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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Noreen

    I miss you and I love you ! Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from maybe

    Hey Brother "I Could Be The One" – your first song I heard and since then I was Addicted To Your music .I was a student before 2016 I kept my money and looked forward to go to your live show .But when I was graduated you said you would retire from the busy live shows schedule .I was disappointed but still wished you would show up besides you have not comed to my country yet . I cryed at 21st April just because I lost a Friend of Mine.I really love your music .Tim R.I.P. ❤❤❤

  • from Daniel

    I love Tim's music so much. He is such an inspiration to me and I hope to be like he was some day! I will always remember him by his beautiful melodies. I am very glad I saw him when he came to do a show in Melbourne. R.I.P AVICII.

  • from Noreen

    I miss you and I love you ! Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from Daiki

    I’m a high school student living in Japan ??. When l was in junior high school I listened to Avicii’s song for first time. And I was impressed and I liked avicii. I listened to avicii’s songs everyday. I also went to a concert in Japan of avicii in 2016. I was very happy that avicii came to Japan. I am very sad that avicii died now. However I'll listen to avicii's songs and get cheered up by that. Thanks Avicii to make an impression on me. Rest In Peace Avicii

  • from Mr.Y

    我爱你 ,谢谢你,认识你太晚了,很早就听levels 却不知道作者是谁,直到waiting for you 再到wake me up 再到 the nights 终于让我知道了你,但是太晚了,那时候已经是2016年初,一直盼望你的回归,2017年8.20新专辑激动了,万万没想到2018年等来的是痛心的事情,艾维奇的歌给我太多的力量了,每到心情不好,没有什么是一首wake me up 解决不了的,the nights 也给了我对自由的向往,也给了我去追寻自由的力量,谢谢你,艾维奇,你永远是我的精神导师,我永远爱你!◢ ◤

  • from A.N.

    Avicii and hip songs is forever…..

  • from Sota Suzuki

    I start listening to your music about 6 years ago. Before I came to know you I hated my life so much that I sometimes thought I wanna die. But your music changed my mind you saved me. I can’t appreciate enough how much I say thank you. I still can’t believe that you are no more in this world. How do I live from now… I can’t live without you. But there is one thing you left for me your music. I can be strong by your music. I will listen to your music forever till I die. Thank you. Love you.

  • from Tom

    Your music changed our life. I learned from you "The true ability=Keep making an effort " It's very sad to write such sentences. Did you live a life you will remember? Thank you. RIP From Japan

  • from Chach Khwansri

    ‘Wake Me Up’ is one of the first songs that welcome me to the world of EDM to put it simple it is you. Tim your music your talents and your creativities inspire me. They give me joy smile and of course hope. I admit that I’ve never felt this hopeless and alone after I heard that you’re gone. However I know I will be alright because your music that you have left me will always pushes me forward and it will never be the other way around. Rest in Peace Tim.

  • from Angus Peacock

    He said "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember." My father told me when I was just a child These are the nights that never die My father told me LIFE WELL LIVED. Rest in Peace Brother.

  • from N.A

    初めてwake me up を聞いた時からファンになり沢山の最高な曲を聴かせてもらいました。ほんとに大好きです!一生忘れません!

  • from svetlana

    oppa bratan daway

  • from Brad from South Korea.

    AVICII had brought new world to me. His music made me so much happy. Thank you so much Tim. I’m still missing you. I will repeatedly listen your music and see your picture. RIP Tim.

  • from Conny aus Hamburg

    Worte können nicht beschreibenwas ich empfunden habe als ich von dieser schrecklichen Nachricht gehört habe . Noch heute kann ich nicht glaubendass du nicht mehr bei uns bist . Ich fühlte mich mit dir verbunden obwohl wir uns nicht persönlich kannten denn ich kenne ein Leben mit Ängsten und weiß genau was du durchgemacht hast . Ich weiß nicht wie ich entschieden hättewürde ich wie du in der Öffentlichkeit stehen . Ich vermisse dich und deine Musik unendlich doll ! R.I.P. Lovely Tim ❤️

  • from Akiy

    I miss you Tim everyday. You changed my life better than before I met you. You gave me so many beautiful and powerful words and melodies.It always leads my life to the best way. “Live a Life You Will Remember” This word is my best treasure you gave to me. It'll continue to exist center of my heart until I dieand guide me to blighter day.I love you Tim forever.

