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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Michael Piergentili

    2018 is leaving… with you Tim. From Italy Happy New Year! ??

  • from Angie


  • from Egni

    I miss you Tim!

  • from Lukas

    Please be with us in every step we take! We will see you again in heaven! ❤ Lukas❤

  • from Díaz

    Feliz año nuevo Tim❤ Espero que hayas encontrado la paz que buscabas. Las leyendas núnca mueren.

  • from Bea

    ❤️The world miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Aviccii fan 1 b

    I wish you can make more song in the other place . I wish you can be happy now that all your stuff is fufilled

  • from Alex

    This year will not be the same without you.Thank you for your music

  • from Jared

    Thank you for everything you gave this world both in music and life and forever will be remembered. I am grateful for being apart of this journey with your music. Wake me up when its all over.

  • from Anna Sverige

    Tack Tim för din musik den har hjälpt mig att gå vidare dag för dag. Önskar att jag hade kunnat hjälpt dig lika mycket lyssnar och tänker på dig varje dag ???. Nu går vi över till 2019 utan dig men din musik kommet att fortsätta hjälpa och beröra människor. Någon dag kommer vi alla få veta vad som hände denna tragiska dag och då kan vi alla få en större och bättre förståelse för våra medmänniskor och hjälpa varandra istället för stjälpa. INGEN ska behöva må så dåligt och inte bli sedd. ?

  • from Laia Solé

    Avicii is my really love. Really love you my Tim?. I forever will remember the comments that you return to me. Thank you so much for make me. Love you until end.

  • from Abhishek

    My first edm song I listened to is 'levels' which brought me into the world of edm. I truly miss the brightest star in the sky.

  • from JP

    I kissed my Girlfriend first time while listening to Levels from Tim. Since them thats our Song?!

  • from Ariana

    When me and my family heard the news about his death we all cried.My mombrother and me loved your music but sadly we can’t hear new songs from him.Sometimes I cry when I hear some songs remembering his death.For my birthdays I always wanted to go to his concert I always wished to see him in real life but my wish won’t come true.Legends Never Die.R.I.P Avicii♥️

  • from Anna

    Wish you a happy New year Tim whereever you are… Hope you are Fine and i‘m sure you are rocking the Night there in the sky looking down To the world and your beloved-ones 🙂 ♥️

  • from Helena

    I have so many memories with you and your songs ? Your personality was amazing ? You and your songs will live forever in my heart ? I miss you every day and every minute but at the same time I feel your closeness ❤️ Happy new year my Tim ?

  • from Pedro

    Loves From Brazil

  • from August Balleby Neilsen

    hey im 12 yers and im word blind so i got bulied in shcool. I hided in my rom and lookd on some youtube. the i herd your music i got on my legs egain and i tried to make some music my self then i shoowt it to my class they started to like me. i got a girlfrind. she was the one that loved my music most rip. Avicii

  • from Felix Francois

    Aún es duro saber que un artista con tanto futuro como Avicci ya no esté espero tenga a todos bailando en el cielo con su música soy Panameño y sólo esto deja ver que hasta el otro lado del mundo su talento dejó huellas. Por siempre Avicci

  • from 1番好きなDJ

    we'll never forget for you In Japan ありがとう

  • from Lisa

    Celebrate in the heaven beautiful angel❤️?

  • from Lisa from Germany??

    Now comes the year 2019 and it will be a very hard year for all of us because it’s the first year without you?? we will miss you forever?❤️

  • from Artemiy


  • from Patty

    Your wonderful music is going around the World. Wherever I go I hear it playing. This morning Without You was playing in a big Market in Egypt. There is no Country in the World that doesn’t play your music and I find it simply fantastic! Tonight I’ll watch fireworks and I’ll say goodbye 2018 that gave me the strongest pain I have ever felt: the untimely death of a loved one like You but I’ll welcome 2019 looking at you in the clear sky of Egypt. You are always the brightest star ?????

  • from Julia


  • from Dani

    Te quiero Avicii. Espero que esta noche des de tus mejores conciertos allí arriba. Feliz año. Te quiero.

  • from Xenia

    Спасибо Тим за твою прекрасную музыку. Это музыка моего сердца и души. Надеюсь у тебя все хорошо. Thinking of you in these last moments of 2018. Sending you all my love Xenia

  • from Selmen

    ◢◤ He said : "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember." ◢◤ RIP ΛVICII. Your memories will NEVER fade. ❤️ ??

