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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from 日本から


  • from ぱかお

    Dear Tim 今はただAviciiの作る音が恋しい。ひとつひとつの音が人生を物語っているようで、そのたくさんの笑顔と幸せを与えてくれた日々に感謝しかない。人生にAviciiの音をくれてありがとう。大好き。今までも、これからも

  • from Arli Russia

    ◢◤ Thanks for your songs Tim. You are always in our Hearts. ◢◤

  • from Alex Oldham

    Tim you made me and many others so so happy I remember the first time I saw you at creamfields 2013 and it blew my mind your arena tour in Manchester was class EDC UK I waited all day to see you and you didn’t disappoint creamfields 2015 what a night Ushuaia 2016 the best show from a dj I’ve ever seen and il never forget at creamfields 2016 when you said good bye I never thought it was actually going to be good bye but il cherish the memories forever god bless you Tim love you

  • from Nanis Danmark

    Hej Tim. Du er savnet hver evig eneste dag. Hver dag håber man at vågne op til nyheden om at du slet ikke er død men bare har søgt skjul et hemmeligt sted for at undgå berømmelsens magt. Det kunne være fantastisk. Rest in Paradise my dear. Elsker dig.

  • from TEE

    Avicii ที่1ตลอดกาล #ขอบคุณที่ทำผมได้ฟังเพลงพี่ครับ Avicii GOD

  • from Avicii Fan #Thailand :'(

    without you i feel lost at sea

  • from yarberg

    with love from Ukraine. Rest in piece

  • from Natasha

    Tim Your music will forever be remembered. A true legend gone too soon ❤️

  • from Emanuele

    It's useless to say too much words for me. You are a legend in the edm music world for your creativity and genius. And as for the biggest in the world we are here to speak about you more than before. I think you have been left alone with your insecurity and you didn't suicide but you simply lose control that day.. See you in your music..

  • from Nanna

    It's soo weird that ones feelings for a person that you didn't know can be so strong. But they are. I can watch youtube clip and the Avicii documentary over and over again and find my self crying because it's just so freaking unfair that a person like this should feel so bad. I'm sure that everyone who's making these nice tributes and commenting on this page wish that they could somehow have saved Tim from this destiny. Maybe it's true – legends live forever. At least I hope so. Love you Tim<3

  • from Dylan Claeskens – Belgium

    Legends never die … Thanks for everything !

  • from Sol'95

    I just got to know Tim in 2013. but i think he is the best artist I know. Since the first time have watched his live performances. I feel that he is an artist who cares for every detail. It's very impressive. I started by opening his music every morning at home. My life is very tired. but his music heals my mind. Your song helped me a lot. Thank you for making a good song. I miss you so much .. It's quite painful to think of you. I love you . Rest In Peace brother

  • from Steven Fraussen

    Avicii was the first artist I really became I fan of. He got me into electronic music and changed the way I see music. His songs helped me go through rough patches in my life and shaped some memorable moments I am forever grateful for what he did. Thank you Tim you might not be here anymore but your music will live on forever.

  • from Tarik

    You will always stay in our heart.!

  • from Czech Republic

    Thank you!

  • from Naz

    Тим! ?Очень жаль что ты так рано ушёл ((( я когда услышала о твоей смерти не поверила но потом когда все начали писать RIP AVICII мне стало так больно… Я каждую ночь плачу ? помню как я в 2012ом слушала на телевизоре Hey Brother)))) ? и I could be the one ?Love you Tim?

  • from Rajo (Madagascar)

    Your are a legend i'll never forget you and your music. You will always remain in our hearts ;-( The world miss you ◢◤

  • from Panda Panda

    не забуду

  • from Zepper

    英語はまだ書けないけどaviciiさんにはとても感謝しています。aviciiさんのおかげで僕がedmを始められたきっかけになりました。曲がかっこよくてとても覚えやすいメロディーで、曲にすいこまれそうでした。 これからもずっと僕たちの心の中でaviciiさんは生きつずけます。ありがとうございました。

  • from Tim / Germany

    Tim – since I found out that we share the same name I felt closer to you. You're Songs inspired my life and there is no day I dont think of your lyrics. You are deeply missed and I am so sorry for what has happened to you. You and your music made me feel alive if I had only known your struggles… You are my hero and I miss you. I will never forget you! And I will remember the life you lived and not the money you made.

