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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Aukje

    Hej Tim gott nytt år! I hope you will really have a happy new year where you are now… ? When I think of 2018 I think of you.. You really changed my life and I am forever grateful for that. But it still really hurts that you couldn't find peace on this planet.. ? You helped so many people but nobody could really help you… You will forever be in my heart ❤️

  • from Anthony ORourke

    I grew up listening to Avicii ever since I was a little kid. I believe the first song that I ever heard of from him was Hey Brother. And then soon enough after that he came out with Wake Me Up which was a huge part of my childhood. I cannot explain how much Avicii has influenced my life in ways hat I cannot explain. He was a very important man to me and everyone else. I will never forget how much he has impacted my life and has inspired me and we will miss him dearly. R.I.P. Tim Bergling.

  • from Sofie 15 years <3

    I just watched your decumentary I’m speechless. You will always be remembered. We all loved u sm?

  • from Royter

    Dear Avicii I don't know afterlife exists or after death there is nothing but i am writing to you. Maybe you can see this. I don’t know. No one knows. Your songs motivate me. They are so happy sunny and beautiful. When I feel sad I listen it. Not always of course but… I think that people will remember you. They should. I’m not sure that all the humans will do this but you have to know that I will. Good luck dude. Happiness to you

  • from Elizabet

    It was a very sunny morning of July. My family and I were driving to the airport by car. On the way we had to go to my sister to leave the guinea pig on vacation. It was boring so I turned on the “Wake me up”. I remember it so clearly. Sun road summer guinea pig Avicii’s song and my family. Later 3 moths guinea pig died. I was listening this song reading the text and crying. In 2018 I knew that Avicii died. Now song Wake me up associate with sun summer and two deaths . It makes me cry

  • from Isaac

    To keep a long story short I cut all ties that I had and started fresh at 21. Avicii helped me through the loneliness financial struggles and emotional pain. I was hoping to see him live some day but now all we have is his legacy. Rest easy.

  • from Katie

    Avicii inspired me to follow my dreams. His songs about living life to the fullest and going out and doing what makes you happy that when he left us it just made it hurt more. He saved so many from the depths of sadness and brought them back even when he was struggling so much. He will always inspire me and to this day his songs keep me going. Thank you Avicii rest in peace

  • from Brendon Victor

    I just finished watching your documentary and i must say I admire your courage to face the thing that caused your anxiety on a daily basis. You live on in your music and I hope that you are finally at peace Tim ♥️ Thank you for the great memories that you have helped create

  • from Anonym

    Jag har alltid svårt att fatta att du är död. Och nu är det 2019

  • from Florencia

    Amo a éste artista más que a nada en el mundo .

  • from Sidney

    J'adorais déjà ta musique depuis bien longtemps … je viens de découvrir enfin ton histoire jusqu'à 2016 et du coup je ne peux que encore plus t'aimer. Ta musique s'écoute et s'écoutera très longtemps sans fin … repose en Paix. I already loved your music for a long time … I just finally discovered your story until 2016 and suddenly I can only love you even more. Your music will listen and listen to you for a long time without end … rest in peace. Sidney Bordeaux France

  • from JK

    Thank you Avicii for introducing house musics. Especially songs you had produced were really a great consolation to me. I really regret not to go see your last tour in Korea. We miss you but hope you be restful there…

  • from Xico Lacerda

    Avicii is my inspiration everyday to become a dj/producer and his music really makes me feeling good with all that melody and beauty. I listen to avicii first time when I was 11 years old and All his sets I ear in the internet made me dream to one day be like him I bought a hat and when I was younger used it every time I was in my pc making music because it makes me feel like avicii RIP Tim Berg You always be in my heart and I’ll always play your music in my sets

  • from Mat

    Your music make me alive. Thank you tim we love you

  • from Patty

    I think and hope I think and dream I think and imagine I think and destroy I think and believe and to whom I think? To you Tim all the damn days! A new year has begun but nothing has changed and will never change as long as I live. I’ll listen I’ll think and I’ll write u every day. There are many and nobody deserves to die but I always wonder: why just you?? Why lose a human being and a formidable artist in this way? What a tragedy! I know that you can see the TRACKS OF MY TEARS ❤️??❤️

  • from Djstas

    your music is the best of all we would like you to be among us to make us dance and sing ?

