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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Kolton

    I remember when “wake me up” would play on the radio it was such a good song. R.I.P avicii

  • from Andy

    Thinking in you were still with us would you still be in pain? How your music could’ve be! I hear your music and feel so much joy! Miss you

  • from Manuclutch

    Love you avicii since I heard your music for the very first time you changed my life I been pass through very bad thing in my life I almost killed myself cause of depression 2 times and I’m thinking about how much you missing us I saw Martin garrix almost crying at Tomorrowland and tiesto almost crying at Tomorrowland for real I will safe life for the rest of my life i am a nurse now and I will give the change to anyone who wants to speak to tell me their story I will Be there for anyone ❤️Manu

  • from Diane

    I think about Tim every single day. Reading these comments it’s so sad to know that although his music helped so many people – and still does – it was not enough to save HIM. Rest In Peace sweet Tim. You will be loved and remembered forever. ❤️

  • from Leila from Nor Cal

    You will forever be one of my favorite music artists. Somedays I'll be feeling sad or stressed but your music makes me feel better. Rest in peace. To all you other fans "Remember the fallen ones" (Can't Catch Me). Love you Tim now and forever.

  • from sad

    eres mucho calor

  • from Kjell

    Hi Tim wanted to let you know that I am currently going through a very difficult period in my life as I am diagnosed with cancer at age 35. Your music brings up so many great memories and it keeps me going in my ‘fight’. I really hope you are doing well in heaven. Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Aditya 🇮🇳

    i came across avicii’s music a month ago and since then his music is keeping me happy and excited sadly I couldn’t heard him when he was alive but i wanna say I’m glad i came across his music tho its late your music makes me feel so good and so alive miss you avicii:) Love from INDIA

  • from Diane

    I think about Tim every single day. Reading these comments it’s so sad to know that although his music helped so many people – and still does – it was not enough to save HIM. Rest In Peace sweet Tim. You will be loved and remembered forever. ❤️

  • from Leila from Nor Cal

    You will forever be one of my favorite music artists. Somedays I'll be feeling sad or stressed but your music makes me feel better. Rest in peace. To all you other fans "Remember the fallen ones" (Can't Catch Me). Love you Tim now and forever.

  • from sad

    eres mucho calor

  • from Kjell

    Hi Tim wanted to let you know that I am currently going through a very difficult period in my life as I am diagnosed with cancer at age 35. Your music brings up so many great memories and it keeps me going in my ‘fight’. I really hope you are doing well in heaven. Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Aditya 🇮🇳

    i came across avicii’s music a month ago and since then his music is keeping me happy and excited sadly I couldn’t heard him when he was alive but i wanna say I’m glad i came across his music tho its late your music makes me feel so good and so alive miss you avicii:) Love from INDIA

  • from Eliza van Marijnissen

    I as a trans woman was really touched by his song silhouettes and that was in fact the song that made me realize im trans. Avicii was a childhood artist for me and his songs have gotten me through a lot. Rest in peace mate. Love from the Netherlands

  • from Maxwell Native

    Avicii was a remarkable artist who touched the lives of many. His music was an integral part of the electronic music landscape and his melodies brought joy and inspiration to countless people myself included.I believe Avicii's music lives in me and I want to share that to the world. Just wait

  • from Tahsin Chowdhury

    Tim is like the only person who can make us inspired happy and sad at the same. The day he left us it felt like sky has collapsed upon our heads. Truly a person we can't but remember the king of EDM. So Avicii forever…◢ ◤

  • from Bebê

    Avicii o eterno Anjo da música irradiava purificação através de suas melodias celestiais tocando nossas almas com sua imortalidade sonora

  • from Eliza van Marijnissen

    I as a trans woman was really touched by his song silhouettes and that was in fact the song that made me realize im trans. Avicii was a childhood artist for me and his songs have gotten me through a lot. Rest in peace mate. Love from the Netherlands

  • from Maxwell Native

    Avicii was a remarkable artist who touched the lives of many. His music was an integral part of the electronic music landscape and his melodies brought joy and inspiration to countless people myself included.I believe Avicii's music lives in me and I want to share that to the world. Just wait

  • from Tahsin Chowdhury

    Tim is like the only person who can make us inspired happy and sad at the same. The day he left us it felt like sky has collapsed upon our heads. Truly a person we can't but remember the king of EDM. So Avicii forever…◢ ◤

  • from Bebê

    Avicii o eterno Anjo da música irradiava purificação através de suas melodias celestiais tocando nossas almas com sua imortalidade sonora

  • from Dione

    É uma sensação boa saber que existem tantas pessoas que se sentem conectadas com o Tim e com sua música e sobretudo me sinto feliz por estarmos juntas. Agradeço ao Tim onde ele estiver por sua música que me fez bem em tantos momentos da minha vida e me faz bem até hoje. Obrigada! Descanse em paz. Você estará sempre nas nossas memórias.

