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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Abta de belgique

    Tim tu es le meilleur dj de tout les temps je sais que tu me voit de là haut et tu me surveille tu m'aide dans le choix de prendre et sache qu'on t'aime et qu'on t'oublira jamais jamais ! Pour toujours dans coeur je t'aime .MERCI

  • from T.Kuma

    あなたの曲にどれだけ勇気をもらい助けられたか、、、 あなたのことは一生忘れません。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 RIP Avicii

  • from Satish Payasi

    Bro you are awesome your muzic give presence of your soul in your muzic R.I.P ?

  • from Avish….

    You were everything to me Tim from a brother a friend an idol a source of inspiration… I miss your music so much… i will forever miss you brother… Rest in peace among the Gods…

  • from Dano Pando

    I found you when I was 9 and I kept listening to your music from their on out. Me and others can't believe that this happen to you. You'll be in my's and everyone's here from Australia. Rest easy now bro.

  • from Sampath

    RIP avicii </3

  • from Bianpetru

    Remember my first festival in ultra music Buenos Aires U did awesome! Since that day I started to listen electronic music I couldn't believe this amazing world. I can't believe you gone there is no day of my life I don't remember you. Hope you are resting bro Love u deep

  • from Julie T.

    "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember" Je me souviendrai de toi comme de celui qui avec sa musique a su rassembler les gens qui s'aiment. Et c'est avec beaucoup d'amour et de tristesse que je te gardes dans chacune de mes prières. Puisse Dieu t'accorder le repos éternel et apaiser tous les tourments qui te hantent. Love you Tim Bergling. 08.09.1989 – 20.04.2018 ◢ ◤ Julie France (66)

  • from Ayesha

    I remember back in 2013 when I was 11 I remember hearing this song. 'Wake me up' by avicii. When I first watched the music video and I saw ur signature logo I remember just thinking it was so cool. I remember thinking u were so cool. Whenever that song would come on I'd get this incredible feeling the words spoke to my soul and just something about that song literally gave me the most unbelievably amazing feeling and it gave me hope. I can't explain it but I love it. And I love you forever❤️

  • from mreza

    Hello I am Iranian His music was also among our people and they remember him With a world of love

  • from Yağmur (Türkiye)

    Merhaba Tim müziğinle insanları birleştirdiğin ve kalplerimize dokunduğun için teşekkür ederizsenin sayende bu hayatın bizim olduğunu unutmuyoruz LOVE U

  • from Omar A.

    ur music gave me hope and i always adored your creation. im really sad that we lost someone like you. i could write more but my feelings can not be expressed in short terms. thank you so much for giving us hope and joy that brought smile to our faces.

  • from Someone in Japan

    一度でいいから会ってみたかった もっと長生きして素晴らしい歌を聴かせて欲しかった あなたがいないなんて考えられません 安らかにお眠り下さい Avicii forever。

  • from Leonard

    My love for electronic music started when I listened to "I could be the one". I instantly fell in love with avicii's music and I started listening to his past works up until his latest releases. When I first heard the news I thought it was hoax but there were too many stories released of avicii's passing. it's hard to believe he's gone considering what he contributed to the electronic music scene was huge. His music will live forever. R.I.P. avicii.

  • from Unknown

    R.I.P. I miss you

  • from Jake Maley

    I miss him so much!!! I miss his music it was such a staple in my life and kept me going

  • from On Name Of Divisong Network Team

    Avicii Great producer Great DJ Great person. The inspiration of most of our artists and cherishes of the first artists they heard. For us you were you are and you will be the beginning of what we are today thanks to you Ghosets (Guisseppe Aviles "I") started his love in music and wanted to create similar melodies and be as big as you. Forever avicii.

  • from Riggle

    BibleThump PepeHands

  • from TW

    Tim Your a HUGE inspiration for the entire world. Your specific style of EDM is one to remember and honor for an eternity and beyond. I hope that your musical spirit and message will continue to spread throughout the world as you continue from the grave to grow as the legend you are and always have been. Rest In Peace.

  • from Tobi

    Thank you. For everything.

  • from Yimena

  • from Yimena Joy. (Nickname)

    Cause you live in our hearts and your music sounds in our heads.

  • from Edson Morales Santamaría desde México

    One of the best D'Js and person that I have ever met I listened him for first time in 2015 with Waiting for love since then I have listened all his songs I was dreaming with one day I can see him in a concert that would be one of the best days in my life but now it's just a dreamthank you very much Tim for your songs are perfect RIP.

  • from Sun

    Hope your living a good life up there now.

