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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from

    I didn't know Avicii before. But his music and himself was amazing. I hope the Bergling family will feel better overtime. in loving memory. <3

  • from Roman

    When I was 6 years old I first heard his songs on the radio while driving in a car with my parents. My favorite Avicii song was "The Nights". Now I am 15 I will soon be 16 and almost 5 years have passed since his death but I don't stop listening to his music because I like it. Thanks to Tim for everything. I will always remember him. ◢◤

  • from Samuel

    Missing Tim. Truly grateful for the impact he made on myself and so many others. His music still hits like it did the first time I heard it those years ago 🙂

  • from Benjamin

    I remember hearing your songs everywhere growing up basketball games radio just walking around. now that i’m older i can really appreciate what you did for the world. i miss you tim

  • from Nate Brunell

    I love listening to your music

  • from james

    thank you

  • from kldragos

    Your songs bring me peace 🕊️

  • from Ebba

    No one will ever come close to you hope ur making music in heaven for all the angels up there. We miss you Tim


    AVICII TIM agradecido por tan hermosas canciones dejas un legado un Talento excepcional siempre te recordaremos nos motivan tus melodías te admiramos 11 años ya LEVELS WAKE ME UP me inspiraste hacer un cover dónde quiera que estes gracias y todo el mundo te extraña.

  • from sad

    Cant forgot abt u 🙁

  • from Maria Eduarda Marques de Oliveira

  • from Victoria

    thinking of u everyday (:

  • from Benjamin

    LOVE YOU AVICII and i hope you and my big sister are together in Heaven RIP🕊️ AVICII and You sis

  • from Snehansh Kar

    Tim you'll always be alive in your beats

  • from Avicii

  • from qqq


  • from Matej

    Best one ever.

  • from Dominic Kenny Dmello

    Listening to your song in 2023 you are still with us in your music. Will miss you and the many beautiful compilations that you would have made.. Love from India.

  • from Kyle

    I love you Tim. I struggle to stay on this planet some times and wish I could just give you a hug and tell you how much you help me feel/keep me alive.

  • from Konrad

    Thank you for every song you made. You made my life.

  • from Justin Hoekstra

    Avicii your dead but also alive.. You helped me through a hard time I-I'll never forgot you or your music. Even my final words will be dedicated to you & your love for music. You enjoyed making music and I enjoy listening it. Although you died. You and your music will live & live forever. My kids their kids and their kids will tell forward what a great artist you were. For the final time goodnight Avicii. I love you and your music -saluting-

  • from Adriana

    Your music has inspired and motivated me at tought times throught the years. Thank you so much! ♡

  • from Lollo

    Your music stays forever in our souls <3

  • from reboot


  • from Damian

    Miss you lots 🥺💔

  • from vin kaus

    thanks for your music <3

  • from Teta

    I grew up with your songs and they were party songs. Now I have to live and love your songs are songs of… life and love. Thank you for helping me through so many things. Whichever God you find up there I hope they give you the best seat.

  • from Gent

    Your destiny will stay unmatched

  • from Jayla

    I love you.

  • from Korbinian Walgenbach

    Tim (AVICII) was and still IS the ground why i love music why i make music. A modern Beethoven. I miss you.

  • from bence from hungary

    "he said one day you leave this world behind so live a life you remember" this man changed a lot of people and saved a lot and i thank your for that if i had a chance to go to the 2012-13 tomorrowland i would be the loudest one in the first row when you are on stage. Rest peacefully we will keep up the legacy for you.

  • from Christian Márquez

    You are and will be my greatest inspiration in the world. When I had nothing your music helped me not to feel so alone against the world. I was young and shy but thanks to your music I was free and happy. No words can explain how much I miss you dear Avicii.

  • from Lotfi

    I will never forget you Tim You were my inspiration

  • from Lukášek který na Aviciiho nezapomene ❤️ ♥️

    Nevím proč spáchat sebevraždu ale zůstane u mě ale určitě i u Vás navždy v srdci protože avicii byl veliký Borec a moc velice převelice moc michibíš moje oblíbené skladby jsou od boha aviciiho je wake me up a the night ♥️ chybíš nejenom mě ale i ostatním lidem jsi můj životní vzor a nejoblíbenější Dj s Arnoštkem a to je ten duvot proč sem píšu avicii mi vždy zůstane v srdci a snad se nekdy v posmrtném životě potkáme protože jsem tě neviděl a už tě asi nikdy nepotkám jsem totiž ještě malé dítě ♥️

  • from Lukáš který nikdy na aviciiho nezapomene❤️♥️

    Neznal sem ho ale je můj nejoblíbenější Dj a Aviciiho písně slyším minimálně jednou denně a kláním se za jeho krásné songy a přeji mu z celého srdce ♥ ať odpočívá v pokoji

  • from Lukáš

    Avicii byl můj nejlepší zpěvák a Dj ale hodně jsem brečel když jsem zjistil že zemřel moje nejoblíbenějších skladba je wake me up 😭😭😭 ale zemřel 😭😭😭



  • from Emil Mav

    Thank you for stopping me from suiciding Lve you Tim =D

  • from 熊猫人永不为奴

    我的祖父告诉我的父亲猫王的故事 我的父亲给我讲了迈克尔 杰克逊的故事 而我将要给我的儿子讲述你的故事

  • from pascale

    we will never forget you from Switzerland

  • from イキイキした毎日

    Goodbye Avicii

  • from

    your songs put me at peace :]

  • from Savva

    I love your music so much I hope you're doing well rest in peace Avicii❤️ Спасибо за все!

