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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Cristian Colil

    Gracias por todo avicii por todas las canciones que creaste y resuenan en mi memoria con esos sonidos unicos que creaste y hermosos nunca nadie lograra un cambio grande que hiciste en mi vida conocer un genero musical que amo y sigo amando asi como tu musica. Los años pasaran y tu legado para mi nunca jamas va a morir. Gracias por los grandes momentos que he vivido junto a tu musica las llevare por siempre y para siempre en los mas profundo de mi corazon. R.IP avicii ????foreverinmyhearth

  • from Anna Honduras.

    Tu música ayudo tanto mi vida. Ocho años amándola y amándote siempre soñaba con conocerte y darte las gracias. Siempre fuiste eres y serás mi dj favorito. Dejas un gran legado y a muchos fans que hoy seguimos llorando tu partida te amo tanto tanto…

  • from Breemen ( Avicii Perú)

    ◢◤ Te extraño Tim – Hasta el día de hoy aun no creo que haz muerto aun recuerdo la primera vez que escuche WAKE ME UP ese estilo esa melodía me encantaron y poco a poco conocí todas tus músicas y cada una me hacían volver mas adicto a ti cree una pagina de facebook que desee que algún día vieras y tal vez te preguntaras que loco podía sentir lo que a diario mostraba. Eres mi inspiración a seguir tu y tu música me enseño lecciones de un padre que me faltaba y ahora extraño.. #FOREVERAVICII

  • from Dalma Perú.

    You will never be forgotten you will live forever in your songs and in the hearts of the people who admire you we follow you and support you until the end. Someday we will also arrive at the place where you are we will see you again and we will jump again and we will scream to the rhythm of your beautiful songs. Even if he is not with us we will continue to love him and we will never stop doing it. It's just a brief goodbye Tim we miss you so much thanks for everything Avicii hero legend

  • from Martin

    Some of the best times of my life were had at Avicii shows. Miami surfcomber pool party 2010…you were just getting started with your career and already opening for Armin Van Buren

  • from Keving

    hoy mañana y siempre entonare todas tus canciones imitando tus gestos en conciertos entonando con lagrimas en los ojos del solo echo saber que no estas ✨

  • from Jesse

    I was too young to see you perform in concert at the time but your music helped me get me through some tough times even to this day. I would've loved to see you live in concert. Your tracks were very soulful and wonderful unparalleled by anything I've ever heard. Thank you Tim. Rest in Peace.

  • from AJ

    Tim Your music taught me that life’s most exciting journey is finding yourself. You taught me not to worry about being lost but to focus on living my best life. Because of you I have made countless memories with people I’ll never forget; all while continuing to find myself in this chaotic life. Thank you Tim. You may no longer be with us but you will definitely live forever.

  • from Erick Ortega @erickdbv

    It was so great did expecting a concert of yours all the times you proved a musical genius I did very pleased that your songs give you to talk without you doing it in your concerts thank you Sandro for giving life to the songs and thank you Carl for helping Tim for each chord he asked for thank you very much for the shirt that I won in the opening of the online store I thank you for being the one you teached the real music. I love you◢◤

  • from MART WILLEM

    Avicii/Tim Qué voy hacer ahora cuando ya no saldrá una nueva canción tuya 🙁 siempre estuve al pendiente de tu música y ahora solo queda tu LEGADO un legado que perdurara por siempre en las vidas de todos los que te amamos. Desde el primer momento que escuché tu música supe que serias mi inspiración mi ídolo tengo cada canción tuya en mi colección escuchándolas todos los días tengo un hijo en camino en memoria tuya le pondré por nombre TIM y ese placer ¡nadie me lo va quitar! IDOL <3

  • from Terry Corner

    I never really listened to music before I found Avicii in 2016. I recognised so many songs from when I was a kid such as levels and I could be the one. They were always stuck in my head at school. I begun to listen to True and Stories It was the best music I have ever heard and still is. That was my gateway into music as a whole. Tim's lyrics and sounds helped me put my life into perspective gave me confidence to be myself and to not worry when I fail and to make the most of life. Thanks Tim.

  • from Josh

    The song that got me into EDM was Wake Me Up. Ever since then I have listened and enjoyed every single Avicii song. Avicii your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace <3

  • from Bill

    I cant put into words how much your music means to me. Thank you. I will miss you always. Avicii <3

  • from Cristian

    Gracias por todo Buen Hombre

  • from Annie

    Hela världen saknar dig Tim!?

