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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from – Scarlett✨

    We'll see you on the other side Avicci. I write this as I cry reading these other posts and listening to your music. R.I.P.

  • from Connor

    Back in 2013 Me and my school sang "Wake Me Up" as a tribute to one of my friends. I kept that song in my heart. I even played "SOS" on the piano after he died. Thanks for the memories and music Avicii. You will be missed.

  • from Bob

    R.I.P Avicii. You were loved.

  • from Daan

    when I was about 9-10 years old my mom came in with a vinyl record. we put them on immediately and I was immediately sold by your wonderful music. I still listen to you every day. love<3

  • from KraskaF

    Tim is a legend that can never be forgotten. Every track hooked me with its emotional depth bringing sincere joy and pleasure. I will cherish everything that this person left behind.

  • from sofy <3

    I remember the first time I heard "The Nights" I immediately loved it and started to listen to it every day. Thank you Tim for your songs they're just beautiful and they will live forever in our hearts and minds we miss you love you

  • from Matyáš

    he was so good i really love waiting for love

  • from Den from Russia.

    I miss you Legend…. Maybe Avicii dead in our eyes but he will always live in our hearts. We listen your soul. We seen your eyes. The legend born time upon. You the legend what never dies. Avicii FOREVER!

  • from Рита Россия

    Навсегда в сердце и наушниках

  • from Гузель

    Привет Тим!!! Спасибо большое за замечательную музыку!!!Она мне помогает преодолеть трудности в моей жизни.Жаль что в тот злополучный час никого не было рядом с тобой 😔😔😔 Ты лучший диджей и человек!!!❤️❤️❤️ Спи спокойно Ангел 🙏🙏🙏

  • from Vidya

    You are my source. ബൈ eivissa

  • from Angel Taiwan

    Avicii 依舊想念你

  • from Alina

    Tim you're a legend ❤️

  • from Luca

    La tua musica rimarrà per sempre nella mia memoria. Grazie di tutto Tim ♥️

  • from 乐


  • from Vidya

    You are my life

  • from Marco SP

    Tim I miss you so much Your music motivates me to continue in my fight against my disease I'm about to throw in the towel but I don't I want to live a life I can remember you are the inspiration of many and for me you were a great person like tim and like avicii.

  • from Dani

    I remember listening to Wake Me Up Levels The Nights Broken Arrows Lonely Together Without You The Days Hey Brother Waiting for Love and many more for the first time. Your music changed the way I viewed life for the better. You showed me life is a gift to cherish and be grateful for. I miss you and wish you were here still making music but hopefully you’re in a better place making music for others. I’ll never forget you Tim. Thank You 🩷

  • from Matthew

    Your music will give color to my world forever. Thank you!

  • from Andrea

    Lyssnade nyss på psykologipodden där Klas intervjuades om allt som hänt. Kändes riktigt tungt att lyssna och fick mig att reflektera mycket kring min egen psykiska ohälsa. Tänker ofta på Tim och livet han levde ett liv med destruktiva tankar som jag relaterar till där man håller det mesta för sig själv för man inte vill besvära andra. Idag sitter man med facit kring vad som gick fel för Tim och hans liv ett facit jag faktiskt borde ta efter för att rädda mig själv. Kommer alltid minnas dig Tim

  • from

    makes me cry when i think hear his song these nights.

  • from Daly

    He said:"I'll be backbut not now!"

  • from Roy Melgar

    "If there's love in this life where're unstoppable" – Thank you Tim

  • from Vidya

    In your mine avicii. By eivissa

  • from

    We miss you Avicii may you rest in peace.

  • from hugo

    miss you Tim

  • from Asude

    5 years xxxxx somethimes I feel that you still here but sometimes I FEEL you still here 🙂

  • from Jane Lopez

    Without you is a heartbreaking inspiring song of love and loss. I hope you felt the love that your fans felt every single time your music is played. I hope you found peace love and Nirvana.

  • from Vidya

    Timberg vs tomhang by eivissa

  • from Thalie

    I miss you❤️

  • from anonymous

    loving your music. i miss you greatly but your music has made an impact on the world. much love. long live avicii!!! <3

  • from José ngloz

    Música que me da una inexplicable sensación de paz felicidad ❤️ Tim forever 💫

  • from Henry

    Tim made the best songs of my childhood I remember me and my father listening to hey brother and wake me up my father favorite songs unfortunately my dad passed away in the same year by cancer these songs make me remember both of them and my childhood thanks avicci for making me have the best days of my life.

  • from Chris

    Avicii is one of my favorite artists. His music makes me happy!

