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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Rebecka

    I remember clearly when ”Wake me up” first was relesed. I was hooker right away. For me Aviciis music has always meant a lot to me. Born and raised in Sweden I always felt proud of Avicii. Like he was my family. I listened and still listen to his music when I’m happy or sad workout or walking driving or being with friends. His music will forever play around me and be in my heart the lyrics will be in my mind and he will always feel alive even of he’s gone.

  • from Vidya

    Hey brother…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sorry for You. Bye sunrise ibiza hang sunset eivissa.

  • from Etnam105

    Live forever avicc

  • from Daniel Chang

    I is so sad when I descover you are not behind with as but wish you have a good life in the other world

  • from ethan

    我想,我很爱他,我也有过和他一样的经历,但我是听了他的歌才挺过来的,但是,他却没有挺过来。 同时,也是那天我知道了他的名字叫“鸽子王”但是后面,他就放了所有人鸽子……

  • from el

    getting my avicii tattoo in a week the nights literally changed my perspective of life

  • from

    So lost here without you. I dreamt about you last night and the pain felt so real. Missing you more and more. 💔

  • from Ádám

    I miss "The Days" when we heard it for the first time with my sister. My dearest memories and my favourite song.

  • from @_joselobo_

    I Miss You Tim You´re necesary in this world

  • from Redouan

    we miss you you maybe gone but your magic will never end

  • from Greg

    Tim allowed me to discover electronic music through Levels. From then on I never went back to anything else. There's no doubt about how amazingly gifted he was and I'm sure that his records will be listened by our children grandchildren and all our future generations. Thank you Tim for allowing me to enter this world I – among millions of others – call home. You will always be remembered.

  • from Luka

    Just came on here because I've been listening to Avicii's music a lot this year finding inspiration for my own music writing. I never did get to see him perform live but his music has lived with me ever since I was little. I'm 20 now and still listening to his music on repeat. I recently lost a family member of mine to the same way Tim passed so I really hope everyone gets the help they truly need so we can prevent losing so many. His music has really helped me so thank you and rest easy.

  • from Peter

    Hiányzol. Örökké legenda maradsz <3 ◢ ◤

  • from 杰克


  • from vignesh

    Forever inspiring and changing lives.

  • from Jaemin Cho

    I miss you! Your songs are so inspiring Its been a long time rip

  • from loïs

    Cher Tim 5 ans plus tard ta musique et ses messages m’accompagne toujours dans les moments clés de ma vie. 5ans après j’ai réalisé un de mes objectifs de découvrir le pays et la ville où tu as grandi… quel si beau pays la Suède… Merci à sa famille d’avoir créer Avicii experience c’est un musée extraordinaire qui lui rends si bien hommage… et qui m’a aussi arraché une larme au passage… J’espère que tu as trouvé la paix Tim même si ce n’est plus avec nous. Miss you AVICII FOREVER🤍

  • from Vinícius Araújo Kluska

    I was 12 years old when i first heard wake me up in my family's car on the way back from the airport after picking my father up. My older brother showed me the lyrics video clip that made my day and I was so into it that i asked if i could hear the music on repeat. 11 years have past since them and I still very similar once I hear his music i do the same put on repeat. Thank you Tim for all the good things your music did in my life!

  • from

    Rest in peace. Your music will live on forever.

  • from Anto

    Thanks for changing my life !

  • from Khawla

    Since you are with god almighty you are in good hands and happy ❤️ For anyone going through depression dont think too much 🧠 Sometimes your brain can be your enemy Just follow your heart and do what you love and what feels right ❤️ And always trust and leave things in god 🫶 Also if you are working so much even if its good money 💰 ask your self is your mental health and peace of mind is less expensive? We work to be carefree and BALANCE IS THE KEY in everything in life ❤️

  • from Daniel Santacruz

    As always I've come here to express my gratitude for all your work your music thanks for still being strongness when I feel to fall this feeling of freedom through your music is the same as the beginning we wont forget u Avicii greetings from Colombia.

  • from Amund

    My first ever song I listened to on Spotify was Levels. It was my favorite song for many years. You were the greatest artist of all time! Miss you Tim.

  • from Sonja

    Du fehlst so sehr. Deine Musik deine Menschlichkeit . Du hast dich entschieden zu gehen und ich wünsche dir daß du dort wo du jetzt bist den Frieden gefunden hast nach dem du so lange gesucht hast

  • from Jordan

    We love you Tim…and we also miss you

  • from itguru95

    love u miss u avicii

  • from Matthew Misterovich

    Such powerful music that really helps me and motivates me.The beat is unreal and forces me to move.Thank you for avicii your a legend.Nights is so perfect and meaningful.

