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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Lily Kok

    I miss looking forward to new releases from you because every single time there's a new song I know I'd love it. Every single one of my playlists had at least one of your songs on it. The Days will always always have a special place in my heart. I really wanted to see you perform live; now I never will. Rest in peace.

  • from Aya

    ありがとう/Thank you

  • from Evaline

    What can i say except he was de beste producer and dj in the world. Gone toon soon

  • from conk and donk

    mkay shisher u know u was great and girl u snatched my weave erytime sis i luved u why did u have to leave us like that WHUYYywywYWHywH

  • from Gary Weber

    He uplifted my spirits more than any words can express. I’ll surely miss you Avicii (Tim). My prayers will be with you forever. RIP

  • from Diane

    ❤️ ?❤️ Dearest Tim I wake up thinking about you play your music during the day and keep you in my prayers at night. You are forever in my heart. ?❤️?

  • from Yajaira

    Era tan bello se podia ver su alma a traves de sus ojos . jamás podre entender . lo tenia todo y al final no pudo su cuerpo soportar el peso de tener un espiritu noble e inconforme con este mundo . oh ! Tim espero que hayas encntrado la paz.

  • from Gabriel Rodrigues

    Com Avicii aprendi que a vida não foi feita só de trabalho mas de sonhos se não fosse a tão conhecida musica dele Wake me Up acho que não teria achado meu rumo da vida não estaria casado até aquele ano eu me importava só com trabalhos até escuta-lo melhorei meu relacionamento e estou aqui eu lamento a morte dele mas ele estará sempre no meu coração a música dele e ele me trouxe felicidade eterna.

  • from Anny Willow

    Há tanto para dizer.Se as estrelas pudessem contar sua históriaelas não saberiam organizar as frases.Você foi forte até não conseguir mais ser.Nunca esquecerei o seu espírito livre. Em qualquer lugar espero que você tenha encontrado sua paz. Continue a fechar os olhos e ouvir a brisa sussurrar " somos selvagens e livres"continue a ver a trilha que os barcos fazem na água se desfazerem lá atrás. Não tenho coragem de dizer adeusgosto de pensar que em breve poderemos nos encontrar.Até logo Tim.

  • from Anny Willow

    Há tanto para dizer.Se as estrelas pudessem contar sua históriaelas não saberiam organizar as frases.Você foi forte até não conseguir mais ser.Nunca esquecerei o seu espírito livre. Em qualquer lugar espero que você tenha encontrado sua paz. Continue a fechar os olhos e ouvir a brisa sussurrar " somos selvagens e livres"continue a ver a trilha que os barcos fazem na água se desfazerem lá atrás. Não tenho coragem de dizer adeusgosto de pensar que em breve poderemos nos encontrar.Até logo Tim.

  • from Carolina

    His music was just AWESOME!. Always in our hearts. From ??

  • from Sílvia Mendes

    Comecei a ouvi-lo e admirar seu trabalho depois do seu sucesso " Make Me Up"fiquei muito abalada com sua partida queria que você estivesse aqui e lutado só mais um pouco contra seus mosntos internos queria que você não tivesse essa saída queria que você continuasse a fazer canções e olhasse mais para você e não para os que estavam ao seu redor. Queria dizer que no Brazil existe uma fã lutando com seus monstros também mas não vou desistir. Amo Você Tim.

  • from Christophe ferreira

    Hello i began to listen Avicii when my first Child was born in 2012 in Angers France. It was a long born of 20 hours of challenges and i was with the songs of levels and let me show you love in my heads. It was Amazing. Grathful

  • from Daisy

    Best edm artist of all times! We miss your music.. Guttecoven the Netherlands

  • from Julian

    I need your music i love you avicii You are the best dj in the word ?☹?

  • from Julien

    Tim ta musique nous manque énormément. Tu laisses un immense vide derrière toi. Le monde de l'EDM n'est pas le même sans toi. Tes sons nous manquent. Repose en paix…

  • from Patty Italy

    Ciao Tim. You were the best you’re the best and you will always be the best. There will be never another one like you. How can I get on without you?

