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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Jordan

    He said "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember." Those words still send chills. You lived a life everyone will remember I hope you know that.

  • from Patty

    Ciao Tim the best thing is to think of you every day the worst thing is to realize that you are no more here. The best thing is to always listen your songs the worst thing is to know that there will not be new ones. The best thing is to believe that you are at peace now the ugliest bad thing is what you have been forced to do to find it?the most beautiful thing is your true pure and crystalline soul the worst thing is to be sure that there isn’t another one that is the same as yours. ❤️❤️

  • from Another soul

    Wish we had met and maybe you'd still be here. Lots of love.

  • from Anton

  • from Anton Boksgorn

    The first time I not only heard music I also felt it. Thanks for that.

  • from Gianlu

    Ogni canzone un ricordo. La colonna sonora di 10 anni di vita. Immortale

  • from Maitreya

    I discovered Avicii through his song “Wake Me Up” I instantly fell in love with it. I gave his older music a try and I was amazed.I fell in love with him.his music brought me and my life together. Stopped sucidial thoughts but unfortunately didn’t stop his sucidial thoughts. 1989 – forever in everyones hearts

  • from kevin james

    listening to a song called "levels" of this great guy he is an awesome dj thanks for all your cool songs RIP

  • from Kojo

    Hey Brother your music will never die. RIP

  • from Atul Ramkrishnan

    Thank you for introducing me to electronic music. I'll always cherish my memories of listening to your songs on repeat.

  • from Simon

    Thank you for bringing us so many good music. RIP my King.

  • from YUKARI ARAI

    あなたが亡くなって半年もたちました。 それでも実感が今だにありません。 訃報を聞いたその時もちょうどあなたの曲を流していました。 あなたが生み出した曲たちは私の生活の一部となっていました。 だからでしょうか。実際に会ったことはなかったけれど、今も当たり前にこの世にいるとどこかで思っている自分がいます。 そしてその度Aviciiと検索をしてWikipediaに死没4月20日と記述されていたり、動画のコメント欄にR.I.P等の言葉がたくさん寄せられているのを見て、ああ、本当に亡くなってしまったのだと思い知ります。 すごく虚しくて悲しい気持ちになります。 まだまだ完全に受け入れて自分なりに処理することは出来そうにないです。 あなたは私にとって力強くも暖かく、時には暗い道を照らしてくれる炎の様な存在でした。 今までもこれからもあなたの曲を聴いたり遺してくれた言葉を読んで私は元気と希望を得ることができます。 本当にありがとう。お疲れ様でした。 あなたがこの世に遺してくれたものたちはずっと輝き続け、人々に大切にされることでしょう。 ◹R.I.P TIM BERGLING◸

  • from Une fan

    Les légendes ne meurent jamais … Repose en paix ♥

  • from Fatih

    I never met him in person but I first met his songs in my highschool years and i think his songs have led my way to electronic music. And i kept listening since then. Whenever i listen an Avicii song i travel in time and get goosebumps. Thanks Avicii for those beatiful songs. Love.

  • from Aleksandro Janaqi.

    My inspiration. My guy since I was a kid. Thank you!

  • from Dancin' Man!

    57 year old guy from the from America here who's also a singer and a former SERIOUS Tasmanian Devil-on-the-dance-floor who STILL ADORES house & EDM music. I listen to it every day. Just now learning Tim Berglings' suicide and I am HEARTBROKEN. I discovered his fantastic music about 2 years ago when I was depressed about my older brtohers' step sons' death from cancer in his mid 30's. He had to cut his HONEYMOON short because of it. I was looking for something (continued in next post)

  • from Marco

    Thank you for being such a great inspiration to millions of people.

  • from ?? ❤️ ??

    Leben heisst unterwegs sein sterben heisst Heimkehr …

  • from Türkiye

    You are in our memories Swedish brother Rest in peace Tim

  • from Maud ◢ ◤

    When I was like 11 years old I heard your music and I felt in love. I tried to learn the lyrics out of my head. Thats when I started to follow you and your songs. Your songs made me feel so… free sad happy and special at the same time. I felt so related to your music I can't explain my feelings. It was so beautiful. Your songs helped me through bad times and made me smile when I was happy. I'm so thankful for that. Thank you for everything. I love you. RIP Tim ❥

  • from ntd

    i will never forget you

  • from Joan

    We all have unforgettable moments with your music. Thanks for that ❤️

  • from Joe

    We all really do wish we could wake you up. We love you Avicii. RIP Tim Bergling

  • from Andra

    You were and are my inspiration to become a Dj. Thank you.

