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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Amy

    Thank you ?

  • from Amina

    Es tud mir leid um dich Tim um dich als Person. Du warst ein Ausnahmenkünstler – ohne Frage – aber darum geht es mir nicht. Deine Familie und deine Freunde haben einen so tollen Menschen verloren und du hast darüber entschieden dass dich deine Nächsten verlieren weil du verloren warst? Warst du verloren in dieser Musik Maschinerie? wenn ja das kann ich sehr gut verstehen – in diesem Fall hätte ich mir gewünscht dass du nie so berühmt wirst aber dafür noch glücklich auf der Welt wärst. RIP..

  • from PennieM

    Age not a barrier to Tim's wonderful music. Missed. X

  • from Irma

    Tack för låtarna som fyllde hjärtat med lycka eufori kärlek och ren glädje. Du gav ordet musik en helt annan innebörd. Det märktes att det låg en känsla en tanke och jävla massa hjärnkapacitet bakom varje ton. En producent av din kaliber kommer världen aldrig beskåda igen. Vila i frid.

  • from Alicia (From Sweden)

    Avicii was a great person he was a angel even from the start:(( #Aviciifamily!

  • from SquirrelEdude

    You will always have a place in my heart. My Favorites are Levels And Wake me up. If only it were that simple to bring you back. You have inspired me with some of your music. I will always Love your music

  • from Maya

    I remember listening to his music for the first time and I was thinking about what an inspiration he is to me. I want to be just like him!

  • from CyberPatriot

    Avicii the one who revolutionised music to this day was and still is an amazing person though he passed in his early 20s. We all miss you Tim and we wish that you'd spend one more day with us. We all love your music and you. Be good brother.

  • from Amay

    Waiting for love and sky full of stars has inspired me to write a track. Miss you

  • from Tristan

    Your music lives on forever

  • from Jeremy K

    I miss you <3

  • from Nathasa Junior

    WellI loved Avicii since his 'Hey Brother' song was out. What I mean is that Avicii is always in my heart and his all hits songs was mean to me. All my friends said that they were too jelly about my birthday an Avicii's birthday were the same day. Anyway I won't forget Avicii whatever happened that some Avicii's haters tried to let me hating Avicii that won't be happened…Rest In PeaceMy brotherMy Idol My Man My Legend

  • from bully

    we don't miss you we just need the best dj that ever lived on Earth

  • from Clint

    Thanks for all the music. It's hard to realize you're gone. I wonder what can be done to help others still struggling.

  • from Eduardo S. benedetti


  • from Pouria Beshkovfe

    Hans musik får en att glömma sina problem och hitta lugnet is sig <3

  • from Penny Sheng

    You are my idolthank you for writing those inspiring song.You will always live in my heart.Hope you found the peace and rest in peace.I miss youTim.

  • from Patty

    If you Tim can read what I write here every day you can understand what I feel inside in the different moments of my life. 1day I am generous 1day restless 1day I love 1day I feel pain 1day happy 1day bloody angry 1day I cry 1day I smile n there is much more. I can go on with feelings up to infinity. But I wish let u know all these feelings that I live through yr songs are related to you. A strong and deep bond that nothing and no one can ever break. And it's so damn exciting! ????

  • from Rohit

    miss You! World remember you

  • from al


  • from Adam

    Wish you go to a better place. Rest In Peace

  • from Mohamed Gadallah

    When i was child I listened to avicii’s music he always make me happy so amazing person till now his music in my phone and he is in my heart Rest in peace avicii ❤️??

  • from Sara

    Vi alla saknar dig så mycket Tim <3 Snart har ett helt år gått och jag kan fortfarande inte ta in att du inte finns här bland oss 🙁 Vad jag önskar att jag kunde gå tillbaka i tiden och förhindra detta tragiska.. älskar dig!!!

  • from Fernando Delesma

    Miss you avicii please come back.

  • from 梅傲寒

    Avicii R.I.P???你的歌我听一辈子

  • from a fans from China

    It's been one year since you disappear. Time to come backTim?

  • from Ira

    You have no idea of the authentic connection you established with your fans. I love you and hope you're resting well Tim.

