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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Kalibbala paul

    He made me realise music could revolve one's life Rip Tim

  • from Hriship

    You must have left a year ago…. You are alive through your music♥️

  • from TTD

    Avicii doesn't dead he live in my heart <3

  • from Anne

    His music means so much to me because it always makes me smile even in the bad days

  • from Alexandra

    One year and it still hurts ??

  • from Anna Sverige

    Vill tacka dig Tim för att din musik har hjälpt mig så mycket detta år som har passerat. Jag är så ledsen att lilla jag inte kunde hjälpa dig lika mycket när du behövde det. Förlåt för att vi alla svek dig. Vi kommer aldrig att glömma dig och vi kommer visa det genom att spela din musik och bli en bättre medmänniska varje dag. Den 20 april kommer aldrig att glömmas. Tack Tim? ??????

  • from Daniel Slewa

    Hey Tim!! Today you have 1 year death anniversary!!!! 🙁 Happy 1 year anniversary Avicii! I cannot believe you are gone for 1 year!!!! We will miss you! I hope you come back!!!!!! 🙁

  • from Anca Patricia

    Aveam 9 ani cand am auzit prima data I COULD BE THE ONE si de 7 ani a ramas melodia mea preferata. Am crescut ascultand Hey brother Wake me up si Levels. In fiecare zi esti acolo pentru mine ma faci sa ma ridic si sa lupt pentru a ajunge cine vreau multumesc. Un an … inca nu mi vine sa cred niciodata nu voi uita cat am plans si inca imi este greu sa stiu ca nu mai esti. Promit ca nu te voi uita niciodata Tim. Te iubesc AVICII ◢ ◤

  • from Nile

    Tim thank you for everthing. I will never forget you. You are legend.

  • from Dmaria

    Jan30 last year I met with an accident and broke my spine… I couldn't stand or move… I was hospitalized … Got screws fixed in my spine… During the time at hospital I thought of giving up and felt like.. there's no future. But.. Tim You're the reason why I am alive… I was living in your songs and the lyrics kept me strong and motivated. I felt like I'll "wake up when everything's over." And I did …"Cuz there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do" Thanks Tim ♥️ Missyou☹️

  • from

    one year i miss u

  • from Carmen L.P

    One year without you???………We miss you Tim….♥️♥️♥️ So many feelings listening to your music?????????

  • from jörg

    Hi Tim nun ist es ein Jahr her dass du nicht mehr unter uns bist. Trotzdem bist du noch tief in unseren Herzen. Nicht allein wegen deiner genialen Musik mehr durch deine Bereitschaft hilfsbedürftige Menschen zu unterstützen und deinen Einsatz gegen den Missbrauch von Kindern. Für mich wirst du immer ein genialer Musiker sein und vor allem ein großer Mensch dem mein ganzer Respekt gilt! Deinen Eltern wünsche ich einen friedlichen Tag des Gedenkens an ihren großartigen Sohn! Ruhe in Frieden!

  • from Iker Hernandez

    HEY BROTHER; One year ago your SILHOUETTES FADE INTO DARKNESS. WAKE ME UP when I can see the SUNSHINE again through the HEAVEN. Now OUR LOVE has to go on and live WITHOUT YOU. I didn't know I was ADDICTED TO YOU and to your music at higher LEVELS. I'm still WAITING FOR LOVE and FOR A BETTER DAY. I COULD BE THE ONE to stay THE DAYS and THE NIGHTS crying you pass away. ALL I NEED is to LAY ME DOWN IN YOUR ARMS. YOU MAKE ME a better person and I always GONNA LOVE YA. Thank X YOU ◢◤ ❤️

  • from DGYF

    The time is one year. But you always in my heart.

  • from Diana from Croatia

    Tim…Angel for so much People….it is a year since you left…..unbelievable …..hope you are okay and you are somehow able to see how many people ….love you….love your music ….miss you….RIP great soul…..always thinking of you …D

  • from jörg germany

    Hi Tim now it's been a year since you're no longer with us. Nevertheless you are still deep in our hearts. Not just because of your ingenious music but more through your willingness to support needy people and your commitment against the abuse of children. For me you will always be an ingenious musician and above all a great person who deserves my full respect! I wish your parents a peaceful day of remembrance of their great son! Rest in peace!

