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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from p1an

    Thank you once again Tim thank you! <3

  • from Gary

    L love your music and thank you for everything that you do.

  • from Patty??❤️

    My reactions in listen to your music: your sounds hypnotic and exciting pull on me like the force of gravity. I feel live in a dream. That feeling course through my all body I don’t want stop dreaming. The beat rhythm of your catchy songs light on me a burning desire no one cant put out my fire?The room is spinning my inhibition’s gone away. Like a GIRL GONE WILD I start singing&dancing while my favorite DJ plays his stunning songs from the stage. Tim you’re the high I can’t give up❤️?❤️

  • from HK

    Just wanted to say I still miss you.

  • from AjayMoz

    No Matter how many songs I've heard your tunes always made me feel on the next level. Still can't digest the fact that you're not around us – I feel you're always alive around us forever in the form of your melodious music.

  • from Nathan

    I never really knew who you were until after you were gone…but when I was younger there were two songs of yours that I loved but back then I never really payed attention to the singers of songs. Now I regret it. I wish I could have been able to listen to all your music before you had gone. Thank you for making so much great music.

  • from Jéssica Ciprés ??

    Como desearía que hubiera tenido la oportunidad de ir a alguno de tus conciertos. No hay duda de tu gran originalidad. Que hermosa decisión al poderle compartir al mundo de lo que más te gustaba hacer. Demostraste ser un gran ser humano inspiras a bastante gente con tus canciones y para mi siempre serán las mejores. Causar una experiencia en las personas por medio de tu música es asombroso y de las mejores. Fuiste y siempre serás el ídolo de muchos. No es broma que te escucho 24/7. ❤️RIP❤️

  • from わぉちゃん


  • from ZUR

    I was in secondary school when I started listening to you back in 2007. Since then your music has helped me keep my head up high and take every moment positively .. And here we are 2020 listening to your music and wishing that someone would – Wake me Up when its all over.. I REALLY WISH YOU WERE STILL HERE WITH US.. MISS YOU TIM?

  • from Nguyễn Xuân Thái

    tôi khi nghe bài hát của Avicii đó chính là bài The night.Trái tim tôi như muốn xao động của bài hát.Tuy tôi không biết gì nhiều về Avicii nhưng tôi sẽ mãi ủng hộ anh ấy hết đoạn đường đời này.

  • from Rui Coelho

    I hope you feel well now. Thank you for all of your amazing products. Rest In Peace Tim.


    从11年的时候我逐渐接触Elec music,您的Levels是我第一首能让我触及内心的旋律,超前的曲风让我真的觉得我发现了一个宝藏dj,后来我12年中考毕业,去了第一次的百威风暴电音节,可惜没有你的身影,后来我开始关注你的动向,你离我最近的一次是在日本,我记得在16年的时候,你好像有一场国内的演出,可是不负你鸽子王的名号,果然鸽了。从我接触你的作品以来,那些就逐渐成为了我生活的一部分,每一首专辑我都会在它发布的时候把它了然于心,可直到你去世的消息传出来之后,我真的感叹了好长时间,直到现在levels依然是我一听到就会泪崩的旋律。后来的tim专辑让我逐渐明白,在你13年发布wake me up的时候,没有人去叫醒你,当你发布without you的时候,没有人会想到接下来会发生什么,直到你的heaven和sos发布我才意识到,没有人在理解你内心的疲乏,你只想获得内心的peace of mind。在一年365天里你进行了不下三百场的巡演,你为音乐付出了太多太多了。我也在逐渐适应没有你的生活,所以,也请你在天堂安息,我会一直铭记你的。

  • from 任俊儒(中国武汉)

    Tim在天堂过得好吗,我们都十分想念你。作为一名快上初中的小学生,能认识了解您,并领略您的音乐的魅力,真的是太荣幸了。虽然我是在您去世后才认识您的,但这并不打扰我继续欣赏您的作品。您的音乐让我感受颇深,它的旋律能唤起我内心的感动。虽然您已不在人世,但您的那些优秀的艺术作品会留在人世间,被世人所流传,赞赏,因为我们爱你,一直都是。您将是我的信念。◢◤Tim Bergling:1989—FOREVER◢◤

