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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from

    The biggest legend of all time. RIP Avicii

  • from Tara -Brussels

    Salut Tim .David David a sorti un nouvel album avec des morceaux super.Il nous parle de toi Dommage que tu ne sois pas là pour écouter.Il se rappelle de toi comme une belle personne un ami généreux.Ta mort l'a beaucoup changé;il passe plus de temps en famille .J'adore le morceau "Lovers on the sun" et j'y ai reconnu ta touche country folk.Merci pour toutes les bonnes ondes que me donne toujours ta musique .J'espère que là haut tu as retrouvé la paix A très vite petit frère

  • from Susanna

    I miss you you are a true legend… ❤️

  • from Kevin from Germany

    Dear Tim 6 Month today without you ? still cant believe it. Still think about you Every day. Still cry my eyes out when i hear your music! even if you are no longer with us I know that you look down on me from above and with me in every second. ❤️ i love you tim and will always stand by you!

  • from Marcus

    Vi kommer aldrig glömma dej! ◢◤

  • from Juli

    I listen your music every day. You are a part of my life. A beautiful angel in the sky. I love you forever.

  • from Nabila

    I just recovered from my anxiety disorder since 5 months I came to psychiatry 3 times but it doesn’t work. Yesterday I listened to his music SINGING LOUDLY DANCING CRYING and I FEEL MUCHHH BETTER AND HEALTH and I just REALIZE that since he died I avoid to listening his music because i always feel sad when I listen to his music I'm just silent and crying. And now I'll always listen to your music !! Thanks legend for all the songs you have given❤️❤️❤️ Forever in my heart ♥️

  • from Diane

    ?????????? Dearest Tim… thinking of you every single day. Missing you every single moment. SIx months seems like six minutes. You are dearly missed and loved precious angel. ??????????

  • from China

    Avicii is the one of the most powerful Producer in the world. He let me fall in love in EDM. AVICII YOU ARETHE BEST!

  • from Cath France

    Dear Tim 6 months without you it's too hard. I think about you every day and listen your beautiful music. I miss you so much. Forever in my heart ????

  • from Lilla jag

    ❤❤6 månader idag sen du bestämde dig för ett annat liv. Varför. ? Saknaden är stor mycket stor. Men din musik ? den spelas om och om igen överallt i världen. Så du Tim du har verkligen satt dina spår. Sköt om dig. ???❤❤❤

  • from Tommaso

    Just thank you. I will never forget you and your music.

  • from kim pang

    以前一直觉得《The Nights》这首歌很好听,节奏也很棒;今天看了歌词和MV,我被惊住了,有种醍醐灌顶的感觉,我突然明白了我自己该有什么样的生活–健康放在第一位,用才能撑起自己的爱好;下午我就恢复已经停了一年多的日常跑步和健身。谢谢AVICII,感觉您的歌和经历让我对未来有了更新,更好的认知tks.

  • from Tina from Germany

    You left 6 Months ago. I’m thinking of you every single Day. Love you so much Tim ?

  • from Someone in Australia

    Today marks 6 months to the day since God took his angel back. Today is the day I got my first ever tattoo in your memory. I still miss you Tim my heart won't stop hurting. Please watch over us always until we meet again on the other side. I love you sweet angel and will keep you safe in my heart forever ? ?

  • from Liam

    Kära Tim du var en stor inspiration för mig och även för många andra. Och jag hade som dröm att jag skulle få träffa dig e dag men den chansen har inte jag idag. Lyssnar på din musik dag in och dag ut har till o med en tavla på dig så ser dig varenda dag och tänker på hur du egentligen hade det. Såg ''True Stories'' och det tog hårt på mig när jag såg hur dåligt du mådde utav alla spelningar du inte ville göra. Jag hoppas du har det bra där du är idag alla tankar går till nära och käraTack◢ ◤

  • from Tayla

    Music has always been a massive part in my life it helps me express my feelings. The song ‘Brother’ helped me when my older brother died. I cried when I found out Avicii died. He shall always be in our hearts xx

  • from Adam

    Tack för allt?

