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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from ᬼSGiiœDDœ TTᬼ facebook

  • from Anish

    Love you bro we miss you

  • from Miki

    Imam 42 godine i dan danas slusam njegova umetnicka dela. Njegova muzika mi i dan danas daje jednu posebnu energiju. Nemam osecaj i danas da ga nema sa nama. On je uvek prisutan i tako ce i da ostane. Hvala mu na svim pesmam i hitovima koji ce ostati zauvek u nama i teskim monentima nas podici da nastavimo dalje…

  • from VanNET

    Belarus love you too.

  • from NEXON

    Thanks You /Avicii/ Rest in pease

  • from Koree

    My 11 year old son has found Avicii on his own and it shows how his light is still shining in this world and inspiring people. I have loved Tim's music for years. Sending love to his family.


    An other month, Tim, dear boy, and I am still here to remember you , your music, your beautiful face, yor golden hair, your shining eyes. A kiss from down here to you, dearest boy!

  • from Dani


  • from Lim

    Just got the biography. Tim's legacy will live on forever. ◢◤

  • from someone

    We miss you very much

  • from Patty💚🤍❤️

    My life was a yo-yo, always up and down, from top to bottom, joys and trouble, never be the best but far from the worst. My life is now just a big mess full of problems that I can't figure out. From sky to magma quickly turning my existence upside down, losing all hope and trust in this world. I feel myself drowning in the fire of deceit, greed, malice and lies and I think of Avicii: SOS, help me put my mind to rest and I empathize with him. I think of you every day, dear boy.

  • from Shane

    I still miss you so much

  • from lio

    Tim, thank you very much for helping me with your music in difficult times <3

  • from Fish

    Avicii made incredible music that always leads to nostalgia. He is gone, but not forgotten.

  • from Lars Deiman

    We will never forget you Tim you will always be in our hearts because you are the best musician ever

  • from Rodny Halmingh

    Forever a legend.

  • from Lukas Fann


  • from Lucy Nelson

    When I think of Avicii, Tim, I remember hearing ‘Wake Me Up’ on the radio as a teenager. I’m from the UK and this song resonates with a lot of people still and the world we live in today. Thank you for your talent, for sharing it with the world. I know you are now at peace wherever that may be 💗 with love x

  • from Patryk

    Tim's music was my childhood. I remember Wake Me Up music video as one of the first music videos I've ever seen. It has always put a smile on my face. Then there was The Days lyric video. As a little kid I loved how the lyrics were being painted live on the wall. Years went by and he still was making masterpieces. Without You is my favourite song of his. Rest in peace, Tim. You'll forever be remembered.

  • from Bhavya Trivedi

    Avicii songs are like the lights for me in the darkness, Never met him , never talked to him but the connecting that i have with him through his songs is INDESCRIBABLE . Miss him everyday rip avicii

  • from Levels88

    Than you Tim for your contributions to this world. Your music is five star brilliance!!

  • from Xavier

    We will miss you, Avicii!

  • from Zane

    Tim's story, music and legacy gives me hope. Hope I can overcome addiction. Hope I can become an inspiration. Hope there are better days ahead. "I don't know where the journey will begin, but I know where to start…." That journey starts now, Tim. I'll never forget you and the impact you have left on my young soul. You have switched on the light in my darkest of times. Most importantly, you've motivated me to change. Change for the better. Miss ya dude.

  • from Jack

    Thank you for your gift of Music to this world Avicii. Nobody else has influenced me the way you have I find myself listening to you every single day. The world will never have another DJ like you Tim. You are loved everywhere in the world. I wish you were still here but even in your short time on Earth you managed to change EDM forever. Its not just music and mindless beats, I feel such emotion flooding through my heart and soul with every word, beat and melody. Rest in peaceful eternity <3

  • from 화이팅

    아비치~~ 또 왔어요. 또다시… 번아웃이 찾아와서 아비치 음악 들으면서 다시 힘내보려고요. 힘낼 수 있게 도와주세요! 잘자요 레전드

  • from JJ

    I love his songs his songs always has a powerful message that attracts people in so many ways his legacy and impact will inspire others too never lose hope RIP Tim see ya again

  • from Eric Luyimbaazi

    Avicii is the reason why am holding the line up to this point of the day. i Miss HIM and his the reason why i know any other dance/electronic artist but forever will be the No. 1 and No.0 At the top of the skies.. Love You Avicii!!◢ ◤

  • from Francis

    Dear Tim, in 2021 me and my mother travelled to Stockholm from England to see the "For a better day" concert in the Avicii arena. That was my first ever concert. And even though you weren't there. I loved every moment of it. Thank you for everything you did for your fans <3 Rest easy Brother <3