  • from Opapi


  • from DiMuzio

    His resonance will permeate space & time eternally

  • from Sheldon Wright

    I remember listening to levels and thought of the levels in my life that im taking and how is music brought me joy and NEVER sadness. He's why im glad to have live his music. As i sleep tonight i will cherish. His music as i slept he told me to keep going and succeed in whatever your life holds

  • from Jaiden

    We loved you so much Avicii you were the best musician but that day… April 20 2018. It haunts us all. I was crying when you left this word. Your music was what calmed me everyday whenever. What was it you said "He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember" that was inspiring. You have not left us no we will always have you and your music in our hearts. On behalf of everyone here you were and are the best thank you for your gift of music.#WeLoveAvicii

  • from Hugo

    Es increíble como puedes conectar con una persona a través de su música sin haberla conocido. Tim has sido fuente de inspiración para muchos artistas y al mismo tiempo para muchas personas. Tu documental revela el gran corazón que tenías y eso es un ejemplo de como se debe ser en la vida. Ojalá estés en paz tal y como deseabas estar.

  • from NURIA (ESPAÑA)

    Querido Tim cuanto amor dulzura trabajo y buena música nos diste sin pedir nada a cambio y no hizo nadie nada por ti. Algún día pagarán por ello. Tu seguro que ya los has perdonado . Eras demasiado bueno para estar con todos esos que solo buscaban el maldito dinero.Cómo tu decías cuanto mejor te van las cosas más gente te odia. Siempre te recordaré sonriendo.❤

  • from Lewis Donaldson

    I will never forget listening to Tim’s seek bromance that was the moment I feel In love with EDM he was the one that opened up this world for me to discover listening to all of his music and live sets was incredible. I never got to see him my self but we were given a unbelievably talented man who made everyone feel so positive. His music will never die RIP Avicii ???

  • from Beau Droppers

    Avicii was such an amazing guy. He always wantend to talk with his fans and take pictures with them. It’s true what he said his life was really heavy he had to go all over the world and had a low amount of sleep. I’m a Dutch girl an hete in the Netherlands he was just as popular as in the rest of the world. It has already been more than 6 months ago but I still miss him and I will miss him for the rest of my life. His music was a geest piece of art. Rest in Peace Tim we all love you xxx

  • from A

    Den dagen du försvann från oss var en mörk dag. Stockholms kyrkklockor spelade ”Wake Me Up” flera gånger vilket var det vackraste jag hört. Det hölls en tyst minut på Sergels Torg till minne av dig? Vi saknar dig & världen har än en gång förlorat en viktig person. “This are the days we won’t forget”

  • from Captian Nemo

    今天才知道原来你已经走了。。。 好想你哥们!!! 谢谢你的音乐!

  • from KertGaming

    bye avicii : )

  • from ????

    Miss you and your music more and more so sad watching you now rest easy hope you found what you were looking for AVICII Forever

  • from Ruben Wildschut

    You inspired me with your music❤ rest in peace bro❤❤

  • from Martina

    Avicii eres fuiste y serás el mejor artista. Tu música viajará a través del tiempo y emocionará a muchas más generaciones. Puede que tú ya no estés pero siempre te tendremos iluminando nuestros días con tu luz y tus canciones. Siempre te recordaremos gracias por todo <3

  • from JunHan

    I miss you avicii you are in my head 🙁 visit my site please:

  • from Manuel Pérez Hidalgo

    El siempre me ha ayudado muchisimo con sus canciones era como un pilar en mi vida que se derrumbó un dia cualquiera pero que acabo siendo un dia tan recordado por lo malo que fue que es imposible borrarlo de mi memoria. Tim hacia grande la musica era sentimiento puro cada parte de sus canciones iba su vida en cada ritmo solo dan ganas de bailar y sentirse contento por eso le podria agradecer tanto a él por ayudarme en los peores momentos con sus obras.

  • from Valentina

    Non ho mai amato la musica house elettronica e/o simili ma in te nella tua musica c' era qualcosa di speciale!! tanto da far nascere in me il desiderio fortissimo di sentirti suonare dal vivoma purtroppo non ci sono riuscita. Ho visto il tuo documentario "avicii true stories" e sono rimasta colpita dalla tua sensibilità. Sei nei cuori di tante persone in tutto il mondo ne sono certa!