  • from Samuel

    Alltid saknad aldrig glömd

  • from Liam

    My mother commited suicide the same month as Avicii. This has led me to follow Avicii on a personal level more so than a musical one. Much love to everyone in the family of this young man.

  • from emi

    Half the year has passed. No one is more genius than Avicii……♬*゜ I love you Tim♡……RIP ??

  • from Anna Sverige

    Kära Tim idag är det 6 månader sen som världen hamnade i chock. Hur kunde det ske? Man började fundera på hur allt sköttes runt dig. Var var de som är utbildade proffsen som borde ha funnits runt dig 24/7? Varför var inte dina vänner just vänner? Sa någon till dig att anställa vänner aldrig är en bra idé? Själv undrar jag om dina närmsta förstod hur känd du var och vad det innebar för dig. Svårt att just bara få vara Tim. Tänker på dig och spelar din musik varje dag. It´s all about the view!

  • from Ari❤

    Recuerdo perfectamente el día en que escuche por primera vez tu musica y hoy en día sigo recordando aquel momento mágico en el que descubrí al artista mas alucinante que había visto en años y también recuerdo aquel 20 de abril en que se me cayo el mundo al enterarme y todavía recuerdo esa sonrisa que contagiaba a todo el mundo y esas ganas de superarte día a día y espero y deseo que por fin hayas encontrado la paz ??

  • from 박소현

    진짜 여러번 생각하고 음악을 들어도 안 믿겨요… 천국에서 행복한 시간 보내길.. ㅠㅠ

  • from John Lelang


  • from James Nelson

    I wish I had a chance to meet him before he died I loved his music though

  • from Shadow

    Avicii was an amazing and inspirational person. I loved his song 'Wake Me Up. He had an amazing voice. He will definitely be missed. Legends Never Die.

  • from Caci


  • from Alondra

    I used to not care much about music but you're one of the reasons i first got into it. With Levels and and Wake Me Up I had heard a sound I instantly fell in love. From then on I was dedicated to listening to EDM. So that was my phase in middle school but your music wasn't ever a phase you made timeless music that I can't ever stop listening to. Since then I've kept music as one of the most important things in my life . I've decided to dedicate to it in any way possible. All bc of you.

  • from Fatumah

    I can't believe you have been gone for 6 months now . I just want you to know that I miss you dearly and I love you so much.

  • from -m

    love you and your songs!

  • from Rose

    Avicii was one of the first Dj's i listened to when i was a little child the first song i remember listening to was "Wake me up". That song will forever live in my soul it was the beginning of the love of my life (music). Avicii's death affected me so very much. His songs really bring back many of my old memories and when i heard he passed i couldn't belive it at all ;-; – Rip Avicii <3 "legends never die and you are the best of all ".

  • from Rayen

    tomorrow will be a half year best DJ ever

  • from Vernice

    I love You wake me up!!!! Why did he have too…?

  • from Annie

    Vila i frid Tim. Du har lärt mig och många andra mycket genom din personlighet och musik. Vi alla saknar dig

  • from Maxi

    I’m a older lady 38 but I still loved this young mans’s musiche was a very gifted young man and I feel it’s terrible wee have lost such a talented young man in this world .but I believe that this man too good of a soul for this world can now rest in peace .sleep to wee all meet again . The good go first xx

  • from Nala

    Dear Avicii We miss you so much Your music is the best music of all. I hope you find your rest. We always love you and your music Vila mjuk Avicii❤️

  • from

    Avicii's music helped through a lot in life when I felt sad. The first song I heard from Avicii was Wake Me Up and ever since I fell in love with his music. Loved his documentary "True Stories" and all I want to say is Rest in peace brother! You and your music would never be forgotten. <3

