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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Michelle

    I discovered Tomorrowland because of Aviciis great music. In hard times dreaming of being able to go there someday was the only thing that kept me going. In 2013 I saw Avicii live and 3 days after that I was lucky enough to get the tickets to my dream. I attended tomorrowland in 2014 with my best friend. One of the greatest memories of my life yet. Thank you Tim for your music that gave me so much positive energie in times I felt alone. Your music will be part of my life forever. ❤

  • from Dominik

    Tim’s almost last song Without you is the best EDM song in the world. He was a legend and he IS a legend. He was a really big inspirations to a lot of us. He will live forever in their songs! We love you Tim!

  • from Anka

    În fiecare zi mă gândesc la tine și ascult minunatele tale pieseterapie pentru sufletul meu! Nu te vom uita niciodată! #thebestDJever!??

  • from Brigitte

    Brigitte Ik hoop dat je nu gelukkig bent en je rust hebt gevonden

  • from Alvin

    His music are amazing! They tell stories express emotions and touch feelings. The more I listen to all his music the more I wish he's here and create many more songs. He lived as a legend and will continue to be one.

  • from Tanner

    His music kept me going it made me feel alive and want to really live. The songs and rhythms made me change the way I view my life knowing that you'll leave this world behind someday so you better live a life that you'll remember. Every time I hear his music I'll be reminded of that and he will never be forgotten…

  • from Hilary

    Recuerdo que cuando comencé a escuchar tus canciones me fue entrar en otro mundo por eso me enamore tanto de tus set y aun cuando las escucho no deja tener esa magia. forever avicii <3

  • from SALVA

    Has unido a través de tu música a gente de todos los continentes y eso sólo lo consiguen grandes genios como tu. Seguro que ahora estás más tranquilo y puedes seguir creando eternos hits para cuando nos reunamos contigo.

  • from Leonardo

    your music fits to every great memory of my Life. i will miss you

  • from Alexandre

    – Electronic Music Festival 2015 in Port-Barcares France. From the beginning of Tim's set to the last second of it even if i was in a gigantic crowd i felt like i was alone with him. I was dancing to the sound of tracks that helped me every day in the most difficult times of my life. His music expressed feelings that i felt in the way he felt them too i hope. Even if i didn't meet him this day of April 2018 i've lost a True spiritual friend. Tim's music will always stay with me.

  • from Yugandhara

    The day i found out that you were gone was really heartbreaking. Your music was like connecting lives and people altogether. You are always in our hearts. No matter what you wilk be remembered Love you tim❤❤ may your soul rest in peace ???

  • from Siham

    A beautiful person with a beautiful soul!

  • from Gisela

    Ein jahrzehntelang hast du uns erreicht und berührt! Millionen wenn nicht sogar Milliarden von Menschen! Das schafft niemand so leicht und das ist ein schweres Kreuz zu tragen. Deine Lieder erzählen deine Geschichte als wäre alles vorherbestimmt gewesen als wäre das dein Om(a)-en gewesen.. dein Name.. dein Visionen.. deine Art deine Liebe.. niemand bisher den ich kenne könnte besser ausdrücken unter welchen Kampf unsere Gesellschaft heute zu Tage steht.. du warst/bist genial… Legende Tim

  • from Sla

    Friend of mine…I couldn't believe… So talented generous and bright soul. You will always be remembered. RIP!

  • from Bryan Gandara

    Avicii siempre fué mi DJ favorito desde que lo ví por primera vez en su tour"True" fué una experiencia inolvidable. Podias saber que era música de Avicii gracias a su particular melodía. Fué un Dj como pocos a quien no le importaban las premiaciones sin sentido por las cuales otros "peleaban". Verlo en EDC México ha sido mi mayor recuerdo en ese momento no sabia que sera la ultima vez que lo veria sin embargo llevo esa noche en mi corazón. Fué y sera mi DJ favorito en la vida por siempre.

  • from De Sa.. ◢◤

    Tim sei que você nunca vai ler isso mas… Só queria dizer o quão maravilhoso você foi para todo mundo! Suas músicas sempre me inspiraram e me faziam enfrentar a vida! Não sei porque isso aconteceu entendo que você estava infeliz ? mas suas músicas eram tão inspiradoras que nem percebia que você estava triste! Se eu tivesse a oportunidade de falar para você aonde ( e o que) a vida pode te fazer feliz eu diria! Sou uma eterna fã! Nunca vou esquecer de você! Obrigada por suas músicas! Te amo!

