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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Owen in China

    five years… how i 'm wishing that you are here !

  • from Daniel

    感謝你令我喜歡上電子音樂 Avicii forever

  • from mytx


  • from Haydos

    RIP. Thanks for making amazing music and sharing it with the world. you will always be missed by me and the fans.

  • from 知鸥

    1826days. Five years. But we will remember all the good memories we had together and the amazing music you produced forever .

  • from Tim duan

    For five years We miss you Hope you can happy in heaven From china

  • from FOL


  • from 程


  • from maojiazhang7 猫家长

    When you come back the universe will be yours. 待你归来之时,宇宙都是你的

  • from hache

    it’s 4/20/2023 00:05 in china

  • from 한국에 있는 팬이

    너무 늦게 알아버린 아티스트. 제가 EDM에 입문하게 해주신 분이였는데 ..검색해보니 이미 돌아가시고 난 후였어요. 2018년 제가 초등학교 5학년일때 한국에서 공연을 하셨었더라고요.. 그 당시에 너무 어려서 직접 못봤다는게 제 인생의 유일한 흠이에요. 절대로 잊지 않을게요. 사랑합니다.

  • from 原味AD钙


  • from Your fan from Korea

    It's 2023 4/20 12:44 am in Korea right now. I'm 17 and the fact that I have never seen you in person is my biggest regret in my life until now. I knew you too late. when I first heard your music you were already not here in this world. I'm studying for my school exam right now and your music helps me cheer up whenever I'm troubled. I promise I'll live a life that I will remember. I love you. RIP.

  • from woohyuk

    Five years have passed. However Avicii is still with us 5년이 지났다. 하지만 아비치는 아직 우리곁에 있다.

  • from Davis

    Gracias Tim por esas maravillosas canciones llenas de alegría tristeza amor. Te extrañamos Hay un plan que va más allá que el mío (trouble)

  • from Ana Virginia Mexico City

    Mi dear boy tu representas todo lo que soy dese que escuchas the nights y Wake me up me hizo sentir realmente como nadie ni nada lo había hecho.Gracias a ti no dejo de lanzar broken arrows mientras veo las silhouettes del mal pero gracias a ti sigo waiting for love y no dejo de talk to myself cuando pienso en ti. Tú mejoraste al mundo con tus melodias y trajiste al heaven a esta tierra.I hope you never leave me.🫶🏻🤍🕊️😘😘🥰🥰🫰🏻

  • from Ether

    Tim Bergling Forever in our hearts. 我一直都很想你◢ ◤

  • from Yuri

    Always in our hearts Tim

  • from Mai

    I still can’t believe you are gone.

  • from Liam

    RIP Avicii You Will Be Remembered

  • from Fears Armand

    5 years… Never forgoten

  • from Ben

    Rest in peace Tim. A true legend whose legacy will last forever.

  • from Rols

    5 años desde tu partida Tim. Quiero que sepas que eres mi más grande inspiración sin tú música mi vida no tiene sentido. Tus canciones me ayudaron a descubrir quién soy en realidad y me ayudaron a darme cuenta que siempre vendrá algo mejor a pesar de las adversidades que presenta la vida. Te amo Tim y siempre te llevaré en mi corazón. Descansa en paz dulce ángel.🤍

  • from Erick RM

    Gracias avicii por salvarme y perdónanos por no hacer lo mismo contigo te quiero y te extraño. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Kevin Wilcox

    5 years ago I fell in love with Avicii music 5 years since he's passed and I still play all his song's. We miss you Tim hope the after life is treating you well

  • from Diane

    💜💜💜 Dear Tim it has been five years since you left this world to seek eternal peace. I think of you every single day and miss you so very much. Your music that you created and shared with us is a reflection of your beautiful soul and is the gift you left for us that will live forever. I love you Tim. 💜💜💜 Diane

  • from Jhosy Medina Zuniga – PERÚ

    5 años veo que el tiempo paso demasiado rapido sin embargo no hay dia que no piense en ti en como seria si todo fuera distinto de no haber tomado esa decision si hay algo que me destroza por dentro es el hecho que nunca podre conocerte ni poder disfrutar de una de tus seciones… Pero este dia quiero darte gracias por tus canciones que me ayudaron y me ayudan a salir de momentos dificiles. Sere tu Fan por el resto de mi vida solo la muerte me alejara de esa decision.

  • from GQ

    I’ve never met you but somehow I miss you…

  • from Lucas

    Miss you.

  • from jörg germany

    Hey Tim it's been 5 years since you made the decision to turn your back on the madness on this planet. It's a shame about the person Tim Bergling and it's a shame about the great musician Avicii because you were a person who helped many other people out of some hopeless situations with your music and your lyrics. Tim we still mourn you even after 5 years because we will always carry you deep in our hearts and miss you very much. R.I.P.

