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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.




    No lo conocí casualmente teníamos el mismo signo zodiacal Virgo leí que tenia un conflicto entre la vida la felicidad todas esas cosas yo también estoy igual viviendo y para que? buscando día a día un propósito que no logro encontrar también leí de el que ayudaba a los niños mas pobres con donaciones de amor para mitigar el hambre no debió morir nunca un ser como Avicii no debería morir jamás si el más allá existe espero poderle conocer algún día…

  • from HughyJuspur

    Tim the myth and legend inspired me to start EDM and I kept moving forward to prove people wrong like Tim. I'm now on Spotify with +10000 streams with inspiring tracks that allow me to release the feeling trapped inside my mind Share the love Tim gave me I shall not let thus time slip

  • from Cassandra

    It’s crazy how it’s 1 year today. I still can’t believe you passed 🙁 sending condolences to your family especially today ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • from Jonathan.

    Dear Avicii I want to tell you thanks for every song that you released each melody and each lyric of your songs were amazing. You were the first DJs that I started listening to and for that reason I like so much this type of music. For me you are the best playing piano and you create great melodies. I hope to learn to play piano as you. One year ago I noticed about your loss I was so sad. When I listen to your songs I can feel that you are there. Thank you so much for all your music.

  • from Michell??

    loved and adored tim❤️ how much it is hard to believe that a year ago my life changed and took a giant turn it is still hard to listen to your music and not think about how much I want to see you doing what you loved so much my heart is destroyed every time I see a video of you but something inside of me says "he is fine" I want to believe that one day we are going to meet in heaven I have no doubt that you are my angel and that you take care of me from heaven I love you Tim❤️

  • from Xxx

    A whole year has passed but not a day goes by without me thinking about you… I wish our paths had crossed your story breaks my heart I wish I could have been there for you. RIP Tim your music will go on forever ❤️

  • from Simon Buckingham

    His music gave me hope and words of wisdom. Some things in my life were possible because of his music and I miss him a lot. Please come back for one more show! RIP Tim

  • from Knstance

    You are stil in our hearts Tim.

  • from Camila??

    I can't believe it's been a year since you left us? I just can't and I don't understand it. I miss you so much Tim and I thank you for everything you did not only for me but for the millions of people you helped. Now you are our angel❤

  • from Marie

    All the time when I found you I feel that you are ok. The way i see you is the same way you show me who you are.. the messages you send i know who say it to you.. much love for you ?

  • from Rodrigo Araújo

    One year man.

  • from 8585

    Tim… miss you so much….

  • from Simone

    On this unique and unforgettable day so joyful and festive but also so gray and gloomy two dear people of my life passed away. One is you Avicii and the other is a relative of mine. Rest in peace you will always be in my heart❤️ ❤️ .

  • from KK

    Tim through your music you were with me during my ups and downs while angers and struggles while I had fun and while I cried . Who knows me better than you do? Thank you for being always there when I need you. ❣️?

  • from Alex T

    You’ve been a big inspiration to me and helped me truly love and adore music and understand how it feels. You’re the reason why I got a mixer and I play your songs on guitar. Thank you for your music and influence it always made me happy and lifted me up so I hope you’re at peace where you’re lifted up now ❤️❤️

  • from Juley

    I listen to your songs every day and every day it still hurts more… I never had an idol or was a fan of someone but i am a big fan of you and think of you every day . We will alwasy miss you?

  • from Will Amick

    It's been a year now and we miss you more than ever.

  • from B.

    Rest in Peace to the worlds greatest DJ. Your music will forever be my go to for any and every occasion. I'm so excited "Tim" is coming out in June . I can't wait to enjoy the new album just wish you were here to see how many people truly loved you for who you were and how happy you music made so many people happy. You will never be replaced! If only you knew </3

  • from Zivka

    Wo Worte fehlen das Unbeschreibliche zu beschreiben wo Augen versagen das Unabwendbare zu sehen wo die Hände das Unbegreifliche nicht fassen können bleibt einzig die Gewissheit dass du immer in unserem Herzen <3 fortleben wirst. Wir werden dein Lachen deine Herzlichkeit dein Tiefsinn deine Wärme deine Schönheit dein musikalische Talent deine reine Seele.. dich TIM – AVICII sehr vermissen! <3

  • from bella

    It has been one year now as you left. Still I'm not able to understand it and find the fitting words. Emptiness. A year that has been a filled with unbearable emotions tears facing my own fears chats with strangers I now call my friends I never want to miss. I made memories of which your magic became the soundtrack of. I traveled to Stockholm where I never wanted to leave. I look up to you a beautiful soul that could smile in the most beautiful way wished you'd still do. Thank you so much.