  • from Joe

    I listen to your songs everyday they make me feel happy and sad and angry and calm all mixed together. You deserved so much more than this. I don't think that there is anyone on this planet that does not miss you. RIP Avicii

  • from Tim bergling

    best dj of all times and no 1 can ever take u r place

  • from Joakim

    Du var en stor förebild inom musik för många men kanske en ännu större förebild som människa du vågade öppna upp dig inför en hel värld och berätta att du inte mådde bra du sa att du trodde du var introvert och med tanke på all press och alla människor du skulle prestera inför är det helt otroligt att du orkade så länge. Världen är mycket fattigare utan dig Tim! Hoppas du har hittat ditt lugn. Jag kommer alltid lyssna på din magiska musik den dör aldrig. Rip?


    Tim.. Hey 🙂 at 18 I was introduced to EDM music by my friend Luna. It was Wake Me UP-Avicii. a week after we were at my first rave party! and I saw you. You played and I fell in love with the culture. The night I heard this shocking news I was on the dance floor dancing in the club. I sat in the toilet & mourned the loss of you. Then I was in Bali and they played a short beat of yours Avicii. The whole crowd roared. Hope that delighted you Rest in Peace baby You will always be in my heart.

  • from Hak Young

    Miss you AVICII ??

  • from Leticia

    I know your in a better place now and I really wish I could have met youTim. You are an icona music geniusthe best I know and will forever live in our hearts. We have your music to comfort us and it might not be the same knowing that you're not making more music. Your music made me feel at home wherever I was and knowing that we still have that makes me happy. Your are one of the reasons I love music. I miss you Tim. Your music and memories are forever Avicii.

  • from Jordan

    Dear Tim I wish you knew how loved and cared about you truly was 6 months on and I still have a tear in my eye whenever I play your songs. I look through your Instagram hoping for a new picture to be posted so this can just be a terrible dream. This being said I hope you have found peace and are resting easy! To have this feeling about someone who you’ve never met and don’t know personally is just a sign of your character you will be missed dearly ❤️

  • from Stef

    Avicci…. Tim. There are nights where I lay in bed & put my headphones on; and you are the one I always search for. Your music gave me strength and made me feel ok. I still listen to you & when I do tears run through my eyes. You changed my way of thinking about EDM it’s more then just music it’s a way of life. I never got the chance to see you live but trust me you we were one of the Djs I have always dreamt of seeing. You will forever be in my heart. Rest in paradise. ?

  • from Sandra

    Jag tänker ofta på dig och din familj. Tack för musiken jag är ledsen att det blev för mycket.

  • from Michelle

    Such a sweet deep loving soul that was too much for this world. Too big too beautiful but he left his legacy of passion and love for people and music. Rest dear Tim and know how much you changed your world and how much everyone loved you.

  • from Katie K

    In the shortest way possible I loved avicci and he impacted me in a special way. His songs are soundtracks for my travels and memories that cannot be forgotten ❤️

  • from Kingy

    Thank you. For everything. Love.

  • from Hong kong??

    Avicii 多謝你?你令我堅持下去好想可以現場聆聽你的音樂,不知道還會不會出新專輯?id music

  • from chris lee

    avicii thank you?

  • from Aurora

    dear tim I would have so much wanted to know you personally … since your death I often think of you … you went through such a hard time as I do …. you remind me of me …. I miss you very much .. I miss you as if I had known you personally … I wish you could call back to life again …. this whole situation takes me extremely … I would have so much desired …. everything comes from the deep heart … I will miss your music but above all you very much … so much love xoxo Aurora ❤️?

  • from K.

    Tim you are truly inspiration for us.. thank you for your music.. we love you

  • from Joel Efraimsson

    Kära Avicii att du gick bort var något som hände för tidigt för att vara sant. Du var den personen som alltid fanns där för många för att man lyssnade inte bara på din musik man lyssnade även på en talangfull människa som inspirerade så många till att tro på sig själv. Din musik kommer att leva för evigt och det är nog inte så konstigt med tanke på hur bra den faktiskt var. Du var även ett startskott för den moderna musiken och det är enligt mig en merit utan dess like!

  • from Johan

    tänker ofta på dig.

  • from Alice

    Still my favourite artist to this day. Every morning before I go to work I listen to take me in your arms and all you need is love just before I go in and it puts me in the best mood for the rest of the day. His music is always there for me in a way that no other artists are. Miss and love you Tim 🙁

  • from Takavicii

    I love your music forever. I won't forget you and your music. Thank you. from Japan

  • from Edo

    Thank Tim for everything From Italy forever!