  • from Megan

    You were my favourite DJ your music was just something else. Thank you for sharing your talent. You are so missed. Your music lifted me when I was lonely & sad.

  • from anonymous

    Without you i was stuck in a dark place pining and circling around my own thoughts. With you your music i discovered a new found joy of enjoyment and perspective of things. thank you so much for all your music and talent

  • from S

    Love you Tim x

  • from Fábio Campos

    Love from Portugal ????

  • from ♡Daniela Banegas♡

    Gracias por alegrarnos nuestras vidas con tu música Ahora cuando las escuchamos sólo sentimos dolor Pero sabemos que el día que nosotros partamos de aqui Seremos los números uno en estar en la primera fila ecuchandote Gracias por todo ♡ ♡ ♡ Te Amamos Gracias…

  • from Emma Cally

    Dearest Tim Words will never be able to describe how grateful I am for being able to discover your music because boyyy did it change my life and my general outlook. I was so heartbroken to find out you've moved on so early. But hey? You're home now and whenever I look towards the heavens I know you are happy and finally free so I let a smile. You were a great inspiration and still are to me forever and always I promise.

  • from Steph Benton

    Avicii made songs that i understood and connected too. a person with chronic illness of multiple things just gets your down. Lost my pets within 2 years. was almost made homeless because of disabled rights being low. I could be the one is a song i will always love because there is nothing like feeling as free as she does in the video. exactly what they do to you is fill you with pills and pills. I miss you man you were my crutch mentally.

  • from Warz

    Alway in my mind

  • from Jonas

    Tim Thank you Thank you for creating inspiring Thank you for bringing joy to the world Thank you for making me dance with your beautiful music. Thank you for being there for me in good and in bad times. You might not be with us anymore but your soul and beautiful music will live on❤️

  • from a 12 year old from sweden

    i love you so much. you will always be in my hart

  • from Hh

    I have recently only listened to his music ; I just love the way he makes the tunes and beats and has a good voice.He is just great. R.I.P Avicii.

  • from Sai Vega◢◤

    Amigo.Ha pasado un buen tiempo desde que partiste tu música aun sigue sonando dentro de mi y no sabes lo mucho que te extraño por aquellos momentos inolvidables que compartí junto a tu música…tu estilo era único e inigualable por esta razón te considero el mejor amigo mio cada melodía tuya que pasaba por mi mis oídos podía saber que era tu ya entiendo la razón por la que decidiste dejar este mundo pero aya en aquel mundo sigue desmostando ser avicii y con"ElAmorPoqueNoHayBarreraParaElla"◢◤

  • from Gergő Simka

    Love from Hungary! ❤

  • from

    Love from Hungary! ❤

  • from Patrizio Romagnoli

    Dear Tim Thank you for the music ? I love you ❤️ Patrizio

  • from

  • from Leon

    He made music like no other Rest In Peace

  • from Theodric

    Man why did you leave us…. I am not able to hear any other songs since I heard yours….. May you come back in some other reincarnation and bless us with your music RIP…❤❤

  • from A girl in Germany

    The first time I heard your music was when I was in a psychiatric ward. I didn't know what to do I was about to end my life. And then I came across you and what can I say? You saved my life. ?? You don't know I exist but whenever I felt bad you brought me back up and I was fine again… ☝? I miss you. I miss you so much and I'd love to be with you now. But I know you'd want me to fight. ? Rest in peace my angel.??

  • from Edu

    i love you

  • from Ty Phoenix

    Thank you /V

  • from Arion

    See you soon..