  • from Davinia

  • from James

    Dear Tim You touched millions of people by your music your lyrics reflect how real life is. You are a real inspiration for so many people. But not only your music is unique you also as a wonderful person. Always willing to help the less fortunate loving your dog Liam like a baby. You are an exemple for mankind. Always in our hearts you will never be forgotten. Your music will keep you alive. Hope you found the rest you were looking for. Take care angel in heaven!

  • from Eduardo Carrera

    Conocí el trabajo de Avicii desde el inicio del boom que significó su influencia en el mundo y no hizo más que fascinarme su trabajo inspirarme a obtener un éxito como el logró fomentó mi deseo por mover masas con el idioma universal que es la música y el amor no juzgo sus decisiones; lo que si haré es gritar lo mucho que te extrañamos en este plano y lo mucho que tu legado musical seguirá en todos los eventos importantes de mi vida… Love U Tim… R.I.P ❤

  • from Pooja Patwal

    Avicii's songs made me stronger. They made me independent and put me in control of my own emotions. His songs made me dream about the kind of life I want and to chase those dreams. He made me realise what I want from life. He was the beginning of my life as my own. I had so much fun living life my way through Avicii's songs. Attending his concert was a dream of mine. I almost attended it in Bangalore India (December 2013).. But I wasn't lucky enough. He is no more but he has given me life.

  • from Mirkamal

    Only artist whom i loved each piece of his art. Best producer ever with no doubt. And there will be no one like him in this world ever again… Rest in peace fella. You will never be forgotten. ❤ ◢◤

  • from Ben Semple

    Only love

  • from Jeffrey

    I hope you've found your rest now. RIP Tim. ◢◤

  • from Clémence

    Merci infiniment pour toutes ces incroyables musiques qui m'ont apporté tant de bonheur (même dans les moments les plus difficiles). J'aurais tellement voulu que cela dure plus longtemps… Toi et ton génie nous manquerons beaucoup ❤❤❤

  • from Jhon Barth.

    Recordar y pensar toda la felicidad que motivaban la música de un gran ídolo y icono de la música electrónica y que simplemente acertó en todo como la frase de "LA música electrónica era como un virus que estaba infectando todo los géneros " sin duda alguna hoy en día sigue siendo así gracias Tim por creer en los sonidos únicos y sorprendentes … Por siempre AVICII…..

  • from Yoland Zik

    Avicii's music shorten distanc between me and my sister.

  • from JuanDi

    There are a lot of musicians out there but Tim changed my life with his messages and the power of inspiration his music has. He made me live a life to be remembered to follow my dreams no matter how far they are or how hard they look. He was a living example of humbleness striving for excellence and living for passion not for money. I made decisions in my life while "the nights" was playing. I miss you tim.

  • from Natalia.

    Es increible el dolor que llegue a sentir por la partida de este ser maravilloso. Creo que no hay día que no escuche una canción de Tim y recuerde algo lindo de su persona. Su música me llevo a lugares inimaginables acompañándome en cada momento. Hizo arte en su mayor expresión y de la forma mas humilde que existe. Espero que en cualquier lugar que estés te sientas feliz aliviado y que sigas haciendo arte. Porque al final del día era lo unico que querías. Siempre en mi corazon Tim. Xx

  • from Beatriz

    I still do not believe he is not here. He is still alive in my heart in his songs in your photos. Rest in peace you deserve it for everything. # Justiceforavicii

  • from

    Avicii’s music was life changing for me… it was speaking to the deepest corners of my soul and helped me through some pretty tough times. He opened the stars in my heart -he let in the light from the dark… it was like the first time I’ve realised that all I need was love ? I will always remember him …. much love to this beautiful soul… gone too soon but we’ll never forget. The night I watched him play at Creamfileds —those are the nights that never die!” Avicii told me ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Aish7

    We will always love you Dear Tim Bergling ?

  • from Vinay Gami

    ◢ ◤ no words to describe you ◢ ◤

  • from Sergio

    Cada vez que escucho una canción tuya estando de fiesta no puedo evitar que se me salten las lágrimas. Gracias por tu música nunca olvidaré cuando te vi en directo en Ushuaïa en tu penúltimo show. ◢◤

  • from A LONELY Human

    Whenever i listen "Wake me up" I feel energy in my whole body. Thank You for such a great melody.