  • from Ladislau Alves

    Faltam palavras para descrever o quanto você foi importante na minha vida. Você foi umas das minhas maiores inspirações para seguir em frente, obrigado por tudo e espero que esteja em paz, espero lhe encontrar lá em cima algum dia. ❤️

  • from Michèle

    Hey Tim, Nobody else and no other music will ever touch my heart as much as you and yours. You‘ve made the soundtrack to many special moments in my life 🩷 Still can’t believe you’ve gone forever 🖤😢 I will never forget you🩷

  • from Rui

    A tua música é maravilhosa quando alguém como eu te recorda em momentos depressivos também desejo encontrar o meu mundo depois de um amor que talvez me leve para o céu mais rápido do que imagino.Wake me up,Tim.Obrigado.

  • from Nguyenkhanh0201

    Thank you thank you so much for creating music that helps me have so much more motivation in this life. One day I will go to Sweden to remember you 🫶🏻❤️❤️‍🔥thank you so much❤️ From Vietnam with love❤️‍🔥

  • from Carol·He

    Hey, Tim. It's another night for me to listening your music and working with my paper. I am about to get my master degree next year! And it is 6 years now. Your music are always with me, with all the difficult moments and give me energy to go ahead! 2023 will soon pass, I still love the music you made! thank you, Tim!

  • from Warbeast2312

    Always feel the happiness and joyful in your song! Love from Viet Nam

  • from David Novelo

    Tim!! Thank you for the music you gave us, you helped many people with those deep lyrics and with a message of improvement and hope, a legend never dies!!

  • from Ronak Jain

    Came across the songs of Avicci randomly on youtube. These are too much energetic that I've falled in love with them. The songs like "Nights" give hope for a bright future. Love Avicci

  • from Koji Discord

    Avicii is such a talented artist I ever heard my entire life since I heard the levels when I was 12 something, I can't stop listening to that good levels beat. Thank you Avicii.

  • from Kevin

    En cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar escuchar la musica de Tim me hace sentir mucha felicidad. Lo extrano mucho.

  • from Patricia from the UK

    Does it ever get any easier listening to Tim’s music has profound sadness and joy the two together causing unimaginable pain Thanks to this incredible soul I have seen Kygo twice and Martin Garrix both artists have both honoured Tim by playing his music heaven has you now there will never ever be anyone like you wish I could hug you and cry a billion tears for your pain Thank you for your music your smile and love ❤️

  • from Chris

    We Love you Tim! Thank you for your sharing your gift with all of us. Your legacy lives on!

  • from Yahia

    Hey Avicii, deine Musik hat so viel in meinem Leben bewegt. Deine Beats haben mich zum Tanzen gebracht, deine Melodien haben mir Kraft gegeben, und deine Texte haben mich zum Nachdenken gebracht. "The Nights" und "Hey Brother" wird immer einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen haben. Du hast uns mit deiner Kunst verändert und wirst unvergessen bleiben. Danke für die unvergesslichen Tracks, die mein Leben in Farbe getaucht haben. In Erinnerung, Yahia

  • from your big fan from hong kong

    i miss you :

  • from Steven

    Avicii was my favourite artist and my biggest inspiration. His music will always be a great source of joy. However Tim as a person is even more important to me. His struggles really resonate with me and I think our personalities are similar. While it still hurts me what happened to him it also helps me to look at how I should tackle my problems even in these tough times I'm facing right now. Thank you for everything Tim.

  • from Carolin

    He was such an beautiful soul and loving person. Love you 🙂

  • from marte

    Llevo escuchando a Tim desde que estaba en primero de la eso (he acabado la carrera este año) y ahora no puedo evitar derramar una lágrima escuchando su música. Muchas gracias Tim por habernos dado una parte de tí a través de tu música, me has ayudado en momentos muy duros y lo sigues haciendo. El mundo no ha vuelto a ser igual desde que te fuiste y te echamos muchísimo de menos.

  • from From Colombia: Aesoft(S.U.G)

    Avicii, your death is still not clarified. I don't know if you are around the world traveling and looking for the freedom you wanted or if you are in heaven, but I want you to know that your music will not be left behind, you left a legacy, you gave your opinion, you called for awareness; And although the world continues to advance and even die, your purpose was not in vain. Thank you for the messages and motivation in your songs, in addition to giving peace and hope.

