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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Tina

    Thank you,Tim

  • from Andy

    Avicii will long live in our heart

  • from Tamela Villa

    I first listened to Avicii when I was 11. It was because of Tap Tap Revenge that I got introduced to his music. I remember how tough playing Levels was which eventually led to my love affair with EDM. I remember the day he died. I was 2 weeks shy of my 18th birthday. I couldn't speak and I just crumbled down the floor of my room when my friend texted me about the tragedy. One year on and I'm still grieving. But he will live on in history as being himself Tim Bergling.

  • from Ronit

    Like a friend he helped me with his words and melodies to cheer me up when i needed to be. A true friend of mine.

  • from Alvaro Rivero

    La clara prueba de que la innovación y la creatividad encajan a la perfección y no tienen limites siempre en mi corazón este Album llamado “TIM” es mucho más que un Album es … un diamante en bruto y una obra de arte !! HASTA SIEMPRE TIM ! R.I.P

  • from Clare

    We love you we miss you and we will not forget you. You live on in the hearts of those who knew you personally and even those who didnt. You touched the hearts of so many and for that we are forever grateful.

  • from Srishti

    Thank you Tim for your music… Your music makes ne keep on working hard till I achieve my goal…. I am gonna miss you forever and ever thank you

  • from


  • from SAIDANE


  • from Alessandro

    I hope that you’ll Never Leave Me Tim ❤️

  • from Filip

    I love you Tim you music have been a very big part of my life.

  • from Ryosuke

    2014 When I was 14 I listened his song for the first time. I knew him throw A sky full of stars of Coldplay. I didn’t know there are such a beautiful dance music. My world of music changed drastically. From the day I have listened his songs every morning on the train. His songs make me relax even on the so crowded train in Tokyo. But it was also a morning to hear his serious news though I was on the train I couldn’t stop crying. Someday I’m looking forward to see him in heaven.

  • from Jess

    Thank you for your music. You have bought so much joy to my lifeyou've been a part of memories I will have forever you've bought people into my life I'd never have met without your music. I will be forever indebted to you. You will forever shine bright in the people you touched. Much Love

  • from H.Murd

    Hi Tim Once again I've fallen into the trap that is our music. Many people have gotten through though times thanks to your music me included. I have never been a loyal listener of one particular artist. But long behold I have listened to each of your songs. You started when I was as young as 7 years old. Since a young age I remember your music I grew up with it and I matured long-side with it. Here I am at 18 without you by my side. Because now you reside in my and everyone's heart.

  • from Clarity

    Avicii forever

  • from Herbst_陨落

    Hey,Tim,I just listened to your music,I know you never actually left us you live forever in your music in our hearts.Miss you! R.I.P

  • from Gibbi

    Avicii was the king of house

  • from Paula M

    Cuando era pequeña antes de entra al colegio en la radio ponían tus canciones y a mi me encantaban pero no sabia de quien eran hasta que crecí y esas canciones me recordaban a esas mañanas en las que yo iba al colegio. Gracias por componerlas ?? . Descansa en paz leyenda?????

  • from C

    TIM is just amazing Your music will never die

  • from Robert

    Tim's music helped me through some horribly hard times they were one of my driving forces through them times and motivated me to keep going. Hearing he had died was one of the worst days of my life but I'll always remember him with a smile on my face for the motivation he gave me and he'll always live on forever through his music and in our hearts.

  • from あき

    大切な人と一緒に観た映画のTRUE STORIESは一生忘れません。 そして今日、またあなたの音楽を聴けて幸せです。これからもずっとあなた音楽は私の中で生き続けます。 本当にありがとう、どうか安らかに。

  • from Abdalla Hbd

    Every time When I listen to his songs I feel something move inside me he was look like my lights on my tall road his music make my day every time. Thx Tim. Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from Léa

    Merci pour ta musique 🙂 tu est toujours présent et pour toujours je t'aime <3

  • from Haili Sambrano

    Avicii is music for me. when I hear "Levels" for the first time I knew that this song had something special In that early time I didn't knew that it’s something about the man behind all this. Tim was the man behind the house music soul. The connection with he's music was like no one’s else it’s like the feeling of being home when you can relax your mind be happy be sad be yourself with the music. Tim thank you for all you done on this planet your legacy is our prophecy. ◢ ◤

  • from Sofie

    Thank u for your music. I love u forever. I always listen to your music when i feel depressed and it's always 'pulling me up from the underground'. My tattoo of u will always be there and u will always be in my heart. I hope u are happy where u are now and u can feel all the love from us (your fans). I can't describe in words what u mean to me. Thank u for everything Tim ❤️

  • from Matthieu

    We miss you terribly Tim ?? You were so an inspiration to all the artists on this earth ?? It's so sad to know that this is your last album ? We love you Tim ♥️♥️♥️

  • from Grzesiek

    In ancient Greece he would be THE GOD OF MUSIC UNFORGETTABLE!!!