  • from @avicii_hungary

    Please come back Tim. I miss you so much. We love you forever ?❤️

  • from Jhonn Villamar

    Tim desde que te fuiste de este mundo nos has hecho mucha falta este último Tomorrowland muchos Dj's han tocado tus temas y entre lágrimas las he cantado a todo pulmón. En todos los set's que hago siempre esta una música tuya siempre estas presente amigo. Tim como siempre he dicho eres y serás el rey de las melodías eres único te doy gracias por todas esas músicas que has dejado plasmado muchos mensajes gracias a ti mi vida cobra mucho sentido. Gracias por todo Avicii♡

  • from Patty

    Hi TIM when u decided to leave this world maybe u didn’t know what you left behind. This memory board join all people even those who didn’t know you personally or who never went to your gigs and I'm happy to share my thoughts with millions of people I do not know. You miss to everyone: there are those love you some admire you some cry some suffer some always think of you and so on. If this was one of your dreams well you made it! You should be proud of it? With love ❤️

  • from Ana Rodriguez

    You are the reason I am living. ❤ Your music is powerful and it touched my heart. I will always love you and remember you my love.?

  • from Beto Gaona

  • from Yoookino


  • from

    For every song for every melody for every laugh you ever gave us i wanna thank you. You will forever be loved and missed by us. I never had the pleasure of meeting you but in a way I feel like I’ve always known you. See you someday brysh

  • from Alicia Rose

    In March 2011 when your music started to reach other countries I escaped from my room through my window to go see you at a nightclub in Brussels. I was only 15 you amazed me. It was the best night of my life. I also saw you at my first Tomorrowland. You made everything look possible. Thank you Tim. You are truly a legend and my forever inspiration. My children will have to listen to your tunes no doubt. Say high to my angel dad. You are deeply missed. May your soul rest in peace.

  • from Noah

    Love you <3

  • from Tyler Milton

    Personally his music meant a lot to me. I would be just another depressed teenager in the room throwing a pity party and his music would inspire me to get my butt up off the bed or the floor and move on with my life.

  • from Sara

    Still so unreal that you're gone.. I hope you're resting well Tim. Never got the chance to see you but your shoes always seemed awesome: Ready easy Avicii your legacy will never be forgotten. Much love from Denmark

  • from ajka

    I still can't believe that it's true story. we will love you forever.

  • from Colleen

    Your music is part of my everyday – you add light –

  • from Arjun Dinu

    I first heard Wake Me Up when I was 11. I loved it then and i love it now. You will always be alive in our hearts.

  • from Emre Şen

    Seni çok özledim tim senle 10 yaşımda tanışmıştım annem mutfakta yemek yaparken ben seni o an televizyonda hey brother müziğiyle tanınırken görmüştüm ondan sonra idolüm en sevdiğim adam dünyanın en iyi dj yi olarak tanıyorum ve hala öyle olacaksın kimse senin gibi olmuyacak ama herkese ilham vereceksin iyiki varsın efsane cennet güzeldir umarım

  • from Swedish person

    Du skulle inte blivit så stor som du blev vännen<3 You shouldn't become as famous as you where hun<3 For me you are only Tim Not Avicii

  • from Sveriges stolthet är du

    Jag var på din konsert 2014 vilket var det allra bästa beslutet jag tagit i hela mitt liv. Jag lider själv utav ångest och stress så att senare se din film "True Stories" var ett hjälpmedel för mig att tänka om. Jag kommer ihåg sååå väl att jag lyssnade i 3h i streck på Levels under tågresan då jag trodde att Levels var ny;) DU ÄR HELT FANTASTISK!! DU ÄR TIM för mig inte Avicii Du skulle helt enkelt inte bli så stor som du blev vännen<3 YOU ARE TIM FOR ME!! NOT AVICII<3

  • from Carla

    Six months have passed and it still feels unreal. Every day I feel we lost you unnecessarily if we could be all a bit more understanding of your feelings – I feel like we failed you. We must do and be better for others struggling with depression and anxiety. I hope you found some sort of peace ☮️ wherever you are. See you Brother! ❤️

  • from kohei ishikawa

    Since I was 10 I loved ur music. I will miss u so much man I really do Avicii for Life…..

  • from Jim.

    Hope you will come back. ◢◤ for ever

  • from Teail Jung

    i met you when i was 16. you'll always in my heart. good bye. Tim 잘가.

  • from Jade.t

    Merci pour tes musiques ton Amour et ta simplicité… tu nous manques <3

  • from JADE

    One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember. <3 i miss youuu

  • from Jaqueline

    Du bist immer in meinen Herzen ♥️

  • from Jacob Eriksson

    I can’t thank you enough for putting me in the right direction in my life. I’ll always look up to you Tim forever. Rest easy my hero

  • from Xdcolip

    Legend never die .miss you 🙁 avicii

  • from heartbandages

    "so wake me up when it's all over when i'm wiser and i'm older all this time i was finding myself and i didn't know i was lost" your music still lives on helps all of us today. we will miss you dearly. thank you for your gift of music to us. your music will live on in our hearts.