  • from Catherine

    How we spoke about your family and what they meant to you I know your mum had your heart. I feel engulfed in pain today. And I know your family are feeling more than anyone so today I send all my prayers love and healing energy to them Tim. And I think about our many deep convos about what lay beyond this world…I hope you’re in the place that anxiety never existed. And I hope I meet you there 💜 Love you always your Bonnie xxx

  • from Jac

    Miss you man…

  • from Nick

    We're gonna set the world alight We're gonna lose ourselves tonight Whoa in heaven

  • from Ildi

    Köszönet mindenért! Nagyon hiányzol a világ kevesebb nélküled! 🖤🖤🖤🖤

  • from bestiess

    I love to work with Avicii We gets all PA systems sound´s besties Love to memories

  • from 王足

    人可以失去信仰,但不能没有信仰。 因为这世上总有一些值得去相信的事情,这是一种信念,也是一种力量。 归根结底人还是社会性动物,人们不能离开彼此,冥冥之中我们都有联系,只不过需要契机来保持。甚至是死亡也不能分开这种联系, 我倒也觉得这很合理,这就是信仰带来的改变。 我始终坚信,并且一如既往。 这就是我的所爱,认识Avicii是我的荣幸! 我曾渴求于Avicii,是因为我相信Avicii。 而Avicii没回应我,是因为Avicii相信我!

  • from Patricia- UK

    Five years ? Really ? And that time has come around again and leaves us with such bittersweet memories and love for Tim how he is missed so freaking much that every time I think of him my heart breaks just a little bit more You were ours for such a little time then heaven decided they needed the best DJ ever in heaven and took you away I hope your happy now sweet angel you’ll never be forgotten you live on in our hearts 🥰 and music sleep tight

  • from Jessica

    So almost there again! Can your soul light the way of all the people fighting for a better life! This planet definitely miss a pure soul like yours

  • from traameneee

    thế là 5 năm trôi qua rồi. tôi vẫn nghe nhạc của Chú thường xuyên đó. như một thói quen chỉ là Chú không còn nữa. ngủ ngon nhé my Tim ❤️‍🩹. miss ya so much 🥹

  • from Juicen-W

    It's been five years how are you doing over there? Thank you for your music and for making me climb up from my misery. I will always miss you. Thank you forever Tim.

  • from lei yan


  • from Oscar

    Thank you Tim for everything.

  • from PAB

    This is a PAB exclusive message RIP Tim you This is a PAB exclusive message were amazing <3 <3 <3 This is a PAB exclusive message

  • from Cherrell

    5 years tomorrow since you left this earth dear Tim. You were a gift to us all that sadly left too soon. You were the best to ever walk this earth irreplaceable incomparable. I'll never forget you RIP dear boy.🙏❤️

  • from neeco

    inspired my music since 2008 miss u

  • from Hjl

    a神,我从2015年开始听你的歌,当时是在香港的一艘游轮上面,当时我才11岁,听到你新出的stories专辑里面的Waiting for love,后面我和我的同学们分享这个专辑,后面还托朋友从日本带回了实体专辑,但是再后面传来的却是噩耗。虽然没有中国站的巡演,但是还是感谢你的舞曲给我带来的震撼和感动。

  • from Artiut

    Remember to have fun in heaven ❤️

  • from 子在川上曰z


  • from Chihiro

    Thank you ❤️

  • from Rainy day are always in our heart.❤️

  • from Apple苹果

    thank you Tim. 你的音乐改变了我,让我在每个孤独的夜晚都不再害怕,被音乐的温暖照亮。因为你,电子音乐成为了我生命中不可缺少的一部分。愿你在天堂能收到粉丝的祝福,继续幸福地创作。

  • from yy

    miss u tim Avicii forever❤️

  • from OZL

    miss u tim

  • from Mia

    Kan inte fatta att det i morgon är 5 år sen du gick bort!💔 Tänker på Klas & Anki & alla dina nära❤️ Du finns för alltid i mitt hjärta❤️

  • from Sai Wai Hlyan Tun

    He said "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember" My father told me when I was just a child "These are the nights that never die" My father told me

  • from Anita from Perth

    I love and listen to your music every day. Thank you for sharing your gift 💖

  • from cye

    RIP Bro

  • from Александра

    Твоя музыка помогает мне быть на плаву. Помогает жить дальше. Жаль что она не помогла тебе( Без тебя грустно и печально в этом мире. Никто тебя не переплюнет. Спасибо тебе.

  • from hanz mariano

    hi avicii greetings from the philippines

  • from Wumpa

    Thank you Tim. Your melodies and your lyrics saved me from a lot of bad moments. I hope you can see from above all the love we still feel for you. Ciao Tim. ❤️

  • from Steve

    Miss you Tim. Always with us through your music

  • from Andrew

    Avicii in our heats forever ◢ ◤

  • from Joaquin tu mayor fan

    Nah no puede ser cierto ya en dos dias cumples 5 años de fallecido o sea es una locura Tim los 4 años los acepte pero los 5 ni los asimilare

  • from Tyson Vo

    2 more days till more days that's 5 years of your loss you'll always be in my heart! <3 From Vietnam with Love

  • from Cassandra Lucero ◢◤

    Avicii fue un gran musico en mi vida tuvo un gran impacto; cada canción letra y música que compartió con nosotros sus fans; fue significativa. Fuiste un gran artista tu música hizo conectarme conmigo misma no hay día que no te recuerde o escuche su música. Unas de mis canciones favoritas siempre será "Without You". Tim gracias por todo lo que me compartiste durante todo el tiempo que te conocí tu música lleno completamente mi alma e hizo sentirme conectada contigo. Siempre te recordare ◢◤

  • from

    he was a good artist

  • from Fathima

    I honestly can't believe you're gone even after all these years. I miss the nostalgia I got from your music even though I'd probably just heard it for the first time. You were the only artist that had that effect on me. We miss you so much. Rest in piece Tim. We will keep your legacy alive!

