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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Julya C.

    “One day, my father, he told me, "Son, don't let it slip away" He took me in his arms, I heard him say "When you get older your wild heart will live for younger days Think of me if ever you're afraid” Thx Avicii.

  • from Lucas R

    Legenda Never Die.

  • from Kadri

    I remember that day when the bad news spread. I was in shock and cried. I just couldn't comprehend that they were gone. Such a talented young person! Why? My heart ached that no one could save him, that he carried such immense pain he could no longer bear. Today, I received the book Avicii: Life and Music of Tim Bergling. A truly beautiful book! Thank you so much! His music will live on forever! He was such a sweet boy/young man! With love (L)

  • from Akheraj singh

    Avichii is my forever hero. Miss you legend so much. You are alive in my heart forever. Singer like you is very hyperphusical for our humanity. Your death is a very big shock for our heart. Keep smile in heaven my legend. Love you so much .♥️♥️ 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

  • from Tom

    Love you Avicii. Your legacy will be remembered for ever. Your songs are timeless. Your style is unique. I'm trying to learn from you. May you stay in peace

  • from Eva

    Hola querido Avicci, te tengo en mi presente. Sé que de alguna manera estás ahí. Sé que eres un ángel en el cielo. Cuida de nosotros. SiemprAvicci

  • from OU

    Really inspired me to make my own music, even if I will never be as creative and good as he was. I always find myself humming one of his songs and it makes me realize how much of an impact he had on so many people. VI ÄLSKAR DIG TIM!!!!!!❤️◢◤

  • from Liv (UK)

    Just been listening to your songs. Really feeling reminiscent on my childhood, thank you for the memories of me screaming out the window all the lyrics to passersby. I hope you're at peace, and making tunes for all the angel avicii fans. "He said one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember " 🫂💐

  • from Jesus

    Very Epic Childhood Music, his Music was absolute peak, may he now rest in peace in heaven, but his memory and history will never leave the earth

  • from Raquel

    Mi amor es hacia la la historia q m ayuda a lidiar con mis problemas

  • from Eve

    "I know he will rise on the las day" and I pray God to be there to welcome. ◢ ◤

  • from Vincent B

    Thank you for everything Tim, you got me through all of the early mornings and long nights. No music has made a greater impact on my life.

  • from Ye' Win Aung

    Your legacy will forever be with us. We miss you, Tim.

  • from Victor

    He mark my entire teenagers time and my first step as an adult thanks for all the music you had done, it give me strong et courage always today When I hear his sounds I feel like à can do all my dreams. I will do anythink to go past to the past and see him at a festival just one time Love from france. Vic

  • from Szilveszter

    Thank you for everything Tim. It's perfect

  • from linda ann

    i'm so late but didn't know avicii until the "i'm tim" doc on netflix. now i cannot get enough. you and your music make this grandma very happy. joyful, brilliant, you shone so bright and burned out way to fast.

  • from Fan

    your energy is among us, thanks Tim

  • from Kate

    I miss you every day, dear Tim You're dearly missed, but I hope you found that inner piece you've always been looking for Thank you for everythint

  • from T from FL

    I remember hearing your music for the first time, I was around 5 or 6, and I loved it, I knew almost every song and would draw your logo on everything , it wasn’t until just recently I found out what happened, I still remember begging my mom to get tickets to see you live. You truly made me smile and I just loved how your music had such an impact on people and myself including, you’ll forever have a special place in my heart thank you.

  • from kevin

    inspired me to start doing music thank you avicii R.I.P

  • from Shirley Tipanquiza

    I thought that you had amazing magic powers. Spreading magic over your music is such a unique power that only you have been able to do it. With your music, I have been able to start over many times. Your music has been that medicine to sadness and depression for me. But after watching the documentary about your life, I feel sad that I was part of the business that makes you feel anxious and under pressure all time. I thought there was not going to be another artist like you. You are magic.

  • from Nick Gurrs

    Still the goat of EDM artists. Levels is the goat of EDM songs.

  • from Kizo

    "What if I'm far from home? Oh brother, I will hear you call What if I lose it all? Oh sister, I will help you out Oh, if the sky comes falling down For you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do". You didn't know us, but you meant a lot to us.

