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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Ritam Mishra

    Love you avicii 😇 You are the king of Edm and your legendary music Levels is the biggest Edm music 🎵 ever ❤️❤️ Love you 😭🥹

  • from Murik

    For me Tim is always in the warm and bright world for the souls who deserve the best.


    Hi Tim dear boy beloved friend of mine! Tomorrow I'll start on a journey and I'm thinking of you who'll nevermore start; you are always there in the cold land of the dead. Why my dear? I'm living rather old as I am and you so young and beautiful so full of life and genius you ar beyond life beyond happiness beyond future. Your music is still living thanks God but you my bright boy with clear eyes and golden hair? Where are you great artist sweet boy? But I'm forever yours…

  • from Patty🇮🇹

    Since I was born I used to listen to random music. Growing up I found my musical genre creating playlist of different dj. Years later I came across Avicii on YouTube. I was positively shocked to see million of views so I started listen to him and buying his songs creating Avicii’ playlists. Almost two generations lie between us but his name is like has always been present in my life. Tim is the best artist I’ve been lucky enough to find.◢ ◤Forever🤍

  • from ARIEL FIORE

    Gracias AVICII.. tu paso por nuestras vidas siempre será recordada.. tus canciones siempre me traen hermosos recuerdos!! TU música será Eterna!! Desde Argentina!

  • from js

    miss you ◢◤

  • from Tim Smith from Finland

    goodbye avicii. I will always remember you because i have the same name as you.

  • from Lylica Song

    Fly High!

  • from Punjab Opul

    Avicii the best <3

  • from Mohammad

    Avicii you are so good. Your music was always light in my darknesses. Thank you for all you have done.

  • from John

    Goodbye Avicii. You were a god among men.

  • from Mamamia

    Schade um dich. Sehr traurig das man dir nicht helfen konnte. UNFASSBAR 😢 Für die Familie alles liebe 💗

  • from Ritam Mishra

    Love you avicii 😇 You are the king of Edm and your legendary music Levels is the biggest Edm music 🎵 ever ❤️❤️ Love you 😭🥹

  • from Murik

    For me Tim is always in the warm and bright world for the souls who deserve the best.


    Hi Tim dear boy beloved friend of mine! Tomorrow I'll start on a journey and I'm thinking of you who'll nevermore start; you are always there in the cold land of the dead. Why my dear? I'm living rather old as I am and you so young and beautiful so full of life and genius you ar beyond life beyond happiness beyond future. Your music is still living thanks God but you my bright boy with clear eyes and golden hair? Where are you great artist sweet boy? But I'm forever yours…

  • from Patty🇮🇹

    Since I was born I used to listen to random music. Growing up I found my musical genre creating playlist of different dj. Years later I came across Avicii on YouTube. I was positively shocked to see million of views so I started listen to him and buying his songs creating Avicii’ playlists. Almost two generations lie between us but his name is like has always been present in my life. Tim is the best artist I’ve been lucky enough to find.◢ ◤Forever🤍

  • from ARIEL FIORE

    Gracias AVICII.. tu paso por nuestras vidas siempre será recordada.. tus canciones siempre me traen hermosos recuerdos!! TU música será Eterna!! Desde Argentina!

  • from js

    miss you ◢◤

  • from Tim Smith from Finland

    goodbye avicii. I will always remember you because i have the same name as you.

  • from Lylica Song

    Fly High!

  • from Punjab Opul

    Avicii the best <3

  • from Mohammad

    Avicii you are so good. Your music was always light in my darknesses. Thank you for all you have done.

  • from John

    Goodbye Avicii. You were a god among men.

  • from Cynthia

    You will be the best of all time. You managed to mark many people your music helped me in my bad moments wherever you are keep shining like the star you are. No one will be able to achieve what you achieved. You were too good for this world. You broke the hearts of many in the world but they will not forget you for us you will always be number 1. Your music wasn't advertising just for fame and money it was messages addressed to a rotten and manipulated world that made you different. Thxx

  • from garro

    Yoo Tim! Hows going up there? Hope to find you good my friend! Down here we are a little mean and stressed but ur music is helpful every day! stay cool

  • from Cømplex

    I miss you Tim😞

  • from Cynthia

    You will be the best of all time. You managed to mark many people your music helped me in my bad moments wherever you are keep shining like the star you are. No one will be able to achieve what you achieved. You were too good for this world. You broke the hearts of many in the world but they will not forget you for us you will always be number 1. Your music wasn't advertising just for fame and money it was messages addressed to a rotten and manipulated world that made you different. Thxx

  • from garro

    Yoo Tim! Hows going up there? Hope to find you good my friend! Down here we are a little mean and stressed but ur music is helpful every day! stay cool

  • from Cømplex

    I miss you Tim😞

  • from Silke

    Du warst nicht Du bist für mich Musik

  • from Christian

    I always loved Avicii. His music was truly music.