  • from Javier

    Avicci was the best dj of the world

  • from Alberto

    Su música me acompaño y formo parte de mi durante una época muy importante de mi vida gracias a su musica entre otras cosas se lo que quiero hacernunca le olvidaré ni a el ni a su musica. Dear boyLIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER

  • from PS0505

    A true legend who will never be forgotten. Thank you for blessing us with your talent. R.I.P.

  • from Rajavardhan reddy

    His music reminds of Nirvana

  • from Just a girl

    If only…?

  • from Santiago Segura – Colombia

    Avicii is like the soundtrack of the biggest and most beautiful stage of my life his music accompanied alongside almost every moment in my life since late 2011 all the way until this year half of my university degree my professional life and my entire masters degree he was there. I got to see him two times the best two moments of the last five years words can't describe how i miss him but they can describe a little how much his music meant to me love u Tim thank u so soo much!!…

  • from Honey ❤

    This angel right here who passed away really early didn't even know how much he made a difference to my life..He was a true legend by art and by ♥ heart. I hope the whole world remembers and loves him for the man he was.. It's just so heartbreaking to even write this His music literally gave me life Hope you rock the hell outta heaven man! ? ALL MY LOVE AND THE WORLD'S! ?

  • from IN

    I miss you sweet Tim!

  • from Stefanie Mertens

    Dear Tim I miss your music everyday knowing that there not coming new songs make me sad. Listening to your music is the best medicin for me. R.I.P. I don't know you in person and somehow i miss you. Greatz BELGIUM.

  • from Michi

    Nur die Besten sterben jung!

  • from Melany Mamani

    Empecé a escuchar a Tim alrededor de los 9 años a mí papá le gusta la música electrónica por lo que ponía canciones de el. cuando empecé la secundaria conocí a Nicolás Agustín Pérez una gran persona nos unio la músicalastimarmente hoy ya no está tuvo un accidente automovilístico pero el tiempo que estuvo me enseñó lo que es una verdadera amistad y que pase lo que pase nunca dejaría de hablarme desde donde estés quiero decirte feliz cumpleaños y que voy a escuchar uno de tus mejores artistas .

  • from Aditya Gheewala

    Avicii is love. Every song that he has made has touched my heart. It's like we had the same taste in beats. I always waited for his new songs. The happiness and satisfaction that his songs give no other artist can. His songs introduced me to true music and I am thankful for that. I could not explain the feeling when I hear his songs or I can say feel his songs. Thank you Tim you could have lived much more. Love from India.

  • from Biromarko

    All of your songs are so incredible your music was out of this world. .. you are legend man you will always be.. R. I. P. Avicii❤?

  • from Jon Ander


  • from Mauricio Moledo

    Sábado 14/12/2013 de la mano de mi madre entrando a mi fiesta de Recepción uno de los mejores momentos de mi vida y mi tema elegido fue Wake Me Up.. la magia de ese recuerdo en una canción.. gracias Tim.

  • from Digital Kay

    My love for Avicii started with Bromance. To me it was more than a great song i really felt it. Bromance made my day right everytime everywhere. The song did to me what daft punk did to Seb Ingrosso Steve Angello …. So Bromance is the reason why i started to make music. I want to learn everything about it and i'm working hard to create a song that can do the same thing to someone else as Bromance did to me. Music is the universal language let's use it to communicate with each other

  • from Femke

  • from Hanson

    No matter what I am going through or emotion I am feeling there is an Avicii song I can connect with. Whether it is the matching Avicii tattoos my friends and I got or the Levels hockey team we play on I will always have positive memories linked with his music ?? ◢ ◤

  • from Javier Guerrero

    Me impactó la noticia de su muerte. Me gustaron sus canciones pero no fui un gran fan. Tenía pendiente su documental pero sabía que me afectaría. Una vez visto se confirmó; es muy fuerte…su é desgracia…Ahora me siento como conectado a él. He estado tristehe lloradohe sentido dolor y lo sigo haciendo. Pero sobre todo; escucho su música. Por que la gente creativa genial humilde tiene que irse tan pronto? Su música seguirá para siempre. Ahora si que seré tu FAN. Gracias Avicii!!

