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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from G billy

    He will live in my heart forever ❤️ Avicii was a inspiration, for many people. I think he is resting in peace knowing that he was a good dj, after all We miss you avicii

  • from 최순필

    그의 음악을 즐겁게 들었던 기억을 가지고 평생을 살아가게 될 것 같다. 그를 추억하며 현재를 살아가는 사람들을 통해 영원히 기억될 것이다. 이제 더 이상 새로운 음악을 들려줄 수 없지만 강렬하게 빛났던 그를 기억하며.

  • from DisCovers

    You were always a huge inspiration to me, and so many people around the world. We all miss you so much!!!!!!!

  • from CostanzaMA

    miss you tim❤️❤️❤️ love from Hangzhou, China

  • from fang


  • from 지우

    thank you for good music

  • from Amalia. ⚽✨

    I miss you, Avicii. 🇸🇪🇨🇷 Thank you for having existed and leaving us your music, it's the most incredible thing that exists. I hope wherever you are you are okay, we will always remember you. ❤️💙

  • from fdr

    its sad sine i loved him, omgsad lol but yeah sorry daddy vi

  • from Emioil

    Avicii MOtivates ME

  • from Ippei Karashima

    最高の音楽をありがとう。 中学生になってからあなたの音楽を聴き始めてもう5年が経ちました。 これからも辛い時はあなたの曲を聴いて頑張ります。

  • from Norris1z

    I'm listening to Without You, and i really realise how hard it is to listen to this knowing you are not here. You made music for the soul and there is no one like you! I would never forget you.

  • from AbbyMoonie

    You left a great mark on the lives of many. I hope you found the quiet and peace you were looking for, and are safe and happy where you are. Always in our memories..

  • from Anonymous

    I hope you're at peace in wherever you are Tim ❤️

  • from staying hidden

    This is going to sound weird, but Avicii saved me from suicide. It made me realize that you will actually be missed. It made me realize that it would make people extremely sad if you commit suicide, as the way I am sad Avicii submitted suicide and it makes me sad thinking about that. Thank you Avicii, you will be missed. The nights is a really good song which is why I'm really sad. -I'll think of my dad if I'm ever afraid

  • from Ben Carter

    I've been enjoying his music so much lately. Love EDM and having a great time. Good vibes. Love Tim. Won't forget him.

  • from Fotis Adamos

    Miss you 🇬🇷

  • from 7heDopig

    love you tim

  • from Valery

    This dark October evening it could be so good to listen your new,beautiful songs,to see you alive,34 years old.

  • from vivin

    i loved avicii since my childehood my fav song is the nights and thats my life inspiraton rest in peace pride and glory

  • from Injun🫶🫶

    Thank you Tim for your music

  • from Nika

    Dear avicii,i miss you soo much,i listen to your music when I’m happy, and when I’m sad,i can’t believe you just go, but you inspired the other people to folow your dreams,and i know that filing on tour concert because i was once and i want to feel it again❤️i still listen at your music i hope you will back once and make new album,i think that is possible,because you can do it i love you and i miss you. 😢❤️<3

  • from Karly

    Don’t cry because he’s gone Smile because he was here, and in the words of Avicii himself one day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember. He also said when he died, he wanted people to remember him for the life he lived, and not the money he made, but looking at all of these people that support him today he knows we do more than remember him. We are inspired by him.❤️✝️☮️

  • from Saknad

    Börjar bli längesedan nu… Tack för allt du gjort o stod för

  • from Jerry

    miss you tim❤️❤️❤️ love from China

  • from Emilio Fdo

    Escuchar without you cada vez que estaba roto y me daba energias de seguir adelante

  • from Steven Chen

    Hi, Tim! Thanks a lot for the company of your songs with me during my bad time. It gave me POWER & BELIEVE! R.I.P

  • from Huangqiang

    你一直都在我心中 你的作品将陪伴着我一生 Miss u Tim

  • from Kukin

    With Avicii exactly 9 – 8 years ago, I experienced the best moments of two lives, I had friends and I was happy. But then I had to move away with my family and I lost everything. Two years later Avicii died I was devastated but I didn't give up Tim's music is here with me and after years I try to find my old friends.

  • from Marco Ica

    Thank you Tim, forever. Your music and your human being will always be with me and will help through all the troubles and mess in life. "Life's a game for everyone and love is the prize". Miss you always more and see you soon at Avicii Experience. Love you, Marco

  • from Danny T.

    I started listening to your music a few days ago and now I'm hooked and I can't stop listening. <3

  • from Ainar

    Hi,Tim!I know you will never see this,but BIG THANK YOU for EVERYTHING!You made my and many other lives better and happier!Your music helped us overcome many obstacles in our lives and motivated us to make our dreams and goals a reality!You might be gone physically,but you will stay FOREVER in our hearts!Thank you once again!We will never forget about you!Rest in Peace,Tim.