  • from Jessica O’Leary-Nash

    .. If Tim was still here you have no idea how much I would take the time to thank him. Thank him for all the tough times he dragged me out of the darkness and how he made me appreciate the few good times I had even more so with his music. He shared so much happiness with all of us he forgot to keep just a little with him when he truly needed it. For that; I vowed to myself never let his music die in my playlists and to appreciate those who do wonderful things around me. We all miss you.

  • from from BelarusMinsk

    я полюбил конкретно твою музыку после трека "Levels" я его услышал в 2011 году и тут меня поперло я следил за твоим творчеством и всегда ждал твоего приезда в Беларусь Минск …. постоянно смотрел все line up до последнего хотел и вот потом когда я решил что в следующем году полечу на UMF Miami или Tomorrowland то верил в то что наконец-то послушаю тебя в живую и вот тебя не стало… грустно очень покойся с миром Тим !

  • from Ales

    Avicii Ljubljana 2011 – One of the best parties in my life. Hit after hit melody after melody and most of all – lyrics with true meaning. 7 years later you are gone but your legacy will remain. Tim Bergling R.I.P.

  • from Jessica O’Leary-Nash

    500 characters will never be enough to explain my memories of Avicii. But one I will always treasure forever. I lost my Grandpa in 2013 a year later he released ‘Waiting for love’ which helped me grieve felt like it was representing my Grandpa on his own adventure waiting for my Gran again. This year in February I lost my Gran on a Tuesday evening. They was together again on Valentines Day of all days; lyrics “Wednesday my empty arms were open’ That song means the world to me now.



  • from Dragos

    Your music will live forever!


    Avici's death is a huge loss for the whole world of electronic music. It's hard to believe that you can miss someone who you never met personally. Rest in peace Tim! We will wake you up when it all will be over.

  • from ❤️

    thinking about you all the time. miss you.

  • from Hermine

    He made me feel great <3

  • from Matthew B – AUSTRALIA

    Tim you were a Supernova who lived so much more in 28 years than most people would in 120. Funny how you can feel such a deep connection with someone you didn’t actually know and shared the same birthday and personality type. I was heartbroken when I heard the awful news and I’m still so sad about it. I believe you were a genius and your incredible work ethic & passion propelled you to success & stardom faster than any other. Vila i frid älskade Tim Tack för all fin musik. Jag älskar dig.

  • from Vimbayi

    RIP Avicii

  • from Angel

    Tim you are such a talented artist. You play music with your heart and you like to share your passion with us. I am very sad to know that you were so unhappy in your life. I wanted to know you and meet you you are unique. Know that I will never forget you you live in my heart. I have never cried so much since you left. It's hard without you I feel a deep inner emptiness. One day we'll see each other again You have a very beautiful soul I love you I miss you. ??

  • from Jessica – Australia

    I’m still in shock that Tim passed away. His music woke many people up and it changed the way I saw music and especially EDM. I wish he was still here; making tunes and enlightening everyone who listened to them. R.I.P. Tim….you will be missed and forever in the world’s heart.

  • from Jonny

    I will Love you Forever Tim Avicci Bergling And Always will Love youre Music Forever .Its so Sad nobody can help you save you alive in life am very Cry about that .I say to my self i not will make Tatoo now i have make two Tatoo its for you Tim i will honor you with a Tatoo how never go away .Rip peace Tim Love you for Forever

  • from Leigh.. West yorkshire UK..

    I discovered Avicii late on… around 2010 in my early clubbing days. Levels was fhe first song i'd heard of his. I remeber thinking wow what is this vibrant uplifting perfect sound?.. I've never felt so happy whilst listening to music.. then i started discovering more of his tracks silhouettes was another that blew my mind. His music is historic and legendary. I felt heartbroken hearing of his passing.. cried so much..I never got to see him live.. but thats okay.. we'll always have his music.

  • from Cheeze and ham sandwich 4 ever

    You were the nomi to my teshrib. the figl to my zlata the lahme to my qouzi and the mleh to my shawarma!

  • from Chez Australia

    I wish we could wake you when it's quiet but I know you are at peace and it helps ease the pain we feel. Tim your music made us all smile and feel a joy inside that this world could use more of. We will never forget the happiness of seeing you live and will always continue to listen to the music. I hope there is peace on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Love and miss you. <3

  • from William M

    Hey i remember that time Levels came out and my brother showed to me and i loved the song i was only 8 years old at that time but it changed my life so much Thank you Tim.