  • from Eli Alonso

    Hi Tim today is the 20/4/1019 one year ago you decide to take your own life and like me lots of fans are very sad today because yoy never come back. The worst of all is that when you was alive i wasnt stay with you every day like the family and now i always wake up amd think to listen to you and then I remember that you die…it's the worst feeling I ever had

  • from Marina

    One year……whitout you?? Miss you? you're a star in heaven ⭐⭐

  • from Michal

    Now its 1 year Wihout You.. We miss you Tim.. I'll never forget you all my life.

  • from Carmen L.P

    Dear Tim……. One year without you…. But we don't forget youwe feel you in your songs. Thanks for all the momentsthanks for makes me happy. One year later I'm creating and mixing songs!!! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATIONand the inspiration of millions of people. LoveCarmen L.P

  • from Alvaro

    Thank you TIM.

  • from Riccardo

    dear avicii I had two heroes in my life you and my father I lost you both a few months later I still remember when in my bedroom I listened to your loud melodies I miss you so much they never stopped thinking about you even I like you at times cannot understand what happiness is you will always be in my heart ❤️

  • from Simona

    His music makes our hearts beat as one. Tim's songs are pure medicine.

  • from Bogdan

    I grew with his music. I started listening to him at 8 years and now i am 17.

  • from A+

    It's been one year you pass away and i know you always in everyone heart and your music always inspire us THANK YOU AVICII

  • from Ruben

    One year ago this day I was devastated to hear the news that Avicii has been declared dead. My heart was truly broken. R.I.P.

  • from BK

    Hey Tim! You you have changed my life forever. It’s been so hard without you. It’s been a year without you but now I’m letting you go Angel. No more words can describe how I feel about you but I think you feel me from heaven. Rest easy Tim. Rest in peace Love you to the heaven and back. aka harley moon

  • from SAM

    No matter where ever you are but you will always live in our hearts because your music never dies n it will keeps on playing to make us happy . Miss you man R.I.P AVICII Forever ◢◤

  • from Ananya

    He was the reason why I started listening to EDM in the first place. Before that I was not that interested in this genre. I remember my brother playing "Wake me up" and falling in love with it at once and couldn't stop listening to him after that. On this very day last year you left this world placing huge rocks over all our hearts that we've to carry on forever. I swear I've never cried so bad over an artist before. You will be always loved Tim. Hope you're in a happy place now.

  • from Sarvesh

    I used to remember when I was 10…. I heard wake me up… That was the first time I heard it and I searched that song for a year when finally I got it and fell in love with it…. Rip Avicii…… You'll always be in our hearts legend

  • from Elşən Ali

    ◢◤ Forever in our Hearts ◢◤

  • from Rosha

    تیم عزیزم❤ باورم نمیشه یکساله که از پیشمون رفتی من هیچ وقت این فرصت رو نداشتم که از نزدیک ببینمت ولی همیشه تو رو در کنارم احساس میکردم هیچ وقت اون روزایی که تازه شروع به گوش کردن آهنگ کرده بودم و تو اولین دی جی مورد علاقه ام بودی رو فراموش نمیکنم هروقت تو زندگیم به جایی میرسم و احساس میکنم دیگه کاری از دستم برنمیاد بهت فکر میکنم و این آرامش خیلی عیبی بهم میده. کاملا درکت میکنم و من همیشه خودم رو تو تو میدیدم امیدوارم در آرامش باشی و این رو بدون که همیشه در قلب من هستی ?❤

  • from Anon

    4/20 will never be the same again. We miss your superlove tim.

  • from Mg Sat Wai Paing

    အရမ့းသတိရတယ္ ခင္ဗ်ားေသသြားေပမဲ့ ခင္ဗ်ားသီခ်င္းေတြက ဆပ္လက္႐ွင္သန္ေနဦးမွာပါပဲ 20.4.2019

  • from Aria

    Dearest Tim I hope you find happiness and peace in whatever journey it is that you're on. Don't worry about this life we'll keep you alive. Though the world is a less happier place with you not there for us. My sister and I have been painting your symbol it's midnight it gives us joy and makes us sad at the same time. We love youbuddy. We have your back.





