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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Rijing

    love you avicii

  • from Alex.

    I had my first kiss while listening levels back in high school. His music became a huge part of my life. Tim thank you for being yourself and making every memory much sweeter. I miss you.

  • from TK

    Thank you Tim your music is and will always be legendary.

  • from Bartek


  • from Fans

    Miss you Avicii rest in peace. We love your music

  • from Judith Rojas

    Querido Tim te extrañamos muchísimo gracias por tus hermosas canciones en especial The Nights que me hizo reflexionar y vivir cada día una vida que siempre recordaré todavía no puedo creer que no es estes aqui aún lloro escuchando tu música te extrañamos Tim ♥️🥺

  • from Sandra Tirado ✨

    Ojalá se pudiera volver el tiempo para que todos los fans que te dedican unas palabras y yo incluida podamos ir a verte e ir a escuchar tu música en vivo! Escribo desde México 🇲🇽 gracias Tim por la música tan buena y por dejar mi canción favorita de la vida (The nights). Que tú musica siga traspasando naciones.

  • from Lumos Luciffer

    Miss you Tim

  • from hhgfghfhfghg


  • from Jose

    Buenas tardes encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como noticia para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet es decir con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran. La noticia es publicada por más de cuarenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu web y la reputación. ¿Pod

  • from Alden Kiths.

    Siempre escuchó tu musica me hace sentir mejor en los momentos mas oscuros aunque tambien mucha nostalguia. De verdad se siente feo ver que todos quieren conocer asus idolos pero el mio ya no esta y trato de seguir adelante pase lo que pase y poder "vivir una vida que pueda recordar" te extraño tim yo seguire tu legado💖

  • from

    I love your music so much and so I sometimes listened to your unreleased music on youtube. Then when Kygos album came out last year the song undeniable was just amazing but then I realised it was similar to your unreleased track unbreakable. This is way i fell in love with it so fast. Love you so much xx

  • from Bradley Q

    I remember in midschool early 2016 listening to ‘Waiting for Love’ and till this day non stop listening to his albums and singles. It’s the music he’s created that made me meet friends and create countless memories

  • from Jesús Camacho

    Tim tú música cambio mi forma de pensar y mi forma de ver el mundo tú música me ha inspirado demasiado para ser mejor persona te la he escuchado desde que era un niño y te sigo escuchando ahora que ya voy a entrar a la universidad eres mi artista favorito y aunque nunca fui a un concierto tuyo siempre te he considerado como un ídolo y una fuente de inspiración se te extraña mucho tim ❤️🫶

  • from G.tmb

    🥺 no sé ni por donde empezar 💕 he seguido a Tim y su música 🥺✨ no lo he olvidado él Hizo mucho por mi aun que no lo conociera 😖💕 y le debo tanto a él y así música hasta la fecha me sigue doliendo su pérdida 💔♥️ y donde se encuentre lo seguiremos llevando en el corazoncito ✨mi querido Tim♥️

  • from Amanda 🇲🇽

    Tim en verdad fuiste y seguirás siendo la mayor inspiración para mí. Lamentablemente nunca pude conocerte en persona pero tu música siempre me animó a seguir adelante estuviste ahí en mis peores momentos para hacerme sentir mejor gracias por tanto ❤️ Te extraño cada segundo.

  • from Giovani

    I still am a huge fan I'm 16 and since I heard wake me up I loved his style of Edm and it opened my eyes to a lot of things and It sucked that he died but his memories and music lives on thank you Avicci

  • from Yadi

    Te amo con todo mi corazón y te extraño todos los días desde hace 5 años. Todavía lloró con A Sky Full Of Stars porque me recuerda mucho a ti solo espero que estés orgulloso de mi esfuerzo y que sepas que te sigo amando como aquella vez que salvaste mi vida. Te amo por siempre querido Tim.

  • from Avicii Fan

    Thank you so much for your music I still listen to it on a daily basis and it relieves so much stress. RIP AVICII

  • from Zian

    I miss you so much Tim ❤️

  • from Chua Jean

    Miss you so much!

  • from MATHEUS

    O love you Tim…

  • from Cristian

    Auque ya no estés con nosotros tu legado permanecerá en nuestros corazones ❤️ para siempre. AVICII FOREVER

  • from kamer

    miss you so much TIM 😔

  • from Aleeza

    When I was younger I remember listening to your music on the radio and in the car and how at first I just thought about how amazing it was but as I got older I realized that your music has a much deeper meaning and has gotten me and countless other people through hard times. The lyrics and music and just everything put together is perfection. You may be gone but your memory and legacy will forever be here. Thank you.