  • from Nicolas DI Piertro

    When I heard your song for the first time a world opened up thank you very much Avicii I will be grateful to you for life. We miss you so much. Nicolas

  • from Allie

    Your music has had such and inspiration on so many people. The lyrics have such a meaning behind it. Your music and work will continue to live on. Much love rest in piece Tim.

  • from Cat crossland

    Hi Tim you r bally my son is in the same position as you were. He hurts himself please help him to stop keep dancing my angel x

  • from Manuela

    I really miss you you inspired a lot of people around the world through your songs you taught us to live each minute as the last one you made me think many things about life love and joy. You'll always be present in my memories.

  • from July

    At a bad time in my life his songs often played on the radio and every time I hear those songs from that time I forget how bad that time was. I will always love you❤️

  • from Trek

    Can't believe it's already been a year ? your music has inspired me so much and you will always be my favorite artist. My favorite song ever is Sunset Jesus. It always motivates me. Anyways I'm making an Avicii group chat on Instagram if you want to be added DM me @Beggy4786

  • from AMINE

    Kanti o ghatb9a afdal artiste bsba lia Chokran 3la Kolchi ! U was the best artist fot me and u will remain in my heart forever Thanks For Everything ! tu restera toujours dans mon coeur mon idol Merci pour tout !

  • from LL

    It's hard to write my story of love in just a few words.And how much you meant to me? So much.You said your father told you to think of him if you're ever afraid and I'll be thinking of you whenever I'm afraid.I will find my peace in you.I hope you also found your peace.You will forever be loved.

  • from Axel

    1 år utan dig idag. Du kommer alltid vara en del av mitt liv. Du är för alltid saknad och aldrig glömd. ◢ ◤

  • from Tim

    Zeus is the god of lightning Poseidon is the god of the sea Tim is the god of music

  • from Cat crossland

    I left a memory a year ago my young son has since hurt himself he is scared. He unlike you is still here. He feels your pain as we do as parents. Thank you for the inspiration In my sadness I still love to dance thank you for showing me how to remember how to x I love you x

  • from Laura

    It's been a year. One year since your beautiful and pure soul left this place. You have done so much for so many people including me: you changed me in a way i can't even describe. Sometimes I feel lost and I just want to escape from everything but I don't know where to go and that's because you were that place. Whenever I listen to your music I feel safe and truly free before having to come back to reality. I really hope that you found that freedom wherever you are now.

  • from Amelia

    Tim minął już rok. nie ma cię już rok. nie masz pojęcia jak bardzo tęsknię. twoja muzyka dawała mi tak wiele nie wyobrażasz sobie… jesteś jednym z artystów którzy wprowadzili mnie w świat muzyki kiedy byłam dzieckiem. dziękuję. zawsze będziesz miał swoje miejsce w moim serduszku. specjalne. mam nadzieję że jesteś szczęśliwy gdziekolwiek jesteś. mam ci tyle do powiedzenia… do zobaczenia kocham cię

  • from Abe

    It cannot be expressed how much your music means to me. I will miss you forever. Thank you for the love peace and hope that I would never have experienced without you. Thank for making for helping me become who I am. I found my home and discovered most of my self through your inspiration. The world is a better place because of you. You live on in my heart. Tack Avicii Tim.

  • from sad

    Snälla kom tillbaka..

  • from Mark

    Growing up I've always enjoyed listening to songs. A song I really enjoyed was Wake Me Up and Hey Brother. The songs were great and made me happy at times of loneliness. I'd like to thank Avicii for being the light in the dark and to those who've collaborated with him within the recording of music videos or the audio itself I'd like to thank you. Rest in Piece brother hope you enjoyed your stay.

  • from Diane

    I’m sorry that your cry for help wasn’t heard. And you gave so much to the world. IT shouldn’t be that way. ? Your Music is fantastic. ❤️ Thank you.