  • from Viktor

    He makes life heaven

  • from 6hrs for sleep


  • from Maitri

    Its really hard to beleive that you are not there…….but thanks for giving a reason that you still live in our hearts. Your music has always waked us up and we still love to repeat it again and again. You are an inspiration for millions of people and will always be. I cant even imagine a day without listening your song. "Life is a game and Love is the prize"-right!…..well you had earned it eternally. You'll always live in our heart…forever and ever…….AVICII?

  • from Esion LIN


  • from Cosmic Sting

    You left my Bucket List unchecked ? I have always believed in you and your Music because it gave me hope when I never had it . Thank you for the amazing memories and music you created ❤️? I will always love you . See you soon my Hero TIM.

  • from noh.h.s

    good bye avicii l'll naver see you again it's a sad fate too bye bye avicii

  • from Esion LIN


  • from Luffy Chun Lih

    Listen his music makes me comfortable the music full of feelings and the lyrics full of meanings. Your music always touch my soul Thank you for given us so much…

  • from Elwin Jr

    Avicii The grand wizard of Music who still lives in Our Heart . love Avicii

  • from Y.JIN

    世界には様々なDJがいて,沢山の曲がある. 俺が一生かけても聞ききれないほどの曲がある. そんな中,AVICIIの作った曲に出会えて本当に嬉しかったし,これからもずっとその気持ちは変わらない. AVICIIの曲を聴くと雷に打たれたかのような衝撃とEDMを聞き始めた時の昔の自分を未だに思い出して,ノスタルジックな気分に浸れるのと同時に落ち着くことが出来る. 毎日,繰り返し聞きまくって耳にたこが出来るぐらい聞いてたし,AVICIIのおかげで様々なDJや音楽のアーティストも知れて人生が充実した. ありがとう.

  • from Aiyanick

    Dear TIM i love you always! angel on your side! all of your songs always on my mind!

  • from Wissanu

    Let's make you happy. We will think about you.◢◤

  • from Avicii <3

    You are a hero to millions including me. Your music helped me through so many hard times. Rest easy brother. Legend never die. "Unable are the loved to die for love is immortality"

  • from Tim bergling is an angel.

    Miss you Tim. You will forever inspire millions. I remember the days when I used to listen to your music when I was 12 years old and act all cool. I'm 18 now and when I listen to your music its nostalgic but painful because you're gone. I remember listening to your songs for the first time and from then onwards i would get so excited and will wait for every new album. I've been waiting for TIM to release and finally it's available on spotify. I can finally sleep happy now. RIP angel. Love ya.

  • from Sjquent

    Tim ! I miss you so much wish you were here with me . Ur always in my heart .

  • from panjiaqiang

    AviciiI love you!

  • from 이승준

    Hello Tim Bergling I am just a young man who lives in South Korea and soon goes to the army. I grew up singing your songs from middle school. For about six years now I have lived with you. You were my own. When you passed away last year I felt like I lost my best friend and I was sad for months. Now your songs are reminding me of you in the sky again. Thank you so much to my hero. You were the driving force of my life Tim.

  • from Shine

    I LOVE YOU AVICII FOREVER! Your music is cheer me up.

  • from 柴亚辉

    高二那年,是你带我走进了EDM的世界 让我从此爱上了EDM 你用质朴的旋律感染我,让我懂得感恩,懂得热爱生活, 谢谢你,Tim 你永远活在我心中 AVICII forever

  • from Wayne

    ◢ ◤ The first song I heard from Avicii was Levels. Love him so much❤️

  • from NalAng2

    I love ur song… And Thanks..

