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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Jenrique

    Thank you Avicii???

  • from Jocelyn Uribe

    Gracias a él nació mi amor por la música él me inspiró a la tocar instrumentos musicales. Sus canciones tocaron mi corazón desde el primer beat. Gracias a él conocí grandes personas que ahora son mi familia. Siempre amado nunca olvidado. Tim por ti nunca me rendiré.

  • from Michelle Morrison

    I weep for you tonight because I rely on your music to lift me up and your voice has been silenced. I first encountered you at ACL in 2012 unaware of your talent. That remains my favorite concert ever amidst hundreds. The most truly PLUR event I have ever been to! I am sad that you are gone but will never stop enjoying your artistry! Perhaps your family would consider publishing a collection of your lyrics. They mean so very much to me! Thank you forever Tim Bergling. Rest in eternal peace!

  • from Joana Cadena

    No voy a decir cosas que no van Avicii fue el primer DJ que escuche y fue el mejor de todos su muerte me calló como un balde de agua por qué nunca le puse la suficiente atención a su música y aún que ahora me pongo triste cuándo escucho sus canciones Tim siempre será mi primer DJ Favorito por siempre.

  • from Brallan Laverde

    Some time pass But I still lose you I learned from you the game of the life thank you for be part of my life. I will never forget you

  • from Paola Zavala

    Avicii♥️Gracias a ti descubrí la música electrónica y desde hay me fascino Cuando me entere de tu muerte no lo creía aunque fuera cierto no lo quería creer.. es increíble como duele la muerte de una persona que no conociste uno de mis sueños era ir a un concierto tuyo en tomorrowlad pero lamentable jamás se cumplirá sabes a todos nos duele no averte visto en el tomorrowlad pasado Eres y serás siempre el mejor Por siempre avicii♥️

  • from Ray

    ◢◤ 太可惜啦太可惜啦, 为什么会是你呢,不过不用担心传奇不会死

  • from Dyana

    I've been a huge fan of his since I was 12. I've always dreamed of meeting him but never got the chance. I'm truly proud of everything he acomplished. I loved and still love his music like crazy! It's amazing how he had always made my days better with just listening to his songs. It's so shocking that he's no longer here I still can't even believe it. Love you with every piece of my heart rest in peace angel!?

  • from Jackie V

    Your missed I still can’t belive your gone it doesn’t feel real. Rest in paradise.

  • from Cris Mota

    his songs were part of great moments in my life including my wedding video. His energy and melodies will remain forever!

  • from Rebecca Galván Cancún (México) ??❤️??

    Mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas al enterarme de la triste noticia aún después de meses no puedo creer que sea verdad . querido Tim como persona y como Dj fuiste maravilloso tu música me enseñó a disfrutar de las pequeñas grandes cosas de la vida cada que patino por el boulevard escucho tus canciones y me hacen sentir llena de felicidad . Gracias Tim por todos esos bellos momentos que nos diste Te llevare por siempre en mi corazón . ◢◤❤️ Mis mejores deseos para la familia Bergling

  • from Rebecca Galván Cancún (México) ??❤️??

    Mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas al enterarme de la triste noticia aún después de meses no puedo creer que sea verdad . Querido Tim como persona y como Dj fuiste maravilloso tu música me enseñó a disfrutar de las pequeñas grandes cosas de la vida cada que patino por el boulevard escucho tus canciones y me hacen sentir llena de felicidad . Gracias Tim por todos esos bellos momentos que nos diste Te llevare por siempre en mi corazón . ◢◤ ❤️ Mis mejores deseos para la familia Bergling

  • from Maria BRAZIL

    Descanse meu rei… Choro ao ouvir suas música e ao olhar os seus olhos na as fotos…. Sinto sua falta fique em paz ao lado do senhor Jesus e Deus ❤❤❤❤❤❤ From the brazilian

  • from NC

    I had been listening to Avicii ever since i was young. Every time it would come on at our school dances everyone would dance and sing to the songs. Even in my middle school before class started in the morning as a one minute warning to get to class they would play wake me up. I love him so much and even though he is gone his legacy will forever live on. Thank you for everything you have done for the world of music Avicii. ❤️

  • from Dark

    Gracias por tu Musica Tim espero que estes en un lugar mejor que aqui aunque me pregunte por que te suicidastes siempre eso pasa por mi mente y se queda en blanco gracias a tu musica pude salir de esa oscuridad que me rodeaba Gracias Tim Berling

  • from Samantha

    Avicii made living in this world so much better. He brought light amazing energy and his talent. He makes anyone's darkest hour bright again by just listening to his music. Thank you for that Tim. Forever in our heart's and mind's. ❤️

  • from cc

    i’m still heartbroken from your loss. your music has touched my heart and millions of others. you had such a kind heart and you’re someone that i will never forget. fly high angel ??

