mi canción favorita desde siempre ha sido waiting for love❤️ I love you Avicii

  • from Silvia

    Happy bday Tim. Always and Forever❤️

  • from Lucas Marques

    I miss you everyday Tim thanks for everything thanks for music and thanks for saved my life. I love you and happy birthday ❤️

  • from M. from Poland

    I just heard "A Sky Full Of Stars" by Coldplay (which Tim co-produced) on the radio and immediately thought about him. Had to hold back my tears. Happy Birthday Tim love you.

  • from Serhiy Strikha

    Avicii Tim – happy birthday can't forget you thanks for all.

  • from Sofie

  • from val @joonstrue

    I was 12 when I first listened to you and ever since your music has been a huge part of my life. Thanks for all your music and everything you brought to us your art and a feeling of happiness while listening to it. Today you would've been 29 probably still working on what you loved the most. I love you and immensely miss you. Happy birthday Tim ? thanks for the impact you've made for many. Your art will live on forever.

  • from Happy birthday Tim! [Manuela @ the Netherlands]

    "I will give to you the love you seek and more" – Bromance. The very first track of yours that I heard way back in 2009. Bromance didn't even have vocals at that time at least… Not as I remember. I've been listening to your music since then not knowing until 2011's "Levels" that "Tim Berg" and "Avicii" were the same person/producer. I could go on and on for hours letting the people know why you're my favorite producer. But I think that everyone who loves your music knows exactly why. <3

  • from clem

    Tu es le seul ! Still love you

  • from Lion Herris

    Querido Tim feliz cumpleaños! Gracias por absolutamente todo. te extrañamos. Con mucho cariño @LionHerris ??

  • from Annalisa

    Buon compleano Tim! Adoro la tua musica i tuoi occhi la tua dolcezza! Un ragazzo troppo sensibile e profondo per questa vita.. se incontrerai la mia cuginetta Umile dille che ci manca tanto…e che le vorremo un gran bene per sempre…

  • from Alejandra?

    Happy birthday Tim! How to express a strong and great feeling in just words; Maybe that's why your music was created to say what the heart wants. The idea that you are not with us is not pleasant but you are in a better place: in our hearts you are and you will be my great inspiration. You were beautiful. You were raw talent. You were one in a billion. ? it does not matter when or how you met him the important thing is that his "mission" of music has come to your life. ¡We love you!?

  • from Manuela (the Netherlands)

    Happy birthday Tim. I miss you. <3

  • from Sam Taylor

    Happy Birthday Tim! There’s never a day where you’re not missed. Loads of love ❤️

  • from Maria

    Grattis på födelsedagen! Du är saknad❤️

  • from Siska widiyawati

    you inspired me

  • from Chris

    Happy Birthday Tim! We still love you <3

  • from Guillermo Guerra Castillo

    avicii fue el que me hizo que me gustara la electrónica cuando tenía un mal día lo escuchaba y me sentía bien él es y siempre sera el mejor dj que he conocido te amo avicii

  • from Ryan Watson

    Happy Birthday pal rest in peace <3 Much love bruvva! x

  • from Rosie

    Happy Birthday sweet Tim❤️

  • from X

    May he rest in peace after this dangerous world has left him

  • from Alvaro


  • from Anne

    Ha en fin födelsedag med änglarna! Sänder styrka till din familj denna svåra dag…??

  • from Maria

    Grattis på födelsedagen finaste ? du har gett mig så mycket glädje men också mycket tårar och frustration ?? känner ingen mig i din ångest och önskan att bara försvinna ? men tänker att du inte önskar någon din smärta ❤ vet att du har det bra – because my father told me ❤ ÄLSKAR dig i all framtid ♾

  • from The biggest fan

    Happy birthday king❤❤❤ miss you?❤ you will be always in my heard❤❤❤

  • from Vedran

    When I think about Avicii I think about most amazing soul. He was amazing artist. I’m so thankful for all those music you gave us those amazing lyrics they are telling our life. Proudly saying that I’m your fan. Never to be forgotten. Love You.

  • from NAVEEN B M ♥️ ◢◤

    Happy Birthday Avicii❣️♥️ Love You♥️ ◢◤

  • from J

    Thank you

  • from Leonardo

    Live a life you will remember…❤

  • from Genesis

    Sus musicas me ayudaron mucho en los momentos mas tristes y angustiantes. Gracias por levantarme el animo y hacer que mi vida tenga sentido. Me hubiese gustado estrechar tu mano darte un abrazo y decirte todo lo que hiciste por mi con tus musicas. Gracias porque en los momentos en donde ya no quiero continuar siempre hay una cancion que me levanta y me dice que tengo que vivir una vida para recordar. Tu lo hiciste . Siempre en mi corazón Avicii❤?

  • from Fatima

    Happy Birthday Tim. Thank you for bringing the world together in leaving our sorrows behind Thank you for providing us with your precious artwork that we'll be holding on to I'd like to think you've joined the angels and the stars a place you deserve ? You will always be missed ❤️ "Legends never die they become a part of you" x

  • from Viva

    Happy Birthday Tim!! Miss you so much! ❤

  • from Gerlando Leal

    Avicii soube criar canções que tocam no coração elas surgem como uma luz de um recomeço para todos que as ouvem. Nos fazendo entender a importância que as pessoas tem em nossa vida. Obrigado por dividir sua música sua arte com todos aqueles que precisam de uma música pra ilustrar seu dia. Obrigado por tudo! ?

