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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Livio

    I miss you so much Tim. ◢ ◤

  • from Vinge

    No music have made me more happy than yours. Didn't know you but you were a legend! Thanks for putting your art into this world.

  • from Amy

    Today will bring me so much sadness but do so much happiness with the release of your new song. I hope you are looking down today to see what an amazing impact you still have on the world. ?

  • from Jan

    Miss your music so much❤️

  • from Simon Ljungberg

    Tack för all underbar musik du skapat Tim! Hoppas du har det bra och kan höra dina kommande låtar!

  • from Olivia

    Tim tack för allt. Du sprider fortfarande enorm glädje med din musik.

  • from Rialocagee

    These are the days we’ve been waitin’ for! Thank you for the gift of music Tim! How blessed are we to hear an art of music of an angel. The Earth will be celebrating with the Heaven!!!

  • from Kevin Bujanda

    Tim for me was such an inspirational person. With a lot of talent in my opinion he was one of the biggest producers in the world. I hope he’s in a better place now. Love you Avicii. Thanks for your music and passion.

  • from FitzBogard

    miss u so much timhow's it going in the heaven?

  • from Mia Rosea

    I'm 16 years old. And I knew Tim since I was 10 or 11. I don't know about EDM. And then I listened "You Make Me" then I lived fall in love with that song and started search who's AVICII. Then I know who is he then started follow his music and fall in love EDM because Tim. I can't describe what a love I am for he is. He's a big influence to everyone and me for keep spirit when you get down. Thank you so much Avicii I'll be miss you. Take a rest and God bless you.

  • from Hamdan

    Thank you

  • from Relay


  • from .

    I miss my legend so much. Rest in heaven angel.???

  • from Nelly Isabell & Linnea

    Vi saknar dig och din musik hoppas du hittat frid och lugn. All kärlek till dig och din familj<333

  • from Dan G

    I grew up listening to your music you gave us a legacy and now you are a legend. Thanks for changing the world with music and hope. We'll love you forever. Thank you Tim.

  • from ???

    Every time that I’m upset i listen to Avicii’s songs. They manage to calm me down and make me feel better. It’s a shame that he’s gone he’s missed by all and loved by all. Rest In Peace Tim

  • from M

    Tim din musik tog mig igenom den värsta perioden i mitt liv. När jag behövde kraft lyssnade jag på dina låtar glömde problemen och började planera för framtiden. Det är jag evigt tacksam för! Musik kan läka en trasig människas själ och din gjorde det verkligen. Jag känner igen mig i dig jag vet vad du gick igenom. Jag hoppas du fått ro.

  • from Mari

    There was way out there was exit.. not this way 🙁 why your soul was so tired ? You were magic and love and you made songs of that to share with us. Its great thing that we were privileged to live in same century when you did.You will live forever through your music and be remembered as great man amazing musician little boy in body of adult.Wish that you are still here.So shine on the most beautiful star on the sky shine ! Love you ♥️

  • from Petter

    I miss you so much Tim! You and your music gave and will give me true memories I never will forget. ~ You were always there amidst us Your kindness gave us a rock The cliff shrinks. Where are you? You are here as always amidst us In our hearts We hear you We see you The cliff rises again You are here as always In our hearts ~ Hope I see you in Heaven Tim ❤️

  • from -AMBM

    I would write a million paragraphs about my feelings towards Avicii wouldn’t call this love because I think the word is too weak to describe what I feel but I’m beyond happy to go to sleep knowing that a new song will be released tomorrow after almost a year of wondering if I would ever listen to something from him again.

  • from ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

    A sky full of stars it's a nice song that means a lot for me. Thank you Tim for this magic moment with your music. LOVE FOREVER.❤

  • from Christopher R. Jones

    Avicii was what really got me into EDM music. His melodies brought joy into my life and many others. I played his music for almost a week straight last April. I couldn’t believe what the world had lost. I pray for his family and friends as I know this was devastating. He inspired me to make my own dance music. I know he has inspired many others. Thank you Tim for sharing your love through music. Your music and legacy will live on forever. ?

