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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Quan

    I remember hearing Wake Me Up in the Lego Movie. Probably one of the best songs little me had heard. Rest In Peace.

  • from AW

    If you are listening up there I hope you could hear just how powerful your music has been and how many lives you have affected whether or not they have expressed their gratitude or simply happily jamming away to your tunes. You inspire my understanding that music can move mountains and is the glue for unifying humanity. I hereby pledge from now on to never take a day for granted and work hard to achieve my dream and celebrate life and look back in the years ahead without regret nor blame. RIP.

  • from Tonaczew

    LEGEND! För evigt saknad <3

  • from zzh

    A神,你永远在最高的神坛。无数个漫漫长夜,是你的歌带给我力量和希望,我不敢想象没有你的日子。次第无人才能形容你在心中的地位。愿你在另一个世界能真正找到属于自己的快乐 AVICII forever

  • from マスター

    あぁ、なんで亡くなってしまったんだよ「tim」。。。。 あなたが亡くなったことは身内が亡くなったように悲しいよ。         だけど、君はそういう人生の終わりを自分で決めたわけだから、僕はとやかくいえないけどね、、、、     言いたいことは、500文字じゃ伝えられないくらいあるんだ、だから短く言うよ 君に届くようにね 本当にありがとう ティム         君は13歳の僕の人生をきっと変えてくれたよ、   良い方向にね   だからいなくならないで欲しかったんだ、  僕みたいにいろんな人の人生を良い方向に変えて欲しかったから、 Thank You!  R.I.P.AVICII。。。。

  • from djuk


  • from Gabi

    He first introduced me to to the world of EDM

  • from Jim Dregon

    Love from Viet Nam. You'll always be my big brother <3

  • from M.H

    あなたの音楽にどれほど救われただろう。 辛くてもあなたの音楽を聴くためなら何だって頑張れた。 どこかで会えたら、元気な姿が見たい。 Thank you very much.

  • from lin

    I just miss U.

  • from Grace xo

    Love you so much Avicii still can’t believe your gone a year tomorrow . Keep flying high Avicii we love you ? xox

  • from 郭嘉鑫

    致Avicii: 你好,虽然我没见过你人,但是你的作品一直陪伴着我们。 我从三年前开始接触电音 像懵懂无知的孩子一样在电音这条路走着 突然间遇见了你 《wake me up》、《the days》唤醒了我! 我开始努力起来,无论是生活上,学习上,都有了很大的改善。但是那一天,你却离开了我们。 我们痛苦不堪,很多人接受不了,因为你曾是他们的精神支柱啊! 一个来自中国的粉丝 from China??

  • from K.M.

    Thank you AVICII. ずっと忘れません。

  • from Camilla

    One day from One year ??

  • from Long

    You will live in our heart forever! <3 from Vietnam

  • from Max

    Thank you Avicii for your Music! You will stay with it in our hearts!

  • from Tim

    Hi there from Tim to Tim I liked and still like your music just saying thanks for that greetings from Luxembourg. <3

  • from ◢ ◤kaolite◢ ◤

    ◢ ◤AVICII Forever◢ ◤ いつもあなたの曲に励まされ 教えてもらいました。 この瞬間に貴方がいない事が 今も変わらずさびしい。 今は思う存分音楽を楽しめていますか? 穏やかに安らかに… ◢ ◤thank you AVICII◢ ◤

  • from Kristian


  • from Yi Cao

    About one third of the students (NFLSXC China Grade 6 Class 14) like your music very much. They really bring us a lot of happiness. When we failed in tests we listen to your songs. When we get high marks we also listen to your songs. When we hold a party the BGM is always your songs… The whole class can have a have lots of joy just because of your songs. R.I.P Avicii!

  • from kaolite

    I’m shocked to hear of the sudden death of him.I was looking forward to the day to meet someday.But that did not come true. But the music is always with me you are there.I will always be with you.I will never forget.Rest In Peace AVICII!thank you!!

  • from yamato3710

    貴方かデビューしてから全ての曲を聞かさせていただきました。とくにHey Brother。あの曲が頭から離れません。 貴方は自分の中で世界一のアーティストだと思ます。天国でもお元気で。いままでありがとう。おやすみなさい。

  • from Eduardo B.M.◢◤

    Your music was so different and special I didn't use to have a favourite singer/dj/artist or whatever. But you've been number one. I wasn't paying attention to music til I discovered yours! And should I say such a nice discover man! I know you seem to be gone but in our hearts and memories you're here close to us. I just need to say: Thank You ! 1989 – ◢◤. Avicii forever.

