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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from AC

    I never got to see him Live. It may very well be one of my biggest regrets in life. But his music carried me through some very rough times in my life, motivated me, inspired me, and some of my happiest moments in life, Tim's music was playing in the background…

  • from Kevin McCullagh

    Still my favourite, Tim ◢◤

  • from Christian

    Avicii's music always brightened my day when I heard it. It still does, and it reminds me to enjoy life to the fullest, day by day, year by year. It is something I strive to remember in the hardest times. Live a life you will remember. Thank you Tim.

  • from Hu

    謝謝你 有一天 我也會努力的 因此 編曲的勇氣 是你給我的

  • from Macman

    Heyy ,Tim I just want to say thanks for your inspiration Always miss you 🙂

  • from Said CHALDAK

    Her şarkısı beni başka bir maziye sürüklüyor. Sanki her bir şarkısı, tozlu örtüler altında kalan hazineler gibi. Seni Özlüyoruz…

  • from Laura🌞

    I listen your music since first song , and listen u last song. U r my you vest idol , and u r such a beautiful soul. Rest in prece Tim! Love u and respect for ever! ❤️

  • from Barry McCockiner

    where do i begin.. 2014.. heard Hey Brother on the radio and loved avicii ever since.. would've loved to meet him Tim would be proud knowing we care about him and his music so much


    Gracias por tu música <3. Te extrañamos mucho :'(

  • from sam

    thank you

  • from Silvia

    Tim, we missen jouw zo hard . Ook al ben je niet hier niet meer op deze wereld je bent nog strek aanwezig voor ons ,we denken nog iedere week aan u . Dankjewel voor u muziek. 🎼🎶🎶🎶 Dankjewel voor je boodschappen. 🎬 Dankjewel voor er te zijn voor ons die het moeilijk hebben. 🎹🕯 Dankjewel ster in de hemel 🕊⭐️🫶🙌👊🏽

  • from Gustav Lundquist

    Jag tänker fortfarande på dig varje dag. Mitt hjärta läker aldrig och vissa dagar är tuffare än andra. Jag ska göra annorlunda. Hoppas du känner frid. Jag saknar dig massor.

  • from From ur Gunduzz

    Luv too da patti

  • from Ur Yovvv❤️

    Lub U Gunduu

  • from pete


  • from Shakira

    His music literally kept me going in 2012 I loved him so much and I’m so grateful for his music

  • from yuri


  • from Parra/Parrichote47

    Avicci eres un dios, tus pensamientos tu manera de pensar y de cómo funciona la vida es brutal. Me voy a tatuar tu logo para siempre tenerte en mi, y que cuando mire el tatuaje recuerde el significado por lo cual me lo hice.

  • from Malika

    we miss u so you

  • from The Maker

    Inspired by TIM 🐐

  • from Sibu

    We miss You Legend 💎✨

  • from Natalya

    I'd do a d give a anything just to met you, I cry thinking that you didn't feel loved and appreciated. When your family does and your friends but still hurts.

  • from Speaker Boy

    I remember when I heard you for the first time, it was when I was going to watch the Italy vs Spain match at Euro 2012, when I was in the car with my cousin he asked me: "Isaac, do you listen to EDM?", to which I responded " Yes, well, a little." At that moment he played "Levels", and when I heard those melodies, chords and that fresh drop, my life changed and you inspired me to make music. Thanks Tim, I love you 💗

  • from Speaker Boy

    Tim in memory of tou i made this track . Thanks for all legend ! ❤️

  • from Théo

    Tim, we miss you 😥💞

  • from Riri

    I miss you Tim

  • from Matt

    I listen to you every day and I can't get enough of it, you will always be in my heart, I miss you so much Avicii 🤍❤️

  • from ❤️TORI❤️

    Un día yo estaba muy triste y deprimida Me metí a Youtube y me apareció una canción de Avicii y me enseño que la vida es hermosa y hay que disfrutarla Desde entonces amo sus canciones ❤️ Muchas gracias hasta el cielo a Avicii ❤️🥺 Decidí compartir mi historia ya que ví que las demás personas también lo hacen ¡GRACIAS AVICII! ❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺

  • from I

    Always Thinking about you. To the moon and back. I

  • from Matheus S. O.

    Hello Avicii, since you passed away the world has not been the same, we miss you, your motivating songs, you were an inspiration to many people and to this day you continue to be successful, when I listen to your songs I get very emotional, I feel your lack! !

