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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Thomas

    Avicii jij bent mijn voorbeeld, en dat zal je altijd blijven @djmastho

  • from 追隨者


  • from Leo

    Hi Tim, I hope you are at peace. I wanted to tell you how much your music means to me. You made my youth time so much enjoyable. I remember having bad days at school and when I got home I used to spent hours listening to your music, that always cheered me up! I dream of meeting you in eternity. Love you❤️

  • from Camila Rivero

    Avicii it’s a significated person in my life, when i feel sad I listen to his music and immediately I feel so good, thanks for everything avicii, you save my life, always in my heart ❤️. From Chile 🇨🇱

  • from Pedro Neves

    Hello Avicii, hope you're in peace, really miss you brother, wished you were here, it was super nice to have followed you everywhere it was possible to

  • from Alicia

    You will forever be remembered . Your songs will always be iconic . Thank you for everything ❤️

  • from 👀

    Hello Avicii! Your songs will likely be featured in historical books, so there are so many great songs. Even if you can't see the new song, Avicii itself is eternal. 👀✨

  • from Алёна

    Тим, хочу выразить большую благодарность за твою великолепную музыку! Она для меня очень многое значит и всегда поднимает настроение в какие-либо трудные минуты. Ты величайший человек с огромной душой и безмерно добрым сердцем. Я очень рада, что смогла узнать про такого прекрасного человека как ты, слушая твои произведения по сей день, они действительно помогают мне собраться с мыслями и двигаться дальше исключительно с позитивным настроем! Jag saknar dig ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Anjes Bermana

    If got to carry my cross without you.

  • from Lost soul the bones of a miracle

    Your music is probably the most meaningful ever created on this this planet and it will live forever in the hearts of humans who understand true love

  • from Wasabi

    thank you❤

  • from William

    Tim, you have no idea how much this world misses you. Your songs filled this earth with love and joy. When I found you, I was filled with joy from your music. First song I heard from you, Waiting For Love. And it was magical. I now know so many more EDM artists and songs because of you. And you have inspired me to want to become an artist like you. You are dearly missed, Tim. But you are never forgotten. <>

  • from K

    He may die, but his memories lasts forever

  • from ◢◤

    Avicii, I just want to say thank you. I have been struggling with my thoughts over the past couple of days, I kept thinking about stuff that I didn't want to think about, so I distracted myself by listening to your music, and it worked! Thank you so much avicii ◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤

  • from Jackson Porter

    We love you and we love your music. There is no question that you went straight to heaven.

  • from Tipu sultan

    Keep our levels always high while listening to the tracks of him love u sweet angel

  • from Adrian

    his music inspired me to produce my own

  • from Seyi

    Your Music Still Moves Hearts till this day, Thanks for leaving something so beautiful behind. Fly High Avicii

  • from Andrew

    Help me from suicide… KD, RF

  • from kyirro

    Hi, Tim. Just wanted to say thank You for all your effort in creating of wonderful times. With the memories of which I can get through these tough times here in Ukraine..

  • from Zac

    I wish I had discovered Avicii sooner. His music is enchanting, the lyrics poetic and every aspect of his songs fills me with awe. I've found that his music always relates to my life, and helped me find comfort in life. Thank you, Tim. Love from Canberra, Australia ◢ ◤

  • from Anubhav Chauhan

    Wasn't always the biggest fan but over the years, I came to love your music. Would have loved loved to hear more of your music, especially today. The most memorable and wonderful messages got conveyed through your beats and lyrics. Gone too soon, miss ya.

  • from Rico

    ◿ ◸icii – his music is amazing, the songs he wrote are so inspiring and the music is great. Love you Tim! Rest in peace.

  • from Melany C

    Avicii poster made by me. RIP Tim Bergling.