  • from Angel L,(Australia)

    In high school I grew up listening to you Tim, your music holds so many memories so much emotions in my heart. I always think about a happier time with my friends and family. Your music has shaped me as a person I believe. I thank you for your legacy and I will definitely keep you alive in my music journey. You have inspired me to finally take up learning how to play the piano and embrace instruments and feel music deeply. Love you forever, Tim. Xx

  • from Brayan Colombo

    Fueron muchos los años que pude escuchar estas increíbles canciones que me ayudan en momentos difíciles y también cuando no tenía a alguien a mi lado, por siempre 🫶🫶 AVICII

  • from Henry Wallach

    I was not old enough to have listened to your music at I was 8 and didn’t know EDM but recently I have became really close with the music , Rest In Peace Tim

  • from Anna S. 🦋

    I am not old. In fact, I’d say I’m just a kid. I knew nothing about music when Tim moved on. And now, here I am, listening to his songs as I write. Such a young man with great creativity. Avicii will stay forever in our souls, remembered as the great man he was. His legacy is undeniable and beautiful. My, I miss him 🤍🌹

  • from Kati

    We miss you Tim! You are a person I wish to meet on the other side

  • from jack

    hes an inspiration and has very tasteful music.

  • from Ruby ⚔️

    I truely hope you are at peace wherever you are Tim 💙 I was only about 12 when you passed but I remember it like yesterday. We all miss you so much 💙

  • from GhostKioshi

    Miss you, Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Mason.H

    y did you have to die man. You were and always will be the goat. Avicii Forever

  • from Roberta Diana

    Non ti conosco molto. So il tuo nome e che sei un grande. Non conosco la tua storia. Ballavo e ballo ancora i tuoi pezzi. Ho sentito parlare di un documentario, parlavano di te, del tuo successo e della tua scomparsa. Cosa?! L'ho guardato. So che è una minima parte della tua vita e della tua storia, ma ho sentito un profondo legame con te. Stanotte ti ho sognato, così, bello, sorridente e vivo, a fare ciò che amavi. Ti ricordo così. ❤️

  • from Julien Mauras

    Avicii je t’aime du plus profond de mon âme, ta musique traversa toute les générations et vivra tout jamais, merci.

  • from Andrea

    Thank you so much, Tim

  • from David S

    Tims music has something special in it I can‘t fully describe. Something, which makes all the other songs in the world sound boring compared to it. I am so happy but at the same time so sad. It feels like I have lost a good friend, even though I didn‘t know him personally. I remember listening to his song Levels for the first time. I was just 7 years old but the aura of this song was insane. 2 years ago when I finally got my first cat, I named him ,,Levels“. Rest in Peace, Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Schirin

    You will always be my number 1 Tim❤️

  • from Julia

    ILY forever ♾️😭😭😭🫶🏽💕😚

  • from Cora

    It is amazing to feel so close to a person you never met. The years where I was listening to Avicii was also the happiest moments of my life. When he died, it did not really register until now. I wished I could have seen him perform live. I will always treasure his memory. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul. ❤️

  • from Cindy

    In Summer 2013, I worked in Las Vegas as an individual event planner and sent the entire summer going to day clubs and night clubs with clients from all over the world and where Avicvii DJ’d. The experience was magical. I was early pregnant with my daughter during this time and at the end of summer I was showing. Whenever I listen to his music I remember all of the friendships I made that summer and the joy he brought to my early pregnancy experience. I will always love Aviccii.

  • from Amelie

    Första gången jag lyssnade på Tims musik blev jag helt kär i de. Kunde inte låta vara att lyssna och det var säkert 10 år sedan och nu är jag här och lyssnar. När jag var yngre så fattar jag inte riktigt vad lyrikena menade men nu fattar jag. Tack av allt. Mitt hela hjärta hör hemma till Tims musik. Tack.