  • from Yuri Aoko

    EDMという音楽を知るきっかけになった曲がLevelsでした。 そしてAVICIIは一番初めに好きになったDJであり、最高のアーティストでした。 AVICIIの一番好きな曲はthe nightsです。この曲はとても勇気の出る曲で、いつも自分を支えてくれました。なのでAVICIIが亡くなった時とても悲しく、the nightsを聞くと今でも涙が出てきます。ですが同時に勇気をもらい元気になれます。 AVICIIに出会った事そしてThe Nightsに出会った事は自分の人生において一生の宝物です。 今までありがとう。 R.I.P. Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Yvette

    Merci Avicii pour la musique vraiment merveilleuse et merci de la partager avec le monde entier ta musique était si profonde et inspirante

  • from IRJAN BALTO

    TIM your music meant the world to me YOU meant the world to me. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn't be here today. The kindness I felt watching your videos and photos was amazing. I truly looked up to you and I really wanted to meet you sorry i didn’t… I feel lucky I’ve been fortunate to see you LIVE. (3 times) I wan’t to send my condolences to the family and thank ANKI and KLAS your son was AMAZING!❤️ IRJAN BALTO

  • from Avicii.__◢◤

    Tim. You are very talented. You have inspired many people in this world but why have you left this world so fast Thank you for giving the true meaning of life. I hope you see and read this writing in heaven. Avicii.__◢◤

  • from Yosuke

    You changed my life I'll never forget u Tim. I miss you everyday … Rest in peace ◢ ◤

  • from Viktor Grimon.

    Tim is a huge part of my life. Such a inspiration both in music and how to appreciate life in a different way. Work hard to get what you want in life. My dream is to collab whit Avicii and I will not stop until I do it. If you love something don't let it go. Tim will always be in my heart in my ears and in my minde. Miss you!

  • from Masaki Nomura

    音楽を毎日聴くようになったのも、音楽が好きになったのも、きっかけを作ってくれたのは貴方Avicii 、Timのお陰です。素晴らしい音楽をありがとうございました。本当に愛してます。この世に戻ってきて欲しい。天国でも素晴らしい音楽を作ってください。安らかに。RIP Avicii

  • from CT

    Wow what a talented genius musician. You mean the world to me

  • from Yuki

    あなたの残した音楽は、永遠に語り継がれることになるでしょう。あなたの作った音楽は、私の人生を変えてくれました。これは、まぎれもない事実です。日々、あなたの音楽に支えられてきました。僕はまだあなたが死んだとは思っていません。人は、みんなに忘れられた時が本当の死なのです。Rest In Peace. for Tim Bergling

  • from も

    辛い時も楽しい時もいつもそばにあったのはaviciiの音楽でした 感動をありがとう

  • from Sofia

    Billions tears and I can’t stop crying…You Tim your songs your smile your “air piano “ make me better person make my life better …My son went to USA I’we listened WAKE ME UP to a billions times …You are unique unforgettable perfect you are the brightest star on the sky. My Young King Legends don’t die…


    Tim you were one of those electronic music producers who inspired me to move forward in life. I can remember those darkest times especially the first two years of coping with the loss of my mother. It was your music gave me hope to move forward. In addition to that you were one of those producers who lit up the fire of passion for electronic music production. I'm happy that you gave us great memories. Thank you for being a great inspiration. You will be missed greatly.

  • from Reo

    Avicii is my hero

  • from O

    ダンスミュージック回に革命を起こし、たくさんの人たちを喜びに満ち溢れさせてくれた。 ありがとう for Tim

  • from AJ

    I wasn't into EDM until last year when I heard Wake Me Up on Spotify. That moment I instantly knew I wanted to make electronic music as well. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and countless others. I hope you found peace.