  • from sad fan

    Avicii's music is amazing – my friends don't like it but I strongly disagree – everything about it is simply phenomenal. I just love it. Thank you Avicii.

  • from Tommaso

    Ciao Tim. Eri il mio idolo e lo sei ancora. E' un anno che non ci sei più e ancora fa male. Spero tu possa vedere da lassù quello che ti scriviamo. La tua musica mi da carica allegria felicità energia: la tua musica mi fa stare bene. Grazie ancora di tutto ci mancherai tanto.

  • from

    One year. How fast the time run.

  • from For France ??


  • from Josefin Eriksson Hedström

    I got married last year 2018-09-08. The same day as you world have turned 29. I asked our cantor/organist if he could play your song Hey Brother in the church. He did. And yet another unforgettable memory of your music was created in that moment. Your music is so beautiful and genius. I will always love it and I will always love you.

  • from Amanda

    1 år sen min största inspiration och kärlek i livet är borta. Jag kommer aldrig i hela mitt liv få höra din röst. Kommer aldrig någonsin få se dig eller känna av din närvaro. Det sårar mig så djupt. Det trycker och skaver inom mig och jag saknar dig så. Allt jag vill säga är bara hur mycket du betyder för mig. Hur extremt lycklig jag är över att få ha växa upp till dina magiska toner. Hur extremt mycket jag saknar dig.. Slutligen hur mycket jag älskar dig. Finns inga ord för kärleken.. Rip..?

  • from Pablo armando

    Avicii estar en mi corazón por siempre descansa empaz

  • from Ben M B from United Kingdom

    When life got hard id play your music and reply times of happy memories and focus on the future. A year has gone and your still the Greatest. hope your smiling down at these messages. RIP you hero.

  • from Max

    One year since you've been gone. You made the music for my generation. I will always remember the nights with your beats. Your music will live on forever. ❤️ Love from ?? to ??

  • from Amanda

    Min största inspiration och kärlek i livet är borta. Jag kommer aldrig i hela mitt liv få höra din röst. Kommer aldrig någonsin få se dig eller känna av din närvaro. Det sårar mig så djupt. Det trycker och skaver inom mig och jag saknar dig så. Allt jag vill säga är bara hur mycket du betyder för mig. Hur extremt lycklig jag är över att få ha växa upp till dina magiska toner. Hur extremt mycket jag saknar dig.. Slutligen hur mycket jag älskar dig. Kan inte sätta ord på kärleken över dig. Xoxo..

  • from Marijana

    One year Tim. One year without you. One year full of paintears but also happiness for your music. I love you. Fly high sweet angel. I miss you. 1989-FOREVER LOVE YOU ♡♡♡

  • from Shu Y.

    It's been a year. I still and will always miss and love you. You make me see the light in the darkness. I see the hope in my heart. ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Alexandra

    Exactly one year ago you left us. In pain in sadness in mourning. You've always been underrated by those who surrounded you. But you've created a family and this family would have never let you be forgotten. You've brought light to our lives through your music. We won't forget. Never

  • from Petr

    For me Tim never passed away. He still lives with us and speaks to us through his music. His songs have a story and deep thoughts. His music makes people happy and spreads joy peace and love. Thank You Tim for making this world better. 🙂

  • from Brigitte

    I'm from equatorial Guinea (africa) in my country we dont really listen to edm but I started listening to it thanks to avicii and he became my favorite DJ. I love you and I'll always remember you❤

  • from Claudia

    Thank you Avicii We will never forget you.

  • from Marie

    One year ago I was with my friend at McDonald and I received the saddest notification ever I’ve cried for a all month without smiling once I miss him every single day. I love you Tim…

  • from Shu Y.

    It’s been a year. I still and will always miss and love you. You make me see the light in the darkness and the hope in my heart. ◢ ◤

  • from Lisa

    Forever in our hearts and I hope you’re in a better place and the best place of the world??

  • from ❤️

    We will never forget you. Your music and your honest personality still takes our breath away.

  • from Carmen

    I can't express how much your music have helped me in my darkest times and also nowadays. I will never forget that.

  • from ZY0121

    Avicii your music and you were with me when I was suffering depression. Thanks a lot for giving me a hand in during the darkest time of my life. I miss you so much. Now we are going Bonnie and clyde without you. RIP.