  • from Kim

    we're always waiting for love Rest In Peace AVICII

  • from Kim

    We are waiting for love…I always remember you Rest In Peace AVICII

  • from Kenya

    Gracias avicii por alegrarme y darme cuenta que debo seguir adelante tu música es mi mejor compañía nunca moriste sigues vivo en tus canciones ◢ ◤

  • from rodolfo

    a few days ago it was 5 years without you thank you Tim you were the best dj 🫶🏻◢◤

  • from Owen

    I don't remember too many songs from when I was a really little kid but Levels was the one I remember. I have alwasy associated it with simpler times. Thanks Avicii

  • from Lux

    Che tipo… musica solo musica in eterno cos'hai creato un qualcosa di unico 4 note messe insieme solo per passione… sei unico

  • from P0llo_

    ◢◤Jag tror inte att du är död du har blivit inbjuden till Guds fest. Nu hoppas jag att du kommer att kunna göra musik i himlen lyckligt utan att vara ledsen och trött. jag älskar dig. Avicii vår hjälte…◢◤

  • from Jehsi

    Allways in our memory… We miss you 🤍

  • from T


  • from Filippa

    Du var och är älskad av många❤️

  • from kris

    Miss you Tim:(

  • from Anselmo Silva

    5 years ago you left us but you never be forgotten because you are a Legend

  • from Michael

    Fucking worst dj ever and he just popped 79 opioids and died



  • from Jin

    고맙고 또 고마워

  • from Nico


  • from Marius

    Wir vermissen dich. ♥️💔

  • from Lina

    In deiner Musik lebst du in Millionen Herzen weiter. 💓 Danke für alles Tim. Rest in peace 🕊️

  • from Daniel

    Hey Brother were are you? 😭

  • from


  • from R🇫🇮

    5 years since we lost this beautiful soul but i still believe that i’ll see you someday<3 we miss you so much Tim🫶🏻

  • from Akshat negi

    worst dj

  • from Tuan Anh

    Avicii created most legend song it hold a place in my heart it bring back so much memories. I love you Tim you and your song is a part of my life

  • from Adi


  • from Midget

    You were good dude amazing in fact. Some of the greatest songs I have ever listened to were made by you. The world misses you Tim. Rest in peace.

  • from ustarm80

    thanks you avicii.

  • from Peter

    Miss you and your music!

  • from S17

    It marks 5 years of your death. I’ve made it a thing where I’d write here on your birthday and the day you passed away. Sadly I wasn’t able to do it this year but i’m only a few days late. You have no idea how much i miss you and how much you meant to me growing up. I listen to your music everyday and will continue to do so. I miss you deeply Tim. I really wish you were here. You were the light to my darkness and now it’s all darkness. I miss and love you so much Tim🤍

  • from S17

    It marks 5 years of your death. I’ve made it a thing where I’d write here on your birthday and the day you passed away. Sadly I wasn’t able to do it this year but i’m only a few days late. You have no idea how much i miss you and how much you meant to me growing up. I listen to your music everyday and will continue to do so. I miss you deeply Tim. I really wish you were here. You were the light to my darkness and now it’s all darkness. I miss and love you so much Tim🤍

  • from Maksym Nahlyi Ukraine

    Love you Tim 💔

  • from Lino

    Bom Ele foi um excelente produtor musical e DJ me inspira bastante a sua historia! Que ele esteja em um bom lugar

  • from Ed

    Thank you tim for making music that will last a life time it has helped me in my darkest moments in life. I wish you were still alive today so I could of seen a live set from you and any new music you would of created had you still been here with us. May your soul rest in peace.

  • from Henry

    Avicii was a great and powerful artist and will forever be remembered by many including me for his kind and generous actions. Tim was special and will not be remembered. Thank you for all you have done to make the world a better place.

  • from Morre


  • from David

    Still missing him and fantastic new tracks from his hand. I can't imagine there will ever be one as talented as Tim. I'm thankful for al the insane good music he made for us.

  • from Amy

    You've been gone 5 years too long. Thank you for your music. And thank you for trying. We love you.

  • from Lucrezia

    Don't cry because he' s gone smile because he was here. his music helped me in hard moments and I can't believe he was suffering so much. I wish we could help him. Love you <3

  • from Tuan Minh Nguyen

    Two days after his death in two years ago I am stil remember my childhood with his songs. It was a magical time when summer i just listend to his products. But now he is now still be there at 28 years old. But thank you for being there beside my childhood. From Vietnam with Love

  • from Mingu

    긴말이 필요있겠어 아비치형 ◢◤

  • from J

    When I feel sad depressed anxious or just a little unhappy Avicii’s music makes me feel wanting to live life to the fullest and enjoy all the little moments. Every song awakes some kind of feeling I can’t describe. I feel blessed and full of energy again. Thank you Tim. Rest in peace. X J

  • from FRANCESCA


  • from Santiago Rodriguez

    5 Años despues todavia no lo puedo creer. Te extraño tim grasias por todos esas canciones tu musica me dio importantes lecciones y me dan fuerzas para continuar. Aunque ya no estes aqui no dejaremos que el mundo te olvide. Donde sea que estes espero que seas feliz. Pd: Sunset Jesus es mi cancion favorita ahora mismo es increible lo motivadora que es es un canto a la vida.

