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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Cody

    New Avicii Album out today! We miss you Tim!

  • from Patty??

    I listened to your new album TIM and it left me breathless. In addition to your wonderful human qualities You had a great artistic gift that made you the best in the world. And I often wonder why this was not enough to make You happy to be here to produce more music. I’ve a hard time understanding it. You really had to be in an abyss with no exit to leave what You loved most. I am deeply saddened by your suffering not understood in time. I’ll never stop thinking and listening to You????

  • from Isabelle

    My first concert ever was from Avicii in 2014!! Thank you for sharing us his last touch of music ! Forever X

  • from Hlayisani Vukeya

    Thank you for the timeless music you shared with us. Your music is my source of both joy and inspiration. Gone too soon though

  • from farhan

    fades away has a spin on the pocahontas disney theme tune. its incredible how the music just brings back memories of simpler times. i recall listening to silhouettes on repeat (i attended a cousins wedding that day) i had it playing at my recent wedding. i can be transported with your symphonies. forever in our hearts forever giving us hope

  • from Eduardo Gerent Klein – Brazil

    Tim his composition 'The Nights' was one of the few songs that made me cry with emotion thank you for providing this moment so intense and happy in our lives. R.I.P

  • from Bartek

    Always in love with your music. Maybe you left us physically but we will never leave you. We will always be with you

  • from Joanna Buchanan

    Tim/Avicii produced songs that hit just right. Whenever I needed them to. I could find comfort in his music when in pain and dance like crazy to his joyful songs. His art was incredible and life changing. Thank you Tim a loyal fan since 2015 x

  • from philingupspace

    My cousin showed me a song called Wake Me Up and asked why I didn´t know it yet it was so uplifting. Later on I heard Hey Brother and Lay Me Down. I listened to Aviciis music non stop Waiting For Love inspired me to learn a radio song on the piano I still love to discover new music just as he blended genres wonderfully. Gonna Love Ya amongst others holds a deep place in my heart the same goes for Tim. The new album is lovely I am truly grateful for the release and the effort it took. <3

  • from farhan

    i love fades away…its meaning resonates with me so much. from the first track i listened to of yours it had a deep ability to make me smile when times were dark. im in a much better place and this track just has a beauty which made me fall in love with your music. i miss you brother things aren't the same. i hope you've found peace

  • from Jenny aka xzeloox

    Tim – You’re so inspiring and your music makes me feel better every time I listen to it. Through your music I got to know a lot of new people that now are the best friends I’ve ever met. Just wanted to say : Thank you for making the world better with your music and thank you for inspiring me to go on everyday! We love and miss you.❤️

  • from Jelle

    ♥️ to avicii best musician ever lived! He past away to early! But i love his new album♥️

  • from MSCB

    thank you for being so human you made me feel less alone with your music just like you could understand me. and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.

  • from James Gillespie

    I will always love you avicii – Tim you are always will be my favourite DJ of all time your music was the best any DJ has ever produced the lyrics to your songs had meaning they was heart felt you may be gone from this world but your music will never die it will be with us always ❤

  • from Dor Peer

    He was the reason that I’ve become how I am . He inspired me to keep doing what I love and never give up . I’m writing this while listening to “TIM’ album and I have tears on myself. Thank You For Who You Are Who You Were And The Life You Changed For Everyone. R.I.P Legend.

  • from Marius

    The Final Chapter ? Today we hear 'Tim' So heartbreaking to listen to the melodies Tim's hands created and to know he is no longer here but I shall cherish this for always You were truly loved for you Tim I saw you I hear you and I will never forget you The music plays on as will your legacy you left to this world I only hope your soul found the peace you were searching for Rest In Peace for Always Tim Love & Light to Tim's Family

  • from Sophie

    Thank you for your music. It has got me through everything. And I love the new album amazing. I miss you so much.

  • from Marius

    I cry every song from you i am gone tatto the avicii logo on my 2 foot and 2 hands i love you

  • from Timur Novikov

    His song is more than just song. Thanks Avicii for these best moments I had got

  • from Erin

    I met my husband in college after we bonded over his music. I left the US to move to AUS for half a year right after I met him and Tim's music is the reason I stayed in touch with him the entire time I was gone. Tim will ALWAYS have a special place in our hearts for the rest of our life. RIP to one of the greats <3

  • from FERNANDO V.

