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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Suleyman

    You were a kind of genius who will never be repeated and the evolution you brought to music through your simple but unique style will be part of history for sure dear Tim! Rest in Peace Brother!

  • from Alex

    Man at the foundation really need to release Forever Yours Ushuaia

  • from Stephanie Dwarka

    Your music spoke to my soul and brought me back from the darkness for over 15 years. Thank you🖤

  • from StevenDiep

    It's so sad to see someone who had it all: money status and a feat of accolades still remains discontent. Let this be a lesson to not overcalculate your happiness with superficial goals that once accomplished never lived up to the expectation of sentiments that one had high hopes of. It is beautiful to see how Avicii's legacy lives on as we cling onto the remaining remnants of his works his music. To relive the past to keep him in my thoughts and to appreciate his contributions.

  • from Marvin

    Thank you Tim for your amazing music and thank you for making my childhood so amazing. My father died over 2 months ago and I was listening to your music all the time after he died. Your music has always given me so much energy and strength. I really love you man. Thank you for everything. Maybe I'll meet you in heaven in many years and maybe you've already met my father up there. Rest in Peace my hero. Thank you -Marvin.

  • from Liziere

    Alguns anos atrás a minha vida tava perdendo o significado foi quando eu escutei The nights pela primeira vez. Nunca pensei que uma música poderia mudar tanto o modo de viver de uma pessoa parei de buscar a felicidade em coisas materiais carros casas dinheiro e comecei a dar valor as coisas simples da vida como os momentos cada segundo cada minuto. Sou grato a Tim pelo trabalho incrível que ele fez que ele esteja em um lugar incrível. De um fã brasileiro ❤️

  • from más

    still listening your set in ultra 2012.

  • from Hoi Nguyen

    Avicii Forever

  • from Érico

    Dear Tim I just wanted to say that your music is something very special to me it's not just about the beautiful lyrics and stories behind them it's much more. It's about a way of life it's about enjoying everyone and everything around you… I can't describe how important your music was to me during my adolescence I grew up listening to your music and always dreamed of seeing you live. I hope that you know the difference you made in the World. Forever in my Heat Erico – Brazil

  • from @shaviprietonunes

    Tu musica es un empujon para arriba es esperanzadora alegre y desafiante para uno mismo con la forma en que se debe encarar al mundo. El artista contemporaneo que mas me llego.

  • from Riptide1220

    I loved your music. Will miss you forever.

  • from Rachel Rose Marie Baker

    Avicii I swear to you your mixes changed my life. You inspire me every single day. I just hit a year clean and sober and I never would’ve been able to do it without your music. I remember the first time I heard “Levels”; I was 13 years old and I was instantly hooked. You made this world a better kinder and softer place to be in. Rest In Peace.

  • from MStK

    Your music is uncomonlly good

  • from JE

    It's nice to see you're still on people's minds. It gives me comfort that I am not alone in feeling the loss. You will always be with me Tim!

  • from ZK1991

    Hold the lines lyrics keep me going in my darkest moments. Forever a legend Tim.

  • from Johanna

    Era 2011 que fue que conoci a avicii hoy 2023 a pasado muchos años 12 y sigo en pie a la promesa que me hice seguir con el legado de tim si algun dia faltaba. Soy de Argentina y nunca pare de bailar saltar y cantar a todo pulmón sus canciones. El fue y será una inspiración para mi. Te extrañamos tim

  • from anonymous

    Thank you Avicii I remember listening to your songs as a kid and the nostalgia joy and hope I get from listening to your music gives me faith in the future of humanity! You will always be one of the best to me.

  • from Shaun Alexer

    You are a LEGEND for me. My only regret is that i couldnt come to any of your live concerts. It still makes me tears when I watch the Tribute concert. Life is very short. But will live for centuries within the hearts including mine. You are the reason why i started music producing myself. You are a Teacher Musician and a lot more for me. LOVE you FOREVER.

  • from Clara Mae

    i still missing you dad Avicii I'm crying cause you're not here

  • from XQ璇

    Thank you for lighting up my winter in 2019. Couldn't believe you ve left us for almost 5 years

  • from Tim bergling Fundation

  • from Carlos Paredes

    Un día dejarás este mundo atrás así que vive una vida que recordarás

  • from Carlos Paredes

    You only have one life to live but if you do it right one life is enough.

  • from Anushka

    There’s something about Avicii. The world misses you ❤️

  • from Moon

    we loved you Tim

  • from Aidan Strand

    Avicii's work was practically the soundtrack of my teenage years. Being in secondary school a teenage relationship; it was always there and I cannot thank Tim enough for the memories he helped create for me. After seeing a clip of the "True stories" documentary I see a lot of myself in Tim and wish that I had the chance to be at one of his concerts before he stopped touring. I will forever miss my teenage years as I will forever miss Avicii and in turn Tim ◢◤

  • from Emmanuel Andrew M

    Really miss you Avicii. Your music helps me stay sane when things get hard and I occassionally shed a few tears. Thank you for blessing us. Vila i frid Tim!