  • from ming holly

    最初にAVICIIの曲を聴いたのは中学2年の時、I could be the oneを聴いて、久々に天才を見た気がした。 自分のスタイルをもって、それを貫いて、そのまま燃え尽きていった、彼の生き方、彼の楽曲が自分の今のフロアでのプレイスタイルに少なからず影響を受けているのは事実です。 本当に死んでしまったのか、もう本当にこの世にいないのか、彼のプレイはもう二度と聴けないのか、そう思うと本当に辛くなる。 R.I.P Avicii. 本当にありがとう。いつまでも俺たちの心の中で生き続けてください。

  • from Yuga / Luce

    Avicii is the reason why I started to love dance music. And Tim gave me the dream to become a worldwide DJ/Producer like him. His songs helped me every each time in my life and I will live with his songs and tracks forever. Really love you Tim/Avicii. Thank you so much! And also thank you to Tim’s family and staffs for making such a fantastic site. “My Dreams Are Made Of Gold.” “Wake Me Up When It’s All Over.”

  • from Yuuki

    your music change in my life. you will live in me and people all over the world . so glad meet your music. thank you. thank you.

  • from Megan

    I remember listing to Tim in the car when I was young and in my head I was like "I want to be like him" I've looked up to him for years. When he made his comeback I was so happy to have him making music again…I miss you so much Tim. You've inspired so many people and musicians. You will never be forgotten xxx Rest easy

  • from Sohta

    When I was loving someone I thought I wanted to be lonely together. When I was driving I got a good feeling that I never. When I was even in sadness I tried to think that I might not be the best but I was far from the worst. His music was always next to me. His melodies and lyrics have brought me a lot. And from now on I gotta learn how to love without him. But he told me. ”ONE DAY YOU’LL LEAVE THIS WORLD BEHIND. SO LIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER ” Oh Tim I wanna follow you.

  • from Anna

    Тим твоя музыка и ты навсегда в сердцах миллионов поклонников❤️ Спасибо огромное за всё скучаем очень??

  • from Vincent

    You are the reason why I became a producer your music were and will always be here for me in the worst and best moment you are my main inspiration in music since day one..I will always love your name your music your history. You were and will always be the best musical artist for me. I miss you Tim I miss news about you I miss live concert video from you. I hope you will be better up there among the stars. I hope you'll find the peace you were looking for. See you up there Tim. Love

  • from Simon Juhlander

    My biggest inspiration ever. The tunes Tim created were emotional and unique. Every time I play my piano I somehow wish to be blessed to create something in is path. My work so far is a mashup of Fade into darkness which also is the most loved one from my side. I love you Tim

  • from YAMANE

    あなたの音楽が僕の支えです! 本当にありがとう!Tim◢ ◤ I won't forget you!

  • from Anna Theresia Göteborg

    Suddenly you came…appeared….We wondered who is this very special guy and what kind of music's he creating…we knew his mother is a wonderful actress/artist and we thought…Tim must have this talent of Music from his mother….since acting def is about MUSIC…We heard…we Felt..We SAW You Tim.first of ALL we Saw YOU…you seemed to be something really Rare and Special and actually there was some kind of Light and a Different Energy around you and from you.! ThankYou f your Music dear You

  • from UNION

    Forever Avicii ???

  • from 최호승

    The first time I met his song It was 'levels' in 2012. From then on I looked up his songs and listened to all the songs. He is still my most respected and favorite artist. When TIM visited Korea I was underage and did not see the show. "I can see his performance later" I was thinking and thinking You died in April. When I heard the news I thought it was "April Fool". On the day you die I cried so dizzy. I always listen to your song I always miss you. Rest In peace MY LEGEND.