  • from Caroline

    Föralltid saknad❤️

  • from <3

    i miss you bro

  • from Patty🇮🇹

    I celebrated my Birthday few days ago without you but playing your songs showing my countless tattoos with your logo my T-shirts with your printed image your inverted cap your right arm moving to the rhythm of yr music my IPhone wallpaper with your face while Levels was playing loud in the sitting room as the first time I listened in 2011. The magic of your songs was all around us. With an old friend of mine I couldn’t celebrate a better birthday. No celebration today but a sad memory😢

  • from Sarah

    This is a special day. Avicii IS the king. And we're going to see him. /Sarah Ireland


    Dear Tim I can't write much today but you must know that I remember and love you. I'm waiting for the new documentary about you. Dearest you 'll be never forgotten!

  • from Vidya

    ഞാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ ഒട്ടും ഒരു ഉത്സാഹിയല്ല ഓർമ്മിക്കാൻ പോലും ഞാൻ താല്പര്യം കാണിക്കുന്നില്ല എല്ലാത്തിനും കാരണം എന്റെ അച്ഛൻ എന്ന ഒരാൾ ജീവിതം തെറ്റിലേക്ക് വഴികാണിക്കുന്നു അച്ഛൻ അയാളെ ഞാൻ വേർത്തു തുടങ്ങി. ഞാൻ നിന്നെ ഓർക്കാൻ ശ്രെമിക്കാം ♥️Avicii. By eivissa

  • from Maximilian

    Miss you. Still in so much pain. Thanks for your amazing work we lost an amazing human being way to early <3

  • from Esteban

    Gusto saludar soy Esteban González soy Desarollador y formo parte del equipo ExoTecnología. Quería comentarles sobre nuestros servicios de Desarrollo de Software y páginas WEB E-comerce Asistencia Técnica Gestión de Campañas SEO etc. Si tú empresa o negocio tiene algún requerimiento relacionado con lo antes mencionado no dudes en contactarnos tenemos tarifas muy competitivas y sin dejar de un lado la calidad de nuestros servicios. Si estás interesado puedes comunicarte conmigo v

  • from Avicii fan that loves music

    Aviciis songs will always be remembered by his fans. Why did you leave us? But at least you’re in a better place.R.I.P.

  • from Dave

    Loved the music Avicii produced every song. Rest in paradise.

  • from Laura

    ¡Hola! Me llamo Laura y estoy encantada de saludarte. Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en *periódicos digitales como noticia* para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet es decir con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran. La noticia es publicada por más de sesenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el *posicionamiento de tu web* y la reputaci

  • from Nina

    Your music means so much to me. You were so talented and I can hear your suffering in parts of your song. i am sorry for what you had to go through. I was listening to your music the whole day.

  • from BIG FAN


  • from 🤍

    I want to say so much but can’t find the words for it i can only say thanks for the memories

  • from Avicii Fan

    The Legend

  • from Vidya

    നീ എന്റെ മായ തിരമാല. By eivissa

  • from Berlina

    I can feel Avicii through his musics. His musics are pain healer. I’m watching Avicii: True Stories on repeat and I can feel Tim. Tim deserved peaceful life and there he is right now. Another documentary maybe? As it can be a cure for whoever loves Tim❤️‍🩹

  • from Berlin


  • from

    you will never be forgotten

  • from Kris Van Nuffel

    Years later since my first post here … still listening to the messages spread through your music. I'm trying my best to make music myself. Not for fame or money but for that 1 person who finds strength and motivation in my story. As I learned from you a story spread by sounds not only for the ears but also for the hearth and feeling. I can't find a better description for the name "Avicii". Maybe 1 day I can do the same for someone else as you did for me. Bromance 4ever

  • from Berlina

    I can feel Avicii through his musics. His musics are pain healer. I’m watching Avicii: True Stories on repeat and I can feel Tim. Tim deserved peaceful life and there he is right now. Another documentary maybe? As it can be a cure for whoever loves Avicii a.k.a Tim Bergling❤️‍🩹

  • from Vidya

    Hi Avicii 💞🥰💕by eivissa

  • from Avicii fan

    He's best forever

  • from Stevie Tee

    You inspired conquered and you were then taken advantage of and we lost you. Heartbreaking and tragic for your family friends and fans. RIP Tim. To anyone suffering mental health issues “Ingen ko på isen” !

  • from MIADANNY


  • from Ghania

    Je t'aime tellement 😭😭😭

  • from Vidya

    🙏Avicii 🙏by eivissa

  • from soko

    Love you.

  • from Maggie

    Avicii thank you for creating music that has helped millions of people throughout dark times. I also struggle with anxiety. However your music motivates me to take better care of myself. RIP.

  • from Claudia

    mega – !!!