  • from

    Tim Can't help but think you'd still be alive if me and my friends got a hold of you before it was too late. You wouldn't have time worrying about anything but what studio gear to buy next 🙂 Im guessing there are a few of us fans making a tribute tune or two as a way of honoring your legacy. You will live on through all of us. Our memories your music. Best // Andreas Stockholm Sweden and a tribute tune -TIM FFS :-/

  • from Viktor

    Avicii. Tim Berg. Tom Hangs. Timberman. Tack för att du har inspirerat mig och miljontals andra i världen. Du fick mig att älska EDM. Vila i frid.

  • from Megzzz

    My first time to get dumped was the day before i see the "You Make Me" song I actually was thinking about getting with a fight with the other guy she was with. then I laughed so much about my self being that jealous ex. Avicii AKA Tim you was a reason for me not getting in a fight for a stupid reason. I also think that because people from around the world loves you one off which the god love him/her a bit more than anyone else is praying in a place fore you. WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!❤️❤️❤️

  • from Julian

    I am so happy that i could grow up with your music and you have inspired me to pursue a music career for myself. Your music makes everyone happy and i want to thank you for everything Tim. Rest in peace <3

  • from Hector 🙂

    Dear Avicii. I know that you are in a better place but your music has helped me through a lot of things. I hope that you're still Waiting For Love in heaven and your music will never be forgotten Tim. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR MUSIC TIM!!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU WILL BE MISSED!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING TIM!!! From : Hector To : Tim Bergling LOVE YOU TIM!!

  • from Valentin

    Avicii was the first gig I attended in Paris back in 2014 I will forever remember how happy I was when I heard the first notes of "hey brother" playing. I will always carry his powerful melodies with me. I have so many greats memories made on Tim's music just like celebrating new year eve with some friends by making theme discovering "Levels" some years ago. I'm so glad I discovered him early and that I have been able to listen so many great tracks through his journey. Thank you Tim <3

  • from Daniel

    Avicii is my favorite artist still this day and he didn't deserve to die this young.

  • from Christian Pérez

    I can't stop thinking about the time when i met with his music when he released Alcoholic back in 2009 you've been my biggest inspiration in everything not just music producing but with your music you helped me in a lot of bad moments and you wrote the soundtrack of the amazing ones thanks for everything hope we can meet someday in the otherside so i can thank you for everything as i should.

  • from Omer

    Tim firstly I want to say thank you for all the wonderful music. Bromance was a great introduction to your music with Levels and Superlove in my all time top 10. Also love Wake Me Up and Hey Brother. If there is one thing I will take from your music is that it gives me even when I feel at my lowest and some many others joy even that is an amazing legacy. It still feels sad you are no longer here or will make more music but I hope wherever you are now you have found peace and again thank you.

  • from Sandra

    Jeg er så lei meg for at ingen så hvor mye du slet og jeg er så lei meg for at du følte dette var løsningen jeg håper du har funnet fred nå og har det bra. Du var alltid for god for denne verden. Tusen takk for at du lagde musikk en hver person kunne sette seg inn i. Du er for alltid savnet hvil i fred engel.

  • from Fabian Romero

    We need you brother 🙁

  • from Eva

    Avicii´s melodies are able to make me feel this fire higher than the sun; his golden heart shines through them. Thank you Tim Berling!

  • from Gertrud Sweden

    Till dig din familj och alla som sörjer dig. Du lever för alltid genom minnet av den fina människa du var och den musik du berört miljoner med. Ditt sköra inre behövde mer och det är hjärtskärande att en ung kille som du inte fann den glädje som gör livet levande. Har jobbat med sorg känt sorg och känner enormt för dig och din familj. En sorg som denna blir en livslång följeslagare som stöper nya former av de närmsta. Hoppas du fått frid och att din familj och alla fans finner den framgent♡

  • from JB

    Die young live happy

  • from Drake

    I grew up on his music 1989 – forever

  • from Sissy

    My feelings for you are always real My feelings for you are always real My feelings for you are always real My feelings for you are always real ?

  • from Diana

    Dear Avicii I am still shocked about your early passing I still can't accept that you are gone you brought so many smiles with your music you unite all of us with your music. I wish I've seen you at Untold festival you were awsome! Thank you Avicii for everything you will be always in my heart the #1 DJ ! Thank you for everything!

