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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Patty

    Sometimes I watch videos where you are playing by pressing the keys of your piano ? Your fingers move over those keys and from them come out notes ? ? ? with a magical and hypnotic sound that take me and make me fly far up into the sky. I’d like to take all those fluttering notes ???and hold them always in my hands just as I keep you in my heart ♥️ forever

  • from Nat C.

    I still can't believe you're gone. you'll be missed forever. Thank you for creating all these amazing music.

  • from SamTravis

    We miss you Tim I will never forget you

  • from Sam Travis

    We all love and miss you avicii wish you were still here with us but it’s how life works your born you live a life you will never forget/ people will never forgetand one sad day it’s all gone :(? so sad that you aren’t here anymore ?:(

  • from Jeff


  • from sergio hancco machaca o vendetta

    avicci fue uno de los que me abrió el corazón con su música gracias por todo.

  • from Amber

    I always tear up when I listen to your songs….You left too early.

  • from m8-.

    i cant listen to your music without tears.. Wake Up that you've done to me.

  • from Sam

    I never met the guy but loved everything he put out. I always dreamt of meeting him yet in the words of Susan Boyle there are some dreams that cannot be. Thank you. Sam Rathbone Whitley Bay England.

  • from Kihya

    When I was younger I would come home from school and my sisters would be at home listening to music. I remember us dancing and laughing to your songs your music made my childhood. Lots of love to you and your family may you rest in peace x

  • from ?? Åse

    Dear Tim❤. Snart har det gått 1 år sedan du lämnade oss. Familjen vännerna och fansen. Jag lyssnar på din musik varje dag och det är ibland svårt. Vissa texter får mig att fälla en tår. Sången du skrev till Emily är en av dem. Jag önskar att den kunde bli släppt på skiva. Den är så vacker och jag tänker på den kärlek ni kände. Till din familj som måste kämpa med sorgen varje dag; vill jag säga att vi är så många som tänker på er. Vi frågar oss; kommer Tims sista musik att släppas?

  • from H

    Still cannot believe Tim’s gone his music provided me hope through so many tough years it kept me going when I could’ve given up. His music ensures that although he is gone he will live on for generations. Rest in peace ?

  • from Kathrin

    Time flies so fast but memories stay forever ??♥️ i love and miss you so much Tim ? why Tim ??

  • from Lilas

    I really hope that you are in a happier place because you made ours really happy. Thank you.?♥️

  • from Sam

    Just over 11 months since you passed and I'm still checking Google in absolute denial expecting this all to be an hoax. Devastated doesn't cut it what a talent & what a bloke. I am grateful for the music you created & thankful that I got to see you perform live more than a few times including your last UK performance at creamfields. You've left shoes behind that can never be filled truly the greatest DJ of all time. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Michael

    Miss you thank you for sharing your amazing talent to the world

  • from

    Without causing



  • from Chandra

    Nobody matches your music style… I love you and your music…. Your music inspires me. You are the legend we miss you. RIP TIM

  • from


  • from


  • from I cant belive its over.

    [*] ◢ ◤ I realy love your music. Forever. You wake me up for every day. Thank you. Your music is part of my life. [*] ◢ ◤

  • from S

    "Wake me up" was the first song I ever learnt on guitar when I was young. I remember waiting in the spare bedroom because back then every family had a PC and not laptops and refreshing the YouTube page waiting for "Addicted to You" to be released. I must have watched that video a hundred times on repeat and listened to it even more times. He was my favourite artist as a kid. I will miss him forever..

  • from Felix

    You will always be my favorite artist. Without you I would never experience your fatastic music and I would never be where I am today without you. You made such a huge impact on so many people and we will always be so grateful for what you did for us. Rest in peace

  • from Cath – France

    Dear Tim thanks to your family who create a foundation in your honor to help people with mental health problems. You are on my mind every single day and forever in my heart ???

  • from Belford

    I lost you too soon.

  • from ◢◤

    You sing too hard to hear.Please come back and sing

  • from Asude

    he was an inspirational person when i first heard wake me up i was instantly in love with this song and hey brother addicted to you …. Tim was also a person with a good heart he donated a million euros to people giving the money need the money was not important but only music every song has touched me and other million Tim has also changed me too he has inspired me to the music even more. I'm a fan page that everything happened but it's a long story

  • from Turbo

    Rip Avicii. I miss you:(

  • from Fred

    Watching Ultra Music festival's live stream and cant help but think of you! We miss you man!

  • from Matthew

    his music helped me through my deepest and darkest time.

  • from Diego Seba ???

