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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Virgen Simon Arellano

    your music has always been there for me even in the lowest of times its been there as I was growing up and it still is as I'm growing you've been a friend and a brother an imaginary shoulder to cry on. i never got to see you preform but it was a dream of mine. your music has shaped me and given me a life quote thank you Tim for everything. RIP and rest in paradise

  • from M

    Saknar dig. Något oerhört. Tim Bergling ∞

  • from Joaquin

    Hoy 20 de enero del 2023 a nada de tus 5 años sin ti Avicii como te extraño 🙁

  • from Iker

    Miss you from Spain ♥️

  • from Joaquín

    Te extraño Avicii a un paso de entrar a la U por tu inicial me saque 20 gracias 🙂

  • from Артём

    I now have cd (ibica) listeng u song bro. We all for you!!! Special russ. Бля зачем так рано…

  • from Jack Ámon

    Those who murder you will pay one day Tim it will be 5 years since you are gone…The elite thinks we are still blind to see what they are doing but we are not! One day justice will be served either here on earth or by God almighty. Miss you and love you always Tim one day we will see each other again till then I'll keep waiting "For a better day". ♥️

  • from Lin


  • from Veva

    🖤 Sempre lembrando um dos melhores artistas de sempre! 🖤

  • from Patty🇮🇹

    Hold me now forever more tell me I’m forever yours. Today is the first 20 of 2023 and a 20 after another I’ll be here again with you Dear Boy for you and for me too. I always saw the sunshine now I see only darkness and ghost on the horizon. After many years I changed my ringtone from Sunshine to Wake me up cuz I’m feeling down and I need to wake me up. Lift me up Avicii only your magical meaningful songs can do it! I’ll always be here there’s no better place. Forever yours beloved Tim❤️

  • from Dominic Glenn S.

    Every once in a while no matter how far I always come back to Avicii's songs; my home.

  • from Leslicii

    Aun recuerdo cuando escuché esa melodia que lo caracteriza y que fue la que me marcó toda la vida… Sin duda uno de mis más grandes ejemplos a seguir… I miss you Tim

  • from Olivia

    Avicii I am sorry that this world was not big enough for you. My sister's favorite song of you was "Hey Brother" because she found your song with Fred and George Weasley video clips on YouTube. I hope that you are living your best life now. I hope that we will meet. My sister and I love your music and I wish that we could have the same anticipation with waiting for your new songs as we do with some of our other favorite artists.

  • from Marcelo V.

    Hola a todos y en especial a Tim. Los mejores momentos de mi adolescencia fue acompañada con la música de Avicii quiero agradecerle a Tim por esa magia que regaló en cada melodía y esos grandes recuerdos que nos dió con cada uno de sus álbumes. Siempre que Avicii suene Tim vive!

  • from Jose

    Buenas tardes encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como noticia para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet es decir con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran. La noticia es publicada por más de cuarenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu web y la reputación. ¿Pod

  • from Derlis Santiago

    Te extrañamos por aquí ❤️. Sabemos que no te suicidaste Tim.

  • from john

    listening to your music on the radio was always the highlight of my day. miss you 🙁

  • from Sigurd Holmber

    Jag gråter sällan men varje gång jag tänker på Tim och den enorma förlusten av en sån fantastisk och legendarisk person gråter jag som om det hände igår. Du har definitivt förändrat mitt liv på ett positivt sätt! Tack så himla mycket Tim för alltihop du och din musik kommer aldrig att glömmas!! Vila i frid käre bror!!! Tim Bergling 8 Sep 1989 – ∞

  • from Дарья

    Спасибо тебе Тим❤️

  • from hyunwoo

    miss you my image

  • from Courtney

    Hey Avicii there’s a room full of faggots next door. LOL P.S… She said yes!

  • from Edgar Antonio García Juárez

    La música de Avicii me ha acompañado desde el 2012 y siempre lo escuchaba ya sea en la radio o en Yt. Siempre encontraba un lugar seguro en sus letras me acompañó en mil momentos y lo sigue haciendo Cada vez que recuerdo su muerte se me hace un nudo en la garganta le debo gran parte de mi vida a su trayectoria y me ha salvado en dos ocasiones de renunciar a mi vida ♥️

  • from AJ

    breaks my heart to see you gone avicii. i love you. the best. hope you're inspiring in some other place.