  • from Gianbattista

    Ciao Avicii, spero che hai trovato la pace che cercavi, desideravo vedere un tuo concerto ma non è stato possibile. RIP

  • from Nicole

    Nie war mir jemand so nah, den ich nie kannte. Eine einsame und unverstandene Seele die nicht heilen konnte. Mir tut das Herz weh, wenn ich die Doku sehe, ob alt oder neu. Man wünscht sich, dass er nicht tot ist sondern irgendwo seinen Frieden gefunden hat und so leben kann wie er es sich gewünscht hätte.

  • from Sofy

    Caro Tim, non puoi sapere quanta felicità le tue canzoni abbiano portato al mondo né quanta gente ti ricorda ancora. Hai sempre dato il massimo per i tuoi fan, in ogni concerto, anche era stressante per te; e si capisce, avevi un cuore d'oro e arte da condividere con tutti. E io, nata troppo tardi per vederti dal vivo, posso ancora sperare che tu sia da qualche parte lassù e abbia trovato la pace che cercavi.

  • from Ross Ahedo

    Avicii unió con su música a mi familia, mi hermana y yo teníamos 8 años de diferencia de edad y era difícil llevarnos bien, hasta que avicii sacó seek bromance y tuvimos una cosa nueva en común, nos encantaba escuchar su música juntas. Al día de hoy, mi hermana y yo tenemos su logo tatuado como las hermanas del video de wake me up:) La música de Tim nunca morirá porque sigue en la vida de cada uno de nosotros.

  • from Saito Leo

    The song “Wake Me Up” really touched my heart and made me realize that “Life is a game made for everyone, and love is the prize.” It was the best words I’ve ever heard in my life and I’ve also listened to many other songs that Avicii produced. It is so monumental, and I want to appreciate Avicii that he left us his iconic songs to everyone in the world. May he rest in peace🕊️

  • from Giulia

    Mi hai cambiato la vita, il modo di vederla e viverla ◢ ◤ Sarai per sempre l’estensione della mia anima… spero di conoscerti in un’altra vita ❤️

  • from Alexandra

    Hello you, Never forgotten because so alive in our hearts Much love forever.💔

  • from Богдан с теплом и любовью из России

    Дорогой Тим, спасибо тебе за все, все происходит так , как ты и хотел. Твоя музыка будет вечной 🙏🏻 Ты изменил мою жизнь еще в далеком 2011…и меняешь до сих пор. Твои слова в документальном фильме я Тим.. звучали так «я буду всегда общаться со своими слушателями через свою музыку» – так и происходит брат.🙏🏻

  • from Isabel Ortega

    avicii changed my life completely by listening to his music, I feel alive, I am not free from ties in any way, I forget about everything and I love feeling that way, I wish all his music stays alive and doesn't fade with time, Tim Thank you for making me feel alive

  • from ΛIRTON

    Pude conhecer o trabalho de ΛVICII em 2020 aos 14 anos ouvindo pela primeira vez "Hey Brother", achei maravilhoso e diferente com a pegada Country, já virei seu fã, me apaxonei pelas suas músicas. Comecei a pesquisar seus shows, assistia bastante, sonhando um dia em ir um dos seus shows, mas descobri a sua morte nesse pouco tempo de conhecimento, fiquei triste em saber, mas o carrego como inspiração para a música no cenário eletrônico por ser inovador e revolucionário. Lhe AMAMOS muito 🫶🏻 TIM

  • from G

    Hope you liked this years grammys. RIP

  • from Nicolò

    Avicii’s gonna be remembered forever. With Love

  • from A

    Forever loved

  • from carla L

    Mai hagues imaginat que una cançó pogués fer sentir tant. SEEK BROMANCE em va enamorar i fins a dia d'avui em segueix fent vibrar. tant de bò haguessim pogut evitar-ho… Ens fas molts falta aqui baix!! LOVE U TIM

  • from Oscar Hodson

    I miss you every single day. Thanks for everything Tim ❤️

  • from Guna

    I will always love Avicii songs , especially the song Hey Brother when the sky comes falling down there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do , As I'm far away from home , then this song makes me stronger , when I don't wanna lose it all , This Avicii song is in my heart , and makes me stronger ❤️

  • from Julia◢ ◤

    Avicii😢😭😭😭 I love you😭😭😭💕 I will miss you forever and i will love you tulil the day that i die😭😭😭💕💕💕💕🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽😭◢ ◤Rest in peace Tim🫶🏽😭

