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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Hami

    ? You made me smile? ? I feel you ? ?You will be in my heart?

  • from Kyle hubbard

    One of the first musicians I ever showed my Jewish father. RIP

  • from J. J.

    I was 10 when I first heard Tim’s ID ‘Levels’ when my older brother played it. It was the first track that made me fell in love with Electronic music. I’m 19 now. He truly inspired me. His music makes me so happy. Thank you Tim for those good years of music you created and I grew up listening to. You helped me. You will forever be remembered a legend Tim. Love and peace.

  • from James

    Thank you for your music. Am really looking forward to the new album. ❤️

  • from Jean

    Merci pour toute ta musique tu resteras à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires. Merci Tim merci bro.?????

  • from …

    Your music will live one long after your gone we won’t forget thank you. Now rest my love älskar dig Tim❤️

  • from Anaïs

    He was for me the best music producer and dj since 2013 with wake me up. He helped me through ups and down and he still do I'll never stop listening he's music

  • from Ryota


  • from Julieta

    Thank you Tim family for the new album coming. Tim love you and in my heart forever.

  • from hiroyuki m

    I was shocked when I heard the song for the first time. felt as if thunder had struck. I think it's too early to say goodbye but you live in your heart

  • from Akbar Abd

    You will be in our hearts we love you tim. Forever

  • from Jo

    TIM ?♥️

  • from Sophie


  • from M98

    Tack så mycket. Jag älskar dig.

  • from Sylvia

    ?I was at Untold in 2015 one of the biggest festivals in my country and I got the chance by winning the ticket at a contest -because at that time I couldn't afford it- to see him live on the stage. I was so grateful and now I'm kinda regretting the fact that I didn't take as many photos as I wanted to immortalize that moment. Rest in peace dear Tim!?

  • from Christina Sweden

    Yesterdag I listened to Level several times and I got a feeling of presence of You ❤️ Thanks Tim for your music and for the messages you send to this world. RIP???

  • from Stuart

    I still cry when I listen to your music hearing that your unrealeased music is coming out very soon has made my day without a doubt!! No more searching for your unreleased songs on YouTube of clips when you were in the studio:) I miss you as an artist so much because of how much you helped me in my hard times! I hope your at peace and guided your friends and family to what you would have wanted in this album coming out soon too❤️

  • from ボーボボ


  • from Benson

    Thank u for all. Tim

  • from Gatsby Lu


  • from Brijesh

    Thank you for getting me through my hard times❤

  • from Yuta

    I congratulate you on the release of new songs with the many songs you have left

  • from MananGupta


  • from MillionMilesSmarterButIaintLearnAThing

    Truly blessed by god with his musical talents. When i heard the news i was extremely upset I have never ever seen him in real life but his songs i felt them by heart i felt connected with Tim. his death made me feel like i have lost a brother. Today here i am writing on your web page wall Big brother I hope you’re resting easy. I hope Allah has taken you under his protection! Thank you for everything you have done!

  • from Isaiah Smith

    Still to this day your music is a emotional journey never tiring to be powerful and meaningful. I can't wait for "TIM" and cant wait to see your beautiful work woven into every song.

  • from takoyaki

    Timの音楽でいつも元気を貰ってる 自分の中ではTimは消えない ありがとうTim

  • from Reni

    When I moved from country one of the only things that made me feel at home was him. As if I were returning to my comfort zone. with the discovery of electronics and the true meaning of music it made me find incredible artists and made me feel; cry laugh and want to scream at the same time. it's something I'll never be able to finish thanqking. One if my biggest promises were that my first concert was one of electronic and that at least once in my life I was going to a concert of him. Forever❤️

  • from Xiuyk

    感谢a神给我带来了人生中第一首电音《levels》,让我从此爱上电音。你很伟大,你给世界上的人们付出了的足够多了,累了,就安息吧。Tim Bergling forever.