  • from Naveen B M

    Cannot believe it's been a year. You will always remain in our hearts until we exist. Love youTim♥️♥️. Avicii forever◢◤

  • from Bhupathi Turaga


  • from NGA

    Cảm ơn Tim Bergling cảm ơn Avicii âm nhạc của anh đã kết nối tôi với thế giới này ! Đã kéo tôi lại từ cõi chết … dù anh đã ra đi nhưng tâm huyết anh mang lại cho cuộc đời sẽ còn mãi !!! Live the life you will remember – tôi biết ơn và yêu mến anh – Nga 20/04/2019 . Tôi luôn nghe nhạc anh bất cứ khi nào tôi bất ổn tâm lý hay ám ảnh về quá khứ để nhắc nhở tôi về tự tử và sự giải thoát … nhưng tôi sẽ quyết định khác anh !!!!!!!!! CHÂN THÀNH TƯỞNG NHỚ ANH !!!!!!

  • from 肥

    最爱你的waiting for love 无法想象一个做出这样美好的歌曲的作者居然以这种方式结束自己的一生 我无法理解你的压力与悲伤 但我永远会记得你 感谢你给我们留下的美好记忆avicii thank u

  • from ReCore

    Unbelievable! It has been more than 6 years since the first time I listened .Avicii's music helped me in my hard times and i finally came through them but he didn't and i still remember when I knew he's gone–terrible memory. in these years step by step his music made myself a better guy . THANKS A LOT to you Avicii. YOUR MUSIC WILL LIVE ON FOREVER.

  • from Dccc

    ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢ ◤ 這麼快就一年了,真希望你是鴿了上帝⋯⋯然後休息夠了再跑回來跟我們講⋯其實你只是鴿了全世界⋯⋯ ?

  • from mik

    one year ago today. rest in peace.

  • from

    Avicii your song is in my soul for the rest of my life you're the best forever

  • from HIROCHAN fromJAPAN

    朝起きてスマホの通知を見たら速報の「Avicii死去」という文字で衝撃を受けてからはや1年。 あなたとあなたの曲に出会えて本当に良かった。人生を彩ってくれてありがとう。Avicii forever◢ ◤

  • from Fraker Song

    你还记得2016年吗?我第一次在那一年的暑假听到你的waiting4love,后来呀也是这首歌让我走出困境。再之后我越来越了解你,thenight、tastethefeeling,到了17年的暑假,你的avicii(01)真的是我这辈子收到过最好的礼物。你去世了一周我才得知这个悲惨的事实,很久没有流过眼泪的我痛哭了一整晚,为什么你要不辞而别?哦,我不怪你,是你让我感受到了我的存在,是你救了我一把。我曾经做过一个梦,我去了你的live,和你合影,你给了我一个大大的拥抱。我多希望那不只是一场梦啊!I love u.However,without you,i feel lost at sea…但我不会自暴自弃,是你教会我,我们必须努力生活下去。我会永远为你祈祷,为你前进。永远爱你。AVICII FOREVER❤️

  • from Ho Chau

    Avicii thanks for your inspiring creations Once I was bewildered and your creations lead me to find my aims again.

  • from Kproduce

    Cảm ơn Avicii ❤️ Âm nhạc của anh ngày ngày vẫn là động lực cho sự cố gắng của chúng tôi . Thank you ! Legend

  • from Vivian

    Aviciithank you for all the effort you've been given on musichopeless time never did exist when your song are playing.You always be the memorable legend in my lifwhich you never gave up and always to the best you can.One year passed it's still hard to accept the truth that you leave usthe world.No matter how far you goi know you'll be with us.Love you and thank you so so much!❤

  • from Issac

    It’s been a year Tim. I hope you having good life there. Your songs are the lights when I was in my darkest time. RIP

  • from Andrew Kambach

    From a young age of around 9/10 I would always listen to avicii while playing games on my computer as I liked the best. Now 17 I listen to his music as I use it to get through life. Tim was a philosopher he saw life differently to everyone else and he is what we need more of in the world. I sadly never got to meet Tim and he also died the day before my birthday however I have been blessed to been able to follow his music since ”seek bromance” until present time. I miss and love you Tim <3

  • from Kenny

    It has been one yearbut we feel like you are always be with us.Your music will influence everyone in this world ◢◤

  • from Tommy

    Your songs make me strong and confident. We miss you Tim!!!!