  • from Kim Yip

    One day you will leave this world behind so live a life you will remember ◢ ◤

  • from Mohammad Nikhil

    I used to enjoy tims music a lot. Every single song was a masterpiece. And now whenever I try to even listen to it I breakdown in tears. I miss you avicii.

  • from Li Kerong

    Hey Tim thank you for creating such wonderful music. These songs always give me power at every importent period. I will always miss you. Maybe I will make some music later it's you that reminding me not to forget music.Love you and hear your S.O.S now.

  • from Patrick

    Your song Is the beautiful voice in the world

  • from Pat

    Avicii or Tim I dont know can you reading this text but I love your song you are the best for ever legend never die I will never for get you avicii only one day left

  • from Delano

    I love al of your music You always in my heart with your music

  • from Gu Chen

    Thank You Avicii

  • from Matilda

    Your music gave me hope

  • from Isadora

    I miss you everyday. I have depression and Tim helped me the entire time his songs make me feel alive again. You will always be in my heart. My biggest dream is to be an actress and if it happens I'll tell the world how much you changed my life (for the better). You're with me since I was 12…you are my hero and I will love you till the day I die. With love Isadora.

  • from Baya

    僕はあなたが亡くなってからその名前を知りAviciiの虜になりました。Aviciiの歌詞にたくさん助けられこの一年を過ごしてました。I will live a life I will remember. R.I.P Avicii:Tim Bergling

  • from Sarah

    You'll always live on in my heart!

  • from YY

    Vila i frid ◢ ◤

  • from Patty

    Countdown: less 1 day n it’ll be 1 year but that doesn't count for my tears. Even today my eyes are swollen from crying that I’m sure will never end X YOU. I don't want believe u died cuz I can’t accept. It drives me crazy the idea that a year ago u were still alive at the hot sun of Oman. Yr body felt that warmth but the mind was already cold. I wish I was there. I’ll will keep you alive in the warmth of my heart through your music. You’ll live in my soul for life. Holy Friday-Holy TIM❤️?❤️

  • from Riki

    亡くなられて1年が経った今でも貴方の曲をとても聴きます。 私は特に、EDM界に革命を起こしたと言える名曲、「Wake Me Up」を聴いて、 見えている世界が変わりました。 悲しみに包まれたあの日のことを今でも忘れられません。 世界には貴方と同じように苦しんでいる人々がいます。 貴方の曲が、これからもずっと、 多くの人々を考えさせ、時には楽しませ、そして心の支えになるように祈ります。 これからもずっと大勢の人の心に、頭に、貴方の創り上げた音楽が流れ続けますように。 Thanks for Tim.

  • from a smll fan from the world

    your music always gave me power take me through the low I hope you can hear our voice from the other side you have all of you fans' love include me . I want let you know all of us will love you utill the end . R . I . P

  • from kyna

    May you be immortal in our memories ?

  • from Maria Clara Santos

    Avicii knows that wherever you are all your fans friends family the people who have supported you all your life will continue to love you. Your music is liberating beautiful and makes everyone stop to think about how you were a strong and incredible person. Tomorrow I will be listening to your music with the greatest compassion in the world. I love you.

  • from Ryan C

    Avicii you will always remain legendary. I’ve never usually been affected by celebrity deaths but yours felt like losing a close friend. Rest in peace avicii

  • from Mạnh Phú

    Your music will always in everyone's heart. Love from Vietnam.

  • from @juanj.azuaga

    A mix made by me it takes me one year to do this. AVICII 50 BEST SONGS IN 10MIN I hope you enjoy. Thanks!

  • from THASE


  • from Shivani

    I hope you have found a place in heaven and are happier than ever before! You are sorely missed Avicii Love you forever!

  • from pablo vargas

    hey hermano donde quieras que estesaqui todos te echamos de menos … avicii siempre viviras en nustros corazones . gracias

  • from

    Avicii's Music Will Live On R.I.P Legend?

