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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Pepi

    Still no words about this…

  • from Pete

    I never had more fun in clubs and pubs than when Avicii came on. I hope it is a long long time before he is forgotten. I hope you have now achieved peace Tim.

  • from Logan Root

    Im still at a lost of words not only because we lost a hero but we lost a man who changed the lives of lots of people with his music…Rest In Peace Tim Bergling. #R.I.P. Avicii

  • from kaichess

    when I was 11 I heard waiting for love now I am 14 still can't belive you go so early Hope you can read this in the heaven…….kaichess from Taiwan 2019/3/25 keep in touch

  • from


  • from Patty

    Hi Tim? You should know that for better or for worse my life goes on every day to the rhythm of your unforgettable music. It will be like that until I have life. Then I hope to meet you up there to hug you ? and thank you ?? for everything you did for me and for the whole world ? A genial true genius in the real sense of the word ????

  • from Yu

    I’ve been thinking about you.

  • from Ganesh Gaitonde

    legends never dies

  • from HELLO

    You had too short life for making tons of amazing music you made… I will never understand how you did it. You probably did not sleep at all. I pay tribute to you…

  • from FromSlovak

    We still remember in our hearts.

  • from MartinSa

    Thank you Tim! For everything.. Peace

  • from けいた


  • from Jakkaphong Mullar

    When I first move to Australia the first ever songs that I heard was "level" as a kid back than I don't really know much about avicii and his music but as years goes by I started to follow Tim and his songs has stick with me through my bad times and good times in life ever since. My dream was one day to see him live on the stage but when i woke up one morning and heard the news that avicii had pass away and I was devastated. I couldn't stop crying and wouldn't believe the truth. RIP Tim

  • from Vosurex

    Can't believe how much stress everyone made for him to go through the shows. Poor young Tim he likes making music but he hated doing shows his life was never the same after the 4 years. Rip Tim I'm mad what people have been pushing you through.

  • from Alde

    I miss u

  • from Fahmi

    we love you Tim!

  • from Kinx6

  • from Re47

    Still the best

  • from 昊天


  • from IdEaLiStIcMiNd

    I'll be waiting for love to come around… and then Wake me Up HeyBrother Im nothing Without you

  • from Anuraag (electroworm)

    created true magic with your music. wake me up was my alarm song. rock heaven with your magical melodies. love you

  • from Linda Tj.

    I am Linda from Indonesia Why I miss you so much Tim it's all because I miss your masterpiece all the music you have made is truly unique See You In Heaven Tim we will Wake You Up When Its all over

  • from Enrique

    Saknar dig mannen kommer alltid lyssna på din musik

  • from Thanh Nam

    Thank you for everything we miss you

  • from @1_3_A_M

    I remember hearing Avicii on the radio once Silhouettes I think was the track. I remember how it captivated me and as I dug deeper into his other songs I started to develop an admiration for his talent. So many memories I lost count. Thank you Avicii for your talent and ability to bring us together to commemorate you and your work. You made a huge impact we will never forget you…

  • from BriLewBlue

    "There's an endless road to rediscover." Thank you Avicii for being an inspiration to millions around the globe including myself. You made me believe in the true power of music and become a fan of EDM. I am sent to another world by the time a song starts. Anyone could start singing one of your songs and people around will continue in harmony. Thank you Tim. You are missed every second of the day.

  • from Dean

    It was my first And last concert seeing you Perform live at Penn State was life changing. All your music was beautiful and your amazing spirit lives through your music. You were my first and last concert. I’ll always be a fan and continue to dance to your music. You are a music genius and I hope you found your peace Avici <3

  • from Nicole

    I´m Nicole from Panamá and all I can say is that the music that Tim made reminds me of a good times in my life. I listen to them with nostalgia and now with a little bit of sadness but I really hope that now Tim is in a better place. I still regret not going to the only concert he made in my country because I thought there would be a next one… Appreciate everything and everyone there´s no other time than now

  • from colby

    avicii we ways ares for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • from Mason

    My feeling for you!!!!!!

  • from Aaron

    I listened to you whenever I felt down. Thank you for being my go-to whenever I felt done. I wish you didn't have to go so soon but I will keep your memory in my heart and your music in my playlist.

  • from BS2

    Fue de los primeros artistas que conocí cuando me adentré en la electronica su musica me trae recuerdos de veranos interminables y aveces lo echo demasiado de menos… Ojala vuelva?…

  • from

    My birthday is 4/8/06 12 days before he died but I had my party on the 20th of April and I had just made my birthday wish to see Tim in person but just as I blew out the candles my phone vibrated and when I looked to see what the notification was it said that Tim had just died of suicide and I just ran into my room and cried because I knew at that moment that I would never get my birthday wish. I used to be extremely suicidal but Tim has helped me through the tough times so thank you Tim.