  • from Erika

    Jag älskar din musik och det är inte bara jag det gör min brorsa också. Jag hoppas att du har det bättre nu. Jag lyssnar på din musik hela tiden. Vila i fred Tim <3

  • from Genaro

    You were an amaziang artist but above all so inspirational to other people. Your music was one of a kind Forsure We’ll miss you avicii

  • from James P

    I had been chasing the song "Levels" for so many years (5 years) since I was a young kid. I had always known the song "Wake Me Up" and when I found out he made "Levels" I was over the moon. I always wanted to meet the guy. RIP Avicii you have my favorite song award.

  • from SANY3000

  • from Music soldier's official

    He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember." You did it HAPPY NEW YEAR TIM <3

  • from Max

    Thank you for all of the music you've made. You could not be with us forever but your music will. I will never forget the sets you played on Tomorrowland those were magical and I still listen them monthly. One love.

  • from Music soldier's official

    He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember." You did it

  • from Fee l

    Happy New year TIM I miss you so much

  • from Nyloc

    Your music had more meaning then most realized and helped me in dark times. I never had the privilege of seeing you live of meeting you and i really wish i could. I really hope you are in a happy place RIP our king

  • from Angel

    Te echamos de menos Tim.

  • from Eika

    Avicii was how I find out how I produced music started using Fl Studio. Definitely opened my mind. I continue producing music for Avicii and be one of the biggest.

  • from Jade

    your music made me love to be wild alive and free. thank you for giving me the happiness i needed in a time of my life when all i could do was feel low. i still cant believe youre gone sometimes but i know youre out there in a better place. happy new year avicii ? i hope your family has nothing but happiness and peace this new beginning.

  • from Olivier Lavoie

    Avicii inspired me a LOT. He inspired me since i heard about him Since then I always wanted to be like him. I just finished the documentary. He inspired me to buy myself a DJ controler build myself from scratch a studio remix lots of other artists and to all be a family. Looking now at myself I woudn't be much without him. He and his music helped me to pass my most difficult times his songs made me realise that we are all important and we matter. He also taught me that you need breaks.

  • from Alex S

    I grew up with your musicsometimes when i listen your music i cannot understand why did u gone so earlyi will always remember youu will be always my favorite ?

  • from Asaf

    The 20th of April 2015 was the best day of my life and one I will remember for a long time. I spent it listening to avicii. knowing he passed away on this day 3 years later gives me chills. His music was integral for my teenage years. I just want to say Thank you Avicii

  • from Olivier Lavoie

    Avicii had a beautiful soul: His songs were inspiring and positive telling tho live life as it is. He also pioneered EDM music which is my favorite

  • from franky

    Happy new year and thank you!

  • from Kumbie Leons

    His songs meant a lot for me. They reflect more on what the future will be like. I listen to Avicii when I'm in all moods and situations. He always had something for you. Will forever miss him

  • from Chris

    R.I.P. Tim we will always remember you ◢ ◤

  • from Xingkai


  • from Daniel

    Happy New Year Tim <3

  • from priceparadise

    Gott nytt år Tim happy new year Tim Såg true stories dokumentären ikväll igen och vad ledsen jag blev åter igen tårarna rann att det skulle behöva gå så långt för att du skulle få vila och bli dig själv igen gör så ont varje dag. Din musik och skapelser lever vidare varje dag och växer sig starkare för var dag du var ett musikaliskt geni RIP see you in heaven

  • from Leo

    Älskar dig Tim. Jag kommer aldrig glömma din musik!❤️

  • from Hannes Isacsson

    Gott nytt år Tim<3

  • from D

    Avicii was the first music producer I have ever listened to. His music introduced me to EDM and I am really grateful for it. I was thrilled when he debuted his new music style that incorporated country with EDM even if people didn't liked it. I was excited on how his style would evolved from that point on. Unfortunately we will never know now. I still listen to his music until now.

