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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Mu

    I will never forget my feeling when I heard your first song "I Could Be The One" in 2016. My dad was driving on the highway and he suddenly said do you want listen some music? He turned on the radio then I heard your masterpiece. I love you Avicii sometimes i think if you hadn't left this world. Will you continue to love EDM Progressive House? Everyone has an answer. Thank you.

  • from Vidya

    Iam hapy happpy💛♥️💛♥️💛 love you my brother an my uncle Michael Clark rock feller. 💛 by eivissa

  • from Tony Aluna

  • from Patricia

    You will be a friend a special confident…. Love 💓

  • from Flor Rebeca Jiménez

    DEAR BOY WAKE ME UP when we’re LONELY TOGETHER in HEAVEN🤍You will forever be remembered Tim. Your presence is truly missed and your music will always be harmony to my ears. Whether you’re here or not your music has helped a lot of people out of their darkest times of their lives. I love you and I miss you very much. #LLA FOREVER YOURS BECCA

  • from Allesbaba

    Heti seuraavana päivänä Popedan keikan jälkeen Avicii toi meidän ystäväporukan yhteen ja me tanssimme parittelimme ja nauroimme koko yön ✓

  • from Dennis Jomo

    Am from Nairobi Kenya. It's hard to believe that Tim really left us. I loved him. Tim's music 🎵 gave me hope to live. He inspired me. I felt him when i heard about his death. I could relate cause he died in a manner my father did. Tim you're gone but forever you'll remain in my heart 💖. If i get a chance i hope to travel to Sweden just to see your resting place and your mum.

  • from 江星星

    雖然我不知到中文可不可以 但我想說的是:我愛你 你的歌給了我很大的鼓勵 在我最懵懂的時候給了我最大的方向 沒有你就沒有我 致-親愛的Avicii

  • from Mu

    I will never forget my feeling when I heard your first song "I Could Be The One" in 2016. My dad was driving on the highway and he suddenly said do you want listen some music? He turned on the radio then I heard your masterpiece. I love you Avicii sometimes i think if you hadn't left this world. Will you continue to love EDM Progressive House? Everyone has an answer. Thank you.

  • from Vidya

    Iam hapy happpy💛♥️💛♥️💛 love you my brother an my uncle Michael Clark rock feller. 💛 by eivissa

  • from Tony Aluna

  • from Patricia

    You will be a friend a special confident…. Love 💓

  • from Pau

    Gràcies per tant….

  • from Lars

    Deine Musik ist einfach immer noch einzigartig und berührt mich immer wieder aufs neue. Diese Gefühle die sie in mir auslöst ist einfach immer wieder schön bringt nahe dass du einfach fehlst. Vielleicht triffst du dort oben ja meinen Opa Hej da

  • from Jakob (DK)

    It is crazy how much you can miss a person you have never met.

  • from James

    Thanks to you I have the confidence of my dream..

  • from hanhanjun2333

    "He said one day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember. "—The Nights

  • from Enisi

    Biggest DJ ever in the planet. May he rest in peace.

  • from Pau

    Gràcies per tant….

  • from Lars

    Deine Musik ist einfach immer noch einzigartig und berührt mich immer wieder aufs neue. Diese Gefühle die sie in mir auslöst ist einfach immer wieder schön bringt nahe dass du einfach fehlst. Vielleicht triffst du dort oben ja meinen Opa Hej da

  • from Jakob (DK)

    It is crazy how much you can miss a person you have never met.

  • from James

    Thanks to you I have the confidence of my dream..

  • from hanhanjun2333

    "He said one day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember. "—The Nights

  • from Enisi

    Biggest DJ ever in the planet. May he rest in peace.

  • from Vidya

    Love Avicii. By EIVISSA

  • from Alex

    Miss you everyday and night~ Tim~

  • from Owami

    Tomorrowland will just never be the same.

  • from Felix

    Never got the chance to see avicii live knowing I never will is just … I don’t know how to say this.

  • from Harvey

    I love your songs Avicci and I’m sad your gone because of how big a fan I was I wanted to see you in concert but now I’ll never get the chance R.I.P Legend

  • from Dwyne

    Thank you Avicii! You are the best. EDM King.

  • from Joselynn

    The first time I ever heard a Avicii song was in 2011 when I was 6 years old and it was Levels. I was like what is this I love it. Then I searched him up on youtube. I became obsessed with his music. I am till this day very upset that I never got to see him live since I was so young. I am now 17 and still very much obsessed with his music. Every time I listen to his songs I feel so nostalgic and happy because when those songs were really that’s when I was the happiest. Thank you so much Avicii!!

