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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Brett

    I am back again for my yearly message to share how much Avicii's music and life meant to me. I am forever grateful that Tim added so much richness to my life through his music. I fell in love to his music, consoled myself in loss to his music, cried, laughed, and lived to the sounds of Avicii.

  • from Hieu

    Avicii forever <3

  • from Kelly from Boston

    Thinking of you today…❤️❤️❤️

  • from yukii

    ありがとうAvicii これからもずっと貴方のそばにいます。

  • from lilkuki

    I’ll always cherish my childhood because of Tim 🤍 the melodies of the songs he created not only were so beautiful but also helped me go through tough times. Angel boy, you’ll never be forgotten. He’s helped me in many ways. I can’t find the right words to express how thankful am I because learning about him has made such an incredible impact in my life. Ilysm.

  • from Дарья

    Тим, спасибо тебе за твою музыку ♥️

  • from K

    Wishing you were still here making your music. There's no one else like you ❤️ Missing you.

  • from Eric


  • from Abby

    6 years. I've been coming here for the past few. Just to show my love and appreciation for his music and the impact hes made. Tim, thanks for making the last few years of my life so memorable with your music. I hope you are resting easy and you are such an inspiration to all. I will never forget to come back and leave a note here and cellebrate his life. 🤍 Thank you.

  • from H

    很喜欢かわばた やすなり的一句话: “无言的死,就是无限的活” 6 years since you left the world behind.Love you Tim,sincere love from China. ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢ ◤

  • from Simon

    六年了 依旧怀念 𝘼𝙑𝙄𝘾𝙄𝙄 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 ◢◤

  • from Victor

    J’écoute Avicii depuis que je suis tout petit, c’était un artiste unique et un DJ à part. Sa sensibilité apporté dans les mélodies étaient tellement puissantes. Un artiste qui m’a beaucoup touché et qui continue aujourd’hui, mon artiste préféré all time. Repose en paix Tim ❤️‍🩹

  • from Fuka

    I can't believe it's been six years already. Your songs have helped me so much when I was in a bad mood! I will listen to your songs forever. Be happy in heaven💙

  • from Utsav

    today marks his 6th death anniversary…, wish i was there on 20 april 2018 in muscat oman so i could have stopped him, i dont know but…. the world of edm seems quiet without him. Avicii please if you are reading this from heaven come on earth take the crown of edm and rule the community. We really need you. This fact haunts me that you are not in this world. I hope you are okay wherever you are. God bless you.

  • from Taro

    6 years since you left the world behind. You and your music are still loved by millions of people and will be remembered forever. Biggest love from Japan💙

  • from Yuta

    Avicii Forever…⩘⩗

  • from Dee La Phia Dean

    6 Years without you & the world and I miss you Tim ❤️ Loved and remembered always The music plays and your legacy lives on I saw you, I hear you and I will never forget you Fly high Tim , Always loved for you x

  • from iBan


  • from Indigo

    I still can’t believe that your not with us anymore…😞 your the most beautiful angel in the sky, shine bright ❤️

  • from Vanessa

    Hey Brother. Wake me up. Levels. Waiting for Love. to be continued… to be continued… to be continued. Avicii forever.

  • from gjw


  • from Cindray

    The world is so incomplete without you. I’m still listening to your music now and today I miss you more than any other day.

  • from Diego M.

    Can’t believe it’s been 6 years already. I was 13 in middle school when you passed and now I’m 19 in college. Wish you could be here with us. Thank you for sparking a love for music in me. I wouldn’t be here without your music, I only wish you could say the same. Rest well Tim ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  • from S

    Feels strange that 6 years has already passed. Still the best to ever do it. Thank you for everything Tim!

  • from Milena 🇨🇴

    Six years after your departure and your music, your legacy is still unique, we miss you so much…. We'll keep your music out there

  • from MP

    六年了 你在那边还好吗

  • from Lina

    Saknar dig extra idag Tim❤️

  • from Pole5tar

    We miss u Tim.

  • from GB

    6 år sedan idag du försvann från denna planet. Alldeles för tidigt. Minns tillfället när jag fick reda på det och blev chockad. Fattade inte vad som hade hänt förrän några timmar efter då jag verkligen förstod. Din musik, har alltid och kommer alltid vara den som spelas i högtalarna. Tim❤️

  • from Fabio

    Thank you Tim, forever! 🇮🇹 ◢ ◤

  • from Emelie

    Älskade Tim, 6 år har gått sedan du tragiskt lämnat denna plats i sorg och saknad för så många människor! Jag är så tacksam att fått vara del av din musik och var på tribute konserten! All min kärlek går till dina anhöriga alltid, men extra mycket idag! För alltid saknad, aldrig glömd! Du fattas så många, saknar dig Timmie.