  • from Ron

    We are always going to love Tim with his music he transmitted messages to thousands of people including me with his music he helped us in our most difficult moments and since he started he changed the vision of music and EDM for everyone always You will be in each of us Tim Thanks for everything! We love U

  • from McDonalds


  • from Ludvig

    I’m back once again. It gets worse every single day. I have never felt anywhere like this before. Never cried for anyone pasing. Saknar dig något otroligt Tim. Kanske kan vi ses någon dag. Älskar dig Tim. Hoppas du har det bra? ◢ ◤ ‭

  • from Loka

    Your music will live in us our whole life and we will dance and sing to it forever. You're missed in so any ways but you will never be forgotten <3

  • from Vincent

    Rest in peace Tim. Thank you for creating such amazing music that helped millions of people.

  • from s i n e m

    o n e d a y y o u l e a v e t h i s w o r l d b e h i n d s o l i v e a l i f e y o u w i l l r e m e m b e r

  • from ???

    Tim du saknar! Jag tror fortfarande inte på det !!! och jag kan bara inte tro det !!!! en underbar person !!!!

  • from J.A

    Tim. He helpled me out of hopelessness dispair and darkness. His music was my escape from the world – it was my happiness. It was what he deserved; love kindness consideration and thoughtfulness. It screamed "you're not alone" . Unfortunately we didn't scream that to him. Vila i frid Tim du är en härlig person.

  • from Gor

    I was unfamiliar with Tim’s music. The first one I have heard recently was Hey Brother and I definitely fell in love with it. I stated searching for new singles information about the artist. I was so regret finding out about the accident…

  • from Maud

    I remember I heard about what happened to you. That day I will never forget my heart was broken. I just listened that day to your music I couldn't believe what I heard. I was on a holiday and I cried in my bed that night listening to your music. I miss you Tim you'll always be my favorite artist thank you for everything. I'm sad that u are gone now but i'm happy you exicted. Thank you for the times that your music was the only thing in the world that maked me happy. Lots of love Maud◢ ◤

  • from nigga man

    he suck my pee pee

  • from Shib sankar Das (Avicii forever )

    He was an inspiring legend for all the teenagers dj s music producers etc .His way of playing dj was heart touching and melodious. I don't know why he did suicide but many people in this world still cries for him. The most important thing is that -Legends never dies.

  • from Nelson

    Avicii helps me go trough my day and I just love his music. He was a great person and I just think about him every day. Rest in peace Avicii

  • from Sisko Friborn

    I've loved your music since the very start. Deep in my heart and soul is especially "Wake med up" as comforted me all the way during my cancer treatment in 2013.

  • from Kelly

    ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ⩘⩗

  • from Ethan V.

    Thanks you for bringing the happiness in some of the hardest times for me. Thanks mate. Long Live Avicii and his Music

  • from Antonio

    One of the best parties I ever had! (Ushuaïa Ibiza 2013). Thanks AVICII

  • from S.from??

    Your songs give me the power.I ❤ you Tim.R.I.P

  • from Joanne

    No words needed only enough to say I Love Avicii AND HIS Music ????

  • from Khoa Duong

    You inspired me into EDM. Your music cheers me up when I'm feeling down. Now you're gone but you still live in our hearts. Rest In Peace a Legend. Thank you for all the music Avicii <3

  • from Chris

    Rest in peace mate.

  • from no name

    rest in peace u are the best

  • from Gabriel

    Avicii meant and still means to me one of the greatest composers of the century. Tons of great memories of my life are related with his music. I'm proud of being able to say that I lived and enjoyed his music when he was alive. You will surely be missed my everyone. Legend.

  • from Patty

    Ten More Days-Hope There’s Someone n Black&Blue: surprising music but chilling words. 3 songs with the saddest words I've ever heard?But I didn't know who you were referring to. It took your death and Movie on Netflix to realize that u were talking of you. You really were sad and alone in deep despair asking for hope n help that nobody gave you. And I'm angry with myself making me feel useless and powerless. Not able to understand before to help you???I'm hurt forever.❤️????❤️

  • from Margherita

    My dear Tim I'm back from Rome where I presented my (your) book. I'm always happy when I can talk about you put on your songs and read their lyrics. People were amazed: they didn't know you and your songs but now they do through me who am your voice. Did you see me? Did you hear me telling your story reading your beautiful songs? Less than two weeks and there will be another presentation in the town where I grew up; there too people will know you and love you. So I keep you alive darling

