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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sabrina


  • from Дмитрий

    Тим ты перевернул мое восприятие мира и музыкальный вкус я очень тебе за это благодарен. Уверен там ты творишь хорошую небесную музыку..

  • from Sacha

    Ur songs kept me alive from the age of 9 until now and forever

  • from Will

    I will never forget buying my first song age 12 – wake me up Rest In Peace Legend

  • from Bliss

    Your music will live on forever. You are an inspiration and we miss you so much.

  • from Zac Collins

    the person who made me love house music <3 rest in peace bro you will continue to live with your music.

  • from Abril 😭

    Avicii I miss you a lot since the beginning of April I have been sad you don't know how much it hurts that you're not here I have a memory with pure music from you and you don't know how much it hurts to listen to your songs and know that you're not here every day that my life is very sad you don't know how full I feel when I listen to your music thanks for everything king you are and always will be the best I love you wherever you are someday I will visit your grave 🏻💔🖤 thanks for all

  • from nox

    5 years. miss you

  • from Oliwer

    Vila i Frid Tim. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☦️

  • from Sara

    It's been 5 years Tim and we still miss you.

  • from ✍️

    Your ghost and your music live still on earth we will not forget you Tim 💐

  • from De France

    Une pensée pour toi avicii ❤️🇸🇪

  • from JTD77

    Ciao Tim Miss you so much.

  • from Martina

    5 yearsthey will be greatly missed

  • from S

    Heard we write the Story the first time in 3 grade and it make my world 🤍 Rest In Peace

  • from Lakindu Krisanka

    It's been 5 yeras Tim We Miss You… Your Legacy will live forever in our hearts ❤️.

  • from Karina Reyes

    ◢◤ hoy no sé cómo describir este sentimiento q llevo a qui dentro Hoy hacen ya 5 años q partió de este mundo nuestro querido Tim Bergling el DJ SUECO más conocido como AVICII ◢◤ . Gracias a él muchas personas salieron adelante con su música q motivaba a cualquier ser humano . Así como lo hacía con migo Gracias x todo querido Tim Bergling ◢◤ AVICII Forever in my life ✨◢◤

  • from Sel 💙

    Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben das du nicht mehr unter uns bist! Deine Musik begleitet mich auch heute noch in so vielen Situationen. Vorallem so viele schöne Erinnerungen sind damit verknüpft! Ich hoffe sehr du hast deinen Frieden gefunden! Miss u ❤️🪐💫xxx

  • from William

    5 år sedan den där overkliga dagen… Du har inspirerat mig så väldigt mycket genom din musik och din person. Tänker ofta på dig och lyssnar såklart ofta på din tidlösa musikaliska skatt. Jag hoppas och tror att du nu har den friden som du sökte. Du är så saknad! Trots att man tänker på vad som också kunde ha varit så firar vi också livet du levde. Tack för allt Tim!

  • from dia

    Hey Tim I`ve been a fan since I was 9 your music was what kept me grounded and sane. You were the reason I haven`t killed myself. Today is the day you died and it`s crippling me from the inside out. We are missing you here in Egypt you legend. Seriously you were my savior during hardships. Bn7bk Ya Avicii

  • from Alicia

    I will never forget the first time I heard Wake Me Up….. I was like “what the hell is this it’s like a trad song mixed with a dancey one”. I started Irish dancing around my kitchen and decided it was my favourite for the summer ❤️❤️ Love you and miss you loads. You’ll forever be here xx

  • from Farhan

    Miss you man

  • from Iva

    Tužni smo zbog tebe..Ujedno sretni jer si obogatio ovaj svijet svojim nenadmašnim skladbama.Počuvaj u miru i plavetnilu neba.

  • from Liizita


  • from Egni


  • from Yusuf

    Still can't believe you are not with us here anymore. Still miss you everyday Tim. 💔

  • from A Dutchie

    Tim You have brighten many off my days🌞 I hope you have found your peace.. With love A Dutchie

  • from Lisa

    As this radio station played an hour long of your songs today i couldn’t hold back my tears. It’s been five damn years. I will forever remember you as one of the greatest. And I count myself lucky to have been alive around the time you were blessing my ears with your music. You have no idea how much that means to me. How much of a soundtrack your music is to my teenage years. Without you it wouldn’t have been the same. I thank you for that and I hope you are having a blast up there Tim. Love u

  • from Aleks

    You are still so loved

  • from Victoria

    still missing u rest in peace Tim…💔

  • from Luca

    Forever ♾️ Yours

  • from


  • from Dawn

    Still the best set I have ever danced to with my friends. Forever missing you❤️

  • from Fro

    Miss you everyday… love you❤️

  • from Jon

    I still miss you buddy. Thank you for everything… 5 years later it still feels like yesterday. I listened to your dad give an interview today he is really proud of you

  • from Julia

    Thank you for "Wake me up" it helps me in tough times. Rest in peace.

