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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Rachel (thank you avicii for everything I hope you are mixing in heaven)

    battled with suicide and depression since the 8th grade. I’m a senior in high school now but I’ll never get old enough to not remember how his songs changed me after listening for the first time. I remember the first time I listened to his song “Hey brother”. It was 2014 and I was on a run. I didn’t know the artists name for almost a year until I truly grasped the message of that song . this song the song that saved my life came to be a DJ that would turn from avicii to just Tim Bergling to me

  • from Peretokincom


  • from Patty

    I’ve never felt myself at so low Levels of how I’m feeling now. But sometimes I get a good feeling yeah I get a feeling that I never never never never had before. When I start listen to your music I get the feeling to climb mountains by Levels then to fly high in the void till I reach altitude at top of Levels. At those Levels I see nothing but a bright light a Sunshine and I know I’ve arrived where I want the most: to you. In A Sky Full of Stars I found my Star?I found my soulmate???

  • from

    avicii forever!

  • from Choiiii

  • from Gonzalo

    Recuerdo muchas canciones de Avicii en mis años de la universidad cuando salía de fiesta con mis amigos y nos lo pasábamos genial juntos. Es bonito pensar que su música va a acompañar siempre estos buenos recuerdos.

  • from Adrian

    The discovery of your music was something that really pulled me out of the dark place I was in at that time. To this day I still can’t imagine life without your beautiful and unique songs. ❤️

  • from Barnie Cobb

    best songs i have ever heard R.I.P Tim

  • from Luke Epic

    Avicii was not only a great musician but he was also a very kind person. To lose someone like Avicii is a loss that cannot be put into words. Rest in peace. Well always remember you and keep you in our hearts forever.

  • from Matthew

    When I first listened to Wake Me Up the song touched my heart and all his other songs always sooth me. May Tim rest in peace.

  • from Emiliano Guillen

    Avicii siempre estara en nuestros corazones gracias por tu hermosa musica

  • from Krist

    There’s so much I want to do with my life and it’s all so short. But I’m inspired by Tim by his music. Listening to his music is a magical experience. Thank you <3

  • from Myr

    Always in my heart

  • from Kamila

    Me and my sister would always sing his songs at the top of our lungs and dance like crazy people when we heard them. I can't believe he's really gone and that its already been 2 years. 🙁 May he rest in peace?

  • from XOXO

    Miss your new songs love all the old…wish you were here..

  • from Keith Rogers

    The best of all time! Miss him everyday and listen to his amazing treasures he left us everyday!

  • from Kaliisa Daniel

    Uganda loves you. Avicii music is my remedy for energy happiness calming down. I'm very thankful for the spirit you brought in music it will forever live. "You will never die Avicii"

  • from Sainath Reddy

    I not a music person until 15 when I first listened to avicii's music I was moved it bought a whole life to me and I still have that nostalgic feeling

  • from @rous_demontt

    Ahora entiendo tú decición. Este ahora es un desafío diario de decisiones cíclicas. Sé que donde estés brillas con la sencillez y humildad que como persona que te hicieron diferente. La vida es un viaje que cuyo término solamente está en creer que existe un final. Gracias por nunca olvidar quién eras y quién continuarás siendo en los recuerdos de tod@s y tal vez en otro ahora.

  • from Raúl Muñoz

    I've always wanted to see you live that wasn´t possible but I still love ur music as the first day. U make my days better:)

  • from Melissa

    Avicii marked a beautiful moment in my life. Where I felt down his music was were it would take me out of my dark place and made me into a whole different person. #AviciiForever

  • from Lobezno

    I listen avicii for first time in my schol so when i go to my home y search it and it was a beautirfull moment.

  • from Claire

    I'm only a teen but his music has become part of my childhood. The songs are just the sounds of memories (birthday and Christmas parties when i don't want to be alone and i want to hear something familiar and happy) i know i will never forget them. Xx

  • from Rishiraj

    You are my inspiration. You are my hero. You are immortal. Unforgettable!

  • from Manuela moreno

    Si otra vez soy yo mi sueño siempre fue conocerte y no piedo expresar el dolor que siento al no poder ir a alguno de tus canciertos. TIM vles mucho y ojala puediera retroceder el tiempo y salvarte de lo que icistes. I miss you Tim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Manuela moreno

    Avicii me marco mi infancia. Y luego mi adolescencia. Ahora mismo tengo 16 años y cada vez que escucho sus canciones no puedo parar d ellorar. En pocas palabras. En mi idolo.

  • from BHARGAV from INDIA

    It's me again TIM. I hope you are starting a new life out there. People often says that a man after his death he goes to heaven but no you already made a heaven for us in this world by your 'Musics'. You and your musics has got such a power which they can turn a evil person to a good guy….thanks for what you all did you left from this world but not from our heart and you will remain right there forever. #RIP#the#immortal#soul. FOREVER!