  • from Petter

    I miss you so much Tim! You and your music will live forever. Thanks for all the memories you gave and will give me. Hope I see you in Heaven ❤️

  • from Max

    Tim du gjorde min värld du gjorde mitt liv. Tack för allt <3

  • from Jepsen

    Tim's music made me realize when live is not worth living you gotta chase the reason to live.

  • from Fabio Lombardo

    Grazie Tim con la tua maestria nella musica hai reso piu' armoniose i nostri giorni. Sarai e sei eterno. Grazie

  • from Glenn

    Gracias a the nights cada vez que la escucho me siento más cerca de mi papá desde que falleció esa es la canción que me recuerda a él

  • from Daniel

    Aviciior Tim Bergling so much meant to me. I'm from Lithuania and my country doesn't listen to you so much but I don't understand why. Cause you made my life you made it better. I wanted to go to Sweden and learn Swedish after I listened to your albums. 🙂 Thank you so much that you excisted and excist till these days in our heart. I miss you so much…

  • from Salvador_Zea Intagram

    la verdad no había interés en la Música Electrónica si no hasta que escuche esa canción. (Malo) tenías una mezcla diferente y única que te hacía especial- Tim_Bergling me hiciste muy feliz. gracias por alegrarme: viajes momentos familiares y de amigos con tus canciones. gracias por demostrar un mensaje muy lindo en cada canción y motivarme a no abandonar mis sueños si existe una segunda vida quisiera volver a escucharte y sentirme tan especial con tus canciones. gracias por este legado……

  • from E from sweden

    Hörde levelsslingan innan den ens blivit en hel låt på kallis 2010. Den satte sig då och sitter där än. Du gjorde otrolig musik. Och du verkade va en fantastisk människa. Ser fram emot att lyssna på din nya musik ikväll ❤️

  • from GC

    Thank you <3

  • from Martijn

    Still unbelievable. You will always be remembered.

  • from ❤

    ❤❤❤ Exceptional special talented unique Tim You can't imagine our pain here. Miss you. Rest in peace ❤❤ ❤???

  • from Asami

    Your music was always nice to me. Thank you for your eternal love Tim.

  • from ❤️

    Tears still fall everytime I hear your songs but there is also joy and gratitude and love thank you Tim! I'm forever yours!

  • from Melissa Wiltshire

    You made my university days the best. Especially after my exams on the hot summers day. You gave me the best summer in 2013. I still listen to your music regularly and I think to myself “blimey he was so talented’ You are forever in my heart. I love you Tim xxxxxx

  • from Emil

    Tim was such a huge part of the lives for me and my best friend. When he died we cried like hell. But today we are looking forward to the new release and what a better dsy for him to finally get an Avicii tattoo while I'm repping the merch

  • from Arturo Cervantes

    I remember when I was like 10 years old listening to Levels… It was just so new so unique sound so… enjoyable after that I knew he was going to be a legend and I was far from wrong. Although you are not here anymore Tim I promise you will never be forgot and keep you alive in our hearts through your music.

  • from Marley

  • from Marley

    I'm still felling lost knowing that you are not with us anymore Tim. I had a dream to listen your music live. And its gonna be a dream forever. You are my true idol. Thank you <3

  • from Enrique HoJa

    Gracias a tus músicas empecé a desarrollar esa habilidad de entrar dentro de mi imaginación a sentir las cosas con calma a sentir felicidad y tristeza. Tus canciones me inspiraron a seguir adelante cuando estaba lejos de mi familia a vivir la vida y a disfrutarla; me dolió cuando me enteré lo de tu muerte y no sabía qué hacer todo se había derrumbado no tenía esa inspiración… pero con este mensaje que nos llegó a todos sobre tus nuevas canciones revivirás en nuestros corazones.

  • from Bing

    You got me through years of depression when my grandfather died( I was very close to him). Thank you so much for helping me see the light in the world and bringing me happiness when I could only see sadness. I only wish you could too. You were such a talented artist and house music will never be the same without you. Rest in peace Tim I will NEVER forget you and what you did for me.

