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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Linda

    "I'm going bonnie and clyde without you." Tack Tim <3



  • from teenage crime

    Otroligt fascinerad av dina mashups helt insane!!!

  • from Wafae el attab

    Merci Avicii ❤️

  • from Anette

    Tack för Din fina musik . Kan fortfarande inte förstå att du har gått vidare. Jag hoppas att du kan se alla hyllningar till dig. Vila i frid eller du kanske skapar musik ❤️

  • from Ruslan

    Никогда не забуду "Le7els" "I Could Be The One" и "Addicted To You" . Жаль не попал на твоё единственное выступление в Украине. Но мы всегда будем помнить и "слышать" тебя через твоё творчество. Спасибо тебе Тим… Rest In Peace <3

  • from Justin

    Tim’s music has supported me throughout critical moments of my life. Basic Military Training was one of my lowest points. However that changed once True came out. At night I would listen to the album on repeat before sleeping and all the negative feelings I felt were replaced with feelings of joy and hope. True remains my favourite album of all time and Dear Boy remains my favourite Avicii song. Tim wherever you are I hope you continue making the music you’ve wanted to make.

  • from Joseph Alaizzer

    On April 20 2018 at 20:45 I realized that my dream of seeing Avicii will never come true. On the morning of April 20 I really wanted to listen to the Avicii music. And I could not even think that after 11 hours I would see the news of his death. Avicii became a legend for me. I listen to his music from 2012. And he became the first EDM artist in my life. I remember a lot of wonderful moments in my life when I listen his music. Thanks Avicii that came to this world and live deep in my heart.

  • from Денис

    Спасибо за лучшую музыку! я никогда не забуду как в первый раз услышал "wake me up" это было так клева это были времена когда я перешел в 10 класс и теперь когда слышу ее снова то вспоминаю то беззаботное время и радость которые были тогда со мной Спасибо чел мы тебя не забудем!

  • from Lena G

    Thank u Tim ❤️U Will Be forever in my Heart . Dein unfassbares Talent deine Liebe deine Herzlichkeit und deine pure Seele bleiben unvergessen ❤️ Legend ◢ ◤

  • from CINCY

    u r one of the famous nd the most popular djs …..ur songs always motivated me nd inspire a lot …..we miss u so much ……love u aviciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  • from Calus

    Hommage à un DJ qui m’auras fais oublier mes petit soucis du quotidien. Tu es et tu resteras un artiste inégalable! L’été sans t’es musique et plus triste…

  • from Colin Redmann

    Avicii was my introduction to Dance and EDM. His beats were infectious and I was hooked. Wake Me Up Broken Arrows The Nights Waiting for Love and Without You were some of the songs that helped me and continue to help me with my depression. I relate to what the story and felt the feelings he was getting across. I never got to see him IRL but every time I listened it always felt personal. I still get shivers listening to his music. May he never be forgotten. WE ALL LOVE YOU TIM AND FAMILY!

  • from Maxim

    RIP Avicii. You'll be missed.

  • from Sara

    Tim. Jag önskar att det fanns ett sätt att få dig tillbaka. SOM jag önskar det. Jag kan bara inte ta in att du är borta! Det är så overkligt och så fruktansvärt. Jag har aldrig träffat dig men ändå rasade hela min värld när nyheten nådde mig. Du var en så oerhört stor del av mina tonår alla minnen som har skapats till dina låtar. Jag är så tacksam för det <3 Du var en så genuin äkta jordnära och vacker människa. Helt unik. Du fattas en hel värld Tim. Love you so much <3

  • from Ilya

    Этот парень был одним из моих кумиров когда я начинал свой путь в музыку и я благодарен ему и его музыке за то как она на меня влияла. Silhouettes Seek Bromance Levels You Make Me Hey Brother Without You Lonely Together Wake Me Up Addicted To You Fade Into Darkness So Much Better True Believer I Could Be The One Talk To Myself и это далеко ещё не всё он был чертовски крутым. Мне не хватит места тут чтобы перечислить все треки которые отложились у меня в сердце. Rest in peace❤

  • from Hanna Hultén

    Har alltid haft musik som ett brinnande intresse. Men det var tack vare dig som jag fick ett intresse för musikproduktion… Idag pluggar jag sista året på gymnasiet med just inriktning musikproduktion. Om det inte vore för dig hade jag aldrig träffat mina bästa vänner (som jag pluggar med) och jag hade dessutom aldrig skapat den musik jag gjort. Tack Tim för allt du gjort du är aldrig glömd! <3