  • from Anupama

    ◢ ◤ Forever◢ ◤

  • from D. with love

    Gently as marimba stream into the ears takes the soul from within. Thy melodies echos in the grey corridor high. Spoken walls colouring the skin. Billions of lights dancing in thy sky. Love, sit me by thy side twin. Love, my death wish kissed thy grave. Highlighted tears in red and white. Love, roses and chocolates are not what I crave. Awaiting thy return through the light🤍 6 years has passed, help me hold on till my turn come so I would meet you on the other side. I miss you.

  • from Without You,You are Best Man!你是最帅的男人

    Avicii Forever◢ ◤❤

  • from a fan from croatia

    Tim, this world is not the same without you❤️ I hope you found your inner peace and that you are happy wherever you are💗 I will never forget you Lots of love🧡

  • from yyxzz

    今天是你离开后的第六年了 还记得当初是因为the nights认识你再到waiting for love爱上你 你的音乐带给了我无数的动力 没有现场见过你真的是我一生的遗憾 希望那边也有电音 avicii forever❤️i miss you

  • from ZK Banter

    6 years without you still missing you every single day ◢◤


    Six years, Tim… Farewell, my dear boy, see you in a better world!

  • from Lim

    Six years ago today, we lost one of the most defining artists of dance music. Tim – Your positivity will forever be spread in your music, connecting and inspiring millions around the world. ◢◤ Forever

  • from Sander van Wesel – The Netherlands

    6 years already and still remember the day as if it was yesterday. Can't believe time has gone by so fast. Next to being a fan since 2011, I visited the museum in Stockholm last March and feel more connected to you as a person than ever. Although we never met, I was one of the thousands crying seeing you live and every year at this date, I feel like i've lost a dear friend of mine. Forever in my heart and ears <3 ◿◸ 1989 – ∞

  • from Nuria (España)

    Mi querido Tim. Tu luz sigue presente.🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • from Andreas

    Dear Tim! Your music inspires and lives fully every day even 6 years after you have found peace😢 My 2 year old son has been listening to your music since the day he was born and I can't wait to tell him what a genius you were! I couldn't live without your music Tim! Forever missed and forever yours ◢ ◤

  • from Agata

    So it's been 6 years already. Hope you are doing well 🤍 Love you and miss you Tim

  • from Matteo

    Legends never die. Thanks for all! LOVE YOU❤️

  • from Ann

    6 years already…time flies….still in our hearts!

  • from Philip

    Hey Tim, 6 years without you. I still can't believe that you've left us, you definitely don't deserve to be up there in heaven but if that makes you happy then we'll let you rest in peace. I just hope that God will give you another chance one day and knowing it wasn't a mistake that you made. But anyway we love you and miss you Tim, hope you're doing okay – Philip ◢ ◤🤍

  • from Elen

    Hey guys, I miss you very much, you know I can't believe that you have passed away so far. Thank you for leading me to get out of muddy life when I was almost vanished by the darkness. I adore your music, and in my opinion, your music is the voice from deep in souls. Every single note likes a mirror of life. Just like you say in the 《City Lights》"I'm the truth in disguise, I'm in love with your lies", I don't want to wake up in the face of the world without you. I still wait for you.◢◤

  • from Patty

    Dear boy, 6 years today and I still carry my cross without you, trying to hold the line with no bad reputation. Thinking of you in Heaven, looking at a sky full of stars I taste the feeling of peace of mind. For a while, you make my heart unbreakable but I was so addicted to you that is still heartbreaking seeing you on the other side as a shining star. All about you is dancing in my head. I’m a true believer and I’ll be forever yours. Wake me up when it’s all over for a better day.

  • from Muhammad Firman

    6 Years Tim was left us. when the song "Wake Me Up" and "Waiting for Love" that I heard. I was big fan of him since 2015 and I will never be forgotten for you, Tim. Rest well. ❤

  • from Stefanos

    You where the best, I can’t stop listening to you, still till this day I hope you where here with us

  • from jörg, germany

    hi Tim, even after 6 years you are still missed, like the first day. You left a big void for many people because you were a support for them during their lifetime. Tim, we miss you as a person and as a great musician and idol. Live in peace where you are now.