  • from fann1beauregard

    Tim's songs has been a big part of my life and now that he's gone I'm sure that NOTHING (EDM especially) will be the same. I'll miss you so bad AVICII! RIP to the best DJ in the world! :')

  • from Tim Lustig

    Damn. Avicii was one of the first artists to inspire me to make music. I can honestly really relate to him. It's hard to find meaning when you are a poet. A lot of art loses its depth after some time. The only way I've been able to combat it is with time spent away from everything and to breathe. He didn't get that chance or at least didn't see it. rest in peace.

  • from Val

    Yesterday I had a really rough day at school and on my way home I listened Tim’s music and it made me feel better somehow. Thank you Tim wherever you are I hope you know how much you mean to me and how your music is capable to make my life better.

  • from David Esparza Guevara

    Te extraño Tim fuiste una persona maravillosa para mi tu eres mi inspiración tu eres todo lo que yo hubiera querido ser cambiaste mi mundo me hiciste sentir nuevas experiencias con tu música puedo decir que si no te hubiera escuchado yo seguiria perdido gracias a ti y a tu música abrí mi vida deje atrás la oscuridad que me rodeaba y camine hacia la luz me hubiera gustado haberte conocido hubiéramos sido grandes amigos pero por obra del destino te fuiste primero pero jamas te olvidaré……..

  • from Matías

    Siempre fue alguien importante de mi infancia su música siempre me motivaba y bailaba. Sufrí su pérdida y ahora su legado continuará.

  • from Eliana

    Con Él empece escuchar música electrónica sus melodías me transmiten paz felicidad y miles de sentimientos. Siempre en mi memoria.❤

  • from Felipe Barros

    Avicci Ever! Brazil!

  • from christian toledo

    hola mi sentido pesame para toda su familia de verdad me siento un poco mal cuando supe que dejo este plano terrenal recuerdo que yo cuando era un chicuelo me fasinaba la musica electronica y queria producirla desde cero por que conoci muchos programas y nada como fl studio tambien practicaba mucho me habia suscrito a un bloc que si no ams recuerdo era ya no existe debido a que artitas la denunciaron hay subi mis pistas creadas por fl studio tenia 3 mil seguidores cerraron l pa

  • from EC

    You brought a lot of love to this world that will last longer than you could have ever imagined. Rest easy you beautiful soul ?

  • from Tim you wasare and will always muy inspiration to do music i cant beleave that you pass away i will listen every song till the end of muy life i wish so hard todo meet you misa yo tim

  • from Federico

    Tim just wanted to thank you for everything. Remeber buying true with my first earns. Wow that melodies that lyrics that guitars. Then stories what an album. I think i will never going to hear something better than your music. Much love miss you so much your music helped me in difficults moments and now when i hear a song from you i cry. Be Safe Rest in peace i hope you are on a better place and i hope to one day meet you in heaven. My idol for ever Love.

  • from Amara

    Avicii lo conocí en el 2010 con el tema "seek bromance" ame esa cancion!!! De ahí empecé a seguirlo en las sitios web que encontraba para saber de él!. Después comencé a escuchar sus canciones seguía su vida artistica. Ame sus canciones y se convirtió en mi dj favorito! La letra de sus canciones eran unicas siempre tenían algo que dejar! Cuando supe de su muerte fue terrible y yo sinceramente si lloré. Tim era una hermosa persona! #aviciierforeber

  • from Taylor Morales

    I'm still heartbroken about the fact you're gone. I grew up listening to you music when I was twelve years old and I still love you and I miss you so much! You light up the world by your music! Tack för allt Avicii! ❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?

  • from Sarah Burney

    Where do I start? I heard Wake Me Up when I was just a little kid and oh boy did I play that song over and over and over again. Your songs taught me how to love EDM and how to love music- period. I thank you for the role you played in finding myself and exploring a whole new world. Rest in peace you wonderful talented genius.

