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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Nov5

    Hola Tim se que no estás aquí para leer esto aún así lo dejaré escrito aquí: Desde hace mucho tiempo que tu música me inspiraba y teñía de colores vivos y alegres todo a mi alrededor vivía despreocupado porque sabía que artistas como tú aún respiraban y seguirían creando arte como el tuyo. Por desgracia ya no estás aquí con nosotros mi sueño es ser DJ/Productor para hacer lo mismo que tú has echo sin importar de donde venga y lo que me cueste ya lo verás lo prometo! Novichok

  • from Milad

    You save my life you safe me with your music . miss you Tim 😭

  • from Aleksiew

    Miss you so much <3

  • from CamíloPerez4

    Recuerdo el primer día conocí a Tim fue el mismo día que me enamore de la música de el y de la música electrónica en general fue el día que supe que existía un lugar al cual pertenecía Tim fue y será el mejor recuerdo que tendre a lo largo de toda mi vida gracias por todo Tim!! 🤍

  • from Rodrigo Roncagliolo

    man i remember the first time i heard levels since then i forgot who he was and the name of his songs but in the pandemic i discovered him again his music now means a lot for me as a person and as a guy who is finishing school and facing university i admire him and all what he did for us and for music you will be forver in our hearts gone but never forgotten.

  • from 🗾

    avicii max !!!!!!!

  • from Ilan

    I started to listen to Avicii in 2017 because his music would repeatedly be playing in stores. It was not until 2023 when I really discovered his music. I was so happy that an EDM artist would create such melodic and meaningful music. I listen to his music every day in a playlist now. I wish that Tim was alive but RIP Tim you truly are a music Legend.

  • from

    I started to listen to Avicii in 2017 because his music would repeatedly be playing in stores. It was not until 2023 when I really discovered his music. I was so happy that an EDM artist would create such melodic and meaningful music. I listen to his music every day in a playlist now. I wish that Tim was alive but RIP Tim you truly are a music Legend.

  • from Joel

    I did not listen to a lot of Avicii however i know he made great music i think the first song i listened to was "Levels" The reason why it pains us so much is because of the nostalgia but behind the music we really don't know what's going on so please care about people around you. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger just treat them with kindness just saying "Hello" to someone can make their day do your part. Thank you so much for the memories Tim. Rest easy. Much love. -Joel.

  • from CIC BMW

    We love your music so much! shout out to my Marshall!

  • from WiCK

    Your music will be forever!

  • from Kotaro

    our loveやunbreakable、we burnもリリースされるといいな、、 ◢ ◤ forever❤️

  • from Carly

    I wish you could have been able to continue your journey. The plans you had were far bigger than the man behind the music. We lost a light and a savior for many the day you were taken. Much love these are the nights.

  • from Jasper

    Tim I love you and your music. Your music helped me a lot – also in hard times. You were and still are my biggest idol. I was just 13 when you passed away and it made me so sad because even more years ago I loved the songs that were played in the radio when my mum drove me home from school. Wish you still were here. I ever wanted to visit a concert but I never could. Hope you feel better up there. We’ll never forget you❤️

  • from Wojtek

    So it was at one of his concerts i met Maya we were dancing to his music like we were perfect for eachother after the concert we meet up and somehow we had very much in common now she's my wife Thank You Avicii

  • from kathy

    he said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember… fly high Avicii you may be gone but your legacy will always remain🕊️❤️

  • from uma fã de portugal

    muito obrigado por todos os momentos felizes que me proporcionou e por toda a força que sua musica me trouxe. obrigado por estar ao meu lado nos momentos bons e maus da vida. mesmo nunca te tendo conhecido foi muito importante para mim. só comecei a ouvir a tua musica quando já não estavas entre nós mas a tua presença sempre foi forte e cheia de vida. mais uma vez muito obrigado por tudo. sinto a sua falta .

  • from Jodie W

    His music means so much to me Forever in our hearts We miss you Legend

  • from Thank u TIM

    He said one day you’ll leave this world behind. So live a life you’ll remember. Thank u TIM.

  • from Avicii 4 ever ❤️❤️❤️

    You were a legend and still are. Rest in peace my friend. ❤️‍🩹

  • from Africode Your Fan

    Whenever I forget to live the song "The Nights" reminds me! Thanks For Memory Avici

  • from mrpaker


  • from Cheng Ruixi 🇨🇳

    Your song is like the sunshine in my world silently inspiring me to grow like parents told.