  • from Craig

    Just watched the documentary and tribute concert again. It hits me every time. Have sat emotional for hours now remembering his music and how it helped shaped my younger years and all the good times I had. Upset they are gone Upset Avicii has passed He will forever be a massive part of my life in his music – Craig

  • from Maria

    Aviciier forever❤️

  • from Natrexq

    We miss you avicii

  • from 비투

    You were my favorite singer god! I loved your skills!ㅠㅠ

  • from Shubhanshu sharma india

    Everyday i miss you your music is eternal Such positivity in tracks you will always live through your art i will always keep it close to my heart 💟

  • from Fabi

    He made music so special to me. Now without him in the world it’s not the same anymore. Miss his music everyday. RIP and fly high 🕊️

  • from john

    Wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older . AVICII .

  • from 邵艺文

    一晃时间来到2023年了,有点想念你,不出意外未来的几十年我还是会想你,听你的歌, I MISS YOU TIM

  • from Vidya

    Timbergling 💛you. By eivissa

  • from Silke

    Du warst nicht Du bist für mich Musik

  • from Christian

    I always loved Avicii. His music was truly music.

  • from Craig

    Just watched the documentary and tribute concert again. It hits me every time. Have sat emotional for hours now remembering his music and how it helped shaped my younger years and all the good times I had. Upset they are gone Upset Avicii has passed He will forever be a massive part of my life in his music – Craig

  • from Maria

    Aviciier forever❤️

  • from Natrexq

    We miss you avicii

  • from 비투

    You were my favorite singer god! I loved your skills!ㅠㅠ

  • from Shubhanshu sharma india

    Everyday i miss you your music is eternal Such positivity in tracks you will always live through your art i will always keep it close to my heart 💟

  • from Fabi

    He made music so special to me. Now without him in the world it’s not the same anymore. Miss his music everyday. RIP and fly high 🕊️

  • from john

    Wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older . AVICII .

  • from 邵艺文

    一晃时间来到2023年了,有点想念你,不出意外未来的几十年我还是会想你,听你的歌, I MISS YOU TIM

  • from Vidya

    Timbergling 💛you. By eivissa

  • from Kwanzza

    Rest in piece Avicii… Forever in our Hearts❤

  • from Sara Elisabet

    To Anki. I'm in love with your son and his Music. But he died. My sons:Joel and Jonah Widemåne cries. Because he is dead. We miss Tim Bergling so much. He IS wonderful. A God from Sweden. Love from Ireland: Sara Källström fd Widemåne Örebro.

  • from Sara Källström

    Korrigering till Claes Bergling: Mitt före detta namn var Sara Widemåne. Tack för musiken. Avicii är Gud. //Sara Källström fd Widemåne

  • from Sara Källström

    To Anki. I'm in love with your son and his Music. But he died. My sons: Joel and Jonah cries. We miss him so much. He IS a wonderful God from Sweden. Love from Sara Källström Ireland. Wkdemåne

  • from VanNET

    Покойся с миром легенда!

  • from Koby from Sydney Australia

    Never really had a thing for music but when I found Tim everything changed now I’m trying my hardest to become a Music creator and a dj just like you Tim when ever I’m feeling downsad or angry Tim music always brings me back to my original level miss u Tim wish you were still here ❤️❤️

  • from Vidya

    Avicii 💛 by eivissa

  • from Kwanzza

    Rest in piece Avicii… Forever in our Hearts❤

  • from Sara Elisabet

    To Anki. I'm in love with your son and his Music. But he died. My sons:Joel and Jonah Widemåne cries. Because he is dead. We miss Tim Bergling so much. He IS wonderful. A God from Sweden. Love from Ireland: Sara Källström fd Widemåne Örebro.

  • from Sara Källström

    Korrigering till Claes Bergling: Mitt före detta namn var Sara Widemåne. Tack för musiken. Avicii är Gud. //Sara Källström fd Widemåne

  • from Sara Källström

    To Anki. I'm in love with your son and his Music. But he died. My sons: Joel and Jonah cries. We miss him so much. He IS a wonderful God from Sweden. Love from Sara Källström Ireland. Wkdemåne

  • from VanNET

    Покойся с миром легенда!

  • from Koby from Sydney Australia

    Never really had a thing for music but when I found Tim everything changed now I’m trying my hardest to become a Music creator and a dj just like you Tim when ever I’m feeling downsad or angry Tim music always brings me back to my original level miss u Tim wish you were still here ❤️❤️

  • from Vidya

    Avicii 💛 by eivissa

  • from Vidya

    Love you Avicii iiiiiii ♥️ by EIVISSA

  • from Vidya

    Love you Avicii iiiiiii ♥️ by EIVISSA

  • from George

    Это был гениальный человек. В его песнях прекрасная музыкапрекрасные текстыв них есть глубокий смысл . Мне очень жальчто я узнал о нем только после его смерти. Прощайгений!