  • from Kolton P

    I miss when Wake me Up was played on the radio all the time ,your music shaped my childhood. RIP ❤️

  • from Alba

    Te amamos Tim y tu música siempre estará con nosotros.❤️

  • from Luigi

    Was only a young kid when he came to fame, but I fell in love with his music, and till this day I can still listen to it with the same joy I had back then. It brings back memories, good memories. It's a shame he left this earth, may he rest in peace. Lots of love from Flanders.

  • from Lukas ODonnell

    I grew up on your music you were the music that made me, me. I still listen to your music till this day and I will listen to your songs for the rest of my life. I love you avicii you will always be remembered ❤️💜🩷

  • from Charlene

    We will always remember you!

  • from Marília Lobo @marilialobo

    we miss you 🖤🇧🇷

  • from jenny

    i remember the first time hearing his songs was in a karoke session in high school and whenever i listen to his songs again i think about my high school years. thanks for all the great music 🙂

  • from Billie joe armstrong

    She said theres always someone better waiting for her that i was so lucky i'd get her

  • from TOM ODELL

    avicii estate need to release our songs "LOVE TO HOLD" and "CANT LOVE YOU AGAIN" thank you

  • from Aditya varma

    Avicii is legend no one can forget him i m his big fan and while listening his song i get power and good feeling for my life my career And he was brother of all world ❤️Miss You Tim 😭 My love.

  • from haoliu


  • from Choi

    Miss You Tim

  • from Ho.

    Still Miss You

  • from wilson xie

    i only fully discovered your music until afterwards, i listened to wake me up, of course. But "levels" is so iconic, and the edm scene youve impacted remembers you, your music is just so fire man

  • from Avery

    Saknar dig så mycket!!

  • from Patty🇮🇹

    Hallo my lovely Tim. Today I want to tell you that Avicii mania seems to have broken out in my country. I usually listen to your music with headphones thinking of you in Heaven but when I hear your songs playing in the background on several TV programs, it seems to me you’re still here and the feeling of sadness turns into happiness. Years go by without you but your magnetic tracks haven’t lost their silhouettes. I always love your music.

  • from Cherish

    Thank you Avicii.You give me the spirit to continue to live. Avicii Forever.◢ ◤

  • from Ethan

    Tim’s music helped me get through my lowest point of life. He is the reason I am here today and I wish he was here to see how important he was and is to everyone across the world.

  • from Natalia

    “Wake Me Up” stays with me through all these years. And every time I listen to it – it gives me strength and wise to go ahead to matter what!


    Hi Tim, my dear boy; another month, another thought to you, love and sorrow, blessed music and hot tears. Time goes by, I think of you and almost can't believe that five, soon six, years have passed since that day, when you left this world behind and I met you for the first time. Many things have happened since that moment, three books I have written about you, your memory lives on in all people who loved you , there are celebrations and tributes, but you are not here and I miss you, dear boy…

  • from ÆSUZ/Berthold

    Still have to say thank you to you and your passion to Music. I still listen every day to songs from you. Thank you Tim.

  • from Emelie

    I perioder korsar du mina tankar ofta, lycklig för din musik men sorgen efter dig Tim sitter kvar än. Du är fortfarande så älskad och saknad, thank you for the memory.

  • from Дмитрий Цветков

    Закати там нормальную вечеринку!!

  • from JVX

    Still in our hearts. Made a better world..

  • from DH

    Thank you for saving me. I wish there was something we or someone could’ve done to be enough to save you.

  • from Ohio

    We miss you Tim. Hope you know your music has saved so many of us

  • from Camila Perry

    I can’t even tell you how many times Ive listened to his music. I’ll have it on repeat. Always brings me happiness whenever I’m having a bad day ❤️

  • from Tim Russell

    I found Avicii when I was 7 and I’m 14 and still listening to him he is the best of the best I love him and I hope that we can all pray for the Bergling Family 🙁

  • from

    Thank you!

  • from

    Farewell, Avicii. Your music will continue to inspire and uplift us, even though you're gone. Thank you for the melodies that will forever play in our hearts.

  • from anonimo

    Cuando tenia 6 años escuchaba música de Avicii con mi hermano, fueron los mejores momentos de mi vida. Gracias por tu música y por los mensajes que dejabas, significas mucho para mi y para mucha gente. No puedo parar de poner siempre "Levels" o "Without You". Te extrañamos, ojala estés en paz 🤍

  • from Raju

    Miss you!

  • from Brian

    Miss you 🙁

  • from Iris

    I really miss Avicii. When i was 7 years old me and my dad woulld always play "Hey brother" or "Wake me up" we still listen to him to this day. We miss you Avicii, rest in peace.