  • from 任俊儒(中国武汉)

    Tim,在天堂过得好吗,我们都十分想你。作为一名快上初中的小学生,能认识您,领略您的音乐魅力真的是太荣幸了。虽然我是在您去世后才认识你的,但这并不打扰我继续欣赏您的音乐。您的音乐是我听后感受最大的,它的旋律能唤醒我内心深处的感动。虽然您已不在人世,但您的那些优秀的作品会留在世间,别人们一直流传,赞赏,因为我们爱你,一直。您将是我的信念。Tim Bergling:1989—-FOREVER◢◤

  • from 任俊儒(中国武汉)

    Tim Bergling:1989—-FOREVER

  • from 任俊儒

    蒂姆,在天堂过得好吗。您的音乐震撼了我,您的旋律唤醒了我内心深处的感动。我是一名来自中国武汉小学生,很抱歉在您去世后才认识您,才领略到您的音乐。您的音乐我每天都在欣赏,每次看到您的照片我都会忍不住哭起来。虽然你已经离开人世,但您的作品将会永存,被世人欣赏。◢◤AVICII FOREVER◢◤

  • from Kenely

    When i became an Avicii fan he was already dead and I cried 'cause of it?. I listen to his songs every singel day. And I hope you're doing fine up there Tim.❤ Rest in peace Tim.❤

  • from sagar

    Just listening to his music from the past couple of fays and saw the tribute concert. Felt like a dream.An unexplainable positive vibe that we all connect to comes in through his music ♥?

  • from João vito

  • from Helder Pacheco – Lima – Perú

    Knowing your music has been a life experience God bless you in glory

  • from dm -NYC

    it's been a very tumultuous time in the world this year and even moreso in the US now… having one of those days that your music is perfect for the little lift i need to get out of the funk. thank you for your contribution to the world. you are missed.

  • from Brenda 🙂

    The first time i heard about you and your music was on radio since that my life was better ur music means a lot to me until now sometimes im sad or happy i just play ur songs and i remember my childhood and life get sense ur music is so depply and so good. I learn a lot from you your energy was amazing and im not only one who miss you so much rest in peace <3 thanks for everything you made for a better place now all we knoe about it. LOVE YOU

  • from Javi

    Yo recuerdo que tenía como 9 o 10 años cuando oí por primera vez waiting for love fue para mí un impacto esa canción porque decía osea la letra es perfecta y los sonidos las vocales todo es perfecto le pregunte a mi hermana como se llamaba esa canción y fue ahí cuando me dijo y bueno desde ese día me metí al mundo de la música electrónica y los grandes momentos y las grandes sonrías que me hacías sacar cuando oía su música 2020 y te extraño Tim siempre estarás en mi corazón ??

  • from kamer

    miss you my dearest tim❤ you re fucking awesome.. i just finished watching your documentary but don t know how many times i watched it.. rest in peace brother..

  • from Cynthia Moreira

  • from Daniel Guerrero

    In 2011 i'm discovered Avicii's music on iTunes (Bromance) since that day my life change for ever and i start to follow the career of Avicii. I'm go to saw him in Six Flags Mexico (2012) Auditorio Bancomer Santa Fe (2013) and EDC Mexico (2014)…. If a was 21 years old in that moment i belive a follow Avicii in all his True World Tour. I love Avicii with all my heart.

  • from Tommyy

    The only person to be accused of Avicii's death is Arash Pournouri. Rest In Peace Avicii. ◢ ◤ 1989 – Forever ◢ ◤

  • from Tommyy

    Avicii's music helped me in a very difficult moment in my life. At one point I thought I couldn't make it it made no sense to continue and if I'm still here now it's only thanks to Avicii's music.

  • from Ben McDorman

    His song always made me feel good about life and everybody around me.

  • from Patricio Herrera ??

    R.I.P. Gracias por todo me diste muchas felicidades en tiempos tristes hiciste que muchas personas siguieran adelante con sus sueños tal vez no pudiste terminar como quisieras solo puedo decirte gracias por todo el amor que nos diste por tus canciones te tendremos en el corazón. We miss you ?

