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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Rohan

    One of the most influential and creative musicians of the decade. Thank you for the music that everyone loved. Your death has had an impact on not only several musicians lifestyles but on how the media report on things. Thanks for being one of the best in EDM.

  • from Platinum Beatz Productions

    I was at your first rave man i followed you so close you called me up on to the platform and you showed me how things should be done you were a big inspiration to me and i will never forget that. we will see you in a better place. just to put this out there i have hosted 6 raves in your name and honor after your death and when we meet again your name will not only be known and loved but respect. love you man. the tributes to you will never end why did you have to leave so soon.

  • from Alexandre

    Miss you man we really need you… please wake me up when it's all over…

  • from Ben

    You never knew me but you never left my side. My teenage years were filled with your mind heart soul and voice. I found the love of my life through your inspiration and you will be played at my wedding and funeral. See you in the next life…

  • from SİNEM

    Hey buddy! I miss you.You never leave my mind.You never will be forgotten. I love you TİM BERGLİNG. R.I.P

  • from Margherita

    Hi Tim I'm just back from Ethiopia and hope you had liked it through my eyes. You loved Africa and I loved for you and with you the landscape the animals dawns and sunsets. Oh dear why did you left this world you loved? There are so many beautiful things all around and you can see them only through the eyes of those who like me love you and carry you in their hearts. But your lovely eyes are closed forever and I never saw them when they were open and smiling; I… only look at pictures.

  • from Isaias Sanchez Castro

    I cry for you and I'm so sorry to what happened to you. Because of that I'm always sad. Your music and your personality will never be forgotten by me or or by the other people who truly love you. I love you and now you have found the best place to rest in peace.

  • from Mensaro

    Avicii será siempre el mejor. Espero escuchar las canciones que estaba prerparando

  • from alberto(From Italy)

    wonderful musical world heritage

  • from Isaias Sanchez

    I am truly sorry to what happened. Your music made me think of so many old memories that made me want to cry. This is how I feel since you left us. I really love you and miss you. You were so different to all the other musicians. It was the music you produced. I'm very sorry that this had to happen to you.

  • from JERE

    Gracias por repartir la conciencia del AMOR!!!

  • from muhammad

    the reason why i become a dj ! rip

  • from Vũ Mạnh Tùng

    Rest In Peace Avicii we from Vietnam!! <3 You

  • from edouard

    avicii a fait toute mon adolescence je n'écoutais que sa et ces musique me remontait le moral. quand j'ai appris sa mort je n'y croyais pas au début car un dieu comme avicii ne pouvait par mourir et quand j'ai vu que c'était vrai j'ai eu les larme au yeux. même aujourd hui je n'en reviens toujours pas et trouve qu'il y a manque mais la vie est cruelle et emporte avec elle les dieu de la musique

  • from Patty

    I remember very well the last eight years when I found one of your new song. Was enough to listen to it once and immediately was saved in my favorite playlist. Yours were so different songs n sounds that with only few notes I knew were special and yours even if I didn’t read your name before. So wonderfully the only one! Now I have to settle for listening to the usual songs but like my playlists saved in my smartphone you are saved in my head and in my heart forever. ❤️??❤️

  • from Jay Reynolds

    Your music inspired me to be what I am today your music was my child hood the music I listened to in order to keep me from being upset when I left school and went to prom. I listened tor music when I got my first job I listen to your music every time and it takes me back to those times. And I'd just like to take this time to say thank you my friend for getting me through it all I'll never ever forget you and your music. You're truly an angel. Fly high brother. Much love from me. <3

  • from Marcus Chin(Malaysia)

    this man has created music that has gone above the extraodinarythere will never be another Aviccihe can never be replaced but he can stay in our hearts.RIP:( (his songs were so dope)

  • from Elias Hårdstedt

    "Have more than you show and speak less than you know" Shakespeare "The earth has music for those who listen" Shakespeare "When words fail music speaks" Shakespeare Tim you truly was the Shakespeare of the modern world.