  • from

    He was my favorite artist.. His songs did my whole life so much brighter because the songs allways had a meaning. Wake Me Up is the song that describes my life. So thank you Tim for all the good memories that you have been shared with us trough your music. May you Rest In Peace <3

  • from James

    We won’t let you fade into darkness ◢ ◤

  • from Genesis Ailyn Sainez Silva

    Esto no es un adiós es un nos veremos pronto… LEVELS FUE EL INICIO con la cual te conocí y siempre te llevaré en mi corazón con está canción te digo "Gracias y pronto nos veremos". Ya han pasado 4 meses de que tu te fuiste meses llenos de lágrimas dolor tristeza recuerdos y por supuesto de buena música que tu nos creaste. Gracias por ser la razon de encontrar mi mundo y mi felicidad por todas tus canciones que marcaron mi vida un hueco en mi corazon sin ti pero siempre te recordare.

  • from Nathalie N

    Tack för allt du delat med dig av. Musiken och av dig själv. Din historia har givit mig perspektiv på livet och de målande beskrivningar om dig Tim från de som haft ynnesten att få ha dig i sitt liv motiverar mig till att bli en bättre människa. Varje dag. Tack! Saknad aldrig glömd. <3 Kärlek till dina anhöriga.

  • from Jan z.

    He made great music. Definetly deserved to live longer Rest in peace.

  • from Azman izzah

    Avicii your music will forever live in my soul.. i love you forever.. may u find your peace.. to AVICII family be strong

  • from Amar

    Its strange how someone we dont know could become a significant part of our lives because of their music. His music has been there to support and complement us in every mood be it delightful or grieved. Thanks for being there Avicii. Legends Never Die.

  • from Benjamin Juntti

    Avicii gör mig glad. Man börjar gråta när man hör feeling good hope theres someone. R.i.p avicii 2018 kommer sakna dig.

  • from Magda

    Dear Tim You've touched my heart with your music and with your beautiful soul. I have never met you but I know that you were my soulmate. I regret so much that will never ever gonna see your show and listen to your great music live. I hope you are happy wherever you are and that you've finally found peace. xx

  • from Rolando Luther

    My first EDM concert was him. He came to Guatemala on March 14th of 2012. And after that my life changed. He changed dance music. His passion inspired me so much. His music melodies the beautiful lyrics that he wrote will now and forever be in my mind and heart. I felt so sad about knowing that he is never going to write or produce a song again and that truly breaks my heart. But I'm happy his legacy isa whole life changing experience. Is a message of music passsion commitment love and joy.

  • from Matvey

    "Wake Me Up" is my favorite song and you will be in my heart during all my life! Thank you Avicii!

  • from 吴建霖

    再见,Tim,谢谢你给我带来如此多的能量。 I've gotta learn how to love Without You. AVICII FOREVER ◢◤

  • from Hornstull

  • from Giovanni

    Avicii's music was my intro to EDM like many others. During my depression his early remixes were what kept me pushing and going the extra mile while I rode my bike literally. The pain was none-existant when Blessed Malo or Levels. When his music plays the energy from his songs flow through me they remind me that life is worth living for all the beauty there is ahead. Thank you for creating and inspiring the world will miss you. RIP Tim

  • from Joakim Heiland

    Tim show me some new type of music i never heard before and gave me so much inspiration to make the music i make today. Today he still give me much inspiration and the day he died was one of the worst day in my life. I can remember i cried a lot and had a lot of questions about everything. Tim's music was something special.

  • from Monique Jacobs from belgium

    Dear Tim I felt very connected with you because i have a sister who also commits suicide last year. We would share a lot of music also your music i relived the pain when you died…. but the pain i feel is love and its represent in your music… i listen a lot to it and it makes me feel good and gives me power.i saw your documentary and i realise you were a very sensitive person in a really hard world…..i hope your find your stairway to heaven and you have the rest you finally deserve<3X

  • from 函

    Your music has been with me since I started listening to electronic music.Always keep up with your new songs and your updates on instagram and YouTube.Until now I can't believe this shocking and sad reality.I will always love you

  • from Renato Ayala

    Avicii made me understand the value of music. I'm a produc musician today because of him. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from John

  • from Mario

    I found Tim's music when I was 12 when "Wake Me Up" was huge then. I fell in love with his music. I started listening to his old stuff then his new stuff every time would be released. He was the reason why I started making music at 15. I probably watched almost every interview or show he did (live streams). Ten days before your passing I watched your documentary. I was shocked what you went through all these years. I really wish you was still here so I could say thank you. I love you Tim.

  • from Ewan Geddes

    Damn… When I first heard of Tim's passing I couldn't believe it. I have been a fan since Levels came out and his songs such as Hey Brother and Wake Me Up still sound as fresh as the day they were made. One of my life goals was to go to one of Tim's shows. Tim wherever you are Rest In Peace brother…

  • from Jonna

    You will be so missed! Such a wonderful and talented person should have stayed with us for many more years 🙁

  • from Vladimir

    Levels – Forever in my heart!!!

