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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Diana

    Forever in my heart ❤️and playlist ?

  • from Mcvalley

    Wake me up was my first ringtone and I still remember the exact moment when I heard Waiting for love for the first time – altough I was just 12. I wrote a book while listening to his music (which inspired the whole story) and I still play Addicted to you every day on my piano. He had a huge impact on my life and he still has. Thank you Tim. You'll be missed forever.

  • from Rose

    first song I've heard from Tim was Hey brother. He was my inspiration to start playing piano and so he was a great part of my life. I still can't believe he's gone but he'll always be in my heart. Tim thank you for your music I hope you find peace up there. ♥

  • from Carlos (Spain)

    Avicii was just special. Tim was just special from what we could get to see. His music changed the game in the electronic music scene. He somehow lead us a whole new generation of electronic music fans to a fantastic world where he was just the best. Since 2010 his music created the aspect of my personality I love the most I have never been so attached to someone Ive never met. I promise you we wont let your legacy disappear. Thank you for everything you gave us Tim will always remember you.

  • from Malin

    Jag vet inte ens vart jag ska börja. Eller vad jag ska säga. Jag älskar dig. <3

  • from B. Csili Eszter

    Tim was my childhood… when he came to my country I couldn't go because I was too young I said to myself maybe next time but I didn't. I miss him so much he is a legend forever. I cannot tell him how gratefull I am.. he helped me trough my darkest times.

  • from AviciiMexico ◢◤

  • from Gabriel

    You saved me and i didn't know. ◢ ◤ <3 thanks…

  • from X

    I ❤️ U

  • from Hm

    Such a great legend your music has been inspired millions around the world your music has been with me in the saddest moments and the happiest moments it was a sad news when the world knew about your death shocking can't believe you are not among us anymore. Rest in peace Tim Your music will never die alwyas in our hearts ❤️

  • from Gonçalo

    My first time listening to Avicii’s music was the best moment of my life I miss you Tim!!! I grew up listening to your music and now my dream of seeing you live will never come true Come back Tim

  • from Jean

    Avicci is one of my biggest inspirations and first reasons to start making music. His own way of making melodies inspired in me the love for making songs that tell stories that are able to touch peoples souls and maybe change their lives for the better I'll never forget his influence and I'll will forever be greatful of his work I don't know how he was as a person but I'm certain that I would love to spend at least one day in the studio with him just to make music for the fun of it.

  • from Gaia

    When Tim died my heart felt empty. I still can’t believe that he’s not alive. Since he’s died i have put on my bedside table his picture and i’ve put a candle next to it. Every night i sit on my bed and i spend 30 minutes talking to him: we talk about school and how the day was about friends and stuff like that. It feels weird to talk alone but i feel heard and i know he listens. And i bring the photo wherever i go. And i can’t close my eyes at night if he’s not beside me.

  • from Jessica

    Tim was the one that brought me to edm never had any interests in this music before. But then after the release of levels I heard it on youtube for the first time and this song made me fall in love with edm especially with HIS music. Sadly I never had the chance to see him live but I always enjoyed his music and I will forever. THANK YOU Tim for your beautiful melodies that often gives me goosebumps. You truly will be missed I hope you did find the peace you searched for. love from germany

  • from Tabs81

    I saw Avicii at the first EDCNY I'm so happy I was able to see him in my lifetime. He's one of the main reasons why I love EDM so much.

  • from Josefin

    Thank you for your music. Thank you for the memories created through your music. Thank you for sharing a piece of you with us. You changed so much – the music industry how we perceive art and so many people around the world. Since you passed I think a lot of us have realized how much your music actually meant to us and how much of an impact you made on us. You will never be forgotten you will live on through your songs which is a small comfort in this tragedy. I will miss you. Thank you.

