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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Elena

    I love you Avicii you are the best DJ in the whole world

  • from JackRobin

    It's gonna be 4.20……5 years have passed

  • from German

    Avicii your music was amazing. Every party or just meet-up with friends became 10 times better with your music. Thank you for everything. Rest In Peace.

  • from Merganzer

    Avicii Forever◢ ◤

  • from Giannicola

    Went always running in my favourite place with Tim’s music and always will.

  • from Iustin Neaga

    One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember Thank you Tim you will always be remembered as a legend

  • from RAFA SILVA


  • from Fred

    I am trying.. and I will try… We miss you!

  • from Prashanth Manjunathaiah

    ಜಸ್ಟ್ ಲವ್ ಫ್ರಮ್ ಇಂಡಿಯಾ ಎಲ್ಲೇ ಇರಿ ಹೇಗೆ ಇರಿ ಎಂದೆಂದೂ ಮನದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವೇ ತುಂಬಿರಿ Love and respect from bangalore India

  • from h g yong

    i miss u avichii always thank you

  • from Shivank

    Loved the song 'The Nights' I passed my days of suffering by listening to it. It gave me a sort of motivation to do something in life. Sadly my plan of meeting him shattered But your musics will live FOREVER !

  • from Andres

    Thank you.

  • from y0u53r

    Avicii forever! 1989.9.8~Forever

  • from Den one of the best fans of Avicii.

    This is story about my live. It was 3 years ago I felt depressed frightened and got nothing from my work. I was alone because my parents died in auto catastrophe. One day I wanted to end with my life but I wanted to listen 5 random songs. The last song was be "Nights" Avicii. And once I heard it I can't unheard it. I got motivation to live and I got fire feeling in my heart. Thank you Tim. Thank you for the saving me from suicide. You've guided me the right point of life.

  • from MONSTER

    Thank you for giving music to all of us especially tracks like "Wake me up" and "Levels" are the most memorable tracks that I will never forget. I want the whole world to remember you but never forget the DJ. Thanks to your creativity. You are in our hearts in our memories forever. It's hard to admit that you're gone

  • from Leonardo Rodrigues

    When I heard "Wake Me Up" for the first time I was at my parents' house a few months away from moving to another city. It was a special and remarkable moment. There were several years and phases of my life and their music was always present. Today you are no longer with us but vice will always be in my ears and heart.

  • from Leonardo Rodrigues

    Quando ouvi "Wake me Up" pela primeira vez estava na casa dos meus pais a poucos meses de me mudar de cidade. Foi um momento especial e marcante. Foram vários anos e fases da minha vida e suas musicas sempre estavam presentes. Hoje você não está mais conosco mas vice sempre estará nos meus ouvidos e coração.

  • from David

    Siempre en mi corazon ❤

  • from Bas

    Bedankt Avicii voor alles! Rust zacht!

  • from Nico

    Legends never die ❤️

  • from Mats

    Legende forever

  • from Mink

    Hi I am 11 years old and I listen to my idol Avicii every day. If he were still alive I would have loved to see him in concert. Unfortunately that is no longer possible. Next Thursday (April 20 2023) it will be 5 years since we lost a legend. But even though he is no longer in the world he will forever remain in the minds of millions of people. Including mine. Let's hope that everyone who wants to can meet him in heaven. R.I.P

  • from Luca

    Almost 5 years but we will not forget you <3 ◢◤

  • from Brian

    I dont have "story love" -cry-

  • from Off

    Sempre con noi manchi da morire ❤️

  • from Barbara Barrie

    The best music is played in Heaven by its creators

  • from 4tng

    thank you for your great songs

  • from Farrell

    Best musician of all time ♥️🕊️

  • from Åse❤💔🖤

    Tim jag saknar dig varje dag. Just nu spelar jag Stories och tårarna kommer. Snart är det 5 år sedan du tog ditt liv. Jag glömmer aldrig när jag hörde den tragiska nyheten i mitt kök. Det tog flera månader innan jag förstod att det var sant. Jag önskar jag hade varit där och sett till att du fick den hjälp du behövde. En utopi. Men du är för evigt saknad. Love and peace❤❤❤