  • from BXZ

    一年过去了 , 你在上面安好? 想必你的歌声也一定在那边感染了不少人吧, 正如在这里一般。 在那里也一定因你而疯狂吧, 正如我一般……

  • from Max

    One year has passed but you will stay in our hearts forever. This year has been a rough one but your music will always be the light that guides us. ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢ ◤ 20/04/19 from ??

  • from 霆霆&凡凡

    avIcel感谢你陪伴我这么久的时光给予我人生前 进的动力逝者已矣但你是我的英雄。我今天在手 臂上涂鸦了你的点点滴滴仅此纪念我最爱的你 希望你能看到:D

  • from BXZ


  • from Zxzz

    When i heard "Dear Boy"at first timei thought that i will find a girlfriend who will sing this song for me.But nowi don't wana girlfriend.I just wana you come back!!!!!!

  • from 사랑해요아비치

    다음 생에서도 당신을 응원하는 팬으로 살겠습니다 보고싶습니다 그립습니다

  • from 阿羅

    谢谢你Tim,听你的歌总会激励着我坚持做些事,例如跑步和做视频,朝着梦想迈进♥️ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢◤

  • from Henry

    Started listening to your music since December 2018. "The Nights" had told me to value my real life more than my internet life this is where I started to go out and get some friends. Your songs had led me into EDM your songs had changed my life. Wish I can know you when you were alive. Thank you. 谢谢。Terima kasih. ??

  • from LEE JONG-HYEON from korea

    Today is 4/20…. I enjoyed 'SOS'…. but i think if u finished that music it would be better…. I miss u everyday and hope u were happy in heaven. MISS U LEGEND R.I.P TIM

  • from Zxzz

    you have not gone avicii foever ◿◸

  • from Y

    ありがとう。 あなたの曲に何度救われたか分かりません。皆あなたを愛しています。どうか安らかに眠れ。Thank you AVICII. ずっと忘れません。

  • from 啊健

    ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢ ◤

  • from Stuart Huang from China

    The most impressive moment is the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm,also your Almighty‘s hometown! at the beginning of the show Ur great melodies like Level Wake me up….rule the big ground!

  • from 健弘


  • from

    you're my life. your song made my life existing we memory and love you forever

  • from NENGJI LI


  • from S.N .

    Dear Tim Bergling 今日はTimの命日ですね。一年前のこの日、亡くなったことを知ってとてもショックでした。 今まで何度もAviciiの曲に助けられてきました。もしかしたら地獄に行ってしまったかもしれない。でも生まれ変わってまた最高のDJになって戻ってきてください! "Avicii Again" "Thank you Tim " "Waiting for Avicii"

  • from 이중희


  • from Earl

    You are forever two weeks older than me… hope you find peace knowing you made more people smile than most can in a thousand lifetimes.

  • from Sharokina Williams

    I remember listening to Wake Me Up for the first time ever. I was doing a project and it came on the playlist. I looked up the artist loved everything about his music and also about him. I still have an Avicii shirt framed on my wall. Tim was everything a person should be in this world. He was kind generous and a sweet person to everyone he came across. I still can't get over your death Tim and I don't think I will ever be the same without you. Your music brought a meaning to my life. ♡◢ ◤

  • from KAREN


  • from shihuan

    明天我会参加ALOE BLACC在LA发起的一周年缅怀活动。I MISS YOU TIM.