  • from ❤??❤

    Tim was a professional and outstanding worked anything but superficial person.A generous genuine person and so invested but that much we did not see.Perfectionist I regret that he did not take the time to take care of him because every artist has his light side and his dark side.Tim carried a lot of responsabilities for a very Young man too much.Work work. burn out burn out A big big loss my heart breaks every time I hear his music everywhere.With my admiration for you dear Tim.❤

  • from Meli

    I cann't believe that in one month you are gone since one year but it still hurts so much…..

  • from Anna Schdt

    You deserved so much better. Wherever you are Rest In Peace. You’ll be missed <3

  • from Another one Khaled

    We the best music

  • from bryanXmain

    many people tried to replicate avicii by saying they will be the next or to live up his name again. truly no one can and if they think they can its only a vision. but no matter what people say i will try @bryanxmain

  • from AVICII的铁杆儿粉丝


  • from Talha Körce

    I love you so much I can't believe this death I'm waiting for your albums. I can not believe this. I listen to your album every day. you will come out one day and say surpriseeee . Im waitin u

  • from Kağan

    Thank you for creating lots of incredible tracks to world. We won’t forget you Tim Bergling Rest in peace.

  • from Coral

    I love Tim Bergling the musician the lovely and shy boy inteligent deep his letters the BEST songs but when Avicii appears everything were difficult for him two personalities in only one boy. I imagin how much pain did you had. You were so Brave and responsible maybe so much Thank you for your music i Will never forget you every day you are going to be present in muy life. A part of me is gone with you even I didnt met you. I LOVE you so much. I miss you. You were special.

  • from Ankit Shubham

    Dear Avicii Not a day pass by when I don't listen to your music. Your music has helped me pass through some very stressful times. You are a true genius. Thank you. Rest in Peace. ☮️

  • from Xiao

    You are my motivation,I miss you every day,爱你◢ ◤Avicii

  • from Noah

    When I got angry or sad or frustrated at something or someone I would go into a room though usually my room and put ear buds into my phone and listen to Avicii's music and it would help my calm down. I loved his music and I'm very sad he passed away. we will miss you Tim . Rest in peace.

  • from Percy

    " I can't tell where the journey will end but I know where to start" – Avicii 1989-2018 We will miss you Tim. RIP Avicii ◢◤

  • from Jess

    I am in awe I recently learned of your music and I especially enjoy listening to ‘Hey Bother’ and the pure emotion it has. I will miss look forward to hearing any new music. May you rest in peace.

  • from Dan

    Got my tattoo with your lyrics! as a reminder to always keep my head up and live a life I want to remember. Thank you Tim for always inspiring and continuing to inspire the generation of now and many to come. You will live on forever!!! Legends never die.

  • from _satan_is_thebest


  • from _satan_is_thebest

    we all miss u a for better day

  • from

    He was the first dj that I had ever listened to. His songs remember me the good times with my friends and my family especially the song levels. His songs helped me going through a hard time where I couldn’t see the light. Your songs keep me alive. Rest In Peace dear Tim. We will always love you.

  • from Jaaan

    Legends Never Die Keep the Party going up there with all the other Legends

  • from DES

    Something about your music resonates with me. It helps me feel and open up. It adds color to a world I've seen as grey for so long and it's helped me see the color that was already there to begin with. I told myself "Someday I'll see you live." … I've taken something away from that though. Life doesn't wait. Thanks for the push Sorry I couldn't thank you in person.

  • from Emma

    Miss u baby

  • from Sean

    Just finished the Netflix series on Avicii and his life. I didn't really know Tim or followed his music while he was alive although some of his hits were my favorites like Levels and Without You. I can relate to him living with anxiety and it's sad that He ended up taking his own life while having helped so many others dealing with the same issues. R.I.P Avicii

  • from Giuseppe Carlo Maria

    The heart of my childhood nostalgic memories beats in rhyme of your music. Thanks for the eternal memories you gave me. Thanks for the inspiration your talent continues to bring in my life. The way you could distilled emotions into your songs like writers and composers do tells us what a deep artist you continue to be. Thanks Tim.