  • from David limbu

    I'm coming with you bro ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • from Steve·Hong

    上帝想看A神的演唱会所以把他带走了但为什么这次鸽神不能放一次上帝的鸽子? ◢ ◤ ◢ ◤ ◢ ◤

  • from Igor Petrović

    You were the reason I started making music. I found my passion because of you. Now it's been 5 months since you passed away but I still get emotional when I think about you. I miss you so much. You were and will always be my idol. You've got a special place in my heart. Love from Croatia. <3

  • from Minuki

    ???5 Meses???LA VIDA YA NO ES LO MISMO SIN TI AQUEL 20 de abril todo dejo de tener sentido tener un sitio donde verte y escucharte y sentirte era bonito ahora nos queda ver como otros te recuerdan en cada lugar pero el protagonista no eres tú siempre serás y eres ?EL REY DE LA MUSICA? antes me alegraba oírte ahora todo me produce dolor y tristeza SIEMPRE TE RECORDAREMOS???

  • from Minh

    Avicii always brought me and my friends together with his music

  • from Ken (Singapore)

    rest well . :')

  • from Yolanda

    你走了,猝不及防地走了。再也等不到你出新专,再也等不到你更ins,但我永远不会忘记你。你的音乐总是这样,旋律不一定能让我一听就喜欢上,却能让我听后回味无穷。歌词或感情真挚,让我产生共鸣,或激励人心,让我对未来充满希望,旋律与歌词完美结合,让我不禁感叹道:“原来音乐如此美好。”过去,我一直在想,我是因为你的音乐而喜欢你,还是因为你而喜欢你的音乐,现在我想明白了,你与音乐是不能分开的,你是真正爱音乐的人。◢◤是一种信仰,你虽离去,信仰长存。You are my hero forever.

  • from Gavin Simoneaux

    Truly an amazing artist. Long Live Avicii. ??

  • from Amaljith Joseph

    I am from India… It was by 2016 that I started hearing English music soon my friend told me to listen to Avicii….. I didn't even knew the spelling of his name at the time… But soon enough he was in my heart.. Avicii u are a person who cannot be compared with….. U will be always in my heart… Love u buddy.. I have no words for more…. Rest in peace……

  • from Jackal Au Andrómeda

    Thank you brother

  • from ???

    Avicii music touched all ages he was a fantastic person I love ? his music and never stop listening to it I have a son the same age as him and can’t believe what his family must b going through your son is a Legend and you must b so proud of him it’s so sad he is not with us now love ya forever

  • from B

    I MISS YOU SO MUCH ??????????????

  • from Patrik

    In Sweden when we graduate we have this tradition of running out of our high school main-entrance and meet all our friends and family. This is usually done to some kind of music that the class itself has chosen. I remember in 2011 that every single class of the highschool (of 22 classes graduating that year) was running out to the sound of Levels. I just remember the sound of it so clearly i was so happy to hear it again and again. I believe everyone has some sort of connection with Tim. Rip

  • from

    The great artis every year i waiting with album. Thanks for your music.

  • from Hammad

    Still listening to Avicii and thinking about his impact on my life. Thanks for your music Tim.

  • from JL

    Din musik förbättrar människors liv. Din musik läker min själ. ??

  • from Belgium

    Tim Bergling aka Avicii you have made sure that I a large part of my childhood happy and dancing could experience. I remember on the old computer on youtube listening to music and that I got to know you as Tim Berg Bromance of which then just was out. I was immediately big fan. Then came Levels I Could Be The One and so much more hits that I kept on partying was. And when the first version of the AVICII app "Gravity" came out a few years ago I have this sick yet also played a lot. Images of

  • from Алексей

    Всегда вдохновлялся одним из отцов основателей EDM музыки. Всегда восхищался его мелодичными треками которые даже через года мне не надоели. А теперь ты навсегда останешься в моём сердце Tim. TY AVICII

  • from 🙂

    Martin Garrix just released "Burn out". It reminded me so much of Tim. Rest in peace

  • from Brigita Davina

    Hey Brother❤ I gotta learn how to love without you?

  • from 小bang狗

    i love you

  • from Andre

    Thanks Tim Thanks for everything.