  • from Tony

    The first time I heard Levels it gave me the chills and it never failed to give me a sense of joy whenever I hear it. Because of that song I fell in love with EDM and it's become a huge part of my life. Avicii has produced so many great songs with outstanding melodic that always light me up whether on my ups or downs.

  • from 🙁

    Rest in peace Tim!

  • from Anonym

    Hur många gånger ska det ta för mig att förstå att inte du finns mer. Du var/är absolut en av Sveriges främsta artister genom tiderna din musik var den bästa från Sverige engligt mig. Du kommer alltid vara saknad Vila i frid Tim Avicii

  • from Max newman

    I am personally a singer slash songwriter and I used to preform avícíís songs all the time. I loved avicii and he will forever be missed to me.

  • from Whitney

    You touched our hearts like no other. Words can’t describe the magic you’ve created – the ability to connect relate and express ourselves to your incredible music. Our hearts are broken … we hope you truly rest in genuine peace now. X

  • from Sue

    I hope you're resting well Avicii. Your music brings a sense of peace calm and a light-hearted happiness I can't get anywhere else. Rest well and I hope to meet you someday. Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful and kindred soul.

  • from sophia

    Words cannot explain how your talentsoul and music have touched so many. A deep&beautiful soul and your music will keep on flowing through generations to come. Love alwaysx

  • from philip

    han va däst

  • from ItsBlueCookiePokémon

    I didnt know that he already died… RIP Avicii 🙁

  • from Kevin Andersson

    I miss him .

  • from Valeria Regina

    Comenzó cuando iba a la primaria se escucha estúpido pero prometo que es real recientemente me habían regalado un iPad y yo siempre he sido amante de la música descargue aplicaciones de música y ahí encontré algo que me marcaría por siempre wake me up corrí a contarle a mi mamá que me encantó desde el primer momento que la escuché y me preguntó el artista yo contesté Aloe Blacc y me dijo el no es es Avicii desde aquel 2013 y hoy 2019 puedo asegurar que sigue siendo el amor de mi vida.

  • from Moonsee

    Sé que ya pasó año nuevo pero solo quería decir… 2018 te llevaste a una de las personas que más quería. R.I.P Tim. Descansa en paz Tim muchas gracias por todos esos momentos melodías frases letras palabras creaste algo increíble dentro de tanta gente. Gracias por todas las cosas buenas que nos dejaste. Gracias ♡ Tack Siempre te recordaremos Tim. Siempre lo hacemos.

  • from Dlozi

    Your music touched me. I am so grateful for you. Rest in peace. See you again someday.

  • from Emily

    I hope your okay up there. We all miss you. Never forget how much you continue to mean to this world. Rest Easy Handsome.

  • from MembiPubly❤️

    Always wanted to attend one of your concerts which still remains a wish until next birth may be..

  • from MembiPubly❤️

    I've been wanting to post since I visited this site but people have written so much already that I always go out of words and I'm so glad you've inspired millions of us through your music and the kind of human being you were which makes us write for you. We miss you so much Tim!❤️ I may not be the greatest fan but your music has been such a great motivator for me during my hard times. When nobody listened to me I would listen to your music and feel good(I still do will forever do)!?

  • from Caroline

    Just so heartbreaking watching the documentary and listening to all your music again and again. I saw you in concert and festivals in Australia. So much talent. Such a lovely guy. Wish the stuff you were working on before your untimely death could be released.

  • from RIN

    Your music has always transported me to a happier place. Love you forever <3

  • from Abimael Martinez

    Thanks to you Tim I have loved the music with my heart.

  • from ?

    Miss you

  • from Carl

    När jag såg dig på youtube första gången och försökte härma efter din hand men lyckades aldrig RIP Avicii

  • from Lola

    I couldn’t believe it when I read it I still don’t want to believe it.. I keep talk to you angel Rest In Peace Tim

  • from Simona

    Simply stunning sweet man powerfull in public.. alone in private… remembered and missed Thanks for this memories and emotions which remains in our souls Rest In Peace Belived Tim

  • from Raivo Erik Veevel

    Well I started listening Avicii many years ago it's so hard to belive such a great DJ is no longer with us 🙁 But his music continues living in our hearts and souls. Everytime I listen his music that just makes my day I just forget everything around me and just living into the music in that moment and just thinking about you Tim can't hold my tears back. Just Rest In Peace and Enjoy that what you have achived in your life and in this world. We will always remember you as a great person!