  • from ?? Delia Judith Moreno Rios ??

    Su musica me hace revivir emociones increible siempre lo amare y lo recordaré para toda la vida. ◢ ◤Avicii ?

  • from MELİS CÖMERT ??

    I will always remember your incredible personality and your songs thats set my soul in motion. We love you Tim ?

  • from coconut

    Miss you

  • from manuela

    tim te extraño extraño tu hermosa música tu partida es un dolor y un recuerdo que no se borraran nunca de mi mente y mi corazón gracias por alegrarnos a todos con tu música y por todo lo que hiciste por los demás solo espero justicia y que estés feliz donde quiera que estés por siempre avicii…..

  • from Maria

    I’m crying. Avicii songs and music videos are full of a mysterious meaning to me. I have such a good feeling when I hear the songs and watch the music videos. It’s incredible.

  • from Jessica

    Dear Tim why do I miss you more every day? It doesn't get any better … it gets worse … on some days I can't hear your music my heart is broken. I miss you so infinitely ? Never to see your laugh again hear your clever words no more new music … come back !  

  • from Chemseddine

    كنبغيك افيتشي وكنت عارف موتك غاتكون ماشي عادية شكرا بزاف live a life you Will remember

  • from Agata ??

    I just want to say thank you. I miss you Tim you'll always be in my heart ❤️??

  • from Grace

    Your music brought me out of dark places…2 years on you are still remembered in heart and soul. RIP.

  • from Patty

    My daily task: let my soul be touched by a beautiful song and an involving melody. I chose Your music lovely TIM. May also your soul be filled of Our Love for you. Don’t be scared you’re sheltered by lies now. Never into darkness all alone: CITY LIGHTS are always on for you as the stars in Heaven. We’re for real love it’s alright with your memories inside. I’m heed everything that you said to me. Heart on fire. Don’t need anybody’s else to redefine me. You GIVE ME LOVE as nobody else❤️?❤️

  • from Instagram =gaurav_Pokhrell

    I was not lucky enough to hear Tim live but if you guys want to know about him there's a documentary on his life 'Avicii True Stories ' from BBC do watch. RIP?

  • from Iker

    Yo no conocía mucho ha avicii antes de que sucediera lo que sucedió pero cuando falleció sentí un vacío que nunca había sentido antes de que falleciera y ahora es unos de mis ídolos y el que me llevo a escuchar ese tipo de música y ha producir música sin el yo ahora mismo sería completamente diferente y me arrepiento muchísimo de no haber podido verle actuar pero yo sé que si no hubiese muerto tampoco le hubiese visto porque no me llamo la antencion avicii gracias por todo. IKER AVICII?

  • from Abhishek K.

    Your'e an angel from last level of hell having an extra "i" with it! We will be remembering and loving you Tim. Rest in heaven. Love you ❤️

  • from Imam

    We miss u so much tim?

  • from Sam?

    I miss you so much Timyu made me happy when I listened to your songs even in the worst times your songs made me smile. You are one of the reasons I didn’t quit life. From ????

  • from shadow

    we all miss you

  • from Jakub

    Still missing you you were my childhood. Thank you for your music

  • from MANXD

    su musica ayudo a mi mama y a mi

  • from Mario González

    Yo crecí escuchando la música de Avicii y creo que eso es lo que me dio la base de hacer lo que quiero las letras las melodías… todo; siempre ayudo a pensar todo más claro a tener una meta y gracias a él me doy cuenta que la mejor forma de hacer las cosas es… hacerlas únicas y con nuestro espíritu. Definitivamente sos único te extraño

  • from lyndsay dallaire

    Avicii was one of my favorite artists who touched me very personally. As i am growing older my life gets harder. His music has inspired me to be my best and is my greatest role model today. He will always remain in my heart forever. Heaven gained an amazing angel on 4/20/18.

  • from Esau

    Gracias por mandar un mensaje a la juventud y poder darnos los ánimos que necesitamos para poder seguir adelante. Se te extraña bro :')

  • from Siska Noorks

    I wish I have a chance to hear Tim his story anything about Tim. I always love hear Avicii music but I never know about Tim. Unfortunately.