  • from Alexander

    Hoppas du fann din inre frid du är saknad!

  • from Joshua Marpaung

    selamat tahun baru Tim!!

  • from Maris

    Tim was my favorite artist since childhood. I really do hope he is in better place now because show business was living hell for him. Rest in peace my friend.

  • from Freja

    Första låten jag hörde var "Waiting for love" min storebror spelade upp den för mig en gång och jag tyckte att den var så bra. "Wake me up" och "without you" blev även tillagda i min spotify spellistaoch jag lyssnade på låtarna hela tiden. Avicii och Sandro Cavazza blev mina idoler. Sen avicii dog har jag lyssnat på alla hans låtar och lärt mig lyricsen till många. Jag tittade på "true stories" idag och kunde inte låta bli att gråta lite. Han var en stor insperation♡ Tack för allt avicii♡♡♡♡

  • from Seiji caito

    I used the Avicci song WAKE ME UP in my graduation daythe day when I dance with my friends and Family and my beloved one…

  • from

    ◢ ◤We love Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from Julius

    Happy New Year Tim. I just finished watching your documentary on Netflix. I feel I have a better understanding of where you were coming from why you stopped touring and your passion to create music. I hope you have found peace wherever your soul may rest. Hearing Hey Brother and Levels in the documentary brought me tears because how nostalgic it made me feel. Miss you lots and I wish got to see you perform live. Rest well.

  • from Hope Stella

    The beauty and the art he produced. I love his music and he will always continue to live for the love of his music. Long live Avicii. The music will be here to show his true passion and love for bringing happiness love and smiles to the world.

  • from Daniel

    We miss you Tim. Everyone that was touched by your music. You’re a better human than music ever deserved. Thank you. Thank you.

  • from nora

    i can't believe it's been almost 10 months. fly high tim. everyone here loves you.

  • from Aaron

    He was great. Miss him lots

  • from Kacie

    Happy New Year Tim. we miss you lots.

  • from Luis

    I remember the first time I heard “Levels’ my grandfather had just died and I was just a little kid so I didn’t know how to react to something like that I didn’t know what death is and how people expect you to react to it anyways everyone was with a low mood so a cousin tried to cheer us up and put the song……..I was perplexed of what I was listening of course I didn’t forget the situation but it sure cheered me up and made me believe something good could come even in that time

  • from It makes an enormous difference. Something as simple as a smile can bring joy and light to those in darkness. -Anna

    It´s new years day 2019. Last night I went to a party. Hey Brother came on and my friend knew a whole routine to it. Looking back there was a lot of Tim´s music played and I have Waiting for Love stuck in my head. Tim´s death still breaks my heart even though its been 8 months. for anyone reading this you are loved and the best is still in store so please just hold on because when everything is uncertain anything is possible. Please do your best to spread love even if its just to one person.

  • from Anonym

    gott nytt år Tim vi kollade just på din dokumentär och jag fäller som alltid en tår när jag får se den <3 fina sakande du jag hopps du lämnar en plats åt oss alla i himlen.

  • from SANY3000

  • from Madeleine

    Älskade Tim. Du försvann dagen innan min 30-årsdag. Din musik har alltid betytt enormt mycket för mig. En av de bästa kvällarna i mitt liv var när jag såg dig spela på Pacha på Ibiza precis när Level var som störst. Men du var så mycket mer än bara din musik. Du verkade så snäll och du kommer alltid leva kvar. Vila i frid <3

  • from O

    Happy new year Tim ❤️

  • from Alexandra Hill

    I remember seeing Avicii for the first time in Niagara Falls Ontario Canada for New Years Eve 2011/2012 with Steve Aoki. What a magical night. He was almost unknown to me and I only knew a few of his songs. Fast forward to the summer of 2012 and he was a headliner at the very first VELD music festival. It was one of the most amazing shows and experiences I ever had with an artist. I saw him 1 more time after that and will always remember the music and this amazing soul. <3

  • from Malin

    Älskad och saknad

  • from Eskild

    Listened to levels when i was 9 years old back in 2011 and just fell in love. Thankyou for great memories and beautiful music

  • from Gabriel

    Gracias por tu trabajo. Descansa en paz Tim.