  • from Lily

    Happy Birthday Tim!!! ❤

  • from Angel

    Happy birthday genius <3 I hope that you're reading this wherever you are you're and will always be a legend and an inspiration for everyone thank you for your special music<3 we'll always hear it into our hearts I hope that you are resting in peace here we all miss you everyday :c but always remember you and we'll do it<3 thanks for everything Tim we miss you <3 Happy Birthday <33

  • from Akash

    Happy Birthday Tim! My only Wish was to Meet you Someday But now it remained as a wish. Love you Alot❤

  • from Clarisse.CNT

    One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember. Hey brother you did it we all miss you all the day and the night. Happy Birthday TIM Avicii ◢◤

  • from @santiagxr

    Recuerdo una tarde en la que estaba aburrido navegando por facebook hasta que alguien compartió el vídeo de una hermosa melodía que inspiraba alegría y buena vibra el nombre de esa melodía "Levels" me encantó y me hizo conocer todas las demás creaciones de avicii y cada vez me fui enamorando más y más de sus creaciones no solo sus ritmos sus letras son simplemente hermosas. No muere quien se va solo muere quien se olvida. Feliz cumpleaños en el cielo Tim.

  • from S ◢ ◤?

    Happy Birthday my dear angel ? they say heroes doesn't exist let me tell them they are wrong because you were mine ? Love you ? you'll be always in my heart ?

  • from Agus

    Happy birthday Tim. You will always be remembered ?

  • from Azrael_kc

    Avicii Tim who gives me hope through his incredible songs your songs save me from the depth of despair…… And if there's love in this life there's no obstacle That can't be defeated …. You're really my inspiration my legend. Words can not express how much I love you and your songs…. AND LEGEND NEVER DIE YOU ARE LIVING IN OUR HEARTS Without you I feel lose at sea Happy Birthday TIM Avicii ◢◤



  • from Elis

    Happy birthday legend ❤️ You will always my biggest inspiration!! ❤️ Miss you every day… We are forever in love ❤️ ❤️❤️Dear boy Long road to hell Hope there ´ s someone❤️❤️

  • from M?

    Feliz Cumpleaños mi querido ? te amo ?? Siempre estarás en mi corazón tal vez no estés con nosotros físicamente pero en alma yo creo que sí tengo un hermoso ángel de la guarda.

  • from Karolaine Farias from Brasil

    Hoje é seu dia Tim sinto por você não poder estar presente para comemorar com sua família e com seus fãs você foi quem me ensinou gostar de música eletrônica que me fez passar a admirar esse som quando escuto suas músicas sinto uma paz tão grande por dentro ela acalma e inspira. Thanks for all Tim you be eternal. My angel Tim Berg

  • from Fernando Vega R

    De verdad las mejores canciones que he escuchado las he escuchado más de mil veces y no me harto de escucharlas me siguen dando ese sentimiento. ❤️

  • from Jon Gisasola

    Avicii was with HARDWELL the one who introduced me to EDM back on 2010. I still think Wake Me Up is my favourite song ever and I'll be forever grateful to him for all he has done for me with his songs and for the EDM industry. Tim you'll be missed.

  • from

    Happy Birthday Tim. We all miss you.

  • from Julia Pina

    Feliz aniversário Tim. Espero que tenha encontrado a paz que procurava. ❤

  • from Simranjeet

    Happy 29th Birthday Avicii aka Tim Bergling. ? This day is incomplete without you..hope you are watching us!♥◢ ◤

  • from Russell Anthony Jalal

    Happy Birthday legend! Avicii has been a huuuuge inspiration and influence on my life that infact i love him more than anything else in this world. I true true legend.

  • from Ur die hard fan

    Happy birthday tim (avicii) Your melodies will always reverberate in our minds THANKS for inspiring us…❤

  • from Glenn

    Happy birthday dear Tim Love you <3

  • from Alberto Fabre

    Feliz cumpleaños Tim más conocido como Avicii??✨??? Quería agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por la música y por nosotros. Gracias a ti y a tu música crecí. Cada vez que estaba triste escuchaba tus canciones para alegrarme y lo conseguías. Siempre que me pasaba algo ponía Spotify y escuchaba todas tus canciones. A día de hoy sigo escuchando todas tus canciones y cuando llegue el momento me haré el tatuaje que siempre llevo soñando: tu logo. Todos nosotros te echamos de menos??◢◤

  • from Jaqueline Witte

    Lieber Tim ❤️ Ich wünsche dir alles gute zum Geburtstag. Möge dich die Liebe für immer begleiten. Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch egal wo du jetzt sein magst ich hoffe dir geht es gut❤️ Wenn ich in den Himmel schaue und die Sonne die Wolken küsst weiß ich das du da bist. Danke für die Melodien die mein leben zeichnen dürfen. Ich wünsche dir alles erdenklich gute was es gibt?❤️ In Love ❤️

  • from avicii fan number 1

    avicii teach me to wait for love

  • from Enka

    Legends never die bro happy Birthday ◢ ◤ #AVICII

  • from Elise

    Happy birthday sweet Boy ❤ If you only knew how deeply missed you are by so many and I am truly sorry that you had to pay with your life to get the rest you needed. It did not have to be like that. It is so unfair. Thank you for everything you given us through the years Tim. You have brought so much joy and happiness to so many people. Take care of yourself up there in heaven Rest in peace Dear Boy ❤ We will never forget you

  • from Denis Silant'ev

    I will never forget your music??.RIPTim.❤

  • from ASOT Brazil (@asotbrasil)

    Avicii sempre será eterno em nossos corações. Sua música seu legado e toda sua contribuição para a nossa tão amada música eletrônica jamais iremos esquecer. Obrigado Tim por tudo. Espero que você tenha encontrado a paz onde quer que esteja! Feliz aniversário ◢◤

  • from J. from Brazil

    I have great memories listening to your songs they made me feel better so many times… you were a very talented person and left a giant legacy. Thank you for making so many good songs to listen to you were the best! Congratulations King!

  • from Ela

    Happy Birthday Tim ?

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