  • from Erin

    Miss you so so much. How thankful that I can hear your songs. I believe you are having peace in the heaven seeing people who are moved by your songs. Thank you Tim Bergling. Love from Korea

  • from MiRin

    ✈Live a Life You Will Remember✈ thank you Tim

  • from みりん

    ?Live a Life You Will Remember だいすきです!ありがとう! いつか、伝説の続きを話しに行くよ?

  • from ayaka


  • from 뭄

    고마워 이번 앨범도 잘 들을게

  • from Ян из Якутии

    Это был 2011 год я лежал и смотрел телевизор переключая разные каналы как вдруг наткнулся на муз.канал где играла песня Avicii – levels. С того самого момента это моя лучшая песня которую я когда-либо слышал и слушаю до сих пор. Но кроме Avicii – levels у Тима есть и другие суперские песни которые можно слушать когда угодно и где угодно! Тим всегда будет поднимать настроение и где бы он не был он всегда будет в наших сердцах а песни в голове. Avicii <3 R.I.P

  • from soma


  • from Joanne

    I heard his song and I thought I would live again. His song saved me. Avicii lives forever in me. Luv u

  • from Abner Li

    You are and will always be an inspiration for me. Thanks Tim.

  • from Jenny Goris

    Avicii’s music got me through some of the hardest times of my life and will continue to do so for as long as I will live. His music has helped so many people and will continue to help people forever. Avicii wanted to live a life that would be remembered and that is exactly what he did. His music will be remembered and so will he because Avicii is a legend and legends don’t die. There is a reason his music is so popular and it’s because it speaks to people. He will never "fade into darkness" ◢ ◤

  • from Jenny Goris

    Avicii’s new album Tim could be the last new music that comes out but it won’t be the end of Avicii… Avicii will live forever and continue to inspire and bring joy to future generations. The album Tim brought tears to my eyes and not only made me smile on the outside but made my soul smile on the inside. If Tim is the last of the new songs coming out then there is no better way to end. These songs are so real and full of emotion. Avicii’s (Tim’s) music is what inspires me each day. Love Always

  • from Francisco

    Cada vez que hacia tareas lo escuchabame emocionaba siempre que observaba los concierto y hombre con el nuevo disco que salio me entro nostalgia y estoy escuchando el tomorrowland de el del 2015 y de verdad lo extraño aunque nunca fui a un concierto de el.Recuerdo el dia que fallecio venia de clases del colegio y entre a internet y rompi en llanto al saber la noticia pues fue una influencia para mi en todos los aspectos .Y pues si espero que este descansando en paz que Dios bendiga a su familia

  • from Emmanuel J Gonzalez

    la musica de avicii llego en un momento en el que las cosas estaban dificiles y su musica fue una via de escape para mi me ayudo a sobrellevar esos momentos y de ahi en adelante se quedo conmigo para siempre. nunca olvidare la primera vez que escuche a avicii asi como nunca lo voy a olvidar a el le debo mucho. Tim vivira siempre en su musica y en los millones de corazoes que esta marco. eteramente agradecido desde venezuela.

  • from Brent ??

    Your music helped me navigate some of the toughest moments in my life. Your songs brought friends together and helped forge new friendships. The depth and meaning of your art will never be matched. I can not express how grateful I am. All my love to you your friends and family.

  • from George R.

    I remember the days when I was young and innocent and he released Levels. That was and still is to date one of the fondest memories I have of his music. Now I listen to any of his songs I just smile thinking that now he's in a place where he can produce till the end of time for all the people who are dancing up there and he can have many of the greats feature on his songs and work with him. It's a shame he left us so early but I at least cherish the creativity he left us. Much love Tim <3.

  • from

    Thank you Avicii we love you.

  • from Defne

    Dear Avicii you have helped me with so much and you music has always made me feel better. You are very talented and inspiring. We love you and will never forget you. You live in our hearts and memories through your music. I love you so much.

  • from Eli

    Your music continues to bring me so much happiness. I can never thank you enough!

  • from Anonymous

    Its my birthday today and man I could not have asked for a better gift. Thank you Tim. For everything.

  • from Sofía Rodríguez

    Desde que escuché su música por primera vez supe que era muy talentoso. El era una persona que no merecía sufrir. Hoy escuché Tim su álbum. Y nunca había llorado por un artista al cual admiro demasiado. Leía cada letra de cada canción y pude sentir lo que Avicii nos quiso transmitir. Es una estrella que jamás se debe olvidar alumbra mi camino hace que abra mis ojo y me de cuenta de que todo estará bien. El es mi ejemplo a seguir realmente quiero ser como él. Estamos todos orgullosos de ti.