    My biggest dream was see avicii in Tomorrowland I miss you

  • from Kei Azambuja

    I love avicii ❤ desde la primera canción que escuché WAKE ME UP me encantó amo sus canciones me llena de nostalgia saber que murio pero siempre estará en mi corazón Eres tan especial para mi Soy una fan tuya y siempre lo seré ❤

  • from Alex Nocturnal

    Feeling down today and your music lifted me back up. Rest in peace brother.

  • from Emelie

    When our son was between 6-12 months I used to dance with him to You make me holding him in my arms. So much fun. Now he’s 6 turning 7 this summer and we still listen to your amazing music almost every day. Love it always will.

  • from Brahim

    When I was like 14/15 or 16 I had some mental health issues that brought me to some philosophical questions about meaning of life and no one went with me through those things like Avicii and his music did. I can't express my feelings towatds this person. RIP Avicii! <3

  • from Venture97

    One of remarkable good souls ever lived in the music industry just dont understand the scenario of your death

  • from Lena

    I miss you…

  • from Charlie

    I've been listening to his songs since he released his single Levels and it's makes me feel like his music is helping me move forward and how much I love my family. I hope someday his music company will release his posthumous album with all of his singles. I love his music. Avicii's music will live on forever.

  • from Luis Alonzo

    Tim era simplemente genial su música siempre llegaba a mi corazón. Mi más grande deseo era poder estar presente en alguna de sus presentaciones pero ese deseo no se pudo cumplir. Ahora disfruto más que nunca el escuchar cada una de sus obras maestra. Descansa en paz Avicii.

  • from Marilyn

    Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. Your music impacted me and many many others

  • from tuna gül

    We will always miss you !

  • from PETAR

    Rest in peace good young man…

  • from Patty

    Well! I write here every day. Do I feel the need? Yes why? Cuz I want make my thoughts known abt my favorite artist. But haven't I finished the words yet? No. I still have so much to say. I am inspired by his musical ?masterpieces! I’ve a special relationship?with Tim’s lyrics used in his songs. None had said them like him before. Are words that leave their mark. I still have for him heartfelt words endless like emotions I get every single day through his sweet singing voice????

  • from Romain F

    Discret Travailleur génie de la musique tu as su toucher l'âme des gens qui t'on écouté avec une grande notion de partage pour tes fans mes aussi ceux qui t’entouraient dans ton cercle. c'est une grande perte pour ta famille et tous ceux qui continu à t'aimer. je n'ai pas eu la chance de te connaitre de même te voir mais tu gardes une place dans mon cœur. tu as changé ma vu sur ce qui était la musique Merci. amicalement

  • from Umud

  • from Kai Vellichor

    For years I was having a tough time struggling with several disorders physical and mental. Music was an escape for me I could imagine myself doing anything and everything to songs. When I found Tim's music it was one of the greatest escapes I had and when I could I would listen to his songs and just say "its gonna be alright" and it really was. It was one of the few things to get me out of a ditch I thought I would never escape. Thank you Tim and for all that you did.

  • from Issei Nomura

    I'm really sad that you're dead. You will continue to live in our hearts. Thank you for the best music.Rest in peace Avicii.



  • from Javi

    Thank you so much for your music.

  • from Christian Rösner

    I will never forget when I first listened to Wake Me Up. I directly felt in love with this song and I really listened to all of his songs. I still love them all and for me personally Avicii was the best musician for the last 10-2- years easily. He put so much effort in it and so much passion. Its sad that I never met him but Im still istening his music every day and makes me smile and cry. Love you! From a german guy in Istanbul!

  • from Richard

    Wow.. Avicii is one of the greatest soul singer ever.. His songs still makes me cry everyday.. Rest in peace champ.. We love you and miss you ?????

  • from Alex

    In 2017 I was sent to the Japan through the US military. I didn’t want to go to Japan at all but I was forced to go because duty called. Soon after I arrived I fell in love with the place. I found myself in Osaka and Tokyo where Avicii is still alive and well. I went to all the clubs and had some of the best nights of my life listening to Avicii playing until the early morning. To this day as soon as one of his songs comes on it brings the entire place to life.

  • from iGoTz AxEl and IrAtXe

    wE ArE gOiNG tO miSsInG YoUr MuSiC…vErY sPirItUal mUsIC tHaT yOuR cReAtEd ThAnK YoU aNd We WiLL MiSs YoU FoR EvEr.

  • from Wolfgang


  • from 高子


  • from Joanne

    Can’t believe it is near a year since you left still hard to believe god bless your family you are still number 1 for me love ? you AVICII a shining star at peace xxx

  • from Jacqui Curtis

    Tim (Avicci) was an amazing sensitive soul who tried to seek the understanding of life. I am a high school teacher in the North of England and I use your music pictures and story in many of my mindfulness and stress management classes. This is very useful when teaching a mixed class of teenage boys and girls. Tim’s life and memory will help many others to talk and seek help like you did but sadly a little too late. Your shining light will live on.