  • from Kyle Santos

    YOU ARE THE REASON THAT I GOT ADDICTED TO EDM… it's such a shame that I will never see you live in front of the mainstage…

  • from Adrian Kwiatkowski

    Avicii was without a doubt one of my biggest inspirations. I probably would've never started music production if it wasn't for him. He had a talent for great melodies – you could always realize it's an Avicii song just by listening to it. His music was the soundtrack of some of the best moments of my life and helped me to survive through the tough times too. Thank you for your amazing music and caring for your fans. We will always be there for you. Rest in peace brother <3

  • from Evelyn Song From China

    第一次听到你的歌是三年前。当时的我还是一个对欧美音乐一无所知的孩子,是你用你神奇的音乐为我打开了欧美音乐的大门,更是我听EDM的领路人。三年过去了,通过你我喜欢上了更多的才华横溢的音乐人,但是我与你的沟通却不如以前那么频繁了,直到今年的4月20日,不幸的事情发生了。我真的不能接受一个活生生的人,一个在纪录片里承诺要为自己而活,一个答应说还有02 03的人就这么离开了我们。4个月过去了,有时我看到有关你的评论,你的视频,还是忍不住流泪。这真的对我来说太难接受。我能只安慰自己,你累了,你只是需要休息了。去吧,亲爱的鸽子,飞向远方吧,把你的的音乐分享给更多的人,让他们知道怎么活出属于自己的有意义的一生。❤️

  • from Atro

    Your music inspired me to start the first EDM I heard I have done a remake of levels as a tribute RIP Tim Ledgened that will always be remembered ◢◤

  • from VICTORV

    so sad…………..

  • from strawberry


  • from federico

    grazie !!!

  • from Oscar Larsson

    Avicii is a thought filled with energized feelings happy sad and imaginative ideas. His music changed the world and it may continue to do it in a new way. Thank you for your melodious masterpiece.

  • from Fabio Arduini

    Thank you Tim ! Your music has filled my heart. I will never forget you ◢◤ RIP

  • from Martin – Australia

    Imagine if Avicii had a management that actually cared about his well-being. Fly high

  • from Shaun

    Avicii/Tim the man who’s music carried me through my teenage years and made me happy at all times. I was obsessed with every song he realeased every tweet he sent every interview he done and every thing to do with him I was obsessed. This feeling had never happened to me before which shows the effect his music had on me. If you are reading this Tim I want you to know that we all love you and you always made us proud and I hope you are okay. RIP brother I will always love you

  • from Stacy

    I first heard Avicii on Metro FM during 2012 and I fell in love with his music. It was a very difficult time for me but with every time I listened to his songs I always felt joyous. I've been a distant fan ever since. Before the day of his passing I was singing along to his songs on YouTube and dancing non stop. Little did I know that I was saying goodbye to him. He was one of the greatest there'll never be anyone like him. I love you lots Tim RIP ❤️

  • from Carlos Álvarez

    I've been listening Avicii since 2013 he had been very important to me and it's still being very important. Thanks to him now I'm the person that I have become and I owe him everything. His music will always be in my mind and in my head. He will live forever. Legends never die. Rest In Peace Avicii we love you.

  • from Denis

    My love story for your music started a few years ago. Then I heard how beautiful the melody in dance music can sound. It was the most interesting time when I was partially repeating the melody parts in the nexus. I wanted to be like you I loved your music and I love it now. I want to tell you Avicii – dear Tim your music is forever stuck in my heart! Thank you I will remember you!

  • from J0n

    Tim you mean the world for me. The last couple years i have been admiring you more than anything and i still do. You totally changed my way of approaching producing and life in general. You always gave 110% for everything that you did and that is very inspirational for me. Only a few people actually realize how hard you worked everyday since the day one. Your work ethic is admirable and you will forever be the number one for me. I promise i will make it no matter what. THANK YOU for everthng

  • from Chez Melbourne Australia

    I will be forever grateful for Tim’s music as each time I listened or saw him it just filled me with joy and left me smiling I will always remember Tim as a talented artist and humble human being. Forever in my heart.

