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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Adrian Recendez

    I remember the first time I heard your music and I fell In love with the rhythm of it . RIP to the greatest DJ in the universe

  • from will

    soundtrack to my growth words cannot thank you enough for that. rest easy <3

  • from A guy from HK but don’t want to write down his name

    Dear Avicii Hello Avicii or Tim. I am very sorry that I didn’t put my message here until now. After heard about you death I was shocked I don’t even know why a talented man committed suicide. But after a few time I noticed that the reason you committed suicide is because of the pressures just want to escape from those pressures. Although you are dead you are still in our hearts and forever. Thank you for bringing us so many amazing songs Avicii. Rest in peace.

  • from WALKER

    Dear Tim: It's been almost 5 years since you passed and it's extremely sad to think about how you felt in this material world. I'm so sorry we couldn't take your pain away we love you forever. I always listen to your music and think about you. Hope everything goes good up there love you

  • from WALKER


  • from M

    Dear Tim: It's been almost 5 years since you passed and it's extremely sad to think about how you felt in this material world. I'm so sorry we couldn't take your pain away we love you forever. I always listen to your music and think about you. Hope everything goes good up there love you 🤍🕊️

  • from Heylogamo

    Thank your your amazing music I always hear it before going to work rest in peace

  • from 🙂

    I love you avicii

  • from Kauã

    Live a life you will remeber Tim Bergling Forever in our hearts

  • from Matyáš

    Love you

  • from Jack Anders

    Wake up Avicii we're all waiting.

  • from Finnur

    Well my story began with hey brother. I was 13 years old and had an ipod with ear plugs. These days i was at school and the only thing i could do was just listen to these melodies and trompet lead! This was so amazing!!!

  • from Yokoyama Yona

    I think the story of my love for Avicii began back in 2015. Then my parents and I went to the sea we listened to Tim's songs. Now I still listen to all the songs I remember those times. Thank you for making those times better.I miss you.

  • from Legends will never die

    We ll remember you. TIM

  • from Martin Maderazo

    A generation of music superstars have fallen but his spirit is worthy of our love.

  • from Rudraksh

    When I listened his song 'BROMANCE' back in 2010 I became his fan and started to follow him and giving him the love all I had and have for him which I think will remains till I die. LOVE YOU FOREVER♥♥.

  • from Neriza

    It's so nice to see that people still keep on leaving messages for you on here. For me "speaking" to you on here while playing your music on the background is just cathartic. So like always thank you Tim! You are so loved I hope you knew that.

  • from Chaewon

    I live in Korea People hear your songs a lot in Korea Thank you for making such a great song : RIP Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from dosdoktor

    Always an inspiring person. Sad that he died. Along with Steve Jobs and The Queen. Tim Bergling brought so many people together. So sad that more and more of our wonderful people are dead.

  • from Hugo Fares

    Han pasado casi 5 añós desde su fallecimiento posiblemente el mejor DJ que pudo haber existido.

  • from Uriel V.

    Even after almost 5 years since his passing Avicii continues to touch the hearts of many including myself. His music lives on.

  • from Ndumiso Khuzwayo

    Remembering this Guy this day He really was great Artist Ndu from Pinetown South Africa Rest in Peace Avicii

  • from David

    "he said one day you'll leave this world behind" Avicii rest in peace hero!

  • from Arizki Widayanto

    Avicii… hey wake up 😭😭 You've been sleeping too long

  • from aarom


  • from xkjing

    He made the best music I have ever heard avicii forever

  • from Nhan

    Thank you Avicii for leaving a lasting legacy with your music. You were a music legend and icon. ❤

  • from Cin

    Everyday i look at my arm where I have a tattoo inspired by 2 of his songs à tattoo that reminds me of everything his music and his words did for me. It may sound stupid but I learn a lot about me and my mental health thanks to him. I wrote it on my skin so i can't forget him and never forget his impact on my life. I miss his music and his aura. I miss his talent. I miss you everyday Tim.