  • from Iris

    Dancing with schoolfriends on wake me up. Good memories. Tim we love you! We will never forget

  • from Iris

    I remember dancing on one of his songs on school we had to do a perfomance and we choose waiting for love. It was a little time ago but i have good memories from that.

  • from Abrar Lone ! Kashmir India

    I started listening to EDM only because of Avicii ! I wish I could listen more music the music given by Avicii so that people get unite .

  • from Lex

    I think of you often. I drove past all those windmills the other night and was able to watch as their red lights danced in unison. It brought tears to my eyes. I think of you everyday that i look across those fields at them. I don't think that will ever change.

  • from Paola ??

    De verdad que aún no puedo asumir tu muerte. Eras tan joven me hace pensar y cuestionarme todo. Soy estudiante de psicología y cuando vi tu documental se me hizo inevitable sentir empatía contigo. Tanto que se pudo haber evitado y prevenido me genera una pena tremenda al saber que ya no estás. Solo espero que hayas podido encontrar esa paz que tanto siempre quisiste. No tengo palabras solo gracias … Y si tenías razón cuando dijiste: Carl Jung was fucking awesome!!! Porque si lo es. ❤️

  • from Karthik

    I lived in California in 2014 and I used to listen to 'wake me up' every day in the morning. I wanted to thank you for making me feel good. So Thanks very much. As the lyrics go in wake me up like 'I didn't know I was lost' I am sure you're in a better place rn. Rest my friend Peace upon.

  • from Roberth from Greenland

    best music miss you…………….

  • from Sally

    The songs Tim made are beautiful and each have their own story to tell. I love all of them and will forever listen to the masterpiece he has created for us.

  • from _Family (cousin)


  • from André Pires

    I'm 21 now. Avicii has been with me since I'm 12 so I grew up listening to his songs. Pain is what I feel when I think that I won't be able to hear those unique melodies being made again. I love you man and I feel like I lost my best friend. I believe that this world wasn't made for you. You deserved so much more… Rest in Peace Avicii!

  • from Mary

    Thank you for your wonderful music I listen to your music everyday in my car and have done for several years. It’s so strange how I feel so sad about someone I never met but it’s your lyrics that have helped me through tough times and so your fans feel a connection with you. I hope you have found peace I struggle with mental health issues and your songs are still helping me through. I hope the stories of a new album are true. RIP Mr Tim Bergling a true legend xxx

  • from luciagr

    Tim's music was (and it continues to be) my salvation literally. Since I was a teenager his music was there for me in my most difficult times. Tim you will always be in my heart. . I will remember you like the best thing that happened in my life. Love Lucía.

  • from João Vitor and Maria Eduarda

    Aviciii was my favorite singer and my idol. I wait that he rest in piece. WE ALWAYS TO REMEMBER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  • from ??

    Tim your music is my constant companion! ❤️

  • from Luca

    Avicii was the dj that introduced me to the whole edm scene and still has the most innovative and inspiring songs of the whole industry. And to pay my respect for him i brought a self made Avicii flag to my first TML this year.. I met a lot of people with the same love for avicii and his music. It will definitely live forever. Miss you Tim <3

  • from Angelika from Poland ??

    Przepiekna muzyka ktòra pochodzila z pieknej duszy tak wspanialego utalentowanego mlodego czlowieka. Na zawsze pozostaniesz w naszej pamieci i sercach.

  • from Maria

    ❤️ miss you so much ?

  • from

    I will never forget this moment. It was an early 2012 summer night in Toronto. The sun was setting as we awaited at the mainstage at Veld Music Fest. As the sun was fully setting a warm breeze rolling through the crowd Tim stepped on stage to the sounds of Bubba O'Rileys – Teenage Wasteland. This was a moment of pure bliss that I can't thank Tim enough for. The moment that lives with me forever. Forever missed and grateful for my experiences you gave me.

  • from Joel

    When I took my first flight ever in my life was to met my girlfriend (2.800km) when I was in the plane I just had in my smartphone 1 song. Waiting for love-Avicii. Now a days I'm still loving that girl and I living with her. That song will always remind me that moment. As the song says " There's no obstacle that can't be defeated". Thank you so much Avicii. I love you.

  • from Laureen

    I’ve always loved your music-but i just realized now after you’re gone that you were the producer. Regretting so much I never went to one of your concerts. I think you were just too good for this world. Hoping you’re in a better place now ;( wish I could have got to know you. Keep an eye on your family <3

  • from Patty

    Hi Tim IF ONLY you could know how much we miss you IF ONLY you could see the tears we pour out every day for you IF ONLY you could read in our minds IF ONLY you could feel our feelings for you IF ONLY you could ear the beating of my heart ? when I think of you IF ONLY you could still be here again …So many "if only" without a following…? ◢ ◤Avicii forever◢ ◤

  • from Louis R

    Let’s be honest wake me up is the littest tune known to man.

