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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Mia

    I have always had a love for music….but no music has touched me the way Tim’s music has through is powerful messages he has opened my eyes to a bigger more colorful world full of love happiness and joy! Thank you for your music it will love forever in my heart!

  • from Chan

    Dear Tim I miss you more than i can put in words. You've been there when noone else was. It was 2013 as you started bringing your light into the darkness of my life and helped me a lot. Now that you left it just hurts. Every memory brings a Smile but also a thousend tears and i think that this pain will never end. Tim I hope you found the peace you were looking for and feel the love you deserve! You're forever in my heart my Angel! Jag älskar och saknar dig. Vila i frid min ängel.

  • from Michaela

    I am missing you with every day and no matter where I am you're right by my side. I remember how excited I felt the day I saw you live. I couldn't sleep the whole night before and when I was on the way to your show my heart was beating so hard and a big smile was on my face the whole day and when you finally came on stage I felt like there was a huge firework of peace and love right in my heart. Timbo you're deeply missed and I hope you can feel now how much I love and admire you ?

  • from Matilda

    Vi har gråtit bråkat varit svartsjuka hånglat skrattat och dansats till din musik. Tack för att du skapade soundtracket till en hel generation. Jag hoppas du har funnit frid utrymme och kärlek där du är.

  • from Simon

    Thx for letting me discover and love the electronic music family you will always remembered ?

  • from Aurore

    Always in ours hearts thanks for your beautiful music ? love you Tim ?

  • from Pierre

    Avicii was one of the first DJ's I heard about. The melodies of his music was unique. Nobody was able to create this kind of melody except him. He was for me Michael Jackson of the EDM world. His music make me happy every single time I'm listening to them. Making music was all he needed. I'm working on a video for him that I will post on on April 20th 2019 to honor the 1 Year of his tragic death with videos of Martin Garrix playing "Waiting For Love". I miss you Tim. I will never forget you

  • from Nathan Huerta

    Avicii everyday that passes by I still can’t believe that your gone you made my life easier to go through your music helped me in so many ways If it weren’t for you and your music I wouldn’t have been able to go through tough trials in my life I’m so grateful for what you did with your music I love you and I will forever miss you till we meet each other again on the other side I miss you bro❤️

  • from Sandra?

    Avicii. The first time I listened the song silhouettes I knew directly you would be a big part of my life! You're music changed my life forever. Thank you so much tim for you're music you had the power in you're music that made me feel loved again and not lonely. Thank you so much for keeping me smile when life let me cry. Wake me up when you're back in my world cause you saved me about a thousend times .

  • from Amanda Woolf

    Your music was one of the most inspiring things for me they made my path lighter they helped me meet new people and they motivated me to never stop before any obstacle. The magic that you created was with me in my ups and my downs. Tim Bergling Avicii like your partner Chester Bennington you pass to the other side as a legend and although we do not have you here to inspire more people your music will always keep you alive in all the hearts of your fans.

  • from AVINASH

    Tim your music bought joy & happiness into my life I often wondered how one could create such beautiful melodies. There were Levels to the producing game but your music was a huge step ahead of everyone else. I never got to see you which will always be the biggest regret of my life. Words can't describe how much your presence meant for me Hope you left footprints on the cloud as you were walking home. You will always be remembered Tim ❤.

  • from Fatima Perez

    I remember when I listened to his tracks and just felt such a strong feeling. nothing like it. I swear I have never felt that feeling with any other music or any other artist. He made me realized the true beauty and power of music. I could tell that he put so much love in anything he would put out because I felt it deeply. He will forever be in my heart and forever will be remembered and honored. He was/Is and forever will be truly an inspiration.

  • from Anna

    Fina fina Tim. Saknar dig så oändligt mycket. Det enda som tröstar mig i detta ofattbara sorg är att du lever vidare i din musik som du skapade med kärlek. Jag hoppas att du har fått frid och att du har kommit till ett bättre ställe. ❤️

  • from @avicii_._forever (instagram)❤️

    His music speaks a thousand words to me. It tells me his emotions and thoughts. It helps me and many others make it through the day and for that i’m forever thankful. I love you ❤️ .