  • from Iris

    Hey Tim thinking of you today and I’m really really missing you!! Thank you for putting out timeless music. I’ve always had a profound bond with your music and will continue to make more memories through ur music. I hope you are happily at peace 🤍🤍

  • from Lindsay

    I come back here sometimes when I think about Tim and how he has impacted me. I still am at a loss for words all these years later. Your music is pure therapy and avicii is the greatest artist to have lived. Miss you so so much but your legacy lives on forever ❤️ rest in paradise

  • from iminficka

    I miss you everyday

  • from laura

    damn I miss you. we will all miss you. I wish you could've just taken a break before hitting the deep end because you deserved to be here with us. we love you

  • from Jose

    Buenas tardes encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como noticia para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet es decir con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran. La noticia es publicada por más de cuarenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu web y la reputación. ¿Pod

  • from Ross

    I’ve listened to your music my whole life and never got the chance to see you I have a tattoo of your Symbol and always feel connected to you and your music no matter where I go. I will always be listening to your music and missing you. Rest easy Tim You made my life better ❤️🇮🇪

  • from Zarina❤🇸🇪

    I found out about Avicii very late one day my brother told me that there was such a good DJ-musician who wrote cool music but died and lived very little… I reread his entire biography listened to all his songs watched all his performances and I was sad that we would not see such a good talented person anymore… I hope we will see him in the next life…

  • from Pann

    You will live in our hearts forever. Thanks for your great music. ❤️

  • from shun


  • from Kevin

    Thank you for everything I hope you found your peace. May God be with you always <3

  • from Adriel

    He's inspired me to focus on my passions and do what I love

  • from Gustaf

    I started listening to him at a very young age. He was always my emotional support when it came to his songs I loved his vibe. When he passed I was heartstruck. We watched his tribute in school and I cried. I loved him.

  • from Lord69iii

    He is my inspiration his music called 'THE NIGHTS' saved me when i was going to do sucide but his music saved me ….Thank You Tim/AVICII for saving my life now i am also comming in music industry◢◤ ………………………………….

  • from Lim

    I've only discovered his music only until a few months ago. I'm sad to see his talented music career came to an end quickly. Thank you Avicii. You may be gone but your legacy will live on.

  • from Alea

    I love him he really has had a huge impact on my life. His music always makes me happy and my heart breaks every day when I remember that he doesnt exist anymore… He is the prettiest and most talented DJ in the world! I miss you so much I wish you were still here and would follow your passion. I´ve watched your documentary 10 times it is so touching! I´m so sorry for you that you had to suffer and toured in a world that is full of stress! You´re stunning! Thank you for all of your songs <3

  • from ひがやま

    ティム、あなたの音楽で俺の人生は変えられた。本当に感謝している。有名人の人身売買を暴露し消されたのはしっている。あなたの音楽は永遠です。Liva a life you will remember

  • from Javi B.H.

    He made making masterpieces so easy. There will never be no one else like him. Ever again.

  • from Jim ramany kenya

    He will forever be my icon star .. I really miss his music his way with words and everything He is a true legend

  • from A kid who will never forget Avicii as long as he lives

    Hey Avicii we’ve never met and never will. But I want you to know that you have impacted us. Everyday I listen to your life’s work and am reminded that our time on earth won’t last forever. I think I speak for billions when I say that your music has been there for us expressing thoughts and creating priceless moments. Whether we’re quietly pondering about life or vibing along with friends there’s no doubt while some may forget you as time goes by you will always be a legend in our hearts.

  • from Gray

    Getting me through those tough times brother!! RIP

  • from Fri

    Avicii I met you through a friend who played the song The Nights at a class gathering and I started listening to your music and you inspired me… rest in peace Tim <3

  • from Sadie

    I'm still listening to your music. You live on forever through your music. The music hits different than newer music. When I am struggling I listen to your music because it calms me. You will always be missed.♥

  • from Einar

    Listen to your music daily.. New music does not hit the same. Rest in piece <3

  • from Bruna Thais

    Hey Tim é estranho dizer que eu sinto falta de uma pessoa que eu nunca conheci na vida e que nem soube da minha existência mas eu queria registrar aqui o quanto eu admirei o seu trabalho em vida continuo sendo sua fã e sempre lembro de vc. Desejo que onde vc esteja que esteja bem e que saiba o quão importante vc foi para seus familiares amigos e fãs. Descansa obrigada pela história que construiu e o presente que nos deixou: sua música ♥. Obrigada e que Deus conforte os familiares. ♥

  • from M

    Tim <3

  • from Marília L.