  • from Christoph Manstein

    Ich bin traurig dass es so geendet ist. Es ist erschreckend was wie die Welt manchmal mit einem macht und wie sie zuschlägt. Du als Mensch fehlst uns. Ruhe in Frieden. C.M. aus Koblenz Germany

  • from Wivi Simic

    Din fantastiska musik lever vidare för evigt❤️

  • from Kenny

    Dj increiblemente talentoso sus canciones invadian mi celular en mi epoca de secundaria y l siguen haciendo su musica nunca morira la inspiracion de muchos otros talentosos djs novatos.

  • from Anna

    Hoppas du nu funnit den frid du inte fann här på jorden Tim. ❤️

  • from Samuel

    A sky full of stars you are one of them! Miss you bro. Your music saved my life.

  • from ღL

    Happy new year Tim I really miss you and seeing your posts. I am trying to live as if through my life I could live on for you. I am learning Without you on the piano and everytime I play it it feels bittersweet for it reminds me of you. I love you and I hope youve found pece happiness and are somewhere watching over all of us. I will miss you always.

  • from a friend

    I love you Tim. You're so missed.

  • from Deli

    Happy New Year dear Tim ! You know in November I went to White Sensation and Nicky Romero played 5minutes from my favourite set of yours from Ultra Miami 2012 where Madonna was on stage with you your first headline. He played it amazingly in your memory. I have to tell you everybody was missing you too I am sure. I miss you.

  • from Emma

    En kille att beundra. Ödmjuk omtänksam och otroligt begåvad Beklagar sorgen för hans närmaste

  • from Oleg

    Avici is perfect Dj. His music motivates to travel cry think of life doing best and believe in good! He is my favourite musician and always may be!

  • from SG

    Dagar går och jag vill bara vara nära dig jag vill få besked att du har kommit tillbaka men det beskedet kommer aldrig att komma! Det sista vi kommer att få från dig är ditt nya album som förmodligen snart kommer släppas men efter det?? Jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig men efter albumet kommer jag aldrig höra något från dig något mer! Och det gör ont det gör verkligen ont! Vi ska tacka dig för allt du gjorde denna värld bättre! Hoppas att du har det bra! Rest in peace❤️❤️❤️

  • from F. Ess

    oblygt vilsen trött hörd andras perspektiv orutin följ ditt brösts klagan men sträck ut en hand

  • from Linnéy

    H a p p y N e w Y e a r ♡ in heaven ! ♡

  • from MS

    My dear sweet Tim ♥️ I’ve been away for 2 and half weeks in a vacation. The first week was ok but the last week and half I’ve been missing you like crazy. It has passed 8 months it’s almost a year without you…oh it’s hard it’s really hard and I do hate this year. Fuck damn I miss you. I love you so much. Finally tomorrow I will fly back home and I can be closer to you. I love you Tim ?

  • from P


  • from Your biggest fan again.

    1/1/2019 and ive never forgotten you. Rest in peace Tim ❤️

  • from I Will Miss You

    Gott nytt år Tim! Snart har det gått ett år sedan du gick bort och inte en dag går utan att jag tänker på dig! Skolan hemma överallt! Jag vet inte hur jag ska göra för att må bättre jag kan verkligen inte släppa dig! Du har inspirerat mig så sjukt mycket! Varför just du varför just underbara Tim! När jag inte kan somna om nätterna ligger jag och lyssnar på din musik för det är det ända som får mig att vara lugn! Jag vill bara träffa dig o få en bamsekram! Vila ifred min älskade Tim❤️

  • from Eleonora

    Today is the first day of a new yearwithout you.I miss you so muchI miss your music and your smile.If only you could be herein this world. Your are always in my thoughts and in my hearteven if I have never met you. I hope you are in finethere in heaven. I miss you..