  • from Paty

    I will never forget you ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Eryk

    Tim You are the Best musician in the World your music is still alive and Will be forever… We love you

  • from L

    I still can't believe that you are not here anymore.There are still so many tears in my eyes when I hear your songs.lf only you knew how much you've taught us.In many ways you made people so happy Tim.We will forever remember you for that.There were so many days in the past year that I asked myself how is it possible that this happened.I am so sorry nobody helped you like you helped us.Your legacy will live onthat's a promise.Rest in peaceI hope you are better now.We love you so much.

  • from Fredrik Walldén

    Today one year has past since you left this world behind you. Not a single day has past without me listening to your music. Tim’s music helps me fight through the days and motivates me to keep fighting to survive. I have struggled with depression back and forth for many years but listening to Tim’s music let’s me see the light in the darkest times. I miss you so much and I wish you were still with us making this world a better place! We love you Tim! You help me live a life to remember!

  • from Živka

    Wo Worte fehlen das Unbeschreibliche zu beschreiben wo Augen versagen das Unabwendbare zu sehen wo die Hände das Unbegreifliche nicht fassen können bleibt einzig die Gewissheit dass du immer in unserem Herzen ❣️ fortleben wirst. Wir werde dein Lachen deine Herzlichkeit dein Tiefsinn deine Wärme deine Schönheit dein musikalisches Talent deine reine Seele …dich TIM – AVICII sehr vermissen. ❤️????????

  • from kohler

    Ya es la segunda vez que te escribo por aquí la primera fue a los pocos días de que nos dejaras y hoy ya se cumple 1 año desde que pasaste a ser leyenda. Siempre te admiré por tu música y por tu persona y te doy las gracias de nuevo por regalarnos tú música y con ella poder dejar volar nuestros sueños e ilusiones al escucharla. Siempre en nuestros corazones TIM – AVICII .

  • from Novelee

    Tim a whole year has passed and I miss you every single day more and more. Your music has accompanied me since my childhood and gives me pleasure. Every single day without you hurts so much. I still can’t believe you are gone. Thank you for so many wonderful moments I could experience through you. Watch out for us all sweet angel I love you forever Tim❤️

  • from Andy Stratford United Kingdom

    I can't believe it's been a year! and many miss you around but the Music you made will always Live on to inspire others. Thankyou! for being you!.

  • from rokaya

    its been a year but uve been here all along thru ur music rip

  • from JAMES

    Déjà 1 an que tu nous as quitté cela passe tellement vite tu nous manques énormément tu resteras gravé toujours dans nos mémoires RIP Tom

  • from Rob Tremblay

    Tim I just wanted to say thank you… When people ask me what got me into Dance Music I immediately think of Levels and the first time I heard it. That song catapulted me into the love I have for Dance Music today. Thank you RIP…

  • from Caroline CZ

    I loved you Avicii…Your songs were very different. In your songs I feel the story I want to be part of. Unfortunately you prepared me for this.

  • from Enes Halid Yılmaz

    A Legend has slipped away from our hands and we couldn't hold him.

  • from Ildi from Hungary

    I will not forget You and I will love yuor musik forever. I miss You very mutch!

  • from Ilaria E.

    Already 1 year. Still cannot accept it. Tim you're still in our hearts and our playlists we'll never forget you. Hope you're fine now

  • from Sofie

    I can't believe it's been a year it still hurts like day one. There's not a single day going by without me thinking of you and listening to your music. You truly were a genius and I'm so proud to call you idol. Imagining the pain you've been in is unbearable so I hope you're in a better place now and found peace. I hope you look down and smile seeing all the love not just today but always. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. Tack för allt. Jag älskar dig Tim❤

  • from giulia

    always with us♥️

  • from Mathias Kristensen

    I can’t beleive its been a while year without you. I miss you a lot Tim we all do! ❤️

  • from Asia

    It's been a year today. We still can't believe in that. You will always be with us no matter where you are. You're in a better place now but we still feel pain. I hope you are feeling great. Without you I feel lost at sea ❤ Na zawsze ???♪

  • from Sebastian

    One of the best memories from high school! I remember when True was released. The biggest thing during that era of my life! Love lives Forever.