  • from A

    When I moved to Sweden in 2011 I knew nothing about EDM .. then every time I go out clubbing I hear a song which I like so much .. quickly got hooked and eventually knew that Avicii was the producer or the one who remixed those songs! RIP

  • from Fatima (New York)

    Tim there is not one day that I don't think about you. I think about you when I wake up and the rest of my days and before I go to bed. I cry so much for you still it hurts so much. I have had dreams and crazy experiences with you. I love to look at the sky everyday because I know you are there in a certain spot I feel it and I feel it when you are around me. I miss you so much king. I will forever love and admire you. You are perfect. You are the best human being I have ever seen.

  • from your fan Mariya(Ukrainе)

    Tim is the inspirational person that you can not stop listening to which leads to depression that always lives in your heart ♥ I'm grateful to you for all your masterpieces and in general for what you were! We all will be stomping you ♥ TI – my inspiration ♥

  • from Mariya

    Тім- це та людинаяка надихаєяку неможеш перестати слухатияка виводить із депресіїяка завжди живе у твоєму серці♥ Я вдячна тобіза усі твої шедеври і взагалі за теяким ти був!Нам усім буде тебе невистарчати♥ ТИ-моє натхнення♥

  • from Kyle

    Tim thank you for your beautiful music. It will never be forgotten. Requiescat in pace Tim.

  • from Evgenia

    He was a good dj I was in love with his music when I was 12 years now I'm 18 and I always crying when I heard somewhere his tracks . So sad that he was gone. Rest in peace Legend.

  • from Maria

    Du skrev fantastisk musik ?den kommer alltid att finnas ?njuter av den nu och för alltid . ??tack .??

  • from Jakob

    I remember listening to «true» for the first time when I was 13! I fell in love with the energy the soul and the melodies that only Tim could have made! I was heartbroken when I heard the news of Tims death! I will forever love Avicii as an artist Tim as a person (even though I did’nt know him) and the music he created! Love you Avicii

  • from Victoria-CR

    Thank you Tim for everything you did with your music. You changed my life. Your music helped me during difficult times. You will always have a special place in my heart. I love you. From Costa Rica. ◢◤ <3

  • from Jordan Chung

    I don't know where to start. My first concert my brother took me to was your show and ever since then I was your number one fan since 2012. I regret not going to one of your last shows after thinking you'd come back better than ever. I cried when I heard the news. No artist has ever left a bigger impact on me and I'm going to miss you so much man. Life and music will never be the same. Hope you're in a better place. Rest in peace Tim ◢ ◤

  • from RadonMan

    His music uplifted my spirits and after years of ignoring dance music…his music sucked me back into the genre. I rediscovered my love of dance music…and his productions will always be dear to me.

  • from Élisée

    God is above all

  • from Maria

    Hi Tim I just wanted to meet the real Tim not Avici. But I will never have the chance to meet you I will never talk with you I will never touch you or hug you. Really Love you. I was so lost when I listened Wake Me up. You saved my life because I was going to cut myself like you that you do that. Before I do that I was listening radio and suddenly your song start playing I heard the lyrics and I start crying because "All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost". RIP Hero.

  • from Josef Wallberg makes music under "Liam K"

    Hey! It was a normal day in school. At that tme I was listening only to rock music. All electric music was not my taste at all. BUT on day in september 2011 nearly 7 years ago I heard one song from the other side of the building in my school. Directly I felt in love of what I heard but I didnt know the name of the song or who it was. So I walked to my friend and asked what it was played. Hes said it was LE7ELS by Avicii. I pronounced it so wrong but at that day everything did change my life.

  • from Вера

    Твоя музыка – вдохновение к действию. Мир без тебя – тишина

  • from Parker

    If it weren't for Avicii's music I never would've seen music as an art form and I never would've found my calling.

  • from Bárbara

    Tim I did not have the privilege of going to a show of yours here in Brazil nor the blessing of meeting you or living with you. But I want you and your family to know that I really like you that you are very human and talented. May God comfort all the people who miss you. God knows the real reason I took you with him. Kiss and hug here from Brazil !!!!