  • from Дмитрий

    спи мой друг! ты часто был со мной

  • from Manish Kumar

    I wanted to share the music and came to know about his death he had magic in his voice. May his soul rest in peace.

  • from JaimeOH

    Gracias Avicii por tantas canciones tan bellas siempre te recordamos

  • from Simon

    I loved your last concert I can't wait for the next one where you resurrect yourself like the undertaker #WWE

  • from mohammed

    love your music can't wait for the next concert love from mohammed

  • from STAN


  • from Stud


  • from nigga

    fat ugly nigger

  • from Stan

    He was a fat nigger but I loved him one time he shit on my nan's grave but I allowed it because it was a tuesday.

  • from jake

    proper fat cunt

  • from Martin Sunny

    Started listening to Avicii when i was in school Immediately fell in love with his music and it helped me through some tough times during adulthood transition. Hold the line and Can't catch me are my favourites

  • from Juliusz

    When I was a few years old my dad had a ringtone with melody of the "Levels" which is why I have so many good memories associated with this song. RIP Avicci. I love you so much <3

  • from Marie

    Addicted to you Tim. Forever.💙

  • from Ayana

    私はAviciiの曲によって自分の悪いところばっかりを探していた性格から自分の長所を探し、死にたいって考えてた思考を変えることができました。怖い経験も自分の心の中には残る。そう思わせてくれました。 たぶん、いや絶対一生Avicii。そしてAviciiの曲が大好きだと思います。あなたが愛してやみません大好きです。

  • from Mike

    Ever since I got "TRUE" from my father. You Avicii have been an inspiration to me and many others. Your legacy will continue to live on in the beautiful world of music. 👏

  • from Silvia

    We all miss you Tim you did so much to us Ci manchi Tim ci hai dato tutto quello che potevi

  • from Johana

    Con tu música he tenido tanto que no soy capaz de explicarlo. Recuerdo aquél día que te escuché por primera vez junto con mi hermano y supe lo mucho se significaría para mí. Y así lo fue. Gracias por tanto Tim. Estás tatuado en mi piel en lo más profundo de mi y dentro de poco también lo estarás con tinta en ella. Te amo por siempre<3

  • from simon

    i'll guide you home no matter where you are

  • from Omi

    A part of my understanding and love of music came from you. I can never say thank you enough. Rest in Peace <3

  • from Ray 🇵🇱

    Today I listened to Avicii's The Nights" again. I'm a huge fan of him since some years but today I listened deeply to this one and I realized that I need to start achieving my dreams and let myself be happy. one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember" Thank you Tim. Legends never dies<3

  • from acreiix

    You are my relief aviciisince i listened your music in the first timei was attracted by you.your musics bring me guidance and power .in my mind you'll never leave me your musics are always around me.RIP brohope you can free in the heaven Stockholm never let my down!

  • from Sam

    I still miss you every day but you help me to get through everything with your art love you Tim.

  • from Kat

    I miss you 🙁

  • from Oliver Rodríguez

    I remember when I was only 8 years old and I listened every day to "The Nights" on a musical television channel. What good memories! All the lyrics of your songs have meanings about life that makes me reflect and that’s why your music will never die for me and for others. Wherever you are rest in peace Tim <3

  • from Dom

    I have heard a bunch of his songs for a couple of years and they hit really hard and it motivates you! What a awesome human R.I.P never forgotten

  • from jacob

    hi Avicii i really miss you so much that i wish that i could go to one of your concerts

  • from Oriol

    Love! Peace! Avicii!

  • from MP

    Love it!

  • from María

    Almost five years later I am still feeling infinite sorrow for your loss. You were are and will be the greatest inspiration in my life. Your brilliant and unique music and also the wonderful person you were. Every day I miss you so much and I listen to you through your songs. Thank you for all your wonderful music and thank you to your family and others for keeping your legacy alive. FOREVER TIM BERGLING 🤍

  • from DJ Kool

    As an up-and-coming DJ I love Avicii so much! his music is the pinnacle of EDM at its finest! miss you so much Tim! The nights with your music whether lonely together will be the nights I will remember!

  • from Bowen

    你的歌曲永远鼓舞着我们!Avicii Forever!

  • from Martin

    Avicii your music allows me to live to survive I love you and will love you forever

  • from yh


  • from Joanna

    "your music will keep your memory alive"

  • from High on life

    Till the day we die

  • from jacob

    i miss you avicii i just want to tell you something im now having my own dj name and its avicii remixes and im acutely a boy

  • from Matt

    Ich vermisse dich

  • from Oussama Boukhachem

    I can't forget the first CD Album I received as a gift from a friend…STORIES. Thank you for your unforgettable Music…

  • from Jacob Tindberg


  • from PCII


  • from Ian

    One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember

  • from 40's Nepali

    Can't pass a single day not listening AVICCI's heart-wrenchingly touching creations……

  • from esteh.tawar345

    muga-muga lagune AVICII bisa luwih seneng<3

  • from Magda

    Tęsknimy każdego dnia..