  • from Calhitim

    Miss you Love you And Forever

  • from Patty??

    With your songs you let me read into your soul going in that Peace of Mind that will Never Leave Me. I still keep reading. You took my heart letting me going into yours 2 Beautiful Heartbeats. Now ARE YOU THE ONE in my heart ?It will beat beautifully for you till the dawn of my last day. It will not be a end but the start of a new life. Were you Waiting for Love to come around? Well Tim wait for me I’ll come around you. Better days will come Lonely Together. We just Gotta Hold On????

  • from Otto

    Saknar dig

  • from juan "belian" ferreyra

    que en paz descanses avicii tu musica fue y sera una constante inspiracion para seguir adelante a pesar de todos los problemas que nos agobian dia a dia iluminame desde donde estes para poder al menos ser un 20% de lo fuiste un abrazo al cielo nos vemos avicii gracias por todo.


    Thank you man. Your music will fill our heart. Forever. ?

  • from Alex

    From a young age he caught me with his amazing music and still now it brings me joy when I listen ❤️

  • from Lanie 702

    Avicii the best producer and DJ !!!! I start listen to his music when Levels Start came out that when I start discover him he made all these song I never to get to go to any of his show I regret that I didn’t maybe my next life ? … he seem to be a very sweet humble guy … rip in Tim ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Autumn

    Tim Thank you for the greatest music and memories. I never saw you perform live but every time there was a stream of you live I’d just dance around like I had no cares. I remember graduating in 2019 and just playing loudly in my car music of yours. I had no friends but your music made me feel happiness and peace. God needed his best artist for a festival so he gave you his wings to come help. <3

  • from Arturo isaí

    Su música es algo incomparable cada una con un mensaje diferente y un tono que la acompaña de manera perfecta. Yo lo conocí hace dos años escuchaba su nombre en Internet y me dispuse a buscar sobre el era un dj y a mi me gustaba la electrónica la primera vez no me gustó pero su canción wake me up me dio interés después escuche la de levels y lo mismo algo que me enamoro… Es un dj increíble y que me ánima muy buen trabajo y… Extraño que se haya ido de este mundo aunque agradezco su musica

  • from Mia

    I remember when I was 7 going on a road trip with my cousins. We were driving trough the mountains when 'Wake Me Up' started to play. A truly heart breaking yet magical moment. We love you Tim♡

  • from Pete Evatt

    I’m 46 years old and have always loved trance and dance…Avicii continued that passion in me and I loved his music..! I wish to be a DJ one day and he has truly inspired me..!

  • from


  • from Percy

    You've inspired me in so many ways throughout my life. You taught me the value of a strong work ethic and a positive attitude in the face of hardship. My best qualities — the ones that have shaped who I am today — have all come from you. Your steadfastness and appreciation for life make the world (and me) better I love you- And I will remember you for as long as I live..You will live on in everyone's hearts

  • from Micheal from Poland

    Avicii was the only DJ that I loved to listen as a kid now i'm crying every time when i think about this that what happened. I really loved him so much Rest In Peace Brother.

  • from LG Luca

    i discovered him when Levels first came out i was in Malta and that song and all the songs that came after that one gave me so many memories… i miss you a lot Avicii hope that heaven is as beautiful as your song is.

  • from Count

    Tim was the best DJ of all! Everyone loved his music because it was so good! But maybe some persons play his music 100 years after this comment again and again and they don´t want to forget him. Tim you were a great DJ!

  • from Audrey

    I was in a dark place for a while and his music really spoke to me. He truly had a talent and to be taken away seems so cruel. I only hope that where ever he is he's at peace because his gift brought so much peace to so many others. R.I.P

  • from Robert

    Thank you for sharing you love! You made our live more better! Rest in peace TIM! Robert Romania Oradea

  • from Anastasia

    I never see to Tim Bergling but I always feel that he brought to us such a beautiful music that will listen a lot of people every time. Rest in peace our lovely Tim!!!

  • from maya

    I remember I was going on a road trip with my family all the windows were down and all of hair was blowing we were acting stupid and having fun. Avicii's song was playing and I just sang along and continued to have the best time of my life. 1 year later my parents and I were going to the mall and on the radio we heard them say that he had sadly passed on. You could feel the hurt and sadness in the car. Later his song S.O.S came out and I've been in love with I'm sorry you had to go R.I.P <3

  • from Patty

    It was a fortune for me to find yr songs by chance 10 years ago. I immediately became Addicted to You. Later your soul meets mine. I don’t know why it happen maybe cuz it had to happen cuz souls are bound to find themselves sooner or later. We’re living now hard days but I’ve all yr songs that keep me up. It tears apart the heart?to know you aren’t here anymore. Man I do really miss You but I’ll forever be ADDICTED TO YOU and YR MUSIC. I couldn’t live without it now I know I’d go insane.