  • from 宋阳

    你不用,也不必被名利缠身了。铭记于心,Tim bergling

  • from Thwnk

    Dear Tim BerglingI truly understand of without the freedom under the lights and infront the fansI will and must hold it still for youif I have the chance in the future.Don't rest when you're nearly almost downcan you?Wish I will run out the roads of your unfinished for youThanks for all the inspiring.Rest In PEACEyour truly peace you've ever wantedwith so many people hoping for youhoping you to have a better life "next time".And also with the little monkey on your shoulder from Africa.

  • from 吴宇霄

    自从五年前接触电音,A神,就一直是我收藏夹的最底。其实,听电音的人都是孤独的。别人都会认为这是嘈杂的音乐,不入流的。但这又何妨?4月20日的离去多么猝不及防,你永远成为了那个爱笑,但又有点点忧郁的男孩。 Tim Bergling forever.

  • from ?

    I wish your life was full of the joy your music brings to my children myself and everyone else who appreciates what a amazing artist you are! I hope you can see how much you impacted all of our lives. Such a beautiful soul this world lost far too early! ?

  • from 夏小逗比哥

    第一次听Avicii的音乐是在两年前的某一天,在网易云听到了,从那时使我认识到了Avicii,他真的是一个伟大的制作人,鼓舞了我对生活的向往。可你在4.20日时离去的消息让我久久不能相信这是真的,那时候我还在等avicii(02)的发布呢,唉,愿你在天堂安息,我们永远会记住你!AVICII FOREVER!!!

  • from Zopke

    Miss you man !

  • from 駿之介


  • from sami

    I cant get it I love you avicii

  • from Meri

    I love Avicii with all my fu**ing heart and I still do. He songs touched my heart and and always brought memories back. Now I am so happy and exited that his new album is coming out. I a little hit sad that this album will be the last. I will enjoy this coming up album forever and ever. It hurts

  • from Will H

    Your music has been a staple in all of my playlists since Seek Bromance and a year on I still can’t believe you’re gone soon. Rest in peace you’ll live on forever in your music.

  • from Frauke

    Lieve Tim Nooit gedacht dat ik hier nog wat op zou schrijven maar door het nieuws dat er een nieuw album van je uitkomt kon ik echt niet anders. Met tranen in mijn ogen vernam ik dat ze jouw liedjes hadden afgewerkt. Het zullen stuk voor stuk mooie nummers worden dat weet ik gewoon. Ik blijf aan je denken dat doe ik al 351 dagen lang elke dag. I love you Tim. Forever an Aviciier x

  • from

    Dear Tim Already 351 days since your death but it feels like yesterday. I just want to tell you Tim that I miss you so much. You can't believe how much… I hope you still have peace in heaven because you deserve it. I really love you and will never forget you. Lots of love x F

  • from Coral

    Thank you so much to Tim's family and team for the new álbum. I will never forget him he was the best musician ever. I will always love you Tim.

  • from Xin-China

    Thank you Tim your music inspired millions of people and I m one of them. Your spirit will be with us for ever. Hey brother! You woke me up you are a friend of mine! Avicii ◢ ◤ thank you!

  • from Manouk

    Tim. You have no idea how you've changed my life. I was really touched by your story about Carl Jung in True Stories. You knew how it was being an introvert. So do I. And of course my feelings are incomparable to what yours must have been but I can (at least a bit) imagine how it feels if the world wants something of you that you just aren't. You were perfect as you were Tim. Every every day I think about you and I just really hope you found peace. Thank you for everything.

  • from kawa

    You will be in our hearts forever

  • from Jonathan H

    He was the one who got me into EDM and house music. He is one of my biggest insperation and was a big motivation for me as a teenager. Rest in peace Avicii ◢ ◤.

  • from Ken Lee

    Missing you every time. Waiting for "TIM".

  • from Oliwia

    Zostawiłeś po sobie wspaniałą pamiątkę Tim dziękuję ❤️

  • from Kathrin

    I love you Tim .. and i miss you every day a little bit more ?

  • from SHIROSAN

    Tim、あなたの音楽と出会えてとても嬉しかった。 辛い時、苦しい時もいつもTimの曲を聴いていた。 ありがとうTim、さよならTim、日本より愛を込めて

  • from やだゆ


  • from TAIGA JAPAN

    新アルバムリリースめちゃくちゃ楽しみにしてます!! いつまでもファンです。

  • from Hitoshi

    You made me now. Thx.