  • from Elia T. from Italy

    Dear Avicii There are passed now 4 months without you. I’m still filling sad when during the nights I think that you are not with us anymore. I grow up with your music and atcually I’m considering the music the most important thing in my life you can just imagine the pain I’m feeling knowing that I will not listening anymore songs created by you. The life goes on but I never forget the emotions and passions that you made me feel. You will remain my idol. Thanks Avicii for everything.

  • from Elisa from France

    There's no one day I don't think about Tim. There's no one day I don't listen or sing one of his songs. His music is so meaningful to me. It's been 4 months since he left us and I just can't deal with it I wish he would come back. Now he's an angel living in a peaceful and beautiful place and I know he's watching over us. I keep all the good memories about him and I will listen his music as long as I live. Miss him so much. But happy to see all the love around him.

  • from Tero

    Thank You for the music.

  • from Eva

    Thank you for the music?❤️

  • from Kenya Rodriguez

    always with me❤?

  • from John

    Thanks for the best Music that ever made.? Your Music live forever

  • from Dennia.

    On My 13th Birthday I Remember That I Asked You As A Gift Many Things About Tim Such As A Sweatshirt A T-shirt Discs & A Henna Tattoo. It was The Best Day Of All. Dear Tim From The First Song Of You That Listens You Captivated Me With That Style So Unique That Only You have. I Miss You So Much. I Love You Forever!

  • from Luke

    Hi Tim Saw you in Manchester. You gave me the best night of my life and your music continues to give me utter joy every day. Hope that wherever you are you’ve found peace and are resting well. It’s much deserved. Miss you tons Tim Love Luke ❤️

  • from Chris

    Tim you helped me get through my college years with your music and I remember listening to your sets such as the one from UMF Radio 2011. I miss you so much and you've changed my life for the better. Thank you for everything that you have done for everyone. We will never forget you

  • from Judith

    Rest in peace wonderful human being. Thank you for everything you shared with us. You will be forever missed. I find strengt in your everlasting music. ?

  • from Verena

    Thank you for making this music. I can’t imagine a playlist without one of your songs. Your lyrics had so much power. Thank you for making me and million others to dance. Thank you!

  • from Vanessa Camacho

    thank you Tim…for your life…change mine…and many others…may you rest in peace…we love you here… from Cabo San Lucas Mexico

  • from Daisy Mae Russell

    Well what can I say apart from he’s made me the person I am today and I am so proud I’ve loved him since he first stared I was brought up around that music era. I’m so very greatful I had the opportunity to see him perform it was everything I could ever imagend. But now I’m heart broken I don’t think I could ever feel happy again now he’s gone but I will stay strong because that’s is what he would off wanted for everyone who loved his music and him Rest In Peace sweet tim I’ll always love you❤️

  • from Juanes

    Tim realmente lamentó tanto tu partida aún me duele escucharte. Espero que estes en un lugar mejor eres un grande❤️. Gracias por alegrar mis mañanas y la de mi hijo!!

  • from Valentina

    How I wanted to tell you my story so similar to you to support you and not make you go away. Your example of goodness for donations and your human and artistic sensitivity will always remain in the heart of those who have loved you and will always love you. Ti voglio bene Angel

  • from Julian

  • from Vanessa Mexico

    I am so touch about his life…how he was so humble and beautiful…he was a beautiful soul…he gave everything for his fans his music…before this happen I did not know about him…maybe I listen to his songs but I didnt know who he was…then the news came out…I wanted to know everything about him…he is very just like me…shy and he performance anyway and he was extraordinary…his music change my life…I stared to listen more and more everytime I am anxious he helps me to feel happy.

  • from Tyler

    You inspired me to start producing music at age 14 but I wanted to make music that sounded like yours and I accidentally downloaded DJ software because I didn't know the difference yet. Now I love both producing and DJing and I never would have even considered trying either of those if it wasn't for hearing your music for the first time. Thank you for you and your music I wouldn't be the same person without it.

  • from Lou Johnson

    I will never forget the first time I heard “Levels’ my freshman year in college 7 years ago. It was the first time I got introduced to EDM and it changed my life forever. Tim’s music takes me to my happy place and I can’t find words to explain what his music makes me feel. I’m grateful I get to experience those feelings every single time I hear one of his songs. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! ❤️

  • from Katarina

    Tack för fantastisk musik och texter som för alltid kommer att leva kvar ?❤️!