  • from Esmit Srivastava

    I'm a kid 17 yo like he was when started his career and I truly believe in him being the best DJ world has ever got we'll miss you Sir . But your tracks will make us live FOREVER…..

  • from XDDD


  • from Belgy


  • from Veron Ng

    Your music will always in our memories…. It will never stop to think about those songs like wake up levels … You are one of my Dj idol all the while 🙂 From Veron Ng Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

  • from LOve U

    Super hero on me

  • from ????

    You will always be missed and will always live in our hearts you gave EDM 100% and u got back a huge fan base which are crazy about you…. RIP AVICII❤️❤️

  • from Min Thant Zaw Htun

    Half of my world is gone together with you Tim.You are the one who inspired me from the dark.Although I didn't meet you at festival or somewhere outsidei wished I wanna meet youyou are the one and only of my life artist of all time.I will see you soon Tim. SincerelyHuuHuu

  • from José Antonio

    Todas y cada una de tus canciones son increíbles y cada vez que las escucho las disfruto como la primera vez. Tus ritmos y melodías son inigualables una pena que no vayamos a escuchar más pero ten por seguro que tu música y legado nunca lo olvidaremos. Tú música me hace sentir cosas que ninguna otra consigue. Siempre se te recordará como uno de los más grandes y gracias por hacer lo que hiciste por la electrónica. Ojalá haber podido conocerte en persona. RIP King of Melodies ❤

  • from Julia

    Finally -after 5 months- I am able to write something.. I am not that kind of person who creates fanpages or post pictures everyday. But Tims passing hit me in a way I can't explain. I mean I did not even knew him in person but it feels like I've lost a close relative. I would not even say that I was a "Fan". I loved and still love listen to his music but I did not follow "every step" he made. Since April 20th my thoughts are with him every single day! Tim you are missed!

  • from Umut

    Şarkıların bize hatıra olarak kaldı. Öbür tarafta görüşeceğiz dostum! 🙁

  • from Lisa

    LEVELS was the first Song I heard and after that I was hooked. Thank you Tim Avicii Bergling you made a Grey day full of colour with your Music ❤❤❤❤ Rest in Peace Tim❤

  • from

    You saved my life many times…and you still do….Thank you for everything….sleep well in heaven my dear

  • from Sonja

    Dear Tim we all miss you very much but you always be alive in your musik and in our hearts.THANK YOU for everything-your kindnessgoodnessyour emotion and specially for your musik.I hope you find peace

  • from S-424

    鸽王,我们永远爱你.。 Your music moves us thank you. We will always love you. RIP.

  • from Ingrid

    We all miss him his songs are a lesson of living for us. He was working too much and now he can rest. It's a shame he couldn't do anything to not to leave ?????????

  • from Dev

    His music for real got me through some tough times. Listening to it right now in the background on Spotify actually

  • from Helga

    He’ll always be in our hearts and his music is a legacy that will never be forgotten…. I? Forever

  • from adriano monteiro de souza

    obrigado obrigado pelas músicas obrigado por fazer elas que tantas vezes me motivaram quando eu estava triste. Descanse em paz grande Homem.

  • from Alba Nicole desde República Dominicana

    Dios!! Aunque nunca te conocí y mi sueño de poder hacerlo no será posible me duele pensar y saber que ayer se cumplieron 5 meses exactos desde que te nos fuiste me duele mucho recordar ése día y lloro porqué sé que no hay milagro que te traiga devuelta y yo deseo y quiero que vuelvas y me sigas (y a todos los que te amamos inspirando) con tú maravillosa música. Me niego a creer que eso no será posible aunque dentro de mí sepa que es la verdad. Volverás? Te extraño tanto Tim ?