  • from Nico

    With your music I have grown up. No matter if I was sad at home or in a good mood while dancing in the club. Your melodies have touched my heart at all times… until today. I always think of your concert in Mönchengladbach and Frankfurt! It was outstanding! Very dear greetings upwards.

  • from Iza

    We all miss you a lot Tim❤️❤️

  • from Giyo

    I listen ur masterpieces everyday! From Japan

  • from Mansoor Nisar

    Avicii was an incredibly talented artist who left a lasting impact on the music industry and his fans. His legacy will continue to inspire and influence future generations of musicians and music lovers alike.

  • from CS


  • from Carlos

    A los 13 no sabes mucho de la vida es aquella etapa donde descubres el mundo real planteas el inicio de tus propios sueños y en quien te convertirás yo encontré mi camino en la música de Tim a esa edad en el 2013 y no solo dejo en mi el gusto por su música electrónica si no aquella filosofía de vivir para recordar de saber que esta vida es corta y debemos disfrutarla. Gracias Tim por tu música que me ha guiado y me seguirá mostrando el camino a las estrellas. Live a life you will Remember

  • from finnleroy_

    I feel like tonight is my last night. See you soon;

  • from

    There was a time I've never really listened to him. I only really knew Wake me Up and The Nights but about a year and a half ago I started listening to his music and I can honestly say he's one of the best artists out there! It was also then when I learnt that he killed himself and it struck me real hard. Rest in Peace Avicii you were an inspiration to all of us!

  • from Vamsi Dover

    The world believes he is dead My heart always beloved his legacy!! #Thanks Tim # we made ◢ ◤

  • from Anshika

    I miss you everyday!!! Rest in power!!! 💗

  • from W


  • from TK2

    We miss you…

  • from ciara

    Rip avicii your songs are amazing never gonna forget them you were always good at singing

  • from Lu Peijie

    Avicii Forever

  • from Tiago Kogut

    Top top top

  • from lol


  • from 骆

    生活很难的时候,每次听你的歌都会让我继续坚持下去,Avicii forever

  • from Stéphane B

    Merci pour tout le bonheur que tu m'as procuré écouter tes musiques me rappel les plus beaux souvenirs de ma vie. Merci pour tout repose en paix.

  • from Mwango

    We miss you rip ❤

  • from María

    Miss you every day Tim. Your music keeps me close to you always. You will always be present even if you are not here. Wherever you are lots of love ❤️💫

  • from Priscilla

    Your music means a lot to me comforted me during my down times and has ample space in my heart. Thank you for your uniqueness. With Love Then Now and Forever.

  • from HasbtomGD

    I love his music. Avicii is love. Avicii is life

  • from GeoGessr


  • from yolov

    i remember when his music was the only thing that helped me what a hero.

  • from Tunaroid

    On the day you died I drank tequila and pulled out Baba. I will never forget that a lot of people helped me in the days when I didn't have a family in the days when everything would collapse if I was depressed for a day. I want such strong and kind people to be happy and pioneers all the time. And I love Avicii. Necessary. Where are you? this word easy.but I believe deep.

  • from Daniel

    You lived a life we will remember

  • from Bensmum❤️

    You are forever missed your music will always be played a true talent taken far too young and soon

  • from Lorenzo Christopher sukhdeo

  • from 刘雨阳


  • from F2

    Thank you Tim

  • from トモコ

    あなたの死後に私はあなたに出会いました。 会いたい、会いたい、会いたい あなたを感じたいです。

  • from FighterComesTrue

    rest in peace avicii.

  • from 🙂

    You will always be here forever 🖤

  • from Ajibola

    It very sad Avicii you live a very short life but your memories will always be remembered and wish you keep on resting 💔💔

  • from Francesca


  • from


  • from Felipe Vargas

    Ya casi 5 años de que te fuiste. Cuando te fuiste tenía 15 años ahora tengo 20 y tu siempre tendrás 29. Te extraño tanto. Espero estés descansando en paz.

  • from Arhatt (formerly DJBR)

    Still feeling it still vibing to those melodies. Thinking of changing my DJ name to Arhatt. Inspired off of you taking it from the deepest levels of hell to the most enlightened level of existence. Not sure where it goes but I know you're out there sending me what I need.

  • from Raúl

    His music helped me out my problems I wish I could give him back what he gave me.