  • from Óscar

    Tim I want to thank you for all. You helped me a lot through your music when I was in the hospital and you're still helping me fighting with my eating disorder. Since I heard Levels and True you became not only my idol and my favorite artist but also my best friend who is always there no matter the reason that understands you and support you. It's incredible how music can change the life of a person without you I'd probably not be here. I love you I miss you a lot and I'll never forget you

  • from O/N

    Aviciiあなたは死にません 死ぬとすればこの世界が無くなる時です。 あなたはベートーベンのようにこれからも無限の時間の中を自由に生き続けるでしょう。 あなたはこれから世界が終わるまで影響を与え続けます。 あなたにはまだまだする事が残っている。 あなたの音楽は人1人の人生を大きく変え世界を救う救世主を生み出しました あなたの自由を自分にも一緒に背負わして下さい。 あなたの音楽は自由、自由そのものなのです。 Aviciiはあなたの理想の人物であり、憧れの人物でもあります。 Timあなたはまだ、死んでいない。 Aviciiはあなたの思いそのものなのです。 Tim 私はあなたが生きていると思います。 いや、生きています。 必ず私と会えます。 運命が必ず導いてくれる。 会える事を楽しみにしています。 その時にまた、話しましょう! 話したい事がありすぎて待ちきれませんが、急ぐ事もない。 必ず会えるから

  • from Antea

    Your music has always been a huge part of my life. I remember when I heard Levels first time in 2011 and since then my life has gone in new direction. Growing up through your amazing melodies I became who I am. You made my childhood amazing. No matter I was crying or laughing you were always there for me. You inspired me in some of my work and I am so grateful to be a part of history when you were creating magic. Mozart of our century. You won't never fade into darkness. Love you forever Tim <3

  • from Alexander

    Only a few hand of people can have such a huge impact on so many lives in such a powerful way. I have seen your music bring so people together and I have seen it lift so many spirits. You changed the game you re-wrote the rules. The legacy you left behind is one of a kind. It’s full av genius artistry depth and love. And it will never be forgotten. Thank you for all the memories that thanks to your music forever will remain in my heart. Rest in peace Tim. I miss you. We miss you.

  • from Fabienne (Biene)

    Bevor ich von Tims Tod gehört habe war ich nicht der klassische Fan. Als ich die Nachricht dann realiasiert habe musste ich tagelang weinen und wusste einfach nicht wieso ich so traurig über diesen Verlust einer unfassbar reinen und liebevollen Seele gewesen bin. Ich bin traurig ihn nie persönlich kennen gelernt zu haben und wünsche mir von meinem tiefsten Inneren dass er jetzt an einem besseren Ort ist welcher ihm unerschöpflich die Güte gibt die er immer verdient. #feelingbeholden <3

  • from Alessia

    I still can't get over the fact that you're dead. I still cry every time I hear your name or your songs. I still can't believe that you're gone for good and that's something that no one can fix. I've followed and supported you since I was 12. Now that I'm almost 17 I feel the same way I felt the first time I listened to your wonderful music. I feel very grateful for having known about you but I need you at the same time Tim. You left a deep hole in my heart. I'll always admire you. I promise.

  • from Kristof

    Dear Tim! I've been a fan of your music from almost the beginning and you're my favourite artist. Ever since I learned how to play the guitar I've always loved and enjoyed playing your songs. Thank you for the amazing moments that could only happen because of your music. You lived a life that we'll remember and we will never forget you and what you created. ❤

  • from Kaito

    I just wanna say thank u. When I listen to ur music for the first time I was impressed with your feeling in lyrics. Rest In Peace

  • from AfshinAvicii

    Goodbye LArtist

  • from Jack

    It was in early 2013 i got my first phone and i downloaded an app where you can download random music i downloaded a 3 hour song not knowing what it was and it was Avicii's Pier 94 set. Ive never heard anything like it the melodies were beutiful catchy and the music has so much meaning. Thank you so much for the great memories and music that carried me through the good and the bad. You will be forever remembered Thank You Tim.