  • from 权圣

    很高兴认识你六年了Avicii,我记得是在2017年的时候第一次听你的歌,那时候我刚上高中,对身边的环境很不熟悉,每次去学校坐在车上,选个靠窗的位置,一个人静静的听你的歌。你的音乐很激励,治愈我。还有七天就是20号了,五年前你去天堂后,每次看到关于你的视频总能热泪盈眶,内心澎湃,你的音乐绝对是最有力量的,Avicii forever !!!

  • from Aj

    You opened the door to the beautiful world of EDM for me I will forever be grateful.

  • from anon imos

    i just luv this dude

  • from SanRo

    My feelings for you help me to do homework. Bromance while writing love letters. Silhouette to draw on afternoons. Levels to run. I could be the one for working. City Lights to smile. Heaven to my almost husband. Waiting for love to sex. Blessed to decide change life paths and start this year to study music production. Every music Tim made saves a memory while growing up. Thank you so much for that for the inspiration and the melodic hopes. Hugs from Puebla México. We love you Tim.

  • from Mileny Angelo

  • from Aidan

    Thank you Tim. You've helped me through the darkness.

  • from Bebê da Tale Angel

    É um Anjo de Asas de cor branco quando está do lado da luz e Anjos de Asas de cor preto quando está nas trevas e ele tem a capacidade de soltar fogo e raios e tornados sobre a terra e criar tecnologia futurista super avançada e letal e ele matar e queimar os seus inimigos e ele Todos os Dias e ele tem muitos filhos com várias mulheres e ele Tomar Redbull e Cerveja Heineken e Fumar maconha ou Cannabis e a Erva pra recuperar a memória e melhorar a memória e ele tem que receber orações !

  • from Bucky <3

    Avicii Every year on the 20th April I light a candle in honor of Tim. Every time I listen to music I will forever be thankful for him to open up this new world to me and help me go through rough times. Because he wasn't only a famous artist for me and I wasn't only a fan. He will forever be a huge part of my life for me. I hope you found rest Tim. Thank you for everything 🤍

  • from Bucky <3

    Avicii I remember me crying so many times just because I missed him and couldn't get to meet him ever. I remember breaking down badly because of it and wanting to change places with him just to show him how many people loved him and how many lives he has changed. I wanted him to know that he was my safe place through my whole childhood and through all the dark times. I wanted to get to know him and try to make him happier than he was. But I couldn't and now he's gone and I can't change anything

  • from Bucky <3

    Avicii I've listened to was waiting for love as I was probably around 9/10 years old and it was also the first time I've cried to a song. Since then I started loving music with all my heart. I collected his CDs and I wanted nothing more than go to one of his concerts but I wasn't old enough to go by myself and it broke my heart when I found out that he stopped giving concerts in 2016. Now when I look back at how he was feeling all the time I wish he would have retrieved earlier.

  • from Bucky <3

    I still remember the exact moment I saw the terrible news. I was almost 12 years old and he was my favorite artist and I couldn't even listen to his Songs anymore after I found out what happenedbecause I just missed him so much. I drew pictures about him and watched the tribute concert about a million times. He was the person that made me love music. He was the first person to make me cry of how much a song touched me. The first song

  • from DominionSilas

    I always felt Tim was different. There was a soul and brotherhood you could relate to in his music. Poignant ethereal jubilant and colourful all at once I will always enjoy his lyrics and melodies!

  • from Theo

    I remember my first time listening to one of his songs which was wake me up. I remember how many of his songs were part of my childhood and I grew up with his songs. Although I hadn’t kept up with him until recently in 2021 and I found out that he had passed away. It saddened me very much as if a part of my childhood had passed. Tim you will always have a significant part of my life as a person who gave me and everyone many songs to love and listen to. May the Lord bless you and your family.