  • from Li Nengji

    Love You Forever Avicii❤️

  • from Keith R

    Once in a generation artist had the luxury of seeing you live twice. No one can get close to the feelings you created in your music. Sorely missed but truly loved. Rest In Peace Tim.

  • from H.J Jang

    For a better day. Even with you gone you help us find an improved future with your creations.

  • from Takahiro

    With or Without You.

  • from VPFFV

    FUCK I'm going out without you

  • from joe

    you were my favourite music artist and you still are rip

  • from Rip


  • from Henriëtte 2

    And thank you so much for your music. It is mind blowing. Always. You will be missed so much. Domo arrigato.

  • from Henriëtte – Holland & Japan

    I am so frustrated and sad no one could help you. You deserved to be happy. You didn't have to give concerts. Just play music to make yourself and your loved ones happy.

  • from lone_wolf

    Wake me up Nights Waiting For Love Levels Miss You Avicii…

  • from Karen

    Tonight we will celebrate your life… The music you brought to us all… Wish you were here… Party hard beautiful angel ❤

  • from Rasmus

    Fy fan vad livet är orättvist låten Levels var den som fick mig att lyssna på electro/house du gjorde sjuuuk musik som var de bästa som någon skapat och du var den bästa artisten som någonsin funnits på denna jord längtar så sjukt mycket till ditt nya album. Ska snart tatuera in minnen av dig och hoppas du har det dunder där uppe. I think i just died and went to heaven

  • from K

    Have thought such a lot about you throughout this year. Your music reminds me of so many happy times. So terribly sad that you felt you could not go on with life. Bless you Tim. The world is poorer without your kindness lighting it up. You were too good for here. I hope you have found the peace you searched for ❤️

  • from Jenny

    En ängel som här glömdes kvar Har nu fått sina vingar. Vart flyger du nu min ängel? Vart flyger du nu? Flyger du genom himlaporten säg? Eller till världens ände? Flyger du bredvid mig? Eller är jag ensam nu? Var du nu än är min vän. Vart än vägen för dig. Lova att du väntar där Tills jag möter dig. Jag hoppas du är lycklig nu. Så som jag var med dig. Och smärtan du har lidit Hoppas jag är glömd. Sväva fritt min kära vän. Du är fri nu. Och tills vi åter möts Farväl min ängel.

  • from ????

    New year eve what a terrible year we lost a beautiful soul who made fantastic music your music will live on it is so sad when you think about it but sometimes people just can’t go on doesn’t matter about the money and houses if you’re mind is so gone you just want peace but AVICII you are NUMBER ONE and no one will ever come close at peace now xx

  • from Day


  • from Tobias Gracias

    Miss you avicii you will always be the best man of music and you will live forever miss you avicii RIP

  • from Francesca from down below

    Tim You gave so much to the world you gave a 100% of yourself to the world and it took it all and deprived you of your soul. They left you hollow and blue with a dark hole inside your soul. Now you have found the way back to You and your soul can rest so breathe. it’s a new dawn a new life Freedom is yours you are safe far from the grabbing hands of cowards and thieves. HAPPY ETERNITY ?????™️

  • from Urdangen

    Levels changed my perception on life itself. You were a wonderful soul who left an iconic few albums in music history forever. I love you Tim

  • from Nic

    Last night I met Tim in my dreams. We shared a moment in the crowd at an EDM festival hugging whilst crying our eyes out. Tim kept saying 'Oh God' with panic in his voice like the enormity of suicide had finally sunk in. Don't worry Tim you've just started your eternal journey a few years early thays all. You shall see your loved ones again in heaven as we will one by one pass on to the other side. I'm a true believer that this dream foreshadowed things to come & one day we shall meet again ❤

  • from Chelsea

    I really miss you. You’re music was so inspiring! I’m still devasted that you’re gone but its comforting to know you are free from this worlds pain and all it’s demons. Rest easy. <3

  • from Fer Zoree

    Tus canciones siempre me han enseñado algo en los peores momentos y sigo sin poder describir este sentimiento que aún ronda por tu ausencia Tim la tierra se encuentra muy triste por tu partida pero el cielo debe de sonar hermoso con tu música por ello estoy feliz un gran abrazo hasta el cielo siempre estas presente en mi corazón con tu música . ◢ ◤ ❤️

  • from Lily

    To be honest I just found out but it doesn't matter he was a role model the song Wake me Up inspired me to become a different person and come out of the shadows the songs have inspired me to do great things we miss you Avicci

  • from Kissinger

    I somehow feel you. Always making others happy while deep within we are burning. It is howver love that made you so unselfish. WAKE ME UP WHEN ITS OVER

  • from Gem

    I'm gonna miss you You're Music has helped through some tough times. You're an inspiration not just to me but to millions. Your music will always be in my heart. Rest in peace my friend.