  • from Emil

    Du är saknad min bror❤️

  • from Owen


  • from Leticia

    5 years ago an angel went up to heaven. We miss you everyday but are comforted because we know you're in a better place. Rest in Peace Tim.

  • from Kyle

    Miss you so much Tim

  • from JRC

    Well Avicii is my inspiration for making music I love you Tim

  • from iekk

    I love you man RIP

  • from Tim jack

    You let me miss you Please come back Tim

  • from Arjun

    I was 9 yrs old when my brother said that you was the best and I believed that he was right from that day i started staning you.The sudden death was quite hard to accept and i still believe your not dead.I cry even now when i hear your songs. If i had a chance to give my life id definitely give it to you.I had avicii symbol tattooed also!!! Youlll always have special place in my heart and I’ll dedicate my whole life to you❤️ . LOVING MEMORY OF TIM 🕊️

  • from Jela

    Hi Tim. I live in Asia. It's been 5 years since I was woken up by chats from my friends telling me you passed away because they knew I was so into your music. I remember crying and staying in bed all day waiting for news about you. I was in denial that time. I hoped the news were all fake. Fast forward to now I wish you are in a better place. The world misses you. Thank you for the remarkable music you left us. You will always be the music legend I will tell my future children. I miss you Tim!

  • from LIN

    i been lose myself at 2018i just wanna smirk when i saw the young boi who love you so so much. i'm so freaking missing youTIM.

  • from Yamaha

    but you were the best in the world and you will be the best. love you. ❤️😞

  • from Sean

    RIP Tim. I miss you. I love your music. More than that by all accounts you were a good and decent person. I’ll never stop listening.

  • from Giannos

    I like how he enjoyed his life and I am so sad he died

  • from Stuart B – USA

    Five years never forgotten. The world lost a genius that day.

  • from ANNA

    Я как и многие продолжаю помнить твое творчество даже спустя 5 лет как тебя нет. Ты был удивительным творцом своей музыки которая по сей день продолжает вдохновлять тысячи людей. Ты навсегда с нами💔

  • from MATHIS BART

    sa fait 6 ans que j'écoute ta musique 1 an avec ta mort mais même a leur actuelle je l'écoute encore et elle me fait toujours autant sourire quand je suis triste et elle me donne que des bonnes vibrations et sa je ten remercierai jamais on ne toubliras jamais tout les truc que tu nous a apportés resteront a jamais

  • from Emma

    “ In one of those stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing when you look at the sky at night. And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend…I shall not leave you.” 🤍

  • from Jimena

    Thank you for creating the music which calms my pains.

  • from Curry


  • from Oskar

    Du har fått mig att bli en bättre musik producent och inspererat mig otroligt mycket! 5 år sedan känns tungt men stort tack för alla dina låtar och musik du skrivit och skapat! Vila i frid!

  • from C.G

    I miss you

  • from Monica Luisi

    At 15 I would listen to Avicii while I waited for the school bus the entire bus ride to school… through the hallways… and even during class while I worked. I remember where I was when I saw the music video for LEVELS for the first time. For over 10 years I've been connecting with Avicii & his music; each song each album holding a special place in my heart and holding special memories throughout my life. After his death I had to get a tattoo for him — reminding myself to keep going.

  • from Felix M.

    It’s now five years ago when we lost a legend and inspiring musician… five years ago I was shocked and saddened after I heard from his passing. I’ll share his music across my future kids and grand kids and tell them that this is the legend who moved and inspired me with his music. My deepest condolence to his family. sincerely Felix

  • from Murik

    God bless you Tim for all your pain.

  • from giovanni di domenico

    love you tim <3

  • from MIKAKO from Japan🇯🇵

    I miss you very much… ティムがいなくなってから5年も経つなんて、いまだに信じられない気持ちです。 あなたの作った素晴らしい音楽は、毎日私を癒してくれています。 ありがとう、ティム❤️

  • from Tran Minh Quan

    Your music is my love! Thank you for your all support about my soul your music gives me joy and hope!! Best wishes from VietNamese ◢◤ Rest in peace◢◤

  • from Marion

    You’re music was so good I’d liked it so much but when I was hearing it I was knowing the parole weren’t really happy and today 5 years that you are gone that makes me sad because you were one of my favorite I hope life great for you in heaven rest in peace

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