  • from HRRY

  • from Carolyn

    You wrote the soundtrack to the best times with my friends and to my mornings on the train. You were loved and you are missed sorely.

  • from kalum

    I will never forget you! You are part of such an incredible time of my life ! Wherever you are i hope you know that you are so loved and we will never forget you!

  • from Jetsy MV

    I will be forever deeply grateful your music and for bringing a smile to my face every time I listened to your songs. You brought so much happiness to the world You were a genius that will always be missed Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Oscar cooper

    Tim (AVICII) your music is uplifting and gorgeous to everyone who hears Just a bit of it not even the whole song and it will forever uplift me Tim you may of died but AVICII will never die the legend of you will remain alive forever ??

  • from Danielle M.

    I can't even face the fact that you're gone. You were the reason why I started to listen to electronic music. You were a big inspiration. I feel kind of mad though because maybe you could have been here with us but you decided not to. I can't accept it I just can't. Every night I ask myself why?Why? did you take that choice? It breaks my heart to know that I will not be able to listen to new songs of yours but I promised you that I will never forget you. You are and will always be MY LEGEND

  • from Sandra

    Lieber Tim….Deine Geschichte hat mich sehr berührt…eigentlich habe ich den Menschen Tim Berkling erst wirklich nach seinem Tod wahrgenommen. Eine tragische Geschichte aber auch ein wahnsinnig fasziniender Mensch! Mein Mitgefühl geht an seine Familie….so früh sollte man sein Kind einfach nicht verlieren ?. …ich hoffe es geht ihm gut dort wo er jetzt ist!

  • from S

  • from EL Mehdi

    Still heartbroken and can't believe your death. I love you so much and also your music. I remember when you come to Morocco at the Mawazine Festival in 2015. Righy now I don't understand why I didn't come to your show. I have watched your full show in YouTube and I have discovered many music and like him like wake me up and waiting for love and many others. And in this year at Festival Martin Garrix has drope waiting tributed for you. From my heart I wish to you the Heaven!

  • from Vector

    I first heard music at 6 when I was browsing youtube. And I thought: this is the best! I hope he live like a spy so ….. RIP or not? he is not dead LEGEND im the "true beliver" ??

  • from Esther

    Nunca supe cuánto podía afectarme la pérdida de alguien que no conozco. Ahora lo sé. Resulta que se me hace difícil aceptar que ya no nos vas a animar los días con tu música que incluso nos ayudó en momentos difíciles. Ya no te voy a poder ver en un show lo cual era mi sueño desde niña porque gracias a tu música amo la electrónica. Pero nos dejaste un legado que nunca vamos a olvidar. Siempre vas a estar en nuestros corazones ? Gracias por ser parte de nuestras vidas Tim.

  • from Vicious

    Months have passed but still the weight of your death is present in my heart. I grew up listening only to your songs proud to be one of your biggest fans. I'm sorry because in addition to being a great artist you were also a wonderful person eager to help the weakest dedicating them the lyrics of your songs. I hope you are quiet now but even if you are not physically present on Earth your music will always accompany me throughout my life. Love you Vicio

  • from Vector

    I first heard the levels music at 6 when I was browsing the youtube And I thought: this is the best song !!! And he wrote a lot of good songs. I hope he will not die he will continue to live in inconsistencies?? The legend … RIP? or not I'm a "true beliver"

  • from Vektor

    I first heard the levels music at 6 when I was browsing the youtube And I thought: this is the best song !!! And he wrote a lot of good songs. I hope he will not die he will continue to live in inconsistencies?? The legend … RIP? or not he not I'm a "true beliver"

  • from Cntzz

    Hard to believe that suddenly you were gone. I still have great times singing his songs specially in the summer. Your songs still bring me to a peaceful state of mind. Each song has a unique story maybe that's why one of his albums is called Stories. Thank you for everything you've done. You marked my life in many positive ways and I'll be always gratefull for that. Your music will last forever.

  • from Sejal

    I think about you so much Tim. I can't believe you're gone. I didn't even meet you how I wish I did. I hope you're resting peacefully beautiful. ? Thank you for everything you've done for me.