  • from Shterion Petrov

    “Wake me up when it’s all over…” You were wiser than most but never got to grow older. You will be forever remembered and missed. Your legacy will always live on in all of us who were lucky enough to be touched by your music. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Allen Kramer

    I'm 59 years old Wake me up when its all over; is how I always felt inside. Hearing this on record let me know I wasn't alone. What a RELIEF; Thank you so much. Miss U Love U

  • from YI Y.

    Avicii Tim I love you and your music forever. Your music is always healing beautiful meaningful and brings so much happiness to the whole world. It's the last day of 2018 and I'm crying when I'm writing this. We love you and miss you so much! You are forever in our heart!!!

  • from Brijesh – India

    come back

  • from Alex Vílchez

    Forever yours

  • from Herberd Anderson

    Avicii様へ 私があなたを知ったのは 音楽まとめサイトを通じてです。 「Wake Me Up」 この曲に惚れた私は、他の曲も聴き、完全に惚れました。 しかし、すっかりAviciiに憔悴してしまい、飽きたらなくなってしまったたため、 暫くの間、聴くのを辞めていました。 そうしたら、亡くなられたことを知って、驚きました。死因は、自殺だと聞き、何故こんなに有名なアーティストが亡くなければ、いけないのか。彼が音楽に溶け込まなければ、彼の自殺を食い止めることができたのではないか。そう思った。 最近、知っている著名人が亡くなり始め、まだ先は長いのにも関わらず、28歳という若さで、その中に入ってしまったのは残念だ。せめてもう少し、29歳の誕生日までは、生きていて欲しかったと思う。それは、音楽活動を休止していても、だ。 自己に悩んだら悩み続ければいい。 ただ、自分の命だけは、自分から奪うな。 そう言ってやりたい。 やり切れない思いでいっぱいだ。 Avicii、天国では、ラクに生きてくれよ。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Aviciiファン歴2年5ヶ月の私より

  • from Mike Geo

    You didn’t just touch the hearts of the younger generation your music reached out to those of us 20 yrs older than yourself but who still feel young inside. Your music continues to be an inspiration to generations. Anything is possible. I will continue to listen and wind up the volume every time one of your songs is played. RIP Avicii

  • from Catarina

    RIP Avicii.

  • from vogel

    miss you avicii all love from Palestine

  • from Manuela (the Netherlands)

    I miss you.

  • from Ida

    You were such a loving person! So kind and so true! The world has lost one of the best! RIP tim <3

  • from Jorge Arévalo Paredes

    You were simply one in a million. Your music inspired and helped me through my life. I will always remember you you will forever be connected with me and others with your music. Glad to haved live in the same time as you did. Keep making your magic in a heaven full of stars. I love you and I miss you Tim.

  • from Romy

    Suïcide doesn't take the pain away. It passes it to someone else.. Sad eversince that damn 20th of April… 🙁 ♡ you will be missed for ever…

  • from Emma are u today angel!? U knowi hope u are in a good placea safe place-where u can be only YOU! Hope to see u one day! Tim?

  • from Panos

    Gone too soon. Thank you for the music enjoy Paradise Tim.

  • from Raj

    A year back I started listening to your song I remembered the first song I listened was wake me up R.I.P You was a huge inspiration for me

  • from

    I never liked electronic and dance music until I heard Levels. That song changed my life forever. Thank you for what you did for music and artistry. You will forever be remembered.

  • from Zach Piescik

    He was one of the greatest musicians of all time what he did for music is like no other in my eyes he was the most important musician of our time and certainly one of the most of all time. He should have lived longer even decades longer and continued to do what he loved make music that touched our souls and changed the world instead one of the greatest tragedies in music history has occurred and we lost a legend who changed music forever and will go down in history as one of the best ever.

  • from Shane

    Levels was the reason I started listening to electronic music! Avicii was so inspiring the way his music made you feel was unlike no other artist. I never had the chance to see him perform live but I did get to see his sets via live stream! Rest Easy Tim. ❤️

  • from Tomas

  • from Isis

    Tim's music brought me out of a dark place in my life. For a while i couldn't listen to it because it brought back sad memories and I took a break. When he dropped "without you". I fell in love with his music all over again. By far the most talented DJ ever.