  • from ❤️❤️

    Hello tim. ❤️ I need u music so much Love u ❤️

  • from Katie

    So many good memories are connected with your music. I feel happy and sad in the same time. I feel that I missed something very important. Thank you for everything. And now I got to learn how to love without you…

  • from Avicii_ kevin

    Avicii,alouthgh You have been away from us and this world for six months but I still can't accept the news of your departure.You 're my idol and faith forever. Wheneveri listen to your<> and <>I alway feel heart break. Hope you have a good time on the heaven. R.I.P Avicii(1989-2018)◢ ◤

  • from Alvin Louis

    When I was 14 I met Avicii. His music took me to EDM and his music just blew my mind out. I was going through hard depression in that period of time. Everytime I listened to his music I was feeling my parents..(dont know why if i think about it now lol). Anyways I was abroad student from South Korea and took my scars from my parents with me to LA. And I met Avicii and I wanted to become like him. So I started making music since then. Now my dream/goal is to free people from scars with music.

  • from sofia amengual

    I met him when he came to Latin America Chile and his music made a change in me so significant that I can not describe it. Thanks avicii I will never forget you

  • from Steven

    Thinking of you Tim from Seattle. Music is a beautiful thing as it allows all of us to connect to you and I thank you for that. From one artist to another…. you enspire me to be a better artist. Let your light shine forever my friend….

  • from xyre

    hey avicii. just watched an old interview and you've inspired me to live my life again. Can't wait til' we've all lived our lives and can see you again. thank you so much.

  • from Monica

    I hope you found the peace you desperately searched for. Your passing still breaks my heart. I named my daughter after you her name is Melanie Avicii

  • from Ethan C.

    Tim. Your music will always keep a place in my heart. Yout music truely opened me up to the EDM world and I had always wished to see you perform someday. Your music came from the heart and thats something you will always be remebered for.

  • from Rebecca Nguyen

    Avicii was one of the artists that inspired me to start DJing and producing. I was heartbroken to hear he passed the day I had my first real paid gig. His passing left an emptiness that I am striving to fill through my music. Not just for him but for all the ones we've lost.

  • from Ludvig

    I have been here a 100 times and is going to continue like that. I really miss you too much. Saknar dig. Älskar dig. Jag hoppas du har det bra vart du än befinner dig. Vila I Frid❤️? ◢ ◤ ‭

  • from Juanan

    Every time I listen to your music my heart will speed up what your music can transimitir not transmit any song. The feeling and emotion in them is incredible. You will always be an inspiration??

  • from Juanan

    Cada vez que escucho su musica el corazon se me acelara lo que tu musica puede transimitir no lo transmite cualquier cancion. El sentimiento y la emoción que hay en ellas es increible. Siempre seras una inspiracion??

  • from Amanda

    To feel this pain and sadness for a person i never met is mind blowing to me. When i heard the news i went on a run and while running i broke down into a sob. He left such an impact and if i could do anything in this world it would be to hug him. I’ll carry his music with me for the rest of my life

  • from Elin M

    När jag och min bästa kompis hörde Levels för första gången då var vi 21 år gamla. Det var som det öppnades en helt annan dörr att det ens var fysiskt möjligt och känna den känslan man kände då. Den kvällen var minnesvärd enbart av en låt. Minns det som igår. Tack för ditt konstnärskap!

  • from John Smith

    Tim created the first musics i've listened on my mp3 device on the road to school… He also created the musics i've listened during some sport competitions or when i was needing motivation for life or work… A huge artist that'll stay in memories and i hope futur generations to find and listen his "oeuvres"… Stay strong wise and never lose hope 'cause there will always be someone or something to spice up your life 🙂

  • from Alex

    I remember when I met Tim just before Summerburst in Stockholm 2015 his leg was fucked up but he seemed happy anyways. Thank you for taking the time for a small chat. Forever.

  • from Alee ?