  • from Fotini from Germany

    True talent will never die his music will live on. RIP Tim. Forever in my ♥️♠️

  • from Hanna

    Jag har aldrig blivit så berörd av en offentlig persons bortgång som med Tims. Det är så sorgligt?! Vi har förstått att du verkligen kämpade❤️Nu har du fått den frid du behövde. Du har berört en hel värld med din musik❤️Tack! Mitt hjärta finns hos din familj och dina vänner i denna svåra tid.

  • from Alex

    Tim I discovered your music many years back and was instantly amazed and fascinated at your unique creative style of creating such a diverse range of melodic music. Some of my most special memories enjoying your music in recent years include when Stories was released at the time I had just received a life saving kidney transplant! Which always remind me of what a good time it was back then when hearing those songs. Tim's memory and music will continue to always bring positivity to this world.

  • from Анна

    Более четырёх месяцев Тим не покидает моей головы.каждое утро начинается с мыслей о нем и каждый день заканчивается этими же мыслями !так много вопросов !и да я все ещё не приняла его смерть…даже сейчас смотря на фото в нем чувствуется столько жизни !эгергии! Что не возможно поверить в его кончину.Мы любим тебяТими

  • from Thilo

    Miss you. ❤

  • from Nożyg (Polska)

    Avicii.. Przez tyle lat Twoja muzyka rozbrzmiewała w Naszych polskich radiach. Wiele utworów stawało się hitami wprowadziłeś muzykę klubową "na codzień" do Polski gdzie nawet przeciętnemu wyjadaczowi chleba podobała się ta muzyka dużo ludzi nuciło śpiewało powstawało dużo remiksów. Dziękuję Ci w imieniu swoim oraz wszystkich dzięki Tobie pojawil się nie jeden uśmiech na twarzy. Spoczywaj w pokoju to wielka strata.

  • from Cecilia

    Du finns för alltid i våra hjärtan! Hoppas att du äntligen kan andas ut och känna frid! ❤

  • from Talha Sert

    My feelings about him and his music can’t be explained so im just gonna say that I miss him too much. Such a beautiful mind I will never forget him.

  • from aalexizz

    Addicted to you ❤

  • from Maria


  • from Natalia (from Poland)

    To the Bergling family: the Avicii fanbase has your back. Tim is loved by many and will never be forgotten – legends never die. Love from Poland <3

  • from Katka

    Without you I feel lost at sea…?

  • from Lena Harkány

    Tim is the reason I love music. My big brother introduced me to his music a few years back and from day one I loved him. Through the ups and the downs his music saved my life multiple times. I dreamt of going to his shows but never had the chance. Every time I listen to his music I get goosebumps. Every single time. The toughest time in my life(moving away from Sweden) I got over because of him. His music was something different. Extraordinary. Beautiful. I love and miss you Tim❤️

  • from AP Leonidas

    Din musik gjorde mig hel den hjälpte mig att andas när jag egentligen bara ville sluta dina texter satte ord på känslor jag aldrig hitta själv. Tack för din musik dina spelningar och ditt leende som fick en hela världen att le. ❤️

  • from Natalia (from Poland)

    Avicii's most popular songs were a soundtrack to the happiest memories in my teenage life but I never knew who the man behind the stage name really was. Now that I know both his music and personality was one of a kind I consider myself a fan. His music is inspirational motivating uplifting and because of it I feel less lonely in times of sadness. There isn't a day I don't listen to at least one of his songs and don't wish he was still alive. I just hope he found peace he was looking for <3

  • from Sisa

    I never forget you Miss you. Vila i frid Timmy ??

  • from Åse Andersson

    Jag hade inte lyssnat på Tims musik innan dog. När jag hörde det på radion den fredagen den 20 april började jag lyssna på hans musik och älskade den direkt. Texterna är helt outstanding. Jag såg också dokumentärerna på YouTube och blev så berörd! Han verkade vara en sån underbar personlighet. Jag önskar att jag kunde skriva till honom att han är så älskad och saknad. Jag har gjort en liten minnesplats med hans skivor och ett memoryarmband! ❤❤❤

  • from Marie

    You are so missed Tim ❤️ I hope you found the peace you deserved. I’ll live my life to the fullest for you.