  • from PG


  • from Lou Accioly

    I Love you! I Love you so much and I will remember you forever. Miss you my sweetie Timmy. ❤

  • from Hp

    Rip legend 🕊️

  • from Ye Manduo

    I am an ordinary student from China, and there is a lot of pressure in China, but the music you make motivates me to study and live hard. I'm sorry you passed away when I met you, but I want to say to you: Heaven must be happy to have you!

  • from LiL.sab

    sei stato una leggenga, lo sarai per sempre,sei stato la mia infanzia come un "brother" per me, che ora è passato solo al next "levels" mi manchi e spero che tu possa riposare in pace lassù, addio, Avicii

  • from Brenta

    When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days.

  • from Rocky

    Life’s a game made for everyone, and love is the prize <a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a>

  • from Serafina

    Ich fand seine Musik elektrisierend und mitreißend, obwohl er mein Sohn hätte sein können. Da wir am gleichen Tag Geburtstag hatten und ich den gleichen Namen wie seine Mutter trage, passte das irgendwie. Oft denke ich auch heute noch an ihn und seine verwaisten Eltern. Was für ein (unnötiger) schmerzlicher Verlust!

  • from Jefferson

    Avicii, I’ll never forget you. You are such an inspiration to me. I look at videos of you producing music and it’s so incredible to see the talent you had. I will forever be grateful for the music you left behind.

  • from Manuel

    Simply the best. Always in our hearts.

  • from ZanetheCelt

    I’m old. 60 now, in fact. One day a group of my students, the ones you knew could be *friends* if you weren’t in the choir room. But still, they WERE MY KIDS. These were those who had your back and you had theirs. If they contacted you at 3am you knew to pick’em up and tak’em home. No questions asked then. Hey Brother was our anthem. The Sams, Travis’, Lees, Thoms, Connors, Brians—just to name a few. I didn’t leave. They did, always saying they’d return. Where am I now? Alone. Hey, Brother?

  • from dario

    has sido un grade en todo el mundo desde españa

  • from Alex

    I listen your music in 2020, you are a legend in my all life.thank you Tim!

  • from Silas

    I will always miss this man. It is very sad that most of this generation will just know him from the memes, while most of gen z will know him for his beautiful music. rest in peace legend.

  • from Evren

    Ever since my childhood, Avicii and his music has had a spot in my heart. His music has helped me through many hardships, I've also made many memories and friends through his music. To this day, his impact is still great, and he and his music serves as my greatest inspiration. Thank you Tim, we miss you but we will never forget you.

  • from Grizzly Bear


  • from Isla .k

    I loved avicii's music. I had just discovered how much his music effected the world when he passed away. Goodbye avicii, you will not be forgotten.

  • from Tom

    I miss you Tim, your music touch my soul

  • from From Nana

    Avicii was my inspiration for the longest time. His songs made me feel alive and made me experience a feeling that is really rare. He lives on through his music and the impact it’s had on me

  • from HollowSullyvhan

    Sei un ricordo della mia adolescenza in una fantastica vacanza. Erano the days e the nights, tutta quell’estate ho solo ascoltato quelle perchè mi davano un bellissimo mood marittimo. Penso di doverti ringraziare per quei bei ricordi e queste canzoni che mi hanno accompagnato. ❤️

  • from Saviour

    I enjoy your music a lot. You will always be remembered through your sounds. 😑

  • from Julio MG


  • from Dat Nguyen

    You are the same age as my brother, your music is so touching and inspiring with those melody and lyrics. You will never be forgotten.

  • from Jhosy Medina – PERU

    Vaya! siento que comento aqui cada 2 meses … me sorprende como pasa el tiempo , pero aun sigo sin poder superar este dolor , las lagrimas simplemente brotan cuando pienso en ti. Solo espero que estes bien donde sea que estes , Te amo y extraño demasiado TIM. Siento que he sido marcado de por vida con tu musica.

  • from Perfect Blue Skye

    You are an inspiration to me and my music ✨

  • from Сергей

    Авичи! Карелия с тобой. Мы тебя никогда не забудем!

  • from Kiki

    Rest in paradise

  • from Bréelle

    I love and miss you, Tim.

  • from I am already add with you on sc

    Hii i know you but you don't this is a school love story I am in my home country it is my first day of school in 12th standard or you can say high school and there is a girl and she is perfect but we can't talk at that time but after some time my schol make group and she is my group leader then they give us work and all that we start talking slowly we become frnds and then bff then. you know. Its is the perfect relationship we never fight with each other but after some time she married due to

  • from Luck

    Gracias por todo Tim, nunca te olvidaremos 🤍

  • from Elias Retana

    Te extraño, tu música me hace sentir mejor, eres el mejor por siempre.