  • from wenqiang li

    you are the legend bro

  • from k


  • from Brian Johnson

    Thank you for the music Tim and all the love you shared in the World. RIP Brian Johnson.

  • from Basil

    He helped me to understand the power of music than anybody else

  • from Erick

    Bueno aqui voy yo no soy una persona de muchos amigos cada año que a transcurrido me siento mas vacío siento menos amor cariño entreotras sentimientos pero cuando empiezo a escuchar tu musica me siento vivo otra ves siento por un pequeño instante todo esos sentimientos que se desvanecen ojala estuvieras vivo creando mas musica creando mas sentimientos.

  • from Tristan Livezey

    i come from a family that fights about everything and i'm always doing something wrong. At least that is how i feel. When i first listened to Avicii i felt happy. i have not felt happy in a long time but somehow his music brings me joy. I would sell my soul just to meet him to talk to him to stop him from killing himself. I miss him. I may have never met him but i love him. All i can say is he made me. Now i am just waiting for love. -Tristan Livezey a grateful 12 year old boy

  • from 丘舒怡

    ◢ ◤I Love YouAvicii.

  • from 丘舒怡

    这两天一直在听Avicii重混的beautiful heart,尤其是那句“remember I `m your friendplease don`t cry”,才想起来,快一年了啊,这首歌是你当时复出时的作品呢,你是抱着什么心境去选择的这首歌?我能当成是你对我们说的话吗?塔叔说你就拥有beautiful heart,喜欢上你的音乐是我的幸运,巨大的荣幸,能让我碰到这属于世界的奇迹。我爱你Tim,当音乐里在唱please don't cry的时候你知道我有多想对你说please don't go吗?!这首歌现在听真的把我心都撕碎了,你就是这世界上我无法用语言形容的珍宝,为什么就这么离我们而去,从14年到18年真的不够,我一直以为我能听你的音乐直到我步履蹒跚,拄着拐杖却依旧想挥舞双臂。接下来的十年、二十年、三十年······要我怎么办。I Love youTim.

  • from TK

    His music was the first step of my EDM life and it will be the last step of my EDM. RIP avicii

  • from Number one fan.

    Here I am in the middle of the night listening to new released music. Ended up on your site still can't believe you're gone I just wish that you would've been here for atleast one more year so when you released your brand new music you would see the reactions from it you would feel us fans loving you even more than you already knew. Gone way too soon it wasnt meant to end like this. You were an amazing DJ and i'm glad I grew up in the time when you were front figure of the world.

  • from jack

    Avicii is my most favourite J.D in the world its so sad that he past to the other side at lest he can play his songs with the other people that has past as well and as i'm writing i'm listing to him at the same time the song is called you make me and now its wake me up avicii is the best J.D i have listen to in the world I LOVE AVICII

  • from keita


  • from Otelita Alexia

    Rest in paceyou were one of the kind????Endless love to you

  • from tcnbrk

    Rest In Peace Tim

  • from 啓

    実はAviciiを知ったのは2016年の来日後でね、まだその時はAviciiの曲どころかEDMすら全然知らなかった。 去年初めてdjのライブに行ったんだ。画面越しで観てイヤホンで聴くのと全然違うね、早くAviciiのライブ行きたいなー。。。

  • from İrem Bayram

    Yabancı müziğe başlamamın sebebi diyebilirim belkide. Vefatına hala inanamıyor olsam bile onu çok seviyorum. " Bir gün bu ardındaki dünyayı terk edeceksin. Bu yüzden hatırlayacağın bir hayat yaşa." – The Nights

  • from Andreas

    Tim Bergling was a sensitive kind & remarkably talented musician known as Avicii.He loved & was so dedicated to what he did.His music brought people of all kinds together with moments they will never forget.He touched our hearts with the passion & detail put into his beautiful songs.He made incredible melodies with superb musical depth.His intrumentals are unparalleled in the modern music industry. Rest in Peace To a Musical Genius Named Tim Bergling His Music Lives On Still Making Memories<3

  • from Debbie from NJ USA

    My heart will forever be broken ? when I think of you but at the same token I have something that we will all treasure forever and that's your music. My blood's infused with you Oh I don't know what to do I breathe your air you're in my lungs I need to fool my heart for once I know our days are counted Walking towards the end Look deep into my eyes and Remember I'm your friend Please don't cry I'll try not to cry… I'll always remember and love you Tim/Avicii. RIP❤️❤️❤️

  • from Kam Yosa

    Gracias por tan bellos momentos querido Tim. Un abrazo hasta el cielo.