  • from Hunter Sweden

    I was never a big fan of Tim during his big years I listened to his music but I never had any special thoughts when I did it. Now I listen to his music more often and I listen to the lyrics – they all have a deep meaning. I LOVE Tims' music it's so thought through. I love all the melodies and the elements in the songs the little details that makes the song perfect. I wish he still was here so his mental state could get better and he could light up my days with new music RIP Tim Bergling <3

  • from the goat him self sebastiano avicii is the goat

    you were my musik hero and loved your musik it was so peas full to listen to your musik it was a dream to get to know who you were we will always remember you as the goat of musik

  • from Vidya

    Iam sorry Avicii

  • from Vidya

    How arw you avicii you fine iam not fine. By eivissa

  • from Tabea-Jane

    I have always liked Avicii's music because it just made me happy. But now after reading his biography something strange has happened: I am so upset and affected as if someone I really knew and will always miss has died. His search for himself and for meaning in life is something I know myself so in a strange way I feel connected to him – as thousands of others do because of it. He was a wonderful person and hopefully he is at peace now. In any case I will always carry him in my heart!

  • from Sohaib Ali

    Hi Tim it's been 5 years without you You will be forever be the king of Dance Music. Love you. May you rest in heaven.

  • from Vidya

    Hi Avicii good morning 🥰

  • from Jane


  • from balls

    u suck

  • from Me


  • from NURIA(España)

    Mi querido Tim. Pegada a ti permanentemente .❤❤

  • from Name

    "These are the nights that never die" Thank you Tim

  • from RafaelBallerFusion

    🥀I Miss You💔

  • from Vidya

    Avicii you my cookies by eivissa

  • from Margarita martinez

    Avicci eras mi gran artista favorito de música electrónica 💕💕 te extrañaré siempre nunca te olvidare te amo

  • from Olof

    Miss you everyday thanks to you I got my dream job at the Avicii Experience and I will forever be gratefull for that. Tim the music you made is timless and is not going anywhere and in 100 years people will se you as they see mozart today. See you in heaven.

  • from Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisquatsiuth Williams

    The best songs ever and totally gives these Electronic Dance vibes. Hope the best in heaven and you will always remain in my heart like cheese in a fridge stored in forever. Love you Tim!

  • from anna

    i love u forever avicii

  • from ILE


  • from

    i love ur music

  • from Никита

    Любовь к Авичи и его музыке у меня произошла с первых нот и строк его композиций. Легкость восприятия умение красиво свести современную электронную музыку и классические музыкальные инструменты помогли влюбиться в его музыка навсегда. Пока я так и не смог найти другого музыканта который делал это же с такой же легкостью как Тим. Очень грустно что он ушел так рано. Его музыка навсегда в моем сердце.

  • from Alexander Le Sage

    I love Avicii's music. His music makes me feel more down to earth and makes me feel more connected with him even though he is gone forever. His music makes me feel happier about my life and makes me enjoy life. Avicii will always forever be with me in my heart and in spirit as he is my music inspiration. Love you Avicii miss you xxx

  • from Thien Tin (Việt Nam)

    thank you avicii gave me the best songs!

  • from 𝐌𝐨𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐝𝐁𝐒

    Love you Tim. RIP.

  • from 明阳

    miss you

  • from Karym

    The first time that I listened to your songs was in the high school. Your music made me feel very happy and motivated to study 🙂

  • from <3

    You have changed my life <3 miss you everyday

  • from Den

    You live in our hearts forever.❤️

  • from Patricia

    ¡Hola! mi nombre es Patricia y te escribo desde Olivé Asesores. Somos expertos en asesoramiento para la creación de empresas LLC (usada por startups servicios digitales empresas de servicios entre otras) – En muchos casos el **impuesto** de sociedades es al 0%* – Es una estructura completamente legal en España y puedes tributar los beneficios en tu IRPF – Compatible con tu SL – El administrador NO es público. – Sin necesidad de viajar – Compatible con Stripe y otras Al crear tu socieda

  • from Vidya

    Running you're way . by eivissa

  • from Neriza

    Back on here again Tim. I guess this will now be a routine for me for when I'm feeling sad. Your music really has this uplifting and healing effect on me–and I will always always be grateful for that. Your music lives on. ◢ ◤

  • from Louise

    Thank you Avicii for your music. I was 10 when my brother first introduced me to you he showed me the video for Hey Brother and nearly 10 years later I’ve never stopped listening to your music. Your music brought me close to my brothers like nothing else could have done. Rest easy Tim you are loved all over the world ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Lisa

    chum zrügg

  • from Clay

    You inspire me about something that i still can't express. I promise i will I will be like you

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