  • from Blizzy

    Tim and I were born the same year so every time I hear his music, it hits me even harder that he left this world too soon. He released True the month before my daughter was born. His music and memory will always live on with me, as my daughter is subject to a lot of Tim records on repeat. Now I hope both of my children grow up to appreciate music in all forms as Tim did. He was a true musical aficionado. ◢ ◤

  • from Bmadia

    Avicii was such a generational and inspiring EDM artist. We all love him from everywhere around the world. From Alaska to New Zealand, all corners of the world. Just such a heartbreaker that he had to die so soon. May Avicii, or Tim Bergling, rest in peace. Everyone loves him and remembers him. And, before I leave the note, just know that he is

  • from Maxime

    Avicci is all my childhood. Thank you so much for your songs. Miss you

  • from Miah – with love from USA

    i didn’t know you Tim, but oh how i wish i did. you saved and still save so many souls. i wish someone or something could have healed yours. i have very few things left that make me smile, and you and your music is one of them. thank you for giving us and life your all buddy. i truly pray you have found the peace you deserve. ❤️

  • from Kamila Díaz

    te extrañamos mucho tim, gracias por hacer feliz a miles de personas, fuiste una gran persona, te amamos

  • from Vanessa

    We share a thirst for life that resonates with this world, yet words and art can't express our truthOur pure essence holds memories of elsewhere, where true communion existed To those who felt this disconnect from our core energy,I understand. As you leave this matrix, our inner compass remains. The tragedy isn't loneliness but our attempt to share this unity beyond words. Though we never met, I feel you when I find others who resonate with our origin. Merci Avicii, your gift transcends understa

  • from KATH

    A Pure Genius with a Genuine Heart. We're honored and grateful for the gifts you gave us, so lucky with your amazing & timeless melodies. May you now Rest in Peace. Love KATH

  • from Rachael

    I’m devastated that such a talented man can decide that he wanted to leave his life in such an awful way. I absolutely love all the music he ever made. On my 40th birthday party I included all of his songs. Such a loss to the music industry. Mental health can affect anyone, just goes to show you how you think someone has the world at their feet and yet they can’t see how important and amazing they are, absolutely devastating x

  • from Jayne/Jane Otis

    Few years ago when i was younger i wrote on this website my thank you. My english wasnt the best so i decided to write something again. I first heard Tims music when i was about 7-8 years old. since then i love his music dearly. I cant name one favorite song. All of them are unique and pure masterpiece. Youve got a great talent and im more glad we all got honored to hear it. Youve done so much for us. We can all hear it in your songs. we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Rest well❤️

  • from Jenny

    I heard levels at a club back in 2011 and was immediately in love with the song…Tim made the soundtrack to my young adulthood and I will be forever grateful for the memories I connect to his songs. ❤️

  • from Desmond

    One day, you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember

  • from Ximena

    Querido Tim, con todo mi corazón. Tu música fue más que sonidos y ritmos; Fue un viaje, un refugio, un sueño hecho melodía. Desde que era pequeña, tus canciones me enseñaron lo que es la verdadera conexión con la música, esa magia capaz de llenar el alma de alegría, nostalgia y emoción pura. Cada nota que creaste sigue viva en mí. Cuando escucho tus melodías, siento que sigues aquí, inspirando mi mayor sueño: ser DJ. Quisiera algún día hacer lo que tú hiciste por el mundo, llevar felicidad.◢◤✨🤍

  • from Davi

    Sentimos sua falta, porém sabemos que você está em um lugar melhor, Tim. ◢ ◤

  • from Juan

    Gracias por todo, la música que creaste me ha ayudado Tim. GRACIAS

  • from James, Thaialnd

    Thank you Tim.

  • from Kendall

    Rest Tim, and be free.

  • from Rossella, mamma di William

    Ciao Tim, il mio bimbo di quasi 6 anni è pazzo di te e delle tue canzoni. Non solo, ha apprezzato il racconto della tua storia fatta di impegno, dedizione e costanza oltre che di musica. Ti omaggia con un disegno di te, l’immagine che più ti rappresenta dietro alla consolle, pronto a regalare gioia e divertimento a chi ti ascolta. Vola per te un bacio e un caro saluto dal piccolo William, che spera tanto un giorno, di diventare bravo come te.