  • from Kevin Jong Wye Wong

    Avicii is my one and only idol. I started listening to him back in 2013 when Wake Me Up had been released. His ear-candy melodies had truly inspired me to create music that I went back and looked into his humble beginnings; Timberman. His remixes and collaborative tracks with great producers had uplifted my spirit many times and I cannot thank Tim enough. In the end he is the "Mozart" of our generation of music and should be forever celebrated. Love you Tim (King of Melodies) <3

  • from Connor Mason

    Thank you for all the music you gave us! For me personally you helped me through so much and your music was always there! We all miss you so much!

  • from Claudette Netherlands

    Dear Tim Thanks for all the joy and hapiness you brought us through your music! We will cherish this forever ☺️! Rest in peace you will never be forgotten! Forever in our ❤️.

  • from Sue

    I was listening Wake Me Up with my cousin. We had the best time ever. Now we don't talk anymore. Memories stay forever.

  • from Hanna Andersson

    A soul like yours were never meant for earth but I'm so thankful that you ended up here anyway! A true angel in disguise that'll never be forgotten thanks to the wonderful music. Gone but never forgotten <3

  • from Sam

    Tim vi saknar dig! Ser fram emot ditt nya album. Tack för allt : )

  • from Nyeeen

    First time I listened to Avicii was 8 years ago in 2010 "My Feeelings For You". I fell in love with this track electronic music and Avicii. Followed your musical journey and really enjoyed every track. The way he created and wrote music and melodies inspires me. Thank you for everything for your music for all the joy and love you spread all over the world. Your music will keep you alive forever. Prayers to the family and all close friends Rest in Peace Legend Avicii Tim Bergling

  • from Josef

    Tim even though I never knew you in real life I was totally devastated that day in april when I heard the news of your death. And I still miss you. That week in april was characterized by some kind of emptiness that I have never ever experienced before. Felt like someone in my own family had gone. You seemed so warm and unique. But your fragility could be noticed in your songs and that is also what made your music go straight into our hearts. I hope you are in a better world now.

  • from Baptiste

    Tonight I am back where I met you for the first time .Levels was released two days ago and what I remmeber from you is that you were smiling room was really hot and you hung me on the stage. Rip Tim..

  • from Marta <3

    Timsince you first heard one of your songsHey Brotheri liked it so much that i started to just listen to your songs.I cried a lot for youTimeven you don't know who i am.I loved you and i will love you for ever <3.Lengends never die <3

  • from Aldina

    Tim tu était..tu tu resteras un pur diamand… nous reste ta brillance à travers ta musique..Merci à ta famille.

  • from Sasa

    You will never be forgotten. We miss you.

  • from Sean (Illinois USA)

    I remember first hearing the Avicii club mix of Robyn’s “Hang With Me” on Tiesto’s Club Life podcast when I was in college. I knew I heard something special. I was instantly hooked. As someone his age and a music educator myself it was incredible to see someone with no formal musical training rise to such stardom. It was so tragic when he passed away. The music of Tim Bergling will never be forgotten. Brilliant man and great music. God’s eternal blessings to you.

  • from Aungkun

    So wake me up when it's all over

  • from Alexandra Roque – Peru <3

    Querido Tim : Eres uno de mis Djs favoritos y siempre lo seras cuando tenia 10 años comenze a escuchar tu música y me encanto todo comenzó con " Hey Brother " " Wake me up" son mis canciones favoritas y la verdad me da mucha tristeza que te allas ido con un talento increíble que tenies para juntar a las personas de todo el mundo con tu música me hubiera encantado verte por ultima vez en un escenario demostrando lo que mas amas hacer <3 . Siempre te recordaremos Tim te queremos mucho <3 .

  • from Leni

    Ich weis nicht was ich über Avicii schreiben soll. Ich liebe deine Musik. Noch immer. Auch wenn ich jedesmal wenn 'wake me up' läuft anfange zu weinen. Mit Avicii's Musik verbinde ich wundervolle Spieleabende mit meiner Schwester und einfach eine wundervolle Zeit überhaupt. Ich werde ihn nie vergessen und auch nie aufhören ihn für seine wundervolle Musik zu lieben.

  • from Nils

    People always said that his music is fantastic. If you try to figure out how this was possible you will find out that Avicii was such a creative person. His melodies changed our moods and made us live in a better world. Music has a lot to do with a beautiful mind. He was able to warm the hearts of so many people. I'm sure that the music which will be released after his death will do this again. Tim Bergling will always be remembered.