  • from Pablo Navarrete

    When i was 10 years old i hear levels of Avicii for the first time of my life when i heard the melody i was dancing in the car of my parents in this time i didn't know about Electronic Music and other genders of music but this song open my mind and i discovered the first song of the gender EDM for the first life of my life and that how i begin hearing EDM music because Avicii give me his melodys his love of music and that emotion was transfer in my heart.

  • from Florencia Buenos Aires Argentina.

    I LOVE YOU! I can't not find the words to thank you. You're a beast. I love you I love you. I hope you know that everyone is happy here with your music. I love you Avicii. I love TIM and I love Tim Berling even more. Without him there wouldn't have existed Avicii. Today is everything about YOU. I love you.

  • from mariela hernandez-argentina-

    Termino de escuchar el nuevo disco de tim y no puedo dejar de pensar en el.. el amor y las sensasiones que generaba en las personas en el mundo a traves de su musica porque no podia sentirlo y disfrutarlo. A mi me salvaste muchas veces del agujero negro en que estaba gracias a el hoy puedo estar en este lugar.. con su musica huia de ese lugar tan oscuro y mis horas eran mas livianas. Voy a estar agradecida por siempre y nunca te olvidare. Gracias

  • from Anonymous United States

    To the Bergling Family: May I humbly submit to your consideration that a music festival in Tim's honor be the best way to keep his music alive raise funds for the foundation and promote mental health both for his fans and people around the world. Yours Anonymous Fan #notokisok

  • from Furcaan

    I fell in love with Aviciis music at age 11 he’s inspired me in ways that aren’t even imaginable and his music will always be with me

  • from Yire – Avicii & Tim Admirer

    TY Avicii ! Listening to "Tim" all I can think is how much he inspires me as a Human Being and Artist. I have always been interested in Music as a Career but never had the courage to pursue it. Avicii's death made me realize life is short and difficult for everyone… I want to connect with people like he has. I am sad that he is no longer here physically but so Grateful and Blessed to have heard his wonderful melodies that make me cry and dance. I don't know why we take each other for granted.

  • from Ana Luiza – BR


  • from Femi Fagbewesa

    Avicii! Its been a long time since your passing. Now that your new album dropped its reminded me of how special/fragile life really is. I know you're watching down on us looking at the people celebrating your life. I just want you to greet my dad for me and to have banging DJ sets in heaven. I'll continue to hone my craft in music and programming and create a legacy just as big as the one you left behind. My work will be for the future and for the children of tomorrow. Rest in Paradise! ◢◤ <3

  • from Jarod

    His music was so amazing and i was a fan of it for a long time. I went through a hard time and music was there to help break my fall some of his songs the most. Wake me up is still one of the songs with the most meaning to me. Thanks for helping me pull through. Rest Easy.

  • from Lea

    I couldn't wait to listen to TIM so i just brought my phone into school to listen as it was being premiered. HEHEHEHE. We love you Tim and only now can we understand you and your songs meanings.

  • from Anthony Nguyen

    I remember a while back I had tickets to see his show in San Francisco at the Bill Graham back in 2012. Sadly just before his show I had come down with the flu. I couldn't miss his show so equipped with my hoodie and face mask I went anyways and danced my heart out. I ended up sweating so hard that when I left my fever had broken and I felt better than I had came. His music LITERALLY healed me. You had me at EDC 2011 and I never doubted your music and passion… Rest in Paradise my friend.

  • from Rachel

    Thank you! Your music has always been the light at the end of my tunnel. Forever in my heart and so many others ?