  • from D.P

    I first heard Avicii on youtube back in 2011- I heard the song Blessed and Enough is Enough. The melody and beats of those songs immediately captured my attention. Tim created music that makes me happy and i am forever grateful for what he has done to the electoric dance scene and my life. Tim's music brought so much joy- I listen to it in my car my room at a shows. He created memories that shaped my 20s. Thank you Tim- I will miss you greatly

  • from Lena Harkány

    Tim…. Where can I begin. I have so many things to thank you for. Every time I listen to your songs i get goosebumps. Every single time. You mean everything to me. You always will. You got me through the hard times even though I wanted to give up so many times. I miss you and your music. Going on instagram seeing if you have posted anything new or telling my friends that you are releasing new music… Tim I just want you to know that we all miss you. Rip Legend we will never forget you❤️

  • from RakiFX

    His songs is what powered me and made me trust that everything is possible I am so sad that this legend is gone forever but he is not gone in our hearts. R.I.P Avicii You will forever be a legend.

  • from Nejc

    Greatest DJ/Producer of all times. Will be never forgotten rest in peace Legend.

  • from Serena

    His music spoke to me and I still continue to listen to it every single day.. Avicii will always be missed…

  • from Loïs Nuninger

    ◢ ◤ Miss You Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from Miikka&Atte

    ◢ ◤Rest in Paradise◢ ◤

  • from Alan

    Un des plus grands compositeurs de musique électronique de tous les temps. Tu nous manques Avicii. Legends never die…

  • from christelle

    I can't explain i saw him and i love him. I listen to Addicted to you when I drive to my work in Calais (France) and he is with me. But i'm sad that is died. For me is an Angel now… Je t'adore Tim…

  • from Patty

    Hi Tim where have you been in the last six months? I am at the sea for two weeks in an always warm and sunny place. I know how much you love the sun ? so why don’t you jump down and come here too? We'll take the sun to get a tan and listen to your enthralling music and we'll have fun together. Think about it? I’m waiting you wonderful artist and special person!

  • from Robert

    'You need to work hard to accomplish your dreams'' he said He focused on everyone around him to be healthy but him. It's so sad that his meditation didn't help him in time ''I feel weak things get tough''

  • from Emma

    I can't believe tomorrow will be half a year. :'( You were a true musical genius and it's hard knowing that you're gone. I love you Tim.

  • from Aulell

    Legend never die

  • from William Tzeng

    Avicii made me get into the EDM forum. After he passed away I think I could live without Avicii because we have Martin Garrix and more.RIP 1989-2018

  • from Paulien

    I just saw your movie 'Avicii: True Stories'. It hits me that some people who are so pure and gifted are pushed by others in a way that they don't feel whats in their heart and therefor not able to follow their own heart and intuition. You were a beautiful person with a special and deep soul. That music came from your soul. I hope you found peace and may your soul / spirit feel free and at peace.

  • from DHAZ

    thank you for everything.

  • from Justin K

    This mans music got me through so many hard times..To hear what happened happened was..devastating. To listen to his music now hurts in a way I cant describe but he will be remembered and cherished for the happiness he brought to us all..

  • from Ana Rodriguez

    I want to thank this amazing person.❤❤He is an inspiration to me. His music helped me through depression. Him and his music helped me to be here. I love you Avicii so much. ❤❤❤

  • from Bregje

    He was a really good artist and even a better person based on what I have heard❤️ When I was 14/15 I'm now 16 I was in a depression and every time I listened to his music it helps a lot. And first I thought: Avicii is an DJ he lives the best life that exists but when I saw his documentaire I realized that being an artist is even heavier than leading a normal life since then I had a lot of respect of all the artists. And that's why I LOVE AVICII AND THE PERSON BEHIND HIM TIM❤️

  • from Aoba

    Aviciiは俺に洋楽を魅せてくれたヒーローなんです。 英語に興味を持たせてくれた先生なんです。 Aviciiの生きてた時代に生まれてよかった。 ありがとうtim Rip

  • from Jay Sampat

    It's been a while since you left us there is an intense amount of positive energy and gratitude that your music has brought us. Your songs will always stay close to my heart and I wish the future generations can be fortunate enough to hear your uplifting music. I am gonna fulfill my lifelong dream and go to Tomorrowland before 2020 I so wish I could see you there. Much love 🙂

  • from Shane Allen

    Thank you.

