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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Claudia

    Dear Tim, thank you for being a big part of my youth. You are amazing and I miss your heartkinded soul. I think of you very often and wish you the peace you have been looking for. Rest in Peace 🕊️🫶🏼

  • from Lisa

    We Love you!

  • from ❤️h

    Cuándo te escucho vuelvo a ser la niña de secundaria con zapatillas deportivas rosas de suela gorda que se enamoró de tu canción wake me Up y siempre esperaba un éxito nuevo d.e.p te quiero 💘

  • from Eniii

    Dear Tim, I’ve been listening to your music since I was a little kid. The first song I ever heard from you was Wake Me Up, which my mom introduced me to. She said, “Come here and check out this amazing song I found,” and we both loved it so much. I was still so young back then. I always dreamed of going to one of your concerts, but now that will forever remain just a dream… Tim, you shaped my taste in music, and I’m so thankful for that. ❤️ I hope you’ve found peace and rest. We love you. ❤

  • from Ian

    Rest in peace

  • from Paolo Valerio

    Oh man, Tim, I really wish I could have met you, or seen you in person, you have been my greatest inspirations in everything, I feel so sad that it ended like this, I wish you are at peace on heaven ❤️

  • from Paula C 🩷

    Dear Tim, you have literally been my childhood. My dad made me listen to your music when I was little and we listened to it together. I longed to meet you one day but I didn't have the opportunity. Your memory remains in the songs and in the great person that you were. Love you avicii 🫶🏻✨

  • from Lisa

    Dear Tim, I feel in love with your music many years ago. Through music, you brought immeasurable happiness to my life and to so many others. More than musical talent, your character and infectious smile are only some of the many things that make you special. I am sorry that you suffered and the world was not able to save you. You are eternally loved 🤍🩵🩷

  • from Valentina

    Dear Tim, You were so young and talented. You changed the history of the music. You were and are loved from the world❤️ Always in our hearts With love V.

  • from Liz from Ecu

    Beloved Tim, I was just entering university when I heard your music on the radio station. It was an indescribable feeling to be on the bus in a new city. It was the beginning of great things. It was devastating when I heard that you were no longer in this world. I only thank you for having accompanied me in so many joys and sorrows. I still listen to you now and I will continue to do so forever. I love you.

  • from Alexa

    Dear Tim, It’s hard to find the words to express what I feel after the documentary. I can’t even describe in words how deeply sad I am and how big a void you’ve left behind. You are the voice of my best years. Lot of time has passed since you left, but your memory hasn’t faded even a little. I will never forget you, and whenever I have the chance to travel to Stockholm, just like before, I’ll always visit you. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. I love you.❤️

  • from Fanni

    árcsak ott lehettem volna, hogy elmondjam neked, mennyire számítasz, hogy az érzéseid fontosak, és hogy megérdemled a békét és a boldogságot. Bár már nem vagy köztünk, a történeted megnyitotta a szememet az ilyen küzdelmekre, amelyeket olyan sokan csendben élnek át, és ezt a tanulságot örökké magammal viszem. Köszönöm, hogy önmagad voltál, hogy ennyire őszinte voltál,és hogy ennyit adtál magadból másoknak. Remélem, megtaláltad azt a békét, amit kerestél.Mindig különleges helyed lesz a szívemben❤

  • from Fanni

    Dear Tim, I never had the chance to know you, but through the documentary and your story, I feel like I truly saw the person behind the music. Not the superstar or the global sensation, but the kind, sensitive, and caring human being who carried so much more than the world could see. Your pain is what touched me the most. I see it in your expressions, in the way you carried yourself, and it breaks my heart that you felt so alone despite bringing so much light to others. Love you!

  • from Whitestar☆

    Dear Tim. Thanks for the childhood memories that you created for me. Long gone but never forgotten.

  • from Yasmin

    Aviciis music has been there through every part of my life, children where born to his songs, at any life event aviciis songs has been there, they tell his story and they also tell mine. I still get goosebumps every time I play a song. Takes me right back to the first time I listened to each and every one. Thank you 💜

  • from Lexi

    Thank you Tim for creating a huge impact in my childhood, you’ve always have and will be a huge inspiration for me. Rest easy ❤️

  • from Ale DL 🇬🇹

    Tim, you have been one of the best people this world has ever had. Thank you for always showing a pure and noble soul that transcended any worries we faced. This world was not ready for someone as wonderful as you. Wherever you are, I know you’ve found the peace you always longed for. We will love you forever, dear Tim.