  • from Norris

    Your music saved me. I'll never forget you Avicii. I love you!

  • from Yusuf


  • from I G

    He was young but he created something great in a short time. I love many of his songs. He was truly talented. I am sorry for the parents' loss. He will be back to life again and have a wonderful future ahead of him!

  • from Hamioki

    Forever in my heart Avicii

  • from

    Vibing to songs like the nights and hey brother in my best friends car

  • from Bruno

    Forever in our hearts never forgotten.

  • from someone forgot to turn of caps lock – ZIEN WISTARIA


  • from Wesley

    You are an inspiration and created wonderful music. I send your family prayers as I know it must be hard without him. R.I.P Avicii !!!

  • from 吴天翔

    I can’t live without you!

  • from SaumonDeLuxe

    We all love you

  • from Jolly

  • from Nicklas

    “When I die people will remember me for the life I lived not for the money I made.” – Avicii TRUE STORY brother ❤️ You are still here with us

  • from 阿冬-一位来自广州的朋友

    A神,到了下周你就已经走了五年了,我这辈子都不会忘记18年那个夏天,那天知道你的消息时,我无比震惊地冲出大学实验室,一遍遍刷新我的讯息,就是想告诉自己这个消息是假的。我真的很幸运能够遇见你,在19年我去了一次佛山的纪念会,那时候我状态也不是很好,但是却能感受到大家的热情, 现在的我已经毕业工作了,我今年又来啦,我希望自己可以重新去感受你的音乐,嘿嘿。我真的好喜欢好喜欢你和你的音乐,虽然你离开了,但是你给我们带来的幸福却能一直一直流传下去。五年了,我真的好想好想你啊A神呜呜。◢ ◤

  • from Jo Shelley

    Tim I am so sorry that you suffered. Your music continues to bring joy and tears in equal measure. Know that you are loved and missed by so many not just your fans. Our thoughts are with your family and friends – your loss must be profound for them and I send them love and prayers.

  • from w

    Still THE BEST DJ of all time thank u for 'Without You' and 'Hey Brother' I cannot listen to these 2 masterpieces without feeling goosebumps and emotion. Major love Avicii!!!

  • from joliv

    I love Avicii always he was my best musician since of the seven years my first listen of Wake Me Up since then I have a dream of find me with Avicii wherever you are and create songs with Avicii. A day meeting Avicii … Joliv

  • from Shohruh

    i started listening to Avicii when i was 12 years old and i remember when i for the first time listen to"Hey Brother" i got goosebumps since then my favarout Dj is Avicii i listen to all of his songs and i love them . It's so pity we loose the great artist ! Love and Miss u TIM.

  • from Hanna

    Forever in our hearts never forgotten.

  • from Mon

    5th years without you

  • from 先乾


  • from Matthew M.

    Thank you very much for all your tracks this was amazing…

  • from Charlton From Cape townSouth Africa

    What happened? We'll never knowwas it Suicide? We'll never know. We miss you Tim definitely gone to soon brother. Until we meet again on the MainStage 🤍🙏❤️

  • from Ivan Quiroz Rodríguez


  • from bob test


  • from Aaron

    You helped me through the hard days thank you for everything Avicii. You will always be my best friend.

  • from Licas

    I just love bai songs so much they are awesome🫶🏼

  • from Hafiqabdaziz

    Misa ypu tim

  • from Polina

    your music is an inspiration to live and be glad that you live right here in this place. you are a cool DJ I would like to see you but fate said the wrong time you chose

  • from Troy

    I have constant dance parties in my room listening to wake me up seek Bromance and all of Tim‘s classics I can’t get enough of Avicii 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

  • from Kuo Shao-An

    I am a fan of you from Taiwan

  • from Rakshan

    English is not my first language and I was a kid when I first listened to your music. I didn't went deep into English songs but you made to do it. I never liked EDM until I listened to your songs. My father likes your song Nights so much we have great memories because of it. You have filled huge space in my childhood but I wish you were here in my adulthood. Miss you brother.