  • from GIORGIA

    Still heartbroken for your loss still cannot believe you're not here anymore when the radio plays your songs. I'm sorry for all you've been through I wish anybody would have helped you when you needed it. I've enjoyed your songs from the very first moment but I really fell in love with you in summer 2013 when "wake me up" became the hymn and timeless soundtrack of my post-high school journey in Ios (Greece). You've left an everlasting footprint in the world you will never be forgotten. Love

  • from Diana rojas montes

    Hola timbueno sea donde sea que estes te mando un abrazo enormesiempre me imagine en un consierto tuyo pero lamentablemente tuvo que pasar todo estofue algo impactacte todo lo que ocurrio fue algo inimaginablepero apesar de todo esto sigo recordandote escuchando todas tus canciones todos los diasespero que estes en un mejor lugar descanzando y en paz. Has dejado un gran vacio pero por siempre te recordaremos.. Te amo tim Descanza en paz Avicii….❤

  • from N'Isabelle

    Hello Querido Avicii Fue Muy Dolorosa Tu Perdida Aunque Nunca Pude Ir A Tus Concierto Pero Nunca He Dejado De Escuchar Tus Musicas & Jamas Lo Hare Bueno Mi Sueños Era Conocerte En Personas & No Lo Podre Cumplirlo & Quiero Cumplir Mi Sueños De Ser Dj/Producer & Tu Me Estas Inspirando Gracias Por Hacer Las Mejores Musicas De Mundo & El Mejor Dj En La Tierra & El Cielo Te Amo Avicii-Tim Bergling??

  • from Linda G

    Carn't tell you how much your music has inspired so many people. I never had the chance to see you but one of the greatest songs ever 'Wake me up'. I remember celebrating my 50th & loved this song felt like I had died & gone to heaven. Thank you so much for your music which has helped so many people through tough times. . Love you & you will always be in ou hearts for you fantastic talent. . RIP Avicii your a legend!!

  • from Evelina B

    Du och din musik betydde så sjukt mycket för mig. Din musik fanns alltid där när man behövde den när man helt enkelt ville bli glad. Jag har precis läst endel av det andra kommentarerna och sitter redan och stor bölar. Jag förstår fortfarande inte att du inte finns längre förstår inte heller att det inte kommer bli några nya låtar av dig. Din låt "heaven" är den sjukaste och den mest berörande låten jag hört. Jag hoppas du har det bra i himmelen. Jag saknar dig otroligt mycket! <3

  • from Frozen

    It's like I lost a member of my family I miss you so much… You we're my inspiration you inspire so much person it's amazing I have today some difficulties to realise that you're gone. Hope you can make everyone dance in heaven!

  • from Adrián Alvarado

    Dear Avicii… You inspire me to be a DJ / producer I met you at age 8 for the Levels song and I have not stopped listening to your music thanks for having driven me in various things and helping me in my bad moments. We will miss you Avicii see you later.

  • from Fernando

    Gracias genio con tus hermosas melodías me ayudaste a saber que estaba perdido (como dice la letra de Wake Me Up) siempre serás mi artista #1! Hasta siempre Leonardo d'AVICII!!

  • from Romain GRESSET

    I started listen edm music because of him and it changed my whole vision of the world music. His sign is tattoed on my skin for life since 4 years. I will never forget him.

  • from Linda

  • from ClassicBeeto

    I miss you bro I want to be a dj as well as you because you are the best. I love you.

  • from Luuk

    Thanks for your inspiring music. For the rest of my life I'll be wearing your Wake Me Up logo which is tattooed on the inside of my upper arm with proud and joy. Hope you're in a better world now. Thanks Tim. Luuk Netherlands.

  • from Emmanuel

    In 2011 when LE7ELS came out I was immediately fascinated by him and from then on I was addicted to him obsessed. Avicii was the one who introduced me to Electronic Music One of my dreams was to sit in a studio with him and do what we both did love the most

  • from Fatumah

    I miss you everyday! There is not a day that goes by that I didnt you were here. I will love you forever. And thank you for changing my life your music really helped me and still helps me. So thank you!