  • from Himanshu Kalwani

    I heard Tim's music when he released levels then I eventually fell in love with his music and then the whole dance music genre he was the one who inspired to make music and start out as a producer I am really happy in my life as I found the thing which keeps me happy that is making music THANKS TIM <3

  • from こん

    The Nights was the first song I realized Avicii. When I listened your track for the first time I stunned by inflame sound. From then on dance music is the genre I listen mainly. I'll definitely say that "Avicii is the song from back in my day and the music for me" when I get older. Sorry for my bad grammar and much love from Japan I miss you and I love you Tim.

  • from Zachary Smith

    I have always loved Avicii. I shared his music with my family who also fell in love with his music. I am finding it harder and harder to listen to his music… Not that I don't love it but the fact that he is no longer with us. I hope his family and friends are doing well. If anyone is having any thoughts of Suicide please Call 1-800-273-8255 (The Suicide Hotline to help)

  • from Bogdan (Romania)

    For me it all started in 2013 when I listened for the first time "Wake Me Up" and then I started to search who really is behind of this great hit Then listening to Tim's songsmore and more I slowly began to understand the music to live to feel every song and finally to realize that ..this type of music is what I need what I really like. Thank you for your wonderful music ! I will always remember you ! <3

  • from Sweden

    Hoppas du har det bra uppe bland molnen.. du kikar säkert ner och ser alla som älskar dig. Din musik kommer att leva föralltid ❤️❤️

  • from Savannah Nowak

    My favourite artist passed away. I am heartbroken ever since. Avicii was the one who got me into electronic music years ago and made me feel good in times of ups and downs. His documentary still opened my eyes and made me understand even more what he has gone through. The documentary made me know Tim on a more personal level. I am glad that I got to see him during his True-Tour 4 years ago. Tim thank you for your music. You will always live on in your godly creations.

  • from ”electricmusicqueen” Sweden

    Music in general support me through life. Tims music has been a part of that. Through a journey from Sweden to Australia I found comfort in the album Stories and Levels. When I saw his face on the album collection on the plane I felt calm and safe. His music made me safe through those hours. Alot of his songs are related to great summer memories. Tim we will always moarn your destany and lern from it. We will always miss the next level of your music. Thankyou for the music ❤️

  • from Sarah of Brittany. (sarahhrd2)

    Tim if today I make music it's thanks to you. You have been an inspiration to many people and you will remain forever in our hearts. Your sounds keep dancing festivals clubs all over the world. People love you people listen to you and we will never forget you. It's so sad we miss you a lot. We love you Tim. Sarah of Brittany.

  • from Gabriel Medeiros Guilhen Mazoti

    Tim faz muita falta ele era um gênio sempre inovando a cena eletrônica. Sua música fica de inspiração para nós. Te amamos Tim! <3 <3

  • from Paul

    Avicii got me through hard times in my life listening to his music got me interested in the EDM genre which I now listen to daily and love. The first Avicii songs I listened to were Hey Brother Wake Me Up Addicted To You & You Make Me – pretty much his first album. R.I.P to a legend wish we could've helped him like he helped us.

  • from Hugo

    Le7els is what got me into producing. Rest In Peace Tim you're missed

  • from Keven

    Dear Tim thank you for sharing some love and happiness in your music you made me love music and made me want to do it thanks Tim ❤️

  • from MLKO

    From the moment i heard L7VELS I knew i wanted to produce Melodies like Tim didThe moment one of your songs play on the radioFrom the first Chord hitYou know its an AVICII song! The day you passed away i got the call while i was remixing one of my favourite avicii songs (Without You)..Heartbroken is an understatement..You were such a kind soul and you will always be remembered through your amazing music and life… RIP TIM!!

  • from Rosa

    My dear Tim I was 11 when I heard your songs for the first time they are beautiful it was "Hey Brother" that I loved the most and from that moment I was your fan all your songs are perfect. Last year I was diagnosed with depression and at that moment you were there launching the Album and helping me with You Be Loved. I miss you and it hurts that I never had the chance to see you live. I'm so sorry because we could not help you. I wish go to Stockholm some day and fell most close to you.