  • from le beri ce

    I love you Tim

  • from Diogo

    Thank you so much for every song you made

  • from Alyssa

    He left too early, he is the best dj in the World, rest and peace and i love you, forever in my Heart ❤️🤍

  • from

    Miss you everyday

  • from anonymous

    bro was one of the realest people out there. thanks for the music fam. u will always be in my heart.

  • from Lafrance Lamelo Burks

    you are the greatest DJ around the the world and we miss you. rest in peace

  • from Chriss

    When i was at my all time low Tims´s music always helped me push through. Rest in Peace

  • from Mark D USA.

    My playlist is filled with his music from TRUE to STORIES. 🔥

  • from Ramla Hamid

    Tomorrowland can't have without your music. Love you Tim

  • from

    I love you Tim

  • from Almero Ramadhan

    I make this website for paying tribute to Avicii We miss you Avicii

  • from Vilma

    When I was little my mother showed me a music video it was Avicii’s song ”Wake me up” . I fell in love with the song immediately! Now I’m almost 17 years old and Tim still means the world to me and I don’t mean that I’m obsessed with him but that I still love him and respect his time being an worldwide DJ. Dead but never forgotten! <33

  • from Laq1704

    I've only been listening to Tim's music for 3 years at that time the first song I heard was Levels. His music has touched the bottom of my heart. From then on I listen to his music until now even in stressful times every time I turn on his music I feel completely relaxed. Thank you Tim! 😊

  • from Oliwer Lindh

    God bless you Tim. Tack för den otroliga musiken. ❤️ ◢◤

  • from Théo

    Hello Tim this evening of October 14 know that I miss you very much and that your music will remain forever engraved in my memory thank you for everything we all love you. Théo from France 🇫🇷

  • from Estelle

    Avicii's music will ever get old. It makes everyone who listens to his music feel like they are okay and that everything will be alright. I am only 13 years old so i was really young when his music came out but every time I would go into a store or ride in a car his music would be playing on the radio. Ever since then i always go and listen to his music. I only figured out now that he had passed because there were comments for wake me up that said RIP. Thanks Avicii for all your music◢ ◤

  • from your fan

    My favorite song of yours was wake me up. every time i felt sad i would listen to your song for comfort. We all miss you Avicii !

  • from your fan L.C

    Rest in peace. You will be missed but your legacy will go on through your music. I first heard your songs when I was really young but I never knew that you were the one who made the song. Just last year I figured out that you had many wonderful songs but I never knew that you had passed until now. Thank you for all the joy that you have given to people around the world. Thank you so much. You will live forever Avicii.

  • from Addison Teo

    you were the idol of many

  • from M

    The earliest memory I have of listening to Tim’s music would of been when I was four my dad was playing wake me up and it was one of the only songs I listened to for year and when Tim passed away it really changed the was I listed to his music because his lyrics where more then lyrics

  • from Kevin

    We miss you bro!

  • from Jone

    I am from Spain and I started listening to Tim's music in a bad moment of my life I had anxiety depression and I had no friends or family to help me. It was then when I heard his song "Trouble". That song moved me a lot and from then on I started to listen to all his songs which helped me a lot in the good and bad moments. Thanks Tim I will always remember you

  • from Spekter

    Avicii has inspired me to create my own music. After his death is when I started listening to Avicii. My favorite song of his is 'Without You' for it's astonishing drops. My favorite song by him on an inspirational level is 'The Nights' which teaches very important life lessons. 1989-Forever. The audience of Avicii hasn't died! We love you Tim.

  • from Anders Amigo (DK)

    The one and only composer that i have ever been a fan of. His music is like medecin againstall the dark feelings. We dans them all away. in this brief moment of time. From the bottom of my❤️ thanks man. dans on!

  • from KQ

    wake me up is my favourite song and it always will be. rest in peace avicii.

  • from wkf

    I am ChineseI love Avicii.

  • from version-11

    Legend Never Die

  • from

    Best DJ ever!

  • from Alex Billard

    Avicii was the best DJ to ever exist man I miss him I need him while I complete my undergrad

  • from Peblo

    There is too much to say but to me Avicii’s music gave and still gives me hope for myself and humanity.

  • from Morgan

    I'll always remember combing through YouTube and stumbling onto a record called "Penguin". From there my appreciation for Tim's work began. Because of Avicii I learned to love dancing listened to more varieties of music and appreciated the big and scary world that we live in just a little more. EDC London 2013 set is forever etched in my memory. One day you too will leave this world behind. So live a life you will remember.

  • from Elizabeth

    As a kid I always listened to Avicii with my dad it's my childhood we have a songwriting project right now and I'm working on Avicii right now

  • from Angelo

    Your music is always in my head !!!!

  • from Avory

    Tim I hope you found the answers to your questions. But we will miss you. Thank you for being with us just for a moment…

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