  • from Alba Nicole

    Recuerdo cuando escuché por primera vez "Wake Me Up" y me dije : OMG!! De quién es está súper canción? desde ese entonces todos los día escuchaba (aun la sigo escuchando) ese ritmo tan pegadizo. Cuando supe que era de Avicii la descargue y comencé a volverme una fiel seguidora de él y del EDM Avicii fue es y será siempre mi inspiración mi ídolo y quién me introdujo al mundo del EDM cuando supe ese 20 de abril que había muerto lloré porqué uno de mis sueños nunca se haría realidad…

  • from Jagoda

    Twoja muzyka na zawsze pozostanie w naszych sercach. Dziękuję z całego serca. Spoczywaj w pokoju ◢ ◤ Your music will live in our hearts forever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Rest in peace ◢ ◤

  • from Daniel Rezende

    Adoro suas musicas sou um grande fã estranhamente só tomei conhecimento de sua morte hoje às vezes parece que vivo numa caverna suas musicas trouxeram não só alegria mais também eram uma grande companhia difícil entender os seus motivos mais descanse em paz e fique com Deus ◢◤.

  • from Manuela (The Netherlands)

    I miss you! <3

  • from Chandra Draper


  • from Maria

    Still think of you every day❤️ Why.. you hade so much more to live for. We cant understand how you were feeling and this was probably your best solution.. wish that you can look down from your heaven and see all the people that love you❤️ Your music will live forever but im so sad that you decided to leeve.. cant you come back?

  • from ESTEBAN??????????

    Les légendes ne meurent jamais. Nous sommes là pour te faire vivre même si nous sommes inconsolables Nous t'aimons et tu nous manques tellement l'artiste. Merci pour ta générosité merci de rendre les personnes heureuses avec ta musique. Nous t'aimons Tim. Repose toi.?

  • from Jochen


  • from Toma

    Nigdy nie miałem szczególnie ulubionego artystysłuchałem poprostu to co mi wpadło w uchoale kiedy już po raz kolejny widziałem w tytule wykonawca Avicii i kawałka od którego nie mogłem się oderwać osłupiałem. Jest mi naprawdę przykro że nie było nikogo który mógłby cię odwieść od tej decyzjiwystarczyło wyjechać przerwać karierę rzucić to wszystko….Twoja muzyka zawsze pozostanie w moim sercu i do końca moich dni

  • from CapRos

    I will never forget you and your music. I listen to it every single day. I bought these V-moda‘s to honor you. Rest in peace my idol!!! Avicii4ever

  • from Ansyle

    We miss you so much Tim. You mean a lot for us and we never stop listening your song. You will be always missed and we will never forget you no matter what. Every single day we think about you. How much you are important for us and how much we will never find someone like you. Your music will be never forgetting . We send you many love ever though you are not here we us we your family and fans. We loves you so much. Thanks for all you’ve done in your entire life.❤️??

  • from daB3n

    Tim was an inspirational man a great producer and an amazing guy. He will live in our hearts and headphones forever. RIP ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Connor Smith

    I remember listening to Avicii when I was in Middle School. He got me through my parents divorce constant bullying and kept me striving for my future! I wish I could have met him now 5000 miles away from home and few months after he has passed. His music still touches me til this day! Rest in Peace Avicii!

  • from Helena

    Your music is full of energy that you've shared with us. Thanks a lot. Your tracks move generations! RIP

  • from Treyson

    First heard "The Nights" on FIFA 15 and thought who could make a song this good. Found Avicii and never looked back. Much love. Rest in peace.

  • from Alicia

    A fantastic artist with such a talent your music comes close to my heart. A true inspiration and your music will live forever. Vila i frid Tim du och din musik har gett mig så mycket.

  • from Sara <3

    I still can't believe you are gone. Sometimes I start thinking about you and it brings so much sadness to my heart. How could it be that you felt so bad that you had to do this. I wish nobody has to go trough that. I literally grew up with your music and you were the first dj i looked up to. We are almost the same age and you have gone through so much mysery. I wish somebody could of helped you with your problems. I am so sad you are gone. I hope you have found your peace.

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