  • from Jessica K

    Avicii your music made me happy when nothing else could. First "Levels" then "Fade Into Darkness" "Hey Brother" "The Nights" … Whenever down I had your new tracks to look forward to. So heartbroken "TIM" is your last album but your songs will get us through as always. Thank you for changing my life for the better Tim. Forever <3

  • from Ryan

    Tim thank you for blessing us with years of music and inspiring so many people including me to create. RIP❤️

  • from Paul G

    Avicii is the one who got me into edm. I've been listening to his music since I was about 8 years old (I'm 13 now). He affected my life in so many ways. I'd listen to him while studying listen to him after something bad happens and I listened to him after my very close uncle died. It broke my heart when Avicii died but his music cheered me up when others died. So he really isn't dead. #longliveAvicii

  • from Taylor Campion

    Hey Tim. It’s me again. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Tim’s management and other people involved that allowed the release of this album. It gave me goosebumps when I listened to it the first time through. I absolutely love what Dan did to ‘Heart Upon My Sleeve’ and ‘Heaven’ is such a gem. Thank you so much for this album and thank you for helping me through a tough time. I miss you Tim I hope all is well♥️

  • from Meighan

    First of all I would like to send a thank you to Tim's Mom and Dad for allowing the Album Tim to be finished and Put out with all his fans It's absolutely amazing and everything we could ever dream of Tim was amazing behind incredible We was so gifted. Thank you both for this amazing gift you have given us. Thank you too all the producers The team and everyone who helped make this happen.. These songs are so beautiful every single one of them.

  • from Nubia

    Tim Can't thank you enough for sharing your talent with the world and for all the amazing memories you've left us with. I hope you're at peace wherever you may be. We miss you each and everyday ❤️

  • from Chris

    My one dream was to see him live in concert but that dream will never come to fruition now but his memory will live on in my heart. Tim inspired me to make my own music and unlocked a door that blossomed into my love of EDM for years to come. Much love Tim rest in peace my friend.

  • from Andy

    Today is finally the day I got to hear your new album… I can not express how much I love your music and how happy it makes me feel… Tim you were an extraordinary person and musician so unique so amazing thank you for making us so happy with every song of yours. I will always love you ❤️

  • from Andrea

    I hope Tim´s family read this… Thank you so much for releasing the album it's such a great gift from you to the whole world you have made millions of people happy 🙂 thank you thank you thank you! ❤️

  • from Damian M

    Avicii has always helped me get through tough times his music often inspires me to achieve my greatest dreams and to lift others up. Cheers to a legend cheers to Tim for changing and moving others to greatness.

  • from Maddie M.

    Avicii helped me through my anxiety and depression. His music helped me in a way no one could I now look at life differently everyday. I just want to thank Avicii for saving me from myself! Till the day i die i will never stop loving Avicii.

  • from Michael S. Yelland

    You can't listen to an Avicii track and not feel good it always brings a smile to the face. His love for music was clear as day and you could feel it in every single one of his tracks. In a way it doesn't feel like he's really gone because he's left behind such a great musical legacy and it will be remembered forever.

  • from Andres

    Al oír el nuevo álbum (Tim) se da a entender que Tim no solo era un dj/productor cualquiera el era un artista completo talentoso y con una pasión increíble en serio es una pena que se hubiera ido de este mundo pero nos dejo un gran legado musical que jamas va a ser olvidado Gracias Tim

  • from Theheist68

  • from Maria Ninnytha

    Every time I listen to Tim songs I remember my incredible adolescence full of adventures that all my friends who knew one summer heard the AVICII were also amazing because we shared our dreams while listening to music it was an incredible adolescence and the AVICII lived in my heart and in my best memories.

  • from Nik

    I remember when i first heard Wake Me Up it helped me feel like i wasn't alone and after the longest time of listening to his music his song The Nights is something that i can connect to that the nights i've spent listening. With Heaven being released it makes me feel like he will never die among the community that he has built through his music. " These are the nights that never die." Thank you Tim you will be forever in my heart.

  • from NGS

    For almost as long as I can remember Wake Me Up has been my favourite song surrounded by a number of others of Avicii's. Having rediscovered all the previous Avicii tracks I had and more over the past couple of months I completely fell in love with it all all over again. I LOVE TIM and I know it will continue to be one of my favourite albums. It feels so perfect and I'm so happy that this work was completed in Tim's name. Thank you sooo much. Love you Tim!

  • from 3m4nu311

    Thanks 4 all!! Always from 5 years to now days your songs are my life soundtrack. I never lost you 🙁

  • from Sean Brown.

    ♥️ Forever and for always TIM. Out of every big musician or artist that has ever passed away TIM you where the hardest to say good bye too. TIM your music connected to my heart and help in low times. The first time I listened to u was LEVELS and from that day on I was captured into your sound. THANKS FOR GIVING US ALL A SMILE.

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