  • from the boss


  • from Tysir

    I just wish that he could take it all back and live a normal life. I don’t care if his music would have never been created or released. The important this is he would be happy.

  • from alissa/Annkathrin

    we still Love you♥ R.I.P

  • from Татьяна. Украина.

    Люблю тебя Тим. Покойся с миром. В памяти навсегда…

  • from Jorge Santos

  • from Minindu

    i started to listen to you without know you because your music touches souls of people

  • from Đ.Mạnh10

    Love you forever <3

  • from Susan

    I became completely mesmerized listening to a podcast while driving today. I had to pull over for fear I might wreck my car. It’s cool to be that mesmerized by music. Thank you Avicii.

  • from Vinay Kandpal

    I started to listen avicii in 2012 through my collage friend Denis he told me this kind of music you never listen before and yes it is true i never ever fell this king of felling of music. Me and Denis want to meet avicii at any level but unfortunately we can't. Does't matter we start to feel that we are meeting avicii every day with his incredible EDM. And now i never forget his track to play every time when i feel said or demotivate. Tim music always motivate me and inspire me. I Love You Tim

  • from Chiara

    miss you so much

  • from Norman

    Du warst ein ganz Großer was ganz Besonderes ! Mein Beileid

  • from Vlad Tadukov (from Russia with LOVE)

    Oh Tim.. Why? I feel you inside my soul always when listening your music. You could be do more good things for these world but now you watching for us from the lightness heavens.. Rest and Peace brother. ?

  • from Jax

    RIP you brought so much love to so many <3

  • from Mohan

    R.I.P Tim.

  • from Mr.Fire Wolf

    Thank Avicii… I am not so good at English. l Just want to say thank you song. hope you have a good time in heaven Avicii. once again Thank Avicii.

  • from Mario

    El ha sido uno de los pocos artistas con el cual conecte por asi decirlo solo me queda decir gracias por todas esas canciones que nos regalaste ♡

  • from Fabricio ◢◤

    Since I was 11 years old I have been listening to your music. You represent a large part of my life. Every day I wonder … Why did you take that tragic decision? However thanks for sharing your music with us. THANKS FOR ALL AVICII ◢◤

  • from Pinky Esquivel

    Avicii totally speechless about this guy. If somebody ask me for my number 1 DJ all time sure I would say Tiesto but if somebody ask me for the best artist who lead crowds to the top playing at his best sure I would say Avicii 'cause since the moment i heard just one song of him.. Levels.. I was absolutely sure He would make history into the music world. btw. I got your phrase tattooed on me. "Life is a game Love is the prize" Thx a lot for everything.. Love you buddy! ever!

  • from Carlos Avila

    Desde Mexico próximo día de los muertos! En honor a quien honor merece!??

  • from Carlos Avila

    El mejor dj que el mundo ha podido tener donde quiera que estes Tim te vamos a extrañar tanto repetidamente escucho With You y Seek Bromance mis clásicos favoritos nada más 1 vez tuve la fortuna de verte tocar en Las Vegas!?

  • from Jorge Santos

  • from Jorge Santos

    Para mi Tim es de los mejores artistas fué el primero que amé como a ninguno mi amor por él no puedo expresarlo con un simple te amo es el artista más completo que habrá que era apasionado con lo que hacía el primero artista del cual compré un álbum y no me queda más que agradecerle porque con tan solo su música hizo demasiado. Intentaré vivir una vida que pueda recordar. Una vida que cuando me veas desde arriba estés orgulloso. Thanks Tim siempre llevare tus letras y tu logo en mí.

  • from Esme

    Well I have dedicated multiple songs of which I do not regret only that the people who dedicate them consider them quite special but each one of them has failed me in different ways the only one that will never fail me is my sister to whom I dedicate HEY BROTHER since he passed away a few years ago.

  • from theaubreycharles

    Love you the most thank you for your gifts to this world. RIP.

  • from Ayoub

    Very talented artist visionary game changer awesome melodies real music ! You will be missed a lot ! "live a life you will remember" – the days

  • from M.A.

    We miss you. Enjoy your throne in heaven.

  • from Gabe D.

    He never dies he is still in our hart.

  • from Shane Wholi

    Tim “Avicii” Bergling thank god for giving you talents beyond measure your music will live on forever and so will your legacy. Thank you for everything we all deeply miss you. Only the good die young cheers to you. RIP.

  • from Shin Minase

    Rest in peace little angel. I'm so sad that I lost both you and Chester.

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