  • from Morten Poulsen

    You’ve been my biggest rolemodel with music! I wished to see you. I started making EDM (Electronic Dance Music) when i started to listen more of your music! Thank you! You’ve been a Big inspiration to me. I’ve just Got my first collab with a Singer and cant Wait to share it to the world! -Morten from Nuuk Greenland

  • from Sk

    You saved my life your music was an inspiration of hope. A way to experience my depression but allow me to overcome it. Not only 30 days before you left us I told my fiancé "this summer we have to see avicii". I still can't believe it… Moving forward I can't let my life go wasted. I'll relentlessly pursue dreams while listening to your art.

  • from Ethan

    Your music just popped up on my feed again and it hit me hard. I miss you and your amazing talent. Shall it forever be played. Rest In Peace.

  • from Anastasia Kh

    It’s always sad when the greatest people gone…but Tim was so unique! His talent his passion and his vision…I will pray for you Tim cuz you gone so bad( I hope you find miracle peace in your soul. Every day I listen your music and every day «wake me up” “ I could be the one” levels without you “ makes my day peaceful. Thank you. We remember you and your songs❤️True

  • from <3

    Growing up all I ever heard was Avicii's song and I'm not complaining. Thank you Tim for your music and art you touched my soul and your legacy will always leave on in your memory through your music and yours fans.

  • from Luke


  • from Leandro Vasquez

    No hubo una buena oportunidad para que viniera a Chile y poder verlo en vivo por aun así fue uno de los mejores artistas que e escuchado a nivel mundial comprendí gracias a el que la vida no es fácil pero todo se puede lograr si somos fuertes y tenemos personas para solucionar nuestros problemas descansa en paz Tim❤️

  • from Lisa

    Dear Bergling-Family The foundation is really great?. It’s almost one year that you passed away. My heart will be broken forever?Miss you really much Tim

  • from Egan

    Avicii was an inspiration to me I always looked up to him as a role model and his music transformed people's lives miss you Tim

  • from Manuela

    Tak Tim! En kyss för dig

  • from Clyotix

    We will miss you so much Tim. I will never forget. Your music brought light to my darkest days. <3

  • from Lee

    Hi. When I was 9 my dream was to meet or see Tim I was and still thinking about him 247 It will NEVER BE GONE. Now I am 15 and my biggest dream will never come true. I am Lee starter DJ and singer from Israel. Tim's light will show me the way forever. I decided to do the best so Tim will live in my heart: 2 tattoos (at 16) A music album (If someone will help me) And… when I have a son I will call him Tim. Tim? you saved me. one day we'll meet in heaven. – Lee @leeemoxd on Instagram…

  • from

    ill never stop loving you. thank you for changing my whole life.

  • from Mathew


  • from GBA

    Your music helped me get through life. I am so thankful for that Tim<3 It been almost a year ''without you'' WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU<3 LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU<3

  • from

    When I last saw you you was a “butterfly” smiling a kind wonderful guy. Your laugh so unique I remember it so vividly like you are laughing right now. Your personality made everyone happy I felt happy your smile was something special. Behind those muscles that big strong appearance was a big teddy bear. A cuddly dear soul who did nothing but spread positivity and happiness. You will live on Tim I love and miss you.I love you and miss you and I always will until we reunite again. Xxxx

  • from Niall

    You will live on forever in your music… shone so bright and strong and left us all too soon 🙁 Your music helped me when I too was feeling low. Miss you…

  • from M Finotello

    Kære Tim. Før du blev født elskede jeg elektronisk music som det hed. Det er et privilegium at kunne lytte til din musik som havde den absolutte lyd af alt jeg elsker. Jeg ville så gerne have oplevet dig live men nåede det ikke. At opleve et talent så stort og et menneske som virkede så ærlig og reel vælge ikke at leve mere er tragisk. Men det var dit valg og jeg kan ære dit minde ved at gøre flere gode gerninger mens jeg er her. Så indtil vi mødes…. Håber du er lykkelig nu..?

  • from K

    I'm constantly listening to your unreleased songs and it hurts to know how much you had to give to the world.. Unfortunately world did not return it back.. Missing you deeply.

  • from Claudia

    It hurts like it's still the first day. It's unbelievable how his music can still touch my soul. All these lyrics in his songs makes me so sad. I thought he was a man with a big big heart and so much love inside. I hope that he found his peace in heaven.

  • from Nayelie Love

    I remember Avicii he was amazing and he still is he's an angel in heaven I love Tim he's the best DJ and singer he was an inspiration.

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