  • from Gabriel

    Jag hörde första låten av dig år 2010 när en vän spelade upp någon av dina remixer. Dagarna efter frågade jag min vän flera gånger hur Avicii stavades för att jag sedan själv skulle kunna googla upp dina låtar 🙂 Att lyssa på din musik år 2018 är det som att dricka något som både är ofattbart sött och surt samtidigt. Lyckan av höra din musik fyller mig samtidigt med ett tomrum att din tid här är över. Sen påminner jag mig om att din tid faktiskt inte är över. Din musik finns hos mig hela tiden.

  • from Otis

    Avicii's music so beautifully denies the darkness. Your songs are so full of hope and joy and through your music I have found so much happiness. Not a day goes by where I don't listen to your incredible work and each song means even more to me now than it did the first time I heard it. Thank you Tim Bergling and rest in peace.

  • from Austeja ( Lietuva)

    Hey negaliu patikėti kad taip įvyko. Labai liūdna kad tau nieks nepadėjo norėčiau stipriai tave apkabinti ir pasakyti kad Tu gelbeji žmones savo muzika būtent Tu padėdavai jaustis savimi. Ačiū už visą kūrybą. Myliu Tave kaip muziką jaučiu tave per ją. Love from Lithuania

  • from Katarina



    Escucho su musica todas las mañanas . Para recordarle Descansa en paz ?????

  • from Peter

    I didn't know you but… Fuck I miss you and your music so much. Such a loss for the world. Thanks for the memories that I've experienced with your music.

  • from DK

    I remember the first time I listened to your music I was driving home from work. I wasn't having the best day and when "Wake Me Up" came on I paused and felt a sense of peace. Your music made me forget the terrible day I had. When I heard of your passing it crushed me I wanted so bad to see you live and I missed my chance. Everyday on my way to and from work I play your music. It's a great way to start the day. You are greatly missed and you changed EDM. Rest in Peace Tim.

  • from Francesco

    Avicii and his music will never leave our hearts his memory will always stay with us every single moment in our lives. Legends never die rest in peace Tim.

  • from Sevval Cali

    I couldn't touch to him. I couldn't feel the air he has breath.He was a piece of my heart and I lost it now. My musemy life sourcethe man i found life with his music is not here anymore. I can't tell my love of him by this ordinary letters and words.There will be some people who understand me. Aviciierswe'll always be a family.Please stand strong. I am surehe wanted like that too. May we meet againTimmy. I love you…Always.

  • from Petra

    Dear Timthank you for being you.Thank you for creating beautiful music.You made me feel better during bad times and during good times even happiermore happy than I could imagine.I will never forget you or your musicI won't let you fade into darkness. ◢◤❤️

  • from Carina

    My adopted 7 year old daughter had been in Sweden for about six months when your big break through came. I was driving and we were singing along to Level-full blast and always. We just loved it! One of our best mother and daughter memory. Thanks for making all music for us to love. We were heartbroken when we heard about your to early death. It’s just devastating. All love and pease for you and your family ??

  • from Lotta

    Life is hard to live yet beautiful Life is heavy yet special Life scars you yet the scars fade Life is empty without you yet I move on Life is hard to comprehend yet death is a mystery Miss you and hope that you soul lives on and is at peace!❤️

  • from Niamhy

    Tim you will be missed so much. Your music and you as a person will never be forgotten. Your music brought hope to my life and helped me through difficult times. You will live in my heart forever. Sleep well xx

  • from Elie Nehme

    "Without You" is the song that reminds most of you Tim. It's like a good bye message a sweet see you again from your heart and your mind to ours. Love you Tim.