  • from Damiano

    Tim I still can not conceive of the idea that you're not there anymore thank you very much for all you've given us RIP

  • from Gambit

    Avicii songs was a ND would always be a life changer the first time I heard Tim's song was on a radio station(nigeria). And since then I was in love with avicii Tim lived a life to remember he was a mentor to so many including me levels was my anthem wake me up was my spirit lifter even in Bad times Tim's songs were always there to cheer me up Tim would always be a part of me forever he can't be replaced sleep well Tim love you with love from nigeria ??????

  • from Leanne Arneil

    Tim your music spells love. Bromance was the start of that love for me it still is. The legacy you created will never be surpassed by another human being. You are a genius a legend and an icon that will forever be burned in our hearts. We love you ❤️

  • from Patty

    Ti abbiamo amato e ti ameremo per sempre! Grazie per la tua bellissima musica

  • from ester

    Your music and your story changed me forever. I will never forget you. Much love to your family and friends.

  • from Carlos

    La música de Avicii está asociada a los mejores momentos de mi vida. Le conocí porque me gustaba su música seguí escuchándole porque le admiraba. Me gustaría pensar que su talento no murió con él sino que pasó en el momento de su viaje a otra persona que llegaba a este mundo. Nunca serás olvidado.

  • from Melanie

    You died on my birthday. I learned a lot about you on this day. I watched "True Stories" and my heart was broken after that. Since that day i have been absorbing all Information about you. I laughed and i cried a lot. Too bad i can not get to know you any further. You seem like a great person. My heart is broken though i did not know you. Goodbye angel

  • from Melanie

    Thank you for your music ❤️

  • from Valentina

    Tim was an incredible person.. i can felt about all love there was around him. It was an incredible artist too and my feeling is so bad about him passing..can't explain with word.. I continue to listen and love him songs . Lots of love for him his family and his special friends. ??? love you Tim

  • from José

    Avicii arrived to my life when I needed it the most his music was always there in the good and bad moments. True legend he lives in our memory and on his music gonna miss him forever.

  • from Slycer

    You were my inspiration for all i've done. It's now our duty to continue your legacy Trough all we will make for you and for all people you inspired ! We will continue to listen to your music everyday until we reach you. Thanks you Tim You are the reason why i started making music you were a talented artist & my biggest inspiration. Miss you Tim ◢ ◤ ♥◢ ◤ ♥

  • from Renata

    Thank you for everything. We celebrate you every single day but we will always miss you. I hope you have found the peace your always deserved. We will never forget you and to make sure of that we got our first tattoos with my friend so we will always remember you. Vi älskar dig Tim.

  • from Alice Lindberg

    Så vill jag minnas honom.

  • from Suzi

    I’m dancing to your music every day it makes me happy Tim thank you ❤️

  • from Line

    Hvil i fred Tim Bergling ? Det kommer bag på mig at jeg er så påvirket af din død når jeg ikke kendte dig. Jeg tror jeg på mange måder kan sætte mig i dit sted som en introvert person. Al den energi man bruger – man kæmper og må ty sig til metoder for at holde sig oven vande. Til sidst knækker filmen og man får nok. Jeg er ked af at det nåede så vidt men jeg håber du er et bedre sted nu. Må din musik leve forevigt ?

  • from Garrett Thompson

    Thanks for everything Tim.

  • from Carina Johansson

    Hans musik är absolut den bästa träningsmusiken. Blir så peppad och glad av Aviciis musik. Rest in peace Avicii❤️??️.

  • from Pernilla Justina

    Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day Unseen unheard but always near Still loved still missed and very dear ❤◢◤❤◢◤❤◢◤❤◢◤❤ Never let a faded life be forgotten… please remind each other that mental illness is real but there are things we can do. Listen and ask if you have any doubts that a person doesn't feel ok… ?? Tack för allt och sov gott nu Tim! .