  • from Niklas

    Tack för all fin musik Tim och tack för att du vågade tala öppet om din psykiska ohälsa. Kommer aldrig att glömma dig. ❤️

  • from Fedor

    Thank you Tim for your magnificent energy that you decided to share with us. I truly fell in love with this music. Many thanks for the unforgettable experience in WKND Baltic 2016. Rest in peace our big friend

  • from Andrey Vatazhko

    Порой трудно пережить потерю но потерю твоего кумира ещё сложнее . Ты был кумиром миллионов миллиардов людей. Твои треки могли поднять настроение нам так не хватает тебя твоей улыбки почему так рано ушёл?( Мы скорбим по тебе…Наш все любимый Тим.. Твой поклонник AV

  • from Zaeem

    Thanks for making great musics May your soul Rest in Peace

  • from Markus

    Inspiration. Legend. Den som fick mig att älska EDM. Tack för allt. Denna värld saknar dig.

  • from Nath

    Thank you Tim. You've touched a lot of people's lives in so many ways. Your legacy will live on through your music. We miss you <3

  • from Julie

  • from Johan K. Bakke

    Thank you for the good music you showed the world. In loving memory <3 Rest in peace -Johan K. Bakke Norway

  • from Kate

    Tim it’s hard to describe how difficult it is to cope without you here. You were the one who always was giving me the light in a dark times. I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you the light when you needed it most. I just hope you know that you will be always in my heart and in my memory. With all my love.

  • from Alex

    You are a gift to this world. It pains me to this day to know you're not here anymore. I remember scouting the web and coming across Street Dancer. That was before you went mainstream with Levels. That track took me and I never let go. You always surprised me with new music. Your last Ep was special. On the day you were gone I broke down. Without you I feel lost at sea but I know you are in a better place. Still wish you were breathing

  • from Sultan

    Thank u for everything brother.

  • from Annabelle

    ?Always and forever?

  • from Erica

    Tim's music is what gave me a reason to keep on going. He had a hard time during his peak and I felt so bad to not to be able to do anything for him so I just kept listening to his music. Tim was a sweet sweet man. Even though I never got the chance to meet him he felt present. The best moment with Tim was in 2016 at WKND festival when I proudly carried my "Marry me Avicii" poster. It's a very dear memory for me. A true golden one. Thank you Tim. I hope that you found your peace. <3

  • from LEO VAN BURG

    Avicci I am a aspiring Electro House Producer because of you. You inspired me and gave me this passion that will never end Thank You. AVICII FOREVER 🙂

  • from T

    Älskad. Saknad. Tack för allt ❤️

  • from Ella Sweden

    Fina Tim! Din musik har följt mig under åren och dina melodier kommer alltid finnas i mitt huvud. Jag har tittat på din dokumentär många gånger sedan din bortgång och varje gång är lika hjärtskärande. Aldrig har jag blivit så berörd av att någon jag inte känner gått bort förut men nu kan tårarna komma okontrollerat bara jag hör ditt namn. Jag hoppas du mår bra där du är nu. Vila i frid Tim Avicii Bergling. Jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig!

  • from Majda Norway

    Much love to you Tim.. Even when you don't see this I hope you see us from up there and down here. I hope you see and realize how much you meant to every single of us I hope you know you know that you were never alone in this.. even if it seemed like that 🙁 Wish I just met you someday but I guess I have to give up on that. Love from Norway Oslo

  • from Alexander

    I'm so grateful and will forever be grateful for your music Tim. I'm a producer myself and your music truly inspired me to move on with my productions. As of today i'm doing this on a daily basis and would never have come this far without your music. Your music have followed me through many life situations. IT feels like i've lost a friend. One thing is for sure your work will always be with us and generations to come and bring joy and inspiration many years from now. Thankyou Tim.