  • from Артемида

    Музыка и текст песен Avicii, его голос и эмоции в музыке… Слыша его свежий трек, мой плохой день, становился не таким уж и плохим. Его музыка, как луч солнечного света в непроглядной тьме. Слушая его песни, хотелось жить, петь и танцевать. Силы и энергия моментально появлялись для решения сложных задач. По утрам по радио слыша, его очередной трек и голос, утро становилось добрым и солнечным) Музыка Avicii, заставляла биться сердца в унисон… ♪ <>

  • from Aiden

    evin tho I thot you were still alive but you will burn in all of our Hartes we all love Avicii

  • from Diaz Maria Rosa

    Every day I look at the sky and remember how happy you make me with your songs, the courage that each lyric gives me. Since your departure my heart has been incomplete but full of such beautiful memories as seeing you do what you loved so much and above all the teachings you left me, I love you forever TIM. and I always remember you with your lyrics, you are in my heart and over the years I always remember you, remember that 12-year-old girl who fell in love with your lyrics and smiled at you

  • from Dhruv Abhilash

    I don't even know what to say. My heart has never truly recovered from the damage it sustained when he left. It's been 6 years. I went through a lot before 2018, but Avicii's music inspired me to live on. He is the reason I am where I am today. I still listen to all his songs, as they remind me of a time of peace and happiness that I lost. Thank you for being my guiding light, my strive to hope, and my courage to become happy. You are the one person that I truly will never forget. Thank you Tim.

  • from Jacinta, and my brother Jarrad.

    My brother and I listened to him when we were young. He's graduating high school now. I remember playind around the kitchen table, listing to your stuff on CD. I know it's a simple memory but it matters to me. Thanks for your music man, it was the soundtrack of my childhood.

  • from Kei

    miss you Tim

  • from Avery Daniels

    Saknar dig fortfarande så sjukt mycket <3

  • from osmankilic29

    Üşüyoruz be reyiz

  • from snamm

    its currently 4 11 am, and i was listening to his songs, and it does make me look back and gives me a peace of mind. I Hope he was with us today . Love this guy

  • from Valkyria


  • from Lucas Mestre

    I started listening to your music since 2013, it was an instant infatuation with your art. That child who played at being a DJ with his notebook fantasizing about being you, with my headphones, my cap on backwards, my imaginary audience, and without fail the movement of the mythical hand. Today, Saturday, October 12, 2024, I can say that I will carry you forever in my skin ◢◤. A huge hug to heaven Tim, your music will live forever, your legacy is eternal, I love you soo much. La Plata,BsAs,ARG

  • from KAHFITZ

    True Legend Forever

  • from Hamza

    It's been a while since I started listening to your music, Avicii. After reading your story, I came to the conclusion that you are always with us—you never truly left. Thank you for creating music that lifts our spirits every time we listen.

  • from Matobo Manasa

    Avicii is a true legend!

  • from Jasmita

    I have been listening to you Avicii, since Levels came out. Your music is like a fresh breathe of air which elevates the mood and the vibe. We miss you and you will always live through your music! <3

  • from Araks

    Sitting with my friends, talking about deep topics and listening to you, our angle ♥️🥹

  • from Nani

    Send u a huge hug♡ You, a amazing person, and beautiful soul ! Miss you. ♡

  • from AA


  • from Ludwig Van

    Ich habe heute zufällig einen seiner Titel auf meinem Handy gehört. Alles, woran ich mich von ihm erinnere, schoss mir plötzlich durch den Kopf und fühlte mich so frisch, als wäre es erst gestern gewesen. Wir werden dich immer in Erinnerung behalten, Tim.

  • from Julien

    Un seul artiste peut résumer mes années d’innocence et c’est toi. Tu m’as vu pleurer, rire, me dépasser, en un mot grandir, et les traces que tu as laissé sur cette terre restera a jamais un mémoire de cette époque merveilleuse qu’était mon enfance. Merci 🙏

  • from Boberg

    Woke up with "Heaven" playing and now I’m ready to seize the day! Tim, we miss you but you are always with us, through your music and in our hearts 💙

  • from Rasmus

    We love avicci

  • from 来自遥远的东方

    我是一名来自中国🇨🇳的歌迷有一天无意中听到艾维奇的。 Waiting for love从此就爱上了这首歌。从我14岁起,我就听这首歌。艾维奇的歌陪伴了我无数个日夜,让我坚强不放弃让我勇敢,希望每个人都能不放弃不抛弃坚强起来让艾维奇的歌带给你们力量。共勉

  • from Paulo Henrique SP Brazil

    Ohh Dear boy I wanna follow you You're a wild boy, I'm a wild boy too Ohh Dear boy is so hollow without you ❤️❤️ Miss you 😢

  • from Prateek

    Back in 2019 i heard "SOS" and i fell in love with it immediately, after that i slowly started to listen to other songs from him as well, now, in 2024, hes my inspiration, whom i look upto, whose songs i listen to when im feeling down, i have around 119 songs in my playlist which are of Avicii alone, i still listen to his songs till date and get inspired by them, Fly high legend, thank you for changing my life.