    Recuerdo que la primera canción que escuche de Avicii fue "the nights" y desde entonces no pare de seguirlo me volví adicto a su música su música me llena de felicidad por ello siempre vivirá en mi corazón y en el de todos los que disfrutamos de su música. Gracias por hacerme amar la música por darme tanta felicidad. Espero que hayas encontrado paz siempre te recordaré <3

  • from Dee La Phia Dean

    The Final Chapter ? Today we hear 'Tim' So heartbreaking to listen to the melodies Tim's hands created and to know he is no longer here but I shall cherish this for always You were truly loved for you Tim I saw you I hear you and I will never forget you The music plays on as will your legacy you left to this world I only hope your soul found the peace you were searching for Rest In Peace for Always Tim Love & Light to Tim's Family xxx

  • from Andrew G

    I am American with Swedish heritage. I have always been an Avicii fan but then it became something much more. I was back home visiting family in Sweden during the Midsummer celebrations. Wake Me Up was played in our midnight barn dance. All ages of people came together like I’ve never seen before. Tim did things that have not been done with music before and I will miss his music dearly.

  • from NATALIE


  • from ANNA (NY USA)

    TIM was finally released today! It was bitter-sweet listening to the album. The sadness in the lyrics strikes a chord especially in the context of what happened….but I am glad that Tim had a chance to create something that was true to who he was as a musician and as a person. Truly his best work. A huge thank you to all who worked so hard on the album to honor Tim's legacy and share his final creative work with the rest of the world. His legacy will live on forever. MISS YOU EVERY DAY! <3

  • from Nance

    Thank you. Thank you for making music that makes you feel warm connected joyful sad hopeful. Listening to your new album reminds me of the impact you had on those that knew and loved you and those that did not know and loved you. I know your energy is still here with us all and again thank you. Sending love to your family and friends. <3

  • from Joshua Morata

    Tim's music got me through Freshman year of High School. Back then it was a time of fun and innocence. A close friend introduced me to Avicii through the TRUE album. We would spend days after school playing video games and listening to "Wake Me Up". To finally hear TIM is a bittersweet experience. All the best memories from years before playing back in my head as if we lived them yesterday. Please take care of each other and love one another. Thank you Mr. Bergling. Rest easy xo

  • from Oliwer SE

    Tim gone but never forgotten. – you've changed music now and forever. From the bottom of my heart thank you for all the years of passion dedication and making people connect through you. RIP Avicii!

  • from Shelby

    Thank you for connecting us through your amazing music. So many amazing memories and good times with friends.

  • from Pol Rodríguez

    Today is the day we have waited for many fans. Thanks to your music we have been able to continue our lives with normality. Now that you were gone the world lost one of the people who made the world of music. Thanks Tim. <3

  • from Alex Tista

    i never knew that when i heard new new new this would change my life Forever. Thank You ?

  • from Carla H.

    Tim your music has been the soundtrack to my high school times great adventures with my friends and to incredible trips around the world. I party with your songs I run with your songs I study with your songs or I just put them on when I feel like I haven't heard them in a while. Although you couldn't finish your last projects some great people helped you to do so and I'm so happy that we have one last album that will join the collections of songs of stories that will be with us forever.



  • from Leonardo

    We loved your music since whan you sterted creating it.

  • from Mathys Bouteiller

    J’adore tes sons et ils me donnent de l’énergie positive chaque jour où je me lève tout au long de ma vie❤️

  • from Luca – Italy

    It seems yesterday I first listened to your single "Levels" that afternoon over 7 years ago. I immediately fell in love with your sound. From that day on I never missed any of your songs they've always given me a boost. I would have loved to see you live I was hoping you could get back on the console. Your quote "live a life you will remember" fitted you so well who knows what more you could have given us. You were are and will always be there for us. Bye Tim forever the best ◢ ◤

  • from Jeremy M

    You had a unique style and that's why you are and will remain my favorite artist. You had an incredible talent and that's why your music will remain forever in our hearts. Thank you so much and goodbye legend.

  • from Chakib BigBoss

    you inspired me and you always inspire me for my musical creations and my tastes now rest in peace Tim.