  • from Kevin C UK

    I remember when the kids at the youth club played your song "Wake me up" over and over and over again I loved it and all your songs after. As a mobile DJ I play your songs at every party I do in tribute. I was fortunate to see you at the Capital Summertime Ball Gone to soon the world has lost a talent your family a person they loved. While your music lives on so you do too RIP Ti

  • from Majda Norway

    Some of us are living and thinking life will be over the day we take our last breath. But then there is another type of us who can't take the pain and can't wait for the time until they're gone. Some of us chooses to live with the pain while some of us chooses to end it with by our self. Tim was a amazing grateful sweet kind funny good hearted child – friend – brother and an amazing role model for the most DJ´s today. Much love to you Tim.. Even you don't see this I hope you see us…

  • from Michael

    Tim was the guy who inspired me the most to start producing music myself and thinking that he's gone has affected me alot i think of it everyday and i hope he's found peace and happines where he's at now. Rest easy Tim <3

  • from Stian Enstrøm Moldskred

    When you died another Legend was born. You're work will always be remembered and used in many occasions.

  • from

    Your music real change my life and inspire me to keep moving no matter what i go through Thank you Tim Rest in Heaven Pumzika kwa amani Tim

  • from Sphex

    The GOAT of EDM Thanks for all the beautiful tracks and the memories from listening to them One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember RIP

  • from A Mother

    Your music and the story of your life has really affected me. I listen to your music almost everyday and it makes me happy and sad. Also very close to what is important in life. I think of your parents as a mother to another. Sometimes the most talented souls also are the most fragile ones. Thank you for the music and the joy and power you have given to so many. All love. You will be remembered.

  • from From Berlin

    So ein talentierter bescheidener junger Mann. Der einfach zu nett war für das Musikgeschäft und den man einfach keine Zeit gelassen hat um er selbst zu sein . Die Seele wird krank bei soviel Stress. Soviele Leute dauernd um ihn herum .Jeder will ständig irgendwas . Aber keiner den Mensch Tim je richtig zugehört ! Ich habe seine Musik so gern gehört ohne je zu wissen wer Avicii eigentlich ist . Mir hat einfach die Musik gefallen . Leider ist dies nicht mehr möglich . Alle Kraft der Familie ✨

  • from Kate

    каждый его трек уникален по своему . очень жаль что так и не увидела его живую. сейчас слёзы наворачиваются когда слушаю его треки .ты всегда будешь наших сердцах Тим . мы любим тебя <3

  • from Lisa

    Me and my my daughter whose now 11 loved listening to your music in the car or dancing around in the garden in the summer as loud as we could and we still do. You gave me and my child beautiful music and happy times and a shared love of music. ??

  • from Sam S

    When I discovered Tim I was so happy that I had found someone who produced music that made me feel happier. Avicii brought me through some tough times. When he passed I was sad. But whatever pain he was feeling is no longer physical.

  • from Alexander from Norway

    Thank you for everything. May you live on in your music and in our hearts. Hope to meet you sometime.

  • from Chris

    He was the unreplaceable artists in my 12 year old self. His beats and melodies sung through my heart when needing a break from what terrible things life brings us. May be it I learned you from a Counter Strike Global Offense server singing "The Days" on the radio. You will always be my inspection my better self.

  • from Adela

    He was rare one of the few a good soul fragile.

  • from Christian Pinedo

    He was a person that changed the meaning of my life in terms of music. He was sincerely is and is the best of all time. I see you up there.

  • from 来自中国四川粉粉❤◢ ◤AVICII❤

    两年前在一个大型的商场,商场里放着Waiting For Love 当时就被这旋律和人声部分所吸引,错过了好几次都忘记听歌识曲了因为当时因为工作没来得及, 当我听歌识曲的那一刻我已经踏进了avicii的音乐世界,当我刚认识你的时候我把你的每一首音乐都听了个遍, Waiting For Love Wake Me Up Trouble The Days Levels What Would I Change It To Without You 等. ..这些音乐在我最孤独 最困难 心情低落的时候陪我度过了多少个日日夜夜,是你给了我前进的动力 是你一直在鼓励着我不要放弃,你做的每一首音乐都是那么独特,旋律那么动听歌词那么感动励志, 当我 得知你4.20去世的消息我真的不敢相信,真的, 那一上午我都在床上看着手机我上了微博 网易云音乐 等… 看了微博上一些媒体发的文章然后我不知怎么忍不住了我流泪,在哪一天看到全世界的粉丝 和dj都在缅怀看着他们发的每一条对avicii说的话 好几次都忍不住哭了。虽然你已去,但你的音乐将永存❤◢ ◤AVICII❤

  • from Hassan Hamade

    RIP Avicii ?