  • from Michael

    Thinking about you guy. Hope everything's good up there. Us down here miss you a ton and we will never ever forget you. Much love.

  • from Adam Robb ◢◤

    I first heard your song Levels on a music TV channel and infact i'm listening to it right now you're music brought people together and helped people enjoy life it was so upbeat and you couldnt feel anything but happines while listening to it you will always be my favourite DJ. xx

  • from Robert

    Jag vaknade upp på min födelsedag och det första jag hörde när jag slog på radion var att du var borta. Jag tänker på dig ofta. Vi är födda samma år.

  • from Ana Luiza.

    Que saudade….. ? >?

  • from AYLIN

    Ich habe schon immer deine songs gehört. Sie haben immer in mir ein positives gefühl ausgelöst ich kann nicht gkauben das werend du mir ein gutes gefühl gegeben hasst das dir es schlecht geht ich wünschte du werst noch hier. …ich vermisse dich

  • from Berat

    When will you be back?

  • from Marco Biolchini

    Your music brought me during all my life I used to listen to your music during sad moments you changed my life. When you passed away I felt somethig I didn't know what it was it was kind of… lack. Thanks for what you did for us. You and your music will be alwais in our hearts.

  • from Martin

    You was the best DJ in the world <3

  • from Luca Malatini

    when I listened for the first time "10 more days" I felt a feeling of sadness the same sadness that drives me to listen thistrack again and again. I'm trying to uderstand how can a genius like u left us in the most cruel way. thank u for sharimg with us your amazing talent. U change in a few years our musical history can't say anything else. Ciao Genius

  • from James

    I miss you.

  • from Corinna

    Dear Tim. I hope you are in your happy place now & you can let go of everything that was dragging you down. You were such a sensitive & good personality. So many people miss you every single day because something like you is so hard to find nowadays. The world today is so superficial & you were a different kind. I don`t know what your poor parents must be going through. It`s hard to accept. Hope they find strength & comfort in every way. Rest easy & fly free Tim see you on the other side…..

  • from PEDRO YGOR

  • from Sara

    Jag vet inte vart jag ska börja. När jag hörde om din bortgång och lärde mig senare om dina strider så låg jag samtidigt i en djup depression. Jag förstår precis vad en depression är. Fan vad läskigt. Du har lärt mig mycket genom din musik jag lyssnar på dina texter och förstår. Jag förstår och jag sörjer. Jag kände inte dig men jag fattar genom din musik. Jag beklagar att det behövde gå såhär långt jag förstår dig. Jag hoppas att du har det bra där du är nu. Ta hand om dig. ?

  • from Lara

    His music was a place I went to to understand the world better from a different perspective. He helped me realize how dark this earth is but there's still light.

  • from Kimi

    You were my biggest musical inspiration I miss you dearly and your music will remain with me forever. ❤️

  • from Zack

    I grew up listening to Avicii and have had had the best time of my life which I refer to his songs as they remind me of them. He truly was a mucical genius and one of my idols. Rest in peacelegend ❤️

  • from Diego da Silva Marcelino

    Me chamo Diego Marcelino hoje tenho 16 anos. Desde pequeno que tenho Avicii como meu maior ídolo! Passei a maior parte da minha infância ouvindo "Wake Me Up" era minha música favorita do "Tim". Hoje sou grato a ele por me inspirar tanto com as letras de suas músicas mas principalmente a como ser um DJ. Graças a ele hoje já produzo minhas próprias músicas todas com um toque de "Avicii" no meio de cada uma. Obrigado por tudo Avicii obrigado por tudo Tim. Nós te Amamos. ◢◤ Eternal – Avicii ◢◤

  • from Mhz

    In "The Days" song u made a promise that u will never get oldu kept ur promisenobody will forget u. I will remember u forever and will listen ur songs forever. I miss u my dear friend :'(.

  • from Каріна

    Вже минув майже рік а мені досі не віриться що тебе немає. Ти єдиний виконавець пісні якого запали в душу. Так хочеться почути що це все не правда що ти просто хотів відпочити від усіх. Дорогий Тім твоя музика – це не просто черговий трек це мелодія душі…

  • from Jun

    I miss you Tim.