    In 2011 I discovered ‘Levels’ and it was the beginning for me his songs have wonderful meanings & my life changed thanks Avicii because in his music I discovered myself & a new world where EDM was the most incredible thing. This summer in my sister’s wedding she dedicated to our lil sister and to me ‘Hey Brother’ and it was magic ?! Nowadays I’m 18 years old and since I was a child one of my biggest dreams was meet Avicii and thanks his music I could make my dream come true he is eternal!

  • from Rod Leo

    I started listening to Avicii a while ago now. This year "Ten More Days" has been my most streamed song on Spotify and I even had the hunch that made me travel to Oman last August. I remember myself sitting in a car in front of the place where they found his body. It was a soothing and visceral sensation that I felt at that moment. I am now sitting in the lobby at Lisbon's airport while "Waiting For Love" is playing from one of the nearby stores. Thanks for all and may your music always be here.

  • from qwerty


  • from @samppazu

    I'll never forget your music!

  • from Day One <3

    Tim… the way your music affected and changed so many people's lives is incredible. You personally touched not just your fans but everyone who heard your music no other artist/DJ has been able to do so. Your music has purpose and meaning it is greatly loved by all who listen to it. It's upsetting to realise that you did so much for us but we couldn't help you. We will always miss you hope you're happier up there xxx

  • from Wolfie

    I love your music Avicii!! When i first started getting into music your songs were the first two songs i started listening to. When i first listened to Wake me up and hey brother I knew that you were going to be my favorite song artist. From then on I have been exploring all your songs and listening to a lot of them. Like everyone i'm sad that you are gone but your songs will forever be told. You are such an inspiration and I want to thank you for everything!! Rest in peace Avicii!

  • from Kauan Mendes

    Avicii para sempre em nossos corações lenda. #LegendNeverDie

  • from Niko

    When I was 8 years old I started listening Electronic Music and I liked Skrillex by the time. Then he released Levels Remix and I loved it. That is how I met Avicii. Tim Bergling ( AVICII) Thank you very much for your awesome music and for being such an amazing person. My condolences to his family friends and all the fans who love you. Rest In Power!!!!!!!!!!!

  • from Tony

    AVICII inspired me a lot his music brought back the broken pieces of my heart healed me and stuck with me on difficult times more than anything ever did. I just wanna thank you Tim for everything you ever did. Your music unites us all. I will never forget the impact you made on me Tim. Rest In Peace brother /||/

  • from Patty

    Today I feel so angry that wish to satisfy the beast inside my(Ten more days) I wish all people guilty of Tim’s sad end to be cursed to live with pain and hardship. A management not able to take care one 20years old. Tim spurred on drinking n treated like a slave to play on stage even though he had serious health problems n mental disorders! I’m not a bad person but some1 must pay! For all here who loveTim as me I’m truly sorry use so strong words but this is what I feel to say. Peace??❤️??

  • from Jasper

    Thank you Tim your music has moved me a lot. I hope you rest in peace as a legend like you deserves.

  • from Michael

    Just had my playlist on shuffle when i heard the opening to the song silhouettes. As soon as I heard it immediately i got goosebumps it brought back memories from early highschool and of my first relationship. Made me realise the power of this mans music and the great feelings the sounds he created can bring. RIP you absolutele genius an absolute shame to the whole world that your gone. I'll make sure your music lives on through my children!

  • from Djephe

    What a waste…. So weak… Having so much and being so selfish… Remember how some peoples don't deserve what They received…

  • from Jonathan Majoros

    When I heard Avicii died i didnt recognize who he was but when i listen one of his songs i started crying because I know literally all his songs but he didnt die he is still alive with his songs

  • from Alexa

    I will never forget seeing you play the main stage at Tomorrowland best day ever! You were the reason I loved EDM and will continue to love it. You are one in a million and I wish I could see you perform one more time. Thanks for the memories RIP.

  • from Xiong


  • from Inspired child

    I was in a deep depression when you died and it was one of the worst days of my life. But I remember listening again to all your songs with all that beautiful lyrics and valuable lessons and I cried a lot. I needed to cry. I had a special connection to your songs and that feeling woke up a new part of me. I understood depression wouldn't have a happy ending to me so I changed and I tried to be happier every single day. Now I'm fine and it's all of because of you. I won't forget it. Thank you.