  • from Cynthia lebanon

    كنت دي جي المفضل لدي حتى الآن ، أنا لا أتغلب على وفاتك لأنك موهوب للغاية وألحانك جعلت ذكريات الصيف أفضل، ارقد في سلام يا ملاك <٤

  • from Raiki

    I never forget your fantastic performance in Osaka. Thank you Tim. Rest in Peace .

  • from ambrosial ?

    I made new friends after many years of being so alone due to my anxiety and depression. I met new people because of you Avicii. Thank you your music has brought people together from all over the world. New friends is what I made and that is all thanks to you. Your music is magic ✨♥️ Your music will live on forever ◢ ◤ Rest in peace Tim?

  • from Natasha

    Your music helped me daily more then words could ever say! I suffer from anxiety and some days I won’t leave my house so I know the daily struggle you had to face I couldn’t bring myself to step out into the crowds you did so I know how hard it must of been for you I’m sad your life ended the way it did I hope your somewhere at peace like you wanted Thankyou for leaving behind your music it will continue to help me battle on. Thankyou Tim!?

  • from Sofia

    Du har funnits med mig hela min uppväxt och jag kommer fortsätta lyssna på dig hela mitt liv. Du har så mycket talang och det är bara för sorgligt att du gick bort så ung. Jag har aldrig blivit så ledsen över att någon jag aldrig träffat dött som jag blev när jag fick veta att du gjort det. Det tog några dagar innan jag ens kunde tro att det var riktigt. Vila i frid

  • from Lina

    Well i've been dancing to your music all night long. I've kissed so many people and cried many tears. I've worked out and felt the adrenaline in every muscle to your music. But when you opened the last show in Sweden with "Without you" witch have become my favorite song I cried you brought back every feeling and memorie in my body. I loved every part of your music and it have meant so much to me trough the years! You will be missed and never forgotten. RIP – the whole world will miss you!<3

  • from Maris

    In this picture I feel like you want to say something. But reading these stories what people are writing about you is so beautiful and heartbreaking. You meant sooo much to everyone not only you music bust existing in this world. But you still are alive because I feel you are with me every day and we are listening your music together. You are so precious to me ♥️ I miss you so badly an I love you Tim always and forever ?♥️

  • from Rio

    Me and my friends learned how to shuffle through the song “Waiting For Love”. Ever since then it has become our group’s song. His songs always brings back good memories. Thank you Tim for sharing your music ❤️❤️

  • from Hanako

    Forever forever My favorite Avicii · · · In my heart

  • from Viktor

    i remember i was doing a cover of Wake Me Up afront my entire school and it was a pleasure it happend 2 months after he released True sleep well Tim

  • from Evan

    I'm touched when I listing your music you will be in our hearts all our lifes. RIP ???

  • from Echo

    It feels like it was only days ago when I got the heartbreaking news that Avicii has left us. I remember when I first met you when I was 15 and I remember the days you've been with us. You helped me get through hard times; when I fell in to an endless pit and I thought I'd never get out. It's been 4 months since you've left us but your music is still alive beating in our heart. I believe this is not the end but the start of a new journey for us and for you. Thank you Avicii. 사랑합니다 ◢◤

  • from Yuuka

    Tim 私が洋楽にハマったきっかけはあなたの曲からでした 今じゃ色んな所であなたの曲を耳にします その度にTimを思い出します 私の青春を共にしてくれてありがとう♡ Rest In Peace

  • from Esther

  • from Lisa Ha

    Avicii was the King. Zu seinem Song „Wake me up‘‘‘ haben wir den ganzen Sommer durch getanzt. Seine Musik hat die Menscheit so sehr bereichert und sie wird ihn für die ganze Welt am Leben erhalten. Er war ein toller Mensch und wir werden ihn immer im Herzen behalten. „One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember"

  • from Esther

    Since Tim passed I was mentally broken. My schoolgrades were so bad that teachers were asking me how that could happen and I was just sitting there thinking about nothing else but Tim’s cute giggle and low raspy voice. Nobody knew what was up with me and still nobady really knows. So yesterday night I was watching the moon and listened to Tim’s song: canyons. So out of nowhere i stared to sing: Tim’s heart beats for music and for me and immidiatly the music started to beat so hard he’s alive

  • from liao yu kai

    i miss you avicii

  • from Gergana

    I love you Tim ❤️?

  • from Juliette Vargas B.