  • from Fredrik

    Legend never dies <3

  • from Emre

    R.i.P Bro we miss you..

  • from Patty

    DEAR BOY sweet melody you’ll drive me crazy! I think I'll be hospitalized for mentally ill people if I go on like this. I can’t help but think about the way you left forever. This thought makes me go crazy cause I thought you happy lucky rich and carefree. Instead Avicii was anything but this. "The perception that people have of Avicii is not what Tim is really" you said in an old interview but I never imagined how much suffering and pain you endured. I will always miss you?❤️??❤️

  • from Houçem Majdoub

    Because of you I'm living the life that I will remember. Rip TIM AVICII BERG

  • from Xyz

    I never heard to avicii before he died but now when i listen to his songs I feel very connected and I regret why I never heard to him. RIP AVICII YOU WILL ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE REMEMBERED BY US WE ALL LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Milo T.K

    i once was down and listened to Avicii and his songs especially the nights made me happy RIP Tim/Avicii

  • from Riley Williams

    miss you avicii your music was only getting better.

  • from Naira

    I sending you some love my honey <3

  • from Sahil Hariyani

    legend _'

  • from Zhen

    Still waiting for new albums…

  • from Vico Djiu

    Always have loved his song especially Waiting for Love and The Nights. Just like another hero for me while the first one is Chester Benningtion. So depressed to hear about his death rest in piece.

  • from John

    I remember listening to wake me up with my sister when we were little and jamming to it. much love xoxo

  • from AVICII 2019

    Merci AVICII pendant des années j’écoutais des musiques sans savoir que c’était toi et quelques moi après c’était le 20 avril 2018 et même après il y avait encore des musiques que j’adorais a la radio et a la c’était AVICII tu nous manques ? Tim Bergling 08.09.1989 AVICII 20.04.2018 Et bientôt cela fera 1 ans que tu nous auras quitté

  • from Shawn

    Wanted to see u live one day. Ooh dear boy I wanna follow u. R.I.P

  • from ut


  • from Javo Alvarez

    Your songs were one of my biggest inspirations to become a dj even if I have a lot to learn still. I wished I could learn from you about djing… Your songs will always be in my heart.

  • from puifung

    missing you on earth 🙁

  • from bryanxmain

    still awaiting for any news on avicii team.

  • from Anni

    Moments become memories…

  • from Alex

    Spero tu possa aver trovato pace…

  • from Niirvana

    アヴィーチの音楽を始めて聞いた時、僕は衝撃を受けました。 そして、今でもアヴィーチは僕に力と勇気を与えてくれます。 彼の死を聞いた時、僕はいろんなことを考えました。 生きる意味とは何かをです。 僕は音楽家として生きていくことを決めました。 アヴィーチにインスパイアされたからです。 アヴィーチが遺してくれたものは何か。 それは生きる意味を探し続ける意義です。 アヴィーチはそれを音楽で示してくれました。 そして僕もそれを音楽で証明したい。 アヴィーチが遺してくれた音楽のように、 勇気や力を与えられる音楽を作ります。 アヴィーチ、天国でもゆっくり休んでください。

  • from FX0S

    Wake Me Up during The Nights Without You everything will Fade Into Darkness. Heaven Dear boy You Make Me Back Where I Belong.

  • from Carson

    Keep making music up in heaven❤️ We miss you!?????

  • from Unnamed

    I know this is very late but i just want to say how much i miss u if u were still here this place would have some real music instead or rap. Everyone misses u. <3

  • from Zekaris

    you inspire me a lot and i wish you were still alive <3 from california

  • from Felipe

    their music frame my childhood and my life will always be in my mind and in my heart <3

  • from Ana Pacheco

    When I was dealing with depression I remember hearing ”I Could Be the One” hoping to be that woman hoping to get out of my cicle and live life to the fullest and enjoy. To be ME to be my one. Everytime I hear the song I remember how bad I was at the time and how I’m finally happy. Thanks for your music Avicii because music is the purest way to connect with people.

  • from Sara

    You are missed. Your creative genius soul will never be replaced.

  • from DGYF

    Still miss you. Avicii.

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