  • from Alessandro Brun

    2011: I was at elementary school when Levels came out… as soon as I heard it it became my fauvorite song. When I knew that Avicii died I felt really bad I started listening to his song over and over while crying.

  • from Taner K

    Miss you legend ◢ ◤

  • from

    Miss you ♥

  • from mari

    avicii i love your songs they are alwys making me happy thank you for them

  • from Jarne

    you are and will remain the best DJ for me I was hoping so hard to see you playing on tomorrowland you might not be playing but you were certainly in our hearts and the moments that the other DJ were playing your songs everyone was quiet and emotional. tim we miss you and I hope you have your peace now

  • from Margherita

    My dear people begin to read my book about you ; they like it but first of all they like YOU and this is what i want. People of my age didn't know you didn't listen to your music but now they'll know and listen and they'll love you as I love you my shining boy with golden hair and clear eyes. I keep on listening to your songs and always find something new and beautiful. I would know more of your childhood and your teen years: who can tell me something? I want know all about you beloved.

  • from William Maxlee

    i wish i've been to your concert before 🙁

  • from Supun pramuditha

    Avicii's music always made me postive. Even when i'm in the hardest times his music made me feel much more better. Apart from that he's the reason i start listening to edm music. Such a talented person. Even though i know he's passed away i still used to visit his website and instagram account hoping this is a nightmare. I still cant believe his death. So heartbroken.. ?

  • from israel-Minnesota

    his music brought all of us together and we will respect that and give respect to him for all the things avicii did for us R.I.P Avicii.

  • from Pietro


  • from Forever

    The number 1 DJ forever thank you for your brilliant music sir miss you forever a genius at making music

  • from WW

    You were one of my first insipirations to persue a career as a Dj/Producer. You were such a musical genius and every song told a story. Still can't get over that you will never create a new track again but your music lives on and I hope your unreleased tracks surface for all the world to enjoy and remember you from <3

  • from Your nans toenail

    dunno who he is tbh lol. rip anyways…

  • from israel

    RIP Avicii we all luv u 🙁

  • from p.

    i hope you'll be happy now <3

  • from Tee

    we alsways love you.

  • from Alex from Winston-Salem North Carolina.

    Still listen to your songs everyday.

  • from Maria Luiza from Marília – BRAZIL

    I didn't know him as Tim and it was too bad for me 'cause I love the Seek Bromance song. It was this song in a Tomorrowland aftermovie from 2010 that made me save money and go to this incredible party. In 2012 Avicii was there the year that I've been there too. And I didn't remember that until his death "/ I looked for my memories from there and I found the map with the Dj's names his name is on it. We'll never know how he felt about everything. I hope now he is in peace and free. Love. ♥

  • from Carlo

    I learnt how to be alive thanks for your music. I grew up with your songs.

  • from MARC

    I remember listening to my to my favorite song "Wake Me Up" when I was eight in 2013. Thank you for all your music you have been a great inspiration to me and to many others.

  • from Me

    I listen to your songs every day?

  • from Alex


  • from Kate

    Avicii – I didn't realise at the time how much of an impact you had on people including me. 6 months on and I'm still devastated by you leaving us i only knew you as an artist through your music but even so it is as though you had a great way of connecting to each and every one of us. You have so many people who absolutely loved you and I wish you could see how missed you are to everybody who has a deep hole in their life that you used to fill. A true legend We Will Never Forget xoxo

  • from Michael from Mizoram

    Please come back….the world needs you!!!

  • from ayon

    Till we meet again bud.

  • from Reyhan

    They ask me how can you love someone I've never seen in my life? yeahı can love are at the center of my life..and THANKS for being a big part of my life TİM.. #Yeah I feel it in my heart God only knows what I'd have been If you hadn't been a friend of mine.

  • from Cinderella Sison

    To Tim I've leaned how to love without him that's sounds corny but it's true. Music to feed my soul.

  • from From me

    Accept your decision and let go of you very hard. Not just for me. 6months. Magical music beautiful soul. Tim make it the way you wanted it. Rest in peace!

  • from Kedamono

    I'll start by learning about Avicii in 2015 then my career as a music lover began .. Avicii was my favorite performer .. Until then I listen to all his songs not for nothing his father said – one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember. Sorry he is not with us

  • from Mads

    Was an inspiration! Loved his music xo

  • from Simon

    I have always loved your music for exemple waiting for love the nights and more but I have not forgot you and will always want your music Love here from Sweden //Simon

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