  • from Maria

    Thank you for your music. It’ll be actual all the time ❤️

  • from Nitya

    It's been exactly 5 years since your passing Tim. And approximately 3 years since I've discovered your music. Your songs have helped me through my downs so many times. Today I'm at a loss of words. I just don't really know what to say. But if there's one thing i hope it would be that may you have found the peace you always deserved. I'd come here every once in a while. But till then goodbye. #AviciiForvever

  • from K

    Still missing you ❤️

  • from Addi

    Rest in Peace ✌️

  • from nila_b

    I connect my most beautiful moments in life with your music. These memories have always lit my path with light. I am eternally grateful to you for that. I'm so sorry this path didn't work out for you. I send you lots of love and gratitude. May your soul have found its peace. ◢ ◤

  • from Darktex – William

    Gracias Tim por salvar mi vida y darle un propósito. Eres inolvidable al igual que tu música. Espero hayas encontrado la paz que anhelabas.

  • from Lindsay

    Cant believe it’s been 5 years. Thank you for getting me into edm music and for working so hard to produce the best music I’ve ever heard and continue to listen to. You’re an absolute legend and will be missed forever. I just hope you’re finally at peace and know that you are deeply loved and missed. Love and miss you avicii thank you for getting me through every tough time. Rest in peace angel🕊️🕊️❤️❤️

  • from Juan

    5 years already….

  • from 昭冉


  • from Mónica E.

    I miss you…

  • from 昭冉

    时光荏苒,5年了,他伴我走过中考高考和无数日夜,在我最需要鼓励的时候帮助我走出困境。不善言辞,内心百感交集无法言表𝗔𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗜𝗜 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗥.𝗜.𝗣

  • from Aviciifi

    It feels so surreal that it has been five years since you have left us. I still remember the day I heard of your passing vividly. It’s been a rough 5 years without your presence. Not one day passes without waking up to an Avicii song. Your music will keep your legacy alive forever. Thank you Tim for all of the music and memories you have provided us over these years. I always live life by “One day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember.” Rest in peace Tim Bergling. ❤️

  • from someone

    we never forget u tim. your music is like legacy to us.

  • from Z.C.Huang

    五年过去了,时间真快 Thank you for all the songs .Thank you for your dedication to us your music enriched my life. We miss you and you are the legend.◢ ◤

  • from Kristina Andersson

    Your music ment the whole huge chapter in my life when I flew to Stockholm most of the weekends listening to your music. I left my heart in this city and it is always your amazing music in the background…Thank you for your talent and thank you for your music that we play even on the vinyl! We love you you Tim always and forever:)

  • from Aaria

    Although you are not here your music gives me hope and calms me down we miss you ♥

  • from Byron

    I always indulge in your song when I am down. They give me postitive and brave.

  • from Deb ◢ ◤

    Five years without you. Legends never die

  • from haonguyen

    i cant believe it really has been 5 years. R.I.P Tim

  • from Lucas◢ ◤

    You are my biggest inspiration Tim I love you<3

  • from Victor Pérez

    We will always miss you and we are so grateful for your music.

  • from topipo

    you made amazing music and have changed many lives. it is your time to rest. you have done enough for the world. rest in peace Avicii <3

  • from From Lithuania

    5years the world lost you 5 years without you. We will never forget you! Thank you Tim for your music soul and everything what you gave us.

  • from Daria

    “My heart is beating I can’t see clear how I’m wishing that you were here”… Even though I never met you I’m hurt for losing you.

  • from Wiktor


  • from Maria❤

    Dear Tim I love you very much !!! And I will love you and your music always always and always ! You have created the same unique music as yourself !◢ ◤ I'm Aviciier forever !