  • from Olle

    you will live forever in our hearts ❤️◢ ◤ Tack för att du delade din fantastiska musik med världen vila i frid Tim vi saknar dig

  • from Carola

    I think of you and your family everyday. I wish that we could turn back time. Do everything better. You are so missed and i know you are looking at us from Heaven. You are right.. We have to learn to live without you. Love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • from Lukas Hampel

    HEY BROTHER! I hope we can meet us in HEAVEN someday! Forever Avicii! Forever Tim Bergling! See you again Tim!

  • from Michelle

    Dear Tim Since the day you passed away I have been thinking about you everyday it truly hurts that you are not with us anymore I have never experienced that with any other famous artist. Only a beautiful soul like you can create such beautiful music you were truly one of a kind. I love you and I will never forget you rest in peace Angel <3

  • from Ayman

    True talent will never die his music will live on. RIP Tim.

  • from Viki (@sk_avicii_fp)

    Tim you can't imagine how much i miss you. You took a part of me with you. I am thinking about you every second of my life and i can't stop. Without you my life goes but i feel like i am stuck in time. I am so glad that you are happy ❤. Living without you is like fight for me. It is hard to win over depression. But i am trying. Only for you ❤. Thank you for everything. For your amazing music and for your love for the fans. I will be Aviciier forever. I love you more than words can explain ❤

  • from Jacob Rostmark

    Jag började följa Tim när jag var 11 efter att jag hört en av hans tidiga remixer på Phonats "Set Me Free". Jag är idag 20 och har följt Tims karriär och musikaliska utveckling med otrolig beundran. Tim var min största förebild i livet och är fortfarande det. Utan Tim skulle jag aldrig ha funnit min största passion i livet; Musiken. Det går inte ens att sätta ord på hur mycket jag saknar honom och den musik han skapade. Tack Tim för den du var och den du är; du har betytt otroligt mycket <3

  • from Jenny

    Du gav så mycket till världen att du tillslut gav bort dig själv Att säga nej till andra innebär att säga ja till sig själv istället Jag önskar så att du hade gjort det för då hade du fortfarande funnits kvar Du gick emot din egen vilja för andras skull alldeles för länge Jag visste inte att man kunde sakna någon som man inte ens kände Du betydde så mycket för så många och ändå var det ingen som kunde rädda dig Du gav så mycket till världen att du tillslut gav bort dig själv Avicii-Tim Bergling

  • from Marie Andersson

    Tack för all din musik. Jag blir så berörd av att lyssna till den❤️❤️❤️

  • from Rafael Iniguez

    I have asked an artist to paint a portrait of avicii for me Inc honor and my love for AVICII his music help me go throug one of the hardest times in my life when I got divorced during this hard times Avicii’s music was there to save the day every time I was down and sad God Bless you Tim and I now you are in haven now the kind heart you had is one in a million ?

  • from Max

    Tim war ein Ausnahmekünstler! Er hat mich mit seiner Musik begeistert. Es geht sicher nicht nur mir so denn seine Songs sind Legendär! Er wird immer in meinem Herzen bleiben

  • from Niamh from Ireland

    Dear Tim I will never forget hearing wake me up for the first time amazing that started our journey together. The memory of the 20th April will never leave me. The love people from all over the world have shown is a credit to you and your music. Will always keep

  • from Daniel

    Jag kommer aldrig sluta lyssna på din musik! Vila i frid Tim.

  • from Robin Simonsbacka

    Hello my name is Robin Simonsbacka and i'm 14 years old from sweden. When i was between 9 and 11 years old. I started listening to Avicii we have houses in thailand i was doin this Fireshow! And i always did my show with Tims music in the background. Then later in 2017 i started listening more to Tim and Without you and Friend of mine came out and i completely where blown away cus i really thought this man couldnt do more amazing music like wake me up but its amazin! I really miss u tim <3/rob

  • from Bel Fares

    you were a special person and a very talented artist that changed the lives of many im sure you're in a happy place now you will be remembered RIP

  • from Michelle Tapia

    I will always be thankful with you and your music cause you saved me in many situations I was falling downyou were my hero and I will always miss you eternallythanks for the music you leftfor sharing your history between those lines and thanks for the time you shared with us here in earth. I'll always love you hero…❤

  • from Karin from Sweden

    All those times my boyfriend and I sang along to Hey Brother in the car going to and from work. You will always be remebered and your legacy will keep inspiring people forever. Du fattas oss.