  • from Álvaro

    I remember when I was 11 or 12 years old and started listening to electronic music. I discovered Avicii with Levels as a lot of people did and since them I started to be interested on his work and looking forward to each track he was releasing. His songs have been present in my life on different situations good and bad ones and I still listen to them as they help me to think for a while about life. Tim your music will live forever. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  • from Melker Asp

    When I first heard Avicii I was like 10-11 years old. The first song I heard was Levels. After that moment I always listened to his music and later on he came out with Wake me up and when he released that song I got so inspierd that I wanted to start making music myself. I still make music because of Avicii. He was always my biggest inspiration. It is a real tragedy what happend. But Tim aka Avicii will always be in my heart and I will never stop listening to his music…

  • from Zhee How

    Tim's melodic based-music is what is keeping me alive. I hope his music can keep inspiring music producers and may he rest in peace.

  • from Harriett

    Thankyou Tim may your music live on forever.❤️

  • from Mohamed Hesham

    Five years ago i listened to "I could be the one" and I was hooked and eventually I fell in love with his music…Tim you did leave us but you are still around with your touching music and colorful melodies..I hope you read that from heaven where you truly belong. Rest easy legend ❤

  • from Tc236

    Tim就像個音樂魔法師 各種不同的曲風很難想像是同一個DJ所寫的 等到 細細品嚐他的歌詞後 才發現內容都帶點哀傷 謝謝你賜予我們這麼有故事的音樂 願你在天上一切完好 繼續享受製作音樂的過程 而你……永遠是個頂尖的製作人 謝謝你

  • from Alan

    Thank you Avicii for getting me to stand up on days when I can't. Your music will forever be with me. ◢◤ Always

  • from Gonzalo H

    I remember when I started listening to EDM music and listened to Levels for the first time. It was beautiful how a simple melody could make you feel so happy. That is Avicii style uplifting memories that makes us jump sing and above everything being happy. I think part of that happiness comes from Avicii itself he knew how to transmit it with music and that is what we won't forget; because is not only in our ears but in our heart.

  • from dj ice


  • from Harriett

    Thankyou for all of the incredible music you have created over the years and all of the memories along with it. Your music has helped me through so much?May your music live on forever.

  • from Giulia from Italy

    I saw an angel it was you with your music in your creative research without stopping. Through your songs instill peace and harmony to those who listen to them. You're a great one! And if there was no peace in you I hope you have now found your peace! Hello Avicii ❤️

  • from JoR

    Will allways listen to your music Tim you brought a teenager so much joy!! R.I.P

  • from JoR

    My best memory of hearing an Avicii track is when I was like 12 13 years old me and some friends hang on chatroulett when a hot girl saw that we were from Sweden So she started playing Levels and danced to it. It is one of my best childhood moments.

  • from Brandon Locke

    It was Avicii who made me fall in love with house. I remember watching the music video for "Levels" and the song was like something I never heard before it was unique and he kept on releasing his unique sense of music like "I Could Be The One" and "Wake Me Up". I realised that he was different from all other artists and he was still unique before he passed away. We lost a truelly special artist on the 20th of April 2018.

  • from Nathan

    The first time i seen tim was in belfast in 2013 and instantly he blew me away with his music and style and the moce he did begind the decks. He was unbelivable and i thought i would never get to see him again but i did in t in the park and then his last irish show. Avicii we miss you and hope you are looking down on all of your fans.

  • from Matthew Kennett-Ny

    Still sad to know a true legend like you is gone

  • from Javier

    Tim you were the first and only musician that i loved all his music.You have influenced me a lot since musically till the business side. All that i have created in my head is thank for you. You are the perfection when it comes to an artist or person for me. In general you are an example for many of us about how to be in the life. Thank you for appear in this world and let many of us know you. I will always keep you in my heart. Hope you rest in peace there. Love you Tim ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Leo

    I just want to say thank you for givning me the joy of your music right now i dont think i will ever find music that appeal to me in the way your music did I really hope that you found some peace in life before your passing. I will forever be greatful for the music and joy you brought me

  • from J

    It's hard to believe such a special person with so much talent is gone while so many lesser people live on. Your work drive professionalism and the greed of fans and friends cost your life. I never knew about you until reading of your death and wondered who cares about a DJ having been asleep to EDM and popular culture. I listened and from the first moment was transported. Thank you for what you bled for but wouldn't you have been better off working a desk job just being an anyone.