  • from Yusuf

    You aren't forgotten

  • from 오예진

  • from C.

    Eu sinto tanto a falta dele. Finalmente vou realizar meu sonho de viver a tomorrowland e saber que jamais verei ele é tão triste. Sempre que lembro sinto como se faltasse uma parte de mim. Obrigada Tim! Obrigada por criar memórias incríveis para pessoas que você nem mesmo conheceu.

  • from Colin Hwang

    Avicii forever

  • from FARSTIGHT

    Still going on with your music in my heart From one seeker of himself to another

  • from dj hoodie

    when i listen to avicii's music i felt everything that he did while making his songs. i wish i could tell him that he was a very nice and very inspirational person. even when your gone avicii we will always love your musicyour talentand your love. we love you avicii we will never forget you.

  • from Criptex

    I think about Tim almost everyday.its gonna be 5 years soon since he is goneand im still not over it.R.I.P legendforever in my heart😢

  • from Claude-Émile Charland

    I remember the 2010's like is was yesterday all good music on the radio but the one that I was really excited when it came on was Levels. I remember back then I never knew the name since I was like 8 but after when I went home I remember I wrote the lyrics that I remember from that song and it brought me to Levels. My love for Avicii started then. We miss you Tim. ◢ ◤

  • from Park do hyun

    당신은 정말 대단한 살아있는 전설이였습니다. 하지만 좋지 않은 선택을 했고 우리는 아쉬워 했고 추모했습니다. 그를 5년째 추모중입니다. 부디 하늘에서는 행복하길 바라며 삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다.

  • from ED Paul

    your'e a legend forever

  • from orlyster

    wake up tim we are waiting !

  • from Raul Arroyo

    Thank you for changing and saving so many lives with your music including my own Avicii. Your music taught me to see life brighter and in a more beautiful way when everything was dark and sad I learned to love myself and others thanks to you and I’ll be forever grateful. You’ll be forever loved and missed Avicii Please R.I.P

  • from Alexander

    Years have passed time has moved on… But you’ll always be a part of my childhood and memories let’s not forget the greatest Producer of all time.

  • from Broinkorea

    사랑합니다 아비치 당신을 영원히 기억할게요 I love you Avicii I will remember you forever . IN KOREA❤️

  • from Victor

    Tuve la oportunidad de verte en Tomorrowland y puedo decir que fue lo mejor para mi cosas de la vida no estás en el mundo pero tus músicas serán siempre eternas un abrazo hasta el cielo Avicii❣️

  • from giacomo elia

    requiescat in pace avicii

  • from RIØ Z

    Love ur songs your songs is a big inspiration for upcoming artists like me I see u in afterlife ❤️ whoever reading this JUST A REMINDER "enjoy the moment while you can"

  • from Ayush (@ayushanandhd)

    Hey kasak you are the only girl i will ever love i know i didnt treat you like you deserved i treated you like shit but now that we dont talk anymore i am realizing how much i love you and im missing you so bad. please god take care of here no matter whom she is with i just want her to be happy. I love you soooooooooo much <33

  • from Cristian

    Thanks for "The nights" song and good bye

  • from Pauls

    Rest in peace you amazing soul 🕊️🕊️

  • from Kika

    "Waiting for love" will forever hit different

  • from

    avicii create a music that nobody will forget.

  • from Marco

    Your music will be forever in everyone.

  • from Kristoffer Johansen

    You are so dearly missed Tim the music you made was truly from your heart. The melodies you made is what made me fall in love with music production you were truly special both as a music producer and as a human being. While the world lost a light the stars shine a little brighter with you up there sleep well Tim.

  • from Edoardo

    È un mondo più bello grazie alla tua musica… 💕

  • from Linderman514

    You said that life is a boat we don't know when it will hit the rocks every day has a different meaning maybe happy maybe sad maybe boring maybe passionate but whenever I am happy or sad I always think of you A few songs let us remember the happy time~

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