  • from Thulitha Kris

    Thank you for everything you legend u will forever live in my heart and my thoughts. Thank you for helping me through the lowest of the lowest in my life your music kept me alive.

  • from hayato

    あなたの曲のおかげで笑顔になれたことが沢山ありました。毎日あなたの曲を聞いて笑顔をもらってます。あなたのことはいつまでも大好きです。ほんとにありがとう。 THANKS Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from aona

    初めて、耳にした英語の曲が wake me up でした。初めて、この人のコンサートに行きたいと、強く思いました。その後も、毎日毎日あなたの曲を聞いて、行きたくない学校にも通いました。あの日は衝撃的で、通学途中の車の中で大泣きしたことを覚えています。 私をいつもいつも応援してくれていたあなたの曲を今も私は毎日毎日聞いています。 私を勇気付けてくれてありがとう。音楽の素晴らしさを教えてくれてありがとう。毎日の楽しみをくれてありがとう。世界中の人々と繋がれることを教えてくれてありがとう。私の生きがいになってくれてありがとう。 これからもあなたがくれた音楽を聴きながら、大切で2度と来ない毎日を過ごしていきます。いつまで大好きです。 最後に、幸せをくれてありがとう。

  • from MIYAKO

    あなたが私の街である京都でたくさん思い出を作ってくれたことは私にとってもいい思い出になりました。 日本で最初にショーを行ってくれた大阪に私は一人で行きました。そのショーは私の人生で最も心に響く時間でした。 あなたに出会えたことは私にとって幸せでもあります。 Tim私に素晴らしい音楽と時間を与えてくれてありがとう。 ずっとあなたが好きです…

  • from anna takehana

    when i was 13years old i knew him for the first time. he almost always looks smile. he always created awesome music. his songs makes us a lot of funnyhappyexciting and so on. i want to say "u'r activity were perfect so much! u always gives us far more's greatest! i never done.i never… So now we had much more sadness. i feel nothing and feel like "into darkness". we never forget.u eternally in our hearts. sincerely u'rs. R.I.P tim.

  • from OK

    もうすぐあなたがいなくなってから1年がたちます。この1年で、私はあなたがどれほど私の中で心を支えていた存在であったかを実感し、私の中でのあなたはどういう存在かということを考え続けました。そしてその結果、私はあなたを目標とし、音楽を作る立場になりたいという夢を持ちました。あなたと共作するという夢はもう叶わないかもしれませんが、私は作り続けます。 そして、あなたが最後に残した16曲、題名は「SOS」と「Tim」ですが、あなたが最後にどのようなアルバムを作りたかったのか、それをこれから私は考えたいと思います。これを聞いてあなたに捧げる曲を将来必ず作ります。 Timあなたはこうやって期待されることが嫌だったのでしょうか。 確かにシャイだったあなたがこれほどまでに有名になるとは子供のころは夢にも思わなかったでしょう。 しかしあなたの曲は、あなたが愛した音楽は、世界のだれかを救います。 私は以前のあなたに会ったことがなく、どのような人物なのか実際にはわかりませんが、とても良い人で、そのために自分を犠牲にしてしまったのだと思います。 だから、次は自分のために、しっかりと人生を歩んでください。

  • from miiyan

    Your music changed life is with Avicii's music.Love you tim!always❤️

  • from raumen

    4度目の正直で来日してくれた時は感激でした。 あの日本ツアーは一生忘れません。 TimとTimの曲に出会えたことに感謝。

  • from AIK

    I love Tim. I'm from japan.So i can't speak english. but i can feel your music. Forever Avicii. R.I.P ありがとう

  • from mugi

    his songs changed my life

  • from K3ITA

    Thank u for Tim. We will never forget Tim and Avicii. rip.

  • from Jaskirat

    I started producing music listening to Tim and he almost inspired me to produce EDM tracks. I always thought of Tim as my Guru and he's always going to be. Peace!