  • from Kevin Dean

    Tu musica estuvo en un momento de mi vida en que no sabia para donde ir me llenò de esperanza y alegria de simplemente esta vivo. Por siempre estaras presente Gracias Your music was at a time in my life when I didn't know where to go it filled me with hope and joy of just being alive. You will always be present Thank you <3 LIMA PERU

  • from gyx

    说不上来是什么感觉,,你是一颗闪耀的星辰,你的音乐深深地触动了无数人的心灵。在我心中你不仅最传奇的音乐制作人和DJ,更是一个传奇的灵魂,你用音乐诉说着情感和故事。你的早逝让整个世界感到痛惜和惋纪念,你的音乐将永远在我心中继续奏响,成为我思考人生、热爱生活的力量源泉。愿你在天堂继续创作美妙的旋律,安息。⩘⩗ forever🫶🫶🫶

  • from Lisa

    I just finished reading your biography. It is so well written I feel like I got to know you more and better while reading it. Now I understand what happened to you on your last days in Oman. You just mentally weren’t here anymore. I love that the book took me down memory lane since I’ve been a fan of you since the early days. Tim I’m so proud of who you were what you did how you worked hard and tried to become better and more healthy. You did everything you could. Thank you & i love you Tim

  • from Jordan


  • from Dione

    É uma sensação boa saber que existem tantas pessoas que se sentem conectadas com o Tim e com sua música e sobretudo me sinto feliz por estarmos juntas. Agradeço ao Tim onde ele estiver por sua música que me fez bem em tantos momentos da minha vida e me faz bem até hoje. Obrigada! Descanse em paz. Você estará sempre nas nossas memórias.

  • from Kevin Dean

    Tu musica estuvo en un momento de mi vida en que no sabia para donde ir me llenò de esperanza y alegria de simplemente esta vivo. Por siempre estaras presente Gracias Your music was at a time in my life when I didn't know where to go it filled me with hope and joy of just being alive. You will always be present Thank you <3 LIMA PERU

  • from gyx

    说不上来是什么感觉,,你是一颗闪耀的星辰,你的音乐深深地触动了无数人的心灵。在我心中你不仅最传奇的音乐制作人和DJ,更是一个传奇的灵魂,你用音乐诉说着情感和故事。你的早逝让整个世界感到痛惜和惋纪念,你的音乐将永远在我心中继续奏响,成为我思考人生、热爱生活的力量源泉。愿你在天堂继续创作美妙的旋律,安息。⩘⩗ forever🫶🫶🫶

  • from Lisa

    I just finished reading your biography. It is so well written I feel like I got to know you more and better while reading it. Now I understand what happened to you on your last days in Oman. You just mentally weren’t here anymore. I love that the book took me down memory lane since I’ve been a fan of you since the early days. Tim I’m so proud of who you were what you did how you worked hard and tried to become better and more healthy. You did everything you could. Thank you & i love you Tim

  • from Jordan


  • from Will

    Avicii forever🤍

  • from Don't wish to disclose

    I started listening to his music after his death but his music just gives me relief in my mind peace of mind like one of his songs. He motivates me to keep pushing. Whenever I can't do this YouTube just shows me some of his songs and I keep my hopes up. He allows me to bear bad news without tearing up. Avicii wherever you are now just know that you have changed lives for many people. Rest in peace.

  • from Beto

    I'm going through a very bad streak. How lucky we have been to have someone who simply with his music is able to move on with our lives. Thank you once again Avicii.

  • from Quân

    good bye avicii i hope you alive

  • from Morgann

    Every song brings me peace and makes me feel understood.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii💛by EIVISSA

  • from fahrul

    you are calm now

  • from Will

    Avicii forever🤍

  • from Don't wish to disclose

    I started listening to his music after his death but his music just gives me relief in my mind peace of mind like one of his songs. He motivates me to keep pushing. Whenever I can't do this YouTube just shows me some of his songs and I keep my hopes up. He allows me to bear bad news without tearing up. Avicii wherever you are now just know that you have changed lives for many people. Rest in peace.

  • from Beto

    I'm going through a very bad streak. How lucky we have been to have someone who simply with his music is able to move on with our lives. Thank you once again Avicii.

  • from Quân

    good bye avicii i hope you alive

  • from Morgann

    Every song brings me peace and makes me feel understood.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii💛by EIVISSA

  • from fahrul

    you are calm now

  • from Joshua

    Although I never got to see you live you had a huge inspiration on me to get into house. Your style was so unique and will never ever be matched. A legend forever. 🙌🏼🫶🏼

  • from Arthur Catrambone

    Levels feels like the first song that truely awoken me to EDM. I still remember hearing the DJ play it at a paint party I was invited to. I remember him playing it at EDC Chicago 2013 only now realizing that time flies with that being 10 years ago. Thank you again for all your wonderful music.