  • from Letícia Mary

    (🇧🇷) Dear Tim, thank you for lifting me up and inspiring me all these years, you will always be amazing to me,I miss you every day. R.I.P ◿◸

  • from Iiris

    Thank you. ❤️ You were a big part of my teenage years, and still being close to 30 I listen to your beautiful music every week.

  • from Paul

    You are forever in my heart, Tim 💔

  • from Filipa Direita

    Iam from Portugal. I was born um 1988, the same generation of Tim. I suffer of anxiety. I saw the Netflix documentary, it Touch me a lot. You re especial. A good soul. Tim, your music makes me feel Alive. I wish you are here. Thank you, Tim. You re music keeps playing around the world, i would say ur music is intemporal. Rest on peace, in the hands of God. Thank you. Thank you Tim for making Magic♥️

  • from J

    Thank you, Tim! Your energy is so alive ✨

  • from Manuel

    Grazie Tim.❤️

  • from Subelo

    I will talk from my head I loved and enjoyed his music I wished to meet his but he left so soon ,I hope his music lives in everyone's heart he was one of the best and his music has unique taste .In loving memories of Avicii 🔸️

  • from Birkir Kári

    My name is Birkir and I’m from Iceland. I remember to hear Toms music first when I was 8 and I just fell in love with his music and I have listened to his music since then and I will never stop to listen to his music forever and I hope his family is doing well. When I heard that he ended it, I cried for a week or so and I still remember the day he went to the other world. Rest In peace Tom

  • from Arwa

    My name is Arwa , I’m from Morocco. Avicii Aka tim will forever be missed. He saved me and I’m always gonna be thankful to him. Rip Avicii best artist 🫶🏻🩷

  • from lucy

    i’m still thinking of you!!! i hope wherever you are now, you’re at eternal peace 🩷 we miss you tim, i wish you were here

  • from Sandra Martins

    For sure I had the best moments of fun listening to Avicii ❤️ His music will live on ! Just saw his documentary on Netflix and burst into tears 😢 Tim went to heaven way too soon, mental health is underrated, it is a very very serious problem. Wish he had ask for help as soon as those thoughts crossed his mind , I will never forget his music ❤️

  • from Amanda j

    He saved me.

  • from Dion Rivera

    Avicii, aunque estés lejos, lograste crear música totalmente atemporal a través de tu corazón, dejaste un hueco en el edm y en todo el mundo que nadie mas podrá llenar. te extrañamos avicii ◢◤

  • from Daria

    When I was a kid, circa 2014 I discovered Avicii and I immediately felt like I could relate to the lyrics of his songs. I remember being in elementary school and drawing his iconic symbol on my hand with a black pen. He was one of the first artists ever who was able to express raw feelings through uplifting and inspiring music. I can't remember a time in my life in which Avicii's music wasn't the soundtrack to the things I was going through. I miss you very much Tim. Sending love from Italy !

  • from Aymanemsc

    Imagine being from morocco in a small town and be inspired by the legend avicii to create music, he is a symbol that will live together thru all people, avicii made our lives really beautiful by all his melodies

  • from Maya

    Saw Tim in ushuaia , best moment of my Life because pregnant I didn’t want missing the show . In the middle of the show my labour has started . Get out of the place was a challenge , my son is born 6 hours later. Tim will be forever a part of our life/story . Love you forever 💕

  • from Danijela

    Hello from Croatia! I will be forever grateful for beautiful music and one and only Avicii! Thank you for the best childhood memories and experiences. I was just a kid, very young, with only one wish- to be old enough to go to see Avicii. Unfortunately that wish will only be at my heart. We miss you Tim. You are still in our hearts, we love you ! One day there will be tribute concert for you . See you there. With tears in my eyes, your Danijela🤍.

  • from Ethan

    When I was growing up, I used your songs to help get rid of negative emotions. The day you died, I was crushed, I was so sad. But then I realised what an impact you had left, and I was happy to have discovered the legend himself at such an early stage. We all will forever love you and your music Tim.