  • from Алëна

    Я просто обожаю его песни. Я всегда находила в них мотивацию хорошее настроение и слова поддержки которых мне так не хватало. Однажды я зашла в интернет чтобы найти ещё его песни и в тот момент я увидела что его уже нет в живых. Я была шокирована ведь ему было лишь 28 и мне стало грустно(

  • from From Ur Fans R INDONESIA

    Thank you for accompanying me during my teenage years even though you are no longer there you are always in my heart. love u always

  • from Milo

    I have so many memories of listening to your music with my dad and although i didn’t know you when i found out that you passed i remember crying. RIP Avicii ❤️🕊️

  • from Chen Yongcan

    I’m a Chinese I love you Avicii

  • from Sofia

    you have been my safety 💙🌌

  • from Preksha

    Love your songs! The lyrics hit me hard "Live a life you will remember"

  • from Marcus

    Tim's music was music of my childhood. Still love his music 💖 I miss you Tim <3

  • from Anonymous

    I’m a pretty young person. I was still a child when Avicii’s music was at its peak and I have very vague and yet definite memories of levels the nights wake me up and others playing on the radio and in public places. I got into his music a little later after his death. I love his songs now and his music had a pretty great influence on me for it does not only have a great tune but also meaningful lyrics. He inspires me to make my own music. Rest in peace Tim Bergling you will be missed.

  • from Siddharth


  • from Your Fans

    Thank You

  • from M

    I heard "The Nights" by Avicii today. It feels like my late father sent a message.

  • from Carlos Rosario

    Su música me ayudo a lidiar con todas esas noches de depresión constante que me aquejaban gracias a el pude salir adelante. Siempre lo recordare y llevare conmigo en lo más profundo de mi corazón

  • from Milán Marát

    I Miss you every day Tim. Your music saved my life thank you. You inspired me to making music.

  • from Chris Jackson ◢ ◤

    Thanks for the music and all the memories. Avicii till the end…

  • from Evan McGovern

    Always a song to lift my spirit. Thanks for everything and rest in peace.

  • from MagicLuong

    ◢◤ peace brother.

  • from Olek B.

    Back in the day when I was a mere 8-year-old fate introduced me to the enchanting rhythms of Avicii through "Waiting for Love." It was like a musical treasure hunt that ignited my soul. Fast forward to today at the age of 15 and guess what? I'm still under the spell of Avicii's timeless tunes. Music has this incredible way of weaving itself into the tapestry of our lives don't you think? #AviciiForever

  • from Igor Weiss

  • from Pedro Negrete

    Tim I want to tell you that you will forever be my favourite DJ in the world that you and your songs have inspired me to start learning to become myself a DJ and finally that we will never forget you or your music. I hope that wherever you are you could find what you couldn't find here. Thank you for everything you did for EDM music Avicii.

  • from HD

    Miss you brother!! Heard Garrix play I Could Be The One live at a concert and thought of you. Will never forget and can't wait to meet you one day 🙂 <3

  • from Franco

    Tim tú música siempre fue un escape o lugar de sanación para mi era sentir algo fresco y autentico el día de la triste notica me tomó por sorpresa y sentí mucha tristeza pero también me sentí aliviado pues tú mismo no podías más con esa situación se libre timi tu música será eterna y siempre que escucho algún tributo se me eriza la piel por la energía que se transmite siempre te recordaré con esa gran sonrisa y esa pasión por crear música.

  • from DANIEL 🙂

    Tim once I die I'd love to meet you in paradise. I hope you've found the peace and silence you we're looking for on this planet. After your death you're still a massive inspiration for me and many other people. I've started learning Swedish because of you 🙂 Your music is a massive gift and helps me get myself through my tough times. You're amazing <3 <3 <3.

  • from Zerra

    I never knew Avicii until I found „wake me up“ by myself. Since then I discover more and more of his songs and his story. I wish I had known his songs when he was alive. When I listen to his songs I feel like he is standing right next to me. They are so good!

  • from Maja

    I just started to read a biography of Avicii I’ve been constantly thinking about Tim his music was with me my whole childhood. Even my grandma enjoyed to listen to his music. My prayers are always with his family.❤️

  • from Netta

    Песни Avicii памятны и судьбоносны они позволяют вернуться в детство пробивают на приятную ностальгию и не важно помнишь ли ты те времена и жил ли тогда песни окунают в ту атмосферу! Тим твои прекрасные песни напоминают мне об одних из самых лучших моментах в моей жизни и о друзьях. Я уверенна что они ещё многому меня научат и многое покажут. Не помню когда начала слушать твои песни но помню что это пошло с танцев с счастливых моментов детства с дурачеств на занятиях и любимого дела

  • from Stone

    He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember

  • from 420

    Tim’s songs healed me like panacea but he fell into the darkness.

  • from A fan who loves Avicii

    Avicii has changed the world of EDM. Many of us enjoyed his songs to be happy in busy days. I used to come here to just remember him share beautiful moments with others

  • from Sandra

    i miss you so much i hope you're in a better place now. ❤️

  • from Ich

    du är saknad varje dag

  • from AVICIIリスペクト


  • from Bryan Magnus

    His music rings like a challenge to be brave and jolly. Makes me feel lucky to exist. Inspiring me to chase my own dreams. Thank you Tim! Rest in peace your voice lives in the memories of all us 2000s kids.

  • from Mikayla Holmes

    Still smiling and dancing to his music 10 years later & Forever yours Avicii❤️

  • from Luca

    ciao matto manchi….