  • from Coral

    Tim. U mean so much to me and your music helps me when I feel bad. Every song track and melody is a masterpiece. I was at sea today. I looked at the beautiful view & listened to your music. I thought that the horizon and the other side of the sea are far away from us but then I realized that U are so much further. Your music brings people together. I appreciate and love u so much I wish I could've said this to u in person. I miss & love u endlessly. Rest in peace angel Thank u for everything❤

  • from Helena

    You have meant so much to me. Your music and your beautiful kind soul. I miss you and I love you. RIP sweet angel ❤️

  • from Julian

    Heard in April 2016 that he was quiting touring. At that time I was 16 year old and for someone out amsterdam almost impossible to see a show because its almost everywhere 18+ Later on I found Belfast one of his last 3 shows. It cost a lot effort but it was worth every single penny. One of the best moments in my life. One of my favourite ID was forever yours and I was sure that he wouldn’t play the song because he only used it @Ultra but as last song he did and I felt very special. Thanks

  • from Kaiser

    Your music is beautiful everyone knows that. But I think what most of the people overlooked was the fact that there’s an even more beautiful person behind the amazing melodies. Your legacy is not just your music; it is also the love and kindness that you spread which reached not just those close to you but also those millions of miles apart. It still continues to to move us. It is really admirable and inspiring that you found what you loved and went for it full force head on. ?

  • from Barbara


  • from Melanie

    Du bist an meinem Geburtstag gestorben. An diesem Tag habe ich viel über dich erfahren. Nachdem ich mir "True Stories" angesehen habe war mein Herz gebrochen. Ich kannte Dich vorher nur sporadisch – doch seitdem sauge ich jede Information über Dich und sei sie noch so kleinförmlich in mich auf. Ich bedauere es sehr dass ich Dich nicht eher kennenlernen konnte. Du scheinst ein toller Mensch gewesen zu sein. Ich habe gelacht und ich habe viel geweint… Ich denke an Dich – Goodbye angel

  • from Mory Shrem

    Tim. Avicii. The moment I realized I wanted to become a producer is when I listened to "Lovers On The Sun". The stunning sound and melody inspired me so much and got me into the EDM world. Then I discovered his other songs which made so much memories and moments. It made my life be more interesting and valuable. I'll never forget thoes tims with Tim's songs. Without Tim my life were boring. I probably would not get to the EDM world. So thank you so much Avicii. You've changed my life FOREVER

  • from Filip

    Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from Britt

    Dear Tim i’m heartbroken of the fact that you’re not with us anymore. Even though i’ve never met you. It was my dream to see you in real life. It hurts me that that can’t happen anymore. You and your music helped me in so much difficult times and in so much ways. You will always be remembered angel❤️

  • from Greta

    Tim when Levels came out my head was like: ”What the hell is this? This is so good”. You are my idol since then. At the time I was the only one who loved EDM among my friends so it was just me and the music. Very intimate. Pretty hard to tell what you mean to me in just 500 characters but I think of you every single day. Your music gave me incredibly good moments. Still does. Powerful language. Jag kommer älska dig för evigt Tim. Av hela mitt hjärta. Din musik kommer att leva för evigt.

  • from Ruth Ocaña from Spain

    When i was young (i think i was 8-9 years old) i heard an extrange sound on my sister room so i went to ask her what was that cool sound she said me; thats a new DJ or something like that i think AVICII is his name look this is his new song “wake me up” My reaction was woooow that sound cool his gonna to reach a lot of things. That day i discovered the world called internet and YouTube where my only search at that time was AVICII. ThankYouSoMuchForAllThatYouGaveToThisWorldTim ❤️

  • from Ann

    Forever in my heart ❤️ Thank you for everything. Hope you found your peace. Thoughts and love to your family. You made music more than music – you made feelings stories and life come together ◢ ◤

  • from Cha Kartika

    i've been avicii fans since 2011 at the time I know avicii as Tim Berg. And i truly love Tim Berg song "SEEK BROMANCE" terribly! 2012 when I heard songs levels. I just knew that the Tim Berg was Avicii. and from there I really love all the songs! and now I'm sorrowful and lost producer musician artist terribly talent. SICK!

  • from Lorelei Schwartz

    Dear Tim You wouldn’t imagine how many times your music has saved my life. I’m so thankful. I love you more than words can describe… you’ve helped me through the darkness. I will forever be an Aviciier and I’ll love you infinitely❤️

  • from K.

    Love and miss you so much … it's so Unbelievable ?