  • from Nick

    Avicii I was 5 years old when I discovered your music. I grew up as your talent grew you're music helped me through everything and I always listen to everything you made ❤️

  • from Элен

    Я скучаю по тебе ❤️

  • from Elen

    Я люблю тебя тогда сейчас и дальше

  • from Aangel Jou

    Nunca compartí mi historia completa la música de Avicii me acompaño durante toda mi vida llena de problemas no hubo una persona que me diera la mano solo estuvo él motivado con su música cada canción suya recuerdo una zona de mi ciudad (MTY) donde he estado caminando ya que después de la escuela lo que menos quería hacer era llegar a cada por esa razón conocí lugares nuevos con vistas hermosas. El recordar esos momentos en verdad me hacía sentir caminando al lado de Tim. TE EXTRAÑO

  • from Andrej Vučković

    Avicii has been making me happy for years now. I really wish he was still with us<3 I remember playing fifa as a kid and just enjoying "The Nights" playing. He has always been one of my favorite artists. He was amazing. I'm tearing up as I'm typing this. I really miss him.

  • from Elodie C.

    I've always loved your songs and I still listen to them almost every day they have something I can't explain they make me feel a lot of emotions since the beginning and I really miss you and your talent imo you were and you still are the best DJ I wish I could have gone to at least one of your concert but I was too young back then… And I wish I could listen to new music from you… I hope you're happier now and people still love you you're a Legend ◢ ◤ Elodie from France 🇨🇵 ❤️

  • from Youing-hui

    I started to listen to Tim Berglings music only after he died. And if I listen to his music I'm just getting sadder and sadder that he died. I wish he would be still alive so I could visit one of his concerts… He is even on my wallpaper

  • from KygoWalker

    From Indonesian to Aviciii

  • from Will

    He was the first artist I ever listened to he got me into properly listening to music in the first place good memories from playing his CDs in my childhood

  • from Thybault

    Salut Tim 🫰 Pour citer les mots du Dr. Hiluluk dans One Piece : Quand croyez-vous qu’un homme meurt ? Quand il se prend une balle en plein coeur ? Non. Quand il est atteint d’une maladie incurable ? Non. Quand il a avalé une soupe de champignons vénéneux ? Non. … Un homme meurt lorsque son souvenir tombe dans l’oubli ! Soit certains que de part ce que tu as apporté à ce monde jamais tu ne seras oublié. Merci pour tout Tim repose en paix 🫰 Love from France ❤️

  • from ias

    Legends never die 🖤 Avicii forever

  • from Oskar 19 Austria

    Since I was a very child Tim‘s music made me just feel good. I was too young back then to realise what good of a human being he truly was I only knew that he was a genius of his work. Tack Tim for inspiring a whole industry until today with your unique style and bringing a new genre to this world. The memories and the work you created in your time on this planet will last forever. ❤️

  • from Ivette Gomez Vasquez

    Mi niño hermoso Avicii se te extraña mucho😭 siempre seras uno de mis DJ favoritos se que por algo pasan las cosas pero aun no era tiempo que te fueras mi niño🥺 ya casi 5 añitos que te fuiste y no deja de doler tu partida como su hubiese sido ayer😭 pero yo se que donde estas eres feliz y cada que se escucha un relampago aqui abajo es porque desde alla arriba nos estas tocando tus hermosas melodias🥹🫶🏻 Gracias por crear esta hermosura ´´Without You´´ te quiero💙 Siempre en mi corazon Tim❤️

  • from odirs27

    siempre tendras un lugar en nuestros corazones avicii tu vida continua en cada uno de nosotros

  • from Lauren the 10 yr old

    As a kid I used to listen to aviciis songs and I was starstruck and im sorry you didn't have hope and committed suicide. I was 8 when wake me up was my first listened song from you I was amazed by your melody. BTW I'm Lauren and im 10 Bc of your song wake me up i was depressed so I had a d in math c in science f in social studies and a b in ela when I sing that in my head I get A'S bc it's a confident song to me and courageous song my buddy idk what we doing without you! We love and miss u♡