  • from Peter Maxwell

    Avicii not only introduced me to electronic music but introduced me to the possibility of producing my own music through a YouTube video: something that is now my favourite hobby and a huge passion. I could connect to Tim as a person as he came across as a genuine humble and unassuming person who just loved making music. He will always be my biggest inspiration in music and his timeless melodies will resonate with generations to come. xxx

  • from Caci

    Srekna nova godina sonce

  • from Georgia

    His music saved me and made me happy

  • from Darya

    Привет Тим. Когда я впервые услышала твою музыкуя была очарована ею! Моя мечта была посетить твоё шоу но это было невозможно тогда и к сожалению сейчас:( Твой альбом "Stories" помог мне в трудные моменты моей жизни вдохновил меня на новые подвиги. Ты очень хорошийталантливыйдобрый человек ! Надеюсь что сейчас ты действительно обрёл душевный покой и тебя окружают ангелы. Я люблю тебякак человека с огромным сердцем! Низкий поклон тебе и твоим родителям! Твоя музыка вечна! ❤❤❤❤??? R.I.P.

  • from Ashutosh

    Happy new year avicii ❤

  • from Ellis

    2019 won't be the same without you! <3

  • from Liam

    May The Legend Rest In Peace.

  • from Stuart S

    Happy new year my brother . You helped me through a lot of tough times when I was younger. Your music made such an impact in my life that I made it a point to start helping people ona regular basis. I sold my restaurant and went back to school to be come an exercise specialist to help those in need. I rehabilitate those in need now through wellness and exercise. Thank you my friend

  • from Adrián G.

    A pesar de que nunca se me dio la oportunidad de conocerlo en persona o ver uno de sus conciertos por internet nunca me perdía ninguno de sus videos musicales los cuales me hicieron de verdad salir de un ligero cuadro de depresión por el que estaba pasando en ese entonces. Aunque ya el no esta en este mundo su musica vivirá siempre en mi ♡ y nunca la olvidaré fue la musica de el la cual me logro animar en mis tiempos de soledad. Vuela alto Tim y empuja la roca hacia la punta de la montaña. ♤☆

  • from Daniel Bijën

    Happy New Year Tim! I'm listeningto your songs now as I open up to the new year. I love you your sould and your music. I will never forget you or your impact on the music industry.

  • from Clinton Statham

    Since knowing Avicii from his music Levels he changed my life

  • from Eve

    You gave people music that they could connect to and really enjoy music that spoke to people worldwide on a deeper level. I listen to your music non-stop and after watching your documentary I heard one of your unreleased songs and it's like another little piece of you I got to have one more song. You'll be deeply loved forever. You are down in history as one of the best artists the world has known. But please know the world misses Tim not just 'Avicii'. Thank you for everything R.I.P ?

  • from Zia

    I first heard about Tim in summer 2014 when I was camping with a bunch of my friends near a beautiful river next to a forest. It was around 8:30 pm and “Hey Brother” started playing on the radio. We were all sitting together looking at the stars and enjoying the moment. Since that I became a fan of his music. 4 years later hearing about his death broke my heart. I’m so thankful for his music because my life wouldn’t be the same without it. Thank you Tim rest in Paradise???

  • from Liz: A True Aviciier

    Ett riktigt gott nytt år til dig Tim?? You were a God and your creation was magnificent in every way and will always remain that way. Dear brother lots of thanks to you for taking on such a difficult rolle in this life time you were bold and genius and indeed you did much more than a brilliant job and don't ever believe otherwise. Your music is like the air we breath we can never stop listening dancing laughing and/or crying to the master piece you gifted this earth with. Love you forever

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