  • from Caitilin.m

    I just want to Thank you for all you have done your music is such an inspiration to me and it has helped me through some tough times the connection I have with your music is unbreakable you may be gone but will live in our hearts forever and will never ever be forgotten fly high brother we are all truely heartbroken Rest In peace Avicii aka.tim ❤

  • from Coldplaying…

    Avicii 4ever!! From Chiapas MX

  • from Giorgio

    Ti ho scritto già un paio di volte ed ho visto Avicii true stories non riesco a credere che un talento così grande non ci sia più. Ripeto sono ormai fuori dai giochi 2 figli e 40 anni ti ho scopeto tardi molto tardi ma ti invidio e comunque capisco come ti sentivi. Sei e sarai sempre un grande

  • from Melis Engin

    Tim's Seek Bromance was the first song of his that I heard. I was quickly captivated. During middle school (I'm now 21) this song helped me so much especially the instrumental version when I was going through a difficult time. I don't know why but I really loved the tune. I really liked his style and compositions. I was deeply saddened to hear his death. He went away way too soon. Rest in peace…

  • from Coldplayer

    Avicci 4ever!! From Chiapas MX

  • from Kelly

    So grateful for the music you gave to this world. Tim you will never be forgotten you will continue to live on through your genius melodies. You touched my heart love you.

  • from Emma

    Too good for this world…Thank you for your music. Rest in peace beautiful soul.

  • from Noel

    I have listened to Avicii my whole life i i grew up With Aviciis music. So weird without his musix

  • from Inspired to write

    I remember listening to a mix or random playlist online hearing Levels played then NEEDING to find out what the name of that song was and the artist. That was when AVICII's music found me. And through the years the depth the willingness to look beyond… I just enjoy his music as a voice singing to me. I work in mental health and was deeply saddened to hear of Tim's passing. His music brought grace and beauty. Our world was not big enough for his soul. Love and light to his family.

  • from Samm25wayne

    19/02/2013 llegue a Buenos Aires y me encontré con un inmenso cartel que anunciaba Ultra! Era mi oportunidad para conocer al gran Avicii. Esa noche estaba nervioso y ansioso el escenario estaba apagado sólo se escuchaba murmurar al público. El show comenzó… tenía una mezcla de sensaciones El estaba en frente de mi agitando su mano tocando el piano en el aire Fue un momento inolvidable insuperable! Avicii esta en mi memoria en uno de los mejores momentos de mi vida. ◢ ◤

  • from Thomass

    Avicii tu auras bercé toute mon adolscence et tu continue de le faire ! Tu etais es et restera une reference en tant que musicien et homme ! A tout jamais tu resteras dans mon coeur et mon esprit ! Repose en paix mon ami ❤️

  • from Julian H.

    Thank you Avicii for your great music. I coming from Germany and i love your music <3 R.I.P Tim Bergling Avicii ich werde dich vermissen! Du wirst immer in meinem herzen beleiben danke für dein Musik! Ich kenne fast jedes Lied von dir! Mein Lieblings Lieder sind Waiting for Love und Without You! Ich hab mir schon ein T-Shirt bedrucken lassen aber ich kauf mir noch den offiziellen Merch!

  • from Gabriella

    What a wonderful talented and kind person he was. His music gives me goosebumps and his presence on stage was so powerful. I remember seeing his interview when he retired and I marveled at his grace and love that he had for his fans. He never let fame make him forget who he was and what he stood for. The world has lost a great human being. May he Rest In Peace and sleep with the angels.

  • from Pol

    Thank you so much for the great moments that your music gave to me. You letters were always an example and gave me forces to continue even in the worst moments of my life. Rest in peace Legend

  • from Robert

    I remember being in school and just having fun listening to Tims music. I used to hear songs like you make me all the time on the radio. And one time I even wrote his lyrics in a textbook of mine. Tim was not just an inspiration but a guy with a beautiful soul. I've been crying alot lately but atleast i can say Tack så mycket tim utan dig skulle jag inte vare vem jag är idag men jag är så himla glad att du är någon stans du är glad.

  • from Mate

    I love you!

  • from Cole

    Always #1

  • from

    i miss him

  • from Lily

    Thank you Tim you've opened many eyes in the music world. Because of you I see and feel music in a different way. Avicii you were a true musician or a DJ your a legend an angel that went way too soon. You are my Idol forever in my heart ❤️ 2015 was the best day live in London summertime ball best memories?

  • from Asude

    Tim has really been a great producer I love him so much ❤️I love his songs especially❤️ because he made the world dance?? when he's gone I'm more interested in the music and I will not stop the music because I want to be a producer too AND WOULD LIKE TO SAY URGENTLY IN INSTAGRAM my account is asude.dmcn WHO SUPPORTS THIS SITE PLEASE WRITE ME A MESSAGE thanks miss you Tim ❤️?