  • from Sander S

    Sad sad day! 29 forever! <3 ◢ ◤

  • from まいのん

    私の生き甲斐です。 安らかに…

  • from OSD


  • from Alexis

    6 ans déjà… Tu me / nous manque énormément ! Pensée pour ta famille en ce jour

  • from 瑞典厨师长

    Best wishes for you

  • from LRM from Finland

    Tim, I just love your music and it has given me hope in difficult times. Especially "ten more days" speaks to me. My thoughts goes to your family and loved ones today.

  • from 猫家长

    When you come back, the universe will be yours. 待你归来之时,宇宙都是你的 🇨🇳

  • from 陈

    Tim we are missing you.You has been lived in heaven for 6years ,wish than you re happy and free in the heaven.Just like you said’We going be birds and fly’.(想往你在那边过得快乐!)

  • from Latepavane

    Tim Forever!!!! (班里只有我一个听Avicii的痛苦)

  • from Yuli

    Espero que estes aliviado, en estos momentos, esperzanza en tu 🤍 No sé donde estás, pero oraré por tí, por tu alma. Gracias por tanto mi Tim. Te siento, te quiero, te amo. La conexión que creaste con las personas que sienten tu música, es hermosa. Y siento ese tacto por parte tuya para todos los que te sentimos. Gracias por esa pasión compartida con nosotros a traves de tu arte. Te extraño. Te mando un fuerte y largo abrazo. 🤍. Mi Tim siempre.

  • from Wiktoria

    Time flies so fast. It’s unbelievable. Thank you Tim for everything. For your music, your being, creating my life and saving it. I’m so sad that you aren’t there anymore but your music must last forever. It discovered in myself some feelings that I didn’t even know that they exist. I don’t anyone’s music as much as yours. Hope you rest in peace now. We miss you so much. You are the best DJ in the world for forever.

  • from sunhm


  • from Ekai

    Dear Tim. It's been 6 years and it still hurts as if it was the first day of that heartbreaking news. I will never forget that date in my life. This year was the first time I went to your hometown Stockholm, and it was hard to go to your museum, I remembered every corner of Stockholm because of the news about you. Thank you for all Tim (AVICII)

  • from G

    Gracias por todo Tim🤍

  • from Rainyday

    Already six years.Tim,you're always in my memory and your songs encouraged me a lot when facing hardships.Had it not been you,I wouldn’t have known what my life would be.Thank you!

  • from Diego

    Tim, i will never be able to thank you enough for your music, i have been struggling with some problems for the last few years and your music is one of the only things that cheer me up. Thank you forever, always in my heart

  • from Sathvik Reddy E

    It's been 6 years since Avicii left this world behind, his every music piece gave me a beautiful life that I'll remember If u were alive by this time, probably my life would have been still more better by ur music Many of ur songs are now old, but I couldn't deny listening to it and shaking my hands like u do Missing you so much time <3

  • from joshi cali

    6 years man, i hope ur rocking them clouds. thank you for doing what u did and changing the world. i miss u brother

  • from Naza

    Conocí a Avicii por primera vez en 2014 y gracias a el y su música pude descubrir mi amor hacia la música electrónica, y también su música me a ayudado personalmente a superar etapas difíciles en mi vida donde me veía en un lugar sin salida pero gracias a su música pude ver una luz de esperanza. Siempre en mi corazón vas a estar tim

  • from Diane

    Dear Tim, today is always so difficult for those of us who love and miss you. We do our best to keep your memory alive. We look forward to books and films and anything that makes us feel that you are still with us. And we always play your music. You will remain in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Your beautiful soul and incredible music will remain with us forever. I will never forget you, and I will always love you. Rest in eternal peace sweet angel. 💙

  • from munkwon


  • from Edú

    Encontré mi gusto en la música, encontré a quien realmente queria ir a ver a un festival, lamentablemente cuando ya podia hacerlo me golpee con la dura realidad que ya no estaba con nosotros, Tim gracias por las canciones, por los momentos y gracias por rescatar mi vida, sin tu música probablemente ya no estaría aca tampoco pero me animo, me animo a que no debemos rendirnos me animo a no dejar este mundo, a que tengo que vivir una vida que vaya a recordar. Gracias Tim ❤️‍🔥

  • from Jenna

    Thank you for your music. I constantly listen to it. It still gets me through my sores and soars—same way it did more than a decade ago. This day hits hard. You’ve transcended the music history and like many of your fans echoed, you’ve made an impact on lives of whom you never even met. We hope you’ve found the peace you long deserved.