  • from María

    Since the day I listened your music for the first time something in me changed you taught me to love everything I do you taught me to see the good side of the things your music makes me feel happy your music give me peace I love you and I miss you so much? I hope you are happy now and a happy and beautiful place and I hope one day I can see you again and you can tell me how much happy are you since the day you left us beautiful angel I love you to the moon and back?◀▶

  • from Simranjeet Kaur

    As I said you are Ray of Sunshine of my life. Everyday you raises with your music cloud will come strom will hurt but you won't fade into darkness. It's beyond to explain your music is my strength you changed me from levels to drowning lay me down to I could be the one a sky full of stars to true believer without you to lonely together. Im very that Ive come to know abou you. You are Best! My Idol pure starseed my fav n you live FOREVER in my ❤. Thank You ΛVICII aka TIM BERGLING ♪ ◢ ◤

  • from José Antonio (aka Seraron6)

    Avicii I knew you when I listened to Wake me up! on the radio. From that moment I became a fanatic of your music. I didn't know how important you were in my life. Your music helped me when I was in troubles… In the worst moments your music made me happy. Singing dancing… Thank you for all the things you brought to us. Thank you for exist. Thank you Tim. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This sentence will be my flag: "Live a life you will remember" Written by a proud fan ? ◢◤

  • from Varun Kandepu

    I heard Seek bromance way back in 2010 when it came out. Been in love with Tim's music ever since. Got his symbol Tattooed on my wrist when stories came out to celebrate tim's greatest album imo. I was ecstatic when AVICI (01) came out and played the entire album on repeat for over 2 months. He will always be alive through his music and i will keep him alive through my memories for the rest of my life. Thank you for the memories Tim. Hope You finally found the peace you were looking for.

  • from Tania

    You will live forever in your music❤

  • from Annika Johanssom

    Jag lyssnade mycket på hans låtar man blev glad och inspirarad av hans musik Rip avicci vila i frid

  • from Cha Kartika

    i've been avicii fans since 2011 at the time I know avicii as Tim Berg. And i truly love Tim Berg song "SEEK BROMANCE" terribly! 2012 when I heard songs levels. I just knew that the Tim Berg was Avicii. and from there I really love all the songs! and now I'm sorrowful and lost producer musician artist terribly talent. SICK! I LOVE YOU! I'LL MISS YOU! ?? u r the legends never die!

  • from Nada

    Kita sayang kamu tim?

  • from Nina

    We love and miss you <3 mer liebed u vermisse di rue i fride

  • from Ingrid

    Desde el 2011 soy fan de avicii pero una canción en especial toco mi alma mucho hace unos años caí en depresión y me aleje de muchas cosas hasta que escuche el álbum stories en especial la canción ten more days la letra significó tanto para mi al escucharla sentía que tenía que luchar contra los demonios que tenía dentro y al oírla me ayudaba mucho me sentía más fuerte. Hasta el día de hoy esta en mi lista de canciones favoritas y siempre lo será gracias tim siempre estaras en mi corazó??

  • from Alberto ML

    Everything was dark in my life but you Change it with your smile with your music with everything that u could make its Hard to say good bye i followed u since 2012 everytime u release music i feel was the only reason for still being alive ill always will remecer u with the Best and worst moments cause of u million dont feel alone for u million don't Give up u always being remecer. U deserve the heaven and now u are there u are the Angel of thousand thanks for the everything Tim ❤️?

  • from Chi

    I feel like I have this special connection with you… especially after watching your documentary. You have inspired many and your memory will live forever. I know you have that inner peace you have always yearned for. Love you forever ❤️

  • from Femke

    Miss you Tim!!

  • from EJ

    He inspired me to create and now I've dedicated my life to making music. Only 16 but thanks to Tim I know this is what I want to do. ♥️

  • from Merethe

    Love your beautiful music it would live forever. Thank you for all the beautiful songs. I will always rember AVICII in my heart forever. Rest in Peace Avicii

  • from Elsa

    Ett geni med förmågan att beröra är borta. Avicii är numer en blandad känsla av glädje&sorg. Glädjen över den fantastiska musik han skapatmen också sorgen över att vi t.ex aldrig gick på hans sista spelning i Stockholm..En sorg över att en så ung människa med hela livet framför sig valde att lämna. Inte bara musiken utan hela sitt fysiska liv. Det är stort&tungt att försöka förstå varför en människa som berört så många miljoner människor valde att föreviga sig bland stjärnorna. Vila i frid Tim

  • from Moa

    Man skapade en relation med hans musik. Hans musik var alltid på vare sig man var i affären eller på radion. Man har delat sina allra bästa minnen med hans musik. Alla sommarkvällar som hans musik fyllde tystnaden med. Han har satt en otroligt stor stempel i svenska musiken historia. Han var ett geni. Han musik kommer alltid att leva kvar. Alltid. Finaste Tim❤️

  • from MERSI

    Legend! This world needed you more than ever. Your music was an inspiration for all of us. You will always be loved! ?❤ Ps. Your pain and your soul remains in your music. We will forever love you.?