  • from Diane

    ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Dearest Tim every time I visit here I like to read the thoughts that others express about their everlasting love for you as an incredible human being as well as an amazing song writer and producer. Tim you reachead our hearts and souls on so many LEVELS and made our lives so much better. And then it all came crashing down on you and on all of us who love you. We still cannot accept that you are gone. But you will live on in our hearts and minds forever. I love you Tim. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • from Zachary Wu

    Always loved his style and awesome melodies. He was the first artist I really listened to seriously and allowed me to really develop my music taste and appreciate it. I'll definitely miss him. Thanks for the music and all the energy and joy that it has brought.

  • from Josh

    Just read the news about the new tracks and my goosebumps haven’t gone down yet. Still play him daily and will forever. We miss you man.

  • from Nadia

    In the worst moments of despair your music keeps me going!!! ❤️

  • from Jess

    I met my best friend around the time that “True” dropped. Your music was the soundtrack to our growing friendship and eventually we fell in love. Your tracks will always be associated with him and despite our bittersweet ending your music and his friendship will bring nothing but joy to my life.

  • from Angelica

    I didn't know who you were even after you passed. It wasn't until I watch your documentary that I felt this connection to you. I felt your pain. I still feel your pain. When I see videos of you doing what you love my eyes water up because I don't think you really wanted to go. My only regret is that I wish I enjoyed you when you were alive. ❤️

  • from Ross

    It's the music I turn to to heal the soul to lift my spirits and bring me to a better place. It's not just music its advise for life.

  • from Amanda

    Tim you saved me in so many ways. You are pure honest & true. Your magical uplifting passionate hypnotic melodies touch & ignite my soul. ✨You write the music ? that connects the universe ?? You inspire …not only your fans but your peers. ??? You will never fade ?because you are everywhere! ? I hear bits of you & your unique style in artists across many genres. ? You Are Love ❤️ I Love? You my soulmate for infinity ♾ connected always ??????

  • from Blessedroll

    这几年来几乎每天晚上都要听几十分钟你的音乐才舍得入睡,你的音乐陪伴我走过低谷,给我带来了无限的快乐。现在,你走了快一年了,我没有哪一天不在想你。上个月我也搬到了LA。今天看到你最终专辑RELEASE的信息,非常开心!希望你在天堂一切都好,我永远怀念你! 同时希望结识一样爱你的朋友,微信:wangshihuan24

  • from Felipe

    Avicii was one of my best inspirations to be happy and look beyond in life. I remember him for his special and memorable lyrics and for his wonderful songs that combine harmony electronics and a lot of passion. We'll always miss you.

  • from Brandon Lopez

    Avicii is the reason I fell in love with house music. His chord progressions are like a gift from the heavens. Thank you Tim.

  • from Callum

    Thank you for all your music. You have inspired a generation

  • from Wilank

    我真的不敢相信 到现在也是 一直在听着avicii的歌曲 以前听你的歌我是多么开心 现在我却是多么伤心 上帝想听电音 于是带走了你 ,your‘s wake me up,but how can I wake you up ?现在听着你的歌 我发现 你还在这里… RIP avicii!We miss you

  • from Wilank

    I first know avicii is from taste the feeling And then I listen more and more avicii’s songs It made me feel more comfortable. But at April 20 2018 I heard from my friend avicii is gone…I can’t believe it I like crying for a lot time play his song again and again. And looked his Instagram will never update will always stop at event at California. RIP avicii !We miss you !

  • from Justin

    I still feel the chills every time I hear your songs. I miss you so much. I never felt so close to someone so far away. Thanks for everything Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from Oscar Ochoa

    Siempre que alguien pone música (de la que sea) siempre hay alguien que se disgusta pero cuando ponía a Avicii siempre veía que nadie se disgustaba es más lo disfrutaban (sin importar que canción fuera). Avicii era el artista con el que podía compartir momentos con cualquiera y eso era lo que para mi lo hacía grande siempre lo recordaré pues el es uno de los ejemplos de que la música rompe cualquier barrera y muro que se presente gracias por todo… Descansa en paz Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Josh W.