  • from Laurie

    Merci Avicii toutes tes musiques m'ont inspirée et m'ont permise de traverser le temps. J'ai grandit avec tes chansons j'ai dansé sur tes rythmes et j'ai chanté tes paroles. Chacun de tes morceaux est attaché à un souvenir bien précis de ma vie à une sensation et à un moment. Merci pour tout ce tu étais ce que tu as fait et repose en paix désormais.

  • from Isabella Landa

    Avicii yo adoro tu música descansa en paz yo siempre seré tu admiradora .

  • from Coline

    Merci de m’avoir fait aimer la musique électronique en 2011 merci d’avoir engendré cette passion qui me suivra toute ma vie. Merci d’avoir su remonter le moral à tant de personnes au plus bas. J’aurais tellement aimé te voir je me souviens avoir tellement pleuré quand tu es venu en France et que je n’ai pas pu venir. Cette fin est triste et tragique mais tu es sûrement mieux où tu es. Merci d’avoir été la personne que tu étais et jamais ô grand jamais nous ne t’oublierons.

  • from Natalia

    Kazda z twoich piosenek ma swój własny przekaz i za to je kocham.Sa pełne emocji a zarazem nostalgiczne z szczypta magi.Na zawsze już będą z nami wszystkimi nic tego nam nie zabierze mam nadzieje ze to również był twój cel.Abys zawsze i wszędzie był z nami wszystko i każdym z osobna.?

  • from Hans

    It happened afterwards when after many years of relationship I was really into breaking up with my sweet gf I went with her for a festival of lectronic music and while totaly isolated from every day worries and career thinking I felt like I should stop only thinking about materialism and direct my attention on somebody who always did everything to be with me. She moved to different countries she tried to stick to me by all means putting a lot of effort in sometimes she didn't want to do .

  • from Tant Augusta Sverige

    Som alla här har jag också lyssnat och blivit berörd av din musik.? Jag hade precis tittat färdigt på True Stories blev både road glad och sorgsen över att du Tim bestämde dig för 2016 sluta turnera. Men samma helg ( då du lämnade jordelivet ) skulle jag och min man titta på filmen igen. Men Jaha… Då går du och tar livet av dig….TIM ! Vad var det som hände där i MuscatOman. Jag blev så ledsen…så ledsen. Är fortfarande ledsen.? Varför ?! vi får hoppas att du fått frid nu. ❤❤

  • from Matilda

    När jag fick höra att Tim inte fanns mer blev jag så ledsen han var verkligen en fin kille och hade ett gott hjärta. Madde dåligt utav att veta att han inte kommer göra ny musik mer och att jag ej kommer få se han.. men hans musik lever vidare. Förslltid han är en legend. Hans musik och han själv var speciell.❤️

  • from Molly Disbury

    He let us dream through ALL his music and through that he has not died.

  • from Maja

    Rust in Vrede❤️

  • from Bethany Schenk

    I remember times when his music pulled me out of my suicidal episodes.My earliest memory was hearing Hey Brother on the radioand my mom playing guess the song with us.His songs had morals.At leastfor me.His songs taught me valuble lessonsLike dont abandon familybe loyal to the ones you love and Dont give up when it looks hard. I fell in love with the stories he had to telland even though i didnt know him personallyhe still had a huge impact on my life.My best wishes to his family.

  • from Jhon

  • from Alexander samame

    Siempre estaras en nuestros corazones avicii ❤

  • from Ez$

    My wife and I are on our honeymoon and were still pumping your podcasts in our $hitty car rental. To hear your voice and your ridiculous mixes makes us miss you everyday. Thank you for touching our lives. Your music will always live on.

  • from Darius P. D.

    fly to the sky

  • from Abigail Monterrey MX

    Cada día vives en mi corazón Tim tu música hace que te sienta cerca tus letras me tocan realmente el corazón haces tanta falta! Descansa i love you Tim.

  • from Sarah

    I never had the chance to meet him but his music had and will always bring me happiness and emotions. Be able to make so many people happy thanks to his music and melodies is such a gift. Tim we will never forget you and be sure that people will continue to listen your beautiful music. When i will have child they will know Avicii/ Tim Bergling and his music. Thank you man ! Hope your are in peace now. Rest in Peace

  • from Lilla??

    A zenéiddel a rossz napjaim szebbé tetted a jó napjaim meg fantasztikussá.❤️ De a hiányod nem múlik el soha❤️ ??

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