  • from Mr. Fantastic

    He helped me get through many tough times especially during quarantine.

  • from De nath

    Tu nous manques tellement ta musique pour toujours rip tim de France

  • from Patty

    DEAR BOY is so hollow and shallow Without You. We go dance in the waters of all the tears we’ve cried. In a world with everything what I miss are You. Sometime I wanna follow you but don’t worry we’re fine cuz we remember our old times. With your music they’re always new times for us. Over 2 years’re passed but you’re really never passed. Your songs are still everywhere current and powerful for everyone: young and old fans or no. Falling in love with your songs it’s a piece of cake❤️????

  • from Javier

    We miss you Tim

  • from Daisuke

    not like…ILoveYou

  • from Jéssica Santos

    Please tell me that you're not murdered. If that's true I will cry a lot and do everything for you my star! Love u so much always fight for you star!

  • from ❤ from France

    Special unique so perfectionist so young so beautiful 2 years of crying . Shocked.❤❤❤

  • from Rueben Hickson

    Tim is the real reason I’m alive. He has indirectly helped me through depression and anxiety even though he isn’t physically here. Thankyou for breathing once Tim for creating one song for just being you. I hope your happy in heaven I hope you got the peace of mind you deserve. You are a legend I refuse to say you were. The days and the night since you passed have been hard. I’m still waiting for love for a better day. You are one of the few people who will never have a bad reputation.

  • from Jenny junco

    It’s not fair you should be here. I love you. You and your music change my world. The day i hear your first song i fell in love Whitney you. Love all about you. Miss you. Always in my heart. ❤️ 1.6.2020

  • from Thanks <3

    For a better day. ?️✨

  • from Encore Lu

    It’ s such a cruel thing that u have passed away for more than 2 years while some people jump out to shout that u were murdered for ur kindness and justice rather than depression disorder. Oh shit. F the world.

  • from Patricio Veloso

    Perdónanos tu nos salvaste la vida pero nosotros no pudimos salvarte…….. Jamas te olvidaremos Avicii desde Chile de esta parte del mundo.. Jamas seras olvidado.

  • from Yuka??

    Miss you Tim. My 3 years old nephew and 2 years niece loves your songs very much. You are the best☝️

  • from Rubab

    I miss you you were a light that would’ve been welcomed during times like this. I have no doubt that wherever you are you’re shining bright. <3

  • from Vladimir

    It's the best pastime in my life

  • from Bryan Ayala

    Avicii Me Enseño A Ver La Vida De Otra Forma Su Musica Entro En Mi Corazon Y Al Escucharla Cada Dia Hace Que Me Den Ganas De Vivir Al Maximo Mi Vida Fuistes Grande Tim Y Siempre Te Recordare Como El Hombre Que Hizo Que Su Musica Salvara Mi Vida ❤❤

  • from Quiab

    You’re my favorite Dj since I was a child I hope that you are resting in peace. Love you Tim

  • from bianca

    Miss you so much!!!!

  • from Katie

    Avicii got me through a lot. He was what blew up my interest into the EDM world and have always loved any of his music. Heck my Spotify top artist has been Avicii the past 3 years! Cried when he died and will forever regret not seeing him in concert when I had the chance.

  • from Gabrielle Alves

    since i was a kid you are my favorite singer. Your songs have participated in many happy parts of my life. You and your music marked us and made us better. We miss you and we are with you always.

  • from Ashley

    Avicii is my relationship with my husband. We grew up at festivals listening and dancing to his amazing music. My heart is with him and I miss Tim and his music that I could feel in my soul. I cried when he died.

  • from Daniel

    For a better day…

  • from Gius

    Your music made the world a better place❤️ Grazie di tutto AVIICI

  • from Timjan

    I never forget the days i wrote a comment on a youtube video that you in Avicii Team had posted. So what a while there as we start talking to each there via the commentaries i will carry with me the rest of my life. Avicii has been and always will be my big idol<3 But Avicii are still among us here in our hearts<3 RIP Tim AVICII Bergling 1989-2018<3

  • from Alvaro

    Te extrañamos muchísimo Tim Ojala nunca te hubieras ido. Tu música no morirá jamás.