  • from TzuLing

    Thank you Avicii. 因為你才開始聽電子音樂,一直以來你的作品都十分打動我的心,從wake me upI could be the onelevel到後來the daythe nightwaiting for love到現在我都非常喜歡您的音樂,永遠都把您放在我心中第一名的音樂人,在您過世的那一天,我還以為是愚人節的笑話呢,直到新聞一篇篇的出現才認定事實,那時是我最低潮的時候,不過聽您的音樂之後,我慢慢的回復了原本的狀態,雖然您已經不會再出現我們的眼前,但是會活在大家的心目中,Avicii live forever。 辛苦您了,就好好的休息吧。

  • from Jess

    Hey Tim tomorrow marks one year without you. And it still hurts . Your music I still listen to. As it helps me. I miss you buddy.

  • from Marta

    Hi Avicii! I don't know where you are right now. I hope you are in a very beautiful and peaceful place in where you can be happy. I will always be listening to your songs because they are too good. My favourite one is Addicted to you. You was my favourite DJ and I couldn't see you so it made me feel very sad. But you will be always in the bottom of my heart so I hope to see you again in other life. Thanks for all you have done for music and for your fans. But do you regret it? With love.

  • from Valerie

    Tomorrow it will be the year you left this world. I can't believe it will be a year. A year without you without your soul which makes us so happy. I remember that day April 20 remembering exactly what I was doing with who I was and yes whom I lost you. We lost you Tim. I believe you are in heaven and that you have found peace. Every time I hear your music I remember you and remember the beautiful memories but at the same time I am filled with sadness. Love you and so much miss youTim

  • from Lydia Tsourth

    OMG I can't believe that a year passedwe miss you Tim and we love you so much rest in peace king

  • from Thomas

    You are into the space but nobody missed you and nobody can't miss you

  • from ESSO

    rest easy brother

  • from A+

    Tomorrow is a big day you left us for 1 year i know you haven't been there for a year. But your music always be eternal

  • from Viki

    Hello Timbo <3 Tomorrow it will be one year without you. This year was terrible. Full of pain hurting more than knife. Full of tears which created a rainy cloud from me. Full of bad thoughts which were killing me from inside…everything is full only i am empty. I am stuck in the circle of emotions and i need my hero to deliver me. Where are you? I am waiting for so long. My world is so colorless without you. Bring the colors back. Paint my soul with happiness.

  • from Tabitha

    I love his music cause when i listen to it it inspires me and lets me know that i can be anything i with to be. When the world shuts me down his music lifts me up. I would never forget Avicii cause the one thing his music taught me is that no start shines without a scar and therefore i should never give up cause everyone is a super star. May God bless your soul. (Amen)

  • from Yuki

    Dear.Avicci 真的很謝謝你的歌鼓舞了我 我會活出一個不一樣的人生 我每天都聽著Waiting for love 再一次重新振作 再一次勇敢面對明天 明天是你逝世一年了 希望你在天堂也能繼續做你最愛的音樂 Rest In Peace

  • from Christian

    You will allways be a huge inspiration for myself thanks for all the music all the love all the good moments you have given to all your fans i will allways miss u Tim. Love from Spain

  • from ◢◤&me

    It's been a long time since you left. In 2011 your album Levels took me into the audio world and then I became addicted to your wake me up. I have fallen in love with electronic music for eight years. My favorite song is your beautiful heatbeat. I firmly believe that you just hide and make new albums.

  • from liam

    im sorry you felt so awful

  • from H

    Oh Tim we miss you so dearly – you were and still are a staple of my musical journey – I used to draw your symbol on my wrist everyday and tried to get everyone I knew to listen and adore your music just as much as I did. With your inspiring music videos and mind-blowing creativity you were so precious to the music industry and your legacy will never be forgotten. I still dream of experiencing your music live and watch your Tomorrowland performances like I used to. Love you more than ever xxx

  • from Jo

    Thank you AVICII for the amazing music you left everyone can’t believe you are gone a year tomorrow wish you were still here but sadly it wasn’t meant to be but you live on forever with your music love you TIM you will be smiling down from HEAVEN REST EASY BEAUTIFUL SOUL xx

  • from Nikoleta

    Listening to his music always reminds me that there is always better way to see todays world and to find happiness and beauty every day in every moment and in everyone❤️

  • from Elşən

    Miss you bro ♥

  • from Markus

    I heard his music in my youth at the age 12 – now his music inspires me and dreams aroused in me i Miss you :(((

  • from KellyHarold

    ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ◢ ◤

  • from Tom

    His music changed this world to better place 🙂

  • from Elşən Ali

    Thank you for everything 1989 – ◢◤

  • from HuAn

    Thank you avicii. 感谢你让世界变得更美好。 ”有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。” 这句诗出自臧克家为纪念鲁迅先生所写的《有的人》。 A神同样一直都在,愿各位 follow your heart,做心中最喜欢的自己。 Avicii已经为世界变好贡献力量了,该我们接力了!