  • from Ana Sofía Cristobal Serna

    Hoy es la primera vez que escucho su música, es realmente hermoso lo que ha creado, apenas en una hora estoy amando sus canciones. Las letras profundas junto a la melodía son indescriptibles, prometo que compartiré su música con mi pequeña hija Anyk. Gracias Tim ❤️

  • from Sanjeev

    Just to be short the best songs from him which take me back in time

  • from Daniyyelsj_cr

    Tim, gracias por cambiar mis emociones por medio de tú musica…

  • from Liv

    Tim, your songs give me goosebumps, listening to them gives me good memories of my childhood. I only dreamed to have seen you live❤️

  • from Xavier Gao

    I like Avicii, Big Chin and Wow Guy because my friend create the person name Steve Micurn or Big Chin and other memes and also I made with my LEGOs as well.

  • from Chris P.

    Avicii will always be cemented in music history. He is and will always be one of the greats. God Bless Tim.

  • from Valentina

    I've always loved Avicii's music,but I didn't know a lot about him.Since I watched the documentary, I wanted to know more about him. I watched True stories, spent hours researching everything I could find about him on Internet. When I read the book, I felt as if I had known him all my life.Then I listened to his music for days and cried. I am so sorry that such a talented, genius, wonderful soul has gone. I really hope he found his peace. I would like to meet him in the other world and hug him.

  • from Andrea

    An extraordinary person who continue to create emotions

  • from Péter

    Amazing music! His music must live forever.

  • from .


  • from Andriana Vasyltsiv

    “Wake me up” I didn’t know I was lost, until this song really hit me last year. After years of listening I finally understood. Forever my most favorite song…

  • from alice

    i don't know why through your music i feel you so close to me. i wish i could've met you and talk to you. i miss you tim <3

  • from Sarah

    The impact your music has is incredible. It takes me back to such a happy time in my life. I listen most days. You are hugely missed xx

  • from NICO R


  • from Millsy

    It's hard to believe that it's nearly seven years since we lost Avicii. I still listen to his music everyday. It lifts me up. It helps me celebrate and lets me find happiness on dark days. We are blessed to have Tim's music in our lives and it will live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for sharing it with the world. I hope you've found peace.

  • from David Clemens

    Zo zie je maar wat voor veel een droom kan zijn, kan eindige in een nachtmerrie … alles is niet zoals het lijkt, en geluk zit in kleine dingen !! Maar hoe dan ook je bent een grote waarde in de muziek geschiedenis, Je was een topper een super talent en voor veel een groot voorbeeld … Love you Tim !!!

  • from Kayla

    Hey tim I will always miss you and love you and your music which will always stay with me forever 💕

  • from Victoria Delmonico from Brasil

    I knew Avicii when I was a little girl and through him I realize how a ''simple'' music can transform my life and feelings. The first song I heard of this kind a style was I Could Be The One feat. Nicky Romero, and after the bunch of hormones released when you listen to this kind of melody, I knew it, that is my favorite type of music. This style follows me every single day and every time that I heard this one my heart gets so complete and my soul so full of happiness. This feeling calls AVICII!

  • from Y.O.

    After seeing the documentary I was reminded of a time when I felt most like myself. Your music allowed me to feel free and to be the most unapologetic version of myself. Revisiting memories of your past shows even now is helping me as I am living in a moment where I have forgotten who I am and want to be. You and your music is forever important and I thank you Tim. Forever Avicii,❤️

  • from Daniel

    I was 7 years old in 2013 when I first heard “Wake Me Up”, it was amazing. Avicii, along with Martin Garrix, made me fall in love with electronic music. You will forever be missed, Tim, forever and always. You were a one of a kind person, a true inspiration to me and to so many others, you are one of the reasons why I taught myself to DJ and to produce EDM. Rest in peace Tim Bergling, I love you with all my heart, your legacy will live on for eternity. ❤️💖

  • from Mohamed Siya

    I still remember the first time I listened to Tim's songs. I was around 13 years old then. And believe me when I say that his songs made that teenager's life much better. And that's why it felt personal, it felt like I lost someone close when I heard the news of his suicide. Rest in peace, Tim. You made a lot of our lives better with your music. You'll be missed.