  • from Carlos Cadenas

    He was the closest to a definition of a hero. He helped me in ways no one could when I most needed it. I'll be eternally thankful.

  • from George

    Это был гениальный человек. В его песнях прекрасная музыкапрекрасные текстыв них есть глубокий смысл . Мне очень жальчто я узнал о нем только после его смерти. Прощайгений!

  • from Carlos Cadenas

    He was the closest to a definition of a hero. He helped me in ways no one could when I most needed it. I'll be eternally thankful.

  • from Grant

    I remember when I was just 18 and being born in 92 not that much younger than you. Being out driving the tractor late one summer night and hearing levels for the first time. I will never forget that silhouettes was the other one I remeber vividly being out and hearing it in my local town skiing 2016 was soundtracked to a lot of your stuff thank you for the music you released 💪

  • from NURIA (España)

    Mi querido Tim. El viaje fue una locura y todos fueron cómplices de tu final. 😇

  • from Himanshu Hardiya

    Avicii – a person who taught us to find your passion and work hard enough on that will definetly make you succeed. I will never forget his words & songs that stuck in my mind!!!

  • from KitNoxxx

    Your music is a gift to me and I therefore thank you. When I was at TML a couple of weeks ago I thought of you and hope you have found peace

  • from 한동연

    Thanks to you I got through the hard days

  • from Aleix Villegas

    Yo empeze a escuchar a Avicii cuando era un niño mi padre ponía su música en casa y sus canciones empezaron a entrar en mi cabeza desde pequeño. Me acuerdo que miraba la tele a Avicii pinchando en tomorrowland y yo pensaba que cuando fuera mayor lo iría a ver a tomorrowland con el tiempo esa idea se convirtió en un sueño y a día de hoy es un sueño frustrado ya que el ya no está aquí. Lo mas bonito es que ya tengo 18 años y cuando salgo de fiesta siempre suena su espíritu a través de su musica.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii i don't known. 💛you by EIVISSA

  • from Grant

    I remember when I was just 18 and being born in 92 not that much younger than you. Being out driving the tractor late one summer night and hearing levels for the first time. I will never forget that silhouettes was the other one I remeber vividly being out and hearing it in my local town skiing 2016 was soundtracked to a lot of your stuff thank you for the music you released 💪

  • from NURIA (España)

    Mi querido Tim. El viaje fue una locura y todos fueron cómplices de tu final. 😇

  • from Himanshu Hardiya

    Avicii – a person who taught us to find your passion and work hard enough on that will definetly make you succeed. I will never forget his words & songs that stuck in my mind!!!

  • from KitNoxxx

    Your music is a gift to me and I therefore thank you. When I was at TML a couple of weeks ago I thought of you and hope you have found peace

  • from 한동연

    Thanks to you I got through the hard days

  • from Aleix Villegas

    Yo empeze a escuchar a Avicii cuando era un niño mi padre ponía su música en casa y sus canciones empezaron a entrar en mi cabeza desde pequeño. Me acuerdo que miraba la tele a Avicii pinchando en tomorrowland y yo pensaba que cuando fuera mayor lo iría a ver a tomorrowland con el tiempo esa idea se convirtió en un sueño y a día de hoy es un sueño frustrado ya que el ya no está aquí. Lo mas bonito es que ya tengo 18 años y cuando salgo de fiesta siempre suena su espíritu a través de su musica.

  • from Vidya

    Avicii i don't known. 💛you by EIVISSA

  • from Johann From New York City

    Your music always took me to a place long ago when life was peaceful and nothing could ever trouble my soul. May you rest in peace your music will forever live on miss you

  • from kevin

    me dispiace

  • from s

    I want to wake you up

  • from Ahmed Kanon

  • from Johann From New York City

    Your music always took me to a place long ago when life was peaceful and nothing could ever trouble my soul. May you rest in peace your music will forever live on miss you

  • from kevin

    me dispiace

  • from s

    I want to wake you up

  • from Ahmed Kanon

  • from Sergio

    Fue mi infancia

  • from Yeodoid

    I will always be your fanmore than forever l 💕 Tim.

  • from Daija

    Up Late thinking of you❤️ Thanks for the most amazing music🤗😇 You are missed and loved Forever !🎶 My memories of you last a life time && im so greatful ato have seen you❤️

  • from HyunJong Kim

    아비치 그는 그저 신이다 우린 아비치를 노래로 기억하는것이 아닌 아비치의 삶을 기억하자 아비치는 죽은것이 아닌 천국에서 축제 DJ가 필요해서 간것이다 아비치 우리 모두의 머리에 평생토록 기억될 이름이다. 팀 베릴링 즉 아비치 그는 우리의 기억속에 존재하는 엄청난 DJ이다. 팀 베릴링 아비치(avicii)………

  • from Sergio

    Fue mi infancia

  • from Yeodoid

    I will always be your fanmore than forever l 💕 Tim.

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