  • from Janeidi

    Like many, Avicii introduced me to EDM. I will forever be grateful and cherish it. Tim was an artist; I would like to say the king of EDM. Tim's music is timeless and hold so much emotion and power. I miss him every day. Recently, I had the privilege to read his biography. What a talented artist. I hope we see a new documentary released in the near future. For now, I continue to watch his live sets on YouTube and get chills. We love you and miss you so much Tim! <3

  • from Albert

    Tim’s music introduced me to edm and the beauty of music. How it connects us to others and can share a positive message with the entire world. I owe Tim my love for music production and of being an artist Without him and his music, I may have never been able to find that passion for music.

  • from Jacopo

    Passo a gli anni Tim, ma tu resti nel cuore, grazie per avermi aiutato nei momenti vuoi del passato. Sempre con noi❤️

  • from

    Ascolto ancora oggi le sue canzoni TI AMO ❤️

  • from De France 🇨🇵

    Avicii dans mon cœur pour l éternité 💘💞😇🇸🇪

  • from Ibiza hang

    Avicii💛u ഇനി യുള്ള കാലം ഞാൻ എന്റെ ജീവിതം മുഴുവൻ വിനയം ദയനിയം മായി തുടങ്ങും.അതെ എന്റെ എല്ലാം എവിടെ ആർക്കോ അല്ലാതെ എന്റെ എല്ലാം ഇവിടെ നിനക്ക് എന്നു പറയാൻ ആകില്ല 😔💛uAvicii

  • from Mati

    me and my actual boyfriend got closer with Avicii’s songs. One day he randomly stopped me while i was walking and said “Is that Waiting for love from Avicii?” and now we still listen to his beautiful songs.

  • from 尤新南

    原谅我这条迟到的祝福。永远忘不了第一次听The Days时那直触灵魂的震撼。你永远时我心里第一的DJ!愿你在另一个世界安好,永远音乐相伴!

  • from Mustafa Kahraman


  • from Arik

    He taught me that I should cherish my childhood and make memories that never fade away!

  • from Ibiza hang

    💐Avicii ഇന്ന്💐. 💐Michael clark rockfeller💐. 💐Happy birth day💐. 💐Most memorable 💐

  • from Richard

    Avicii saved my life. He taugh me that life is precious and that I should value. When I didnt have friends to talk he music always conforted me and for that I very grateful. I an still dealing with some demons of my own but he helped a lot.

  • from nhattminhh

    I still remember the day at wembley with you. That was the first time I saw you. But that was the first and last time for me.

  • from Maryia

    I always admired and admire your spirit Tim. You are loved and never forgotten. your music is part of my being. Love you. Maryia

  • from von Claudia

    Deine Musik hat die Welt berührt – ich kenne all deine Songtexte und deine Musik bleibt Erinnerung an bessere Zeiten. 🎶 In loving memory Tim. 💜

  • from Priscila 🇲🇽

    Ojalá pudieras ver como tu música a cambiado vidas, cambio la mía y la Forma de de verla, te amaré y agradeceré por siempre. Forever TIM 💜

  • from Kushal Banthia

    I missed the chance to attend his concert. Missyou Legend.

  • from Ibiza hang

    Iam sorry avicii an i miss u

  • from Forway

    ForAvicii 1989-Forever

  • from Арина

    Thank you 💔

  • from Veronika

    I’ve been listening to Avicii since I was like 5 or 6 . When I first heard Wake Me Up I couldn’t stop listening to Avicii. Now he inspires me anytime . Also just because of him I got into music industry. Avicii forever 💗◢ ◤

  • from sosuke◢ ◤

    たまたま、4月19日にAviciiのライブが見たいと思ってyoutubeで流しながら寝落ちしたんだ。 そして、起きたら20日だったよ。 Aviciiが意図的にやったんじゃないかと思って興奮したよ。

  • from Empireu

    I'm a big fan.I was at his concert

  • from Vazafirst

    Thank you for all, Legend

  • from Tony Li

    Love you forever. I will always listen to your songs and grow up like this.

  • from Antoine

    I was born in the early 2000s. His music represents a part of my childhood. When I listen his music I see myself back when I was 15 yo when I listened to AVICII on the radio. For me it is a monument of music.

  • from Sahra

    Tu nous manques terriblement ❤️

  • from Alfonso🥰

    TE AMO MONSERRAT💜❤️ eres el dia magico de mi anochecer💜❤️ ATT Alfonso🥰🥰

  • from Jackson

    I first heard his songs as a kid when I was at an after school club and ever since then myself and many friends have continued to listen to his music & get people to listen to his music. It’s such a shame he left us so soon may he rest in peace. Fly high avicii

  • from From an Italian fan

    I was 7 years old, and my dream was to go to an Avicii concert when I became an adult, now, I have the availability to go to one of his concerts but he is no longer there. When it's time to leave I'll book tickets for his concert in heaven.