  • from Vidya

    I coming you. Avicii. By eivissa

  • from Karl

    "It's such a night such a beautiful night. It's such a view such a beautiful sight. I think I just oh I think I just died And went to HEAVEN"

  • from Gaia

    Hope you know I'm still listening to your music every day. Thanks for saving me through your melodies Tim

  • from Cossio Pablo Omar Fox

    Hi Hola avicii RIP fallow i love you crack bestia 🙂 manito y corazón blanco

  • from Vladislav

    Avicii is a legend forever 🪽

  • from Ruiari Barton

    Thank you so much for everything I will never forget you!❤️

  • from Waiting for love

    Rip legend

  • from Vidya

    You my start… By EIVISSA

  • from LoveFromSanDiego

    They told us that my baby brother would be born deaf and mute I played a lot of music around the age he was supposed to start speaking. Through music therapy my brother who is now 14 can speak and hear clearly. His first few words were of "Wake Me Up."

  • from Emily

    Avicii mi Tim espero que dónde sea que estés sepas que tu legado sigue más vivo que nunca. Llevo conmigo tu música siempre en mi corazón gracias por compartirnos tanto de tu talento. Te extraño mucho te extraño siempre Tim. Gracias por enseñarme tanto y hacer mi vida mucho mejor te amo por siempre. Avicii Forever. <3

  • from Chris

    Avicii forever your music heals my legacy leaves on!

  • from Mike en Kim

    We are big fans! TL was great thanks for your fantastic music.

  • from Florian

    Avicii never dies

  • from Wester

    He passed away when I was 6 and he stopped all concerts and festivals when I was 4 and I didn't know him. Now that I am 11 I cried. I can't believe he passed away!😭 Now I want to cry all day… I bought THE BEST BOOK ON THE EARTH: Tim – The official biography of Avicii and I read it every day… You will always be remembered Tim. You said "Live a life you will remember" and you did it; you lived a life not only you will remember but everyone will. Everyone loves you and your music. R.I.P Tim

  • from Wang

    My name is Wang and I from China. I used to have depression.And I always feel down. I wanna travel around the world but for some reason I can’t.Tim give me the passion to live and give me power to hold on. I met some difficulties recently but I believe everything will be okay.HOPE GET A CHANCE TO TRAVEL THE WORLD AND I DON’T HAVE ANY PLAN!!!Wish all the best and hope that there won’t be war in the earth.Have a good time in heaven TIM!

  • from Bebê da Tale

    Avicii era um Anjo de wings White ele caiu do céu mais anjos são imortais e acredito que ele está vivo em algum lugar e sempre criava tudo na área da Internet e informática ele era um anjo que todos estamos sentindo saudades !

  • from Lin

    One of a kind gone but never forgotten. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from 정지원(jiwon jung)

    We'll always remember your legacy. Thank you Tim. Rest in peace

  • from -Dark 🙂

    Enjoyed his very first album when I was just a youngun in 2013. It was and is by far the best edm album out there that I've enjoyed and is a firm memory in my childhood. Since then I've loved his music ever since. His method of making edm has changed my perspective of music. Nothing will ever be as great as him again.

  • from Rinse

    avicii the goat fr

  • from Pierre

    You made the music something that no one else could create. To show feelings and emotions and at the same time see something positive and enjoy life. Thank you for everything and thank you for making my life more positive!

  • from snowzai

    Thank you Avicii! You are the best

  • from Jay

    Its been years since youre gone man but youre always in the heart. I was just listening to you and cant explain how well this lyrics resonates "Wake me up when its all over" and "And I I didn't know I was lost I didn't know I was lost" Rest Easy brother.

  • from Johny

    The world wishes you were still here.. tim with the world..

  • from Vidya

    Avicii I follow you. By eivissa

  • from Kinkki

    You're Legend ❤️

  • from Stanislav Ostashevskyi


  • from Bulut Tasci

    I think Avicii is the best artist ever world has seen

  • from Emerson Castillo

    Para Avicii ♥ el eterno creador de melodías que tocaron nuestros corazones & llenaron nuestras almas con alegría. Tu música será un legado imperecedero que siempre nos recordará el poder de la pasión & la belleza que dejaste en el mundo. Te recordamos Siempre♥️!!! Tim Bergling🫶🏻

  • from Flavia

    Your music touched our hearts in a way no artist could. Miss you forever angel of sound.

  • from MohammadMahdi

    سلام آویچی دوستت دارم روحت شاد دوست چشم آبی من وقتی با تو آشنا شدم از دنیا رفته بودی الان دیگ اینجا نیستی که با تو عکس بگیرم یا تو رویداد های که اجرا می کنی شرکت کنم ولی مهم نیست موسیقی تو همیشه زنده است و در یاد من می ماند تو این دنیا نتونستم ببینمت ولی حتما تو بهشت ملاقاتت میکنم برای آرامش روحت دعا میکنم روحت شاد و در آرامش ابدی بهترین دی جی دنیا 🇮🇷🇸🇪🤍

  • from Tabitha

    I remember at good life 2015 or 16 Australia. At the beginning of the day I started at the back of the crowd and spend all day working to the front when I finally got to the front avicii started playing- the artist I’d been waiting all day to see. The crowd was like a tin of sardines and I was sunburnt and had sun stroke by that time but that moment was such a good memory to me. He made music that made myself and so many others happy. I’m sorry to his family and loved ones.