  • from larissa

    avicci changed my life thanks bro. when i discovery he is dead i can't imagine so i go to this site every time i remember he. thank you so much for all avicci. brazil loves you.

  • from Catherine

    Tim…my heart is still and always will be eternally heartbroken. I wish I could talk to you right now I need your help and advice more than ever. Please send me the guidance and protection I need to get through this all💜 Love you Catherine xxx

  • from Riley

    Once when i was about 7 I saw the trailer for the movie a dogs purpose (I think) and the only reason that i wanted to watch it was because of the song by avicii Wake me up in the trailer. The movie was amazing but it was more special because it had my favorite music artist in it's trailer. Avicii still and always will hold a special spot in all of our hearts Rest in peace Tim. 🙁

  • from Ricardo Ro.

    Justo cursaba la universidad cuando llego a mis oídos "Wake Me Up"; fue como reiniciar mi vida pues pasaba por temas complicados. Mi meta era verlo en la CDMX en el EDC mas no pude cumplir ese gran sueño. Solo quisiera que supiera cuanto bien hizo a muchos te extrañamos Tim


    Avicii I had the hope of one day seeing you and meeting you in some ultra in my country that didn't happen but I thank you for all the music you created which helped me overcome many stages of my life I love you very much Tim wherever you are find Peace one day we will meet.

  • from Antonio Espejo Cueva

    avicii tuve la esperanza de algun dia verte y conocerte en algun ultra en mi pais eso no sucedio pero te agradezco por toda la musica que creaste que me ayudo en superar muchos estados de mi vida te quiero mucho tim donde estes encuentra paz algun dia nos encontraremos.

  • from Honey

    Avicii has helped countless lives and given them the motivation and positive vibes through his songs including me. He is the reason i started making music and the way i am dealing with my problems right now

  • from Sara Källström

    Tim is NOT ABOUT "MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS"!!! He's the most VIBRANT smartast social and wellfunctioning human being in all History. He gave me so many moments of "talking to". He was listening to me. He were my dearest friend. He had no mental issues at all. He was just filled with love and could always give a good advice. We were friends all his life. I love him and I'm feeling so sad when people say that they "were worried about him and his mental health". Remember that. /Sara

  • from Everybody

    From Vietnam With Love

  • from Mink

    Hi I'm 11 years old and a HUGE fan of Avicii. I am now reading his biography and I now know so much that I want to share my knowledge with the rest of my class. That's why I have my presentation on Thursday April 20 the day Avicii went to heaven. I hope his fans including me meet him in heaven later. rest in peace legend.

  • from kaitlyn

    I’ve never connected to music like I have to Tim’s. He left a phenomenal legacy behind and his music is the most special gift. It’s coming on 5 years since Tim left us and we will never be the same again. We will continue to say his name during the nights and the days. Rest easy angel ❤️


    Kiedy byłem mały w 2013 słyszałem w radiu piosenke pod tytułem Levels i daje ci hołd zmarłemu.

  • from Drop

    Still missing you…

  • from Doa

    RIP Bro respects from Türkiye

  • from Vita

    Miss you

  • from John cross

    I miss u every single day of my life

  • from Andrew

    <3 Truly hits hard 🙁

  • from Gavin

    Cant stop listening to The Nights and Wake Me Up you left us a great collection. Hope you are in a better place now Tim.

  • from France

    Extraordinary talent. Miss you.💔💔

  • from traameneee

    "Can you hear me SoS" i miss you so much.

  • from Sagu


  • from Maria

    Every day Tim 🤍 Miss you so much. Miss your beautiful soul. You and your music keep me alive and dreaming for a better life so thank you. Rest and smile for all the good you did. Forever yours.

  • from Tim Bergling

    Thank you guys for supporting me for so long I am actually alive.

  • from Avicii

    I wanted to be girl to marry AVicii

  • from Juan Shogan


  • from Y.H Kwon

    I love your songs

  • from none

    never goes

  • from Aaron

    te extrañamos mucho mi queridismo Tim-Avicii ✨

  • from Sarah Tzuc

    I still miss you everyday. Having an avicii day today because I work all week. Miss you 😢

  • from Marco

    Avicii for me was the capitain of EDM a guide of this amazing genre of music that make us feel beautiful feelings and make us remember our bests memories of happiness love and joy. We miss you Tim but your music is always on our hearts. “Live a life you will remember…before it Fades away”

  • from Simona

    He was the greatest artist of all time. I love his music. We love and miss you Tim❤ Greeting from Italy

  • from Nikita

    Avicii ❤️

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