  • from Debz

    Just finished Avicii: true stories. So sad to see you struggle and that no one seemed to understand you. I hope you found your peace. Your songs made me happy and everytime I hear one I will send some love to you. Never forget ❤

  • from Josef Sz

    My 5 year old son Anton it’s a big fan of Avicii. Min 5 åriga son Anton älskar Avicii . Miami 2018-12-30

  • from Paige

    Can never fully express in words how destroyed the loss of Tim has made me. Love and miss you forever.

  • from Angie

    Pinkpop 2015 I never forget the day I saw you live. Not only hear your music but also feeling it inside my veins. It was a day to remember. Yester day I saw the docu.. And it made me sad to see you struggle. You told everyone you would quit but they let you fight the battle till the end. Everyone could see you loved to make music but the act broke you inside. If I could hold you then I would. To keep you from fading away. Lucky you in a safe place now. U cant be hurt anymore

  • from Cristina Furtuna

    Greatest artist? him rest in our heart for ever

  • from Angelica

    Pinkpop 2015 I never forget the day I saw you live. Not only hear your music but also feeling it inside my veins. It was a day to remember. Yester day I saw the docu.. And it made me sad to see you struggle. You told everyone you would quit but they let you fight the battle till the end. Everyone could see you loved to make music but the act broke you inside. If I could hold you then I would. To keep you from fading away.

  • from Joachim

    Me and my son miss you a lot your music and especially your lyrics its been a while now since you left us however Avicii (Tim) you are still whith us take care…..CU

  • from Karen

    Today has been a hard day… Listening to your music always help… I will be in Stockholm in the spring… I so wish that you will be there… Forever in my thoughts and heart… Miss you Tim ❤

  • from Jonas

    Sad to see you pass away but you will forever live on in your music.

  • from Jonathan

    He may be dead but he will never die in my heart ◢ ◤

  • from anke

    Thinking of this very nice person and also about his parents. Must be terrible to loose such a loving and sensible person. RIP Tim and hope you are finally in peace…..

  • from Katerina Beierlein

    The heart is broken ! You are here in our hearts! You are just on the other side !!!!! Tim……but LOVE never ends!!!! I will say many time…..stay !

  • from Aleexxanndra

    You will LIVE FOREVER!!!!!! Little less lonely together! Enjoy your peace and take care of us dear Tim <3 btw happy new year angel <3

  • from Nathan

    When his song played on Fifa

  • from Gemma

    An absolute inspiration to me and many others always looked up to you in your career and your personal life so fascinated with everything you became and learnt that you could achieve your goals no matter what. You may be gone but you'll never be forgotten. Seeing you live a creamfields was the best thing I ever did. RIP Avicii – live a life you will remember. – Gemma

  • from Danilo

    Sei stato il migliore e lo sarai per sempre con la tua musica hai fatto sognare milioni di persone ci mancherai


    I think he's not dead and he's lying and he's kidding us. Right Tim. R.İ.P. AVİCİİ 1989-2018

  • from GLE

    i hope you found peace wherever you in peace..txs for your music

  • from Ed

    I love you <3

  • from Your Name

    Sooo I cant speak Englisch good so I spaek in german. Tim als ich deinen Song " wke me up" das erste Mal gehört habe fand ich ihn so cool dass ich den Song mehr als eine Stunde weiter gehört habe! Dann hab ich es aus den Augen verloren und neu entdeckt als man gesagt hätte du wärst Tod. Egal welcher Grund es war dass du dich umbringst es war deine Entscheidung und somit richtig! Ich höre deine Lieder immernoch sehr gerne! Ich werde dich immer feiern und nie vergessen! #teamavicii ?

  • from Amry Yahya

    Aku menyesal mendengarkan lagu-lagu mu setelat ini setelah kamu meninggal aku sangat bersedih semoga kamu tenang disana

  • from Lorena

    Tim the day you passed away was terrible. I woke up and knew something happened. ? at the evening i saw the Message. It is strange.. i‘ve Never met you and Never Listen to your Songs. But now i‘am thinking about you every day. ? Every day I light a candle for you! Thank you for everything you gave your fans. And i Wish all the best for your Family. Rakkas Lorena ??

  • from Elaura -Biarritz-France ??

    ??This end of the year we are dear you and that for a long time. A thought for you every day. I discovered your touch the Tim's style listening a sky full of stars amazing and timeless music. Incredible sounds. You will be the brightness star in the sky…shine on????????? Forever swedish boy. Love and respect.??

  • from Victor

    I see you in the stars at night where your beauty shines eternal. I will always remember…



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