  • from Erhan

    5 yıl geçti unutmadık unutmayacağız

  • from Ella

    It’s 5 years Tim…we still can’t move on and miss you everyday a little more. The pain that’s left since you are gone is massive but the joy you brought us and still do is much more incredible. We love you so much and will keep your legacy alive till we see you again For Tim❤️

  • from Carolle

    I can't believe it's been 5 years ❤️❤️ Your music changed lives. We miss you but so glad you're resting keep resting Tim ❤️

  • from Amelia

    5 years already….. Time flies so fast we love you and we miss you still 💔 I hope you're happy up there ❤️

  • from Simon Houser

    Love you Man once you're gone I've realized how fragile the life is. Hope to see you on The Other Side. ❤️

  • from Aviciier

    Thank you for your music. We will never forget you

  • from Manu

    We love you Tim i liste to your music everyday. Rest în peace dear boy! ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Will H

    Thank you Tim for everything you’ve done you saved my life and i know you’ve helped countless others For a better day. ◢ ◤

  • from Ty

    I still remember the very first song I heard from you. Levels. I’ll never forget that moment

  • from Poland

    Thanks for your music Avicii Forever It' s been 5 years now but I never forget

  • from Shan Ju

    Anki and Klas our hearts go out to you and your family on this difficult day. Tim is always in our hearts… forever

  • from Mattias W aka 24Xero

    Tim left a huge void in the world. He had so much creativity left in him. So sorry that he didn't get the help he needed. 5 years gone but forever missed.

  • from kaolite

    remember you. your song gives me strength. I will never forget you.

  • from Allyson H.

    Thinking of you today! Your positive music can always get me through my toughest days! You have and will continue to inspire us everyday! My thoughts go out to your loved ones on this day! You will never be forgotten! ❤️

  • from Jenna

    April 20 2018 and every year since then hits differently. Thank you for gifting the world with your music. It has changed me through soars and sores. Echoing countless fans around the world your memory is effortlessly etched in our hearts and minds.

  • from Aimee

    i love you forever tim <3 can’t believe there’s been half a decade without you can’t go a minute without thinking of you. You have made one of the biggest impacts of my life and I really hope you have found peace because no one deserves that more than you. The world is so different without you it will never ever be the same and I really wished that you were still with us and got the help you needed and that people helped you as you always helped others. The best person ever ◢ ◤❤️😔

  • from GRANT

    It's been 5 years still missing you Tim.

  • from aimee

    världens finaste människa som vandrat på denna jord hoppas du sover himla gott Tim ❤️

  • from aimee

    saknar dig för alltid tim du är evig hos mig <3 ◢ ◤

  • from Lina

    Bästa Tim du är för alltid saknad. Tack för att jag fick leva samma tid som dig. <3

  • from Paulo Gois

    Você fez parte da minha infância nos videogames e ainda faz… Pes 2015 Fifa 23…

  • from kamer

    eLegant cLassy spLendid awesome souL 🖤 your name wiLL never die i m sure you find peace.. you are aLways in my heart i adore you 🖤

  • from Finland

    Gone but never forgotten Rip Tim❤️

  • from Nathan

    Tu ne seras jamais oublié 🥺

  • from Anmol

    Avicii Forever🥺🥺❤❤👑 Thank you Avicii for your Wonderful Music ❤❤

  • from R🇫🇮

    It’s been 5 years now and the pain still hasn’t gotten easier. I miss you so much Tim❤️

  • from Ben

    R.I.P Tim ◢ ◤ you were the reason I began to fall in love with electronic dance music thank you for all the music and memories you helped to create. 5 years ago today we lost an absolute legend.

  • from Sonia y Ángel

    Siempre soñamos que ir a verte en directo tu música sigue dentro de nuestros corazones siempre nos acompaña. Nos enamoramos con tus canciones. Nos acompañaste durante el día de nuestra boda. Siempre con nosotros tatuado en nuestras pieles. 5 años desde tu partida vuela alto. Dejaste un vacío muy grande aquí. Siempre Tim. Siempre Avicii.


    Five years Tim I can't believe it: five years without you for the world five years with you for me who didn't know you till that day. the world still misses you remembers you and cry for you. I talk to you as I talk to myself I say to you the words I couldn't say to other people. Since five years we live lonely together but do you regret this world Tim? It's beautiful can you see it through my eyes? Do you hear the sound of your music in my house and in all the world? We love you Tim!

  • from Jhonatan Elias Silva

    Avicii siempre será una leyenda de la música electrónica y nunca morirá🥺🤚

  • from Henry

    Rest in peace brother ◢ ◤

  • from Panda

    U are the guiding star

  • from 探北寻风


  • from xf


  • from Brett

    Tim your music has meant so much to me in my life; it's a source of strength when I'm low and a source of joy when I'm high. I've cried laughed lived and loved while listening to your music. Thank you for everything and may you find the the peace you deserve forever more ❤️

  • from Adrian

    5 years Without You

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