    Tim your music helped me through tough times and I will always be thank for what your music pulled me out of. It’s truly amazing what you gave us. You are a Legend in many of eyes and you went too young I bet you are blessing the heavens with your talent. R.I.P Avicii Sep 8 1989 – Apr 20 2018

  • from FALSE

    Thank you Tim for your amazing music. You're my recipe for a happy day! When the drop start I feel Goosebumps everywhere and everything is better. You're the king of music and you deserve a place in the story of music. Now I make music too and I know this my way and my life maybe if you didn't start to make music maybe I'll never discover this amazing world…so thank you to be part of my day and be part of my travel❤

  • from Sven

    Dear Tim every day i think about you your last gig at ushuaia Ibiza i was there with a friend of mine. I listing to your music every day. You have been the biggest inspiration for me thanks for that. You wil be there always in my memorie. Big thanks to you Tim !!

  • from Cath – France

    Dear Tim thanks to your family who share your new music ??? with a single and a 16 tracks album. What a beautiful gift for your fans. Your legacy live on… Hope you found peace in heaven sweet angel ? forever in my heart ???

  • from Harri

    Thank you Tim for your music. You have made such a lasting impact on my life and your music has been there with me through the difficult times and the joyous ones. It has given me strength courage and belief in myself. Your music will always be a part of my life and it is so devastating to know you are gone and I am so sorry for how this world ended up being for you. Just know that you give me light in the darkness and give brightness to the lives of millions. May you rest in peace.

  • from A fan

    Made me fall in love with music

  • from Alessandro Fattorel

    Avicii was the one who introduced me into dance. I miss him every time I have memories of last summers or just when I put the headphones on. Frome the 2010 he was the bestmy favorite artist and my inspiration. He was a savior an angel a genius and he will be remembered forever. I miss you Tim. You will never FADE INTO DARKNESS. Just WAKE ME UP from this nightmare. I'm ADDICTED TO YOU and YOU MAIE ME feel so right. Now I will be WAITING FOR LOVE forever. Take me to other Levels to find you

  • from

    ¡Necesito escuchar TIM!

  • from HectorTMOficial

    Todos los días de mi vida desde que te conocí y más aún desde que tú te fuiste te tengo en mi mente y no hay día en el cual no piense en ti te escucho a todas hora y siempre que puedo porque tú eras eres y serás un pilar importante de mi vida siempre has estado ahí tú y tu música para animarme el día como muy pocas cosas puede hacerlo y nunca te olvidare ya que te llevo en mi corazón día a día y como yo muchas otras personas. Espero que estes bien ahí arriba y que estés descansando.??❤️

  • from

    Thank you Tim's family for the Tim's Foundation .Great ?❤

  • from Juliane

    getting tim's new music makes me incredibly happy despite the tears I shed. Thank you for this incredible gift. we forever love you legend tim and think of you every day❤

  • from Miguel Troitiño

    Conocí tu música cuando era joven creo que con 14 años. Recuerdo oír un 'Hey Brother' por primera vez en un anuncio de la tele y buscar corriendo de quién era. Pronto empecé a escuchar toda tu música. No era música dance tradicional tenías un estilo único (pocos pueden decir eso) Con esa magia de melodías que tú creabas me ayudaste a pasar momentos difíciles a entretenerme en momentos aburridos y a hacer eternos momentos divertidos. Haber marcado tantas vidas así es lo que te hará eterno?

  • from Andrew

    The amount of memories made because of Tim's music will live with me forever. he was the only artist ever that could make me feel pure happiness no matter what was going on in my life. His music will never die Thank you Tim.

  • from Nico

    He has changed My life

  • from Florian O.

    My first Album that I bought in my life was TRUE. I bought it and had no idea what I had to expect because I was 13 or 12. I instantly loved every song and so Tim brought me to EDM. I don`t know where I would be today without Tim. I still admire his creative and kind personality. I miss you a lot! Rest in peace <3

  • from Lotte

    You made me fall in love with music Tim . Thank you.

  • from Riccardo

    I always think of you tim ❤️

  • from Ize


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