  • from kaitlyn

    you are so missed <3

  • from Antonie

  • from Magdalena

    Minęło kilka lat a ja wciąż nie mogę uwierzyć że Ciebie już nie ma. Tęsknię każdego dnia. .

  • from Ty

    Avicii Forever

  • from v1adyyy

    спасибо за лучше хиты !

  • from tyashuD

    Love you forever

  • from 김경호

    I love you avicci

  • from FARSTIGHT

    Rest In Peace Tim. Let your spirit of wandering and creation live in all of us along side memories of you and your inspiring music. I'll make sure that everyone will know about legend which was Avicii And let them feel the same joy that I have

  • from Lindsay

    Thank you for making the best music I have ever heard I continue to listen to it every single day. You are a legend and will live forever in our hearts. Miss you all the time <3 I can only hope you found your peace you deserve the most.

  • from Natalya

    Donde estés de verdad espero que hayas encontrado la paz que siempre estuviste buscando. No tienes idea de cuanto te extraño y te admiro.

  • from Natalya

    Cada día te extraño más. No tienes idea cuanto te extraño y te admiro.

  • from

    Cada día te extraño más

  • from Natalya

    No tienes idea cuanto te extraño. Te amamos mucho

  • from Franco

    Tú música ilumina mis días más oscuros ❤️‍🩹 saludos desde donde estés

  • from

    Älskade Tim.

  • from Shannon

    Just introduced my dad to your music. He loves it as much as I always have. You are certainly missed 💔

  • from AMAYA RAIN

    Rest in peace you is best DJ of the world WE LOVE YOU

  • from Amaya rain 777

    RIP you is best DJ of the world WE LOVE YOU

  • from "Radja From Indonesia"

    We miss you brother i hope you rest in peace there

  • from ENDEREX


  • from Phillip

    We miss you Tim <3

  • from TimLover01

    Hi Tim 快过年了,算上今年,你也走了5个年头了。 唉。。。今年中考,好难啊,有新冠疫情,我们的课也没上完,现在EDM也没落了,要是你还在多好。。。 算了,你走了也好,感染新冠太难受了,你身子也弱 希望你那边一切都好

  • from

    Älskar och saknar dig så det gör ont. Tror inte jag finner någon annan själ som jag känner mig så lika som inombords. När jag hör dig berätta och läser om vad du tänkte och kände är det som att läsa om mig själv. Precis som din vill mina tankar aldrig hålla tyst. Jag vet att du kämpade. Jag tror mig veta att du fortfarande ser oss hur mycket vi alla saknar dig och vad din fina familj byggt upp till ditt minne för att hjälpa barn och unga. Vi älskar dig och du kommer leva med oss varje dag.

  • from Coaie n-am nume

    I remember the first time I heard his music. I was in my parents' car when suddenly I heard "wake me up" on the radio for the first time. I really liked the song but I was too young to remember the name in english . And now after 7-8 years I still listen to his music. He helped me so much in many hard times and he really means so much for me. His legacy and his music will remain forever in our mind and heart. I will never forget him <33

  • from Nick Chan


  • from Kliuver Snaider Silva Sánchez

    Cada nochesemanasmeses y años te extraño AVICII ☹️tú y tus canciones me enseñaron mucho sobre la vidaa no darme por vencidoa luchar por personas pero también a dejarlas ir ☹️te quiero mucho ❤️

  • from Joshua

    miss you man

  • from

    we love u from there take care

  • from lasia

    your songs are masterpiecies and they give life on people love u and never forget you <3<3<3<3<3<3

  • from Alvaro

    I still listen to your songs as excited as I was the day they were released and I get emotional each time remembering you and what you did for the music and world. I love you everyday since I know you rest in peace genius ❤

  • from

    Tu me manques jamais je ne t oublierais tu seras pour l éternité dans mon cœur ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • from 沈先乾


  • from 石


  • from Shih

    Miss you so much.

  • from Toki


  • from abdala coiffeur de simon

    salut mon ptit roulia

  • from Taici

    𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕚 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕚 𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕥𝕥𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕪 chair❤

  • from zxk

    Our love for you goes without words Tim.