  • from L

    Miss you sooo much!!!

  • from P Sun

    I love you avicii <3

  • from Is lew

    Vi saknar dig så mycket ♡

  • from Dallant G.

    I'm from lima peru i felt so happy ☺️when you visited my country and i like 🤗that video with the little monkey🐒 that grabs your hair. I did't meet you in person but I know you are a very cute boy it shows in your look that reflects the beauty of your soul and the most handsome😍. You are a star✨ that will always shine and every time I look at the sky and see a star ✨I will know that you are in it your music remained in my thoughts and in my heart❤️ I will love you forever my dear Tim❤️

  • from Reilly

    My dad and I have always shared love for Avicii him being the reason I know who he is. Our favourite was always "Wake Me Up" giving hope for better days and getting me through hard times. I try to live by the words in The Nights; "One day you will leave this world behind so live a life you will remember". The fact that he still affects the world today and continues to give us astonishing.

  • from Michal

    Not a day goes by that I don't play one of your songs

  • from Simon

    Thank you Tim for your unforgettable Music!

  • from

    je t'aime gros ca dit quoi

  • from Mullins Family

    “You embodied everything that I love about music!!!” What I love the most about Tim is how he channeled love through the often abused public mediums like music video and big tech. There is no other artist that could turn me and my daughters frowns upside down like you you were always a favorite in my family. “We miss you so much and at least the music will be awesome when I get to heaven”

  • from まいのん


  • from Yu

    I love you Avicii. You represent my youth. Wishing every fan well.

  • from Rajat

    Whenever i listen to his music it brings back so many fond memories of my childhood. You will always be REMEMBERED…AVICII ◢◤

  • from Monsiu

    TIM made house music you could turn your mind off and just vibe to but at the same time he made something you could literally listen to and get an awesome message. You were a gem Avicii and we all miss you. Rest easy 🙁

  • from Clara

    thanks to levels I got a love for music and without that I probably wouldn't be here today thank you

  • from

    Älskade Tim. Varenda dag finns du i mina tankar och varenda dag hjälper du mig att fortsätta.

  • from Giorgia

    Hi Tim I know you're up there and seeing us fans but I wanted to wish you a happy 2023 full of passion and music. I know you're trying to entertain even the people who are no longer here. But I will keep hearing from you forever because you were my first DJ artist ever and you will continue to be. I'm proud of you and the success you've had so far from 2007-2017 and still today also in 2022-23. I love you and I will always love you from up there.❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🕊️🤍👼🏼

  • from HUA

    I miss you.

  • from kt

    i love you.

  • from Nitya

    Your songs give me the strength to not give up in my most difficult times. I'm holding onto the line. I won't give up. I wish I could've gotten a chance to meet you. I respect you with all my heart. Thank you Avicii. Thank you for creating such wonderful melodies. You'll not die till your music is alive. Love you. #AviciiForever #TimForvever

  • from TK2

    You are always our legend

  • from Emmanuel

    I miss you Tim! 🫶🏼

  • from Sacha

    I remember when Levels was blasting in the local club. This was a unique euphoria I could only feel with your music. People were immediately connecting and partying together ! Now I am still listening to your music everyday and digging into the catalog of your masterpieces . You are my biggest inspiration. Thank you for the joy Tim.

  • from Zorzetti

    escuto as musicas do avicii todos os dias e como um ritual sabe… hoje sou dj gracas a ele as musica dele me motiva todos os dias obrigado avicii. #aviciiforever

  • from Ivette

    Hola Tim: Sigo escuchando tu música todos los días….me siento triste porque no estás con nosotros y sé que encontraste la paz que tanto buscabas. Visitaste mi país El Salvador…. gracias tu música es genial.

  • from david

    te extraño tu musica me hizo ser el hombre que soy ahora

  • from Miss you Tim. Happy New Year 2023 Tim.

  • from R

    Thank youlegend RIP… We all miss u <3

  • from Chen

    TIM,i am your fans from china.Its a new year but still witout you.Maybe some day you'll back?After you leaveyour songs still help many people and me.Like you said:"we burn faster than light shine across the sky."Yeah you burn yourself so fast.But also you are the brightest. Love you everyday Chen

  • from Fede_italian

    I got to learn how to love without you… We love you tim January 2023

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