  • from Makram

    I was 8 when i first listened to Levels on the radio and I have loved Avicii's music ever since. His collabs with Coldplay are some of my favorite songs of all time Rest In Peace legend

  • from España18

    Siempre signico mucho para mi cuando mis días no tenian sentido escuchaba su muisca y sentia un feeling increible siento que toda mi vida lo recordare tal parecia que sus canciones entendian mi vida y mucho de ello me hace sentir muy bien. Gracias avicii por darme una manera de ver la vida diferente gracias por hacerme amar la musica electronica.? Friend of mine

  • from Hans Mignon

    Thanks for the music!!! The best DJ producer…

  • from Hugh

    Just read an article about how Avicii was trying to learn meditation for some time before his death. It is a real shame he didn't do a 10 day vipassana course. It would have helped him and could have prevented him from taking his own life.

  • from puchuta

    僕が初めてaviciiの曲を聴いたのは小学校のときにラジオから流れていた時だった。 彼の曲を聴いた途端に体が震えた記憶がある。「なんて斬新な音楽なんだ!」と僕はそれ以降、彼の音楽を追っていった。彼の音楽が洋楽やEDMの世界へと僕を引きずっていった。 ある朝親からお前の好きなアーティストが死んだということを聞いて、僕の頭の中は真っ白になった。これは衝撃的な出来事で僕はあの日を忘れることができない。絶対に。彼の音楽は僕の世界を広げてくれた。絶対に彼を忘れない。 ありがとうavicii さようならTim 僕は絶対にあなたを忘れない。 I love you!!!!!!!!

  • from Emma

    So much love

  • from Aaron

    Avicii's songs had been with me through thick and thin. The day I got my first car the day I tried to hurt myself due to a bad relationship the day I let go of everything just to be happy the day which I'm waiting to enter my new job his songs has been there for me. Wake Me Up Hey Brother the songs grew up with me. It's sad to see a good soul go and thank you Avicii for going through this journey with me. We bid you farewell and may you be among the stars.

  • from Anthony

    Avicii your songs help me heal wounds that I thought would never heal. I wish I could have meet you and told you'll will be ok because life is amazing just like your music. If you just stepped back to see all the good you have done with your music you would have never felt alone. There are many of us who share pain and can't find the hope in the everyday sense but when words fail music speaks. You my fellow artist did. May you rest in peace. Gone to soon but always loved.??

  • from Luxolo Kuhlane

    Your music will forever be remembered you will forever be known as a true inspirational legend. Your music has kept me going at my lowest points in life and to be able to say I have lived in the same time as you is an amazing feeling.

  • from Nathan Conquest

    its so heartbreaking that in a months time it will have been a year since the death of Avicii. I was really inspired by his music i listened to his songs almost all the time especially Wake Me Up when it released. I got so inspired i even tried to make my own music and a few games about Avicii non of them were successful but i kept trying. There will now forever be a gap in my life now that Avicii has gone the best thing we can do is move on remember him and keep moving forward with our lives.

  • from Alexandre

    Merci de m'aider dans les moments les plus difficiles…. Danke dass du mir in den schwierigsten Momenten geholfen hast… Thank you for helping me in the most difficult moments…

  • from Yuto

    Thank you for everything. I’m listening to your music right now and am so thankful that you were in this world to make a change. The memories that I have and will create listening to your music will always remain in my heart. Rest In Peace Tim Bergling…

  • from Natalie

    Aviciis song “Wake Me Up” helped me get through a bunch of things in my life. Even when I was considering ending it all.

  • from NJ

    I got to see him perform live twice. Some very fun days. My best friends with me. We danced to Avicii at my wedding. This guy got me into dance music! RIP Tim.

  • from Anonymous

    Alan Walker ‏ Verified account @IAmAlanWalker Follow Follow @IAmAlanWalker More I’m left speechless. You’ve been an idol and inspiration to both myself and countless others and your music and legacy will continue to live on. Thoughts and prayers to your family and loved ones. Rest in peace @avicii. And to everyone reading this take care of each other. 11:34 AM – 20 Apr 2018

  • from Jonathan B.

    I am truly emotionally broken but one the things I well always and remember you by is showing me how to use the music software "FL-Studios" and most if all is hearing your newest tracks thank you for all your music avicii

  • from Jules

    Avicii's song "Wake Me Up" has given me peace when I needed it and I hope he is finding the same peace that he needs. Rest in peace.