  • from Mattias Sweden

    His music has been with me for as long as I can remember. I never grew tired of his music. I never cry when I hear about famous people dying. When I heard of his death I was shocked. The next day I sat for 3 hours crying listening to his music. For me it kind of gave his music life. Almost like he lives on in his music. Tim's music has helped me through some rough times too. His music made me feel amazing when I felt down. It made me confident. He inspired me to create in my free time.

  • from Jonas Germany

    His music got played so often in the radio 🙁 It was always good music and it's really sad that this amazing guy is gone 🙁 Rest in Piece – Avicii

  • from Sandy

    Your music has given me so much power and strengh in hectic Life. You were so uplifting and genuine person so your death has been devastating for me. I know you are in peace now and I hope your loving family will survive in their massive grief. Your music will live forever ♥️ I will keep on listening ♥️

  • from Yann

    J'ai eu la chance de te rencontrer à tes débuts en 2010 lorsque tu venais jouer pour la première fois à Cannes dans le sud de la France. J'était tellement content de te voir en live après le nombres d'heure que j'avais passé chez moi et avec mes amis à écouter tes musiques. J'ai également eu la chance d'être finaliste de ton concours de design (que j'ai pu recevoir dédicacé chez moi) et être invité lorsque tu jouais de nouveau a Cannes en 2012. Merci Tim pour tous ces moments.

  • from Simone

    Miss you so much♥️♥️♥️

  • from Max Karlsson

    Dear Avicii since 2011 your music found my soul and made me feel good about myself. Al since that time till you left us but even still up to this day the music that you produced kept me from falling apart. You lifted my mood to another place where happiness take place. It's heartbreaking how much I miss you. Jag älskade dig din musik och din personlighet.

  • from Anton

    Kommer aldrig glömma första gången jag lyssnade på musik från dig Tim. Året var 2010 och jag var 11 år gammal jag letade efter ny musik och jag hade turen att hitta just din musik. Din musik förändrade mitt liv du fick mig att älska EDM och du är anledningen till att jag än idag i princip bara lyssnar på EDM. Du är och kommer för alltid vara en inspiration för miljontals människor världen över från Martin Garrix till en sovrumsproducent i avlägsen lägenhet i Stockholms förort. Tack för allt.

  • from KungCarl

    Times Always the Only thing we got.. Intill the fat day we leave! If we cood change life and timestorys? We shood bee stroong togehter alwayes..Miss you T!! And my lovley dog.

  • from BRNZ

    Avicii’s Levels was the track that made me listening to music. Yes music in general. Tim became my role model when I started making music by myself. Thank you Tim for giving us all those beautiful songs. You were a musical genius. You will forever be in our hearts. ❤️

  • from Sema from Germany

    I hope you can see us and be happy about it. I hope you are in a better place now near God. Next to you music your Fans loved how nice you were to them. And that you are a wonderful human. I m sad that the world lost a good Human like you. Thank you for showing us good stories real life and your wonderful music. ?❤

  • from Paris K (Melbourne AU)

    Dear Tim The first time I ever heard your music was in 2015. We had to choose a song to sing at our graduation concert. Our school would play 'The Nights' on the loudspeakers when lunchtime was over to remind us to go to our classrooms. The yard would echo with the lyrics and I wondered who the song was by. I Googled it and found you! So we chose 'The Nights' and sang it over and over. I fell in love with you & your songs. Thank you for inspiring me. I really miss you. I love you! RIP legend.