  • from Marcus

    When I was 10I was once going on a 3 days 2 nights trip with my family. My brother and I had one of our favourite song to sing along while we were in the car was ' The Nights' R. I. P Bro Avicii

  • from Jean-Baptiste

    You have passed away for a little over 2 years and we miss you for 2 years. It's always difficult to tell me that you left. I still remember listening to "Levels" "Wake me up" or "Broken Arrows" for the first time it was just excellent. Thank you for all that you have done for all the incredible music that you have produced and written. You will always be a legend and the king of EDM. Thank you Avicii. Thank you Tim. Forever. ◢◤ From France.

  • from Anna

    Miss you Tim

  • from Guillem

    The songs is icredible

  • from Patty??

    Surrounded by money driven people constantly under pressure you couldn’t find a way to get out that vicious circle saving your own life on time. But just you are the one who keep saving our lives. You can EASY THE PRESSURE in tough and stress times. Your music your words are just Peace & Love. Tim the one’s under pressure can Easy the Pressure of all. The stress LET IT GO! When I’m feeling falling apart his songs always help me get a second wind. Tim you lay me make it better always??

  • from Anne

    See in TV the nights musicvideo ?❤ R.i.p

  • from Andrew

    You inspired me to start music 7 years ago and I haven’t given up since. We lost one of the greatest sources of creativity & good energy the world has ever had.

  • from ◢ ◤

    Your songs changed my life. Forever.

  • from wangzixuan

    Love you

  • from Christian

    Danke für Deine Musik….Tim♥️

  • from Arno Korolija

    I always loved Avicii. Cried when he died it' was terrible. May his soul rest in piece. I love you man please be safe up there. <3

  • from Liam Kevin

    ¨I got to learn to love without you¨ this line hit me differently. Avicii is not gone he is in heaven looking at the memories he gave to others though music. He took us to places we have not been through music. If he were here which he is im sure he is happy he´ś name legacy music helpt people on so many levels. we are addicted to you. May you live forever in our hearts.

  • from Carlos Torres

    Can't express how much I miss you thank you for all your melodies hope to see you somewhere in heaven your music will always bring me to my best childhood and actual life moments

  • from Sara

    Wish you were here we miss you

  • from Clémence

    Your songs has always been magic for me . I hope we will see each other for a last concert on the paradise.

  • from Thimo Groen

    Thank you for everything Tim we will keep listening to your music forever! I hope it's great out there!

  • from Yiyang Wu

    感谢Avicii,在我高三的时光里是他的音乐激励我前行,我梦想着有一天可以去看他的现场,可是这已经不能实现了,这成为了我这一生的一个遗憾。如今当我听到Wake me up时,听着那激励我前行的歌词,想到Avicii已经不在人世,我再也等不到他的新歌,总是会默默流泪。他是我最喜欢的DJ,但才华横溢的人的一生总是坎坷,希望他可以在天堂过得好?

  • from Krish

    Love u

  • from Sam

    Tim you were such an amazing inspiration to soo many people around the world whether it is through music or through other things. You and your music helped me through really tough times in my life and for that I am forever thankful. For someone who has been a follower of yours from the early day I just want to say: Thank you for the beautiful gift that you gave us. You may be gone but your music keeps you alive in our hearts!

  • from Patty

    Waiting for Love❤️I find it in Tim’s songs with his music?I’ve a good life if I want relief/peace☮️I listen to his sounds. Some judge me cuz I’m Avicii’s fan. Who the heck doesn’t listen to Tim’s songs? Such a shame in a way. Don’t care about nothing but me. I’m even praying for a better situation don’t care if I got a BAD REPUTATION. Who the fuck are you to judge me? Holy words. I’m waiting For a Better Day in Heaven where I can say thanks to the most TRUE person I’ve known:TIM Bergling?

  • from Kay

    I mean… I remember listening to his music when I was younger… and just absolutely loving it. Avicii was my first artist I actually cared to listen to. His music always had some sort of inspiration or message of some sort. His passing was 3 days before my birthday… Rest In Paradise Tim.

  • from Angel Chen(Taiwan)


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