  • from Maaike

    You started appearing in the hit parades when I started studying. Your music is interwoven with my studies. Some songs are linked to great experiences like the loose sphere at the beginning of a year some comforted me after doing something stupid when being drunk the night before 😉 Your music meant and still means a lot to me and the news hit me hard in April. I watched your docu twice to give it a place and now I am able to say goodbye Tim! Thank you for your music and being you!

  • from Ina

    I'm gonna hold ya When no one would 'Cause I swear you deserve so good ❤️

  • from Wayne Pryke

    RIP Avicii! Your music was amazing! Will be missed!

  • from Cristian Cadena

    La música de Tim es capaz de cambiar mi estado de ánimo… En su música solo encuentro lágrimas de felicidad… Grande Tim por siempre!

  • from Zehra

    I never had an ideal music genre.I always listened to what was people listening.And then I met with Tim. His music is different from the others.He always whispers stories to us through his music.He is the most humble and kindest person I have ever seen.I'm sure he had much more stories to tell us but nowhe became a storya legend.You will never be forgotten Tim.Thank you for your amazing existence.It is an honor being alive in your lifeline.

  • from Julio Escudero

    The time I flew to Eivissa to see Kygo & Avicii closing Ushuaïa summer season of 2015 is one of the best memories I have. Thank you Avicii for so many good vibes through your music.

  • from Aviccilover

    No hay muchas palabras para expresar esto simplemente Avicii le dio significado a muchas cosas en mi vida con su música increíble y nunca será olvidado para los que somos sus verdaderos fans. Tus canciones y tu trabajo unieron a miles de personas alrededor del mundo admiración completa hacia ti es lo que te retribuimos por todo lo que nos brindaste como artista. Always

  • from Tobias Andersson

    Den 3e mars 2012. Globen Stockholm. Tack. RIP

  • from Dr Roman

    Gracias Tim por tu excelente música que quedara en nuestras mentes para siempre . Gracias a ti fue que me interesó mucho este género y ahora es mi favorito. Por siempre AVICII

  • from Anne

    My heart beats faster when I'm listening to your music. Thank you for everything reast in peace.

  • from Marko Vukojevic


  • from Querube Villarreal

    I don't have any love story yet… but your music was amazing and full of energy. Your legacy will never die.

  • from mariela

    hey Tim you are missed by people from all over the world. you had such great talent and were loved by so many people. i was deeply saddened to hear of your passing. thank you for creating music and being a humble guy. i'm sorry you struggled and felt you needed to get out. your legacy will live on forever. love you forever

  • from Deborah

    your songs were the soundtrack of one of the best summer of my life. every night party at home or at work your songs were always present. your death has upset me first of all because you have my age and then because you still had to give so much to the world. from the documentary we have seen that sensitive and emotional boy as few as now. Thank you for all! I love you!

  • from Sarah

    Tim i loved all your music!?Your music helped me through my hard times!❤️ I will always remember you!❤️

  • from Allan

    Brooorey! Dina melodier hjälpte mig att skapa minnen och känslor som jag aldrig kommer att glömma.

  • from Majkenlele

    I Love You Avicii <3

  • from Brisa

    Te extrañamos muchisimo tu música me llena y complementa espero que estes bien en donde sea que te encuentres ???

  • from 5pitt4

    I'm not gonna lie and say I was a supper fan of Avicii. I didn't listen to him much when he was alive. This pains me so much. But ever since I started to seriously listen to his music I haven't stopped. My life hasn't been the same either. I look at the world differently. I guess I connect to him since I'm an introvert who also sometimes has anxiety issues. And even though you are dead Tim you are my role model. You'll forever be alive in my heart.✊?

  • from Alwaysyourfan


  • from Shivangi Jaiswal

    There are things in life we regret that we didn't do and for me it always will be not attending Avicii's concert. I don't know why but I miss him I knew he would have made more heart touching songs to help people in their tough time. His suicide has affected me and due to which I have joined Masters in Psychology to help people in need and giving hope to those people who have tough time in their life. This is how I tributed to AVICII. Love you!