  • from Anonymous

    I remember when i firstly listen to one of his songs and right now i still listen to his songs! especially the song "waiting for love" that got famous again in this year. You were such a great artist and you carried almost everyone's childhood. – In loving memory of Avicii

  • from Ayush x Kasak

    were meant to be together always <333

  • from Marie🤍✨

    Lieber Tim es ist so so schrecklich das du von uns gehen musstest. Als ich diesen Sommer in Schweden warwar ich dir so nah!! Ich habe dein Lied von einem Orchester am Schloss gehört.Im Ferienhaus warst du auch für mich da!Ich habe gemerkt wie du auf mich aufgepasst hast jede Sekunde. Du warst mir auf Klassenfahrt die aller größte Hilfe. Deine Musik ist magisch! Du warst ein so so toller Mensch. Bitte bleib weiter bei mir und pass auf mich auf. Ich werde dich nie vergessen. RIP😘 Deine Marie

  • from 武宇奥

    没想到已经过去了这么长时间,我是在19年才开始听您的音乐,我当时是从TIM那张专才知道的Avicii,在那之后又去百度;网易云;bilibili搜索了Avicii,知道了Tim Bergling,同时呢,我也通过Avicii所去了解电子音乐,从此我便一发不可收拾,从EDM渐进到Hardcore再到个个风格。 Say goodbye is never easy. Thank you Tim Bergling. ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ◢ ◤

  • from Johny

    “Life’s a game made for everyone and love is the prize.” Avicii

  • from YJY

    I love you I miss you. Thank you Avicii! From. Korea

  • from Joshua

    Although I never got to see you live you had a huge inspiration on me to get into house. Your style was so unique and will never ever be matched. A legend forever. 🙌🏼🫶🏼

  • from Arthur Catrambone

    Levels feels like the first song that truely awoken me to EDM. I still remember hearing the DJ play it at a paint party I was invited to. I remember him playing it at EDC Chicago 2013 only now realizing that time flies with that being 10 years ago. Thank you again for all your wonderful music.

  • from Anonymous

    I remember when i firstly listen to one of his songs and right now i still listen to his songs! especially the song "waiting for love" that got famous again in this year. You were such a great artist and you carried almost everyone's childhood. – In loving memory of Avicii

  • from Ayush x Kasak

    were meant to be together always <333

  • from Marie🤍✨

    Lieber Tim es ist so so schrecklich das du von uns gehen musstest. Als ich diesen Sommer in Schweden warwar ich dir so nah!! Ich habe dein Lied von einem Orchester am Schloss gehört.Im Ferienhaus warst du auch für mich da!Ich habe gemerkt wie du auf mich aufgepasst hast jede Sekunde. Du warst mir auf Klassenfahrt die aller größte Hilfe. Deine Musik ist magisch! Du warst ein so so toller Mensch. Bitte bleib weiter bei mir und pass auf mich auf. Ich werde dich nie vergessen. RIP😘 Deine Marie

  • from 武宇奥

    没想到已经过去了这么长时间,我是在19年才开始听您的音乐,我当时是从TIM那张专才知道的Avicii,在那之后又去百度;网易云;bilibili搜索了Avicii,知道了Tim Bergling,同时呢,我也通过Avicii所去了解电子音乐,从此我便一发不可收拾,从EDM渐进到Hardcore再到个个风格。 Say goodbye is never easy. Thank you Tim Bergling. ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ◢ ◤

  • from Johny

    “Life’s a game made for everyone and love is the prize.” Avicii

  • from YJY

    I love you I miss you. Thank you Avicii! From. Korea

  • from Jacob

    Avicii shaped my life with his music and his beautiful personality thank you Tim I am forever grateful ❤️ may you rest in peace.

  • from ps

    thank you so much tim for your music you have no idea how much it influenced me and my passion for the art. rest in peace you will always be my favorite artist

  • from Gregory McGraw

    Man we miss you bro your time on this planet was precious and I know it may not have seemed so but you gave me hope when I was at my lowest ..I’m glad I was found when I attempted to harm myself ..ever since your death Iv vowed to never return to that point. You are my favorite dj..I’ll continually wear your merchandise so you aren’t forgotten from America to everyone around the world never think your alone because at your lowest points theirs sunshine ..I miss you bro

  • from Cat

    Monday left me broken Tuesday I was through and hoping Wednesday my empty arms were open Thursday waiting for love waiting for love

  • from Ivan from Russia

    Avicii thank you so much. Dude you really are a huge guy. You saved me in a difficult moment I boldly call you a hero. I miss you I hope you feel good at the height.