  • from Laura

    When I was 9 years old my teacher put a song called The days by Avicii.Then I just saw the video no words.When I arrived home I just looked for it on the Internet and realised that he was the same dj that the one of Wake me up after it came Waiting for love which I was all time listening to it and seeing his video that is more incredible that the one from The days. After his death I have seen True stories he was and is an incredible human but not in the correct place. YOU BE LOVE TIM.AVICIIER

  • from Olesia

    Dear Tim! Thank you very much! I love loved and I will love your music! I will always wait for a miracle. Maybe someday… and I hope you see how many people love you. And I will wait you in my dream. Come on ok??? Maybe you will Tell me how are you and why??? I will wait…! You are legend forever!

  • from Mirco from Italy

    I've been listening to Tim's music since Bromance. Never stopped loving his art and never I will. Lost a piece of my heart when I heard of his death but happy to see that you're such a beautiful family that unites so much also with Tim's fans. Much love and strength to all of you. ◢ ◤ ❤️

  • from Marcus Westén

    Jag kände inte dig personligen men jag är säker på att du var en jättefin kille. Om jag någon gång kommer få barn och bli ställd frågan ”Vad lyssnade man på när du var ung?” – då kommer jag spela upp Levels. Du tog världen med storm – och det med rätta. Dear boy aldrig glömd.

  • from Isaiah

    You could say I became a aviciier quite late. I used to listen to radio and there was a few songs I loved. I had no idea who created them or what they were called. I eventually found out they were all by Tim. His music had a certain feel emotion to it that I was just hooked on. He could create a beautiful powerful and incredible song without any huge drops just using is incredible melodic skill. I shall never forget my greatest musical inspiration. Thankyou Tim.

  • from LUIGI

    Music never really had an effect on me until I’ve heard one of Tim’s songs which was "Hey Brother”. When I heard it I knew that there was something genuine and passionate about everything from the track. That was when he was introduced to me because I grew curious of who Avicii is. I listened to all of his songs and realized that what makes them genuine was Avicii’s ability to tap into our feelings and bring them out that made us more aware of who we are and what we feel. Thank you Tim for you.

  • from amskarossi?

    You can be the poet I'll be the song You can be the sunlight I'll be the dawn You can be my everything I'll be your all I will always LO❤E YOU Thank You for all Tim ❤

  • from Kasia/Kate

    Every summer was special for me with Tim's music . Now… what's now ? Big empiness inside my heart….RIP ANGEL ??❤❤❤❤❤??

  • from William Lenander

    I started creating music because of Tim. His work inspired me so much. Even though time has passed since he passed away I still cannot believe he has left this place. I will be forever grateful for what Tim and his work has done for me.

  • from Mathias Rønning

    His music will forever stay close to my heart no matter how old I get or how i change his music will always comfort my soul. ♥

  • from Balázs

    ◢ ◤ I remember day I know exactly on May 23 2009 you changed my life with your first song and I did not have a day when I did not listen to you. I'm a big fan and I will never forget you. Every day I crave your way of life where did you go what are you doing but each day I feel that my heart falls apart because you have left the earth and you have gone to heaven. Unspeakable what I feel I have never felt such pain in my heart. You were and you are my idol forever. THANK YOU EVERYTHING TIM

  • from Vanessa from Austria

    Your music will never leave our hearts and the memory of you will always stay with us every single moment in our lives! ❤️Ruhe in Frieden lieber Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Kerstin

    not a day goes by that I don't think of you where I don't ask myself WHY and where I just can't believe it! I love your music but it feels strange to listen to it it hurts! But I hear it every day mostly with tears in my eyes! I wish you could have found a base to be happy wish you had the strength to fight wish you could see how much you missed and loved what an infinite gap you left! I will ALWAYS miss you wish you were still here !!! By the way my son is also called TIM i love it!

  • from Ramona

    I miss you so much Tim. I lay in bed now and listen to 'Sky full of stars' .It makes me a bit happy. At least does it put a smile on my face. I miss your laugh so much. Thank you for everything. I love you angel

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