  • from Nicolò

    Vienna 19 July 2014 ❤️ Forever Tim ❤️

  • from Mohit Puvvala

    Avicii was the biggest inspiration for me to make music. Without his incredible songs I don't think I would love music the way I do. I never met him or anything but if I did I'd thank him. I'd thank him for pushing the boundaries of art and for encouraging others to reach beyond their limits. Thank you Avicii 🙂

  • from ORIANA

    No tengo muchas palabras para decir lo que siento todavía me acuerdo de ese díallegando a mi casa prender del televisor y enterarme de esta desgracia. Siempre te llevaré en mi memoria y más que nada en mi corazón.. Gracias por todo Tim♥️ Fuiste y serás por siempre el mejor Dj RIP

  • from Alwaysyourfan

    Se te extrañara siempre UN BESO HASTA EL CIELO❤️ "Wake me up when its all over… You are not longer lost Tim you are having the best time of your life up there. I listen to "wake me up" all th time what a great song. I Miss you very much ?

  • from Cristian

    Él fue mas que solo un buen artista una muy buena persona un muy buen amigo alguien que sin duda tubo mucho talento supo hacer buena música música que cautiva a la gente que hace que alguien siga luchando por lo que en realidad quiere. Y ese es Tim Bergling un Dj muy bueno y especial que se diferencia de los demás por sus fabulosos tracks por su forma de realiza sets. Eso es algo que nunca se olvida Avicii siempre vivirá en nuestros corazones al igual que su buena música #RIPAVICII

  • from Joëlle

    Your music will be forever a piece of art in our hearts we love you Avicii

  • from Nora El-zein /@aviciihero

    Tim redan som 10åring fastnade jag för din musik och du har varit en favorit sedan dess. Du har påverkat så otroligt många människor och det kommer fortsätta i evigheter. Trots att du lämnat så kommer en del av dig alltid finnas kvar din musik kommer aldrig försvinna från mina spellistor för den får mig att minnas och känna. Jag vill säga tack för den tid du spenderade på jorden alla människor du hjälpt och alla själar du berört. Du kommer alltid finnas i våra hjärtan Our Legend ❤️

  • from Angel

    Su música me ayudo y me acompañó en la mejor etapa de mi vida de sus letras aprendí a querer y amar. Dios te bendiga Avicii estés donde estés y Muchas gracias por toda tu música.

  • from Hrushikesh

    Your every song was an inspiration for me. We miss you.

  • from Victor

    Thank you!

  • from Saya

    Ты был лучшим Тим Покойся с миром!

  • from Juan cruz


  • from Laura

    Mis condolencias tengo 52 años y m gusta toda clase de música pero sobre todo House y electrónica seguía Avicii desde su comienzo vivía en Ibiza y no m perdía ningún festival d el.lo h admirado siempre como músico y compositor persona porque tengo amigos q tuvieron la suerte d conocerlo.El día d su fallecimiento no m podía creer lo que colgaron en internet Avicii a m partió el alma y lloré un montón aún y todo lo tengo grabado en mi su música no hay día q la escuché .mi pésame…??

  • from Ramiro

    Avicii has changed my life thanks to him he changed my emotions from bad to good and now all i will always be thank to would be avicii rip legend ?✌

  • from Stewart X @sxa555

    ◢ ◤ ❤️ – We'll never let you Fade Into Darkness. The uplifting music the troubled lyrics that make you come back to listen again the awesome videos. Tim may no longer be with us but he'll never be forgotten I needed something special to remember him by and this seemed fitting – the only one I've had done and it's now as much a symbol as a reminder of mental health issues than anything else.

  • from Emanuele Pinaroli

    I kiss for the first time with “the nights” a beautiful girl that now is my girlfriend and this is why I love Avicii because he makes some of the best memories of my life

  • from Harvey

    Thank you for your music Tim

  • from iloveyou


  • from Anuj Rathore

    I was very depressed when I first saw AVICCI's name on a huge billboard in Delhi (when he was touring India in 2013). I searched his name on Google I can't explain how his music has motivated me in my life and specially those line "Feeling my way through the darkness Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where to start!"

  • from Greenerka

    Hy avicii. It’s So hard to saids goodbye to a man who enjoyed every Times of my life with the best song at the right moment. I can’t believe that nonody hear you anymore. I just hope you’re peaceful where you are now. All my life your song remember me how amazing you were. ◢ ◤ Rest in peace

  • from Jenrique

    Avicii Era y sera el mejor.. el era el unico que me levantava el animo con su musica y me dava felicidad ver que saldria mas musica de el.. pero hoy estare mas contento si muestran mas musica creada por avicii.. gracias muchas gracias avicii por tanta musica hermosa..

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