  • from Mauri

    What an amazing artist <3

  • from Tyler

    "Wake me up when it's all over" R.I.P.

  • from dario


  • from Alex

    Can’t explain how many positive vibes your music was giving to everybody. ❣️Thank you ❣️

  • from Aly?

    Wake me up was the song of me and by ex boyfriend. Now is the song that talk about my life! When I discovered he passed away something in my mind changed made me feel so bad. I hope he founded now the pesce he was looking for. I miss you. We miss you.

  • from anymous

    he was a big dick

  • from LEVI

    承担了莫大的压力的Avicii,却带给了我们无尽的希望与对生活的爱。 从 silhouette 入坑已有六年,仍然十分热爱。 I M ISS U VERY MUCH R.I.P

  • from Meli

    Tomorrow you have left us since 6 months. I get sadder than the day before and i cannot still accept that you are gone. Love you for ever Tim…….you didn't diserved to die like this.

  • from ROLANDO

    You was one of the best music producer i gonna miss u you was one of the dj that used hear in the high school i never forget you see you soon. GREETINGS WHEREVER YOU WANT

  • from Leslie E. T

    Avicii's music was a pain reliever it brought a lot of energy and love in my life and it went everywhere in Africa. I hate to come to the reality of his passing. I will miss him Africa will miss you too.

  • from もも

    For my favorite artist AVICII. When Ifirst time listen I feel so happy. I don't forget you. I miss you. from??

  • from Dofinoz

    Por qué paso solo Dios sabrá pero el legado de música que dejaste y el ánimo de ver la vida alegre y como lo que es una sola para vivir feliz desde R.D te recordamos

  • from ????


  • from Elina

    Min vän tog självmord exakt ett år innan dig. Att veta hur ont det gör för de som är kvar. Att försöka förstå att det ens kan vara ett alternativ. I mina drömmar är min vän inte längre ensam.

  • from Ong WS

    Tim/Avicii introduced me to the world of EDM. It was all began with LE7ELS. Your music has brought me through the tough moments in my life. We had the party together for the first and the last time in Bangkok (2016)!!! Thanks for the memories. I will always remember "ONE DAY YOU’LL LEAVE THIS WORLD BEHIND SO LIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER". Your music live forever! Until we meet again in another dance floor. ◢◤

  • from Ryusei

    5年前に aviciiのwake me upに出会ってEDMにはまりました。俺の中では原点にして頂点です!沢山の最高の歌を作ってくれてありがとう! aviciiはNo 1 DJだよ?

  • from Shubham

    Every morning every random afternoon my playlist would touch upon your art you left behind for us and leave me teary eyed I wipe it think of how much you were loved of how much you are loved breaking into my saddest smile of the day and continue my day. You are deeply missed.

  • from Kim

    On t aimera pour toujours Les Suédois c est les plus beau les meilleurs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️????????

  • from Terry


  • from Alice

    Senza ombra di dubbio siamo diversi distanti ma se mai hai toccato l'abisso in cui sto nuotando ed è quello che io credo sappi allora che hai saputo nuotarvi dentro come se anche quel malessere facesse parte di te. Grazie per tutto quindi; per l'amore per l'affetto per la musica per innocenza per esserci stato e per aver lottato a prescindere dalla strada che tu abbia ora voluto intraprendere. Tu sei ancora qui io ti sento. Noi ti sentiamo. Grazie Avicii

  • from Ebba

    Kära Tim din musik förstärke glädje och lindrade sorg!