  • from Julien Proux

    I’ve been a huge fan since I’m 10 and now at the age of 20 your song and the messages you shared in made me grow and understand how I wanted my life to be. Your song « The nights » describes exactly my actual vibe and « True Believer » has always been my favorite from you Tu me manque Avicii ❤️

  • from Seon Hyuk Kim

    Around 1 year ago I heard your music from my sister. I remember the first song. That is ‘Waiting For Love’. It is crazy sound of all my life. What a music?! That’s so awesome. But when I searched about you I’m shocked. Then.. I’m so sorry Tim. I coludn’t do any action for you before that you gone. However You’re gonna live forever in me. Because You are my idol and teacher. Also I always cry when i listen to ‘Broken Arrows’. It is my favorite song Tim. Thank you. I miss you. RIP From Korea

  • from Ayman Regragui RG AYM | ايمن الركراكي

    I made new fans as i learned and discovered making music because of you tim (Avicii) rip 😥

  • from Joss Duke

    Fucking G.O.A.T of EDM songs are amazing he will be missed

  • from Hatim

    Love Avicii

  • from De nath

    Une pensée pour toi avicii 🇨🇵♥️♥️

  • from LittleEyes

    Thank you Avicii you have helped me get through tough dark times in my life <3 my son was born April172018 3 days before your passing he is now 4 Years old and is a big Avicii fan he plays your music with joy!!! we will forever carry you in our hearts!!!

  • from Diego

    We Love you your memorie will be always with us

  • from pais

    in 2014 i listend wake me u first time avicii song and did not like it.then second song u make me i liked that song ..and still producing music ..inspired by avicii future 2023 im going to reles drunk

  • from PZ

    Can we get new songs I miss you so much Tim

  • from Ana Virginia Quintana Gil from México city

    I don't know about you but I always feel Tim's presence when the wind blows so never feel alone.Tim's fans will always have a guardian angel to accompany them when they feel lost or too stressed.I can be very corny but I will I have been checking very often and so I wanted to share them with you. Good luck and live a life you will remember.

  • from Quill

    Tim helped me a lot with his music when I was in my darkest path been listening to his music since the release of "Stories" then the rest is history. Almost 5 years since you left this cruel world but I would still keep listening to music for the motivation and hope in life. Everyone still miss you brother. But we will never forget how much inspiration happiness and motivation you gave to a lot of young people and future EDM artists. Rest in power brother.

  • from Avidetta

    Almost 5 years ago since you past away. Memories last forever still miss you brother. I wish we could make music together.

  • from Jonathan

    Forever the king of EDM. Tack för allt Tim ❤️

  • from S

    Inspirational music never ever will die. Can't imagine that the creator changed the lives of others and encouraged them to do better while he himself could not go on! I am a posthumous fan of AVICII's but as a teen I am going to continue being his fan. Love from India!!

  • from

    We need you. Please forgive my selfishness

  • from Your fans

    When will you come back

  • from John Li

    The first time know Avicii is the song “dear boy” 2016, Tim's song always gave me strength when I was down. Somewhere in Stockholm Miss you Tim

  • from Your Average Singaporean

    I only found out about you early 2022. At that time I was suffering from depression and didn't have anyone to talk to. Until i came across your song "The nights" which I feel in love with. This song really tells me to live life to its fullest. Soon I started listening to other of your songs. "Without you" "Hey Brother" "Waiting for love" are just some of the songs I fell in love with. You were one of the best DJs in the century and it will stay that way. Forever. Rest in Peace. Tim Bergling.

  • from Joel winter

    Avicii was a loved singer and DJ I have been watching him since I was 2 cause I was born 2013 RIP Avicii

  • from Americo

    Your music continues to inspire me everyday.

  • from Avicii

    I am still here

  • from Skyler 7 years old

    I miss you avicii I hope you come back😭😭😭

  • from Mwango

    Sad that he is no longer with us anymore he would have gone on to be one of the greatest artists to have ever lived but am glad we had him for the short time he was here with us He changed music as a whole and and his music will live forever rip Tim Bergling and we miss very much

  • from matsxio

    Dear Avicii you will always be among us.