  • from

    Timmy I been a fan since 2011 and levels came out. Your lyrics have deep meaning. You saved everyone else which made me feel happy but I felt sad cause I know you are not here anymore. I will always love you til the end of time. I will never forget the kindness and how you treated other pple. My dream is to meet you and I wish I could but sadly it's too late. If only I saw how painful it is then I would've tried to save you. I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU TIM ❤❤??. Rest well angel &soar higher?

  • from ±

    Tim meant so much to me. From my teen years to now I've got many memories with his tracks. Every single track he has created is just can hear and feel how much he loved music with using his emotions through beats and melodies. I adore his creativity and uniqueness his personality the way he is so human and humble of everything in life. There is so much more I would want to say on here but thank you and keep on shining up there Tim! Here is a drawing I made of you! ♡

  • from Carina

    Jag ogillar oftast den musik som skvalar ut från radiokanalerna men Avicii's musik får mig alltid att dansa i själen. Stor konstnär och oändligt saknad ?

  • from Ulrika

    Jag tänker på dig varje dag ❤️

  • from Neneh

    I remember when I first heard alcoholic back in 2009 I was 12 at the time. I was hooked to Progressive House/EDM. Tim you changed my life with your music I met some of my best friends through your music and I thank you for that. You’re a legend and your soul will live on through your music. I’m extremely grateful and blessed to have seen you live once I will never forget that ❤️ Rest easy.

  • from Sonia

    I've never got the chance to go to one of your shows or to meet you in person but THANK YOU. ? Thanks for all the thing you've done for your fans. Thanks to your music I've met amazing new people I discovered the EDM world and I've discovered new artists. Through your music we've danced laughed cried… You are an inspiration. THANKS Tim. You are a legend. Legends never die. You will always be remembered. You're going to be with me 'till the end. ? THANK YOU TIM "AVICII" BERGLING. ❤️

  • from SHRAVAN

    He is one of the most amazing musician and dj who has played an important role in my life.I came to know about EDM through his music and I still remember it vividly like when I would be on my way to school I would always listen to his songs.I was first introduced to his music when I heard "Hey Brother" from then I had fallen in love with that song and his music.One of my biggest wish was to meet him and to take several photos with him.I hope he has found peace.RIP. WE STILL LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU

  • from Victoria

    Dear Tim Thank you for your wonderful music. Because of you I got to learn new kind people and I'm really thankful for that. We love you and miss you forever Rest in Peace❤

  • from Josep

    Dear Tim I miss you so fucking much. Your death broke my heart and my soul. Now I can't live a single day without thinking about you and it hurts me so bad. It wasn't just about your music it was about you Tim. You were a life inspiration for me a right hand for bad times. You saved me so many times with your music your sets your voice your smile. You were too pure too real you were pure charisma as an artist and as a person. I will miss you all my entire life and I'll never forget u.

  • from Manuela Knol

    I found your music in 2009. "Bromance" and "Ryu" were the first ones I had heard. Fell in love with your melodies right away. At that time not many people knew "Avicii". It wasn't until 2011 when everything skyrocket when "Levels" got released. It was then when I realized "Tim Berg" was the same person as "Avicii". Your melodies stayed with me but "Hope There's Someone" is a personal one for me. Your music makes me happy and therefore I thank you. You lived a live we'll remember. Love

  • from Ewa L.

    Så sorgligt! Jag hoppas att du har hittat ditt paradis. Mina kondoleanser till Tims familj!

  • from L8

    He was with me through sad and hard times as well as happy and joyfull times! He pushed me to workout when I was lazy! He helped me through his music without even knowing it… I only wish I could have helped him when he needed it the most! Forever missed NEVER forgotten!

  • from Anne

    Hey Tim You're the reason my Sohn (4) learns English. Every day when he comes home and sits in the car he wants to hear a song: Waiting for love. And you're the reason to be a better person for both of us. To be human and full of love. Thanks for your music thanks for your warm heart thanks for so much more.❤️ Hope you be fine and you rock the sky. Much love and strength to your family and friends.

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