  • from Heng Li

    Me and my mom's first song sung together was "Wake Me Up' Avicii's story continues to inspire me and his music is one of my favourites. We miss u

  • from Vidya

    Avicii iam so loving. By Eivissa

  • from Gaz

    Avicii was the artists that got me into EDM; I had just started uni so it was such a special time for me. RIP

  • from Harry

    Tim I always listen to your music. Whether it’s late at night on the bus home or even on my speaker I would always honour your legacy. I wish you never fell and still continued to make bangers like Wake me up The Nights and SOS. Live on! -UK 🇬🇧

  • from Shashank Vattam

    Dear Avicii Thanks for existing. You made music that touched millions and still continue to do so. I’m sure ’Heaven’ is wonderful with all your music! Rest easy Tim! I’m always reminded of you with a tattoo on my hand. In your memories!

  • from Giulia&Simone

    i love you by Giulia

  • from Manon

    Yesterday I went to Tomorrowland every time I think of you when DJ's play your songs of see your book at the library stage. You still give us goosebumps. We feel alive when we hear your music… We love you

  • from T

    you would’ve rocked tomorrowland… we miss you tim!

  • from Vidya

    ഞാൻ വരച്ചു കഴിഞ്ഞു നിന്നെ. By eivissa

  • from Yandi

    miss you very much -from taiwan's fan

  • from GoodGirl

    Thank You!

  • from Irenic

    Love peace

  • from Ts'itso Makhele

    Thank you for the songs. Though I have on repeat it still feels knew. Love you Avicii and will always do❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Андрей

    Спасибо тебе Авичи спасибо за всё. За песни подарившие мне детство за воспоминания связанные с ими. Ты настоящая легенда. Память о тебе никогда не умрёт

  • from Vidya

    ഒരുപാട് ഇഷ്ടമാണ് 💛 avicii

  • from Danan Jaya

    From 2014 im listening ◢ ◤ UNTILL NOW YOU NEVER DIE IN OIR HEART TIM ❤️

  • from Cliff

    I keep listening to other people's songs then back to yours and you got something right that nobody else has ever quite done with your songwriting and sound selection. Having listened to and appreciated a lot of music I firmly believe you are the greatest there's been. You've gotten me through so much just with a couple songs I cherish like a friend: "True Believer" "Sunset Jesus" and "Stepping Stone" (this has GOTTA be heard sometime!) I hope you realized how much of an impact you've had. <3

  • from Guilherme Curi

    AVICII inspired me to be a better people. (The songs i most like is: Silhouettes Hey Brother Wake me Up Sunset Jesus and True Believer) Goodbye Tim.

  • from Sue <3

    I've been listening to Tim's music since 2016 in that time my struggles with mental health started. I was 11 at that time now im almost 18. I still struggle a lot with my mental health but I really can say that Tim's music especially him saved my life. I love him so so so much and miss him and I can say that im still here thanks to him. thank u tim for everything<3

  • from sarthak

    thank you tim for everything you have done and your music we won't let your legacy down

  • from Jack Magson

    Thanks for the music…

  • from Bella

    I grew up listening to his songs which inspired me to become the kind of person I should be and to break free from convention. It was my dream to watch him perform but now whenever I go out or encounter something that makes me think of him I'll remember him. I hope you're getting a resting well and I appreciate you helping me improve.

  • from Kanye west

    Love all your songs so sad wanted to record with your

  • from Vidya

    കുമാര love you 💛avicii by EIVISSA

  • from Mark

    Saved me from suicide in your favour I got a tattoo to remember who saved me and still does to this day.

  • from SOMEONE

    Rest In Love Our king Avicii.

  • from Hyungchan

    I miss you I love you❤️

  • from 齋藤 豪 FROM JAPAN

    あなたの生み出してくれた楽曲は素晴らしく、いつも私は楽曲にのめり込んでしまいます。 私があなたを知った時あなたはもうこの世にいませんでした。 もっと早くあなたを知りたかった、もっと長く生きて素晴らしい曲を生み出してほしかったと思います。 でもそんな想いがあなたには重く感じたのかもしれませんね。 今は心穏やかに過ごせているとうれしいです。 素晴らしい楽曲を生み出してくれてありがとう。

  • from XoXo. Mar

    Salvaste a muchos con tu música abriste los ojos de muchas personas y en verdad desearía que estuvieras aquí para verlo eres grande. Eres para siempre.

  • from Angelus

    La Música De Tim Te Hace Valorar Cada Segundo De La Vida "The Nights"

  • from Анастасия

    Этот мир не для тебя но спасибочто ты был здесь!

  • from Vidya

    💛avicii 💛by eivissa

  • from Zat

    I know where life begins and where it ends Wish you are doing well ◢◤

  • from mason

    Wherever you ended up I hope you're doing great ◢◤

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