  • from Andrea da Taranto

    non so come esprimermi lo faccio in Italiano perchè mi viene più naturale io ho amato Tim e la sua musica la ascolto ogni giorno da quando ho scoperto "Silhouettes" in prima media 7 anni fa…e non smetterò mai di farlo lui sarà sempre con me e con tutti coloro che gli vogliono bene. Perchè quel maledetto 20 aprile lo hai fatto? perchè? la depressione è una cosa orribile e anche io ho degli attacchi ogni tanto aiutate tutti ragazzi aiutate e siate gentili con tutti perchè la vita è una:)

  • from Sebastian

    Thank you for the new music Tim. I LOVE the new album. 'Heaven' means so much to me. I'm so sad you aren't here with us anymore. Thank you for the music and for the impact you have left on me and so many others. Thank you to the Avicii team collaborators and label for giving us one last goodbye from an absolute legend. Gone but never forgotten thank you Tim.

  • from Tim

    Jag saknar dig så mycket <3

  • from Larissa

    Today your album got released and I love it. Your music is amazing and those lyrics are so deep. The songs are incredible and thanks to everyone involved for finishing it and thanks to the family for releasing it. We will never forget you. Avicii forever. Hope you are happy wherever you are. ◢◤ 06.06.19

  • from James

    Hey Tim thank you for the music. LOVE the new album. So sad you aren't here to see our reactions. Hope our love reaches you in the skies. Especially thank you for 'Heaven' that song means so much to me. Hope you are doing okay up there. Will be thinking on you whenever I put this new treasure of an album on repeat. Thank you for everything and thank you to the Avicii Team collaborators and label for giving us one last good bye from a legend gone but never forgotten.

  • from Bernardo L.

    Pomeriggio afoso d’Agosto: “cosa facciamo stasera?” -“A Riccione c’è Avicii…” Migliaia di persone a saltare tu che ci dai il ritmo le emozioni le vibrazioni per tenerci più vivi che mai non da soli ma vivi con tutte le altre persone e con te. Il mattino dopo: “Che follia che notte che concerto che emozioni.” Grazie Tim per tutto quello che ci hai fatto immaginare e vivere. La tua musica vive con noi e con te ancora. E ancora di più.

  • from Goudaillier Gwendoline

    Thanks to your family to share your new album Tim with us he is awesome I'm sure you listen up there to Tim … You nailed it again Avicii… Respect

  • from Matteo

    You are the best DJ in the world and in paradise . Goodbye tim .

  • from Drew Law

    In April of 2012 Coachella was extended to consecutive weekends. I purchased dual weekend passes and witnessed Aviciis art back-to-back. Fell in love that year too. Wish I had a time machine. ?

  • from Joe

    TIM is your best album yet. You'd be proud. I hope we hear more of your work in the future. But this will do for now. Time to make memories with this one!

  • from Angelina-Chiara

    I just want to thank his family especially his parents friends and co-writers for "TIM". With this music we really get what he wanted: " I will never let go of music – I will continue to speak to my fans through it." And he did speak words of love wisdom and positivity. Forever in our hearts ears and minds ♡

  • from Ramona

    Thank you Tim! Your story and your music changed my life made me a better person!

  • from Marie

    Here i am in my bed listening to TIM. The songs are so beautiful…wow. His music will live on forever!! What a legend!

  • from Nienke

    Forever in our hearts never forgotten. Loved you yesterday love you still always have always will. ?

  • from Thomas

    Sleep tight friend…see you on the other side…

  • from Robin R.

    Avicii changed the way I listened to music. He changed my genre my "style" and what I stood for in the category of music. He matured my style and my ears. I can't thank his amazing talent and person enough. R.I.P Avicii listen forever.

  • from Armin Dehestani

    I will never accept the fact that you aren't here with us. I feel YOU everytime I hear your songs and remembering that you aren't here among us makes me sad everytime. I've never met you but I connect with every video of you out there. Either if it's studio videos or festival gigs I always feel your positive and warm energy. I hope you have found peace where ever you are and I hope you see the impact you have had on people on earth. I miss you and love you Tim. Thank you for everything.

  • from

    I will never accept the fact that you aren't here with us. I feel YOU everytime I hear your songs and remembering that you aren't here among us makes me sad everytime. I've never met you but I connect with every video of you out there. Either if it's studio videos or festival gigs I always feel your positive and warm energy. I hope you have found peace where ever you are and I hope you see the impact you have had on people on earth. I miss you and love you Tim. Thank you for everything.