  • from Sina

    Thank you for reminding me what it feels like to be happy again…

  • from Anna

    Today’s my birthday and I can’t believe I’ll get to hear another song of yours. Best present ever RIP ❤️

  • from 班长的好朋友


  • from Maulana

    Thanks for making all of great music that can makes my whole life be so much colorful what you has made really mean so much for me Rest In Peace Tim ?

  • from Dhinx

    Great music great person and great talent. I don't know how to describe it. At least we know you are the best. And your music will always in my playlist. Very enjoy to hear you creation.

  • from Ueda koki

    あなたが亡くなった日の衝撃と喪失は忘れることはないでしょう。ライブをしなくてもどこかには必ずいて曲を作り続けていると(多分みなさんも)思っていましたから。 そのことに気づいた時、何かしないとという焦燥感に駆られて僕も曲を作り始めました。 あなたが使っていたのと同じ音楽制作ソフトを使って… あなたは僕の憧れであり、永久に変わらない"legend"であり続けます LOVE from japan 日本より愛を込めて

  • from your admirer

    TIM your songs make me love music your songs make me feel alive your songs teach me love I'll never forget

  • from Shantanu

    Legends Never Die

  • from Dylano

    Tim gave me inspiration for everything. A meaning in my life. We all miss him too much may his music live forever ❤

  • from Mr. Choi Daniel Jong-ho


  • from Yuckey


  • from 조형섭

    Thank you avicii

  • from Adam

    Thanks Tim I can’t wait to hear your new music

  • from Kirill

    Thank you for your amazing sound and music.

  • from Woo Minjee form Korea

    I was very impressed with his music. I will live a life that I will remember. My life became more cheerful. THANKS I am always with you!

  • from Aljuharah✰◢ ◤✰

    I’v Knowing you and attached to you since I was a little girl who just gets back from school and refuse to do anything but turns the TV on and watch your video “WAKE ME UP”. My love for you was and still the purest thing l’ve ever felt. I can’t tell how much grateful I am for you and your music you are my LIFESAVER and I’ Miss you forever. I LOVE YOU. THE WHOLE WORLD LOVES YOU?

  • from unknown

    deeply missed

  • from Chrisdahlbom

    You’ve inspired me since day one. Love❤️

  • from Gemma

    I have had Tim enter my life at 11 years old. My first phone opened me to Aviciis music. I felt as if I was in a soft euphoria as I listened to his work. No artist hasn’t made me feel this way since. I doubt they ever will. He impacted my life through music and I weep every time I listen to him. I’m so lost as a fan now that he’s gone and it pains me I never managed to see him live- but i’m proud to be the generation i am to have lived when he was creating. I’m 17 and forever thankful for him.

  • from Alvin

    Dear Avicii You might not have realised it but your music helped me through the lowest point of my life. In my darkest loneliest hours when I didn't even have the courage to carry on living it was your music that changed my mind your album 'Stories' gave me hope. Taught me the importance of life and to 'live a life you will remember'. I know I am not alone in saying this it's unfortunate that we couldn't save you in return. Rest in peace Tim we will make sure your legacy stays forever.

  • from Mattia

    You will remain forever in our hearts R.I.P. TIM <3

  • from Daisy

    I'm so glad there is more music to come! I can't wait till june 6th. Thank you Tims mom and dad for making it happen! ◢◤ R.i.p Tim ❤️

  • from stella

    Tim helped me in so many different ways. He made me wanna fight for my dreams; when I am feeling down I just need to listen to one of his song to have the motivation to keep going and never give up. We lost one of the most amazing soul this planet ever had and we will never forget him. I think about you every day Tim telling myself "I gotta do it I can't give up on my dreams yet" we will always remember you. Love x stella

  • from Emily

    His songs became the soundtrack to my daily runs through the years. Rest in peace virtual running buddy!

  • from Sara

    Dear Tim Just wanted to thank you for the music you created that will always be amongst us and help us get over the difficult times. I hope you are in a better place now and that you finally found your peace. You will forever be missed. Sending you love

  • from Norway


  • from Assam

    I MISS YOU :'(

  • from Severino aller

    your music was awesome. I enjoyed your songs a lot because they made me very happy. Waiting anxiously for the TIM album.