  • from Ondine

    Merci Tim….!❤️ Repose en paix….🎈🎈

  • from Christian

    Ci manchi….la tua musica è ancora parte della mia vita….e lo sarà x sempre….ciao dall’Italia❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Maxzakung

    Always love your song… Miss you Tim. one day I will go to visit your hometown in stockholm . Thank you to make my every day to be the good moments.

  • from Tj Richmond

    Thank you so so much love from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • from Mattia

    Alla fine grazie a Tim ho capito che la vita scorre veloce e che la salute vale più di ogni successo…. Che i sogni sono i miei e non delle aspettative della gente…. E che alla fine basta vivere per ME e non per quello che il mondo si aspetta da me. Per sempre Tim, grazie

  • from linbochen0

    thank you acivii ur music is the best❤️

  • from kw1rzy

    avicii c'est un dieu wallah

  • from acenzo

    ◢◤ We miss you so bad TIME! Im always be a fan forever & ever!

  • from Sjors Peter

    Joo mede artiest Would you like to collab??? Im the best dutch artist with hits like : Yeah ben rapper and this is my life. Let it now pls lets go jaaa later ik spreek je!!!

  • from Rangel

    Gracias Tim ♥️

  • from Rodrigo Echanove

    I'm still waiting for all the songs from the ultra 2016 , i miss u

  • from Justina&AlanaUK

    Just watched the documentary ‘I’m Tim’ on Netflix with my 20-year-old daughter. We are two individuals from two generations but united through the gift of your music. You wanted to create music that was timeless and in your short but talented life you certainly achieved that. May you have found the peace of mind and contentment you sought in this life, wherever you are now. 🕯️🤍

  • from Cristina 🦋

    Just finished watching your documentary . Thank you for your music 🙏❤️

  • from jhim

    i miss you so much tim <3

  • from Jess

    A pure soul, with a pure talent. The world isn’t the same.

  • from aviciilover

    avicii är bäst

  • from Maggie

    Tim was one of the first artists to get me into EDM, and his music changed how I view it forever. He taught me to truly listen to music, not just hear it. His songs, especially A Sky Full of Stars, always make me cry. Tim had a way of capturing emotions like no one else, creating soul-stirring music that touches people deeply. One day, I hope to hear his work live and experience the magic firsthand. To Tim’s family and friends, thank you for sharing him with the world. ◢ ◤ 🩷

  • from Francesca

    Tim, your music still makes our heart beat a lot. We love you and miss you forever.❤️

  • from Hannah

    I bought your biography and will start reading it right after my exams. You are missing so… as Tim and as Avicii the one on the Tomorrowland, who captivates the crowds.Your music accompanies me every day and soon I will carry you with me for my life. And I'll be so proud when I can tell you what the background of the tattoo is.

  • from Joel

    Thank you ❤️

  • from Michelle Mendoza

    Tu música y tu historia me han ayudado tanto cuando me siento tan sola, me haz ayudado aún sobre lo que quiero en la vida y me haz inspirado tanto en no rendirme, te extraño tanto. Espero y tengas la paz que tanto necesitabas. Te quiero mucho. Amo tus canciones, tienen un toque tan característico que no se consigue donde quiera y eso dice mucho de ti. Saludos desde México. Te queremos Tim, nunca lo olvides, no es lo mismo sin ti.

  • from Luiza

    Tim your music helped me to survive my depression and also my dad’s passing. I couldn’t help but relate to the loneliness, pain but also the huge wanting to get better, to feel alive again. I was 13yo then and now I’m 24. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, I’m sorry if we heard it too late. You, indeed, made music for ages. Rest in peace Tim, you’re better now.

  • from Άνδρος

    My heart goes out to Tim and his close ones, and aligns with the one of all his fans around the world. He was not only a once in a lifetime artist, but also a one a million person. His craft will remain forever in my heart, mind and spirit; and his lyrics have built the path which I follow. TIM! you will be remembered for the life you lived, and the art you created. ◢ ◤

  • from Antoine Guay

    I remember when I was 10 years old I discover The Nights from my dad and I started to play it all the times during my vacation. RIP AVICII you can now have a peaceful life

  • from Raffo

    Tim, you will be always the best 🫶

  • from Lily

    Watching your documentary I just can't help but cry as if I knew you personally. You were a light, a genius, a troubled soul 🥲 I hope you finally found the peace and happiness you up there that you couldn't find here on earth. You will live forever through your timeless and transcendent music. May your soul rest in peace.