  • from Star

    Always thinking of you, Tim. We miss you 🫶

  • from Axel


  • from osmankilic29

    özlüyoruz be reyiz

  • from Hyqte,a Chinese producer

    谢谢你在我低谷时陪伴我,永远的鸽子王 (For non Chinese language users: Avicii is also called 'The Pigeon King' among his Chinese mainland fans, cause 'Pigeon' means 'one who"s often not in attendance on time' in Chinese idioms, originating from his failure to attend on time in Shanghai Storm Festival)

  • from Bülent Durusoy

    When I was 12 years old, I was listening to you and dreaming of becoming a DJ. I became a DJ and producer and I am 23 years old. Thank you so much, TIM, for being an inspiration to me. You are always in my heart.

  • from Janus

    super energy person

  • from Artem

    No matter how much I listen to Avicii’s music, I will never get tired of it, because there is a lot of positivity and goodness in this music. Especially in the songs "Wake Me Up", "Levels" and "The Nights". When I feel a little sad, I immediately listen to your music and it lifts my spirits. And it also increases motivation in some business! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CREATIVITY, AVICII! With love from Russia

  • from el cantante princpale

    Avicii history is simething else to my life. His songs helped me alot when am passing hardtimes. i remember it was on those days where you wake up in the morning with nothin, i just end up crying but rigth now i have been employed and at least i earn somethin. shot out to the legend. he has inspired me a lot thats why i cant stop coming back here. i remember that song wake me up and broken arrows in the dark. long live aviciiu <3

  • from Joel

    As a fan, I have ever known Avicii since childhood and listened to his music with my dad and myself. All I can say that, he was great and talented in his work and he will be missed so much. I think that is what I can say for now. I will miss him so much. May his soul rest in peace. Before i can conclude this, my Favorite song from him is wake me up which is my dad's favorite ever since he released it. Thank You, Avicii.

  • from Gale of Waterdeep

    I still listen to your music everyday, I still visit your profile from time to time. I still can’t believe you’re no longer with us, makes my heart hurt. Your music has left such an impact in my life, I don’t know if any other DJ will ever be as great as you. Rest easy, Tim.

  • from Asude

    I will not belive that but i, dont want to belive i miss you

  • from Bella

    I love AVICII songs and his dance moves he is always going to be the best dj ever # Tim BERGLING forever going to be missed and his songs make him stay alive forever

  • from Ethan M

    Avicii, If your reading this, I wanted to let you know, That You were my favorite artist. I hope you in heaven, will remember the life you had. Like the song The nights. "Live a life you will remember" you are protected, and safe. We love you. Reast in peace.

  • from Arianna

    I am reading all these beautiful comments and I am just sitting here thinking what a horrible evil beast depression is. I had an attempt a few years ago and I promise myself to never do that again. Life is extremely precious and Tim showed us that through the way he made music and brought people together. It is truly such a devastating thing when one of your favorite artist dies. I am so grateful to have heard his music. I hope you are resting easy, friend. 🕊️

  • from Hidden

    even though you've gone, people all around the world still remembering you and writing to you everyday. Everyone loves you Tim. I hope you rest in peace and rock the heaven with your music there

  • from Julian Schirripa

    It has been 5 since you left. We will forever miss you Tim till the end of time. You have inspired me to start making EDM. I am very upset that you are gone and I really wish we could have worked together.

  • from IoannisGreece

    I miss you so much but your music keeps you alive, Legend. R.I.P Tim

  • from Carla

    mi yo de 15 años sigue llorando tu pérdida. Con 20 me he hecho un tattoo a tu nombre, porque pienso llevarte el resto de mi vida contigo en mi piel. Ojalá hubiese nacido antes para verte en el escenario, pero supongo que tendré que esperar algo más hasta verte allí arriba. Te mando un abrazo desde aquí y espero que lo recibas en el cielo. Espero que seas feliz y estés en paz estés donde estés, nos veremos algún día, mientras, te seguiré echando en falta.

  • from Vladimir Iwankov

    Thanks for all.We miss you,Tim.(a hing school student from People's Republic of China)

  • from Petey k

    "Without you i feel lost at sea" Its incredible how a song can express a million feelings

  • from James

    In the serene countryside, Emily, an adventurous botanist, crossed paths with James, a wildlife photographer. Their shared love for nature ignited a journey filled with wildflower bouquets and sun-kissed landscapes. Through captured moments and blooming gardens, their love mirrored the vibrant colors of nature, intertwining their lives in an eternal embrace.

  • from Rehan🇳🇴🇵🇰

    Funny how it’s possible to feel so close to someone whom you have never met. The moments I have shared with my friends while listening to your masterpieces. Thank you.

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