  • from 阿铭

    永远的爱你◢ ◤

  • from Danika

    I’ve never heard of him until just moments ago when I received this text: “Hi Karen, progress is expected here in the following days. It will not be possible after the DL on Thu 05/16. Many thanks” Can someonekindły expłain this weird and totally random text I received from this dead man!??? I have no clue…

  • from Isabelle

    His music wakes me up . His music makes my dance and everything . May he rest in peace.

  • from AB From Taitunya


  • from Yeddie

    I remember the first time I heard levels. My roomie was getting fisted by my other roomie who was from Mexico. Good times!!

  • from MG

    Rest in peace. His music really brought me and my brother together. He will not be forgotten 😢.

  • from Ace from Detroit

    Guys music sucked good riddance

  • from Georgia (Australia)

    I remember first listening to Avicci when I was 10 years old and I was absolutely in love with his sound. I grew up with his music and still listen to it now. I'm now 21 and out of home, and I just heard one of his songs for the first time in a while. Brought back some of the best memories from when I was younger. He truly touched everyone who listened to his music. He'll always be an important part of my growing up <3.

  • from Freak

    He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember"

  • from Addie

    I drew a picture of you. I know I did a bad job. I hope the bergling family and friends read what I’m about to write. Dear Tim, you were a friend to me even though we never met. Your music got me through hard times. I always wanted to meet you. I don’t want to accept that you aren’t alive anymore. I can’t accept it. It’s hard to think about death. Death is the ugly truth but if you change the perspective, death is just tragic. You can’t stop it. Death is a collector of the most beautiful things.

  • from Игорь Суслов

    Спасибо большое за то, что существует!

  • from Srihith

    Every day, I always wake up and think of Avicii, 6 years later, I still remember. Love you Avicii, missed, but never forgotten.

  • from Oleg

    I grew up on Avicii’s music and still member how I imagined my 20s as road trips with friends accompanied by his music. These days his music is always with me and I miss him so much…

  • from Yoav

    He showed me how to spend my life Thanks. Never forgotten R.I.P

  • from Aiden

    Thank you for making amazing music that helped me throughout my life, life might stop, but not memories. Thankyou, Tim.

  • from Ritesh

    A person who created space in people's heart ❣️ Miss him One of my fav. song"THE NIGHTS"

  • from Benjamin Cheuquian

    I miss him…

  • from Jane

    Hey Emily Goldberg, if you see Tim in the sky full of stars, please tell him that we are missing him sou much.

  • from J.R.

    RIP legend

  • from Nick

    I remember being a little kid in the car, with Avicii's music playing on the radio. I had no idea he had passed until recently. I wish he knew how many people loved his music, and how much those who knew him loved him, he deserved to live a long life. I hope he's at peace now.

  • from Ashmit kerketta

    Love you 🥺❤️‍🩹

  • from Robert

    Your music is great, beautiful, and always beside me whenever I feel bad. I love your music and miss you very much.

  • from hhjkjkj

    rest, Tim

  • from Sofie

    Då och då behöver jag hans musik lite extra mycket. Idag var en sån dag och det får mig att må lite lite bättre, Tack ❤️

  • from Thegirlwhocannotsleep

    Me again. I read your book then bought it on audible too. I am on the edge, my head is all over the place but your music is keeping me alive. Forever in my heart Tim.

  • from Shal Khuleya

    Thank you very much Avicii for all the beautful and good music. You are forever in our hearts man..

  • from Rasmus G

    Saknar dig fortfarande, det är 6 år sedan du hamnade på en bättre plats för dig, det är de som betyder. Vi alla saknar dig fortfarande.

  • from Chrissie

    Emily Grace Goldberg * 3.12.1989 + 3.4.2024 Tim Bergling * 8.9.1989 + 20.4.2018

  • from Michele – Italy

    His music was so deep and spiritual. He brought EDM to another level. He was a genius of melodies. We miss you but your music will stay with us forever.

  • from riri

    thank you

  • from Jerry Chen

    His music connected with me so deeply. I still miss him to this day, really wish I was old enough to attend his performances growing up. Love Live Avicii

  • from Albin

    He and his music inspire me to produce more music ◢ ◤

  • from Donato

    Penso che sia l'unica persona che vorrei tornasse in vita

  • from mikaal


  • from Francesca


  • from SongXuan

    We miss you

  • from zk

    miss you Tim❤️❤️❤️

  • from Kelly Godinez

    When I was a kid I heard Avicii's famous songs like Levels, Wake Me Up, Hey Brother, and Fade Into Darkness. These were what got me into the EDM genre. Nowdays, I have heard more of his music and have fallen in love with the rest of his stuff. Like his album Stories. R.I.P Bro Your one of the reasons I make music You were part of my childhood

  • from Ryba2137

    Avicii Forever ♥️◢ ◤

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