  • from Archie

    The professor of DJing he is so inspirational and always put a smile on your face no matter who you are Rest. In. Piece Tim Bergling ❤️

  • from Jakub

    His music is the perfect recipe for every mental hole

  • from Bhargav

    Two Years Passed Out After losing youTIM. He is a immortal soul who brought melodies and inspiration to these world with musics….LOVE YOU Tim.#avicii#thankyou#RIPavicii

  • from Cohen Bergoff

    Hey Avicii Team we love Tims music and I’m sure the whole world would love his legacy to continue. I feel so connected to his music that I’m getting his logo tattooed on me. The real fans would love the team to release “All I need” with sis. That song is his best to date but the world needs to hear it. Thank you

  • from Cybil

    La tua musica cos'è? un grido di gioia nostalgia amorepaura…sei speciale! Manchi manchi tantissimo …love u Tim

  • from Mariannaaa

    Miss u Avicii!!! <3

  • from Karin

  • from vanessa

    Ta musique a touché mon âme et mon cœur… seulement ce monde pouvait être aussi doux et sensible que toi…..ta musique réchauffe mon âme chaque fois qu'elle a mal. Merci Tim pour tout cet amour que tu laisse…. Tu vivra pour toujours à travers ta musique et dans nos cœurs.

  • from Roi de Joi

    merci et à un de ces 4

  • from 林家威

    当你走后我不知道我该信仰什么 我不知道怎么带着自己该有的信仰活下去 真的很爱你 Tim

  • from Jaewon Chang

    Let's say Avicii didn't die. God just needed a DJ and he took the best one…

  • from Mayara

    Hey Tim até hoje não caiu a ficha que você partiu. As vezes ao escutar sua música sinto que você ainda está aqui conosco. Sinto muito a sua falta. Você e sua música fizeram parte de grandes momentos da minha vida. Você está eternizado em nossos corações!

  • from Kaustubh

    Ok… I am crying right now…..and I don't have any strength to say anything other than…. LEGENDS NEVER DIE…..

  • from Fer17

    Thanks for your music. My feelings for you.

  • from Abdi from Bordeaux

    Hi brother! Where are you. you left too early.

  • from gürkan

    we miss you

  • from j2ks3

    Hey Avicii Love From Sri Lanka You are my inspiration. I am a music producer still growing up to become Like you. I always listen to you & your music & You are the reason for My Music Thank you Lovely Tim. These days I'm Working with Some project Call the Dream Stage this Song is A little Tribute for You. again Thank you AVICII sorry For the bad English

  • from Jack

    Crave your name into those shining stars. Without doubt.

  • from David #AVICII

    Just I listen to his song since 9 years old when i was in Portugal And I will keep listening to his song forever ! I'll love you TIM !

  • from

    Avicii for ever ever ever

  • from ARanay

    I love that he still lives on every time someone tunes into his music.

  • from Katheryn García

    Today's my birthday Tim? and there's so many things I would wish to improve in my life but I would wish that you were here still with us ? anyway today's not supposed to be a day when I'm sad so I'll be happy?? listening the gifts? you let us: your songs ? you can't imagine how I miss you hope you're well wherever you are thanks for all for making our days better and happier ❤️ love you forever OUR LEGEND ❤️

  • from Lidka

    I cry anytime I hear your songs. I cry because I miss you. I also cry because I am grateful for your art. It was a huge part of my youth. You will always be with us…

  • from zaru

    Ame todas y cada una de sus cancionessiempre me alegraba escuchar sus temas y la verdad que ahora no puedo ni ver un vídeo sin que me den ganas de llorar. Tu música siempre sera recordada y quedaras en la historia como unos de los mejores músicos . Te extraño mucho y espero que estés en un lugar mejor. "Vive una vida que puedas recordar" Siempre seras una leyenda

  • from KLAUDIA

    At first I didn't even know how Tim looked like but his music was always with me. Even when I was younger and didn't know it was him. His music brings me sooo many good memories. I'm writing this 2 years after his death and it just now hit me that there's not gonna be any new songs like specifially from him. It's weird that he is gone but I hope he's happy wherever he is right now. love u

  • from Jitender Verma

    Avicii Is the Only artist who makes me feel alive with his music. That was a Bad news when i heard his death news…… Imagine you on air and some one take away your Breath….. Avicii and his Music is Like Air which is most Important Factor For living………… As He said So many Famous Things " I wanna Be Remembered For the Life I Lived Not The Money I Made " – The Nights ( Avicii ) We all Remember You Brother From The Heart from the soul………. You Made It…..