  • from Rey

    Hope wins forever.

  • from A

    You inspired me in ways I can’t describe. I miss you. Fly high.

  • from Fredrik

    Love u man!

  • from Руслан

    Не хватает тебя! Покойся с миром! ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Imanuel

    Kami di Indonesia mengenal musikmu lewat PS itu sangat berkesan bagi kami. cinta dari kami ❤

  • from Emma

    Thank you Tim for everything you gave to the music industry and to my life 🤍 Flying high forever

  • from Nath

    Avicii tu me manques tellement 🌹♥️❤️

  • from Maria

    Your music is like the meaning of life. Thank you for your creativity and music. I am sad that you are not with us and that we have lost a person with the purest soul. I will always love you avicii❤️

  • from ㅇㅇ


  • from v2o5

    miss u

  • from Rin

    You make me not give up again and again and go my way with my head held high. I almost left in 2017 because of psychological problems and now whenever it's hard for me and I want to give up I listen to your songs. Most of all I want to shake your hand and say thank you. I hope we'll meet someday and I'll tell you how much you mean to me.

  • from Kevin

    Me ever morning I love to play his music in full sound. My favorite song : waiting for love ❤❤

  • from Rose Patterson

    I am hearing your voice for the first time and sad you are now in the spirit world. My prayers and love to your family as they walk on until you meet again. Your music is beautiful thank you.

  • from Dukso

    bratuced ja rokam wake me up u momentov .. pozdrav kaj i da si od severna

  • from Ibrahim

    I really like your song it's very encouraging for my life why are you doing this do you have no enthusiasm for life I remember your song called the night it made me have a passion for life I heard in that song don't mind your life this is an adventure that is far away you are my idol you keep encouraging others until you can't cheer yourself up RIP.avicii Im from indonesia Avicii tank yuo for your song

  • from Ibrahim

    I really like your song it's very encouraging for my life why are you doing this do you have no enthusiasm for life I remember your song called the night it made me have a passion for life I heard in that song don't mind your life this is an adventure that is far away you are my idol you keep encouraging others until you can't cheer yourself up RIP.avicii Im from indonesia

  • from Viktor

    I just love u from Russia)

  • from Zainab

    Basically I was training for a film role to SOS and I missed the chair by an inch otherwise I would have smashed my mouth..but I had to throw myself into it so no option to say um let me move to the side. Job centre really impressed. I have an actress profile now.

  • from Hope

    Hi avicii your the best ever dj that I ever had

  • from Hope

    I love avicii so much I love your songs by your friend Martin Garrix love hope 🙏🙏🙏💕

  • from saori.S

    I remember you forever! The Osaka-Japan performance was the best in my life. You made music makes world peaceful. Thank you for encounter your music.

  • from Vinny

    avicci was very outgoing and shared a whole burst of such positivity miss you Tim ❤️❤️

  • from A S H L E Y

    Recuerdo la primera canción que escuche de Avicii fue la de Wake me Up en ese momento no sabía como se llamaba & quería averiguar cual era hasta que finalmente lo encontré desde entonces allá por el 2013/2014 nunca dejé de escuchar sus canciones ahora tengo 22 años & sus canciones me hacen sentir muy bien & me hacen sentir que la vida no es tan mala. Extraño su música

  • from Admir


  • from Jeni

    It's such heartwarming to see others haven't forgotten you either. Miss you <3

  • from Ashleigh

    I see you in my dreams sometimes when I wake up I'm instantly said but I smile because I know ill see you again. Let's be lonely together ….

  • from Nuria (España)

    Mi querido Tim . Extraño tu mirada tu sonrisa tu gran corazón tu ilusión tu creatividad tu música tus ganas de comerte el mundo…… Sigue iluminando nuestros corazones con tu bondad mi ángel. Siempre a tu lado.❤❤

  • from Martin KR

    Avicii my young life.

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