  • from nox

    still miss you

  • from calvin

    I'm in a bad mood today I'm listening to your music I hope I get better

  • from 棋安

    Avicii's music once helped me overcome the most difficult times and his influence on me cannot be ignored. Now when I hear his music I also feel very moved full of positive energy and inspiring. R.I.P

  • from 棋安

    Avicii infuenced me a lot that I could never forget R.I.P best wishes.

  • from Oscar

    We love you man. Always have always will.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii 👍👌💛🙏 by EIVISSA

  • from Jacob

    Avicii shaped my life with his music and his beautiful personality thank you Tim I am forever grateful ❤️ may you rest in peace.

  • from ps

    thank you so much tim for your music you have no idea how much it influenced me and my passion for the art. rest in peace you will always be my favorite artist

  • from Gregory McGraw

    Man we miss you bro your time on this planet was precious and I know it may not have seemed so but you gave me hope when I was at my lowest ..I’m glad I was found when I attempted to harm myself ..ever since your death Iv vowed to never return to that point. You are my favorite dj..I’ll continually wear your merchandise so you aren’t forgotten from America to everyone around the world never think your alone because at your lowest points theirs sunshine ..I miss you bro

  • from Cat

    Monday left me broken Tuesday I was through and hoping Wednesday my empty arms were open Thursday waiting for love waiting for love

  • from Ivan from Russia

    Avicii thank you so much. Dude you really are a huge guy. You saved me in a difficult moment I boldly call you a hero. I miss you I hope you feel good at the height.

  • from nox

    still miss you

  • from calvin

    I'm in a bad mood today I'm listening to your music I hope I get better

  • from 棋安

    Avicii's music once helped me overcome the most difficult times and his influence on me cannot be ignored. Now when I hear his music I also feel very moved full of positive energy and inspiring. R.I.P

  • from 棋安

    Avicii infuenced me a lot that I could never forget R.I.P best wishes.

  • from Oscar

    We love you man. Always have always will.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii 👍👌💛🙏 by EIVISSA

  • from Arturo Contreras

    "La musica nunca muere" aquella frase llena de significado ya que Avicii es recordado en su musica en todo el amor y pasión que transmitio durante su vida. Soy musico y gracias a su musica me sirve de inspiracion para seguir adelante. Antes de cada creo una cancion que creo la hago en su honor. Avicii aun es muy recordado en latinoamerica su musica suena por todas partes. Gracias Tim Bergling un ser humano que marco la diferencia ante todos los que ceremos ser como tu. Desde Ecuador gracias Tim.

  • from ray

    when i was younger i was obsessed with his music it bonded me and my little sister together. i still listen to certain songs and get hit with nostalgia

  • from Lívs

    Você faz muita falta nesse mundo da música 😔 desde que você se foi o brilho das músicas sumiram🥺 você era o único e melhor DJ de todos os tempos e sempre será 🖤 "Lendas morrem para alguns mas nunca morre para aquele que fez dela uma lenda".

  • from Aghayev Elvar

    I miss you

  • from Arabella

    Miss You ⩘⩗

  • from Jim

    난 당신을 기억해요 아비치

  • from X

    Thankyou so much for every single lyric you produced. I hope you’re looking down and seeing the impact you’ve made on people’s lives x

  • from Arturo Contreras

    "La musica nunca muere" aquella frase llena de significado ya que Avicii es recordado en su musica en todo el amor y pasión que transmitio durante su vida. Soy musico y gracias a su musica me sirve de inspiracion para seguir adelante. Antes de cada creo una cancion que creo la hago en su honor. Avicii aun es muy recordado en latinoamerica su musica suena por todas partes. Gracias Tim Bergling un ser humano que marco la diferencia ante todos los que ceremos ser como tu. Desde Ecuador gracias Tim.

  • from ray

    when i was younger i was obsessed with his music it bonded me and my little sister together. i still listen to certain songs and get hit with nostalgia

  • from Lívs

    Você faz muita falta nesse mundo da música 😔 desde que você se foi o brilho das músicas sumiram🥺 você era o único e melhor DJ de todos os tempos e sempre será 🖤 "Lendas morrem para alguns mas nunca morre para aquele que fez dela uma lenda".

  • from Aghayev Elvar

    I miss you

  • from Arabella

    Miss You ⩘⩗

  • from Jim

    난 당신을 기억해요 아비치

  • from X

    Thankyou so much for every single lyric you produced. I hope you’re looking down and seeing the impact you’ve made on people’s lives x

  • from Ana Lídia Nascimento

    Minha história de amor é o contato com a música. Um prazer enorme te escutar. Sua arte transmite vida. Você vive!!! Com amor Ana Lídia. Brazil.🤍✨🇧🇷

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