  • from Månzandh

    Thank you for your music Tim thank you for being so humble and so real. Everyone in this world needs to be a little bit more like you. Your music will always be pure magic that’ll go straight into our hearts! I gotta learn how to love without you we gotta learn how to love without you the world’s gotta learn how to love without you Tim. But you will always be with me on my arm where your face is tattooed. May you rest in peace now the world will always miss you Avicii.

  • from Sandra

    ? Danke für deine wundervolle Musik Tim. Ich hoffe sehr dass es dir gut geht da wo du jetzt bist. Du bist nicht mehr hier aber deine Lieder leben weiter. ? Love from Germany

  • from Before The Fame

    Tim was always my inspiration for producing music. Since 2012 Tim changed my life making my life a lot more positive and filled with happiness. My sincere condolences to Tim's family & friends I've drawn Tim's logo on my mirror using a Chalk Marker to remember. Sadly Tim himself won't live on his music always will. <3

  • from E

  • from Michelle aka @AviciiDK

    Thank you for saving me and giving me hope for a better future. Thank you for the most loving and supportive fan base in the world. Thank you for a great friend I love with all my heart. And most importantly thank you for the music box. It still gives me chills opening it

  • from Julia

    When your career started I got my first child and sadly stopped listen to edm and therefore never knew who you were. In march 2018 I saw True Stories at SVT and became a new fan of yours I started listen to your music wow did you do Waiting for love and Without you? Boy you're talented! A few weeks later you stopped existing. I was in chock. I cried my eyes out. So young and extremely talented you seemed to be a nice guy as well. I will always be an Aviciier! /a mom in HuddingeSthlm❤

  • from Klementina

    The first song I heard from you for the first time was „my feelings for you‘‘. Your songs will forever stay in my heart. Rest in peace Tim wherever you are! Love & miss you ❤️

  • from Katja

    I love you and I miss you ❤️

  • from Gunnel

    Älskar din musik du begåvade och fina människa som lämnat oss alldeles för tidigt? ?

  • from

    Hoppas du fått ro nu fina ängel ❤

  • from Abbass

    I started listening to your songs first when wake me up came out and ever since that moment u became such an inspiration. Your songs are something really special you were and still the rope i hang on through thick and thin. Thank u for everything ❤❤Rest in peace legend ❤❤

  • from Dagiz

    Me propuse ha hacer algo mas grande en su honor a alguien quien se quedo en mí mas alla que sólo idolo. Y para tí algun día Avicii sea donde estes ahora seras lo mejor que me pudo pasar y nunca lo olvidare.

  • from Fatima

    I am forever grateful for everything you gave us until the end for all the laughs all the interviews all the lessons all the concerts your honesty and braveness you love and your strength. I am forever grateful for your kindness and your music but most importantly I am grateful that you existed and still do in everybody's heart and you showed us what a strong and passionate and beautiful human being you were. You are the strength I always wanted to have. You are love you are beautiful.

  • from Castro Vegas

    Tim I knew you from the moment I listened to levels which made me love your music and you. I even started drawing your logo on my school uniform and everywhere on my exercise books. But since you left you left most of us really broken. We'll always live in our hearts Tim Legends never die ❤️

  • from Vanessa

    Vila i frid liten ängel.

  • from Madeleine

    Rip Tim avicii. Vila i frid ?? im proud of being a swede because of you. Thank you for your amazing music. It’s devastating how the music industry can tear you apart. No parent should have to bury their child. ?❤️ until we all meet again ? Du var en inspirerande begåvad människa. Massa kärlek ?