  • from Gary

    The best Dj of all all the songs are so cool REST IN PEACE AVICII

  • from Jack

    Avicii forever

  • from e

    miss you

  • from Bernice

    I still missed you. Your songs meant everything to me. It’s been 2 years but I still cry when I listened to your songs. The memories I had listening to your songs. The meaning in every song you made had touched my heart every time I listened to it. Thanks Avicii. Love you lots. Will always remember the legend!!!❤️

  • from aleks

    Avicii was an awesome DJ

  • from Gareth B

    I first heard Levels in university in 2011 and that was a game changing song and got me into EDM. Your songs were the soundtrack of my early twenties. Legend

  • from Polux

    J'ai connu Avicii par "Bromance" et j'ai été fan directement de sa musique. J'ai jamais eu l'occasion de le voir en live et je pense que ca restera comme un des grand regret de ma vie. Ta music m'a aidé à supporter des moments difficile quand j'étais au fond du trou c'était comme un médicament un bon remontant! Tu nous manque Tim! Tu nous manques a tous!

  • from Jessica

    No matter where you go you will always be in my heart Heart FOREVER ? i miss you your Smile your Voice your Soul your Heart your Music – everything of you. In so many moments in my life your music was there for me it has helped me and will help me forever it goes into my ear and directly into my heart ?

  • from Ronja ??

    Världens mäktigaste DJ! Herregud vad ska vi göra utan dig Tim och din musik?! Går inte en enda dag utan att jag längtar efter att få höra ny musik ifrån dig men sen går det upp för mig att det inte kommer någon mer musik ifrån dig! Två år har det gått och inget är sig likt…. Hoppas du gör en massa bra musik där du är just nu❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Tyrell Christian Naidu

    Avicii you will always be remembered you’ve lived a life that we will all remember your songs are truly the greatest and an absolute inspiration each time I hear your songs it just brings tears. I miss you Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Daniela

    I just love Avicii's work Still crying BTW

  • from Clement Malaysia

    Thank You for everything. Listening to your songs got me sad because WE all miss you so much Tim. We wish you were still here with us. I've always wanted to go to one of your concert. I saved money to attend Ultra in 2021 when i turn 21 you were the main reason why I wanted to go 🙁

  • from Ana

    Love you forever Tim ❤️

  • from Patty

    I swear I’ve never used any dope; few times I just taste a sip of wine that’s all. But every day I get drunk?on your songs?I don’t need my drugs but your music!?I don’t know how but listening to your songs I can feel your love❤️pulling me up⬆️fr the ground and your touch picking me up⬆️fr the underground when I’m deep⬇️I get robbed of all my sleep as my thoughts begin to bleed?X YOU but then YOU’re the one who help me put my mind to rest?You’re always with me especially when I ask for?

  • from please

    i want some new music from Tim 🙁

  • from Axel

    Started making music in FL-studio 2010 thanks to Avicii. Never cried so much as i did when ifound out he was dead.

  • from SWAH

    I'll do it for you #SWAH ❤️

  • from David

    Avicii forever

  • from dPreb

    your music was my childhood Ever since you released levels i've been a huge fan. one of my dreams i had was to some day go to one of your live performances but i were to young. all my memories from my teenage years were accompanied with you from all the times i sneaked out to go party All summers where i hungout with my friends to all the late nights infront of the computer your music was always there. So for the rest of my life you will have a special place in my heart Rest In Peace Tim B

  • from Noah Norway <3

    I miss you so much everyday.. I keep telling myself "this isn't real" but sadly it is and it's so hard to realize even though it's been over 2 years. I'll never forget you. I want to thank you for everything you've given me and others you've done so much for people and I wish you had seen how much you truly meant for your fans I've met so many nice people because of you. Thank you Tim <3. 1989 – Forever.

  • from Jose Chang Estrada

    As I write this I'm watching your 2016 Ultra Miami set. It started at EDC Las Vegas on June 22 2013 at 12am. Some of my friends left but I told them that I wanted to stay to watch your set. It was the best decision of my life. Like my friends did I would've regretted if I would've left. You brought me and my girlfriend Kenya Rosales many beautiful memories and still do. I was also there with you in 2014 and 2015. Thank you for all the memories you gave me and I will never forget you <3 -Jose

  • from Victoria

    I grew up listening Tim's music. I was in love with his songs since 2012. He's an amazing artist and his music touch our souls. I went to Avicii Tribute Concert in Stockholm and I could clearly feel what he said about "transfer emotion to the song and the type of emotion felt during the creation will be recorded and will be transmitted to the listener". Much love from Brazil. Forever Tim.

  • from beatriz s. brum

    eu lembro que em meados de 2012 às músicas deles não paravam de tocar nas rádios ou nos programas de tv me apaixonei logo de cara. tim era um ser humano incrível espero que as próximas gerações possam desfrutar da arte dele. tatuei seu símbolo com as cores de Stories no fundo irei levar ele pra sempre comigo. te amo tim. espero que esteja bem.

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