  • from Катя

    Тим я хочу рассказать тебе когда ты ушёл я ходила по лесу смотрела на сосны на небо и говорила тебе: «Прости нас Тим». У меня была только эта мысль: «Прости нас». Ты не хотел сюда возвращаться и я надеюсь что ты теперь там где и мечтал быть. Что тебе там спокойно. Прости что воспринимала твоё присутствие в этом мире как должное. Только когда тебя не стало я осознала эту давящую пустоту и то как ты важен для меня. Твоя музыка даёт мне энергию. Ты принес в мир радость. Tack så mycket!

  • from Noah Norway

    You will forever be in my heart! I love you so much. You got me throu the hardest times in my life and I will forever be thankful for that. Rest easy brother.

  • from jonas

    His music was amazing i will always remember them. And him ofcourse

  • from Mark Meijer

    Avicii and Swedish House Mafia introduced me to EDM. From Levels to Wake Me Up they're all awesome. But now I've got to learn how to live Without You. Thank you Tim for your music!

  • from Hassan Hamade

    Avicii aka Tim Bergling I Really Love Your Music I Listen to Wake Me Up All the Time and Levels Avicii I'm Really Gonna Miss You Avicii Forever RIP ?

  • from Kali Windfall

    I was ten years old when I first heard your song Hey Brother. I loved it and found that it described my relationship with my best friend. To this day both of us still love that song. Vi elsker du and you will forever be in our hearts. Takk for your time on Earth Avicii. Rest well.

  • from Raúl

    I don't even know where to start. Avicii's music meant a lot to me. His music inspired me as a lot of people from all over the world. I have listened to it in so many moments and has accompanied me through my life. He was the reason why I started listening to EDM house and electronic music and entered this wonderful new world. So many feelings and emotions all of them because of his music. I didn't know only a song could cause all of that in a life. I can only say THANK YOU.

  • from Cath from FRANCE

    Tim I miss you so much you'll be forever in my heart . Rip angel

  • from James from Belgium

    Hello Tim I want to thank you for the passion you spread across this world. I'll listen to your music with my child and told them how gifted and brilliant you were with music. I'm glad that I saw you at least once it was at Future Music Festival Sydney what a show memories forever. .. I wish your story will serve as an example to make the world better. Thank you Tim.

  • from Liene

    Dear Avicii it is still so sad that You've passed away. I didn't know You at all but through Your beautiful music it feels like I did. We'l l gonna love Ya.

  • from Nico

    Dear Tim thank you for all the music you created for us. Every song has its own story. You are the reason why i started hearing EDM and you are the reason why i love music. I can't count how many times i heard your tracks. I am so happy that i was able to see you 3x during your career. I am honest when i say: these moments are the best i've ever had. I hope you can still make music in the place where you are now. You will live forever in my heart. Thanks for everything Tim "Avicii" Bergling <3

  • from Lasse Unke


  • from ML

    Så hjärtskärande!!! Varför?!?!? När man får för mycket abstinens kolla jag "true stories" svt visar den till 2010. Vår största musikexportör genom tiderna! Barnen ska få ta del av arvet! Helt klart! Funderar på Avicii som ingångsmusik vid bröllop. Bilen har redan fått klistermärke med Avicii på. Totalt knäckt trots att man aldrig träffat Tim…

  • from Anna Cagle

    Tim thank you for you beautiful music .it makes a bad day so much better when I am listening to it. I hope you found peaceand I hope I will get to enjoy your songs in my next LIFE! On a planetwhere EVERYONE is living a happy life!

  • from Lekar spain

    I didnt knew Avicii until he died. I saw the news on the internet and thought who is Avicii? I Started to listen to his music see his interviews and then I started to know Tim the person through out his lyric as wake me up or somewhere in stockolm I discovered a little bit of his fears his tender heart his sweetteness his black hole in his heart. Now some months later i wonder why didnt I discover him sonner. I kow his music will last forever and wherever he is now I send him my love

  • from Isabel

    Looking back I know it was "Levels" giving me a feeling of being able to achieve my goalsconquer the world&feeling free. Listening to your music leads me in world with no space time or sorrow. The melodies you created are incomparable art I've never imagined before. I'm sureit wasn't only blood flowing through your veins but also all the music . You taught me lessonsI'd never thought I would be able to learnthe lastto stand up for myself. You are loved forever&ever.Rest in peace dear tim.