  • from Mick

    I remember the summer of 2013 so well when I simply knew that Wake me up would become the biggest hit of that summer long before it got really popular. Since then your music has just inspired me so much and I've only recently come to appreciate how extraordinary you truly were. May God have a good reason to have taken you so early Rest in peace Tim

  • from Julia

    Thank you for creating music that always makes me happier and inspired to do something great. Much love.

  • from Petre

    Thank you Tim! I will love you for your music all my life.



  • from nike

    I listened to your songs since I heard 'Hey Brother' on a Bravo CD it was like in 2016 or smth and it gives me vibes since then. I loved you when you were still alive and I still love you now. Every single song of you reminds me of something of a special day or event. I specially love Wake me up Waiting for love Levels The Nighs and Hey Brother. Oh I also adore sos but I started crying when I heard it cause I miss you. damn. Today when I heard your new Album I also cried. I adore you.

  • from Melat

    Avicii taught me a lot about music and without him I wouldn't be where I was now. So Thank you for everything.?

  • from Mikkel Salling

    Thank you for everything you gave the world!

  • from David

    La música de avicii la empezaba a escuchar cuando vivía la época más hermosa de vida cuando fui bartender y solo de escucharla me transportaba como si el estuviera a mi lado mezclando… ahora que ya no vivo esa vida y el se ha ido todas sus canciones me acuerdan aquellas vivencias que tuve en esa epoca me sirven de inspiración para seguir …. gracias avicii…gracias Tim…

  • from Aleviu

    Conocí la música de Avicii hace 6 años tenia algo muy diferente a lo que todos ofrecían; su música es mágica porque siento que el me habla a través de sus canciones; siempre SU música vivirá en mi corazón. GRACIAS POR TODO TIM ERES EL MEJOR ARTISTA DE LOS ÚLTIMOS TIEMPOS; TIM FOREVER!

  • from william

    I don't even know where to start. unbelievable. Such a shame for you to go away. Uplifting the human spirit to higher levels. We hope that you are happy with your creation. I hope that you are enjoying your time where you are right now. And I hope that you will reales more music in the future. We truly miss you. But not forsaken. Yours Your friend William

  • from Sinead Gilman

    Every time I think of Avicii I think of dancing around my kitchen with my best friend when we were 19. You brought so many beautiful memories to so many people and you are so missed. I couldn't think of a better tribute than the album TIM. Absolutely beautiful.

  • from Calixte

    He made me love music He made us love music.

  • from David Sweden

    Din musik kommer leva kvar och även du ändå om du inte finns här. <3

  • from Chaldon S

    I will always share the love you created for everyone to listen to. You will always be in our hearts. Tim 1989 – forever ❤️

  • from David


  • from lana

    i miss him so heart his songs are so great thank you al for continuing the songs i have been listening for a long time and i can't think that Tim is dead i almost always cry we miss him al so much end we love him !

  • from Mirna

    I wrote a lot here but now I’m writing not just missing your existence and your fm but admiring your new album thank you for leaving a beautiful album. Wish you could play them like you used to.. you’re one of a kind. I miss you and i love you so much for making me happy when I’m always depressed. You deserve the heaven. You’re the best when i’m sad and when i’m happy. I listen to you and open videos of you..♥️♥️????

  • from Zaki

    R.I.P Avicii one of my fav DJs ??

  • from Samir in Canada

    Music is powerful. Like many your songs have walked me through the good the bad the easy and the rough. You made me smile when i thought i couldn't and gave me hope when i thought all was lost. You were and still are the sound track to the happiest times of my life. By complete luck i was able to see you live during my 2015 euro trip literally a dream come true… you were amazing! Little did i know it would be my only time. I miss you so much. RIP legend you will not be forgotten.

  • from Valentina H

    I kinda feel like avicii predicted his death. Avicii means a lot to me . I mean like i have tons of memories with his music and thanks to his music I made memories with people that mean a lot to me and I remember going to road trips and we didn’t know where we were going and we didn’t have a destination and I remember I was in the car and we were singing out loud “the nights” because in that song it says live a life u will remember so we were living those moments and memories that we would nev

  • from Alessia

    Thank you for not leave us alone ?