  • from Tea

    Just finished the documentary. You are missed Tim! Love u <3

  • from Shanice

    Oh Tim. I am inspired to live a life that will be remembered. Your light shines on.

  • from Chandler

    You were one of the first artists that got me hooked on EDM when I was younger. I never had the opportunity to see you, but I’ve shared many timeless memories with close friends because of your music. You will never be forgotten. Thank you, Tim💙

  • from Alvaro

    Eras arte, me sentía súper comprendido con tus sentimientos, no te conocía a penas pero escuche tu música me encantó, eres el mejor y lo seguirás siendo espero que veas todo lo que haces sentir a las personas estés donde estés y que estés bien u descansando. Gracias por tanto, por ser así ♥️

  • from Madi

    Your documentary reminded me of some of my very favourite moments in my life. Your music fills us with energy, love and inspiration. You are dearly missed and you will always be a legend. Timeless music, timeless story. You’re one in a billion Tim ❤️

  • from ljx

    I just watched a Netflix documentary about you Tim. Oh how time has passed. You are still missed and loved. You truly make timeless music. Gone too soon. Your legacy will never be forgotten.

  • from SK

    Just så filmen om deg. Utrolig fascinerende, men også trist. Håper flere prøver å så «bak kulissene» etter å ha sett filmen ❤️Du virker som du var en finfin fyr Tim ❤️RIP

  • from Vlasta


  • from Katarina

    "I was just 8 years old when I first heard 'Wake Me Up,' and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. Tim, your songs hold a special place in my heart as I grew up listening to them. My parents would play your music on TV every morning, and your melodies always brought a smile to my face, helping me escape from the challenges around me. I am 19 now and till this day I still listen to your songs. Thank you so much avicii Rest in peace hope to see you one day ❤️thanks for changing lives ❤️❤️

  • from SGC

    Your art resonated halfway around the world, all the way to Nepal. It transcended borders, boundaries. Nothing but love.

  • from Desiree Reardon

    I remember when I was 8, first hearing wake me up on the radio. I instantly fell in love with his music and edm. Tim inspired me so much in the music industry I wanted to create music of my own. Now, I'm turning 14 in a couple months and I will never forget the first time hearing his amazingly life changing music. 6 years of being a fan, a lifetime to go. I will always love and cherish your music Tim. Much love, your biggest and probably youngest fan. fly high, Avicii forever🖤🕊️◢ ◤

  • from Lucila

    I started listening to Avicii when I was 13. I remember getting into EDM when I first heard Animals by Martin Garrix on the radio, and that’s when my research started. I automatically fell in love with Avicii’s music. I remember he was coming to Argentina for the UMF 2013, but my parents wouldn’t let me go because “I was too young”. I was so mad but now I understand. I was only 14. And I am mad anyways, cause that’d have been my only opportunity to see him live. He never came back.

  • from Jackylany

    最近又在听 《You Make Me》,甚是喜欢

  • from Raquel Fructuozo

    Recién me uno a tu fandom , capaz y soy una fan que apenas empieza a conocer tu legado ,pero si de algo me he dado cuenta es que fuiste un gran ser humano y leyenda, que no solo debe ser admirado por su música sino también como la persona que fuiste(Tim Bergling),Me inspiraste a perseguir mis sueños y a vivir una vida memorable, sin enfocarme tanto en lo material. Gracias por que nos has salvado a muchos, Fuiste mucha felicidad♥️Con cariño una fan tuya desde México, Ver

  • from Ali

    Gracias por todo ❤️‍🩹

  • from Lelee

    AVICII, may this be a memory that you will always keep with us, we are from Brazil, we love you!!

  • from Sofia from London

    I listen to ‘Wake Me Up’ after my dad passed away, and that song brought me closer to him. Tim, you created music that touches people’s hearts like no one else. You were a sweetheart, gone too soon, but now in a safer place

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