  • from Tùng Bách

    Under the tree where the grass don't grow We made a promise to never get old You had a chance and you took it on me And I made a promise that I couldn't keep The words of a song I would otherwise write in my heart Thank you Avicii for everything !

  • from Filip Sverige

    Till Tim. Jag kommer ihåg när jag började lyssna på din musik. När jag satt med skolarbeten i gymnasiet på kvällarna samtidigt som Levels gick på repeat. Det blev så många konserter så många minnen och allt slutar med en stor sorg. När jag fick reda på att det var sant att du gått bort blev jag helt knäckt. Att du gått bort är den tredje värsta händelsen i mitt liv efter min fars bortgång och en olycka jag var med om som barn. Du kommer alltid att finnas kvar i mitt liv. Tack för allt Tim <3

  • from Evelyn Song From China

    第一次听到你的歌是3年前。当时的我还是一个对欧美音乐一无所知的孩子,是你用你神奇的音乐为我打开了欧美音乐的大门,更是我听EDM的领路人。三年过去了,通过你我喜欢上了更多的才华横溢的音乐人,但是我与你的沟通却不如以前那么频繁了,直到今年的4月20日,不幸的事情发生了。我真的不能接受一个活生生的人,一个在纪录片里承诺要为自己而活,一个答应说还有02 03的人就这么离开了我们。4个月过去了,有时我看到有关你的评论,你的视频,还是忍不住流泪。这真的对我来说太难接受。我能只安慰自己,你累了,你只是需要休息了。去吧,亲爱的鸽子,飞向远方吧,把你的的音乐分享给更多的人,让他们知道该怎么活出属于自己的有意义的一生。❤️

  • from Annie

    Hey Tim! I just want to thank you for everythingyou and your music changed my life! So wake me up when it`s all overwhen you wake up and you can hug me again! I love you so much for me you will be forever alivei promise you Tim!

  • from Melker

    Tim You would'nt believe how much your music has impacted my life in a positive way. Also you would not believe how many times I've listened to "All You Need Is Love". I mean your melodies are out of this world. I don't know how you did it but every single one makes me happy because you composed them in a way I've never seen anyone else do. You will be IMMENSLY missed. No one will be able to replace you. Thank You for everything.

  • from Agent Bubbly 05

    Avicci brought so many people together and was a great musician. Froever will he be in our hearts.

  • from Henrik

    Tim when I grow old to a point where I can't take care of myself I will make sure that my future caretakers at the nursing home play your music loud and clear for me and everyone to hear. Your legacy will live on for many decades and the upcoming generations will read your name in the history books asking "Grandpa who was Avicii?" Avicii was the soundtrack of our youth. Tim thank you for sharing your music. I will make sure I'll pass it on to my future children.

  • from ORITA BOY

    心支えだった。 君の音を初めて聞いた瞬間から、君がいなくなるまで。 最初から最後までずっと愛していた。 君がいなくなった世界は僕にとって辛いけど 君の音を聞くだけで、それを忘れさせてくれる。 ずっと僕のそばにいてほしい Dear Tim bergling

  • from ちゃんたつ


  • from ORITA BOY

    心支えだった。 君の音を初めて聞いた瞬間から、君がいなくなるまで。 最初から最後までずっと愛していた。 君がいなくなった世界は僕にとって辛いけど 君の音を聞くだけで、それを忘れさせてくれる。 ずっと僕のそばにいてほしい Dear Tim bergling

  • from 1981

    Din bortgång har påverkat mig enormt och jag kände dig inte ens. Hur ska då dina nära och kära må? Du verkade vara en så omtänksam person. Och musiken du skapade var fantastisk! Jag bara hoppas att du har det bra där du är nu. ❤️

  • from Sofia Barreto

    ôh Tim ainda não consigo acreditar que você se foi e que não vou ver mais o meu Instagram notificando quando suas fotos são publicadas e nem as suas músicas novas. Enfim te amo infinitamente obrigada por me apresentar a Edm.

  • from William/Deenam from France

    Tim made me discover the electronic music when i was 13 now i'm 18 and I still loving him and what he have done in his life. I think he is the most significant artist in my whole life and it's hard to admit that now I would never meet him I would never attend one of his concerts and I would not hear any new music from him… If i'm listening to EDM right now it's because of him thanks for everything and i really hope deep down in my heart that you are happy right now. Love you.

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