  • from Silvy

    Siempre extrañaremos a nuestro querido Tim(Avicii) Avicii motivó mi amor por la música electrónica desde mi , amo sus canciones , me encantan porque tienen un significado muy especial para mi, las letras de sus composiciones me ayudaron en tiempos difíciles en mi vida. Nunca tuve la oportunidad de asistir a sus conciertos, pero cuando escucho una canción: en mi mente me imagino que asistí a uno de ellos y me olvido de toso . Tim es una leyenda ❤️❤️❤️.Avicii te extrañamos , desde Ecuador .

  • from Ku4nYu

    Tim, It's been 6 years, people often say that when no one in the world remembers you, you are the true death, but you will have eternal life, and I will always remember you

  • from Rolz

    I miss you every day Tim. Thank you for your music, which is a source of inspiration for many souls. You marked my life and I will be eternally grateful. R.I.P legend

  • from Melo

    I cannot believe it is six years singe you left us. We miss you everyday snd your legendery Music is playes everyday. I Hope you have found peace 🕯️ we have not 😔🥰🥰

  • from ZoeyNan

    六年时间 悄然而逝 故事没有结束 继续前行

  • from ZoeyNan


  • from Helen in Australia 🦘

    Love you always Tim 😘 Thankyou for your wonderful music. Thinking of you on your 6 year anniversary.

  • from J

    六年了,你看,大家都在想你呢 永远是我黑暗时刻的光 💗

  • from Addie

    6 years ago, we lost you Tim. You changed so many lives for the better and inspired so many people. I'm sorry that you felt the way you did, and really and truly, if there was anything I could've done to help you if I knew you in person, I would've done it. I hope you're in peace now, and know that you're not forgotten, and won't be for a while. Legends never die. RIP ◢◤🫶

  • from elvira_0409 (love from China❤)

    𝑶𝒉 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑨𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒊, 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒕𝒐𝒐

  • from 梁浩林LiangHaoLin

    你还好吗,tim,我们想你…… Are You Okay, tim? We Miss You…

  • from Hugo Ramos

    Hiciste que mi vida tuviera un propósito, has estado para mí en cada momento en el que te necesite aconsejando me con tus letras, tu vibra y tú presencia, dejaste una marca en mi corazón que hará que te recuerde siempre, Te quiero mucho y extraño tu presencia Tim

  • from 海淅川

    Memories bring back you.

  • from Bruce Pleasent

    I really recently got to enjoy ur music and I truly love ur feeling and movement of people to come together and celebrate life as a whole. I know ur not with us at this moment but God had a spot for u in his kingdom. Say hello for me and love ya!

  • from L

    I miss you, I miss your music. 6 years and I will never fading my love for you, Tim. Rest well

  • from sunsetknight


  • from H2

    六年了 太快了 还是很想你Tim 🤍

  • from oxymoron

    깨닫기 위해 온 맘 다하겠습니다.

  • from Kai (Kix)

    Hi Tim I hope you're well. You introduced me to the world of EDM and music in general. Until then I never had a favorite genre and I never really even looked in to music. But when I discovered your music, I felt inspired and connected to music like I never felt before. Because of you I was able to find other artists I love like Martin Garrix. I have become an aspiring music producer. I hope to some day reach the point where I can inspire others like you did for me With love from Japan ◢ ◤ Kai

  • from Kevin McCullagh

    It's been six years tim, thank you for everything<3 ◢◤

  • from SE_Karl

    Hi Tim, its been 6 years since your passing, but these days, it still hits me deep in my heart. You inspired a lot of people by being a producer and a DJ. Your passing left me with a lot of questions, and some of them are still left unanswered. I spent my days, with sacrificing certain things, and I think of you, day by day. That's life, I say to myself. I wish you are still alive, to witness how many people you inspired. Sincerely one of your admirers -Karl

  • from Axel & Erik

    ❤️ från Axel & Erik

  • from stupid

    we miss you so much😭

  • from Ibiza hang

    A v i c i+i

  • from Nørth

    Avicii bulit my dream. When i suffered from depression in middle school, "The Nights" helped me escape the negative emotions. The lyrics"Live a life you will remember" encourages me to follow my dream of becoming a musician. 6 years have passed…same old, same old.

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