  • from SOFiAN


  • from Christopher D

    Your music will always ring in our hearts rest peaceful

  • from ZHC


  • from Esteban

    Encantado de saludarte soy Esteban V. González de ExoTecnología Venezuela. Nos imaginamos que en algún momento tu plataforma de tecnología presentó problemas técnicos que interrumpió el flujo normal de trabajo y afectó la capacidad de tu empresa para cumplir con sus obligaciones. ¿Cuando ocurrió ese evento contaban con un contacto especialista en soporte técnico que le ofreciera una respuesta a tiempo? Para esos inconvenientes queremos ofrecerte un servicio de soporte técnico remoto con el

  • from Neriza

    Your music never fails to uplift me and for that I'm grateful. We haven't forgotten about you we never will. Thank you Tim!

  • from David425

    Started with Wake me Up on a 4th gen ipod nano and still listening to this day💞

  • from Christine Philip

    Tim Bergling ✨️✨️✨️✨️ We love you so much !!!! We feel you ❤️❤️❤️ always and forever 😊❤️ You beauty! You were perfect then in every way and you still are!!! Infinite love from Christine Northampton England😊 Hey Brother!✨️✨️

  • from Rebeca T

    I grew up with your music from the ripe age of 8 years old to my now 18 (almost 19) years of age. And just as I wanted to do since I was 11 I got your logo tattooed in my right hands forearm Dec 29 2022. I love you and what you stood for and even 10 years ago I knew you were going to live on through me so rest in heaven Tim and let’s meet again some other life.

  • from Valeria

    Entender lo que sentiste. Tus canciones acompañan mi tristeza. Te amamos

  • from ДанилShemfi

    Я был влюблен в одну девочку которая меня всяко избегала.. Так и избегает а ведь прошло уже 4 года..

  • from Farabi Email :

    A very short time Legend mesmerized us with his life-inspiring songs like : The nights Wake me up. Avicii you will be remembered in heart for lifetime. – Farabi from Dhaka Bangladesh

  • from Lúcifer

    Avicii era um anjo que ele as vezes tinha asas de cor branco quando ele estava do lado da luz e as vezes tinhas asas de cor preto quando ele entrava para as trevas ele fazia fogo com as mãos e energia e ele tinha o poder de voar no céu ele tinha o poder de remover as asas e poder de da asas a seus amigos ele soltava raios e fogo e tornados sobre a terra e ele sempre era o líder de alguns anjos !

  • from WeLoveYouTim

    A devoted fan since I was a teen and always will be. Your music got me through highschool and continues to save my life at 24. I still can't listen to Forever Yours without tearing up. You inspire me to keep fighting my own demons I hope you can see your astronomical influence and all the love we have for you from heaven. RIP Tim. Gone but not forgotten. "Hold the Line" 💓

  • from ConfusesGesture

    Thanks bro…avicii I miss you so much last ever song listen his and ever musician EDM RIP Avicii.

  • from Ivan

    I listened to him because his music resembles me. :'')

  • from Eoghan

    Le7els always reminds me of the best years of my life being 18-19 and not a care in the world. Part of me hopes your really hiding out some where and some day you'll return with a tonne of new stuff but then reality hits me in the gut. Rest In Peace Tim

  • from

    My heart hurts just to think you aren’t here anymore! So sad every time I hear your music I wish you were still with us! I will never forget your amazing music and voice! Love you forever!!

  • from J


  • from Vlad

    let's spend the whole summer with you Tim

  • from Gunel from Azerbaijan

    you are my hero man

  • from METLISK

    Will forever be my favorite music artist <3 Avicii ◢ ◤ Till the end.

  • from TheRedMonadoXC

    I remember when i was a kid hearing his songs being happy and careless. Today when i hear his songs again i just remember that happy time.

  • from 5th august '18

    i miss u more than life

  • from Александр

    Все своё детство слушал и слушаю ваши треки спасибо вам!

  • from Lilou


  • from SecretlyGroove

    Most your tribute to Avicii that's thanks brought here "Without You" and The "Levels" and listening your mind thank you Avicii.

  • from yana

    avicii made my college life more bearable. his music comforted me then and still comforts me now. it teleports me to the best time of my life and i try to radiate it into how it is now.

  • from Vimal

    Tim was a legend and legends never die. Miss you every day I wish you could be still here.

  • from Nox

    My idol since I was 10 I'm turning 20 this year. Used to blast his music trough my little earphones as a kid to not hear my abusive parent and used to look up to him when my depression or addiction was worse a little sign that I can do it. Noone reads that anymore but man I miss you everyday. I lost a lot of hope that it gets better that day. Loosing is only a sign that you really tried." Love you Tim ❤️

  • from Anna C

    Listening to your music and still loving it. You are a legend and I'm still loving the amazing music you left behind. I will be thinking of you on your bday next month. Love from Victoria BC Canada

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