  • from Lindsey

    Don't cry because he's gone be glad he was here. AVICII 1989-2018

  • from Jeimmy Paola

    I miss you

  • from Babi

    Recuerdo cuando iba de camino a la escuela escuchando tu música y me sentía como dentro de un video me sacabas de mi rutina cuando llegaba mis amigas me molestaban por escucharla y yo solo la disfrutaba con mas fuerzas tu música marco muchas etapas de mi vida desde el camino a la escuela o hasta mis días de llantos los cuales tu música me alegraba. Te amo Tim fuistes eres y serás una persona maravillosa ❤

  • from Jostin Rafael Mendoza Martinez

    Cuando iba en la preparatoria estaba en una etapa muy mala sufrí depresión por años tuve esa sensación extraña de no pertenecer a ningún lugar los problemas que tenia dentro de mi familia eran grandes no podía soportar estar en mi "hogar"… No podía seguir de esa manera un día le conté a una amiga y ella me recomendó que escuchara música asi que un dia entre a you tube… Busque la mejor música y de repente encontré a AVICII. Encontré "Wake Me Up" esa fue la canción que lo cambio todo♥.

  • from Lizzy

    It's officially one year since my inspiration died and i still don't believe it. To have someone who's music save you from suicide and depression only to hear that they died after committing suicide is just shocking to me. Your music will forever live on Tim. I along with your family management friends and fans loves you Tim and miss you every waking day of our lives. But don't worry my dear inspiration I will wake you up when your wiser and older. For now rest in peace Tim ? ❤️

  • from Grover Báez ??

    A un año de tu partida…la primera canción que escuche fue "Seek Bromance'' Siempre estarás en nuestros corazones!! Tim Bergling

  • from Elissa

    When I started high it was rough I was a very anxious quiet person I hated school My grades were bad I was depressed but when I started listening to your music it made me so happy I felt free when I love your music so much that I made “The Nights” my alarm clock sound. I’d sometimes cry listening to your music it touched my heart when I found out you had passed I didn’t want to believe it you made such a impact on my life. I love and miss you so much I wish you were still here with us


    ??? ◢ ◤

  • from

    Miss you ❤️ Tim

  • from John

    You were such an amazing person not just in music but also in life

  • from Darwin

    Recuerdo que las canciones de Avicii me ayudaban mucho cuando me sentía triste gracias por hacer de mi adolescencia una de las mejores etapas de mi vida. Te amamos Tim.

  • from Eduardo

    La primera canción que oí de ele encanto fue la de nights pensé que se llamaba Avicci la canción pero no jajajaja

  • from KIKE

    Después de un año todo es más tranquilo nadie interroga lo que paso solo lo aceptan así es siempre sólo se necesita un poco de tiempo gracias por tu música. RIP Tim ◢◤

  • from Simon

    Please come back

  • from Junior

    April 19 2018 was my birthday and a day after I received the terrible news that someone I admire had died it is amazing how after such a special date for me this tragedy occurred. Tim you will always be remembered by all your admirers and you will always live in our hearts ◢◤

  • from Joel

    As an amateur producer I can appreciate the detail and precision that is Tim's music. Rest in peace to a great talent and a great human.

  • from Edinnerys

    One day i was listening to "I could be the one" on the radio. I was like "omg this is so freaking good this can't be real". Then I heard on the radio that Avicii was coming to my country. I was really exited because there's where I stared being an edm lover and became closer to music. I was sad because I was 12 and couldn't go to his concert. Anyways I kept listening to him and it was like the best way for traveling somewhere far away from Earth it's incredible the way his music can unite us

  • from Jacqueline

    I can’t believe it’s been 1 year Tim. I never knew you and yet you’ve changed my life so much. I hope you found the peace you were searching for. We love you and miss you. Your music keeps us strong.

  • from opanon

    Tim. I listened to your music through my best years and I will keep listening through my worst. Your music made me so happy and helped me through it all. I never realized how much I appreciated you and your music until you were gone. You your story and your art are stored forever in my memories. Thank you for everything.

  • from Denilson Junior

    Your songs are part of my life and always will I feel happy to hear them … I hope that when I die I can see you I miss you even if you do not know me. From Brazil.

  • from Ryan

    Thank you for your music happiness goes first.

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