    Tim we miss you! <3 Brazil 🇧🇷

  • from Mónica E.

    Good morning Tim!!

  • from Yadi

    He controlado mis ataques de ansiedad para ser honesta desarrolle mi ansiedad cuando partiste de este mundo. Espero que notes todo el esfuerzo que estoy haciendo por que tú me enseñaste a luchar. Ya casi son 5 años de tu partida y sigue doliendo como el primer día te extraño mucho y te amo con todo mi corazón un beso hasta el cielo Tim.🖤✨

  • from .

    Thanks avicii

  • from Sara

    I can't stop crying to your songs. They remind me of so many beautiful things in life that I don't have anymore. They were so special and I failed because only now am I realizing how special they were and how I'm never getting them back. Some of your songs connect me to one place where I loved going ever since I was a kid. My Grandma's. But I can't go there anymore. It's not how it used to be. I wish both of you were still here <3.

  • from Camila🇨🇴

    Serán 5 años y aún se siente tan irreal como el primer día. Te extrañaré siempre ❤️

  • from Diego Toro

    Han pasado 4 años desde que te fuiste y he crecido y madurado me enamoré tal y como dicen tus canciones pero luego llegó el desamor y varias cosas negativas. Sin embargo me reencontré conmigo mismo y aprendí que es genial estar solo y tener amor propio tuve más tiempo para mí y todas mis acciones me hicieron entender que uno puede crecer a su manera. “No soy el mejor pero estoy lejos de ser el peor” Gracias por tu música Tim jamás olvidaré todo lo qué aprendí en tus letras te amo.

  • from Kabban

    Avicii is a legend a legends never die ! You’re forever ♾ ❤️

  • from Alvaro

    Ah pasado el tiempo desde que te fuiste y aún no puedo superarlo. Gracias por tu legado Tim. Tu música siempre vivirá en mi.

  • from Ariana

    Hey Brothers minner meg om alle de gode minene jeg har med storebroren min. ❤️

  • from Ariana

    On the road trip through Europe in 2013 my family and I only listened to Avicii's songs. #memoriesineverforget

  • from Unknown

    Another day of missing you…

  • from d

    i'll always be back <3

  • from Le'v

    Thank you so much Tim for offering those of us who follow you as producers part of your learning in your songs as well as your entire career. But also thank you for showing us a part of your real life. The one that many of us didn't know about that… Hope you rest in peace Tim…

  • from Daniel

    Avicii is a legend a symbol of our times. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest musicians. RIP

  • from Clara Mae

    no one can compare to you Avicii you was the best DJ in the world and you're my dad Avicii🥺😢

  • from Sai alok

    Into 2023 and five years but you still live on…….you are a legend and legends never die

  • from Adreviz

    Even we are far away. Just know that you are close to us.

  • from Flavio

    U will never be forgotten

  • from Maly

    21/01/2023 Todas tus canciones siempre son mi compañía en los momentos de alegría soledad y tristeza. Tu música me ayuda a relajarme y sentirme en paz aunque mi mundo sea un desastre. Te amo tanto y siempre te recuerdo AVICII ◢◤❤️

  • from Ladislau Alves

    Você e suas músicas me ajudaram na parte mais difícil da minha vida serei eternamente grato…

  • from Rei

    I think I can’t find the words to describe what his music meant for me. It is a huge part of my childhood. A chunk of my personality that will follow me until the end of time. Avicii is in all of us. And we all love him.

  • from dylan vanbavinckhove

    je bent de beste

  • from Margherita

    Sorry for the delay Tim but this is a complex and agitated period; we living people are always busy always on the run. Do you look at us smiling from your world of peace and quiet? Don't you regret sometimes this chaotic world that hurted you so much? Life is beautiful dear boy sweet friend of mine but often it is very difficult especially if you need help and nobody is there to give yo a little help. You know all this don't you? I would hug you once in my life; maybe in another world

  • from Afiyah

    Will be always missed❤❤❤🌹🌹

  • from lea

    friend of mine forever in my heart ❤️

  • from Edoardo

    Don't think that I can ever forget you this is not gonna happen. 🤍

  • from Rodrigo Platti

    hey brother your music will always be on my journey thank you for every drop of feeling in your melodies thank you Tim.

  • from Virgen Simon Arellano

    your music has always been there for me even in the lowest of times its been there as I was growing up and it still is as I'm growing you've been a friend and a brother an imaginary shoulder to cry on. i never got to see you preform but it was a dream of mine. your music has shaped me and given me a life quote thank you Tim for everything. RIP and rest in paradise

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