  • from Julia

    Many of our greatest memories have your music in the foreground. We can't thank you enough for making my life that much better through your incredible music. Rest easy Tim we love you.

  • from Louis

    Waiting for your album Tim ! I'm happy that your family founded this association about depression and glad that this album will finance it. I hope you're in peace and that your family is ok.

  • from Jonatan Haikara

    SOS – We could be more than just part-time lovers Invänder mig helt där Tim vi alla älskar dig hela jävla tiden undra vad mer du skulle gjort på denna jord om du fanns kvar❤️

  • from 🙁

    Tim kommer alltid vara saknad <3

  • from

    Tim will always be missed <3

  • from Leo

    Tim U Are My Hero

  • from Iheb

    Sitter här och väntar tills din låt släpps skiter i skolan om jag måste det. Kommer sitta här och vänta vänta på att få höra bland det sista du gjorde

  • from Pietro

    I'll love you and your music forever TIM <3 <3

  • from Muntaner


  • from MIKAKO

    ティム、ありがとう。 新曲と新しいアルバムを聴ける機会があるなんて想像もしていなかったから楽しみだけど、同時にあなたがもうこの世にいないことに改めて向き合うことになるのかと思うと、嬉しいだけじゃなくて悲しい気持ちも込み上げてきます。 それでも、ありがとう。 あなたのことは忘れません。 あなたの作ってくれた音楽は一生聴き続けます。


    I MISS YOU TIM.??❤️

  • from _AryanRaut_

    There isn’t a day without listening to your songs. ? . . . R.I.P ??

  • from Erick juliant

    we miss you tim.

  • from Phuong

    00:46 April10th. 4 days ago i heard the news that there would be a song released on April 10th and i’ve been looking forward to it. It’s after midnight and i cannot sleep wondering when the song will come out. I miss you so much Tim. I wish i could meet you telling you how your music has changed me for the better. It’s been almost a year without you. But my love for you never changes. Xoxo

  • from 최순실


  • from Your Truely Fan

    Avicii I love U so much Your first song that i heard was waiting for love and it makes feel like I should find my lover and stay close. It was a good album Thank You so much for best album Last word Old but Gold – Legend Never Die

  • from Kevin Chen

    Your music bring me so much hope and energy. It's hard to lose you. Hope u better in the heaven . We love u.

  • from Limi

    Can’t wait for your new album and songs to be released!

  • from KBitcat。

    Thank you…Avicii..

  • from Michael

    I feel sad not knowing you before but right after i hear you died and try to listen you're songs. im so disappoint that i didn't know you because each of your songs gave meaning to life feelings and emotions of each people that will very significant to us thank you very much of what you've done to music industry without you we can't hear a beautiful music that will change people life's and gave good vibes each of us so that's it RIP and thank you we will missed you

  • from misa

    最初で最後の日本でのライブ 最高に良かった 一生忘れない大事な思い出 ありがとう

  • from Jess

    I miss you TIM The best thing you can have about Avicii is not much but for me it was great

  • from Rob

    I often find myself being unhappy or depressed for reasons I cant quite understand but when I hear Tim it changes my life in that moment and makes me appreciate his beauty through song.

  • from Manny

    I’ve gone through many hard times in my life so far. I’ve had a few friends that’s been there but what was always there to help me get through the pain was Aviciis music. It got me through it and motivated me to become a better person. Thank you Tim!

  • from Alyssa

    Thank you so much Avicii your music helped me when I first started getting panic attacks. When I feel anxious or sad your music always lifts me up. Thank you for everything

  • from Taylor◢ ◤

    Hey Brother. Just wanted to say thank you for the music you put out you and Tiësto are my main reasons for my obsession with EDM. You inspired me and countless others. We all love and miss you Tim♥️

  • from Stuart

    This man has forever changed electronic music. He was one of my biggest inspirations for getting into electronic music. He will be greatly missed. His death was actually the only time I've ever cried at a loss.. even those of family members.

  • from Eric doda

    I don't even know where to begin. So many coincidences shared with him he brought so much joy and has gotten me through so much pain in my life. I wish he was still with us. RIP brother. Miss you so much will never forget you and will carry on your memories with me forever!

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