  • from Guardian7Uremake

    Avicii In Our Hearts for all eternity >v<

  • from Tung Do Xuan

    All you need is love <3

  • from York

    Happy 8th Anniversary to 'Stories'! 🥳

  • from 241


  • from 299

    One day I'll throw away the prejudices those around me and find the courage to get that “He said one day you'll leave this world behind. So live a life you will remember ”tattooed on my body. It is faith and motivation to move forward.☝🏻

  • from Zhuzhu

    When I rise to the top I will still remember you R.I.P.

  • from Aksel

    I remember a few year back when wake me up had just been relesed. Me and my mum woud blast the song on full volume in the car on the way to school. We woud always be so excited when a new song or album was relesed. The music was just pure joy. Every singe time. Thank you Tim.

  • from Abhigyan Raj

    Thank you avicii for the awesome music that you gave to this world whenever i here your music specially "the nights" it brings tears to my eyes hope you are having a great time in heaven as you have brought happiness on many peoples face miss you so much .

  • from Zhuyr

    I love you Hope you will back soon 👋🙏

  • from Stephanie from Chile.

    I like to read what others write and know that it is exactly how I feel. I miss you Tim.

  • from Palash

    Thank you Avicii for everything you've done for everyone.

  • from Martin R

    My support in my darkness days Miss you

  • from vp

    listening to ur songs right now

  • from Wang

    I am Chinesebut I love AVICII.

  • from Ejune


  • from V

    I grew up listening your songs. I love you forever. Rest in peace my dear. We will never forget you.

  • from 宸逸

  • from Anonymous

    I saw you for the first time play at EDC NYC when it was held at citi field. I was rolling face and remember you played the most insane deep dark house beats. It was incredible. Feel in love with your music ever since. I also got to see you play at Radio City another epic show and you were blowing up. Was fun to watch you ascend to the peak of a moment in history and for those who were there we will never forget. Lev3ls forever <3

  • from Eva

    Hace mucho que no te escribía. Han cambiado mucho las cosas. Ahora soy feliz. Gracias a tu música he superado muchas cosas. Te sigo Y te seguiré escuchando hasta la eternidad.

  • from Cavicii

    I Love you the hol time ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Iban Merci (South Africa)

    Who knows "Heavens" by Avicii – "I think I just died and went to heaven" it hits home everytime I realise the legend is long gone – always wished to one day attend his gig if had a chance. R.I.P

  • from Kaspian

    i am 15 years old and i actually didn't know about Avicii's passing until now in 2023. Sad to see him go and i really loved his music as they helped through hard times and especially life. Rest easy legend we all love you❤❤❤

  • from Mosshi_Bunny

    Tim we will always miss your masterpiece. We all hoping you find your peace and happinesse up there always hoping the best for you event thought we can't save you from your sorrow we're sorry Tim. You'll always be missed.

  • from Mosshi_Bunny

    Avicii we will always miss your masterpiece. We all hoping you find your peace and happinesse up there always hoping the best for you event thought we can't save you from your sorrow we're sorry Avicii. You'll always be missed.

  • from Mosshi_Bunny

    Avicii we will always miss your masterpiece. We all hoping you find your peace and happinesse up there always hoping the best for you event thought we can save you from your sorrow we're sorry Avicii. You'll always be missed.

  • from Jacky

    I miss and love Yue music so much!

  • from Merci 🙏

    On t’aime Avicci

  • from Nicolas Oliveira(NickOliverSilv)

    Thanks Avicii for every magical song that you made your melodies are iconic and so unique your songs always gonna be remebered in my mind and heart you was special and different. you made history in the EDM Music!

  • from 🙂

    fell in love w/ WAITING FOR LOVE and THE NIGHTS still come back to them for the nostalgiaa

  • from Artemiy Arcev

    Навсегда в наших сердцах! Любовь и музыка спасут мир!

  • from A fan from Greece

    Still remembering you and your insipring lyrics!

  • from Naresh Saini from Rajasthan(India)

    I listened to "The Nights" and I liked it so much then I searched for the Avicii and I got to know that the legend is not with us anymore and after it I read the full story on Wikipedia then I came to this official website. Love your music. Love from Rajasthan (India).

  • from Mister Le Mans

    You are always with us… I miss you Tim

  • from Максим

    Авичи топ. Russia

  • from Pablo G.

    You won't be forgotten.

  • from NaughtyPup

    I cried so much when i heard the news that you had passed away I even shed a tear on the anniversary. Love you Hope you are resting well x

  • from Triple.

    We're missing You missing Your Music my LEGEND <3

  • from Just/another/user

    If you're reading this Tim please forgive us all. Because of us you are not with us right now. And I would really like to see you very soon as well as many of your other fans

  • from Seojun

    I love all of your song

  • from Alex

    Your music helped me going through hard times thank you for everything. I hope you've found peace wherever you are now

  • from t


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