  • from Ruby

    I loved and still love his music especially hey brother because it reminded me that your siblings are going to always be there for you and you shouldn’t take them or there time for granted.He made me realise that some people don’t get to see there siblings and that we should stop fighting and love each other because love is so important to families.We need to love our siblings cause they might not always be here.R.I.P Avicii Forever in my Prayers❤️❤️

  • from Jana

    Thinking of you ☀️

  • from Mauro

    Always between us

  • from Bassant

    I feel that His song all the time speak to my soul maybe because all the time I feel lost & sad they say that I am depressed but I am not I just got enough from this world his words describe my pain & things that I couldn't describe by my self… May his soul rest in peace ♥️

  • from Diego

    Uno de mis primeros artistas desde muy pequeño siempre te recordare avicii.

  • from RIP ♡ yours jessie ♡♪♬

    Wenn es mir schlecht ging oder ich emotional 'down' war habe ich immer deine Songs angehört ('my feelings for you' 'Levels' etc.) und schon konnte ich wieder lachen.Deine Songs haben diese besonders starke emotionale Anziehung&lösen dieses unbeschreibliche Gefühl aus.Deine Musik hat Menschen soviel gegeben und bewirkt.Das du an der Sache die dein Leben& deine Leidenschaft war zerbrochen bistist so unfassbar traurig.Du bist&bleibst eine Legendewelche Musik&Mensch geprägt hat♡Thank u

  • from Jessie ♬♪♩♡

    Miss and love you ♡

  • from R.I.P you are unforgettable ♪♡Jessie

    Wenn es mir schlecht ging oder ich emotional 'down' war habe ich immer deine Songs angehört ('my feelings for you' 'Levels' etc.) und schon konnte ich wieder lachen.Deine Songs haben diese besonders starke emotionale Anziehung&lösen dieses unbeschreibliche Gefühl aus.Deine Musik hat Menschen soviel gegeben und bewirkt.Das du an der Sache die dein Leben& deine Leidenschaft war zerbrochen bistist so unfassbar traurig.Du bist&bleibst eine Legendewelche Musik&Mensch geprägt hat♡Thank u

  • from Motoki

    I miss you. I wanna die.

  • from Rasmus

    I remember the first time i heard "Levels" on youtube. It didn't even have a name then it was called "ID". That's when i fell in love with Tim's music. We will all miss you Tim i hope you are still looking down on us from up above. Rest in peace Tim?

  • from Vicos

    Gone but for sure never forgotten. Listening to Levels still feels the same just like the first time. Safe travels Avicii I'll bring your music on mine. "Yeah you come to raise me up When I’m beaten and broken up And I’m back in the arms I love"

  • from Emanuela

    I loved him with all mi heart

  • from Amber mallie

    I didn't know u were gone while I was finding myself and spent many times and nights with your song wake me Up battling with Addiction now clean and seeing your movie tonight true stories for the first time and finding out only now your gone my heart feels angry with what u kept saying during your tours no one LISTENED!!! I feel heavy with hurt. Ur up Flying high angel safe from harm and safe in God's hands I will always have u in my heart

  • from Anette

    I remember the moment when I heard your song Wake me up for the first time and I abosutely fell in love with your music. I still can't believe… Avicci you'll always be in my heart and I'm so thankful because you learnt me love House music your songs helped me and you were a big inspiration for me. You still are and you'll always be. We love you and we miss you…rest in peace Tim♥

  • from RI Thunder

    Kãrlek ?????

  • from Anirudh

    Soon we will meet brother 🙂 but not now.

  • from Chris

    Thank you for the song "Wild Boy" i love it very much. You are not away you just went before us in another sphere.

  • from GODWIN


  • from Patty

    They say: if you have a dream or a purpose in life you do everything to achieve it and it will come true. Well one of my dreams is to see Avicii perform live and get to know Tim Bergling. Where are you now Tim? ?So does someone tell me how can I fulfill this dream? This will forever remain just a dream that I will hold in my broken heart ? ❤️??❤️

  • from Lmaina

    his songs take me away from this world

  • from Nienke

    First CD I bought as little child. So much beautiful memories <3

  • from ❤Ging?

    2014 football world cup I did not know that you were the genius behind this music waouh! ! I listened to it so many times .I discovered you. Now I have a tight heart when I hear it. You have the power to make people happy what an extraordinary power Tim. Thank you for all this immense talent grand. Much love Tim unforgettable incredible. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.

  • from Adam

    “One day you will leave this world behind so live a life you will remember’ that’s is my life quotemy motto…thank you everything you brought so much happiness in my life. I always remember you. I even have a tattoo of your symbol.. Your music will live forever. I miss you so much. I remember when i saw you at sziget festivel in 2015 i never felt so happy than that day you live in our heart. God bless you you’re in better place now thank you everything we love you and never forget you❤️

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