    Querido Tim: Fuiste una persona muy importante en mi vida tu música hizo que me diera cuenta que es lo que quiero ser en un futuro. Siempre te quise conocer en persona pero no importa porque cada vez que escucho electrónica y pienso en lo que quiero ser recuerdo que tu eres mi inspiración para seguir adelante y crear música sin importar lo que los demás piensen se que donde quiera que estés ya estas mucho mejor y siempre te recordare como la gran persona que fuiste. Descansa en paz cariño.

  • from Berkan

    Dear Tim you were one of the artists that made me love electronic music.You left great memories in my life with your amazing music.That day you left this world behind hope you lived a life that you'll remember man.Rest In Peace.

  • from Missi Lynn Boness

    I suffer with depression and anxiety… everyday is a constant battle in my head with wanting to deal with people because I know I have to get out and try and this crippling feeling of wanting to hide. Everytime I hear Wake Me Up it's like the words just ring so true. I just don't want to deal. I hate constantly feeling this way and I take my depression meds and still feel so alone in myself. You weren't alone in your feelings but I know that was what you were feeling.

  • from Linn

    In 2015 I travelled to Ibiza with my best friend. People around us tought it was weird that we bought tickets to see him at Ushuaia since we are from Sweden. ”You have already been to many of his gigs in Stockholm why spend so much money on one of his gigs in Ibiza” Many people didn’t know Tims impact in the music industry. I did and I’m so glad we travelled to Ibiza. So many people from all around the world was there dancing to your music and I have never been so proud over to be a swede. ❤️

  • from sho


  • from Kaja

    It was in 2013 when i was twelve when I heard his music for the first time. I can't remember which song it was but it sounds great. Then I started to discovered who is the author of this awesome song. Than I listened more and more and finally bought his CD. He was my first real idol. Than in 2016 he had a concert in Poland and I was there! It was something that I can't even describe… I will always love you Tim. And I'll never stop listening your music ❤

  • from From Rickard

    Hatten av Tim för vad du gjort för Sverige ute världen. ! Helt otrolig Dj och producent låtskrivare. Dessutom verkade du vara en fin och omtänksam medmänniska trots dina stora framgångar. Rip?

  • from Tobias

    The artist composer inspirer entrepreneur artist producer DJ and above all; The person who made me start writing get inspired by perform think produce compose arrange dream about and love music. A large part of who I am is based on inspiration by your work. I love the artistry you presented how you developed the music industry and the role model you have been and will continue to be. The reason why I'm interested in everything from music law to production is your music Tim. RIP.

  • from marta

    2011. Levels. I was 7 years old when I heard it for the first time. It is such a good song my first EDM one. Here we are 4 months after your passing and I am still listening to it. My feelings can't be explained in 500 characters. My first tatoo will be your logo. Tim I cried when I heard the news and I am still crying. I love you my favourite DJ superstar hitmaker best friend. tack <3

  • from Simon

    Inspired me to make music thanks! R.I.P

  • from Rebecka

    I studdied music in high school and Aviciis music was always present. We spontaneously sang the songs together in the hallways recorded covers in the studio and sang acapella versions in the assembly before the summer holidays. He performed at my first ever festival and I learned about how one could incorporate music light and video and now I work as a stage designer thanks to that revelation. He has affected so many people. He will be missed and my heart goes out to his family and friends.

  • from Liv

    Words can’t describe how much Tim has impacted my life and still does. His music is what brought me to edm years ago and through his music I am able to feel a genuine joy and happiness that I can’t find elsewhere. I struggle with deep depression and I can honestly say that on days when I’m down it’s his music that saves me. I would do anything to have had the chance to meet him but I’m looking forward to meeting him in Heaven when the day comes. Thank you for all you’ve done Tim ❤️ Much love

  • from Agata

    Just I wanna say thank you. Rest slow -A

  • from Milena

    Lieber Tim ! Wenn du nur sehen könntest wie sehr dich die Welt vermisst . Wenn du nur wüsstest wie sehr die Welt um dich weint .. Ich habe deine Musik in vielen schweren Zeiten meines Lebens gehört. Jedes deiner Lieder weckt in mir so viele Gefühle Emotionen und Gefühle das ich es kaum ertrage. Vorallem weil ich weiß das du nicht mehr bei uns bist! Tim ich Danke dir von ganzem Herzen für deine Musik ! Für die Kraft die du mir gabst. Ich liebe dich und werde dich nie vergessen!❤️ ◢ ◤

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