  • from Skåne/Finland

    Thank you Tim for the inspiration to develop within the creation of electronic music Stort tack Tim! //Patrick

  • from Lukas

    I listen to your music daily. When im sad when im happy and just to come down. Thanks for every song thanks for everything smile you put on my face. We all will never forget you and your music. Thank you Avicii!

  • from Chris

    Nobody has everything.. Everybody has something.. R.I.P Tim ?❤️?

  • from RAQUEL

    Partiste há um ano. A tua música ajuda-me a desligar deste mundo doente do mal e da mentira dá-me a força e a coragem para aqui continuar e lembro-me da tua luta For a Better Day… A tua música é o élan para esta vida que tira a paz. Este mundo não é lugar para pessoas sensíveis tímidas naives e com talentos… . Este mundo é muito injusto; a tua partida foi muito injusta!Viverás para sempre nos corações daqueles que amam verdadeiramente a música. Até um dia TIM acredito in a Better World!

  • from Michaela

    One year has passed by and I’m just heartbroken. Your loss has caused so much pain and nothing makes sense in my life anymore and all I have left are the wonderful memories I got because of you and the melodies that’ll keep you alive forever. You’re still alive in my heart and I hope that you found comfort and happiness wherever you are now because your pure soul deserves only the best. Today the sorrow was heavily overwhelming but isn’t it every day like that since you left? I love you Timbo

  • from sanne

    You are forever missed and loved Tim ?

  • from Victoria <3

    Ett år sen min bästis fest stanna när notisen kom på mobilen. Jag skrek rakt ut att du var borta. Ingen kunde förstå det och vi lyssnade och dansade till dig hela natten. Idag hade min bästis återigen fest och vi lyssnade på din senaste "SOS". Overklig känsla att du är borta när det känns som du är med som aldrig förr. Du lever kvar än idag hos alla varje dag. Speciellt på alla fester och speciellt på festen idag <3 Hoppas du äntligen hittat lugnet vi dansar åt dig.

  • from djilo83


  • from <3

    Vår finaste ängel tack för allt. Hoppas för allt att du inte har ont längre vi glömmer dig aldrig Tim. <3<3

  • from Abdullah

    Tonight I looked up at the sky and the moon was full and bright somehow it reminded me of you Tim maybe you’re gone but your music will live like the star's light it keeps traveling through the space forever.

  • from Agata from Nuernberg

    One year has passed?? But you are with me every day. Your music is with me and I feel better immediately. I offer for you every day. Tim I will never forget you and your music. Be happy wherever you are. We will meet there ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from CK

    Avicci gave me an outlet to what the world could be. When he died I had a complete breakdown and couldn't believe it. His music inspired me to learn more about EDM music and even compose some of my own songs. I wish the world knew more of what he was capable of. Thank you Tim for all the work you put in to make our world a happier and more meaningful place. w/ love CK

  • from Hanna

    When I first heard about your death I couldn’t stop crying and keep asking myself – why? Then I looked at the sky and I saw a falling star. Tim you were just like that star. You showed up shone with your amazing music made our dreams came true and left leaving us with the most beautiful music. Thank you Tim ♥ ◢◤

  • from ilian

    I’m a fan since 2015 my favorite song will always be “hey brother”. I will always love you and you will be in my heart forever RIP Tim your music inspired me to so much things. Live a life you will remember! ❤️ Love from Mexico.

  • from Kendall E Quijadas Chavez

    The many things that kept my head high were thanks to you Avicii. Life had me by the neck but ever since your music hit me I can't stop looking forward. the words gave me a reason while the sound gave me hope. even till now you still have a powerful effect on me where we can find an endless round together and how you see hope in my heart. thank you for everything you have done. I promise to keep going and never let go. ◢◤

  • from Ramadane "Ramzy" DIALLO

    You make me love EDM I remember listening to your album TRUE every morning on my way to school… I got lot of memories from your music can't wait to listen the posthumous album. We love you TIM

  • from Theratul

    it has been a year and it's all over now so can you wake up

  • from Nati

    Ciężko uwierzyć że to już rok minął …. Mam nadzieję że teraz tam do góry zaznałeś spokoju ….. R.I.P Na zawsze w naszych sercach ….

  • from Gorke

    04 / 20 / 2018 We miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Rahkem

    I remember on Thanksgiving Day I heard wake me up for the first time. I was instantly hooked. I got into your music and it saddens me to see you go. ♡◢ ◤♡

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