  • from shoaib

    dont have any words

  • from Brett Auriemma

    Avicii introduced me to a world of music that has changed my perspective and approach. I can only hope to one day touch lives the way he touched mine. Rest easy.

  • from Ya Ya

    I was depressed in 7th grade and that was also the year that I got into electronic dance music. I remember listening to The Nights and watching the music video that song gave me a whole new perspective on life that it didn't have to be boring or plain. You should live your life to the fullest there is so much more in life than the mean judgemental kids I used to go to school with. Avicii's song The Nights and the music video made me give life a second chance it made me want to live again.

  • from Ellie

    I have had a rough past and you saved me. The energy that your songs gave me were incredible. You will be remembered forever.

  • from Anonymous

    I miss you more and more everyday. I lost two of my favorite singers this year. You were one of them. I hope you pain is gone and you are having the best time.

  • from vladimir

    time is running since you passed away and you are each day more alive!! you are a legend dear boy hope to see you again one day!!

  • from M.S. México

    Coincidencia o no encontré tu música en algún lugar y me dio un rayo de luz y esperanza me adentraste a un nuevo mundo el cual amo demasiado no solo me gustaba tu música me apasionaba escuchar cada una de tus canciones sentía una conexión diferente a la demás canciones o artistas siempre brindaste alegría a mi vida y me diste muchísima esperanza justo en el momento que mas la necesitaba por eso siempre estaré agradecida contigo. Te amo. <3

  • from Rafael Mammana

    Soy un fan de la música electrónica justo el estilo de Avicii de mi ambiente al único que le gusta así soy yo todo empezó un día mi hermana me dijo mira esta canción y era nada más y nada menos que levels quedé enganchado sino fue la primera canción que me gusto así y la primera de la música electrónica desde ese día escuchaba todos los temas de Avicii siempre pendiente de el QPD el mejor dj de todos y por lejos el más influenciador de los artistas en mi vida gracias Tim

  • from Breno Quissiê

    Comecei a gostar de música eletrônica ouvindo Avicii foi algo surpreendente como as suas músicas nos motivam a ouvir cada vez mais e o mais importante passando sempre uma boa mensagem com uma mescla de melodias muitoo originais e alegres!!! Obrigado por tudo AVICII QUE DEUS TE ABENÇOE!!

  • from Nathan

    Your music got me through a lot of tough times…I wish I could've met you and thanked you for everything You may be gone but your music will live on

  • from Zirui Liu

    至今无法接受Avicii去世的消息 醒来的那天早上 迷糊地打开手机 看到了a神已走的消息 恍惚间我以为我还在梦中 但真相总是那么残酷 已经半年了啊 你在天上应该也开了自己的音乐节吧 不被这世间所拖累的感觉一定很棒吧 愿在天堂安好 R.I.P We love ya

  • from Alexandru

    Omg this artist was just amazing ?❤❤?

  • from Andreas

    Wer sich fragt warum? Die Antwort findet jeder der sich mal intensiver mit unserer Leistungsgesellschaft befasst. Unvergessen und genial seine Musik. Ein Genie! Ich bin sehr dankbar für die unglaublich guten songs. Die bringen mich jedes mal gut durch den Tag.

  • from Sophie ❤️

    One of the reasons I fell in love with dance music because of this wonderful human and always hoped that I would be able to meet him one day when I was old enough. His song “The Nights’ inspired me so much when I was younger

  • from MS

    I’ve downloaded all your podcasts to my phone and listening them. I have discovered so many good songs and it’s all thank to you ♥️ It’s so crazy that I really didn’t know how huge impact you had to me. I haven’t felt this kind of thing we didn’t know each other. But you are so special to me and you will be♥️ I wish I could hug you. I miss you so badly every day even more. Will it stop hurting ? Oh ….? I love you Tim forever don’t you forget that ♥️?

  • from Nathan

    inspirational your music energy and talent for the love of music will always have a place in my life .

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