  • from Carlos Garcia

    You will always be the greatest DJ that has ever existed, we miss you idol!❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Vladimir

    Sin palabras para describir a este gran hombre, que con tan solo escuchar sus canciones me hace sentir diferente y olvidarme de todos mis problemas de ansiedad y depresión, me hubiera encantado ir a uno de sus conciertos y escuchar en vivo sus grandes canciones

  • from Palle

    Whenever I find myself in sad times, Tim’s music is, has always been and will always be my solution to find happiness again. Not a moment goes by where you’re not missed Tim. 🙂

  • from Michèle

    Still missing you, rest in peace 🩷

  • from Artjom

    I've been listening to your songs since I was a kid. Thank you, Tim. ◢ ◤

  • from Justin T.

    Rest in Peace, brother. You're gone but your legacy still remains. It will stay that way. Your music still runs wild in the hearts of people, a testament to your greatness. While you lay to rest, we will listen to your music on repeat.

  • from Milena Melgarejo

    Your songs are a cure for the soul, you definitely disconnect and for a moment everything seems to be fine, I would have loved to go to one of your concerts and get infected with this beautiful energy, you are always in our hearts, we love you Forever ❤️‍🩹🧸

  • from Daria 🇵🇱

    Come back to us. We miss you so much.🥹

  • from Marc-Antoine G.G

    I miss you Tim 🧡🕊️

  • from Gicelia Brito 🇧🇷

    Tim, your music has brought a mixed of emotions that built our self stronger, alive and full of love. Me and many people around the world has a piece of you in our heart's. Thank you for share your music in our lives, it always will be remembered.❤️

  • from S

    AVICII te amo🫶 ◢◤

  • from Marta Martín

    I have been listening to you since your beginnings, I love music and singing, thanks to you, I have been suffering from depression for years and I wish you were here to record that you were unique. Forever Tim ❤️❤️

  • from Jason

    Everytime i hear your music it gives me hope! Thankyou for creating such meaningful music i wish I could of helped you like your music helps me everyday!

  • from Raymundo

    Thank you for giving me hope during hard times. If only somebody could have helped you

  • from Maximilian

    Rest in peace Tim you will always live on in our hearts

  • from Claudia

    I wish I would have met you and could have helped in any way. I’m really sad, you are missed by so many people! Your music is so special to me and my little daughters love to dance with me to it! Thank you ❤️

  • from Laszlo – Skyarest

    when i first heard Avicii, if I remember right it was Silhouettes. we were kids back then, 10-12 y olds playing outside the streets, listening to some house music. obviously I remember Levels, and when I became a true follower of Tim it was the Nights and Days' Album. Since he passed away I realized how badly I miss him and as I started my music production journey in 2019 it's not a question he is one of my greatest inspiration, every single fckin day. Love you, Tim!

  • from Rafal

    Tim.. Thank you for making the world a better place.

  • from Carla – Chile

    ¿Quién eres para erizar mi piel así? ¿Cómo logras apretar mi corazón sin siquiera conocer mi rostro? ¿Serán tus melodías hilos invisibles que unen mi sensibilidad a la tuya, o más bien, tú sensibilidad con la del resto del mundo? Y aunque tu ausencia es una certeza, tu presencia no se extingue.

  • from JOEL

    his music was the best that i ever heard and it gave me fun times and hope favorite music was Hey brother. It was the first ever music of AVICII i heard -REST IN PEACE TIM BERGLING

  • from OU

    I never met you Tim but your music completely changed how I thought about things. I didn't discover your music until way after you passed but just know that all your hard work and talent was NEVER wasted.

  • from gianni

    I will never be grateful enough Tim, thank you for always being there with me.

  • from RG

    Thank you for being vulnerable in your music and creating a space for your audience to feel connected with each other. Your music was my first step into EDM and festivals, and helped me find a community of friends that means so much to me today. You were and are so loved, and your memory lives on through your music forever 💙

  • from Migel

    I honor the memory until the end of my life

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