  • from Kuldeep Solanki – India

    När jag lyssnade på heaven kände jag mig så mycket emotion. sången säger så mycket historia om hans vägar till himlen. Jag tror att han var medveten om sin väg till himlen. saknar dig avicii. älskar dig och älskar din musik.???

  • from fc

    allweys in my heart

  • from Jaden

    Avicii one of the best EDM artist. Just like Marshmello and Alan walker. But I belive you will rest in heaven. To the best Artist. I'm listening "Avicii-Waiting For love" Avicii When you will come and make new songs? I will waiting for you forever………………………………………. Avicii…. I'm tearing…. Why you commited sucide? Frankly You are the best artist…. Bye Bye forever…. Avicii……. I'll wait you upload new songs in youtube….. Bye Bye forever…

  • from Gemma

    Thank you for the good times musical genius beautiful soul. You will live on always & we will never stop dancing xox

  • from Karina

    Du spelade ALLTID extra tungt på hemmaplan. Kommer aldrig glömma ditt set på Globen 2013 när du bröt spelningen med Latin Kings "SNUBBEN TRODDE HAN VAR COOL FÖR HAN HADE EN PISTOL" och publiken bröt ihop av damp. Addicted To You har alltid varit min favvo ihop med Bromance! Kärlek.

  • from Adrienne

    You were the reason I created my bucket list – to see you was at the top because your music made me feel alive. Although I will never see you play I will always hold what you have created and who you are in my heart. You will always be at the top of my bucket list ❤️

  • from Karina

    Tim vi kommer aldrig att glömma dig och ditt bidrag till musiken till oss och till vår ungdom. Till glädjen av att få dansa och skapa minnen till dina låtar till ditt inre ditt hårda arbete och din passion. Jag har så många minnen med din musik de bästa och största är nog när du stängde Summerburst i Stockholm 2015 och Kallis i Visby 2013 när Wake Me Up exploderade. Får alltid rysningar av din musik och nu kommer tårar på köpet Vi ÄLSKAR dig Tim du kommer aldrig att fade:a för någon!

  • from Lauren

    Thank you for being such an inspiration ✨

  • from I was attended one of his show. It was in Tomorrowland Belgium. I was cried when I saw him 'cause I'm a big fan

  • from Un sognatore

    Ho realizzato il mio sogno faccio una vita particolare adesso e la sua musica mi ha sempre guidato ed ispirato

  • from ????

    We had brilliant nights playing AVICII music and we still will wish your passing had never happened such a waste so sorry for your family you are number one always you will live on your energy will never die xx

  • from Ivan Tizon

    His music always makes me feel melancholic and nostalgic………..his music is my childhood.

  • from Just another lost 28 year old

    All of my “coming of age” stories involve nights with your music as the soundtrack. My 21st birthday my college graduation party my housewarming party for my first apartment and so many insignificant moments along the way that define me today. I thank you for those memories. You spirit will never be forgotten.

  • from John

    I’m 55 and love his music. Always played his songs on my roof top terrace downtown Montreal. Thanks for making me feel young !

  • from Arda

    R.I.P Tim ?❤️

  • from Darius

    I remember when I first heard Avicii. It was like a light bulb came on in my head. I then dove into his music. Many of his songs speak to me but my favorite one is Trouble. I love of how it speaks about the journey of life and the ups and downs that is included. When he passed I was heartbroken. He will be forever in my memory. We truly lost a legend. I firmly believe his music will stand the test of time. RIP Avicii. You are dearly missed.

  • from No. 1 Fan

    You're songs were my entire childhood. RIP Tim

  • from Fred Knight

    I am surprised he died and even though I didn't listen to his songs I'm still crying

  • from Emil

    For the best ever dj RIP we loves you

  • from maarten

    I still listen to you everyday. Still can't believe you are gone. Love you

  • from Guido

    You was incredible. The best artist ever. Thanks you

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