  • from Patri Pérez

    Avicii you and your music helped me in my darkest moments and made more better the happy ones. Even when you're not here you still present us with your music. Thank you Tim.

  • from Emilie

    Avicii: every day you have been an inspiration to me fueling what i can do every day. these songs when I have been depressed in a unrestful state of mind your songs have uplifted me and helped me struggle through the unknown. i have conquered any size obstacles from the songs you have created. thank you.

  • from Julien

    Merci de nous faire toujours dansé même si tu et plu la repose en paix

  • from ADoseOfPetey

    All I can say is Thank You for not only making an impact on my life but an impact to millions. We love you Tim! We'll see you in the other side.

  • from Nils Brandl

    Tim will forever be in our hearts❤️ He has inspired millions of us out there and he will never ever ever be forgotten.

  • from Nicolas Story

    La música siempre es joven y nunca duerme; envuelto en eternidad deja afuera al tiempo; puente que toma forma de canción y conecta a personas. Hay personas que son música. Avicii forever.

  • from Matei

    Your music has brought joy and happiness to me and my friends for a long time. And I bet it will continue doing so. We're more that amazed by the new album and we're all smiling at you from down here thinking about all the good memories that you've created and all the bad moments you music has helped us surpass. We'll always love you! Rest in peace Tim!

  • from Octavian

    My hero a musical genius who will be forever in the heart of his fans and he still live with us. Just live life music and learn from everybody in every moment of your life.

  • from Jarrod Mullen

    The First Avicii song I Heard the Nights it just blew my mind open to music producing and Djing and the music world all over again. I am now a DJ for my radio station 91.1 WRMU and Director of Music #rememberavicii

  • from Kerri

    I’m saddened to say I never got the chance to see that’s amazing young man live but he has and continues to play in my kitchen most if not all mornings to get me in to a better mood ?

  • from Cristóbal

    Your music is legendary Tim you maked incredible music and you are incredible for us. R.I.P Tim

  • from

    Listening to the album TIM thinking about the times I was able to see you play.

  • from Valentin

    Just thank you. Your music was so beautiful and so meaningful to many of us. You let many people discover electronic music but with so powerful lyrics … I personnaly identified myself into so many of your songs while also enjoying and dancing on them ! You will always be the best one for me !

  • from Jonathan

    I remember watching the livestream while I was waiting for a ring from the hospital with my nan being in ICU thankfully the call never come & she's home got me though a very very hard time. THANK YOU TIM / AVICII ❤️

  • from Tan Kalluri

    Just 3 words- Miss you Tim 🙁 Your latest album is amazing. Thank you for your beautiful music.

  • from Melissa

    Merci beaucoup pour sa musique que j'aime a la folie

  • from Osman Jr

    Comence escuchando "Levels" me encanto queria escucharla una y otra vez luego lanzo "Hey Brother" es una de mis favoritas de avicii y despues de eso deje de escuchar a avicii un largo tiempo hasta que salio la de "Without You" y cuando la escuche por primera vez yo dije ¿Quien hizo esta cancion? y cuando me di cuenta que era de avicii volvi a enviciarme con su musica habia sacado nuevos albums y ahora estoy entrando en la produccion musical y avicii es una inspiracion para mi

  • from Bryan A.

    Recuerdo cuando vino al Peru – Iquitos me emocione tanto me alegro de a verlo conocido en persona cuando me entere que fallecio simplemente no lo podia creer pero sus musicas quedaran en mi corazon <3

  • from Adam Redfern

    You’re music got me through hard times helped me squeeze every bit of effort when I ran my half marathon or when I had those long nights of study you gave me some of the best memories at so many festivals you were the highlight of them all. I just want to say thank you!

  • from ❄️

    ? ? ❤️

  • from Emelie

    Det nya albumet wow alltså WOW! Det fyller mitt hjärta med kärlek lycka och en sorg. Så tacksam för alla inblandade som färdigställde ditt mästerverk men jävlar vad jag saknar dig Tim! Önskar att jag kunde krama dig få se dig .. men genom albumet TIM så känns du levande och bredvid mig!. Tack för allt love you!

  • from Elenor

    I agree with you! This is your best music ever! Thank you! Hope you smile at us from heaven! If you are we are smiling right back!

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