  • from Sebastian Løbach


  • from Jana

    Je viens de belgique je t'ai découvert en 2012 pendant mon enfance et depuis tu ne quitte plus mes oreilles et plus les années avances plus je me remémore des souvenirs grâce a tes musiques . Tu a bercé mon enfance moi et toutes ma famille et tu continuera a être dans nos oreilles le plus d’année possible .

  • from Ilona

    I'm listening to Wake Me Up right now and I think that Tim would be 35 today. I miss him, I wonder if he was alive how much beautiful music he would have created for us ❤️

  • from Davide


  • from Pyla

    When I need a way to beat the pressure down, when I need to find a way to breathe, you are the one to make me feel that way, you are the one to set me free

  • from Ryohei

    僕は、昔色んなネガティヴな事があり生きるのが退屈な時期がありました。 そしてなんとなくの気持ちでavicii を検索して「sos」「levels」を聴き自分の悩みやネガティヴな感情はふきとびました 僕はavicii の楽曲を聴き救われたのです いまでも挫折した時や、何かに挑戦する時はaviciiの楽曲を聴いたりLIVEの映像を見ています。 そして、僕も、いつか人を救えるような尊敬される人間になれるように努力します。 avicii に心から感謝とリスペクトを送ってます 本当にありがとう🙏 これからも姿はないですが伝説の楽曲で世界中の人達そして地球を救ってください🌏💫 心から願ってます avicii forever

  • from Pipa

    7 de octubre

  • from PE – BRAZIL

    We miss u honey 💖

  • from Leonardo Provoste

    Hello! I'm From Chile… I used to listen All Avicii Music with My Baby Daughter Maura! Avicii was such a Blast of Energy N Power for me to get All Things done! Hope We All get reunited with him in a Good Rave in a Future!❤️

  • from Angel

    Miss you ♥️

  • from александр

    спасибо тебе за все ты и в правду тот человек которого можно назвать легендой своего дела ♥️

  • from Gerard

    Avicii není den kdybych si na tebe nevzpomněl s tvou hudbou jsem zažil mé nejkrásnější chvíle života tvé písně rád hraju na piano vzpomínám z🇧🇪 Forever Avicii🇸🇪🇨🇿🇪🇺😢

  • from Darkstalker

    Avicii will never die. He will live in billions of hearts he inspired. His music continues to gift all the people in the world. We will always be with him. Always.

  • from unknow

    when i listen His song, The Nights, i start to cry only for all my moments passed with that song, Him is a legend, and Legends never dies. Rip Tim, you got a big place in our Hearts

  • from ttgag

    Avicii is the person I got to know now and I love seeing him in the sky he always makes me smile

  • from div

    awed and inspired we're all still here. listening to "heaven"

  • from Thomas

    Live laugh love ❤️

  • from Steven Z

    Still listen to your song to this day. This is how impactful your song is. Thank You!

  • from Alyssa

    Avicii had a great soul ! You are the best Avicii for a lot of people, your music and your personality is a big inspiration for me ! I miss you Avicii, forever young 👼🏼❤️

  • from Oliver Rocket

    僕がEDMに興味を持ち始めたきっかけはwaiting for loveでした。そこからAviciiについて調べて僕もdjになりたいと思いました。そこから音楽制作も始めたりdjの練習をしたりして今もその夢を追い続けています。もうこの世にはいないかもしれないですが、僕の心の中にはまだdjとして、最高のプロデューサーとして活躍しています。他にも僕のEDMの友達は誰が好きか聴いたらみんな最初にAviciiと答えます。僕もそんな存在になりたいです。ありがとうAvicii

  • from Elijah Derivas

    Hi my name is Elijah Derivas I am 25 years old I live in a small town called mt gambier I Riley like your song and music I was hoping if you could send me a picture of you or a music cd I live at 2/6 Cardinia Street 5290 you rock keep going strong you are my I itle I will give you my email address you make me happy to be my safe. ✌️☺️ please email me back

  • from Mdy-pdf

    Avicci . Your song “ The Nights “ give me strength to continue the revolution in Myanmar. It gives me strength . I like the chorus “ Live a life you will remember “. မြန်မာမှ ချစ်ခြင်းများဖြင့်..