  • from Joaquin

    Han var en av de bästa DJ:s som jag har nånsin har lyssnad i hela mitt liv. Han kommer alltid vara den bästa av de alla. R.I.P Avicii

  • from Nicolò Negro

    Un anno Un anno senza te senza la tua musica senza i tuoi sorrisi i tuoi viaggi la voglia di vivere che trasmettevi solo che con una foto una canzone Mi manchi idolo

  • from TPDuyQuynh

    A year passed I always heard your music it made me feel more happy so it helped me get rid of those sadness. You are forever in my heart – Tim Berling

  • from Mónica

    Tim you will never be forgotten. You and your music are timeless and brought so much happiness to the world. We miss you.

  • from J

    I remember when my mother woke me up one day and it seemed to be the usual day. But instead that was The Night when my hero died. Jag älskar dig Tim ❤️

  • from Kavie

    "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember " 感谢20岁时有你的音乐陪伴,永远不要忘记爱与生活

  • from Marie Andersson

    Miss you❤️❤️❤️

  • from Aiden

    I remember the day I heard wake me up for the first time it was definitely the song that made me love house music and Avicii thank you Tim for your iconic work. You will live on forever. May you rest in peace.

  • from Sabine

    Lieber Tim!! Du wirst immer in meinem Herzen sein❤️.

  • from Evert

    Your music gif me happyness en strength in depression times. Your music is true art. I will lissining it forever.


    avicii was my hero. HIS songs gave the passion to live life to the fullest . I always play : the nights . R.I.P AVICII 🙁

  • from Sophia

    His songs makes me happy when I was down.

  • from Jean

    I will Iive a life I will remember just like you told me so. But Without you Avicii And that makes me so sad. It's been a year since you are gone and I still can't believe that you are not here anymore. I really miss you.

  • from kathrin

    as i heardyour song 'the nights' i felt understood. for the first time in my life the lyrics and the way the lyrics filled the melody meant something to me. today „live a life you will remember" is my quotation to think of everyday and to live it. thank you for your music and making me feeling understood!

  • from Yousef hamed

    Avicii your the best i lisen to all of your music still

  • from Mia

    Lost one of the greatest musical artists of all time and will forever be missed. Love you and your music Tim. Rest in peace ♥️

  • from 寒鸦

    高三下学期每周我会到操场上去跑圈。一般是13圈或者14圈,看状态,风雨无阻。而跑步最重要的是bgm,基本上我坚持了小半年的时间,不怎么换的,是2016UMF live – Avicii,至今最喜欢的是《Without You》。

  • from HIRO◢ ◤


  • from Bomi

    you gave me strength to go through my darkest days. thank you tim as always. i hope you're happy up there in heaven.

  • from Alexis Ch

    Even today I can't still believe it…he one of my idols one of the biggest djs ever with his peculiar style the one who made me fall in love with electronic music with his great track "Bromance" and all his songs through the years. Unforgettable Tim.

  • from //S~

    ◢ ◤ Thanks for your music. ♥

  • from taro

    日付が変わるとあなたが現れなくなって 1年経ちますね…今も沢山の人があなたの曲を聞いています。 6/6に帰ってくるのをお待ちしています

  • from Bryn

    When my parents first became divorced i got extremely depressed i started to listen him and his music helped me back to happiness and i am glad that he was able to help me and others

  • from Danish

    I start listening Avicii – SOS i didn't know Tim Died in 2018 i hope he is happy on his new place

  • from Victor Vaquerizo

    Avicii representó más que un movimiento… Es algo inexplicable pero de gran tamaño para todas las personas que llegaron a escuchar su música

  • from Ziyavdin

    One love hard without you❤️❤️?❤️❤️

  • from Daan

    Loved your music since i was 6. May Tim Bergling Rest In Peace! Avicii never had a chance to find out who is Tim.

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