  • from le Hoang

    love Tim <3

  • from Eva Eve

    You are trully a music maestro…!!!..Genius Always love your music… Gone too soon…

  • from 吴泽航

    从wake me up认识你 之后才去了解其他的歌 慢慢的喜欢上i could be the one等等一系列歌 从此也开始爱上电子音乐 六年来 你慢慢变成了信仰 无论欢乐 悲伤 总会你的歌曲陪伴度过 也慢慢的了解你 你在歌曲中表达你自己的想法 你很悲伤 你不喜欢被压榨劳累的日子 作为粉丝的我们却一无所知 我很喜欢你的the nights里面的歌词 live a life you will remember 我想这也是你要告诉所有粉丝的 tim 很遗憾没有机会亲自去听你的现场 见你一面 这是终身的遗憾 但是你所创作的所有歌曲都会陪伴我的一生 希望天堂没有劳累 你能继续创作只属于你的音乐 你永远是我们的神 我们永远爱你 ◢ ◤

  • from Chris

    Avicii was one of the first DJs I listened to. He helped bring me into the beautiful world of EDM. He brought us all out of darkness and it is sad that he left so young. Rest peacefully and may your music never die.

  • from Álvaro Solís Ecuador

    Sigo a Avicii desde ya hace 9 años le doy gracias a Tiësto por tocar sus tracks en su Radio Show a finales de 2009. Realmente si me afecto la muerte de este gran productor hizo mucho por la escena electrónica a pesar de su transición a la música pop que es el motivo por el cual deje de escucharlo desde 2013 pero a pesar de eso siempre seras recordado por los verdaderos amantes de la música electrónica

  • from Mayk

    Whitout you … la primera vez que la escuche ni te imaginas como me senti porque tus canciones eran algo diferente me ayudaron cuando mas lo necesitaba … avicii eres y seras un grande .. te extrano

  • from Daniel Colombia

    Tim had a life we always remember

  • from Santiago Leal

    recuerdo la primera vez que escuche wake me up en la radio fue un momento increíble nunca había escuchado nada igual era un estilo de música que empezaba a coger fuerza y entre más conocí del mundo de edm más me gustabapero no había nada parecido a avicii su música era especial Tim Berling ponía su alma en esas melodías y por eso se convirtió en mi artista favorito. recuerdo como mis amigos y yo nos escapamos para escuchar el ultimo ep fue como volverse a ver con un amigo fue avicii.

  • from Giovanni

    Thank you Tim for all the wonderful years you have inspired many of us to be just like you. I remember discovering your music back in 2009 and having no clue what the EDM genre consisted of. Your melodies have always touched me in a way that I can never describe the lyrics of your songs have always had deep meanings and were always relatable. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you. I hope you have finally found your peace and the happiness you've been seeking. Goodbye Tim (Avicii)

  • from Lucy MK

    I don’t remember the day I started listening to his music but I know that thanks to him I am happy today. Tim: you have always been and be my inspiration I will remember you with love and I‘ll never forget you. Always in my mind heart and soul Thanks for everything! I miss you everyday.

  • from Diego Ponguillo

    Fue una persona asombrosa escuchaba su música cuando tenia 13 años ''wake me up'' me trae mucho recuerdo siempre sera el mejor!

  • from Francis

    If Tim was surrounded by people who actually cared about him instead of treating him like a slave he would still be alive today. SHAME

  • from Raina

    Imagine if Tim was actually surrounded by people both friends and business partners who gave a shit about him. He was surrounded by parasites on many levels. He should have been protected instead he was used and abused like a cheap third world peasant. These people should be held accountable for their horrible psychopath actions.

  • from Deepi— Washington State

    Hearing of Tim's passing was heartbreaking. The reason I began listening to EDM was because of 'Avicii'. He was not afraid to experiment with other genres and incorporated it into today's electronic music. I don't think I can even name a song of his I don't like. He put so much time and effort into his music + videos that will now carry his legacy forever. RIP to this True angel ♥

  • from Maggie

    Although I am just a fan Tims death has been very painful to me. Honestly I still cannot understand how this happened? How? Why??? For Gods sakes how could this have happened? My eternal condolences for an unbelievable loss to the world. Tim was an incredible person.

  • from Caleb from Virginia US

    Tim although you have died your music will never die. Your music brought me happiness in times of sadness and I can speak for many other people too. If you happen to be reading this amongst others pay him more respect and download his game it features his music. It is called ''Gravity" Thank you tim

  • from Leticia (Canada)

    It's so odd how someone you didn't know could have a passing that would affect you so much. After he died I was really depressed I cried a few times by myself…hard – like I had lost a close friend. I wish you had known how much you mattered to strangers not as Avicii but as Tim because without Tim there would have never been an Avicii. Much love to those who knew you.

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