  • from

    Music has lost the greatest musician of all time. R. I. P. Tim ❤️

  • from Marie

    What can I say about Tim ? Maybe the truth.. His musics was there when we needed them when we were sad a little bit of Levels was always welcomed. I miss him more than I could ever imagine now I cannot listen to his songs without crying he really was someone important to me. Tack för allt Tim ! I miss you ?

  • from Nici (Munich Germany)

    I wouldn´t consider myself an actual fan BUT I´ve always loved his music without even knowing his real name or face. Seek Bromance than LEVELS – I was hooked – especially Levels made me dance all night long and made me forget everything. His songs not only made me dance; sometimes they made me think or just gave me the opportunity to escape from reality – and they always will. Tim I hope you found your peace and are smiling down watching your loved ones! You will never ever be forgotten.

  • from Helena

    Tack för allt du gav osss ❣️? så ledsamt att du inte orkade vara kvar här på jorden❣️ Världen blev är så tom utan dig…

  • from Joseph Lionetti

    There was just no other musician or person like Tim. An amazing soul that never failed to bring a smile to my face just by pressing “Play” on any of music. I could always go to him when I needed to be uplifted and I will never forget that. He didn’t need to go and Avicii will never die. I love you. Forever.

  • from Ran Xie

    RIP music genius.

  • from Caroline

    You helpt me to get my life togher and still do. Miss you and hope you are in a good place now.

  • from

    Jag är av den generationen som inte förstod hur man kan fylla stora arenor med en DJ. Stå där och lira annans musik hur svårt kan det vara? Jag är 41 år i dag och har förstått med tiden hur grym Tim var på att även skapa egen musik åt sig själv och andra artister. Jag är ingen musikälskare som kan något men TIm har verkligen berört så många även mig. Hatten av för vad Tim Avicci Bergling gjort för Sverige som artist och människa.

  • from Run wild with hey brother

    Music that give amazing power and energy and will continue to enrich moments with that extra touch of pure talent.

  • from Erika

    Without you ◢ ◤ ❤️

  • from Genna

    I loved him since Wake me up! i am so sad because i never saw him in real.. i really loved him i will always to.. he is on my hear forever.. and on my skin.. 3 years ago i made my first tattoo..was with Avicii.. i hope he is in a better place and he is finally happy.. for us he will never die..he left his music.. his soul is here and will be forever..

  • from A huge fan of the guy who made Animals

    Friday left me broken Tuesday I was through with hoping Wednesday my empty arms were open Thursday waiting for love waiting for love Thank the stars it's Friday I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday I'll be waiting for love waiting for love

  • from L.W.

    There is not a day when I don't think about you Tim. Your music inspired many people. You are truly missed ❤❤❤

  • from Ahmed Gomaa

    A couple of years ago I suffered from severe anxiety and depression. I first got to know Avicii back in one of those days. It was his "Wake Me Up" music that caught my ears and since then Avicii's music has been a source of happiness and inspiration. One of the reasons why I'm not depressed anymore is because of you Avicii; and I really wish you too are happy now because your music has helped a lot of people just like me and it's only fair for you to now feel comfort. Rest in Peace Tim. <3

  • from Therese

    Kärlek ❤️

  • from Carina

    Tim det du skapade denna musikskatt är helt fantastisk. Lyssnar varje dag och tänker på dina nära och kära som måste sakna dig något oerhört. Det gör jag med. Vila i frid ❤️

  • from Ceren

    Tim you left us on my birthday and my birthdays are never gonna be the same. I’m glad you existed! I am glad you let people know how amazing you are! I will always love you and remember you! I hope your soul is in peace. You are truly an angel now..

  • from NothernNorway

    I am 41 years old and have always liked Avicii / Tims music. So sad when he died and still. Tears. This young nice polite handsom good guy with so many years and fun in front of him. I listen to his music and still from distance read all about him on social media. What a community! Didnt know about that. All my love to his family in Sweden. I hope you have some answers and that to see what impact he did eventually can help. Tim; thank you.

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