  • from Sebastian

    Avicii will always be my biggest inspiration. His music will live on forever. He helped me through a lot of tough times. RIP

  • from .

    Brusjan Hørte på deg i hele barndommen min -Norsk nabo

  • from Åse

    I miss you every day. Your music is the best ever. I hope you find peace. Sad you could not find it on earth😓. Forever in my heart❤

  • from Torrey


  • from Arthur

  • from María Téllez

    Im still wondering what would happened If avicci still here What music generates how wonderful it would be on the radio But his treasure is now legend and every time I feel sad his music reminds me how wonderful life is . avicci forever ❤️

  • from Michał

    Polska cały czas pamięta. W wieku 12 usłyszałem pierwszy raz o Aviicim. Do tej pory pamiętam dzień w którym odszedł odszedł z tego świata ale nie odszedł z naszych serc.

  • from Sam

    Miss you brother

  • from Tom

    You and your music saved my life when no one else even tried to get to know me. <3

  • from Chinese

    TIM,I miss you

  • from Artem

    34 chords. Its the perfect melody. Perfect. It describes what human music is.

  • from

    Du är med mig varje dag älskade vän och får mig att fortsätta.

  • from Albertcorbalan_g

    Avicci tu música siempre estará en nuestros corazones !!!

  • from rikit

    we miss you </3

  • from Steven G

    Tim tu música me motivo a seguir adelante a pesar de los prolemas the night…'vive una vida que recuerdes'

  • from Zicao Gan

    Thank you for bringing me the light in my life. I learn quite a lot from your songs. You have truely changed my teenagehood since I met you on YouTube. All in allthank you and love you. –From one of your Chinese fans

  • from Carson

    We love you

  • from Nigel

    I first started listening to Avicci when I was in high school. Being gay was something difficult for me to grapple with 'Wake me Up' helped me navigate being different 'feeling my way through the darkness' His music saved me. Continues to save me. When times are tough I listen to you Tim thank you for all you've done and all you continue to do through your art even though you're not here.

  • from Rain


  • from Nyaruko


  • from Joaquin

    Te extraño Avicii

  • from Klaus k Phuoc

    i'll tell you all about it when i see you again !

  • from Alessandro

    miss you

  • from Tk2

    Miss you…

  • from Uri Lopez 77

    Si alguna vez me ves cabizbajo no me hagas caso. Tal vez necesito algo de espacio y no tenga ganas de conversar; tal vez solo quiera descansar. Si alguna vez me ves desorientado no hagas conjeturas de lo que me pasa: a veces me pasa de todo y en realidad no me pasa nada. En serio tengo días en los que ni yo mismo me entiendo. A veces necesito un tiempo a solas necesito pensar. No te lo tomes personal.

  • from Martin&Avicii


  • from Ray

    I love you and your music thank you for saving me you are a legend forever.

  • from Dmitry

    my condolences. the man is gone but the beautiful music remains! eternal memory to you! peace !

  • from Fer

    Aún recuerdo cuando te escuché por primera vez Tim con The nights te conocí y aunque todavía te extraño mucho siempre te recuerdo con tus canciones y vuelvo a sentir esa sensación única que solo tú podías provocar no sabes lo bien que se siente escucharte. Me hubiese encantado conocerte pero ahora eres una hermosa estrella y sabías que cuando las estrellas están por apagarse brillan como nunca tú aún sigues brillando mi querido Tim 🙂

  • from Nadine

    My beloved Tim you were and are a great inspiration to me always every day I listen to your beautiful songs those beautiful melodies I cry every time I hear one of your songs I miss you so much you are the best thing that has happened to me in my entire life thank you so much for your music I love you so much Avicii ❤️‍🩹✨◢◤

  • from James

    Your music filled me with so much love and emotion. Thank you so much!

  • from Milena

    I miss you Tim your legacy will live on forever… ❤️

  • from nik

    I miss you avicii 💜💜

  • from James Miranda

    his song make every day and every day i lisen to his song it make he thing about what he did for peopl thank you TIM we all love you thank you fly high tim

  • from TANGHE

    avicii!I love you!I don't think you're dead!When I grow up I will go to Stockholm to find you!You wait!

  • from Eve


  • from angel

    avicii un gran dj/producer te extrañaremos con mucho amor

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