  • from Vanessa


  • from Jack Mi

    Better than Diddy

  • from Edvin

    I started listening to him when I was 5 years old and he has always been my favourite song writer rest in peace Avicii – villa i frid Avicii 👑🇸🇪

  • from Mola

    Your smile makes me cry, I wish I could reach out and give you a hug. Your suffering was not in vain. You changed the world. You changed my life.

  • from Mehmet

    Lise zamanlarımda Avicii dinlemeye başladım. Gerçekten şarkıları harika ve her gün dinliyorum. Huzur içinde uyu Tim 🙏🕊️

  • from Марк

    Спасибо тебе, Авичи за те хиты, которые и до сих пор играют "из каждого утюга". Очень часто переслушиваю твои песни. Спасибо за детство, легенда!

  • from Gabriel

    Miss you everyday Tim. Although I have mixed feelings about the auction… I can’t help but smile knowing that the Foundation in your name has raised nearly $700,000 for a good and important cause: the pandemic of suicide, especially in our youth. Klas and Anki, we love you. Thank you for what you’re doing.

  • from Andrey

    really love your music. it was beautiful, when we travel with my friends and listening your songs. thank for all. rest in piece

  • from Pete

    Olit tienraivaaja. Luova. Musiikilliset luomuksesi elävät ikuisesti. Kiitos.

  • from Malika

    miss u legend 💔

  • from Gman

    He was a well-loved man who'd raised many with his tunes of golden strings. Fly high A.

  • from SHD

    세계 최고의 음악가. the days는 안 들으면 인생 손해임

  • from Zainab Al-Sayegh

    Hiya! I was actually not very happy at Oxford 2014 and I was listening to a lot of Avicii when my housemate Paul said oh you mean Tim Bergling and I really thought wow I should get to know him. When he committed suicide I gave up on my music aspirations through Avicii but I still wrote songs about him like I even knew him!!???

  • from Avril decamps

    Avicii est une grande personnes et je suis capable de devenir lui-même

  • from Agilan

    Looks like we did lose our backbone Somewhere in Stockholm Thank You. Sorry I didn’t discover you earlier.

  • from Blair B

    First Avicii concert was September 27, 2012 at Radio City Music Hall. 10 years later, the documentary made a big impact on me.

  • from Leo

    Your music holds a special place in my heart with special memories. Will forever be one of your biggest supporters <3

  • from Valerie

    coming here again, your music touched so many hearts, my only wish is to have seen you live once before you passed… rest in peace hero

  • from Liezl

    Oh boy listening to your music now and all i can say is your music still brings me so much happiness. Forever your Stan.

  • from )

    If only I could have been a fan of yours before you died. Your concerts looked so fun, I'm so glad that the Tim Bergling Foundation is available so people won't have to experience the same thing as you. Rest easy king 1989 – Forever 👑🇸🇪

  • from Praveen 🇮🇳

    I was shocked to see your music playing on my TV with the title RIP. Your music gave a type of peace and joy. Everyday hearing you AVICII. Miss you so much🫂

  • from Robinson

    Miss you forever angel <3

  • from Leandro

    Avicii probably one os the gratest os is kind , bringin hapyness to every one that lisens to is songs … Sill relevant afeter years without him… and it will prevaily for many years. The grestest of all time and eletronic music owns him so much Thanks Tim "AVICII" Bergling

  • from Neville 🇰🇪

    Thank you for all the lovely music. Gone waay too soon 🥲.

  • from Selma

    Vi älskar dig Tim , Sveriges stolthet för alltid . Det är din musik jag kommer visa till mina barn. ❤️

  • from TailsLink

    I love the nights it made me realize that life is short

  • from Shaaron Dahl

    I heard your music whilst driving in my car I had to pull the car over to hear who you were. Your music was so uplifting so happy i had to get your name to hear more. I had no idea you had taken your life it made me so sad. A wonderful talented young man with incredible promise and life. I hear it in your music now in some songs. You left us with part of you. I feel sad you left this world but we are blessed to have had the privilege of your music may you sing on forever

  • from Clicedvly768

    Press f Avicii (I love Rus)

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